Fire Protection System 1716984395
Fire Protection System 1716984395
Fire Protection System 1716984395
• Inspection
• Testing
• Maintenance
Eng.Yousif Mohamed
July - 2023
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1 Importance of Planning: ........................................................................................................................ 2
2 Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance Frequency ................................................................................. 4
2.1 Introduction:........................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
2.2 Objectives ............................................................................................................................................ 5
2.3 Automatic Fire Sprinkler Systems ....................................................................................................... 6
2.4 Standpipe and Hose Cabinets Systems ................................................................................................ 7
2.5 Private Mains used For Fire Service .................................................................................................... 8
2.6 Fire Pumps ........................................................................................................................................... 9
2.7 Water Storage Tanks used for Fire Protection ................................................................................... 12
2.8 Valves and Fire Department Connections ......................................................................................... 13
2.9 Clean Agents and Halon Systems ...................................................................................................... 16
2.10 Fire Detection and Alarm Systems .................................................................................................... 17
2.11 Fire Doors and Emergency Exits ....................................................................................................... 21
2.12 Emergency Lighting System .............................................................................................................. 22
2.13 HVAC and Smoke Management Systems ......................................................................................... 23
3 Planning for Systems and Facilities .................................................................................................... 25
4 Reference ............................................................................................................................................ 26
Eng. Yousif Mohamed LinkedIn Profile
1 Importance of Planning:
A well-designed Fire Protection System Inspection Plan is paramount to ensuring the
safety and compliance of your facility.
By implementing a comprehensive plan, you can proactively identify potential issues,
address them promptly, and minimize the risk of fire incidents. Planning allows for
organized and systematic inspections, enabling you to allocate resources efficiently,
streamline processes, and maintain the integrity of your fire protection systems. It also
fosters a culture of preparedness, reducing the potential for downtime, financial losses,
and most importantly, ensuring the safety of occupants.
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Eng. Yousif Mohamed LinkedIn Profile
تجد باالسفل جداول تحتوي على، لمساعدتك في التخطيط لخطة فحص نظام الحماية من الحرائق بشكل فعال
.عا لفحص واختبار وصيانة أنظمة الحماية من الحرائق المختلفة
ً الترددات األكثر شيو
يرجى مالحظة أن الترددات المقدمة تستند إلى أفضل ممارسات الصناعة ويمكن أن تكون بمثابة نقطة انطالق
.لعملية التخطيط الخاصة بك
، وتحديدا ً الملحق أ المواد التوضيحية، NFPA الخاص بك وفقًا لمعاييرITM تذكر أن تجد طريقة وكيفية جعل
.للحصول على إرشادات مفصلة حول تنفيذ اختبارات الفحص والصيانة
Eng. Yousif Mohamed LinkedIn Profile
Fire safety is a critical aspect of any building, and it is essential to ensure that all fire prevention and
protection measures are in place and functioning correctly.
Regular firefighting inspections are necessary to identify potential hazards and ensure compliance with local
fire codes and regulations.
This sheet aims to provide guidelines for conducting firefighting inspections in buildings to ensure the safety
of occupants and property.
It is imperative to adhere to the recommended inspection frequency for the systems per NFPA guidelines. In
the event of any discrepancies or errors in the inspection frequency data, it is advised to refer to the latest
version of the standard for guidance.
It is essential to maintain accurate records of all inspections and maintenance activities to ensure the continued
effectiveness of life safety systems in the event of an emergency.
2.1 Objectives
The objective of this sheet is to provide a comprehensive guide for conducting fire protection systems
inspections in buildings.
The sheet will outline the key areas to inspect, including fire prevention measures, fire protection systems,
emergency exits, other necessary firefighting systems “fighting and alarm”.
The guidelines will help inspectors identify potential hazards and ensure compliance with local fire codes and
NFPA standers and regulations.
Ultimately, the objective is to promote fire safety and protect occupants and property from the devastating
effects of fires.
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Eng. Yousif Mohamed LinkedIn Profile
Eng. Yousif Mohamed LinkedIn Profile
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Lubrication System
Oil level Inspect/Check Weekly
Oil change Replace 50 hours or Annual
Oil filter Change 50 hours or annual
Lube oil heater Check Weekly
Crankcase breather Inspect/check/test Quarterly
Cooling System
Cooling system level Inspect/check Weekly
Antifreeze protection level Test Semi-annually
Antifreeze Change Annually
Adequate cooling water to heat exchanger Check Weekly
Rod out heat exchanger Clean Annually
Water pump Inspect Weekly
Flexible water hoses and connections Inspect/Check Weekly
Jacket water heater Check Weekly
Inspect ductwork, clean louvers Inspect/Check/Change Annually
Water strainer Clean Quarterly
Exhaust System
Leakage Inspect/Check Weekly
Drain condensate trap Check Weekly
Insulation and fire hazards Inspect Quarterly
Excessive back pressure Test Annually
Flexible hose and connectors Inspect Inspect/replace Weekly Annually
Tank vents/overflow piping unobstructed Piping Inspect Annually
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Check Valves
Interior Inspection 5 years
Pre-action/Deluge Valve
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Fire pumps
Casing relief Inspection Weekly,
Pressure relief Inspection Weekly,
Backflow Prevention Assemblies
Reduced pressure Inspection Weekly/monthly 12.6.1
Reduced pressure detectors Inspection Weekly 12.6.1
Fire pumps
Casing relief Inspection Weekly,
Pressure relief Inspection Weekly,
Fire Department Connection Inspection Quarterly 12.7.1
Main Drains Test Annual/Quarterly 12.2.6, 12.2. 6.1,
Water-Flow Alarms Test Quarterly 12.2.7
Control Valves
Position Test Annually
Operation Test Annually
Supervisory Test Semi-annually
Pre-action/Deluge Valves
Priming water Test Quarterly
Low air pressure alarm Test Quarterly
Full flow Test Annually
Dry pipe Valves/Quick Opening Device
Priming water Test Quarterly
Low air alarm Test Quarterly
Quick opening device Test Quarterly
Trip test Test Annually
Full flow trip test Test 3 years
Pressure Reducing & Relief Valves
Sprinkler systems Test 5 years
Circulation relief Test Annually
Pressure relief valves Test Annually
Hose connections Test 5 years
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Coordinate the testing of the following HALON and Clean Agent system equipment with the fire alarm
system maintenance (see Fire Detection and Alarm Systems).
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Door does not have punctures or Inspection Annually 80:5.2.4 & 5.2.5
broken seams.
Self-closer is intact and allows door to Inspection Annually 80:5.2.4 & 5.2.5
latch closed.
On sliding doors, chains and cables Inspection Annually 80:5.2.4 & 5.2.5
operate smoothly over all pulleys and
Door openings are kept clear of Inspection Semi-annually 80:5.2.13
Clearances around the door do not Inspection Annually 80:5.2.4 & 5.2.5
exceed NFPA 80 requirements
Doors are kept closed or arranged for Inspection Semi-annually 80:5.2.14
automatic closing
Confirm proper operation of doors Test Annually 80:5.2.6
with hold open devices and self-
closers (Latches, guides and rollers
must be checked.)
Lubricate guides and bearings. Maintenance Annually 80:5.2.12
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4 Reference
# Stander
1 NFPA 25
2 NFPA 20
3 NFPA 72
4 NFPA 80
5 NFPA 90A
6 NFPA 92
7 NFPA 101
8 NFPA 2001
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