Fire Protection System 1716984395

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Fire Protection

• Inspection
• Testing
• Maintenance

Eng.Yousif Mohamed

July - 2023
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Fire protection systems ITM Guidance

1 Importance of Planning: ........................................................................................................................ 2
2 Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance Frequency ................................................................................. 4
2.1 Introduction:........................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
2.2 Objectives ............................................................................................................................................ 5
2.3 Automatic Fire Sprinkler Systems ....................................................................................................... 6
2.4 Standpipe and Hose Cabinets Systems ................................................................................................ 7
2.5 Private Mains used For Fire Service .................................................................................................... 8
2.6 Fire Pumps ........................................................................................................................................... 9
2.7 Water Storage Tanks used for Fire Protection ................................................................................... 12
2.8 Valves and Fire Department Connections ......................................................................................... 13
2.9 Clean Agents and Halon Systems ...................................................................................................... 16
2.10 Fire Detection and Alarm Systems .................................................................................................... 17
2.11 Fire Doors and Emergency Exits ....................................................................................................... 21
2.12 Emergency Lighting System .............................................................................................................. 22
2.13 HVAC and Smoke Management Systems ......................................................................................... 23
3 Planning for Systems and Facilities .................................................................................................... 25
4 Reference ............................................................................................................................................ 26

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Fire protection systems ITM Guidance

1 Importance of Planning:
A well-designed Fire Protection System Inspection Plan is paramount to ensuring the
safety and compliance of your facility.
By implementing a comprehensive plan, you can proactively identify potential issues,
address them promptly, and minimize the risk of fire incidents. Planning allows for
organized and systematic inspections, enabling you to allocate resources efficiently,
streamline processes, and maintain the integrity of your fire protection systems. It also
fosters a culture of preparedness, reducing the potential for downtime, financial losses,
and most importantly, ensuring the safety of occupants.

Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance:

It is crucial to understand the distinctions between inspection, testing, and preventive
maintenance for fire protection systems.
• Inspections involve a visual examination to identify any visible issues or
anomalies. It aims to ensure that the components and systems are in the correct
location, undamaged, and free from obstructions.
• Testing involves more detailed assessments, such as evaluating the functionality
and performance of specific system elements.
• Preventive maintenance entails proactive measures to maintain and optimize the
performance of fire protection systems, including cleaning, lubrication, and
minor adjustments.
To understand the differences between inspection, testing, and preventive
maintenance, let's consider an example of a fire sprinkler system.
During an inspection, a trained professional visually examines the sprinkler heads,
piping, and control valves to ensure they are in the correct location, undamaged, and
free from obstructions. Testing involves conducting functional tests, such as activating
a sample of sprinkler heads to verify water flow and pressure. Preventive maintenance
entails routine activities like cleaning the sprinkler heads, lubricating control valves,
and conducting periodic flow tests to ensure optimal system performance.

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‫‪Fire protection systems ITM Guidance‬‬

‫أمرا بالغ األهمية لضمان سالمة المؤنشئات و‬

‫تعد خطة فحص نظام الحماية من الحرائق المصممة جيدًا ً‬
‫مستخدميها ‪.‬‬
‫من خالل تنفيذ خطة شاملة ‪ ،‬يمكنك تحديد المشكالت المحتملة بشكل استباقي ومعالجتها على الفور وتقليل مخاطر‬
‫حوادث الحريق‪ .‬يسمح التخطيط بإجراء عمليات تفتيش منظمة ومنهجية ‪ ،‬مما يتيح لك تخصيص الموارد بكفاءة ‪،‬‬
‫وتبسيط العمليات ‪ ،‬والحفاظ على سالمة أنظمة الحماية من الحرائق الخاصة بك‪ .‬كما أنه يعزز ثقافة التأهب ‪،‬‬
‫ويقلل من احتماالت التوقف والخسائر المالية ‪ ،‬واألهم من ذلك ‪ ،‬ضمان سالمة شاغلي المبنى ‪.‬‬

‫التفتيش واالختبار والصيانة‪:‬‬

‫من األهمية بمكان فهم الفروق بين الفحص واالختبار والصيانة الوقائية ألنظمة الحماية من الحرائق‪.‬‬
‫صا بصريًا لتحديد أي مشكالت أو حاالت شذوذ مرئية‪ .‬يهدف إلى التأكد من أن‬ ‫• تشمل عمليات التفتيش فح ً‬
‫المكونات واألنظمة في الموقع الصحيح ‪ ،‬وغير تالفة ‪ ،‬وخالية من العوائق‪.‬‬
‫• يتضمن االختبار تقييمات أكثر تفصيالً ‪ ،‬مثل تقييم وظائف وأداء عناصر نظام محددة‪.‬‬
‫• تتطلب الصيانة الوقائية تدابير استباقية للحفاظ على أداء أنظمة الحماية من الحرائق وتحسينه ‪ ،‬بما في‬
‫ذلك التنظيف والتشحيم والتعديالت الطفيفة‪.‬‬
‫لفهم االختالفات بين الفحص واالختبار والصيانة الوقائية ‪ ،‬مثال لنظام رشاشات الحريق‪.‬‬
‫أثناء الفحص ‪ ،‬يقوم أحد المحترفين المدربين بفحص بصري لرؤوس الرشاشات واألنابيب وصمامات التحكم‬
‫للتأكد من أنها في الموقع الصحيح ‪ ،‬وغير تالفة ‪ ،‬وخالية من العوائق‪ .‬يتضمن االختبار إجراء اختبارات وظيفية ‪،‬‬
‫مثل تفعيل واحدة من رؤوس الرش للتحقق من تدفق المياه وضغطها‪ .‬تستلزم الصيانة الوقائية أنشطة روتينية مثل‬
‫تنظيف رؤوس الرشاشات ‪ ،‬وصمامات التحكم في التشحيم ‪ ،‬وإجراء اختبارات التدفق الدورية لضمان األداء‬
‫األمثل للنظام‪.‬‬

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Fire protection systems ITM Guidance

2 Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance Frequency

To assist you in planning your Fire Protection System Inspection Plan effectively, you
will find next tables containing the most common frequencies for inspection, testing,
and maintenance of various fire protection systems.
Please note that the frequencies provided are based on industry best practices and can
serve as a starting point for your planning process.
Remember to find the way and how to make your ITM at NFPA standards, specifically
Annex A Explanatory Material, for detailed guidance on executing inspections tests,
and maintenance.

‫ تجد باالسفل جداول تحتوي على‬، ‫لمساعدتك في التخطيط لخطة فحص نظام الحماية من الحرائق بشكل فعال‬
.‫عا لفحص واختبار وصيانة أنظمة الحماية من الحرائق المختلفة‬
ً ‫الترددات األكثر شيو‬
‫يرجى مالحظة أن الترددات المقدمة تستند إلى أفضل ممارسات الصناعة ويمكن أن تكون بمثابة نقطة انطالق‬
.‫لعملية التخطيط الخاصة بك‬
، ‫ وتحديدا ً الملحق أ المواد التوضيحية‬، NFPA ‫ الخاص بك وفقًا لمعايير‬ITM ‫تذكر أن تجد طريقة وكيفية جعل‬
.‫للحصول على إرشادات مفصلة حول تنفيذ اختبارات الفحص والصيانة‬

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Fire protection systems ITM Guidance

Fire safety is a critical aspect of any building, and it is essential to ensure that all fire prevention and
protection measures are in place and functioning correctly.
Regular firefighting inspections are necessary to identify potential hazards and ensure compliance with local
fire codes and regulations.
This sheet aims to provide guidelines for conducting firefighting inspections in buildings to ensure the safety
of occupants and property.

It is imperative to adhere to the recommended inspection frequency for the systems per NFPA guidelines. In
the event of any discrepancies or errors in the inspection frequency data, it is advised to refer to the latest
version of the standard for guidance.
It is essential to maintain accurate records of all inspections and maintenance activities to ensure the continued
effectiveness of life safety systems in the event of an emergency.

2.1 Objectives
The objective of this sheet is to provide a comprehensive guide for conducting fire protection systems
inspections in buildings.
The sheet will outline the key areas to inspect, including fire prevention measures, fire protection systems,
emergency exits, other necessary firefighting systems “fighting and alarm”.
The guidelines will help inspectors identify potential hazards and ensure compliance with local fire codes and
NFPA standers and regulations.
Ultimately, the objective is to promote fire safety and protect occupants and property from the devastating
effects of fires.

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Fire protection systems ITM Guidance

2.2 Automatic Fire Sprinkler Systems

Inspections, tests, and maintenance of automatic sprinkler systems shall be performed in accordance with the
manufacturer's instructions and NFPA 25-2020. The following list highlights minimum requirements for the
essential care of automatic sprinkler systems. This list, however, is not meant to replace manufacturer's
instructions and updated code requirements.


Gauges (dry/pre-action/deluge) Inspection Weekly/monthly,

Control valves Inspection Weekly/Monthly Table 12.1

Alarm devices Inspection Quarterly 5.2.6
Gauges (wet pipe systems) Inspection Monthly

Hydraulic nameplate Inspection Quarterly 5.2.7

Building & valve shed heating Inspection Annually (prior to freezing weather) 5.2.5
Hanger/seismic bracing Inspection Annually 5.2.3

Pipe and fittings Inspection Annually 5.2.2

Sprinklers Inspection Annually 5.2.1
Spare sprinklers Inspection Annually
Fire department Connections Inspection Quarterly Table12.1
Valves (all types) Inspection (See Table 12.1) Table 12.1
Alarm Devices Test Quarterly/ Semi-annually 5.3.3
Main Drain Test Annually Table 12.1
Antifreeze solution Test Annually 5.3.4
Gauges Test 5 years 5.3.2
Sprinklers (extra high temperature) Test 5 years

Sprinklers (fast response) Test At 20 years and every 10 years

Sprinklers Test 50 years and every 10 years thereafter
Valves (all types) Maintenance Annually or as needed Table 12.1
Obstruction investigation Maintenance 5 years or as needed 13.2.1, 13.2.2
Low point drains (dry pipe Maintenance Annually prior to freezing and as needed

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2.3 Standpipe and Hose Cabinets Systems

Inspections, tests, and maintenance on standpipe and hose systems shall be performed in accordance with the
manufacturer's instructions and NFPA 25 -2020 .The following list highlights minimum requirements for the
essential care of standpipe and hose systems. This list, however, is not meant to replace manufacturer's
instructions and updated code requirements.


Control valves Inspection Weekly/monthly Table 12.1
Pressure regulating devices Inspection Quarterly Table 12.1
Piping Inspection Quarterly 6.2.1
Hose connections Inspection Quarterly Table 12.1
Cabinet Inspection Annually NFPA 1962
Hose Inspection Annually NFPA 1962
Hose storage device Inspection Annually NFPA 1962
Alarm device Test Quarterly Table 12.1
Hose nozzle Test Annually NFPA 1962
Hose storage device Test Annually NFPA 1962
Hose Test 5 years/3 years1 NFPA 1962
Pressure control valve Test 5 years Table 12.1
Pressure reducing valve Test 5 years Table 12.1
Hydrostatic test Test 5 years 6.3.2
Flow test Test 5 years 6.3.1
Main drain test Test Annually Table 12.1
Hose connections Maintenance Annually Table 6.2.2
Valves (all types) Maintenance Annually/as needed Table 12.1

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Fire protection systems ITM Guidance

2.4 Private Mains used For Fire Service

Inspections, tests, and maintenance on private water supply systems used for fire service shall be performed in
accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and NFPA 25-2020, The following list highlights minimum
requirements for the essential care of private water supply systems used for fire service. This list, however, is
not meant to replace manufacturer's instructions and updated code requirements.


Piping Flow test 3 years 7.3.1
Mainline strainers Inspection Annually and after each operation 7.4.2

Hose houses Inspection Annually

Hydrants Inspection Annually 7.4.3
Hydrants nozzle Flow test 5 years 7.4.3
Monitor nozzles Inspection Annually 7.4.4
Monitor nozzles Flow test 5 years 7.4.4

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Fire protection systems ITM Guidance

2.5 Fire Pumps

Inspections, tests, and maintenance of fire pumps and controllers shall be performed in accordance with the
manufacturer's instructions and NFPA 25-2020. The following list highlights minimum requirements for the
essential care of fire pumps and controllers. This list, however, is not meant to replace manufacturer's
instructions and updated code requirements.


Pump house, heating ventilating Inspection Weekly 8.2.2
Fire pump system Inspection Weekly 8.2.2.(2)
Pump operation:
- no-flow for 30 min. Test Weekly 8.3.1
- flow condition (normal and Test Annually
emergency power)

Fire Pump System Maintenance Annually 8.5.3 8.5, Table

Mechanical transmission Maintenance Annually 8.5 Table 8.5.3
Electrical system Maintenance Varies 8.5, Table 8.5.3

Controller, various components Maintenance Varies 8.5 Table 8.5.3

Motor Maintenance Annually 8.5 Table 8.5.3
Diesel engine system, Maintenance Varies 8.5 Table 8.5.3

various components detailed below

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Pump System
Lubricate pump bearings Check/Change Annually
Check pump shaft end play Check Annually
Check accuracy of pressure gauges and sensor gauges Check/Change Annually (change or recalibrate
when 5% out of calibration)
Check pump coupling alignment Check Annually
Mechanical Transmission
Lubricate coupling Change Annually

Lubricate right angle gear drive Change Annually

Electrical System
Exercise isolating switch & circuit breaker Test Monthly

Trip circuit breaker (if provided) Test Annually

Operate Manual starting means (electrical) Test Semi-annually
Inspect and operate emergency Manual Inspection/Test Annually
starting means (without power)
Tighten electrical connections as necessary Check Annually

Lubricate mechanical moving parts Check Annually

(excluding starters and relays)
Calibrate pressure switch settings Check Annually
Grease motor bearings Change Annually
Diesel Engine System Fuel
Tank level (never<50%capacity) Inspect/check Weekly
Tank float switch Inspect/test Weekly
Solenoid valve operation Inspect/test Weekly
Strainer, filter and/or dirt leg Clean Quarterly
Water and foreign material in tank Clean Quarterly
Water in system Check/clean Weekly
Flexible hose and connectors Inspect Inspect/replace Weekly Annually
Tank vents/overflow piping unobstructed Piping Inspect Annually

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Lubrication System
Oil level Inspect/Check Weekly
Oil change Replace 50 hours or Annual
Oil filter Change 50 hours or annual
Lube oil heater Check Weekly
Crankcase breather Inspect/check/test Quarterly
Cooling System
Cooling system level Inspect/check Weekly
Antifreeze protection level Test Semi-annually
Antifreeze Change Annually
Adequate cooling water to heat exchanger Check Weekly
Rod out heat exchanger Clean Annually
Water pump Inspect Weekly
Flexible water hoses and connections Inspect/Check Weekly
Jacket water heater Check Weekly
Inspect ductwork, clean louvers Inspect/Check/Change Annually
Water strainer Clean Quarterly
Exhaust System
Leakage Inspect/Check Weekly
Drain condensate trap Check Weekly
Insulation and fire hazards Inspect Quarterly
Excessive back pressure Test Annually
Flexible hose and connectors Inspect Inspect/replace Weekly Annually
Tank vents/overflow piping unobstructed Piping Inspect Annually

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2.6 Water Storage Tanks used for Fire Protection

Inspections, tests, and maintenance of water storage tanks used for fire protection shall be performed in
accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and NFPA 25-2020 , The following list highlights minimum
requirements for the essential care of water storage tanks.
This list, however, is not meant to replace manufacturer's instructions and updated code requirements.
Condition of water in tank Inspection Monthly/quarterly 9.2.1
Water temperature Inspection Daily/weekly 9.2.4
Heating system Inspection Daily/weekly
Control valves Inspection Weekly/monthly Table 12.1
Water level Inspection Monthly/quarterly 9.2.1
Air pressure Inspection Monthly/quarterly 9.2.2
Tank - exterior Inspection Quarterly
Support structure Inspection Quarterly
Catwalks and ladders Inspection Quarterly
Surrounding area Inspection Quarterly
Hoops and grillage Inspection Annually
Painted/coated surfaces Inspection Annually
Expansion joints Inspection Annually
Interior Inspection 5 years/3 years1 9.2.6
Check valves Inspection 5 years Table 12.1
Temperature alarms Test Monthly,
High temp. limit switches Test Monthly 9.3.4
Water level alarms Test Semi-annually 9.3.5
Level indicators Test 5 years 9.3.1
Pressure gauges Test 5 years 9.3.6
Water level Maintenance Continuous 9.4.1
Drain silt Maintenance Semi-annually 9.4.5
Control valves Maintenance Annually Table 12.1
Embankment supported
Maintenance 2 years2 9.4.6
rubberized fabric
Check valves Maintenance Per manuf. instructions

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2.7 Valves and Fire Department Connections

Inspections, tests, and maintenance on valves and fire department connections shall be performed in
accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and NFPA 25-2020, The following list highlights minimum
requirements for the essential care of valves and fire department connections. This list, however, is not meant
to replace manufacturer's instructions and updated code requirements.


Control Valves

Sealed Inspection Weekly

Locked Inspection Monthly
Tamper switch Inspection Monthly
Alarm Valves
Exterior Inspection Monthly

Interior Inspection 5 years

Strainers, filters, orifices Inspection 5 years

Check Valves
Interior Inspection 5 years
Pre-action/Deluge Valve

Enclosure (cold weather) Inspection Daily/weekly

Exterior Inspection Monthly

Interior Inspection Annually/5 years
Strainers, filters, orifices Inspection 5 years
Dry Pipe Valves/Quick Opening Devices
Enclosure (cold weather) Inspection Daily/weekly

Exterior Inspection Monthly

Interior Inspection Annually
Strainers, filters. orifices Inspection 5 years
Pressure Reducing & Relief Valves
Sprinkler systems Inspection Quarterly
Hose connection Inspection Quarterly
Hose rack Inspection Quarterly

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Fire pumps
Casing relief Inspection Weekly,
Pressure relief Inspection Weekly,
Backflow Prevention Assemblies
Reduced pressure Inspection Weekly/monthly 12.6.1
Reduced pressure detectors Inspection Weekly 12.6.1
Fire pumps
Casing relief Inspection Weekly,
Pressure relief Inspection Weekly,
Fire Department Connection Inspection Quarterly 12.7.1
Main Drains Test Annual/Quarterly 12.2.6, 12.2. 6.1,
Water-Flow Alarms Test Quarterly 12.2.7
Control Valves
Position Test Annually
Operation Test Annually
Supervisory Test Semi-annually
Pre-action/Deluge Valves
Priming water Test Quarterly
Low air pressure alarm Test Quarterly
Full flow Test Annually
Dry pipe Valves/Quick Opening Device
Priming water Test Quarterly
Low air alarm Test Quarterly
Quick opening device Test Quarterly
Trip test Test Annually
Full flow trip test Test 3 years
Pressure Reducing & Relief Valves
Sprinkler systems Test 5 years
Circulation relief Test Annually
Pressure relief valves Test Annually
Hose connections Test 5 years

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Hose racks Test 5 years

Backflow Prev. Assemblies Test Annually 12.6.2
Control Valves Maintenance Annually 12.3.4
Pre-action/Deluge Valves Maintenance Annually
Dry Pipe Valves/Quick Maintenance Annually
Opening Devices

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2.8 Clean Agents and Halon Systems

Inspections, tests, and maintenance on HALON fire suppression systems and Clean Agent systems shall
be performed in accordance with the system manufacturer's instructions and NFPA 2001-2018, The
following list highlights minimum requirements for the essential care of HALON and Clean Agent
systems. This list, however, is not meant to replace manufacturer's instructions and updated code


Record pressure of container Inspection Semi-annually 6.1.3
Check agent quantity Inspection Semi-annually 6.1.3
Fire detection. Test devices Test Semi-annually A.6.1
Actuation. Simulate agent release Test Semi-annually A.6.1
Container & bracket Inspection Semi-annually A.6.1
Examine piping & nozzles. Inspection Semi-annually A.6.1
Auxiliary Equipment. Operate all Test Semi-annually A.6.1
Components such as switches, door
Hose Inspection Annually 6.2.4
Test 5 years 6.3.2
Room enclosure - ensure Inspection Semi-annually 6.4
penetrations are protected

Coordinate the testing of the following HALON and Clean Agent system equipment with the fire alarm
system maintenance (see Fire Detection and Alarm Systems).

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2.9 Fire Detection and Alarm Systems

Inspections, tests, and maintenance on fire detection and alarm systems shall be performed in accordance with
the manufacturer's instructions and NFPA 72-2019, The following list highlights minimum requirements for
the essential care of fire alarm systems. This list, however, is not meant to replace manufacturer's instructions
and updated code requirements.


Alarm Notification Appliances Inspection Semi-annually 13

Batteries (Fire Alarm Systems)
Lead-acid type Inspection Monthly
Nickel-cadmium type Inspection Semi-annually
Primary type (Dry cell) Inspection Monthly
Sealed-lead acid type Inspection Semi-annually
Control Equipment (FA systems monitored for alarm, supervisory, trouble signals)
Fuses Inspection Annually
Interfaced equipment Inspection Annually
Lamps and LEDs Inspection Annually
Primary (main) power supply Inspection Annually
Control panel trouble signals Inspection Semi-annually 5
Emergency voice/Alarm Inspection Semi-annually 7
Communications equipment
Fiber optic cable connections Inspection Semi-annually 9
Initiation devices
Air sampling Inspection Semi-annually
Electromechanical releasing dev. Inspection Semi-annually
Extinguishing systems switches Inspection Semi-annually
Fire alarm boxes Inspection Semi-annually
Heat detectors Inspection Semi-annually
Radiant energy fire detectors Inspection Semi-annually
Smoke detectors Inspection Quarterly
Supervisory signal devices Inspection Semi-annually
Waterflow devices Inspection Quarterly
Interface equipment Inspection Semi-annually 12

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Remote annunciators Inspection Semi-annually 8

Special procedures Inspection Semi-annually 16
Transient suppressors Inspection Semi-annually 4
Supervising Station FA Systems
DACT Inspection Semi-annually
DART Inspection Semi-annually
McCulloh Inspection Semi-annually
RAT - signal receipt Inspection Semi-annually
Supervising Station FA Systems- Receivers
DACR Inspection Monthly
DARR Inspection Semi-annually
McCulloh Inspection Semi-annually
Two-way RF Inspection Semi-annually 17
PASSR Inspection Semi-annually
RARS Inspection Semi-annually
Private Microwave Inspection Semi-annually

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Alarm notification appliances

1 Audible devices 1 Test 1 Annually
2 Audible textual appliances 2 Test 2 Annually 19
3 Visible devices 3 Test 3 Annually
Batteries Charger test (replace as
Lead acid type :
1. Charge test
2. Discharge test (30 min.)
3. Load voltage test 1. Test 1. Annually 6a
4. Specific gravity 2. Test 2. Semi-annually
Nickel-cadmium type 3. Test 3. Semi-annually
4. Test 4. Annually
5. Charger test (replace as 5. Test 5. Annually
needed) 6. Test 6. Semi-annually
6. Discharge test (30 min.) 7. Test 7. Monthly
7. Load voltage test 8. Test 8. Annually b
Primary type (dry cell) 9. Replace 9. Every 5 years
10. Test 10. Annually 6c
8. Age test
11. Test 11. Semi-annually
Sealed lead-acid type
9. Charger test (replace w/in
5 yrs.)
10. Replace battery
11. Discharge test (30 min)
Load voltage test 6d
Control Equipment (connected to
supervising station)
1. Test 1. Annually
1. Functions 2. Test 2. Annually
2. Fuses 3. Test 3. Annually 1
3. Interfaced equipment 4. Test 4. Annually
4. Lamps and LEDs 5. Test 5. Annually
5. Primary (main) power 6. Test 6. Annually
6. Transponders
Control Equipment (not connected
to supervising station)
1. Functions 1. Test 1. Quarterly
2. Fuses 2. Test 2. Quarterly
3. Interfaced equipment 3. Test 3. Quarterly
4. Lamps and LEDs 4. Test 4. Quarterly 3
5. Primary (main) power 5. Test 5. Quarterly
supply 6. Test 6. Quarterly
6. Transponders 7. Test 7. Monthly 9
7. Engine Driven Generator 8. Test 8. Annually
8. Control unit trouble

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Emergency voice/Alarm Test Semi-annually 12

communications equipment
Fibber optic cable power Test Annually 8
Initiation devices
1. Duct detectors
1. Test 1. Annually
2. Electromatic. releasing
2. Test 2. Annually
3. Test 3. Annually
3. Extinguishing systems
4. Test 4. Annually
5. Test 5. Annually
4. Fire-gas and other detectors
6. Test 6. Annually
5. heat detectors
7. Test 7. Semi-annually
6. fire alarm boxes 15
8. Test 8. Annually
7. radiant energy fire detectors
9. Test 9. Biannually
8. smoke detectors - functional
10. Test 10. Annually
9. smoke detectors - sensitivity
11. Test 11. Annually
10. single & multi-station smoke
12. Test 12. Quarterly
11. single and multi-station heat
13. Test 13. Quarterly2
14. Test 14. Semi-annually
12. supervisory signal devices
13. waterflow devices
14. valve tamper switches

Interface equipment Test Annually 18

Off-premises transmission equip. Test Quarterly 22
Remote annunciators Test Annually 14
Special hazard equipment Test Annually 19
Special procedures Test Annually 24
Supervising station fire alarm systems
1. DACT 1. Test 1. Quarterly 23
2. DART 2. Test 2. Quarterly
3. McCulloh 3. Test 3. Quarterly
4. RAT 4. Test 4. Quarterly
Supervising station fire alarm systems
1. Test 1. Monthly
1. DACR 2. Test 2. Monthly
2. DARR 3. Test 3. Monthly 25
3. McCulloh 4. Test 4. Monthly
4. Two-way RF multiplex 5. Test 5. Monthly
5. RASSR 6. Test 6. Monthly
6. RARSR 7. Test 7. Monthly
7. Private microwave

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Fire protection systems ITM Guidance

2.10 Fire Doors and Emergency Exits

Inspections, tests, and maintenance shall be performed on fire doors and emergency exits in accordance with
the manufacturer's instructions, NFPA 101-2018 , and NFPA 80-2019 , The following list highlights
minimum requirements for the essential care of fire doors and emergency exits. This list, however, is not
meant to replace manufacturer's instructions and updated code requirements.
Emergency exits must be maintained to avoid the numerous deaths caused in fires where exits were either
blocked or the hardware was inoperable. In addition, fire doors have no value unless properly maintained and
closed or able to close automatically at the time of a fire.


Door hardware is operating properly Inspection Annually 80:5.2.4 & 5.2.5

Door does not have punctures or Inspection Annually 80:5.2.4 & 5.2.5
broken seams.
Self-closer is intact and allows door to Inspection Annually 80:5.2.4 & 5.2.5
latch closed.
On sliding doors, chains and cables Inspection Annually 80:5.2.4 & 5.2.5
operate smoothly over all pulleys and
Door openings are kept clear of Inspection Semi-annually 80:5.2.13
Clearances around the door do not Inspection Annually 80:5.2.4 & 5.2.5
exceed NFPA 80 requirements
Doors are kept closed or arranged for Inspection Semi-annually 80:5.2.14
automatic closing
Confirm proper operation of doors Test Annually 80:5.2.6
with hold open devices and self-
closers (Latches, guides and rollers
must be checked.)
Lubricate guides and bearings. Maintenance Annually 80:5.2.12

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Fire protection systems ITM Guidance

2.11 Emergency Lighting System

Inspections, tests, and maintenance on emergency lighting system shall be performed in accordance with the
manufacturer's instructions and NFPA 101-2018, The following list highlights minimum requirements for the
essential care of fire alarm systems. This list, however, is not meant to replace manufacturer's instructions and
updated code requirements.


Emergency lighting for 30 second Test Monthly 101:

duration. (Lighting on generator circuit
and battery powered.)
Emergency lighting for 1½ hour Test Annual 101:
duration (Lighting on generator circuit
and battery powered.)
Emergency generator Test Monthly 110:8.4.1 & 8.4.2
Test under load for 30 minutes (>30% 101:
nameplate kW rating or other

methods per NFPA 110 8.4.2.)

check transfer of emergency power to fire
protection/life safety equipment (fire
alarm system, fire pump, smoke
management systems)
Test Monthly 110:8.4.6
Transfer switch
Circuit breakers rated > 600 volts 110:
Exercised every 6 months Test every 6 months
Tested under simulated load Test Biannually

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2.12 HVAC and Smoke Management Systems

Inspections, tests, and maintenance on HVAC and smoke management systems shall be performed in
accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, NFPA 101-2018, NFPA 90A -2021 and NFPA 92A-2021,
The following list highlights minimum requirements for the essential care of HVAC and smoke management
systems. This list, however, is not meant to replace manufacturer's instructions and updated code
Operate all dampers to verify they fully close Inspect/Test Every 4 years 90A:3-4.7
and latch (if provided).
Lubricate moving parts as necessary. Maintenance Every 4 years 90A:3-4.7
Filters (replace or clean when resistance to Test/ Maintenance Per manufacturer’s 90A:B-3.1
airflow increases to no more than two times the requirements
original resistance or reaches mfg.
recommended value for replacement)
Electrical equip. of automatic Inspect/Test Semi-annually 90A:B-3.5
filters (check motors & relays).
Examine fan controls and activate Test Annually 90A:B-8
to assure operable condition.
Clean and lubricate fans and motors Maintenance Quarterly 90A:B-7.1
Check belt alignment Inspect Quarterly 90A:B-7.1
Determine the amount of dust and Inspect/ Quarterly or 90A:B-4.1
waste material in ducts, plenums, ceiling Maintenance Per manufacturer’s 90A:B-5.2
cavities, and raised floors. requirements
Operate smoke-control system for each Test Semi-annually 92A:4-4.3.1
control sequence to
verify that all system parts and controls are
Operate the smoke control system: Test Annually 92A:4-4.3.1
verify airflow quantities and pressure
differentials across smoke barriers, at make-up
air supplies and at smoke exhaust equipment
are within design tolerances . Tests conducted
under normal power and standby power, if

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Activate smoke dampers by smoke detectors Test Annually 72:Table 7-3.2

and all other inputs per system
design. Replace electromechanical squibs.
Operate the smoke control system: Test Semi-annually 92A:4-4.3.1
Operate smoke-control system for each
control sequence to
verify that all system parts and controls are
verify airflow quantities and pressure Test Annually 92A:4-4.3.1
differentials across smoke barriers, at make-up
air supplies and at smoke exhaust equipment
are within design tolerances . Tests conducted
under normal power and standby power, if
Activate smoke dampers by smoke detectors Test Annually 72:Table 7-3.2
and all other inputs per system
design. Replace electromechanical squibs.
Operate the stair pressurization system for each Test Semi-annually 90A:4-4.1
control sequence to verify that all system parts
and controls are operational.

Operate the stair pressurization systems to Test Annually 92A:4-4.3.1

verify airflow quantities and pressure
differentials across smoke barriers, at make-up
air supplies and at smoke exhaust equipment
are within design tolerances . Tests conducted
under normal power and standby power, if
verify airflow quantities and pressure
differentials across smoke barriers, at make-up
air supplies and at smoke exhaust equipment
are within design tolerances .

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Fire protection systems ITM Guidance

3 Planning for Systems and Facilities

To develop a robust inspection plan, consider:

• The fire protection systems you will inspect.

• The specific components of your fire protection systems and their quantities.
• Identify the frequency of inspections for each component based on the manufacturer's
recommendations and relevant codes and standards.
• Additionally, take into account the available resources and manpower within your organization.
This will help you determine the most practical and efficient methods to conduct inspections, ensuring
comprehensive coverage and timely maintenance of your fire protection systems.
Now, let's consider two different buildings with distinct systems and manpower capabilities as examples of
effective planning.
In conclusion, implementing a well-structured Fire Protection System Inspection Plan is critical to maintaining
safety, compliance, and the proper functioning of your fire protection systems.
By planning strategically and considering the differences between inspection, testing, and preventive
maintenance, you can maximize the effectiveness of your fire prevention efforts.

:‫ ضع في اعتبارك‬، ‫لوضع خطة تفتيش قوية‬

.‫أنظمة الحماية من الحريق التي ستقوم بفحصها‬ •

.‫المكونات المحددة ألنظمة الحماية من الحريق وكمياتها‬ •
.‫تحديد تكرار عمليات التفتيش لكل مكون على أساس توصيات الشركة المصنعة واألكواد والمراجع ذات الصلة‬ •
.‫ ضع في االعتبار الموارد المتاحة والقوى العاملة داخل مؤسستك‬، ‫باإلضافة إلى ذلك‬ •
‫ مما يضمن تغطية شاملة وصيانة في الوقت المناسب ألنظمة‬، ‫سيساعدك هذا في تحديد أكثر الطرق عملية وفعالية إلجراء عمليات التفتيش‬
.‫الحماية من الحرائق لديك‬
‫أمرا بالغ األهمية للحفاظ على السالمة واالمتثال والتشغيل السليم ألنظمة‬
ً ‫ يعد تنفيذ خطة فحص نظام الحماية من الحرائق جيدة التنظيم‬، ‫في الختام‬
. ‫الحماية من الحرائق‬
‫ يمكنك زيادة فعالية جهود الوقاية من الحرائق‬، ‫من خالل التخطيط االستراتيجي ومراعاة االختالفات بين الفحص واالختبار والصيانة الوقائية‬
.‫إلى أقصى حد‬

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Fire protection systems ITM Guidance

4 Reference

# Stander
1 NFPA 25
2 NFPA 20
3 NFPA 72
4 NFPA 80
5 NFPA 90A
6 NFPA 92
7 NFPA 101
8 NFPA 2001

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