Delegitimizing ISIS On Islamic Grounds C

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Delegitimizing ISIS On Islamic Grounds: Criticism Of

Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi By Muslim Scholars*

By: Prof. Ella Landau-Tasseroni

Inquiry & Analysis #1205 | November 19, 2015

Middle East Media Research Institute |
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he Islamic State (or Caliphate, al-Dawla al-Islamiyya) has sparked intense outrage and protest throughout the world since its
inception in June 2014.1 Many Muslims share this sentiment. On September 19, 2014, a group of 126 Muslim scholars addressed
an open Letter to the ruler of ISIS, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. he Letter contains a rebuttal of al-Baghdadi’s claim to religious and
political authority, and condemns ISIS’ policies as well as the statements, argumentations and actions of al-Baghdadi and his sup-
porters. he critics base their position almost entirely on Islamic grounds, citing Koran, Prophetic sayings and statements by past
theologians and jurists.

he group of critics comprises inluential scholars and prominent igures. Many of them are Sheikhs and/or hold doctoral degrees;
some live in Arab and Muslim countries, others elsewhere. Among them are ‘Abdullah bin Bayyah, president of the Forum for
Promoting Peace in Muslim Societies; 2 Jamal Badawi, from the Islamic Legal Counsel in North America; Yousuf al-Qaradhawi,
the renowned but controversial head of the International Union of Muslim Scholars;3 Shawki Ibrahim ‘Allam, the Grand Muti of
Egypt; and ‘Ali Jum’a, the former Grand Muti of Egypt, to name but a few. he fact that they criticize ISIS does not necessarily
mark them all as relentless peace-seekers. Al-Qaradhawi, for example, does not always encourage peaceful resolutions of political
problems concerning Arab and Islamic countries. He also endorses targeting American civilians in Iraq, and all Israeli civilians
(including women and children), on the grounds that they support aggression against Muslims. And on the occasion of Ramadan
1436 (2015), the Mutis ‘Allam and Jum’a emphasized and extolled the connection between Ramadan and Islamic conquests
throughout history (including modern history). 4

By August 2015 hundreds more religious and academic scholars, most of them Muslim, added their signature to the Letter; in ad-
dition, it received about 125,000 “likes” on the Facebook account that was opened for the purpose.5 he Letter was also translated
into Persian, English, French, German, Spanish, Bosnian, Hungarian, Dutch and Turkish.6 However, it did not generate an intense
debate in the Muslim public arena.

Since both al-Baghdadi and his critics speak and act in the name of Islam, I found it interesting to evaluate the Letter in light of
relevant material from classical Islamic sources. I review the Letter section by section, summarizing the critics’ arguments in each
section (noting the page-number in the Arabic text) and then presenting my analysis. I do not presume to establish what in the
Letter (or anywhere else) is authentically Islamic or deviates from Islam.

The Letter
he Letter opens with Koranic verses (103:1-3) that warn mankind of destruction which will encompass all except for those who
believe, do good works and urge one another to follow the truth and to stand fast:

(I swear) by the declining day; Man is lost, except those who believe, do good works, enjoin one another to follow the truth, and
bid one another to stand fast (wa-tawasaw bi-l-sabr)

hese verses epitomize the classical Islamic message according to which one must adhere to the right belief and right practice,
enjoin others to follow, and persist (sabr) in all of these in spite of diiculties. he applauded sabr mentioned in the verses means
persistence, endurance, adherence to God’s commands and waiting patiently for His decrees, all at once.

i. Ella Landau-Tasseron is a retired professor at the Department for Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies at the Hebrew University
of Jerusalem. Her research ields are early Islamic history, the Arabian tribal system, Islamic political institutions, hadith, Islamic
historiography, and jihad. Among her publications are a series of articles on the tribal society in pre- and early Islamic times, two
monographs on the institution of the Islamic “oath of allegiance,” and a monograph on non-combatants in Islamic thought.

Delegitimizing ISIS On Islamic Grounds: Criticism Of Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi By Muslim Scholars

By citing these verses as a motto of the Letter, the critics fully set the stage for its contents, as they censure al-Baghdadi for mis-
guided doctrines and wrong practices. he very establishment of the Caliphate betrays a lack of patience for God’s decree.

he terms of address are polite, avoiding the rhetoric of vituperation common in modern polemics between Muslims. Neverthe-
less these terms relect the critics’ rejection of al-Baghdadi’s claims. hey write, “To Dr. Ibrahim ‘Awwad al-Badri, nicknamed Abu
Bakr al-Baghdadi... and those ailiated with the so-called Islamic State [emphasis added].” he terms “nicknamed” (mulaqqab,
as opposed to “teknonymed”, yukanna),7 and “so called” (ma sammaytumuhu), express the critics’ derision and rejection of the
authenticity and legitimacy of the Islamic State and its leader. hey are also unimpressed by the title “caliph”, and by al-Baghdadi’s
attempts to emulate the irst Islamic caliph, Abu Bakr (632-634 CE). Not only did al-Baghdadi assume the irst caliph’s kunya, he
also copied his inauguration speech on the occasion of his own investiture.

In that speech the irst caliph, Abu Bakr, urged the community to assist him and to correct him if he deviated from the right path.
In its historical context (632 CE) this appeal relects the fact that the caliphate was a new construct; there was no tradition of gover-
nance and the caliph had no coercive power, therefore he had to appeal to the community and seek its support. However, statutory
coercive power soon developed, and by the end of the seventh century the idea that the community should participate in state af-
fairs was completely marginalized. In modern times, the irst caliph’s speech is oten presented by Muslims as proof that democracy
is part and parcel of Islam. his argument is put to various uses, such as, on the one hand, applauding Islam as being democratically
oriented long before the West, and, on the other hand, rejecting tyrannical authority in Muslim countries.

Al-Baghdadi cites the irst caliph’s speech in order to model himself on the original caliphate and thus achieve legitimacy. His crit-
ics cite it too, but for a diferent purpose. Although they reject his claim of caliphhood throughout the Letter, they feel the need
to apologize. herefore they cite from the very same speech the words “if I am wrong correct me...”, thus presumably admitting that
they may be mistaken on some points. hey add, again by way of an apology, that “giving good advice is part of religion,” so the
Prophet had said. By this implicit apology the critics suggest that their intentions in criticizing al-Baghdadi are pure. hey also stress
that they are not going to discuss hearsay; they only comment on sayings and actions published by ISIS sources, or by Muslim (i.e.
reliable) eyewitnesses.

Ater thus justifying the Letter, the authors present their criticism. hey condemn statements by ISIS leaders for both their contents
and their methodology.

First, the greeting statement common among ISIS members comes under scrutiny. It runs, “O God, bless Muhammad who was sent
with a sword as a mercy to all creatures.” According to the critics, this greeting includes both methodological and thematic errors,
as follows:

he words “as a mercy to all creatures” are taken from Koran 21: 107 (not 22:107, as written in the Letter). he verse reads “We
did not send you [for anything] but as mercy to all creatures.” he critics argue that this Divine statement is general, absolute and
eternal, not conditioned (muqayyad) by any circumstance or rule. In other words, the Mercy that the Prophet stands for is appli-
cable to all creatures at all times, places and circumstances. he phrase “with a sword,” on the other hand, is taken from a Prophetic
statement (hadith), not from the Koran. It is conditioned in the sense that it was only valid in past speciic time and place, and that
the “sword” only afects people, not all creatures. It is wrong, they argue, to merge hadith and Koran and to confuse the general with
the speciic, the absolute with the conditioned. here can be no connection between God’s mercy, which encompasses all creatures,
and the sword, which only afects people. (pp. 1-2)

he critics’ argument sounds convincing, in particular from the methodological point of view. Indeed, traditional Islamic texts do
not usually mention “sword” and “mercy” together. However, citing both Koran and hadith in order to make a point has always
been a common methodology among Muslim scholars. Furthermore, the sacred Islamic texts contain references to both concepts,
i.e. mercy and the need for violence against non-Muslims. Many verses and Prophetic sayings express the idea that the Prophet was
sent as a sign of Divine Mercy; at the same time he is reported to have declared that he was “sent with a sword.”8 hus, the Muslim

MEMRI Inquiry & Analysis #1205 | Prof. Ella Landau-Tasseron | November 19, 2015

radicals’ position that combines mercy with violence may easily be grounded in the sacred texts. It may also be compared to prec-
edents in other cultures. Christian powers forced Christianity upon non-Christians, claiming that they were applying Christian
love and acting in the best interest of the so-called savages; similarly, radical Muslims deem it their task to save humans from perdi-
tion by converting them to Islam.

A report about the Prophet (hadith) has him smile while envisaging people dragged into Paradise in fetters.9 he vision concerns
inidels, former prisoners of war who were forced to convert to Islam. Muhammad’s pleasure at the sight indicates that saving in-
idels from Hell is a virtuous act that may be implemented by force. From all the material adduced above it is clear that radical Is-
lamists, who aspire to recreate the pristine Islamic state and emulate the Prophet, may easily be led to combine “sword” and “mercy”,
in spite of other Muslims’ protest.

Ater criticizing the merging of mercy and the sword as proposed by ISIS, the critics develop several themes.

1. Principles of Islamic law and exegesis

he critics point out that a Muslim claiming religious authority must meet speciic requirements: mastery of Arabic, and the abil-
ity to distinguish between diferent kinds of verses, namely, general or speciic, absolute or conditioned, unequivocal or ambigu-
ous, abrogating or abrogated.10 Furthermore, while discussing any issue at all a Muslim scholar should take into account all the
relevant texts available from the Koran and the Prophetic sayings, the hadith. (pp. 2-3)

By detailing these requirements the critics imply that al-Baghdadi does not meet them. hey present more explicit and speciic
criticism in the following sections.

2. Language
Mastery of Arabic is obviously irst and foremost among the qualiications required from a Muslim scholar. he critics argue that
ISIS speakers show ignorance when using Arabic. For example, when the caliphate (khilafa) was announced the spokesman, Abu
Muhammad al-’Adnani, said, “this is [the fulilment of ] Allah’s promise,” (hadha wa’d allah), alluding to Koran 24: 55: “God has
promised those who believe and do good works that He will establish them as successors (la-yastakhlifannahum) [to those who
preceded them] on earth, just as He made those before them successors [to others]...” he critics argue, irst, that it is erroneous
to apply a Koranic verse to a speciic event that occurred 1,400 ater the Koran had been revealed; at the most, the speaker should
have said, “this is part of Allah’s promise” (hadha min wa’d allah). Secondly, the verb la-yastakhlifannahum mentioned in the verse
means “He will make them successors,” and has nothing to do with khalifa (a caliph or ruler), although the two Arabic words are
cognates. hus, al-’Adnani’s mention of the verse in the context of establishing the caliphate was inappropriate. (pp. 3-4)

he irst argument of the critics is hollow. here is no reason why ISIS would not see itself as the fulillment of the Divine promise
to make Islam and the Muslims strong and victorious. Classical Muslim exegetes interpreted 24: 55 as foretelling the victory and
conquests of the Prophet and the early caliphate, and ISIS, emulating the pristine model, understandably applies the verse to itself.
he second argument is linguistically accurate. he verse speaks of succeeding generations of humans, not rulers. Nevertheless pre-
modern Muslim scholars sometimes interpreted the verse as an allusion to the institution of the caliphate; ISIS did not introduce
any innovation here. 11

3. Simplifying religion
he critics protest against radicals who tend to simplify religion, for instance by sending their listeners to read the Koran for
themselves and to take the call for jihad literally. he critics cite verses and hadiths that warn Muslims of independent learning and
instruct them to consult experts. (pp. 4-5)

Delegitimizing ISIS On Islamic Grounds: Criticism Of Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi By Muslim Scholars

he critics’ protest is to be understood against the backdrop of current trends in Islamic learning. In recent decades the author-
ity of oicially trained religious scholars has waned considerably. Radicals as well as liberals form their opinions relying directly
on the fundamental sources, i.e. the Koran and the Hadith; they sometimes assume the role of mutis without traditional, formal
education. his attitude makes their interpretations seem both fresh and pristine, and the accessibility of the internet allows them
to propagate their interpretations and preaching. hese autodidacts also refer their listeners and readers directly to the primary
sources, eschewing the traditional interpretations and the established religious authorities. his has become known as “the democ-
ratization of religious knowledge,” a phenomenon that has a great appeal especially to enthusiastic young Islamists. he authors of
the Letter try to combat the phenomenon, but it is not likely to disappear soon. 12

4. Disagreements
Under this title the critics discuss one aspect only, namely, leniency versus intolerance. he critics cite Koranic verses to the efect
that Allah prefers the lenient attitude, including in matters relating to the propagation of Islam. he Prophet and the religious
scholars always opted for the lenient solutions, say the critics, and throughout history conversion to Islam usually came about
through preaching (da’wa), not by coercion as perpetrated by ISIS. (pp. 5-6)

To support this argument the critics rely on verses that are traditionally considered abrogated, notwithstanding their criticism of
al-Baghdadi for failing to distinguish between abrogating and abrogated verses (see above). For example verse 16:125 (ud’u ila
rabbika), which calls for peaceful propagation of Islam, has long been considered as abrogated by verses that urge the Muslims
to ight in the way of Allah.13 Also, the critics take verses out of their context, again against their own advice to al-Baghdadi. For
example, Koran 2:185, “Allah wants for you ease, not hardship” (yurid bikum al-yusr), refers to the Muslims, not to inidels. Also
against their own declared method, the critics omit mention of inconvenient verses, e.g. Koran 48:29, which extols a hard stance
towards inidels.

he historical argument adduced by the critics is only partly correct. Indeed parts of Africa and East Asia were converted gradually
and peacefully. However, the irst generations of Muslims, the salaf, practiced war against inidels, not peaceful preaching. Pre-
modern Muslims interpreted the Islamic conquests of the seventh century as a means to propagate Islam, and jihad against inidels
has always been aimed at “making Allah’s word (i.e. Islam) reign supreme.” Indeed large populations adhered to their religions
under Muslim rule and only converted gradually, but not necessarily due to peaceful preaching. Oten, conversion was the result
of persecution and pressure.

5. Practical laws
he critics argue that application of the Shari’a must be practical and realistic, related to circumstances of place and time. he laws
may change even in accordance to changing customs. In support of this idea they cite two of the greatest Muslim scholars, Abu
Hamid al-Ghazali (eleventh century) and Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya (fourteenth century), who declare in unambiguous terms that
adapting the Shari’a to reality is a necessity. (pp. 6-7).

his argument seems to contradict the notion that the Shari’a is absolute and eternal. But, in practice, Muslim scholars have always
employed their ingenuity in order to make Shari’a laws compatible with the changing circumstances of their time. he Shari’a is
eternal in the sense that it was given by Allah to be applied permanently, but this does not mean that the particulars of the law
must be immutable. In fact, “the transformation of rulings according to time and circumstances” (taghayyur al-fatwa bitaghayyur
al-azman wa-l-ahwal) has become a legal principle in some Islamic circles.14 Related to this is another established legal principle
designed to adapt to reality, namely, “necessity makes forbidden things admissible” (al-darurat tubihu al-mahzurat).15 In the glo-
balized world, the process has reached its peak with the rules developed by Yousuf al-Qaradhawi, intended to adapt the Shari’a to
life in the modern West.16 he statements by al-Ghazali and Ibn al-Qayyim cited above thus relect the true practice of Muslim
scholars throughout the centuries. However, the principle is currently hotly debated precisely because of its relation to modernity

MEMRI Inquiry & Analysis #1205 | Prof. Ella Landau-Tasseron | November 19, 2015

and to Western civilization.17 It is hard to imagine that the likes of al-Baghdadi would accept this lexible attitude, even though in
general, Salai Jihadis revere Ibn al-Qayyim, who was a close associate of Ibn Taymiyya.

6. Murder of innocent people

he critics accuse ISIS of killing many innocent people, and cite Koranic verses to prove that Allah forbids this. (p. 7)

he verses cited stipulate that killing is forbidden “except [killing] for a lawfully justiied cause” illa bi-l-haqq” (5:32, 6:151,
17:33). However, the term “justiied cause” remains vague. Certain Koranic verses enjoin the Muslims to kill inidels (e.g. 2:191,
9:5). he early jurist and theologian al- Shai’i (d. 820 CE) inferred from them that unbelief was a justiied cause for killing. He
made an exception for women and children because, taken prisoner, they were the Muslims’ property and it was not wise to destroy
property. On the other hand, Abu Hanifa (legal scholar, d.767 CE), maintained that unbelief was not a justiied cause for killing,
and that only combatants should be killed.18 his stance too may be inferred from Koranic verses (e.g. 2: 190). A “justiied cause”
for killing is thus given to various interpretations.

7. Killing envoys
he murder of foreign journalists and aid workers by ISIS aroused strong condemnation around the globe, which the critics share.
Presenting a Shar’i justiication for their view, they argue that these people are comparable to envoys or messengers, speciically
messenger of truth (journalists) and of mercy (aid workers) and therefore must be protected. It was the Prophet’s custom not to
harm envoys, even if sent by his worst enemy. 19 (pp. 7-8)

Yousuf al-Qaradhawi expressed his view on this issue elsewhere, presenting non-Shar’i justiications. He argued that French jour-
nalists kidnapped by ISIS were not legitimate targets because they were sympathetic to the Arab cause, they came to help it, and
their government had opposed the American invasion of Iraq.20 However, the Shar’i justiication adduced in the Letter (i.e., that
they are comparable to envoys) is more signiicant, for it illustrates the feasibility of applying tolerant traditional Islamic norms
to modern circumstances, by inference. Another such illustration is the comparison made in the atermath of 9/11 between the
modern visa and the classical aman. Aman was a medieval legal institution based on trust. It enabled non-Muslims to stay safely in
Muslim territories, and vice versa, on condition that the guests do not break any law of the hosts. Many Muslims denounced the
attack of 9/11 on the grounds that the perpetrators had American visas, comparable to aman. By acting against their hosts they
betrayed the trust embodied in the visas/aman they held, thereby breaking Islamic law. 21

8. Jihad
Responding to a statement by al-Baghdadi that “there is no life without jihad,” the critics take the opportunity to give their version
of the Sunni rules of jihad, based on the Koran and Hadith. he following is a summary of their presentation.

According to the critics, jihad is neither a goal in itself, nor a way of life, but a means to make Allah’s word supreme in the world;
achieving this end guarantees peace, security and stability under Islam. War must be waged only against inidels, and in certain
circumstances it is not necessary at all. Jihad is a collective duty, that is, a duty incumbent upon the community as a whole (fard
kifaya), not upon each and every individual; moreover, an individual who wishes to participate in military jihad must have his
parents’ approval. here are two kinds of jihad. he more important one (al-akbar) is the believer’s inner struggle to purify his own
soul, whereas the less important one is belligerent jihad, namely war; the two are interconnected (because the believer must purify
his soul before taking up arms against the inidels).

he ethics of jihad are as follows: it must be carried out with the right intention, and with justiied cause and lawful goal and

Delegitimizing ISIS On Islamic Grounds: Criticism Of Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi By Muslim Scholars

a. Right intention means that the Muslim ights for Allah, not for booty, fame, revenge or any other worldly objective.

b. he cause of jihad must be prior injustice or aggression against Muslims.

c. he goal must not be confused with the cause. In case of Muslim victory in a justiied war, the goal must be making Al-
lah’s word supreme, according to Koran 2:193, “ight them until there is no itna (seduction, sedition, unbelief ),” and
the Prophetic saying, “I was ordered to ight everyone until they say ‘here is no god but Allah’...” his goal has already
been achieved by the Prophet himself in the Arabian Peninsula, as proven by the Hudaybiyya treaty.

d. he right conduct of war includes refraining from killing the wounded, women, children, those who run away, old
people and hermits. Also, mutilation of dead bodies is forbidden. It is only allowed to kill combatants, though killing
non-combatants may occur unintentionally. In addition, the Shari’a forbids killing prisoners of war. he few prison-
ers executed by the Prophet were war criminals. His act conforms to international law as applied in Nuremberg ater

he critics concede that ISIS ighters are courageous, ready for sacriice and zealous in the cause of jihad; however, they argue that
the warfare they lead does not conform to the abovementioned principles and is therefore un-Islamic and forbidden by the Shari’a.
(pp. 8-12)

his presentation is meant to demonstrate that ISIS deviates from Islam. Some parts of the criticism are more implicit than others,
such as mentioning the rule of collective duty (fard kifaya) and the required permission of parents. As is well known ISIS urges
each and every Muslim to join the jihad, characterizing it as a personal, not a collective, duty (fard ‘ayn); ISIS also recruits many
young people against the wish of their families. he critics do not reprimand ISIS straightforwardly on these matters but ind it
suicient to mention the Islamic rules that ISIS violates.

he critics do not always adhere to the methodology that they themselves propose to al-Baghdadi at the beginning of the Letter.
First, they do not take into account all the Koranic verses and hadiths relevant to the issue of jihad. For example, they stipulate that
jihad must be a reaction to prior aggression or injustice, ignoring the sword verses, namely, Koran 9:522 and 9:29.23 Pre-modern
Muslims invariably read these verses and many others as enjoining ofensive jihad against all non-Muslims who refuse to surrender.
he word itna mentioned in 2:193, cited by the critics to explain the lawful goal of jihad, has routinely been interpreted by Mus-
lim scholars as “unbelief.” Accordingly, the verse actually states “ight them until there is no unbelief,” namely, until they convert to
Islam or surrender to the Muslims as protected, humiliated communities. In fact, the protected communities were also expected
to convert to Islam at some point.24 his pre-modern interpretation accords with the Salai-jihadi position, not with the one held
by the critics.

Like many Koranic verses, the famous Prophetic saying, “I was ordered to ight everyone until they say ‘here is no god but Al-
lah’...”, also dictates ofensive jihad until “Allah’s word reign supreme.” his contradicts the critics’ statement that jihad must only
be defensive. he critics do not ignore this hadith but ofer an innovative interpretation of it, unknown to pre-modern Islam.
hey argue that Allah’s promise to make Islam superior (Koran 48:28) was already fulilled during the Prophet’s time with the
Hudaybiyya treaty between the Prophet and his enemies (628 CE) and the subsequent Islamization of the Arabian Peninsula. his
interpretation allows the critics to argue that ofensive jihad has become redundant since the Prophet’s time.

his argument is problematic because it makes the Islamic conquests of the seventh century redundant as well, since they occurred
ater the Islamization of the Arabian Peninsula. he solution to this problem is to deine these conquests as defensive warfare
against the evil empires of the time, or as liberation of the populations oppressed by these empires, or as a means to secure freedom
of expression (which to the critics only means the freedom to propagate Islam). his is al-Qaradhawi’s interpretation of the Is-
lamic conquests of the seventh century, in his book on jihad. Al-Qaradhawi also dismisses the abovementioned belligerent hadith

MEMRI Inquiry & Analysis #1205 | Prof. Ella Landau-Tasseron | November 19, 2015

(“I was ordered to ight everyone...”) using the classical method: he argues that one person in the chain of transmitters (isnad) is
not reliable and therefore the hadith is not valid.25 It may be added that, according to the traditional Islamic point of view, peace
and security can exist only under Islamic government. herefore the critics’ argument against ISIS, that jihad must be a means to
achieve peace and security, does not preclude ISIS’ policies. he latter’s ultimate goal is to make Islam rule, and hence, it may be
argued, to achieve peace and security under Islam.

he conduct of war was discussed by pre-modern Muslim scholars in connection with sayings attributed to the Prophet or his
associates, such as “do not kill old people, women and children...” (cited by the authors of this Letter). More oten than not, these
scholars adduced yet other Prophetic sayings that explain away, or contradict, these stipulations, so as to justify the killing of
non-combatants. Targeting them, however, was frowned upon. Destruction of property and agriculture was oten allowed in pre-
modern jihad rules, although not the purposeless slaughter of animals. A close examination of these rules reveals that, in general,
the stronger Islam became, the harsher the rules of conduct in war became.26 he treatment of prisoners is a good example. he Koran (47:4, cited by
the critics), ofers two options: to release prisoners for a ransom or simply to release them. On the basis of the Prophet’s conduct
as reported in his biographies, pre-modern Muslim scholars added two more options. One was the execution of prisoners at the
discretion of the Muslim leader; the other was enslavement. he critics could not possibly ignore these two additions since they
are recorded in every book of Islamic law. Yet they omit to mention them, while rebuking ISIS for executing prisoners. As for the
reports about the Prophet executing prisoners, the critics set them aside by claiming that those prisoners were war criminals and
deserved execution (they give no proof of this). he critics can thus argue that by executing them the Prophet was in fact acting in
accordance with present-day international law, in contrast to the executions perpetrated by ISIS.

he critics phrase the doctrine of jihad in terms of the just war doctrine and the international laws of war. However, the terms
“cause,” “goal,” “intention” and “conduct” are fuzzy in a way that bales not only Muslims but also experts on international law.
his is evident from the hot debates surrounding these terms both in theoretic discussions and in discussions of actual wars. he
radicals may resort to the classical Shai’i argument that the “others” are by deinition aggressors against Islam by their mere refusal
to convert.27 In Islamic terms, banning itna (unbelief ) is surely a lawful goal, as Koran 2:193 and 8:39 stipulate. In fact, ISIS’ de-
clared goal, to make Allah’s word reign supreme, has been the Shar’i goal of jihad for centuries and has not been abandoned even
by Muslims considered to be moderate. Moreover, Muslim extremists oten blame the West for ighting Muslims in various places
around the globe. his presumably makes any Muslim attack on Western powers or interests anywhere a legitimate defensive war,
with the cause being “aggression” and the goal being “liberation.”

As for the conduct of war, ISIS can easily ind in the Islamic sources justiications and precedents for most of their acts. Such is
the nature and content of the sources and the methods of interpretation, that they can be used to support various and even con-
tradictory opinions. his also means that early Islamic sayings derived from the original sources, such as “do not kill old people”
etc., may serve as modern jihad rules compatible with present-day international law. Similarly, the execution of prisoners, which
was allowed by pre-modern Muslim scholars, may be avoided in our time by direct reliance on the Koran, and by interpreting the
early precedents of prisoner-executions as particular, khass, to the circumstances of the Prophet’s career. he exegetical device of
“particular-ness” (takhsis) means that certain acts of the Prophet were particular to a time and/or a place; therefore they are not
valid precedents for subsequent generations. Takhsis was oten employed by pre-modern Muslim scholars, allowing them to sit
the various, sometimes conlicting options presented in the reports about the Prophet. he critics’ anti-ISIS argument, that the
Prophet only executed war criminals and not all war prisoners, is a variation on takhsis.

9. Excommunication: Labelling other Muslims “unbelievers” (takir)

Labelling other Muslims “inidels” or “unbelievers” has grave consequences, because, according to the Shari’a, Muslim apostates
must be executed.

he critics broach the principles of takir as follows:

Delegitimizing ISIS On Islamic Grounds: Criticism Of Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi By Muslim Scholars

a. Whoever utters the declaration of faith (shahada): “here is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his Messenger,” and
prays facing Mecca, must be considered a Muslim and therefore inviolable. No harm must come to him by another
Muslim, and it is not allowed to doubt or investigate his belief.

b. It is forbidden to label Muslims “unbelievers,” and it impermissible to kill or harm Muslims, or in fact any unarmed
person. It was an un-Islamic crime to murder civilians who identiied themselves as Muslims but failed to provide the
correct answers to questions about details of their prayer.28

c. It is prohibited to label a Muslim “unbeliever” on account of an action on his part, without proving that he intended
that action to express his unbelief. It is also forbidden to label as “unbeliever” a group of people. Each individual must
be examined and judged separately. It is also prohibited to label anyone “unbeliever” on account of an issue that is not
entirely agreed upon among the Muslim scholars (pp. 12- 15). he critics’ discussion of takir is informed by one of the
most important Islamic principles, namely, the mandatory solidarity and the prohibition of violence among Muslims.
Having religious, political and social dimensions, this principle is recorded in the Koran (e.g. 5:51, 9:71) as well as in
many Prophetic sayings. he other side of the very same coin is the order to ight unbelievers and to execute apostates,
who betray the Islamic solidarity by falling beyond the pale of Islam.

he trauma of Islam’s irst civil war (656-661 CE), the impact of the encounter with other religions, the prescribed duty to ight
unbelievers, as well as theological relections, led Muslims to discuss the deinition of “Muslim” and the requirements stipulated
by it. Among pre-modern Muslims the mainstream trend was to avoid excommunication and thus the necessity to execute apos-
tates. To make this possible, complex categories were created. For example, a distinction was made between unbelief and heresy;
between grave and minor sins; between apostates and political insurgents (bughat), and between “minor” or “concealed” unbelief
and “major unbelief ” that “puts one beyond the pale of Islam.”29 Only the latter kind of unbelief deserved capital punishment. In
the thirteenth-fourteenth century the renowned scholar Ibn Taymiyya denounced many beliefs and practices of fellow Muslims
and characterized them as expressions of unbelief, but he was very cautious about labelling individuals “unbelievers.”

Since the mid-twentieth century, radical Muslims circumvented the prohibition to exercise violence against other Muslims by
declaring their opponents to be unbelievers. During the early sixties, members of the Muslim Brotherhood incarcerated and tor-
tured in Nasser’s Egypt argued that their torturers, and the government that sent them, could not be Muslims, or else they would
not have treated them the way they did.30 It followed that violence against the government and its agents was legitimate, even
though they claimed to be Muslim. Since then, radicals use takir to legitimize violence against other Muslims. Oten, the radicals
argue that their opponents are apostates because they fail to worship Allah according to His value, that is, in accordance with the
radicals’ ways. he critics reject this argument. On the basis of Koranic verses they state that no mortal can know Allah’s value;
mortals can only worship according to their ability. his argument conveys a degree of intra-Islamic pluralism on the critics’ part.

10. he Peoples of the Book

ISIS ofers Christian Arabs the choice traditionally ofered by Muslims to Jews, Christians and many other religious communities:
hey must either convert to Islam, or pay the humiliating poll tax (jizya) and be granted a protected status (dhimma), or face the
sword. he critics severely criticize this policy and further blame ISIS for destroying churches and persecuting Christians. heir
argument is that Christian Arabs have had a covenant with the Muslims since the early conquests 1,400 years ago, which is still
in force. Moreover, Christian Arabs have always been partners to the Muslims, and have aided them in wars against the enemies
of Islam. As for the humiliating poll tax, according to Koran 9:29 – “Fight those from amongst the People of the Book who do
not believe... until they pay the jizya, out of their hand, humiliated” – applies only to Christians who waged war on Muslims. By
contrast, Christians who surrender peacefully pay a tax that is not humiliating, by virtue of a covenant. he caliph Umar agreed to
call this tax sadaqa – like the alms paid by Muslims – instead of jizya, in order to avoid humiliating those Christians. (pp. 15-17)

MEMRI Inquiry & Analysis #1205 | Prof. Ella Landau-Tasseron | November 19, 2015

he critics entitle this section “Peoples of the Book” (ahl al-kitab), a term that traditionally denotes Jews, Christians, Sabians and
Zoroastrians (see next section). However, only Christians are discussed in the Letter, because there are no Jews and hardly any
Sabians in ISIS-controlled territories.

Since the early conquests in the seventh century the Muslims have ofered Jews, Christians and several other communities three
options: to convert, assume the position of protected but inferior residents (dhimmi), or face the sword. Becoming dhimmi meant
being protected and autonomic in return for paying a poll-tax and being restricted by various stipulations, such as refraining from
building new prayer houses, avoiding the display of religious symbols in public, being forbidden to ride a horse, and so forth. hese
stipulations are known as “he Pact of ‘Umar” as they are attributed to the second caliph, ‘Umar Ibn al-Khattab (634-644 CE).31
Whereas the critics censure ISIS for violating the 1,400-year-old covenants of the dhimma by persecuting Christians, ISIS sees
itself as unbound by these covenants. ISIS’ predecessor, the Islamic State of Iraq (dawlat al-Iraq al-Islamiyya), announced these
agreements to be null and void as early as 2007; the reason given was that the People of the Book had violated the agreements, and
that consequently the process must start anew: the Islamic State must wage war on the People of the Book and ofer them conver-
sion, surrender as dhimma, or death.32 It may be added that the Ottomans abolished the dhimma in 1856, so the Peoples of the
Book cannot be blamed for violating the covenant.

On September 3, 2015, ISIS published a report showing Christians signing a new dhimma contract. he stipulations in this con-
tract reiterate the original restrictions. For example, Christians may not build churches, trade in pork, or sound church bells in
public; they must pay the jizya, respect Islam, etc. 33

he annulment of ‘Umar’s pact and the new dhimma contract are not merely a means to make licit the murder, robbery and perse-
cution of Christians. hey are also a means to enhance the Caliphate’s legitimacy. hey convey the idea that the new Caliphate is
not simply a continuation of the ancient one; it is a re-enacting of the original ways and policies. he modern Caliph puts himself
in the place of ‘Umar Ibn al-Khattab, the great conqueror and the initiator of the dhimma arrangements for the subdued popula-

he critics’ argument concerning the history of Christian Arabs is partly correct. In the seventh-eighth centuries, the Christian Ar-
abs of the Arabian Peninsula were not marginalized, persecuted, forced to convert or separated from the Muslim society. However,
the Christian Arabs of the Fertile Crescent presented a problem. hey were requested to pay the humiliating poll tax but proudly
refused, on account of their Arab descent. It is reported that the caliph ‘Umar (d. 644 CE) consented to accord them a special
status and call their tax sadqa instead of jizya. Later, many Muslim scholars objected to a distinction between groups of Christians
on the basis of ethnicity. he issue is known in the sources as “he Christians of Banu Taghlib.”34

he critics’ argument that Koran 9:29, “Fight those have been given the Scriptures but do not believe...” applies only to aggressive
Christians (or Jews, etc.) is incorrect. Such a restriction is not mentioned in the verse or in pre-modern Koran exegesis and law
books. he verse was regularly presented as justiication of the Islamic conquests. It is only modern Muslim scholars, among them
al-Qaradhawi, who claim that the seventh century conquests were launched in defense of Islam and the Muslims.35

11. he Yazidis
he critics harshly censure the atrocities committed by ISIS against the Yazidis. heir argument is that, according to the Shari’a,
Yazidis are like Zoroastrians whom the Prophet considered as one of the Peoples of the Book and therefore eligible for the protect-
ed-humiliating status of dhimma. his means that they may adhere to their religion on condition that they submit to the Muslims,
pay the jizya, and obey the Shari’a laws that concern them. As long as they abide by these conditions they may not be killed or
harmed. he greatest pre-modern Muslim scholars considered the adherents of most other religions, including Hindu and Bud-
dhists, as Peoples of Book entitled to the dhimmi status. (p. 17)

Delegitimizing ISIS On Islamic Grounds: Criticism Of Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi By Muslim Scholars

Historically, the critics’ argument is accurate. In the Koran, the term “the Peoples of the Book” who must be fought until they
surrender and become dhimmi denotes Jews, Christians and Sabians.36 Other non-Muslims are idolaters that must be fought until
they convert or die. However, being pragmatic, early Muslim jurists accorded the protected status not only to the Koranic Peoples
of the Book but also to members of most other religions.37 ISIS’ policy towards the Yazidis, however, is a result of a research done
by ISIS scholars, who established that the Yazidis have no scriptures, and therefore are not a People of Book but rather polytheists.
Accordingly, they are not eligible for protected status and must either convert or face the sword.38

12. Enslavement
he critics condemn ISIS for enslaving women. It is a fact known to all, they say, that since the Prophet’s time Islam strove to abol-
ish slavery. Moreover, this institution was banned by the whole world, including all Muslims, a hundred years ago. (p. 17)

Contrary to this argument, the Shari’a never strove to abolish slavery, but to regularize it. Prisoners of war, both men and women,
were regularly enslaved, as was customary in the ancient and medieval world. In fact, even conversion to Islam did not inevitably
set them free. It was always considered meritorious, but not mandatory, to free slaves who had been converted to Islam. Further-
more, sexual intercourse with slave girls was sanctioned by the Shari’a. ISIS members pride themselves on having revived a Pro-
phetic custom (sunna) that has been abandoned, namely, taking slave girls as concubines.39 Reviving a Sunna of the Prophet has
always been very highly regarded in Islam.40

he second part of the critics’ argument is not a Shar’i one. Indeed, slavery has been abolished by the international community
at least de jure, and the Muslim world consented. In Saudi Arabia slavery was abolished only in the last quarter of the twentieth
century, decades later than in the West. However, it seems that for some Muslims, not necessarily radicals, the institution of slavery
is still in force.41

13. Coercion
According to the critics it is forbidden to coerce anyone to convert to Islam. hey cite several verses, among them Koran 2:256:
“No compulsion is there in religion. Rectitude has become clear from error. So whoever disbelieves in idols and believes in God
has laid hold of the most irm handle, unbreaking; God is All-hearing, All-knowing.”42 he critics also censure ISIS for enforcing
the Shari’a in the public sphere under the labels “Commanding right and forbidding wrong” and hisba (see below). To justify their
criticism they cite Koranic verses (13:31, 26:4) conveying the idea that Allah wants the presence of inidels and sinners on earth,
or else he would have guided them to the right path. It follows that it is not the mortals’ task to take matters into their hands and
enforce the right path. (p. 18)

In modern times 2:256 (“No compulsion is there in religion...”) has been cited by many as a proof that Islam is not a religion of the
sword but a peaceful, tolerant religion. he verse was also widely discussed by pre-modern Muslim scholars. hey needed to solve
the contradiction between this verse (and others that express toleration) and the Koranic command to engage in jihad against the
inidels in order to make Allah’s word supreme. he most common technique to solve such contradictions was abrogation. Schol-
ars would decide which of any contradictory verses was revealed to the Prophet later than the other, and consider the later one as
binding and the earlier one as superseded. hus many pre-modern Muslim scholars have considered the lenient verses, including
2:256, as abrogated. Consequently, they considered as binding the Divine command to ight inidels in order to eradicate unbelief.
Others explained away the tolerant verses in various ways. All the pre-modern explanations eventually recognize the belligerent
verses as the binding ones.43

he critics are aware of the abrogated status habitually accorded to 2:256, but they polemicize against it, wishing to preserve the
validity of its tolerating content. hey argue that it cannot be considered abrogated because it was revealed ater the conquest of
Mecca in 630 CE, shortly before the Prophet’s death. his argument is meaningless. First, there was ample time between the con-

MEMRI Inquiry & Analysis #1205 | Prof. Ella Landau-Tasseron | November 19, 2015

quest of Mecca (630 CE) and the Prophet’s death (632 CE) in which revelation and abrogation occurred. Secondly, while abroga-
tion is decided by the relative antecedence of contradictory verses, Muslim scholars have almost never agreed on the antecedence
or otherwise of speciic verses.44 One of the rare cases of consensus was precisely the matter of warfare against inidels. he sword
verses (9:5, 9:29, among other belligerent verses) have been always considered as superseding all the tolerant verses, whether by
abrogation or by another exegetical device.

Pre-modern Muslim scholars were not concerned with religious freedom as a human right or with the idea of tolerance in the
modern, pluralistic, egalitarian sense. Rather, they discussed coercion in religion because they had to determine the attitude of
Islamic law towards non-Muslims in light of contradictory Koranic verses. Using exegetical techniques to resolve contradictions,
they reached varying opinions on the matter of coercion. hese are examined by Friedmann in his book Tolerance and Coercion.
Diferences aside, all the opinions are based on distinction between various groups of people. here were groups who must be
coerced to convert to Islam or die, such as Arab idolaters, apostates and Manicheans. Others were tolerated, and could continue
practicing their religions as protected-humiliated communities (dhimmi, see above). hus, the potential dhimmis were not co-
erced to convert, yet surrender they must, by force if necessary. Among the pre-modern Muslim scholars there were those who
explicitly stated that Islam was the purpose of creation, and that, eventually, the protected dhimmis must convert too.45 Certain
Koranic verses (e.g. 2:193) have been interpreted in this manner, and apparently they guide ISIS in this vein: “Fight them until
there is no itna anymore, and religion is Allah’s.” As already mentioned in another context, pre-modern Muslims understood the
key term itna as “unbelief.”46

Enforcing the Shari’a in the public sphere is by no means an innovation by ISIS. he verses cited by the critics (13:31, 26:4) indeed
state that inidels exist because Allah so willed; yet there was a complete consensus among pre-modern Muslims that one of the
major tasks of a Muslim ruler was to enforce the Shari’a. he precept, “commanding right and forbidding wrong,” was the basis of
the function of the muhtasib/hisba, which in medieval times involved both supervision of markets and keeping order and moral
conduct in public places. his precept is also the basis of the religious police (hisba) operating in Saudi Arabia today, whose func-
tion is to ensure proper conduct in public (e.g. refraining from smoking during the fast hours of Ramadan), and appropriate dress
and appearance (especially for women).47 A horrendous case that attracted international attention occurred in 2002, when the
religious police in Mecca hindered the rescue of schools girls from a blazing building because they were not properly dressed; it
was “wrong” for the pajama-clad girls to lee out into the public space, and it was also “wrong” for men who were present on the
scene to touch them in order to rescue them. Fiteen girls died in the ire.48 Such a religious police was established by ISIS in the
areas under its control, bearing the medieval name diwan al-hisba.

“Commanding Right and forbidding wrong” has been widely discussed by both pre-modern and modern Muslims. Among the
questions debated, one may ind the following: Is this injunction directed at the authorities or at individuals? Is it to be applied
only in the public sphere, or also in people’s private homes? Some religious leaders were known for their activism in implementing
this precept. In the fourteenth century Ibn Taymiyya, for example, led his followers through the markets to destroy wine vessels,
for wine is wrong.49 A completely diferent interpretation and application of the injunction are ofered by al-Qaradhawi, one of
the authors of the Letter. He holds that the duty is incumbent on each and every Muslim. his rule serves him as a springboard to
allow both immigration and integration of Muslims in the West, two controversial issues among modern ‘ulama. Al-Qaradhawi
argues that Muslim immigrants who integrate and participate in local politics may implement the duty of “commanding right and
forbidding wrong” among non-Muslims.50 ISIS can thus rely on a panoply of precedents and legal opinions to choose their model
and modes of “commanding right and forbidding wrong.” At any rate they do not seem to be innovative in this matter.

14. Women’s rights

he critics point out that in the ISIS-controlled areas women are treated like prisoners. hey are deprived of freedom of move-
ment, of the right to study, to work and earn a living, and to dress according to their taste. Forced marriages are also customary.
To this the critics react by citing a verse that implies a common source for both males and females (Koran 4:104), and Prophetic

Delegitimizing ISIS On Islamic Grounds: Criticism Of Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi By Muslim Scholars

sayings recommending lenient treatment of women and education for all Muslims. Moreover, the irst Koranic word revealed to
the Prophet was: “read;”51 the critics infer from this report that women must not be denied access to education. (pp. 18-19)

here is no denying that, by modern liberal standards, the Koran, the Hadith and Islamic law contain many discriminatory rules
against women. Nevertheless these rules may be alleviated by interpretation and careful application. Certain regimes and move-
ments apply these rules in an extremely harsh way that is not stipulated by the Shari’a. he critics point the way to improvement of
social conditions for Muslim women without renouncing the Shari’a or adopting a foreign system of law.

15. Children
ISIS forces children to participate in ighting and other atrocities, and also kills and tortures children. In condemning this, the
critics cite Koran 4:75, which urges the Muslims to defend the weak, among them women and children. (p. 19)

he critics could have also referred to the Islamic legal distinction between minors and adults, to stories that the Prophet would
not allow children under 15 (or 14) to participate in jihad. here are also many Shari’a rules concerning the protection of children
and their rights (ahkam al-sighar). I do not know what Islamic models or legal precedents, if any, ISIS uses to justify its treatment
of children.

16. Koranic punishments (Hudud)

he Koran stipulates speciic punishments for certain crimes that are considered crimes against Allah or His religion. For example,
unlawful sexual intercourse incurs public stoning, wine consumption incurs public logging, and thet brings upon the perpetrator
the amputation of hand and/or foot. he critics argue that the Shari’a has developed complex procedures for establishing guilt,
and also for deining mitigating circumstances, the purpose of which has been to avoid implementing the hudud as far as possible.
he critics therefore censure ISIS for hastening to mete out the hudud punishments, contrary to the lenient spirit of the Shari’a.
(p. 19)

Minor diference among the various schools of law notwithstanding, pre-modern Islamic law indeed displays a strong tendency to
limit the application of the hudud as far as possible.52 his may be due to the fact that the law developed under, and in cooperation
with, established and legitimate Muslim regimes. he more consolidated the power of a state, the less brutal it needs to be when
exercising its authority. Apparently, a nascent, controversial Islamic regime such as ISIS may attempt to legitimize itself by display-
ing religious fervor. Application of the hudud is one way of doing so.

17-18. Torture and humiliation of the living; mutilation of the dead

According to its own publications, ISIS regularly practices such acts. he critics blame it for committing un-Islamic atrocities, and
for harming Islam’s image among other nations. (pp. 19-20)

he latter argument is not likely to sway ISIS, which obviously takes pride in these acts and does not see them as a stain on Islam’s
reputation, otherwise it would not have broadcasted them.

As for the former argument, it is indeed grounded in the classical sources, for torture and abuse of the living and the dead are dei-
nitely not part of Islamic law. he Prophet is described as having treated prisoners kindly before putting them to death, and he is
reported to have forbidden mutilating corpses and execution by ire.

It should be noted that execution by ire is not mentioned in the Letter, because the irst such atrocity perpetrated by ISIS oc-
curred in February 2015, several months ater the Letter’s publication. However, the critics would have surely condemned it, for

MEMRI Inquiry & Analysis #1205 | Prof. Ella Landau-Tasseron | November 19, 2015

an explicit prohibition of execution by ire is attributed to Prophet, the reason being that that only Allah may torture by ire (i.e.
in Hell).53 Some pre-modern Muslim scholars nevertheless allowed it, whereas others stipulated that if the enemy resorts to such a
measure, the Muslims are allowed to reciprocate.54 ISIS is obviously aware of this, for it justiied the burning of the Jordanian pilot
(in February 2015) by alluding to the principle of an eye for an eye (al-mu’amala bi-l-mithl). he argument was that he had set ire
to people by iring bombs from his aircrat.55

19. Attributing crimes to God

ISIS ighters attribute their conquests to Allah and not to their own prowess. he critics argue that, by doing so, they also attribute
their atrocious crimes to Allah. hey present as an example the taking over of Farqa in North Eastern Syria, where ISIS ighters
committed their habitual atrocities of torture and abuse. To support their argument the critics cite Koran 7:28: “When they com-
mit an obscenity they say, we found that our fathers did it, and God has ordered us to do it; tell them, God does not order obsceni-
ties, are you telling about God that which you do not know?” (p. 20)

Early Muslims customarily attributed their conquests to Allah, but the sources that report such scenes do not usually tell of tor-
tures and other atrocities committed by the Muslim conquerors, let alone by the Prophet himself. hat such conduct occurred
may be inferred from the fact that pre-modern jurists discussed it and banned it. Pre-modern juristic arguments against torture
and abuse rely on reports about the Prophet and interpretations of the Koran. he critics’ argument – that by attributing its con-
quests to Allah ISIS is also associating Him with its crimes – is thus an innovative theological argument against the perpetration
of atrocities.

20. Destruction of tombs of prophets and of Companions of the Prophet

he critics rebuke ISIS for destroying tombs of prophets and of Companions of Muhammad. hey rely on a reported permission
from the Prophet to visit graves. Koranic verses (102:1-2) also vindicate their argument by stating that visiting graves is beneicial
since it reminds mortals of death (and consequently of the Last Judgment, God’s commands, etc.). Al-Baghdadi justiies the de-
struction of tombs by citing a saying attributed to the fourth caliph ‘Ali, the Prophet’s cousin and son-in-law. ‘Ali reports that the
Prophet instructed him to destroy all idols and tombs that rise above the ground. he critics admit that this report may be true,
but claim that it does not include the tombs of prophets. As proof they note that the Companions buried the Prophet and his clos-
est associates, Abu Bakr and Umar, in a place adjacent to the mosque in Medina, where worshippers come regularly. (pp. 20-21)

he issue of the veneration of the dead and pilgrimage to holy graves has been hotly debated among Muslims. Some conceived it as
an infringement upon monolatrism (the worship of Allah alone), because pilgrims beseech the deceased to intercede with God on
their behalf, or else ask the deceased for help in matters of health, fertility, etc. Among the vehement opponents to these customs
were Ibn Taymiyya and Muhammad b. ‘Abd al-Wahhab.56 hus, while the critics’ textual and historical base may be irm, ISIS is
not the irst Islamic movement to oppose the veneration of the dead.

21. Rebellion against legitimate rulers

he critics regard ISIS as rebels against established, legitimate authority. hey cite Koranic verses and Prophetic sayings enjoining
obedience to Allah, the Prophet and the authorities, and mention Islamic legal rulings regarding the dismissal of rulers from oice.
According to these rules, only when a ruler avowedly becomes an apostate or prevents Muslims from prayer may he be deposed.
Furthermore, only a special legal consultative body (ahl al-hall wa-l-’aqd) may oust him if he sins. It is strictly forbidden to take
up arms against rulers, even if they are unjust, hated and despised. he critics point out that, even if a ruler avoids implementing
the Shari’a, in part or even in full, no violent action is permitted against him, because Allah says (Koran 5:44-45, 47): “Whoever
does not judge according to what Allah has revealed, those are unbelievers”, “...Whoever does not judge according to what Allah
has revealed, those are the wrongdoers”, “...Whoever does not judge according to what Allah has revealed, those are the sinners.”

Delegitimizing ISIS On Islamic Grounds: Criticism Of Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi By Muslim Scholars

his means that there are three degrees: unbelievers, wrongdoers and sinners. Unbelievers are only those who totally prevent the
implementation of the Shari’a in a Muslim country. hose who fail to implement parts of it, or only follow its intent (maqasid)
without implementing every detail, are merely sinners or wrongdoers, i.e., are guilty of Ibn Abbas; this kind of unbelief or sin does
not put them beyond the pale of Islam, as stated by Ibn Abbas.57 Moreover, in certain Muslim countries the religious law is some-
what restricted by ordinances of government (ahkam sultaniyya), for reasons of national security. Such restrictions are legitimate,
say the critics. (pp. 21-22)

he critics cite verses that contradict their own argument. hey argue that rebellion against a ruler is forbidden even if he avoids
implementing the Shari’a, although according to 5:44 such a person is an unbeliever, and no unbeliever may rule over Muslims.
he critics’ underlying assumption is apparently that no Muslim ruler is likely to totally prevent his subjects from fulilling the
Shari’a. Consequently, no Muslim ruler is likely to be guilty of major unbelief, but only of minor unbelief, or of sin or “wrongdo-
ing” (Koran 5:45, 47). In these cases no rebellion is permitted against him. he stance described by the critics is indeed the main-
stream pre-modern Sunni view on the matter of government. his attitude developed under the traumatic impact of the early civil
wars (itan), which were a blatant breach of Muslim solidarity commanded by Allah and the Prophet. he irst and second civil
wars (656-661, 680-692 CE) were particularly distressing to the community because they resulted in permanent rits between
factions ultimately developed into the Khawarij, various Shi’a groups, and the mainstream Sunna. Over the centuries, religious
leaders of the mainstream Sunna developed quietist attitudes in order to avoid discords and bloodshed. Needless to say, the rulers
and their agents fully supported the quietist trend.58

Paradoxically, Koran 5:44-45, 47 are precisely the verses adduced by radicals in order to justify rebellion against certain Muslim
rulers: hey accuse these rulers of avoiding implementation of the Shari’a, thus declaring them to be unbelievers and justifying
rebellion against them.59 Perhaps this is why the critics emphasize that deposition of a ruler depends not on his actions and the
judgment passed on him by others, but on his own explicit rejection of Islam, or his active role in leading Muslims astray. he
radicals’ use of the verse also explains why the critics adduce Ibn Abbas’ interpretation of 5:44. Although the verse states explicitly,
“Whoever does not judge according to what Allah has revealed, those are unbelievers,” the interpretation of Ibn Abbas – that the
unbelief intended in this verse is minor and therefore the perpetrator is still a Muslim – makes it possible to accept rulers even if
they fail to implement Allah’s laws. Radicals, however, are not likely to be convinced by these arguments. In fact they despise the
pre-modern quietist consensus, and they attach a pejorative label to their opponents who reject rebellion, calling them proponents
of “murji’a,” meaning a heretical quietist attitude.60

22. he caliphate
he critics reject al-Baghdadi’s claim to the title of caliph. hey state that the election of a caliph must ensue from a consensus of
all Muslims, and that installing a caliph without such a consensus only leads to discord and internal wars. hey cite the second
caliph, ‘Umar b. al-Khattab, as declaring, “Whoever pledges allegiance to someone without consulting the Muslims, he must not
be followed, nor the one receiving the pledge, lest they be executed.” he critics argue that the number of ISIS supporters does not
exceed a few tens of thousands. So, if ISIS recognizes the rest of the Muslims, numbering some 1.5 billion, as believers, then al-
Baghdadi cannot be caliph, because he is not accepted by all these Muslims. And if ISIS regards all Muslims who are not its follow-
ers to be unbelievers, then again al-Baghdadi cannot be caliph, because his supporters are too few to require a caliph. (pp. 22-23)

he critics’ position relects the familiar Sunni trauma of internal wars (itan). hese wars erupted precisely because of lack of con-
sensus about leadership. Oppositions to caliphs arose in all Muslim caliphates, and at the same time theories evolved that outlawed
all opposition. hese theories are based on the duty to obey God and His representatives, the duty to preserve Muslim unity and
solidarity, and the appeal to the consensus of the community.

he argument that a small number of Muslims does not need a caliph has no basis in Islamic sources; moreover, it seems unwar-
ranted in view of the early history of the caliphate. When the irst caliph, Abu Bakr, was nominated in 632, the size of the Muslim

MEMRI Inquiry & Analysis #1205 | Prof. Ella Landau-Tasseron | November 19, 2015

community in the Hijaz was very small compared to the numbers of the Arab tribes who rejected the new caliph’s authority. Abu
Bakr had to impose his rule by both force and diplomacy, in what has become known as “he Apostasy Wars” (hurub al-ridda),
recorded in every book on the history of Islam. he historical precedent from the pristine period thus speaks against the critics’

It should be noted that ISIS uses very similar arguments when trying to invalidate the caliphate of Mullah Omar in Afghanistan.
Although not shy of internal wars and bloodshed, ISIS appeals to the consensus of the Muslims, which Mullah Omar lacks, and
cites precisely the same hadiths adduced by the critics in their letter. 61

23-24. Ailiation with nation states and immigration

ISIS aspires to abolish the nation states and establish in their place a single uniied caliphate. In this context al-Baghdadi declared
that Syria and Iraq do not belong to the Syrians and the Iraqis, respectively, and called upon all Muslims to immigrate to the ISIS-
controlled areas. he critics’ response to this is that calling foreigners to settle in Syria and Iraq is comparable to Israel’s encourage-
ment of Jewish newcomers to settle in Israel at the expense of the local Palestinians. hey also assert that ailiation with places
does not contradict Islam, as proved by the Prophet’s attachment to Mecca and to Medina. Finally, they cite the famous Prophetic
saying, “here should be no immigration ater the conquest [of Mecca in 630 CE]; rather, jihad and intention [to please God].”
(pp. 23-24)

Obviously, the material cited by the critics about attachment to speciic places cannot be taken to refer to nation states, since the
latter are a modern creation that has no legal basis in Islam. However, nation states exist and have long been accepted as legal by all
Muslims. Arabs and Muslims did not reject the idea of nation states even though, in the Middle East, it was related to the demise
of the Ottoman caliphate, and even though it was artiicially implemented by imperial powers. During the twentieth century, the
nation state superseded both pan Arabism and pan-Islamism. However, for radicals who wish to emulate pristine Islam, nation
states are a foreign element that must be uprooted.

ISIS’ call for a caliphate presents a dilemma to many non-radical Muslims, because, while they reject ISIS, they cannot openly
denounce the idea of the caliphate.62 One solution, albeit an impractical one, is to envisage a caliphate formed through consensus
rather than violence. Al-Qaradhawi, for example, argued: “A group cannot just announce a caliphate. his is not the way to estab-
lish a caliphate. A caliphate can be established when several Muslim countries, which are ruled by the Shari’a, come together and
form a caliphate. It doesn’t have to be like the original Islamic Caliphate. It can take the form of a federation or a confederation.
We can form a union like the Europeans, which will develop gradually”.63

he issue of immigration (hijra) is a diferent matter. It was discussed in early Islam in the context of the relative status of early
Muslims. Ater the Prophet’s migration to Medina many of his followers joined him there. he Immigrants were the elite of the na-
scent Muslim community. In order to distinguish between this early elite and later converts, a saying was attributed to the Prophet
denying the status of Immigrant to those who joined the community ater the conquest of Mecca in 630 CE. he Immigrants re-
mained highly revered in the Muslim community, although actual power was gained by the later converts, the Quraysh of Mecca.

Pre-modern Muslim scholars continued to discuss migration, but in a completely diferent context. When territories that had
been conquered by Muslims changed hands and reverted to other powers, the question arose whether Muslims who lived there
were obliged to migrate to Muslim lands, or could continue living under the authority of inidels. Opinions difered. Some schol-
ars held that if the authorities prevented Muslims from practicing their religion, they had to migrate to Islamic territory, but oth-
erwise they could stay. Others enjoined migration under any circumstances. ISIS considers itself the only true Islamic land and all
other regimes as unbelievers. It can therefore call upon its supporters to leave their homes and migrate to ISIS-controlled territo-
ries, on the basis of pre-modern legal opinions. From this point of view, migration to ISIS territories is the correct course of action,
both because inidel lands are no place for Muslims and because this is an emulation of the Prophet and his early Companions.

Delegitimizing ISIS On Islamic Grounds: Criticism Of Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi By Muslim Scholars

he Letter’s Conclusion
Concluding their Letter, the critics emphasize the theme of mercy, citing Koranic verses and hadiths to prove that Allah is merciful
and Islam is the Religion of Mercy. hey call upon ISIS to repent and return to the true religion.

Following this conclusion, but before the executive summary and signatures, the critics cite a passage from a book on eschatology,
Kitab al-Fitan by Nu’aym b. Hammad (died 838 CE). In this passage, the fourth Caliph Ali Ibn Abi Talib (died 661 CE) foretells
the advent of the Abbasid dynasty in 749 CE, and warns the Muslims against following and assisting them. He characterizes the
Abbasids as bearers of black banners, ruthless, treacherous, and presuming to propagate true Islam while in fact deviating from it.
He says they will use teknonyms (like “Abu Muhammad”) and relational names (like al-Khurasani), and wear their hair long, like
women. hey will quarrel among themselves and then Allah will bring the truth to whoever He chooses.

he critics draw parallels between ‘Ali’s prediction and ISIS, stating that the black banners, the cruelty, the internal quarrels, the
breaking of alliances and the use of teknonyms,64 all are applicable to ISIS in every detail. he conclusion is obviously that, just as
‘Ali warned against following the Abbasids, so people must be warned against following ISIS. he truth that Allah will eventually
reveal to those He chooses is true Islam as expounded in the present Letter, say the critics (pp. 24-27). hese remarkable parallels
between ISIS and the Abbasids, as described in the passage attributed to ‘Ali, have been noted as early as July 8, 2014, apparently
by the Egyptian doctor Raghib al-Sirjani,65 though the critics do not mention this fact. Obviously the analogy between Allah’s
truth and the Letter is their own addition, and an audacious one too.

‘Ali Ibn Abi Talib, the cousin and son in law of the Prophet, to whom this prophecy is ascribed, became the fourth caliph in 656
CE and was assassinated in 661. He became the eponym of the Shi’a party which aspired to restore the rule of his descendants.
he Abbasid dynasty (749-1248 CE) claimed to replace ‘Ali’s descendants as representatives of the family of the Prophet, but the
Shi’a rejected the claim and strongly resented the Abbasids. ‘Ali’s prophecy is one of many Shi’i reports that express hatred of, and
disappointment with, the Abbasid dynasty. he Abbasids, however, gained the recognition of the majority of Sunni Muslims and
continued to face Shi’i opposition for centuries. Hence, the critics put themselves in an odd position by citing Ali’s warning against
the Abbasids. What we have here is moderate Sunnis censuring radical Sunnis by relying on an anti- Sunni report. Last but not
least, the critics state that they are applying a 1,200 years old saying (sic., they mean an over 1,350 years old saying) to the present,
ignoring the fact that they denounced ISIS for applying Koranic verses – 1,400 years old – to the present (above p. 3). If anything,
the eternal Koran is more apt than a hadith by ‘Ali to be applicable to times and places other than the seventh century.

hroughout the Letter the critics reject the legitimacy and authority of al-Baghdadi and ISIS and denounce their doctrines, poli-
cies and practices. hey detail many atrocities perpetrated by the organization and express in many ways their view that ISIS devi-
ates from Islam, which is a merciful religion. Nevertheless the critics express some appreciation of ISIS’ basically good intentions
and of the courage and dedication of its members. For the most part the critics rely on Islamic sources, sometimes giving their own
interpretations to the same texts used by ISIS. Occasionally they commit the same methodological errors that they point out in
critiquing ISIS’ argumentations.

he critics make no reference to the fact that ISIS insists not only on legitimizing itself but also on building an Islamic state accord-
ing to Islamic models. First, ISIS describes al-Baghdadi’s qualiications in accordance with the classical requirements from a caliph.
Second, ISIS avoids emulation of nation state models, reviving instead early and classical Islamic institutions. Among them are the
bay’a (the contract between the ruler and the community), the laws for the seizure of war booty, the poll tax (jizya), the Koranic
punishments for speciic crimes (hudud), Shari’a courts, and courts for complaints against state oicials (mazalim). Al-Baghdadi
sometimes punishes or even executes judges when their decrees displease him, but so did pre-modern Muslim rulers. he mon-
etary system too reverted to the seventh century. During 2015, ISIS minted copper, silver and gold coins emulating the coins of

MEMRI Inquiry & Analysis #1205 | Prof. Ella Landau-Tasseron | November 19, 2015

the early caliphate.66 Most of the horrendous practices too have precedents in the conduct of the Prophet and his Companions and
were common at their time. Taking young girls as sex slaves, executing people by beheading, and ofering polytheists the choice
between conversion and the sword are amply documented in the biographies of the Prophet, the Companions and the Islamic law
books. Some of ISIS crimes perhaps have no precedent in the Prophet’s conduct, but ISIS inds Islamic justiications for them too.

Interestingly, the Taliban of Pakistan challenge the legitimacy of al-Baghdadi on religious grounds, with arguments that are some-
times parallel, and sometimes diferent from, those recorded in this Letter. Like the latter the Taliban argue that the lack of con-
sensus on al-Baghdadi and the discord that he causes delegitimize his rule. hey also contend that he is not eligible to be caliph to
begin with because he lacked religious and political leadership prior to his self-nomination. In contrast to the Letter, the Taliban
accuse al-Baghdadi, among other things, of being insuiciently strict in imposing Islamic rule, namely of failing to strictly imple-
ment the Koranic punishments, to collect the legal alms (zakat), to levy the poll-tax and to invite inidels to convert (regardless
of the fact that all these are, in fact, practiced by ISIS). he Taliban also accuses al-Baghdadi of killing a great number of jihad
ighters (they omit mention of murdered civilians). he Taliban, who declare that jihad will never stop and act accordingly, also
blames ISIS for failing to defend Islam and to provide peace and security.67 his accusation is of course ironic, coming from the
Taliban. Al-Baghdadi, however, might argue that he is working on achieving peace and security, since these can only be provided
under true Islamic rule, which he is ighting to establish (see p. 5-6 above). he Taliban’s accusations are probably a response to an
ISIS fatwa published in its Magazine Dabiq ( July 2015) that invalidated Mullah Omar’s caliphate on religious grounds. Among
other things, the fatwa stated that Mullah Omar cannot be caliph because he is not a member of the Quraysh tribe, as required
by the Shari’a; that he is a regional leader, not a universal caliph, and that the contract (bay’a) between him and his supporters did
not name him caliph.68

Both al-Baghdadi and his critics see themselves as adhering to, and practicing Islam in its correct form. Both rely on Islamic sacred
sources. However, the reading and interpretation of the sources are always and of necessity selective. he reason for this is the fact
that they contain various, oten contradictory rulings, relecting both disagreements among Muslims and developments over time.
Was this not the case, history would not have witnessed endless quarrels among Muslims, each faction claiming that it is the only
one that follows the right path. Various techniques and interpretations were developed over time to solve the problem of contra-
dictions. he result is a panoply of options to choose from, on each and every issue.

Emulating the Prophet and making Allah’s word reign supreme are ideals directly derived from classical Sunni Islamic consensus,
doubtlessly shared by many non- radical, even moderate, Muslims. However, it is obvious that most of the Muslims are not driven
to commit atrocities in the name of these core ideals. hey practice their religion without emulating each and every act performed
in the seventh century.

* I wish to thank Yigal Carmon, founder and president of MEMRI, for bringing to my attention the document discussed in this article. hanks are also due to Yael
Yehoshua from MEMRI for assistance and useful suggestions, and to Barak Bari, a Research Fellow at the New America Foundation, for important references and

1 he date of its declaration is usually given as June 29, 2014. See “Dai’sh Yu’lin Iqamat al-Khilafa al-Islamiyya,” he BBC, June 30, 2014, at
middleeast/2014/06/140629_iraq_isis_caliphate (accessed July 26, 2015). he Caliphate emerged in the vacuum created in the atermath of the 2003 invasion of Iraq.
It branched of from al-Qaeda in Iraq, and was irst known as ISIS and ISIL (“he Islamic State in Iraq and Syria”, or “in Iraq and the Levant”), terms that are still in
general use by non-members of the organization. I shall conform to the general usage (ISIS) rather than the organization’s self-appellation (IS). See a brief history of
ISIS on al-Jazeera: (accessed October 23, 2015), and in more detail, Cole Bunzel, “From Paper State
to Caliphate: he Ideology of the Islamic State”, he Brookings Project, Analysis Paper, No. 19, March 2015, at
papers/2015/03/ideology-of-islamic-state-bunzel/the-ideology-of-the-islamic-state.pdf (accessed October 23, 2015).

On the structure and legal basis of ISIS see Andrew F. March and Mara Revkin, “Caliphate of Law,” Foreign Afairs, April 15, 2015, at
articles/syria/2015-04-15/caliphate-law (accessed August 21, 2015).

2 Bin Bayyah is considered one of the 500 most inluential Muslim scholars, see (accessed August 23,
2015). He has issued a fatwa against ISIS, see Dina Temple-Raston, “Prominent Muslim Sheik Issues Fatwa against ISIS Violence,” NPR, September 25, 2014, at http://

Delegitimizing ISIS On Islamic Grounds: Criticism Of Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi By Muslim Scholars
20 (accessed August 23, 2015). He was also involved in the Mardin
Peace Conference, convened in March 2010 to spread the message that Islam is a religion of peace, see (accessed
August 23, 2015).

3 For an Islamic controversy concerning al-Qaradhawi, his views and methodology see e.g. Ron Shaham, “he Rhetoric of Legal Disputation,” Islamic Law and Society 22,
2015, 114-141.

4 See S. Helfont, Yusuf al-Qaradawi: Islam and Modernity, Tel Aviv, he Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies, 2009, 59-88; however, on July
27, 2015, al-Qaradhawi issued a declaration banning suicide attacks in Palestine, see MEMRI Special Dispatch No. 6116, Sheikh Al-Qaradawi: ‘Permission Previously
Given to Palestinians to Carry Out Suicide Attacks – No Longer Valid,’ July 28, 2015 . On ‘Allam and Jum’a, see MEMRI Special Dispatch No. 6104, Current and
Former Egyptian Mutis: Ramadan is the Month of Victory and Conquests, July 14, 2015.

5 (accessed July 8, 2015).

6 he irst signature on the original Letter is that of the Sultan of the Sokoto Caliphate in Nigeria, Abu Bakr Muhammad Sa’d.
here are many more condemnations of ISIS by senior Muslim religious igures, see e.g. “Egypt’s Top Religious Authority Condemns ISIS,”, August
12, 2014, at (accessed July 15, 2015); “Muslim
Leaders Reject Baghdadi’s Caliphate”,, July 7, 2014, at
ate-20147744058773906.html (accessed July 19, 2015); Dr. ‘Ali al-Hakami, “Wilayat Da’ish Batila”, al-Madina, September 21, 2014, at
(accessed July 20, 2015).

7 A kunya (teknonym), namely the construct “Abu So-and-So” – in this case Abu Bakr – is usually a term of respect, whereas a laqab (soubriquet, nickname) is usually
either neutral or pejorative.

8 he injunction to ight the inidels occurs many times in the Koran; see Ella Landau-Tasseron, “Jihad,” he Encyclopedia of the Qur’an, ed. Jane McAulife, vol. 3, Leiden:
Brill, 2003, 35-43. For the ubiquitous belligerent Prophetic saying, “I was ordered to ight the people until they say, ‘there is no God but Allah,’” see e.g. Bukhari, Sahih
al-Bukhari, Damascus and Beirut: Dar Ibn Kathir (1993), 1/17 (Kitab al-Iman No. 25). he following link gives 444 references to this hadith: http://library.islamweb.
net/hadith/hadithsearch.php?srchtxt=%C3%E3%D1%CA%20%C3%E4%20%C3%DE%C7%CA%E1&startno=0. For a collection of “mercy” sayings cited from
Ibn Hanbal, Bayhaqi and Muslim, among others, see

9 See Yohanan Friedmann, Tolerance and Coercion: Interface Relations in the Muslim Tradition, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003, 118.

10 Speciic and conditioned verses are those whose application or implementation is restricted. An abrogated verse is a Koranic verse that was superseded by another verse,
revealed to Muhammad at a later stage. Ambiguous verses are those that should not normally be used as legal proof because they are not unequivocal.

11 See e.g. Ibn Kathir, Tafsir Qur’an al-’Azim, Cairo: al-Maktaba al-Tijariyya al-Kubra, n.d. 3/300-302; Waki’, Akhbar al-Qudat, Beirut: ‘Alam al-Kutub, 2001, 296. he
verses usually invoked in classical Islam in support of the caliphate are 2:28 and 38:25.

12 See e.g. Adis Duderija, Constructing a Religiously Ideal ‘Believer’ and ‘Woman’ in Islam: Neo Traditional Salai and Progressive Muslims’ Methods of Interpretation, New
York: Palgrave McMillan, 2011; M. Hakan Yavuz, Towards an Islamic Enlightenment: he Gulen Movement, New York: Oxford University Press, 2013, especially 47-68;
Shmuel Bar, Warrant for Terror: he Fatwas of Radical Islam and the Duty to Jihad, Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littleield, 2006; Jonathan A. C. Brown, “Is Islam Easy to
Understand or Not?: Salais, the Democratization of Interpretation, and the Need for the Ulema,” Journal of Islamic Studies 26/2 (2015), 117-144.

13 See R. Firestone, Jihad: he Origin of Holy War in Islam, 47-65; Landau-Tasseron, “Jihad.”

14 Al-Qaradhawi mentions several medieval scholars who adhered to this principle, see al-Shari’a wa-Taghayyur al-Fatwa”,
A8022/ November 30, 2001 (accessed August 21, 2015). He discusses the matter on his oicial site, see
cle/220-2014-01-26-18-21-41/2014-01-26-18-26-08/742- (accessed September 7, 2015).

15 See e.g. Ibn Nujaym, al-Ashbah wa-l-Naza’ir, Beirut: Dar al-Kutub al-’Ilmiyya, 1999, 1/73-75; al-Kilani, Rashad Salih al-Kilani, Taghayyur al-Fatwa bi-Taghayyur al-
Azman wa-l-Ahwal, Riyadh: Jami’at al-Imam Muhammad Ibn Sa’ud, 2010; Hanan bint Muhammad Justaniyya, Darurat Tubihu al-Mahzurat, Riyadh: Jami’at al-Imam
Muhammad Ibn Sa’ud, 2010.

16 hese rules are known as iqh al-aqaliyyat. In fact, al-Qaradhawi relies on Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya cited here, see Shammai Fishman, Fiqh al-Aqaliyyat: A Legal heory for
Muslim Minorities, Washington D.C.: Hudson Institute, 2006, at (accessed
July 16,2015); Jakob Skovgaard-Petersen and Bettina Graf, he Global Muti: he Phenomenon of Yousuf al-Qaradawi, New York: Columbia University Press, 2009.

17 A search for taghayyur al-fatwa on the web produced 54,500 results in 30 seconds.

18 See Landau-Tasseron, “Non-Combatants in Muslim Legal hought,” Washington D.C.: Hudson Institute 2006, at
attachment/1136/20061226_noncombatantsinal.pdf (accessed August 23, 2015).

19 See al-Hakim al-Naysaburi, al-Mustadrak, Beirut: Dar al-Ma’rifa, 1998, 2/ 484, on the treatment of the messengers sent to Muhammad by his archenemy, the false
prophet Musaylima.

MEMRI Inquiry & Analysis #1205 | Prof. Ella Landau-Tasseron | November 19, 2015

20 Helfont, Yusuf al-Qaradawi, 80-81.

21 See MEMRI Special Dispatch No. 1785, Major Jihadi Cleric and Author of Al-Qaeda’s Shari’a Guide to Jihad: 9/11 Was a Sin, December 14, 2007, (accessed August
21, 2015).

22 “And when the sacred months are past, then kill the idolaters wherever you ind them, and seize them, besiege them, and lie in wait for them in every lookout; but if they
repent, and perform the regular prayers and pay zakah, then let them go: for Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.”

23 “Fight those from amongst the People of the Book who do not believe in God and the Last Day, and do not forbid what God and His messenger have forbidden, and
do not adhere to the religion of truth - until they pay the jizya out of their hand, humiliated.”

24 See Friedmann, Tolerance and Coercion, 98-100.

25 Yousuf al-Qaradawi, Fiqh al-Jihad: Dirasa Muqarina li-Ahkamihi wa-Falsafatihi i Daw’ al-Qur’an wa-l-Sunna, Cairo: Maktabat Wahba, 2009, 1/315-324, 365-69,
2/1194-5; the same opinion about the conquests is held by the Shi’i scholar Murtaza Mutahhari, “Jihad in the Qur’an,” in Mehdi Abedi and Gary Legenhausen (eds.)
Jihad and Shahadat: Struggle and Martyrdom in Islam, Houston, Texas: he Institute for Research and Islamic Studies, 1986, 96-7.

26 See Landau-Tasseron, “Non- Combatants.”

27 Al-Qaradhawi applies a similar argument to the idolaters mentioned in Koran 9:5, whom Allah commanded to ight: the war against them was defensive because they
were by deinition aggressors. See al-Qaradhawi, Fiqh al-Jihad, 1/287-88. Cf. Bin Laden’s claim that 9/11 was defensive: Alia Brahimi, Jihad and Just War in the War on
Terror, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010, Chap. 5.

28 he critics refer to the murder of three Syrian truck drivers who failed a test about prayer. he event, a video of which was posted to YouTube in June 2014, occurred in
August 2013, almost a year before the inauguration of al-Baghdadi as Caliph. See (accessed August 24, 2015).

29 See e.g. Wilfred Madelung, “Early Sunni Doctrine Concerning Faith as Relected in the “Kitab al-Iman” of Abu ‘Ubayd al-Qasim b. Sallam (d.224/839),” Studia Isl-
amica 32 (1970), 233-254.

30 See Rif ’at Sayyid Ahmad, al-Nabi al-Musallah, London: Riyad al-Rayyis li-l-Kutub wa-l-Nashr, 1991, 2/77.

31 See Milka Levi-Rubin, “Shurut ‘Umar and Its Alternatives: he Legal Debate on the Status of the Dhimmis,” JSAI 30 (2005), 170-206.

32 See MEMRI Daily Brief No. 53, he ISIS Caliphate and the Churches, August 27 2015.

33 MEMRI JTTM Report, ISIS Issues Dhimma Contract For Christians To Sign, Orders hem To Pay Jizyah, September 3, 2015.

34 See Friedmann, Tolerance and Coercion, 61-69

35 See above p. 6 and note 25.

36 Mentioned in Koran 2:62, 5:69, 22:17, see Sinasi Gündüz, he Knowledge of Life: he Origins and Early History of the Mandaeans and heir Relation to the Sabians of
the Koran and to the Harranians, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994.

37 See Friedmann, Tolerance and Coercion, Chapter 2.

38 See March and Revkin, “Caliphate of Law”.

39 See MEMRI Special Dispatch No. 5833, French and British ISIS Fighters Discuss Use of Yazidi Women as Sex Slaves, September 3, 2014; MEMRI JTTM report,
ISIS Releases Pamphlet on Female Slaves, December 4, 2014. ISIS even held a competition to memorize chapters of the Koran in which the winners were to receive
slave girls, see MEMRI Inquiry and Analysis No. 1181, Sex Slavery In he Islamic State – Practices, Social Media Discourse, And Justiications; Jabhat Al-Nusra: ISIS
Is Taking Our Women As Sex Slaves Too, August 17, 2015.

40 I. Goldziher, Muslim Studies, ed. S.M. Stern, London: George Allen and Unwin ltd., 1967, 2/32-33, 73; R. Gleave, “Personal Piety,” in Jonathan Brockopp (ed.) he
Cambridge Companion to Muhammad, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2010, Chapter 5, 103-122.

41 See the legal ruling by a Palestinian-Jordanian cleric, MEMRI TV Clip No. 5032, A Woman Must Not Have Sex With Her Slave; She Can Marry Him, Turning Him
Into Her Master, August 5, 2015.

42 Translation Friedmann, Tolerance and Coercion, 87.

43 See Friedmann, Tolerance and Coercion, 87-120; Landau-Tasseron, “Jihad.”

44 See Firestone, Jihad, Chapters 3-4.

45 Friedmann, Tolerance and Coercion, 98-100

Delegitimizing ISIS On Islamic Grounds: Criticism Of Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi By Muslim Scholars

46 Also modern exegetes hold the same view, such as the Wahhabi Abu Basir al-Tartusi, Sayd al-Qalam, (no details of publication), at, p.
111 (accessed July 7, 2015).

47 Called “he Hisba,” or “he Authority for Commanding Right and Forbidding Wrong” (Hay’at al-Amr bi-l-Ma’ruf wa-l-Nahy ‘an al-Munkar). Also translated as “the
Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice.”

48 (accessed July 21, 2015).

49 See the monumental work by Michael Cook, Commanding Right and Forbidding Wrong in Islamic hought, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000. On Ibn
Taymiyya see David Waines, “Ibn Taymiyya” in Andrew Rippin (ed.), he Islamic World, London: Routledge, 2008, 374-79; for another case of an activist scholar, see
Nimrod Hurvitz, “Authority within the Hanbali Madhhab: he Case of al-Barbahari,” in Daphna Ephrat and Meir Hatina (eds.), Religious Knowledge, Authority and
Charisma: Islamic and Jewish Perspectives, Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 2014, 36-49 (notes 278-280). For a modern opinion in the matter (which is that
the tenet is to be applied by scholars) see ‘Abdallah b. Ibrahim al-Tariqi, Ahl al-Hall wa-l-’Aqd, Sifatuhum wa-Waza’ifuhum, Mecca: Rabitat al-’Alam al-Islami, 1419,
123-5, 147-50.

50 Helfont, Yusuf al-Qaradawi, 93-94.

51 his is a reference to the story of the irst revelation in which the Angel read to the Prophet (Koran 96, Surat al-’Alaq).

52 See J. Schacht, Introduction to Islamic Law, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1964, Chap. 24.

53 Bukhari, Sahih 3/1098 (Kitab al-Jihad wa-l-Siyar, Bab La Yu’adhdhab bi-Adhab Allah).

54 Ibn Rushd, Bidayat al-Mujtahid wa-Nihayat al-Muqtasid, Beirut: Dar al-Fikr, 1995, 1/309.

55 his was obviously the message conveyed by the pictures of airstrikes and their atermath that were included in the video of the pilot’s execution.

56 Ibn Taymiyya, al-Wasita bayna al-Haqq wa-l-Khalq, Medina: Matabi’ al-Jami’a al-Islamiyya, 2010; idem, Majmu Fatawa Shaykh al-Islam, Medina: Mujamma’ al-Malik
Fahd l-Tiba’at al-Mushaf al-Sharif, 2004 27/214-288; Goldziher, Muslim Studies, 1/209-238; Beránek, Ondřej and Pavel Tupek, From Visiting Graves to heir Destruc-
tion: he Question of Ziyara through the Eyes of Salais. Waltham, MA: Brandeis University, Crown Center for Middle East Studies, 2009.

57 See above p. 13. Ibn Abbas was a cousin of the Prophet, a Companion and an expert on the Koran.

58 See Patricia Crone, God’s Rule: Government and Islam, New York: Columbia University Press, 2004, 135-38, 228-233; M. J. Kister, “Social and Religious Concepts of
Authority in Islam”, JSAI 18 (1994), 84-127; B. Lewis, Islam in History, Chicago: Open Court, 1993, part VI: History and Revolution (especially261-322)

59 Daniel Lav, Radical Islam and the Revival of Medieval heology, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012, 151-8; see also 53-4, 83-4 and passim.

60 Daniel Lav, Radical Islam, Chapters 3-6.

61 See MEMRI JTTM report, In Issue 10 Of ISIS English-Language Magazine ‘Dabiq,’ Fatwa Gives Shari’a-Based Arguments Invalidating Taliban Leader Mullah Omar’s
Claim As Caliph, July 16, 2015; see also below, p. 16.

62 See MEMRI Special Dispatch No. 5895, Columnist On Muslim Brotherhood Website: Most Of he World’s Muslims Want An Islamic Caliphate, December 1, 2014.

63 See MEMRI TV Clip No. 4465, Al-Qaradhawi: Islamic Caliphate Should Look Like he EU, August 26, 2014.

64 In fact the Abbasids habitually used sobriquets like “al-Mansur” etc. rather than relational names such as “al-Baghdadi.”.

65 See “al-Dawla al-Islamiyya i al-Iraq wa-l-Sham” apparently written by Raghib al-Sirjani, founder and manager of the site: Mawqi’ al-Islam, http://forum.islamstory.
html (accessed September 18, 2015)

66 See Andrew F. March and Mara Revkin, “Caliphate of Law,” Foreign Afairs, April 15, 2015 at
On the coinage see MEMERI JTTM Report, ISIS Touts New Currency As Means For Toppling ‘Capitalist Financial System of Enslavement,’ August 31, 2015. Some
of these “revivals” were launched ater the Letter had been posted. On bay’a, see Ella Landau-Tasseron, “he Religious Foundation of Political Allegiance: A Study of
Bay’a in Pre-modern Islam”, Research Monographs on the Muslim World, series 2, paper 4, May 2010, Hudson Institute,

67 MEMRI JTTM Report, In Document, Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan Outlines Shari’a Arguments Against he Legitimacy Of he ISIS Caliphate, August 24, 2015.

68 See MEMRI JTTM Report, “In Issue 10 Of ISIS English-Language Magazine ‘Dabiq,’ Fatwa Gives Shari’a-Based Arguments Invalidating Taliban Leader Mullah
Omar’s Claim As Caliph,” July 16, 2015.

MEMRI Inquiry & Analysis #1205 | Prof. Ella Landau-Tasseron | November 19, 2015
‫وسُمِعتْ مكررة على ألسنة بعض امنتمن لـ "الدولة اإسامية"‪ .‬واأخطاء هي كما يلي‪ :‬أرسل اه‬

‫‪ ‬الرسول ‪ ‬رمة للعامن‪ :‬قال تعاى‪("     " :‬اأنبياء‪ .)107: 44،‬وهذا‬

‫صحيح لكل زمان ومكان ولكل اأكوان‪ .‬فأُرسل ‪ ‬للبشر وللحيوانات وللنبات وللسموات ولإنس‬
‫واجن رمة‪ ،‬وا اختاف ي هذا‪ .‬وهذا كام اه تعاى ي القرآن الكريم وهو عام وغر مقيد‪ .‬لكن‬
‫عبارة "بُعث بالسيف" مقتبساً من حديثٍ وهو خاص ي مكان واحد وزمان واحد وظرف معن قد‬
‫انتهى‪ .‬فا جوز اخلط بن القرآن واحديث بهذه الطريقة؛ وا بن اأمر العام واأمر اخاص؛ وا بن‬

‫‪   ‬‬ ‫اأمر امطلق واأمر امقيد‪ :‬فاه ‪ ‬كتب على نفسه الرمة؛ قال تعاى‪..." :‬‬

‫‪( "... ‬اأنعام‪)13: 6،‬؛ "‪("...              ‬اأنعام‪.)14: 6،‬‬

‫‪( "...‬اأعراف‪ .)116: 7،‬وجاء ي‬ ‫‪   ‬‬ ‫وقال تعاى بأن رمته وسعت كل شيء‪..." :‬‬

‫احديث الصحيح عن الني ‪(( :‬إِنَ ال َلهَ لَمَا قَضَى الْخَلْقَ َكتَبَ عِ ْندَهُ فَوْقَ عَ ْرشِهِ ِإنَ رَحْمَتِي َ‬
‫ضبِي))(‪ .)4‬فا جوز امساواة بن السيف وأمور الغضب والشدة وبن الرمة‪ .‬بل أكثر من ذلك‪ ،‬ا‬
‫َغ َ‬
‫ث بالسيف"‪ ،‬أن هذا يعي أن الرمة مرتبطة بالسيف‪،‬‬
‫جوز أن تكون الرمة للعامن منوطة جملة "بُ ِع َ‬
‫ا كيف يؤثر السيف على العوام الي م يكن فيها سيوف مثل‪ :‬السموات‪،‬‬
‫وهذا غر صحيح‪ .‬وأص ً‬
‫وعام اجن‪ ،‬وعام النبات؟ فمن امستحيل أن يكون إرسال الرسول ‪ ‬رمة للعامن منوطًا ي بعثه‬
‫بالسيف‪ .‬وهذه النقطة ا تثار للجدل اأكادمي‪ ،‬بل فيها عنوان جوهر ما سيأتي‪ ،‬أنه جعل س خطأً س‬
‫السيف ي نفس مستوى الرمة اإهية‪.‬‬

‫اأصول والتفسر‪ :‬بالنسبة لتفسر القرآن الكريم وفهم احديث الشريف وي أصول الفقه‬ ‫‪.1‬‬
‫بشكل عام ي أي مسألة ما‪ ،‬فإن امنهج الذي وضعه اه سبحانه وتعاى ي القرآن الكريم والرسول ‪‬‬
‫ي احديث هو التالي‪ :‬أن يُجْ َمع ميع ما أنزل ي أي مسألة‪ ،‬وا يُركن على اجزء أو البعض‪ ،‬ثم َيحْكُم‬

‫(‪ )1‬قال ابن تيمية ي جموع الفتاوى (‪" :)470/42‬قال الني ‪(( :‬بعثت بالسيف بن يدي الساعة حتى يعبد اه وحده ا شريك له‬
‫وجعل رزقي حت ظل رحي وجعل الذل والصغار على من خالف أمري ومن تشبه بقوم فهو منهم)) واحديث رواه أمد ي امسند عن‬
‫ابن عمر واستشهد به البخاري"‪ .‬واحديث رواه أمد (‪ )10/4‬وإسناده ضعيف‪.‬‬
‫(‪ )3‬رواه البخاري (‪ )7344‬ي كتاب التوحيد ومسلم (‪ )4711‬ي كتاب التوبة‪.‬‬
‫‪  ‬‬ ‫ا لذلك س بناءً على كل النصوص‪ .‬يقول اه ‪..." :‬‬
‫س إن كان أه ً‬

‫‪      ‬‬ ‫‪( "...  ‬البقرة‪")21: 4،‬؛ ويقول اه تعاى‪... " :‬‬

‫‪("...   ‬امائدة‪)11: 1،‬؛ ويقول اه تعاى‪( "    " :‬احجر‪.)11: 11،‬‬

‫وعند مع ميع النصوص جب معرفة أي نص عام وأي نص خاص‪ ،‬وأي نص مقيد وأي‬
‫نص مطلق‪ ،‬وأي آية حكمة وأي آية متشابهة‪ .‬وجب معرفة أسباب النزول جميع النصوص والشروط‬
‫اأخرى الي حددها اأئمة‪ .‬فا جوز ااستدال بآية أو مقتطف من آية دون إحاطةٍ بكل ما جاء ي‬
‫الكتاب والسنة عن اموضوع‪ .‬وسبب هذا هو أن ميع ما جاء ي القرآن حق‪ ،‬وكل ما جاء ي احديث‬
‫الصحيح وحي‪ ،‬فا جوز أن يُرك البعض‪ .‬وبالتالي جب التوفيق بن النصوص قدر امستطاع‪ ،‬أو أن‬
‫يكون هناك سبب واضح لرجيح أمر على أمر‪ .‬وهذا ما شرحه اإمام الشافعي ي "الرسالة" وأمعَ‬
‫عليه علماء اأصول على بَكرة أبيهم‪.‬‬

‫قال إمام احرمن ي كتابه "الرهان ي أصول الفقه" (‪" :)270/4‬فصل ي صفات امفي‬
‫واأوصاف الي يُشرط استجماعه ها ‪ ...‬ينبغي أن يكون امفي عاماً باللغة فإن الشريعة عربية ‪...‬‬
‫ويشرط أن يكون عامًا بالنحو واإعراب ‪ ...‬ويشرط أن يكون عاماً بالقرآن فإنه أصل اأحكام ‪...‬‬
‫ومعرفة الناسخ وامنسوخ ا بد منه وعلم اأصول أصل الباب ‪ ...‬ويستبن مراتب اأدلة واحجج‪،‬‬
‫وعلم التواريخ ‪ ...‬وعلم احديث ليميز بن الصحيح والسقيم وامقبول وامطعون ‪ ...‬وعلم الفقه ‪...‬‬
‫ثم يشرط وراء ذلك كله فقه النفس فهو رأس مال اجتهد ‪ ...‬وعروا عن ملة ذلك بأن امفي من‬
‫يستقل معرفة أحكام الشريعة نصاً واستنباطاً‪ ،‬فقوهم (نصاً) يشر إى معرفة اللغة والتفسر واحديث‪،‬‬
‫وقوهم (استنباطًا) يشر إى معرفة اأصول واأقيسة وطرقها وفقه النفس"‪ .‬وكذلك قال قريباً منه‬
‫اإمام الغزالي ي "امستصفى" (‪ ،)134/1‬واحافظ جال الدين السيوطي ي "اإتقان ي علوم‬
‫القرآن" (‪.)411/3‬‬

‫اللغة‪ :‬كما ذُكر أعاه من أهم أركان اأصول‪ :‬فهم اللغة العربية‪ .‬وهذا يعي فهم علوم اللغة‬ ‫‪.4‬‬
‫والقواعد والنحو والصرف والباغة والشعر وأصل الكلمات والتفسر‪ .‬وبدون هذه العلوم فإن اخطأ‬

‫حتمل‪ ،‬بل مؤكَد‪ ،‬في احظ أن إعان ما ميتموه "اخافة" كان بعنوان "هذا وعد اه" وقصد‬

‫"‪       ‬‬ ‫صاحب اإعان "بوعد اه" اآية الكرمة‪:‬‬

‫‪               ‬‬

‫‪("                ‬النور‪.)11: 43،‬‬

‫ث حصل بعد ‪ 1300‬عام‬

‫ح َد ٍ‬
‫ح ّمل آية من آيات القرآن الكريم بشكل خاص على َ‬
‫لكن ا جوز أن تُ َ‬
‫من نزول القرآن‪ .‬فكيف يقول أبو حمد العدناني بأن وعد اه هو اخافة امزعومة‪" :‬هذا وعد اه"؟‬
‫فعلى فرض صحة زعمه‪ ،‬كان عليه أن يقول‪" :‬هذا من وعد اه"‪ .‬وهناك خطأ آخر لغوي وهو جعله‬

‫‪ ‬‬ ‫معنى "ااستخاف" هو اخافة امزعومة‪ ،‬والدليل على عدم صحة ذلك اآية الكرمة‪..." :‬‬

‫‪( "‬اأعراف‪.)141: 7،‬‬ ‫‪          ‬‬

‫حلُوا ي اأرض بدل قوم آخرين‪ ،‬وم يعنِ أنهم حكام على نظام معن‬
‫فااستخاف يعي أنهم َ‬
‫سياسي‪ .‬فعلى رأي ابن تيمية ا ترادف ي القرآن ‪ . 5‬فهناك فرق بن "اخافة" و"ااستخاف"‪ .‬قال‬
‫( )‬

‫اإمام ابن جرير الطري ي تفسره‪(" :‬ويستخلفكم) يقول‪ :‬جعلكم خلفونهم ي أرضهم بعد هاكهم‬
‫ا خافونهم وا أحدًا من الناس غرهم"(‪ .)6‬وهذا يثبت أنه يقول بأن معنى "ااستخاف" هنا ليس‬
‫احاكمية‪ ،‬وإما السُكنى ي أرضهم‪.‬‬

‫ااستسهال‪ :‬ومن هنا فا جوز الكام دائماً ي "تبسيط اأمور" أو أن يؤخذ مقتطف من‬ ‫‪.1‬‬
‫القرآن بدون فهمه ي سياقه الكامل‪ .‬كما ا جوز أن يقال‪" :‬إن الدِين بسيط‪ ،‬وإن الرسول ‪‬‬
‫وصحابته الكرام كانوا بسطاء‪ ،‬فَلِمَ نعقِد الدِين"؟ وهذا ما فعله أبو الراء اهندي ي مقطع فيديو‬
‫بتاريخ ‪4013/7‬م حيث قال‪":‬افتحوا امصحف واقرأوا آيات اجهاد وكل شيء سيتضح ‪ ...‬كل‬
‫العلماء يقولون لي‪( :‬هذا فرض وذاك ليس فرضاً وهذا ليس وقت اجهاد) ‪ ...‬اتركوا اجميع واقرأوا‬

‫(‪ )1‬قال الشيخ ابن تيمية ي جموع الفتاوى (‪" :) 131/11‬فإن الرادف ي اللغة قليل وأما ي ألفاظ القرآن فإما نادر وإما معدوم"‪.‬‬
‫وقال الراغب اأصفهاني ي كتابه "مفردات القرآن"‪ ،‬ص‪": 11‬وأُ ْتِبعُ هذا الكتاب ‪ ...‬بكتاب ينبئ عن حقيق األفاظ امرادفة على‬
‫امعنى الواحد وما بينها من الفروق الغامضة‪ ،‬فبذلك يُعرف اختصاص كل خر بلفظ من األفاظ امرادفة دون غره من أخواته"‪.‬‬
‫(‪ )6‬تفسر ابن جرير الطري (‪.)42/1‬‬
‫القرآن تعرفوا اجهاد"‪ .‬فعلى اجميع أن يفهم أن الرسول ‪ ‬والصحابة الكرام كانوا متقللن ماديًا‪،‬‬
‫وكانوا يعيشون بدون التكنولوجيا امعقَدة‪ ،‬ولكن كانوا أكر وأعظم منَا ميعاً فهماً وفقهاً وعقاً‪ ،‬ومع‬
‫ذلك كانت قلة قليلة فقط من الصحابة رضي اه عنهم مؤهلة لإفتاء‪ .‬ويقول اه سبحانه وتعاى‪..." :‬‬

‫‪    ‬‬ ‫‪( "...        ‬الزمر‪ .)1: 11،‬ويقول اه تعاى‪..." :‬‬

‫‪      ‬‬ ‫‪( "   ‬اأنبياء‪ )7: 41،‬و(النحل‪ .)31: 16،‬ويقول اه تعاى‪..." :‬‬

‫‪( "...‬النساء‪ .)21: 3،‬فالفقه ليس باأمر السهل‪ ،‬وليس أي إنسان أن‬ ‫‪    ‬‬

‫‪("  ‬الرعد‪ .)11: 11،‬وقال ‪:‬‬ ‫‪ ‬‬ ‫يتحدث فيه ويفي‪ .‬يقول اه سبحانه وتعاى‪..." :‬‬

‫فكفى أيضاً أن يقال‪" :‬حن رجال وهم‬ ‫النار)) ‪.‬‬

‫((من قال ي القرآن بغر علم فليتبوأ مقعده من‬
‫رجال"‪ ،‬ففهم من يقول ذلك ليس مثل فهم من أشر إليه من الصحابة الكرام واأئمة من السلف‬

‫ااختاف‪ :‬أما بالنسبة لاختاف‪ ،‬فااختاف نوعان‪ :‬ااختاف امذموم وااختاف احمود‪.‬‬ ‫‪.3‬‬

‫"‪        ‬‬ ‫أما بالنسبة لاختاف امذموم‪ ،‬يقول اه سبحانه وتعاى‪:‬‬

‫‪  ‬‬ ‫‪("   ‬البينة‪ ،)3: 12،‬وأما بالنسبة لاختاف احمود‪ ،‬فيقول اه تعاى‪..." :‬‬

‫‪( "...       ‬البقرة‪ .)411: 4،‬وهذا رأي اإمام الشافعي ي كتابه "الرسالة"‬

‫وبقية اأئمة اأربعة وميع العلماء منذ أكثر من ألف سنة‪.‬‬

‫وحينما يوجد اختاف بن اأئمة امعترين فينبغي اأخذ باأرحم‪ ،‬أي باأحسن‪ ،‬وا يشدد‪،‬‬

‫وا يُظن أن الشدة هي معيار التقوى‪ .‬يقول اه تعاى‪"...       " :‬‬

‫(الزمر‪ .)11: 11،‬ويقول اه تعاى‪("        " :‬اأعراف‪ .)111: 7،‬ويقول اه‬

‫"‪              ‬‬ ‫تعاى‪:‬‬

‫(‪ )7‬رواه الرمذي (‪ )4110‬ي كتاب تفسر القرآن‪.‬‬

‫‪("‬الزمر‪ .)12: 11،‬ولذلك ورد ي احديث الصحيح عن السيدة عائشة رضي اه عنها‪ :‬قالت‪" :‬ما ُ‬

‫الني ‪ ‬بن أمرين إا اختار أيسرهما"(‪.)8‬‬

‫وا يُعتر الرأي اأشد هو اأتقى وأن ي الشدة درجة أعلى من التدين واإخاص ه ‪.‬‬

‫بل ي الشدة غلو‪ ،‬يقول اه تعاى‪( "...         ..." :‬البقرة‪.)121: 4،‬‬

‫شدَ َد اه عليهم‬ ‫وقال ‪(( :‬ا تُ َ‬

‫شدِدوا على أنفسكم فيُشدَدَ عليكم‪ ،‬فإنَ قوماً شَدَدوا على أنفسهم فَ َ‬
‫‪ .)9())...‬إن ي التشدد غرورًا‪ ،‬أن امتشدد ي طبيعة احال يقول لنفسه‪" :‬أنا متشدد ومَن دوني فيه‬
‫نقص" و "أنا أكمل منه"‪ .‬وفيه أيضاً سوء ظن خفي باه تعاى‪ .‬كأن اه سبحانه وتعاى نزّل القرآن‬

‫ليشقى الناس‪ ،‬قال تعاى‪( "       " :‬طه‪.)4-1: 40،‬‬

‫ومن اجدير بال ِذكْر أن معظم الناس الذين أسلموا عر التاريخ أسلموا بالدعوة احسنة‪ ،‬قال‬

‫"‪                ‬‬ ‫اه تعاى‪:‬‬

‫‪("        ‬النحل‪ .)141: 16،‬وقال رسول اه ‪(( :‬عليك بالرفق وإياك‬

‫والعنف والفحش)) (‪ .) 10‬ولَمَا امتد اإسام سياسياً نتيجة للفتوحات اإسامية‪ ،‬بقي أهالي باد‬
‫الفتوحات‪ ،‬من خُراسان إى امغرب العربي‪ ،‬معظمهم نصارى مئات السنوات إى أن أسلموا بالتدريج‬
‫نتيجة الدعوة احسنة الي حصلت‪ ،‬وليس بالشدة واإكراه‪ .‬وهنالك دول كبرة وأقاليم كاملة أسلمت‬
‫بدون فتوحات نتيجة الدعوة‪ ،‬مثل أندونيسيا وماليزيا وأفريقيا الغربية والشرقية وغرها‪ ،‬فالتشدد ليس‬
‫معيارًا للتقوى وا خيارًا لنشر اإسام‪.‬‬

‫فقه الواقع‪ :‬امراد بفقه الواقع هو كيفية إنزال اأحكام الشرعية على الناس والتعامل معها‬ ‫‪.1‬‬
‫حسب الواقع الذي عليه الناس وأحواهم‪ .‬وذلك بإبصار الواقع الذي يعيشه الناس والتعرف على‬
‫مشكاتهم ومعاناتهم واستطاعتهم وما يتعرَضون له‪ .‬وفقه الواقع ينظر إى النصوص الي تتنزل على‬

‫(‪ )2‬رواه البخاري (‪ )6726‬ي كتاب احدود‪ ،‬ومسلم (‪ )4147‬ي كتاب الفضائل‪.‬‬
‫(‪ )1‬رواه أبو داود (‪ )3103‬ي كتاب اأدب‪.‬‬
‫(‪ )10‬رواه البخاري (‪ )6010‬ي كتاب اأدب‪.‬‬
‫الناس ي واقعهم ي مرحلة معينة من الزمن‪ ،‬وما يؤجل من التكاليف لتوفر ااستطاعة‪ .‬قال اإمام‬
‫الغزالي‪" :‬أما الواقع ي رتبة الضرورات فا بُعْ َد ي أنْ يؤدي إليه اجتهاد وإنْ م يشهد له أصل‬
‫معن"(‪ .)11‬ويقول ابن قيم اجوزية‪" :‬بل ينبغي له أن يكون فقيهاً ي معرفة مكر الناس وخداعهم‬
‫و احتياهم وعوائدهم وعُرفياتهم فإن الفتوى تتغر بتغر الزمان وامكان والعوائد واأحوال‪ ،‬وذلك‬
‫كله من دين اه كما تقدم بيانه"(‪.)12‬‬

‫"‪‬‬ ‫" (اإسراء‪.)11: 17،‬‬ ‫"‪       ‬‬ ‫قتل اأبرياء‪ :‬يقول اه تعاى‪:‬‬ ‫‪.6‬‬

‫‪                  ‬‬

‫‪                   ‬‬

‫‪( "         ‬اأنعام‪ .)111: 6،‬فقتل النفس (أيّ نفس) هو حرام ومن‬

‫"‪             ‬‬ ‫أكر اموبقات‪ ،‬يقول اه تعاى‪:‬‬

‫‪       ‬‬

‫‪         ‬‬

‫‪("           ‬امائدة‪ .)14: 1،‬وقد أقدمتم على قتل‬

‫كثر من اأبرياء الذين م يكونوا حاربن وا مسلحن‪ ،‬لكنهم من خالفونكم ي الرأي ‪.)13‬‬

‫قتل الرسل (السفراء)‪ :‬من امعلوم ي كل اأديان أن قتل الرسل حرام‪ .‬وامراد بالرسل هنا هم‬ ‫‪.7‬‬
‫اأشخاص الذين يُ ْرسَلو َن من قوم آخرين أداء مهمة نبيلة كالصلح أو كإباغ رسالة ما‪ .‬فالرسول‬
‫له حرمة خاصة‪ .‬قال ابن مسعود‪" :‬فمضت السُنَة أن الرسل ا تُقَْتل" ‪ .)14‬والصحفيون س إن كانوا‬

‫صادقن وم يكونوا جواسيس س هم رُسُلُ احقيقة‪ ،‬أن عملهم هو إظهار احقيقة للناس عامة‪،‬‬
‫فقتلتم بدون رمة الصحفين (جيمز فولي) و (ستيفن سوتلوف)‪ ،‬وكان قتلكم لـ (ستيفن سوتلوف)‬

‫(‪ )11‬امستصفى ي أصول الفقه (‪ )340/1‬لإمام الغزالي طبع مؤسسة الرسالة‪.‬‬

‫(‪ )14‬كتاب إعام اموقعن عن رب العامن ابن قيم اجوزية (‪.)117/3‬‬
‫(‪ )11‬والني ‪ ‬م يقتل امخالفن له من امنافقن وم يأذن أحد بقتلهم‪ ،‬وقال ‪(( :‬ا يتحدث الناس إن حمداً يقتل أصحابه))‪ .‬رواه‬
‫البخاري (‪ )3107‬ي كتاب تفسر القرآن‪ ،‬ومسلم (‪ )4123‬ي كتاب الر والصلة‪.‬‬
‫(‪ )13‬رواه اإمام أمد ي مسنده (‪.)106/6‬‬
‫بعدما استنجدتكم أمه وطلبت الرمة وتذللت إليكم‪ .‬وكذلك العاملون بامساعدات اخرية فهم‬
‫أيضًا رُسل‪ :‬رُسل الرمة واخر‪ .‬فكذلك قتلتم العامل بامساعدات اخرية (ديفيد هينز)‪ .‬وما فعلتموه‬
‫حرام بااتفاق‪.‬‬

‫"‪  ‬‬ ‫اجهاد‪ :‬ميع امسلمن يرون الفضل العظيم ي اجهاد‪ .‬يقول اه تعاى‪:‬‬ ‫‪.2‬‬

‫"‪ ‬‬ ‫‪( "...            ‬التوبة‪ .)12: 1،‬ويقول اه تعاى‪:‬‬

‫‪("‬البقرة‪ .)110: 4،‬وآيات أخرى‬ ‫‪           ‬‬

‫كثرة‪ .‬ويرى اإمام الشافعي واأئمة الثاثة اآخرون وميع العلماء أن اجهاد فرض كفاية وليس‬

‫‪         ‬‬ ‫فرض عن‪ ،‬وهذا بدليل قول اه تعاى‪..." :‬‬

‫‪( "  ‬النساء‪ .)11: 3،‬وكلمة "اجهاد" مصطلح إسامي ا يصح أن يستعمل ضد أي مسلم‬

‫آخر‪ ،‬وهذا أصل وأساس‪ .‬وميع العلماء يرون أن اجهاد مشروط بإذن من الوالدين‪ ،‬وذلك بدليل‬
‫فجاهد))‬ ‫أنه جاء رجل إى الني ‪ ‬فأستأذنه ي اجهاد فقال‪(( :‬أحيٌ والداك)) قال‪ :‬نعم‪ ،‬قال ((ففيهما‬
‫(‪ .)15‬واجهاد نوعان ي اإسام‪ .‬اجهاد اأكر الذي هو اجهاد ضد النفس‪ ،‬واجهاد اأصغر الذي هو‬
‫اجهاد ضد العدو‪ ،‬أما بالنسبة للجهاد اأكر فقد قال رسول اه ‪(( :‬رجعنا من اجهاد اأصغر إى‬
‫اجهاد اأكر)) (‪ .)16‬فإن قلتم بأن هذا احديث ضعيف أو موضوع‪ ،‬فاجواب‪ :‬مفاده ي اآية الكرمة‪:‬‬

‫"‪( "       ‬الفرقان‪ .)14: 41،‬وقوله تعاى‪" :‬به" هنا أشارة إى‬

‫القرآن الكريم الذي هو شفاء ما ي الصدور‪ .‬ويؤكد هذا امعنى قول رسول اه ‪(( :‬أا أنبئكم خر‬
‫أعمالكم وأزكاها عند مليككم وأرفعها ي درجاتكم وخر لكم من إنفاق الذهب والوَرق‪ ،‬وخر‬
‫))‬ ‫لكم من أن تلقوا عدوكم فتضربوا أعناقهم ويضربوا أعناقكم))؟ قالوا‪ :‬بلى‪ .‬قال‪(( :‬ذكر اه تعاى‬
‫(‪ .)17‬فإذن اجهاد اأكر هو اجهاد ضد النفس وساحه ذكر اه تعاى وتزكية النفس‪ .‬وقد أوضح اه‬

‫(‪ )11‬رواه البخاري برقم (‪ )1003‬ي كتاب اجهاد‪.‬‬

‫(‪ )16‬رواه البيهقي ي كتاب الزهد (‪ )161/4‬واخطيب البغدادي ي تاريخ بغداد (‪.)141/1‬‬
‫(‪ )17‬رواه اإمام مالك ي اموطأ (‪ )310‬ي كتاب النداء للصاة‪ ،‬الرمذي (‪ )1177‬ي كتاب الدعوات‪ ،‬وابن ماجه (‪ )1710‬ي كتاب‬
‫اأدب‪ ،‬وصححه احاكم ي امستدرك على الصحيحن (‪.)671/1‬‬
‫"‪      ‬‬ ‫سبحانه وتعاى العاقة بن اجهادين ي آية أخرى وهي‪:‬‬

‫" (اأنفال‪ .)31: 2،‬فالثبات هو اجهاد اأصغر يُناط باجهاد‬ ‫‪     ‬‬

‫اأكر الذي هو اجهاد ضد النفس بالذكر والتزكية‪ .‬وعلى أية حال‪ ،‬فاجهاد وسيلة للسام واأمن‬

‫"‪     ‬‬ ‫وااطمئنان وليس غاية حد ذاتها‪ .‬وهذا واضح من قوله تعاى‪:‬‬

‫‪( "‬البقرة‪ .)111: 4،‬وقد قلتم ي خطبتكم بتاريخ‬ ‫‪         ‬‬

‫‪4013/7/3‬م إنه‪" :‬ا حياة بدون جهاد" ورما هذا الكام نتيجة تفسر القرطي لآية الكرمة‪:‬‬

‫"‪("...            ‬اأنفال‪ .)43: 2،‬فإن اجهاد احقيقي‬

‫حيي القلب‪ .‬ولكن رما تكون حياة بدون جهاد‪ ،‬أنه رما يأتي وضع معن على امسلمن ا يستلزم‬
‫فيه قتال‪ ،‬وا جب فيه جهاد‪ ،‬وي التاريخ اإسامي أمثلة كثرة على ذلك‪.‬‬

‫وحقيقة يُرى فيكم وي مقاتليكم شجاعة واستعداد للتضحية ونية اجهاد‪ ،‬وا ينكر هذا أحدٌ‬
‫س صديقًا كان أو عدوًا إن كان صادقاً س تابَ َع اأحداث‪ ،‬لكن اجهاد بدون سبب مشروع وغاية‬
‫مشروعة ومن غر أسلوب مشروع ومن دون نية مشروعة ليس جهادًا‪ ،‬بل حرابة وإجرام‪.‬‬

‫أ) النية‪ :‬يقول اه تعاى‪( "      " :‬النجم‪ ،)11: 11،‬وعن أبي موسى اأشعري‬

‫قال جاء رجل إى الني ‪ ‬فقال‪ :‬الرَجُلُ يُقَاتِلُ حَ ِمَيةً َويُقَاتِلُ شَجَا َعةً َويُقَاتِلُ ِريَاءً َفأَيُ ذَلِكَ فِي سَبِيلِ‬
‫ل ِلَتكُونَ كَلِ َمةُ اللَهِ هِيَ ا ْلعُ ْليَا َفهُوَ فِي سَبِيلِ ال َلهِ))(‪ .)18‬وقال الني ‪(( :‬أول الناس‬
‫ل‪َ (( :‬منْ قَاَت َ‬
‫ال َل ِه؟ قَا َ‬
‫يُقضى يوم القيامة عليه رجل استشهد فأتي به‪ ،‬فعرَفه نعمه فعرفها‪ ،‬قال‪ :‬فما عملت فيها؟ قال‪:‬‬
‫قاتلت فيك حتى استشهدت‪ .‬قال‪ :‬كذبت‪ .‬ولكنك قاتلتَ أن يُقال جريء‪ ،‬فقد قيل‪ .‬ثم أمر به‬
‫فسحب على وجهه حتى ألقي ي النار ‪.)19())...‬‬

‫ب) سبب اجهاد‪ :‬هو أن يقاتل امسلمون من يقاتلهم‪ ،‬وا يقاتلوا أحداً م يقاتلهم وا يعتدوا على‬

‫"‪       ‬‬ ‫أحد م يعتد عليهم‪ .‬فإن قوله تعاى باإذن ي اجهاد هو‪:‬‬

‫(‪ )12‬رواه البخاري (‪ )7312‬ي كتاب التوحيد‪ ،‬ومسلم (‪ )1103‬ي كتاب اإمارة‪.‬‬
‫(‪ )11‬رواه مسلم (‪ )1101‬ي كتاب اإمارة‪.‬‬
‫‪                   ‬‬

‫‪               ‬‬

‫‪( "      ‬احج‪ .)30-11 ،‬فاجهاد مرتبط باأمن‪ ،‬وحرية الديانات‪ ،‬وبظلم سابق‬

‫قد وقع ي اأرض‪ ،‬وباإخراج من الديار‪ .‬وهاتان اآيتان نزلتا بعد ثاثة عشر عامًا من التعذيب‬
‫والقتل وااضطهاد والظلم للني ‪ ‬والصحابة من ِقبَ ِ‬
‫ل امشركن‪ .‬فا جهاد هجومياً عدوانيًا بسبب‬
‫اختاف الرأي أو الدِين‪ .‬وهذا رأي أبي حنيفة ومالك وأمد وميع العلماء ما فيهم ابن تيمية‪ .‬وم‬
‫خالف ي ذلك إا بعض الشافعية(‪.)20‬‬

‫ج) غاية اجهاد‪ :‬أما بالنسبة لغاية اجهاد فهي أيضاً موضوع اتفاق عند العلماء لقول اه تعاى‪:‬‬

‫‪( "  ‬البقرة‪.)111: 4،‬‬ ‫"‪ ‬‬

‫‪             ‬‬

‫وكذلك قول رسول اه ‪(( :‬أُ ِمرْتُ أن أقاتل الناس حتى يقولوا ا إله إا اه‪ ،‬فمن قال‪ :‬ا إله إا‬
‫اه فقد عصم مي نفسه وماله إا حقه وحسابه على اه)) (‪ .)21‬فهذا هو غاية اجهاد بعد أن يُحارب‬
‫امسلمون‪ .‬فهذه النصوص حدد صورة الفوز ي حالة انتصار امسلمن‪ ،‬وا يُخلط بن غاية اجهاد‬
‫وسببه‪ ،‬وهذا ما اتفق عليه ميع اأئمة‪ .‬وهذا احديث قد حقق وهو منوط باآية الكرمة بالوعد ي‬

‫"‪              ‬‬ ‫قوله تعاى‪:‬‬

‫‪ ‬‬ ‫‪( "‬الفتح‪ .)42: 32،‬فقد حقق ي اجزيرة العربية ي عصر رسول اه ‪ ‬فإن اه تعاى قال‪..." :‬‬

‫"‪       ‬‬ ‫وقوله تعاى‪:‬‬ ‫(اأنعام‪)14: 6،‬‬ ‫‪"...   ‬‬

‫‪( "...‬التوبة‪ .)141: 1،‬وقال الرسول ‪(( :‬أخرجوا امشركن من جزيرة العرب)) (‪ .)22‬وكيف ا يكون هذا‬

‫"‪      ‬‬ ‫حققًا واه تعاى وعد بذلك رسوله ‪ ‬حيث قال سبحانه‪:‬‬

‫‪("‬الصف‪)1: 61،‬؟ وامقصود هنا جب أن يكون ي اجزيرة‬ ‫‪      ‬‬

‫العربية ما أن هذا حصل ي حياة رسوله الكريم ‪ .‬وعلى أية حال‪ ،‬فأمراء اجهاد أن يوقفوا القتال‬

‫(‪ )40‬انظر كتاب الدكتور وهبة الزحيلي‪ :‬أحكام احرب ي اإسام‪.‬‬

‫(‪ )41‬رواه البخاري (‪ )4136‬ي كتاب اجهاد‪.‬‬
‫(‪ )44‬رواه البخاري (‪ )1011‬ي كتاب اجهاد‪ ،‬ومسلم (‪ )1617‬ي كتاب الوصية‪.‬‬
‫‪   ‬‬ ‫دون ذلك اهدف إن رأوا ي ذلك مصلحة للمسلمن‪ ،‬وذلك لقوله تعاى‪..." :‬‬

‫‪( "   ‬البقرة‪ .)111: 4،‬وأحداث وظروف "صلح احديبية" أكر دليل على ذلك‪.‬‬

‫د) أسلوب اجهاد‪ :‬ملخص ما جاء ي أسلوب اجهاد هو قول رسول اه ‪(( ‬اغزوا وا تغلّوا وا‬
‫تغدروا وا مّثلوا وا تقتلوا وليداً ‪ .)23())...‬وقال رسول اه ‪ ‬يوم فتح مكة‪(( :‬ا يُقتل مدبر وا‬
‫يُجهز على جريح ومن أغلق بابه فهو آمن)) (‪ .)24‬وكذلك قول سيدنا أبي بكر الصديق ‪ ‬حينما جهز‬
‫جدُونَ َأقْوَامًا قَدْ حَبَسُوا أَنْفُسَ ُهمْ ي َهذِهِ الصَوَامِعِ فَاتْرُكُوهُمْ َومَا‬
‫ستَ ِ‬
‫جيشًا وبعثه للشام ‪َ " :‬وإَِن ُكمْ َ‬
‫سهِمْ مَقَا ِعدَ َيعْنِى الشَمَامِسَةَ‬
‫شيْطَانُ عَلَى رُءُو ِ‬
‫جدُونَ َأقْوَامًا َقدِ اتَخَذَ ال َ‬
‫ستَ ِ‬
‫س َهمْ َو َ‬
‫حَبسُوا َلهُ أَنْفُ َ‬
‫ق َواَ تَ ْقتُلُوا َكبِرًا هَ ِرمًا وَاَ امْ َرأَةً وَاَ وَلِيدًا وَاَ تُخَرِبُوا عُمْرَانًا وَاَ تَقَطَعُوا‬
‫أ ْعنَا َ‬
‫فَاضْرِبُوا ِتلْ َ‬
‫ا َتعْقِ َرنَ َبهِيمَةً إِاَ لِنَفْعٍ وَاَ تُحْ ِرقَنَ نَخْاً وَاَ ُتغْرِ َقنَهَ وَاَ َتغْدِرْ وَاَ تُ َمثِلْ وَاَ تَجْبُنْ‬
‫شَجَرَ ًة ِإاَ ِلَنفْ ٍع َو َ‬
‫ا تغلل َوَلَينْصُ َرنَ ال َلهُ َمنْ َينْصُرُ ُه َو ُرسُلَ ُه بِا ْل َغيْبِ ِإنَ ال َلهَ َقوِىٌ عَزِيزٌ"(‪.)26‬‬
‫َو َ‬

‫أما بالنسبة لقتل اأسرى فهو حرام‪ ،‬وقد قتلتم وذحتم الكثر من اأسرى‪ ،‬فعلى سبيل امثال‪:‬‬
‫ر ي قاعدة سبايكر ي تكريت ي شهر ‪4013/6‬م؛ وقتلتم (‪ )400‬أسرٍ ي حقل‬
‫قتلتم (‪ )1700‬أس ٍ‬
‫غاز الشاعر ي شهر ‪4013/7‬م؛ وقتلتم أيضاً ي شهر ‪4013/2‬م (‪ )700‬أسرٍ من قبيلة الشعيطات‬
‫ي دير الزور و(‪ )600‬منهم كانوا من امدنين غر مسلحن؛ وقتلتم (‪ )410‬أسرًا ي قاعدة الطبقة‬
‫اجوية ي الرقة ي شهر ‪4013/2‬م؛ وجنودًا أكرادًا وجنوداً لبنانين وغرهم وآخرين كثرين‪ ،‬ا‬
‫نعلمهم اه يعلمهم‪ .‬وهذه جرائم حرب كبرة بشعة‪.‬‬

‫وإن قلتم إن الرسول ‪ ‬قتل بعض اأسرى ي بعض امعارك‪ ،‬فاجواب‪ :‬أمر بقتل اثنن ي‬
‫معركة بدر وهما‪ :‬عقبة ابن أبي مُ َعيْط والنَضْر بن احارث‪ .‬وميع مَنْ قُتلوا هم قادة وجرمو حرب‪،‬‬
‫وقتل جرم احرب جائز بأمر احاكم‪ .‬وهذا ما فعله صاح الدين اأيوبي بعد فتح القدس‪ .‬وكذلك‬

‫(‪ )41‬رواه مسلم (‪ )1711‬ي كتاب اجهاد‪ ،‬والرمذي (‪ )1302‬ي كتاب الديات‪.‬‬
‫(‪ )43‬رواه ابن أبي شيبة (‪ )312/6‬ي امصنف)‪.‬‬
‫(‪ )41‬الشمامسة هم القسيسون امسلحون احاربون‪.‬‬
‫(‪ )46‬رواه البيهقي ي السنن الكرى (‪ )10/1‬وامروزي ي مسند أبي بكر برقم (‪.)41‬‬
‫هذا ما فعله احلفاء ي حاكم نيورنرغ بعد احرب العامية الثانية‪ .‬فأما بالنسبة لعشرات اآف من‬
‫اأسرى الذين وقعوا بيد رسول اه ‪ ‬من غر القادة عر عشرة أعوام من الزمن وتسعة وعشرين‬
‫غزوة‪ ،‬فلم يقتل ‪ ‬واحدًا من امقاتلن العادين‪ ،‬بل أوصى الرسول ‪ ‬باأسرى خراً(‪ .)27‬واحكم‬

‫اإهي فيهم هو قوله تعاى‪( "...          ..." :‬حمد‪ .)3: 37،‬وقد‬

‫"‪    ‬‬ ‫أمر اه سبحانه وتعاى باحرام وإكرام اأسر فقال سبحانه‪:‬‬

‫‪( "  ‬اإنسان‪ .)2: 76،‬فسنة رسول اه ‪ ‬ي اأسرى هي سنة فتح مكة وهي العفو‪ ،‬كما قال‬

‫هم‪(( :‬أقول كما قال أخي يوسف "ا تثريب عليكم اليوم" اذهبوا فأنتم الطلقاء))(‪.)28‬‬

‫ل إا امقاتلون‪ .‬وا جوز قتل أهلهم أو غر امقاتلن‬

‫وأخرًا‪ ،‬إن من أسلوب اجهاد أن ا يُقَْت َ‬
‫بقصد‪ ،‬وإن قلتم بأن الني ‪ ‬سئل عن الذراري من امشركن يصابون هم والنساء فقال‪(( :‬هم‬
‫منهم))(‪ ،)29‬فاجواب‪ :‬هذا احديث يشر إى حالة قتل اأبرياء خطأ وا يدل على قتل اأبرياء قصداً‬

‫كما هو احال ي التفجرات‪ .‬وأما بالنسبة لقوله تعاى‪( "...    ..." :‬التوبة‪ ،)71: 1،‬وقوله تعاى‪:‬‬

‫"‪( "...    ...‬التوبة‪ ،)141: 1،‬فهذا أثناء القتال وليس بعده‪.‬‬

‫التكفر‪ :‬إن بعض مشكات الفهم امغلوط ي التكفر ناجة عن غُلو بعض علماء السلفية ي‬ ‫‪.1‬‬
‫قضايا التكفر‪ ،‬وجاوزهم ما قاله اب ن تيمية وابن القيم ي أمور هامة‪ .‬فملخص القول ي التكفر هو‬

‫اأصل ي اإسام هو أن من قال "ا اله إا اه حمد رسول اه" فهو مسلم‪ ،‬وا جوز‬ ‫‌أ)‬

‫‪            ‬‬ ‫تكفره‪ .‬قال تعاى‪" :‬‬

‫‪             ‬‬

‫‪("              ‬النساء‪.)13 : 3،‬‬

‫(‪ )47‬رواه ابن عبد اه ي ااستيعاب (‪ ، )214/4‬وي تفسر القرطي (‪ )141/11‬قال قتادة‪ :‬لقد أمر اه باأسرى أن يُحسن إليهم‪.‬‬
‫(‪ )42‬رواه البيهقي ي السنن الكرى (‪ ،)112/1‬وانظر فيض القدير شرح اجامع الصغر (‪.)171/1‬‬
‫(‪ )41‬رواه مسلم (‪ )1731‬كتاب اجهاد‪.‬‬
‫ومعنى قوله تعاى‪ "  " :‬أي اسألوهم هل هم مسلمون؟ وهنا يؤخذ بالظاهر‪ ،‬وا يُطلب‬

‫أن يُمتحن إمانهم‪ .‬وقال رسول اه ‪" :‬ويلكم‪ ،‬أو وحكم‪ ،‬انظروا‪ ،‬ا ترجعوا بعدي كفاراً‪،‬‬
‫يضرب بعضُكم رقاب بعض"(‪ .)30‬وكذلك قال رسول اه ‪...(( :‬من قال‪ :‬ا إله إا اه فقد‬
‫عصم مي نفسه وماله إا حقه وحسابه على اه)) (‪ .)31‬وكذلك قول ابن عمر والسيدة عائشة‬
‫رضي اه عنهما‪" :‬ا تكفر أهل القبلة"(‪.)32‬‬

‫هذه امسالة هي من أخطر امسائل‪ ،‬أن فيها استحااً لدماء امسلمن وحياتهم وانتهاك‬ ‫ب)‬

‫"‪    ‬‬ ‫حرمتهم وأمواهم وحقوقهم‪ ،‬وأن اه سبحانه وتعاى قال‪:‬‬

‫‪( "           ‬النساء‪ .)11: 3،‬كذلك قال الني‬

‫‪(( :‬أما رجل قال أخيه يا كافر فقد باء بها أحدهما))(‪ .)33‬واه سبحانه وتعاى قد حذر حذيرًا‬

‫‪     ‬‬ ‫شديدًا َمنْ َقَتل َمنْ َعبَ َر عن إسامه نطقاً فقال‪..." :‬‬

‫‪( "       ‬النساء‪ .)10: 3،‬وقد حذر الني ‪ ‬من رمي اجار بالشرك‬

‫والسعي عليه بالسيف‪ ،‬فقال‪ (( :‬إن ما أخوف عليكم رجل قرأ القرآن ‪ ...‬فانسلخ منه ونبذه‬
‫وراء ظهره وسعى على جاره بالسيف ورماه بالشرك ‪.)34( ))...‬‬

‫فا جوز قتل مسلم بل أي إنسان‪ ،‬غر مسلح وغر مقاتل‪ .‬وقد جاء ي قصة أسامة بن‬
‫ا قال‪ :‬ا إله إا اه فقال له رسول اه ‪(( :‬أقال ا إله إا اه وقتلته؟))‪.‬‬
‫زيد عندما قتل رج ً‬
‫قلت‪ :‬يا رسول اه إما قاها خوفاً من الساح‪ .‬قال‪(( :‬أفا شققت عن قلبه حتى تعلم أقاها أم‬
‫ا))‪.)35( .‬‬

‫(‪ )10‬رواه البخاري (‪ )3301‬ي كتاب امغازي‪ ،‬ورواه مسلم (‪ )66‬ي كتاب اإمان‪.‬‬
‫(‪ )11‬رواه البخاري (‪ )4136‬ي كتاب اجهاد‪.‬‬
‫(‪ )14‬كما ي جمع الزوائد للحافظ اهيثمي (‪.)106/1‬‬
‫(‪ )11‬رواه البخاري (‪ )6103‬ي كتاب اأدب‪.‬‬
‫(‪ )13‬رواه ابن حبان ي صحيحه (‪. )424/1‬‬
‫(‪ )11‬رواه مسلم (‪ )16‬ي كتاب اإمان‪ .‬وي رواية أخرى‪(( :‬أقتلته بعدما قال ا إله إا اه؟))‪ .‬قلت‪ :‬كان ُمتَعَوِذاً‪ .‬فما زال يُ َكرِرها ‪...‬‬
‫رواها البخاري (‪ )3161‬ي كتاب امغازي‪ ،‬ومسلم (‪ )16‬ي كتاب اإمان‪.‬‬
‫فقد انتشر على اانرنت مقطع للمدعو شاكر وهيب امنتمي لـ "داعش" (ي حينها) أنه‬
‫أوقف مدنين غر مسلحن قالوا إنهم مسلمون‪ ،‬ثم سأهم عن بعض الصلوات كم ركعة‬
‫فأخطئوا فقتلهم(‪ .)36‬فهذا عمل حرّم وجرمة نكراء‪.‬‬

‫أفعال اإنسان مرتبطة بالنية وراء الفعل‪ .‬قال رسول اه ‪(( :‬إما اأعمال بالنيات وإما لكل‬ ‫ج)‬

‫"‪         ‬‬ ‫امرئ ما نوى ‪ .)37( ))...‬وقال اه تعاى‪:‬‬

‫‪( "‬امنافقون‪ .)1: 61 ،‬فاه سبحانه وتعاى‬ ‫‪       ‬‬

‫ف قول امنافقن بأنهم يشهدون برسالة الرسول ‪ ‬س وهو قولٌ َوصف حقيقة قاطعة س‬
‫ص َ‬
‫َو َ‬
‫بأنها كذب أنها قيلت ي نية كذب ولو كان مضمونها حقاً‪ ،‬فمحل تكذيبهم أنهم قالوا‬
‫بألسنتهم ما يعلم اه أن قلوبهم تنكره‪ .‬فهذا يعي أن الكفر يتطلب قصد ونية الكفر‪ ،‬وليس‬
‫جرّد قول سهو أو عمل غافل‪ .‬فا جوز احكم على أي شخص بالكفر دون أن تثبت عليه نية‬
‫الكفر‪ .‬وا جوز التكفر بدون التأكُد من هذه النية‪ .‬فقد يكون مُكْ َرهاً‪ ،‬أو غر قاصد‪ ،‬أو‬

‫"‪   ‬‬ ‫ا‪ ،‬أو جنونًا‪ .‬وقد يكون قد أخطأ ي فهمه مسألة ما‪ .‬يقول اه تعاى‪:‬‬
‫جاه ً‬

‫‪              ‬‬

‫‪( "     ‬النحل‪.)106: 16،‬‬

‫سر مقتضى عمل بتفسر غر صاحب هذا العمل إذا كان عماً عليه اختاف‬
‫وا جوز أن يُ َف ّ‬
‫بن امسلمن‪ .‬وا جوز التكفر بأي مسألة عليها اختاف بن علماء امسلمن‪ .‬كما ا جوز التكفر‬

‫"‪   ...‬‬ ‫باجملة أَُناس معينن‪ .‬فالتكفر هو للشخص حسب عمله هو ونيته‪ ،‬قال اه تعاى‪:‬‬

‫‪("...   ‬الزمر‪ .)7: 11،‬وا جوز تكفر من يشكك ي كفر اآخرين أو من ا يكفرهم‪.‬‬

‫وسبب اإطالة ي هذا اموضوع أنكم وزعتم على الناس كتب الشيخ حمد عبد الوهاب أوَل‬
‫ما وصلتم إى اموصل وكذلك ي حلب‪ .‬وعلى أية حال فإن العلماء ما فيهم ابن تيمية وابن قيم‬

‫(‪ )16‬وهذا منشور على اانرنت ي موقع اليوتيوب ي شهر ‪ ،4013/6‬بعنوان "قتل سائقي الشاحنات على يد شاكر وهيب"‪.‬‬
‫(‪ )17‬رواه البخاري (‪ )1‬ي كتاب بدء الوحي ‪ ،‬ومسلم (‪ )1107‬ي كتاب اإمارة‪.‬‬
‫اجوزية فرَقوا بن عمل الكافر والتكفر‪ ،‬فحتى لو وقع من إنسان عمل فيه عنصر أو شيء من الكفر‬
‫عن‬ ‫(‪)38‬‬
‫فهذا ا يوجب احكم على هذا الشخص بالكفر لأسباب الي م بيانها‪ .‬وقد نقل الذهي‬
‫شيخه ابن تيمية أنه كان يقول ي أواخر أيامه‪":‬أنا ا أكفر أحداً من اأمة"‪ ،‬ويقول‪" :‬قال الني ‪:‬‬
‫((ا حافظ على الوضوء إا مؤمن)) فمَن ازم الصلوات بوضوء فهو مسلم"‪.‬‬
‫وجدر اإشارة هنا إى أن الرسول ‪ ‬قال‪(( :‬الشرك اخفي أن يقوم الرجل يصلي فيزين صاته‬
‫ما يرى من نظر رجل)) (‪ .)39‬فوصف الرياء ي الصاة "بالشرك اخفي"‪ ،‬وهو الشرك اأصغر‪ .‬فهذا‬
‫الشرك اأصغر الذي يفعله بعض العُّباد ا يعتر شركاً أكر وا يؤدّي إى تكفرٍ وا خروج من املة‪.‬‬
‫والناس ميعًا بعد اأنبياء والرسل يعبدون اه تعاى على قدرهم وليس على قدره سبحانه‪ .‬يقول اه‬

‫"‪    ‬‬ ‫سبحانه وتعاى‪( "...     " :‬اأنعام‪ .)11: 6،‬ويقول اه تعاى‪:‬‬

‫‪( "‬اإسراء‪ .)21: 17،‬لكن اه سبحانه وتعاى يقبل هذه‬ ‫‪         ‬‬

‫"‪‬‬ ‫العبادة‪ .‬والناس ا تدرك حقيقة اه تعاى‪ ،‬أنه‪( " ...     ..." :‬الشورى‪ .)11: 34،‬و‬

‫‪( "...     ‬اأنعام‪ .)101: 6،‬وا يُعرف عنه تعاى إا ما أخر عن نفسه بالوحي‬

‫‪( "...‬غافر‪ .)11: 30،‬فكيف‬ ‫‪        ‬‬ ‫أو أخر عنه سيدنا حمد ‪..." :‬‬

‫يكون أي شخص أن حمل السيف على اآخرين إذا رأى أنهم ا يعبدون اه ‪ ‬على قدره؟ فا‬
‫أحد يعبد اه ‪ ‬على قدره إا أن يشاء اه ‪ .‬وعلى أية حال‪ ،‬فموضوع الشرك هنا غر وارد عند‬
‫العرب‪ .‬فقد قال رسول اه ‪(( :‬إن الشيطان قد أيس أن يعبده امصلون ي جزيرة العرب ولكن ي‬
‫التحريش بينهم)) (‪.)40‬‬

‫‪ .10‬أهل الكتاب‪ :‬أما بالنسبة للنصارى العرب‪ ،‬فخرموهم بن اجزية والسيف أو التحول إى‬
‫اإسام‪ .‬وصبغتم بيوتهم باللون اأمر‪ ،‬ودمرم كنائسهم‪ ،‬وي بعض احاات نهبتم بيوتهم‬
‫وأمواهم‪ .‬وقتلتم البعض منهم‪ ،‬وتسببتم بتشريد آخرين منهم إى أن فرّ كثرٌ منهم بأرواحهم وثيابهم‬

‫(‪ )12‬ي كتابه‪ :‬سر أعام النباء (‪.)111/11‬‬

‫(‪ )11‬رواه ابن ماجه (‪ )3403‬ي كتاب الزهد‪.‬‬
‫(‪ )30‬رواه مسلم (‪ )4214‬كتاب صفة القيامة واجنة والنار‪.‬‬
‫فقط‪ .‬وهؤاء النصارى ليسوا حاربن ضد اإسام وليسوا معتدين عليه بل أصدقاء وجران وشركاء‬
‫ي الوطن‪ .‬ومن ناحية شرعية ميعهم حت عهود قدمة منذ حو ‪ 1300‬عام‪ ،‬وا تنطبق عليهم أحكام‬
‫اجهاد‪ .‬فمنهم من حارب مع جيش رسول اه ‪ ‬ضد البيزنطين‪ ،‬فهم يعترون مواطنن ي دولة‬
‫امدينة من ذلك الزمن‪ .‬ومنهم من هو حت العهود الي أخذها هؤاء من عمر بن اخطاب وخالد بن‬
‫الوليد واخلفاء اأموين والعباسين والعثمانين ومن دوهم‪ .‬وخاصة اأمر أنهم ليسوا غرباء بل‬
‫هم من أهل هذه الباد من قبل اإسام‪ ،‬وليسوا أعداء بل أصدقاء‪ .‬منذ ‪ 1300‬عام‪ ،‬دافعوا عن‬
‫بادهم ي ميع احروب ضد الصليبين وااستعمار وإسرائيل واحروب اأخرى‪ ،‬فكيف تعاملونهم‬

‫"‪             ‬‬ ‫معاملة العدو؟ يقول اه تعاى‪:‬‬

‫‪("         ‬اممتحنة‪.)2: 60،‬‬

‫أما بالنسبة للجزية فهي نوعان ي الشريعة‪ .‬أواً اجزية الي تؤخذ عن يدٍ وهم صاغرون وهي‬

‫"‪        ‬‬ ‫من حارب اإسام كما يُفهم من قوله تعاى‪:‬‬

‫‪                 ‬‬

‫‪( "  ‬التوبة‪ .)41: 1،‬فامقصود هنا هو من بدأ محاربة امسلمن‪ ،‬بدليل اآية الكرمة الي‬

‫‪        ‬‬ ‫هي قبلها بقليل ي نفس السورة‪" :‬‬

‫‪( "             ‬التوبة‪ .)41( )11: 1،‬أما بالنسبة‬

‫من م حارب فتؤخذ منه بعهد من دون قسوة‪ ،‬وقد وافق عمر بن اخطاب بتسميتها صدقة‪ ،‬وهي‬
‫ا من الزكاة ونسبتها أقل من نسبة الزكاة‪ .‬وتؤخذ إى بيت امال ويعطى منها للنصارى‬
‫تؤخذ بد ً‬
‫امواطنن من بيت امال عند احاجة كما فعله عمر ‪.)42(‬‬

‫(‪ )31‬قال ابن جرير الطري ي تفسره (‪" :)117/6‬وليس ي قوله‪"...        " :‬دالة على‬
‫اأمر بنفي معاني الصفح والعفو ‪ ...‬وإذا كان ذلك كذلك وكان جائزاً مع إقرارهم بالصَغَار وأدائهم اجزية بعد القتال اأمر بالعفو‬
‫عنهم ي غدرة هموا بها أو نكثة عزموا عليها ما م ينصبوا حرباً دون أداء اجزية ومتنع من اأحكام الازمة منهم ‪."...‬‬
‫(‪ )34‬وأجاز الفقهاء إسقاط اجزية إذا شارك بعضهم ي جيش امسلمن‪ ،‬كما حدث ي زمن عمر بن اخطاب ‪.‬‬
‫‪ .11‬اليزيديون ‪ :‬أدخلتم اليزيدين حت أحكام اجهاد وهم م حاربوكم وم حاربوا امسلمن‪.‬‬
‫واعترموهم عبدة الشيطان‪ ،‬وخرموهم بن القتل أو الدخول كُرهاً ي اإسام‪ .‬وقتلتم منهم امئات‬
‫ودفنتموهم ي مقابر ماعية‪ ،‬وسببتم اموت والعذاب مئات آخرين‪ .‬ولوا تدخل اأمريكان واأكراد‬
‫مات عشرات اآاف من نسائهم ورجاهم وشيوخهم وأطفاهم‪ .‬وهذه كلها جرائم بشعة‪ .‬ومن‬
‫الناحية الشرعية هم جوس‪ ،‬لقول رسول اه ‪(( :‬سُنوا بهم سُنة أهل الكتاب)) (‪ .)43‬وبالتالي هم أهل‬

‫"‪          ‬‬ ‫كتاب‪ .‬قال اه تعاى‪:‬‬

‫‪( "            ‬احج‪ .)17: 44،‬وقد عدَهم كثرٌ من علماء‬

‫السلف الصاح ي حكم اجوس بناءً على احديث السابق‪ ،‬واأمويون اعتروا اهندوس والبوذين‬
‫أهل ذمة‪ ،‬قال القرطي(‪ " :)44‬وقال اأوزاعي‪ :‬تؤخذ اجزية من كل عابد وثن أو نار أو جاحد أو‬
‫مكذب‪ .‬وكذلك مذهب مالك‪ ،‬فإنه رأى أن اجزية تؤخذ من ميع أجناس الشرك واجحد‪ ،‬عربياً أو‬
‫عجميًا ‪ ...‬إا امرتد"‪.‬‬

‫‪ .14‬الرق‪ :‬من أهداف اإسام الي ا ينكرها أحد من العلماء القضاء على الرق‪ .‬فإن اه سبحانه‬

‫وتعاى قال‪( "               " :‬البلد‪ .)13-14: 10،‬وقال‬

‫تعاى‪("...       ..." :‬اجادلة‪ .)1: 12،‬وسنة رسول اه ‪ ‬أنه أعتق كل عبد وَأ َمة‬

‫كان ي مُلكه أو أُعطي له(‪ .)45‬ومنذ أكثر من مائة سنة أمع امسلمون س بل أمع العام بأكمله س على‬
‫حريم الرِق وجرمه‪ ،‬وهذا عمل فاضل كبر ي تاريخ اإنسانية‪ .‬وقال رسول اه ‪ ‬عن حلف‬
‫الفضول الذي كان ي اجاهلية‪(( :‬لو أُدعى به ي اإسام أجبت)) (‪ .)46‬وأنتم بعد مائة عام وبعد‬
‫إماع امسلمن خرقتم هذا‪ ،‬واخذم من النساء سبايا‪ ،‬فبهذه الطريقة استأنفتم من جديد الفتنة‬
‫والفساد ي اأرض‪ ،‬والفحشاء باستئناف شيء تشوَف الشرع إى اخاص منه وحرم باإماع من حو‬

‫(‪ )31‬رواه اإمام مالك ي اموطأ (‪ )617‬ي كتاب الزكاة‪ ،‬ورواه الشافعي ي مسنده(‪.)1002‬‬
‫(‪ )33‬القرطي ي تفسره (‪.)110/2‬‬
‫(‪ )31‬انظر كتاب البداية والنهاية (‪ )423/1‬ابن كثر‪ ،‬وفيه يقول‪" :‬واعتق ‪ ‬من إمائه وعبيده ‪ ...‬إا أنه م يُخلف من ذلك شيئاً‬
‫يُورث عنه قطعاً"‪.‬‬
‫(‪ )36‬رواه البيهقي ي معرفة السنن واآثار (‪ )111/11‬والسنن الكرى للبيهقي (‪ )116/6‬وابن هشام ي السرة النبوية (‪.)466/1‬‬
‫"‪   ...‬‬ ‫مائة سنة وبتوقيع ميع الدول اإسامية على معاهدات منع الرق‪ .‬وقال تعاى‪:‬‬

‫فستحملون مسؤولية هذه اجرمة العظيمة الي رما تؤدي‬ ‫(اإسراء‪.)13: 17،‬‬ ‫‪"‬‬ ‫‪  ‬‬

‫ا إى ردود فعل ضد امسلمن وامسلمات ميعاً‪.‬‬

‫مستقب ً‬

‫"‪    ‬‬ ‫‪( "   ‬الغاشية‪)44: 22،‬؛ وقال تعاى‪:‬‬
‫‪ .11‬اإكراه‪ :‬قال اه تعاى‪ " :‬‬

‫"‪         ‬‬ ‫‪( "...     ‬البقرة‪)416: 4،‬؛ وقال تعاى‪:‬‬

‫"‪      ‬‬ ‫‪( "      ‬يونس‪)11: 10،‬؛ وقال تعاى‪:‬‬

‫‪( "...    ‬الكهف‪)41: 12،‬؛ وقال تعاى‪( "     ":‬الكافرون‪.)6 : 101،‬‬

‫ومن امعلوم أن آية "‪ "    ‬نزلت بعد فتح مكة‪ ،‬فا يستطيع أحد أن يقول بأنها‬

‫منسوخة‪ .‬وقد أكرهتم الناس على اإسام كما أكرهتم امسلمن على اأخذ بآرائكم‪ ،‬وتُكرهون كل‬
‫من يعيش حت سيطرتكم على كل صغرة وكبرة هي بن العبد وربه‪ .‬ففي الرَقة ودير الزور وامناطق‬
‫اأخرى الي حت سيطرتكم وسلطتم على الناس مسلحن مشون بينهم يسمون أنفسهم "احسبة"‪،‬‬
‫حاسبون العباد كأنهم مكلفون من اه سبحانه وتعاى لتنفيذ أوامره‪ .‬وا يعهد عن أي من الصحابة‬
‫فعل ذلك‪ .‬وهذا ا يعتر أمرًا بامعروف ونهيًا عن امنكر فما تفعلونه هو إكراه وسطو ورعب مستمر‬
‫عشوائي‪ .‬ولو أراد اه تعاى هذا العمل أجر الناس على أدق تفاصيل دينه رغماً عنهم‪ .‬يقول اه‬

‫تعاى‪( "...             ..." :‬الرعد‪ .)11: 11،‬وقال تعاى‪:‬‬

‫"‪( "           ‬الشعراء‪.)3: 46،‬‬

‫‪ .13‬النساء‪ :‬هذا موضوع طويل ختصره هو أنكم جعلتم النساء كأنهن سجينات ومعتقات‪ ،‬يلبسن‬
‫طلب العلم فريضة على كل‬ ‫((‬ ‫حسب أرائكم‪ .‬وا خرجن وا يتعلمن مع أن الرسول ‪ ‬قال‪:‬‬
‫مسلم)) (‪ ،)47‬باإضافة إى أن أول كلمة أنزلت ي كتاب اه تعاى هي‪( :‬اقرأ)‪ .‬وكذلك منعون النساء‬

‫(‪ )37‬رواه ابن ماجه (‪ ،)443‬والطراني ي امعجم الكبر (‪ ،)111/10‬قال احافظ امزي‪" :‬روي من طرق تبلغ رتبة احسن" كما ي‬
‫كشف اخفاء للمحدث العجلوني (‪.)613/4‬‬
‫أن يعملن ويكسن ويتحركن حرية‪ .‬وجرون النساء على الزواج من مقاتليكم‪ .‬كيف يصح ذلك‬

‫"‪             ‬‬ ‫واه تعاى يقول‪:‬‬

‫‪( "                ‬النساء‪ .)1: 3،‬وكذلك‬

‫قول الني ‪(( :‬استوصوا بالنساء خراً))(‪.)48‬‬

‫‪ .11‬اأطفال‪ :‬جعلتم اأطفال يشاركون ي احروب والقتل‪ .‬فمنهم من مل الساح؛ ومنهم من‬
‫جعل يلعب برؤوس الناس امقطوعة؛ ومنهم من صار حارب ويَقْتُلُ ويُقَْتل؛ ومنهم من تعذب ي‬
‫مدارسكم كي يُكره على أفعال معينة؛ ومنهم من أعدمتموه بقلوب قاسية‪ .‬وكفى هنا أن نقول‪ :‬هذه‬

‫"‪    ‬‬ ‫كلها جرائم ضد اأبرياء‪ ،‬أن هؤاء اأطفال غر مكلفن‪ .‬قال اه تعاى‪:‬‬

‫‪              ‬‬

‫‪( "           ‬النساء‪.)71: 3،‬‬

‫‪ .16‬احدود‪ :‬احدود واجبة ي الشريعة اإسامية ا حالة‪ .‬لكن احدود ا تطبق إا بعد البيان‪،‬‬
‫واإنذار‪ ،‬والتحذير‪ ،‬واستيفاء شروط الوجوب‪ ،‬فا تطبق ي ظروف القسوة‪ .‬فعلى سبيل امثال كان‬
‫الني ‪ ‬قد درأ احدود ي بعض احاات‪ .‬وعمر بن اخطاب رفع احدود ي عام اجاعة كما هو‬
‫مشهور‪ .‬وي كل امذاهب الشرعية للحدود إجراءات واضحة ينبغي أن تنفذ بالرمة‪ ،‬وشروطها جعل‬
‫تطبيقها صعبًا‪ .‬واحدود تُدْ َرأ بالشبهات‪ ،‬أي إذا وجد أي شك فا يطبق احد‪ .‬وا حدود من له‬
‫حاجة أو فاقة أو كان فقراً معدماً‪ .‬وا حدود ي سرقة الفاكهة واخضروات‪ .‬وا حدود ي سرقة‬
‫أموال حت مبلغ معن‪ .‬وأنتم استعجلتم باحدود‪ ،‬بينما احماس للدِين الواعي جعل تطبيق احدود‬
‫من أصعب اأمور‪.‬‬

‫‪ .17‬التعذيب‪ :‬إن بعضًا من كانوا حت حكمكم أو أسرى عندكم اشتكوا أنكم عذبتموهم بالرعب‬
‫والضرب والقتل وصنوف العذاب امختلفة ما ي ذلك دفن اإنسان وهو حي‪ .‬وقطع الرؤوس‬
‫بالسكاكن هو من أشد أنواع التعذيب‪ ،‬وهذا ا جوز شرعاً‪ .‬أما بالنسبة لإعدام اجماعي س وهو‬

‫(‪ )32‬رواه البخاري (‪ )1126‬ي كتاب النكاح‪ ،‬ومسلم (‪ )1362‬ي كتاب الرضاع‪.‬‬
‫ا كما ذكر س فمقاتلوكم يستهزئون من سيقتلون وََيشْ َمتُون بهم ويصدرون أصواتاً كاأغنام‬
‫حرم أص ً‬
‫قائلن هم سنذحكم مثل اأغنام ثم يفعلون ذلك‪ .‬فلم يكتفِ مقاتلوكم بالقتل وإما يضيفون على‬

‫تعاى‪         ":‬‬ ‫القتل اإهانة واإذال والسخرية‪ .‬يقول اه‬

‫‪( "...   ‬احجرات‪.)11: 31،‬‬

‫‪ .12‬امُثْ َلة‪ :‬أما بالنسبة لل ُمثْلَة وهي التمثيل باجثث‪ ،‬فإنكم تقطعون الرؤوس وتنصبونها وتعلقونها‬
‫ي كل مكان‪ .‬وترفسونها كالكرة‪ ،‬وتبثون هذه اجرائم للعام ي الوقت الذي كان العام سعيداً يشاهد‬
‫لعبة كرة القدم‪ ،‬وهي لعبة ترفيهية مشروعة من حيث امبدأ تنفّس عن الناس ضيقهم ومشاكلهم‪.‬‬
‫وأيضًا تسخرون باجثث والرؤوس امقطوعة‪ ،‬وبثثتم هذه اأعمال من امعسكرات الي اقتحمتموها‬
‫ي سوريا‪ .‬واآن أعطيتم ساحاً لكل من يتقول على اإسام بأنه دين غلظة ووحشية بعدما نشرم‬
‫على اانرنت الوحشية باسم اإسام‪ ،‬وأعطيتم للعام احجة البالغة ضد اإسام‪ ،‬مع أن اإسام‬
‫بريء من هذه اأخاق واأعمال وحرمها‪.‬‬

‫‪ .11‬نسبة اجرائم إى اه تعاى حت عنوان التواضع‪ :‬ي قاعدة الفرقة (‪ )17‬ي مال شرق سوريا‬
‫بعدما ربطتم اأسرى من اجنود السورين على اأساك الشائكة وقطعتم رؤوسهم بالسكاكن‬
‫ووضعتم فيديو هذه الواقعة على اإنرنت قلتم فيه‪" :‬إخوانكم جنود الدولة اإسامية‪ :‬قد مَنَ اه‬
‫علينا بفضل من عنده ونصره أن فتح عليهم الفرقة (‪ )17‬بنصر من اه ومنّةٍ نرأ إى اه من حولنا‬
‫وقوتنا ونرأ إى اه من عدتنا وأعتادنا"‪ .‬فنسبتم هذه اجرمة البشعة إى اه تعاى‪ .‬واعترم هذا الفعل‬
‫تواضعًا ه تعاى وأنه هو الذي فعله وليس أنتم‪ .‬وبهذه الطريقة نسبتم هذه اجرمة إى اه سبحانه‬

‫تعاى‪        ":‬‬ ‫وتعاى كأنه تواضع منكم‪ .‬لكن يقول اه‬

‫‪( "               ‬اأعراف‪.)42: 7،‬‬

‫‪ .40‬تدمر قبور اأنبياء والصحابة ومقاماتهم‪ :‬لقد فجرم ودمرم قبور اأنبياء والصحابة‪،‬‬
‫وموضوع القبور موضوع خاف بن العلماء‪ .‬لكن ي ميع اأحوال ا جوز نسف قبورهم ونبشها‬
‫واإضرار بأجساد اأنبياء والصحابة‪ ،‬كما ا جوز حرق العنب حجة أن بعضهم جعله مراً‪ .‬يقول‬

‫اه تعاى‪( "         ..." :‬الكهف‪ .)41: 12،‬وقال تعاى‪:‬‬

‫"‪( "...       ...‬البقرة‪ .)141: 4،‬وقال رسول اه ‪َ (( :‬قدْ ُكنْتُ نَ َه ْيتُ ُكمْ َعنْ ِزيَا َرةِ‬

‫الْ ُقبُو ِر َف َقدْ أُ ِذ َن لِمُحَمَ ٍد فِي ِزيَارَةِ َقبْرِ ُأمِهِ فَزُورُوهَا َفإَِنهَا ُت َذكِرُ اآخِرَةَ))(‪ .)49‬ففي زيارة القبور تذكر‬

‫باموت واآخرة‪ .‬يقول اه سبحانه وتعاى‪( "        " :‬التكاثر‪.)4-1: 104،‬‬

‫أما بالنسبة لقول أبي عمر البغدادي‪" :‬نرى وجوب هدم وإزالة كل مظاهر الشرك وحريم‬
‫وسائله ما روى مسلم ي صحيحه عن أبي اهياج اأسدي قال‪ :‬قال لي علي بن أبي طالب رضي اه‬
‫عنه‪(( :‬أا أنبئك على ما بعثي عليه ‪ :‬أا تدع مثااً إا طمسته وا قراً مشرفاً إا سويته))"‪،‬‬
‫فنقول‪ :‬إن كان كامكم صحيحًا فهو ا يعي قبور اأنبياء والصحابة بدليل أن الصحابة أمعوا على‬
‫دفن رسول اه ‪ ‬ي بنيان ماصق للمسجد‪ ،‬وكذلك صاحبيه أبي بكر وعمر رضي اه عنهما‪.‬‬

‫‪ .41‬اخروج على احاكم‪ :‬أما بالنسبة للخروج على احاكم‪ ،‬فا جوز اخروج على احاكم إا بكفر‬
‫"بواح"س أي بكفر اعرف هو به صراحة ما انعقد إماع امسلمن على التكفر به س أو منعه إقامة‬

‫"‪          ‬‬ ‫الصاة‪ .‬ودليل ذلك قول اه تعاى‪:‬‬

‫‪( "...‬النساء‪ .)11: 3،‬وكذلك بدليل قوله ‪(( :‬امعوا وأطيعوا وإن استعمل حبشي كأنَ رأسه زبيبة))(‪،)50‬‬
‫وقوله ‪(( :‬خيار أئمتكم الذين حبونهم وحبونكم ويصلون عليكم وتصلون عليهم‪ ،‬وشرار أئمتكم‬
‫الذين تبغضونهم ويبغضونكم‪ ،‬وتلعنونهم ويلعنونكم‪ .‬قيل‪ :‬يا رسول اه أفا ننابذهم بالسيف؟‬
‫فقال‪ :‬ا‪ ،‬ما أقاموا فيكم الصاة‪ ،‬وإذا رأيتم مِن واتكم شيئاً تكرهونه فاكرهوا عمله وا تنزعوا يداً‬
‫ل أهل احل والعقد‪ ،‬بغر فتنة‬
‫من طاعة))(‪ .)51‬أما بالنسبة للحاكم الفاسق أو الفاسد فإنه يُخْ َلع من قَِب ِ‬
‫ح وبغر دماء‪ ،‬إن استطاعوا‪ .‬لكن ا يُخْ َرج عليه‪ .‬وا جوز اخروج عليه حتى ولو‬
‫سلَ ٍ‬
‫وبغر خروج مُ َ‬

‫‪       ‬‬ ‫م يُ ِق ِم الشريعة أو بعضها‪ ،‬أن اه سبحانه تعاى يقول‪..." :‬‬

‫‪( " ‬امائدة‪)33: 1،‬؛ "‪("          ...‬امائدة‪)31: 1،‬؛ "‪...‬‬

‫(‪ )31‬رواه مسلم ي الصحيح (‪ )177‬والرمذي (‪ )1013‬وغرهما‪.‬‬

‫(‪ )10‬رواه البخاري (‪ )611‬كتاب اأذان‪.‬‬
‫(‪ )11‬رواه مسلم (‪ )1211‬ي كتاب اإمارة‪.‬‬
‫‪("         ‬امائدة‪ .)37: 1،‬فهنالك ثاث درجات من التقدير‬

‫على َمن ا يقيم الشريعة‪ :‬الكفر‪ ،‬والفسوق‪ ،‬والظلم‪ .‬فمن منع الشريعة بالكلية ي بلد إسامي فهو‬
‫كافر‪ ،‬ومن م يُقم بعضها أو م يُقم إا مقاصدها فهو فاسق أو ظام‪ .‬وي بعض الدول تُ َقيَدُ أحكام‬
‫الشريعة بسبب أحكام سلطانية مبنية على حقيق أمن البلد وهذا جائز‪ .‬فمختصر القول هو ما رآه ابن‬
‫أن من م يُ ِقم الشريعة فهو فاسق ظام ولكن ليس كافرًا وا يُخرج عليه‪ .‬قال ابن عباس‬ ‫(‪)52‬‬
‫رضي اه عنهما بأن احكم بغر ما أنزل اه تعاى هو‪" :‬كفر دون كفر"‪ .‬وقال‪ :‬إنه ليس بالكفر الذي‬
‫يذهبون إليه إنه ليس كفرًا ينقل عن املة‪.‬‬

‫‪ .44‬اخافة‪ :‬اخافة أمر واجب على اأمة باتفاق‪ .‬وقد افتقدت اأمة اخافة بعد سقوطها عام‬
‫‪1143‬م‪ .‬لكن اخافة اجديدة تتطلب إماعًا من امسلمن‪ ،‬وليس فقط من فئة معينة حتلون زاوية أو‬
‫رقعة معينة من اأرض‪ .‬وقد قال عمر بن اخطاب ‪" :‬فمن بايع رجاً على غر مشورة من‬
‫امسلمن‪ ،‬فا يُتَاَبعُ هو وا الذي بايعهُ‪ ،‬تغرة أن يُقتا"(‪ .)53‬فإعان اخافة بدون إماع فتنة‪ ،‬أنها‬
‫جعل عامة امسلمن الذين م يقرّوها خارج اخافة‪ .‬وستؤدي أيضاً إى إعان خافات كثرة فتكثر‬
‫الفن‪ .‬وظهرت بداية هذه الفتنة أئمة اموصل السنين الذين م يبايعوكم‪.‬‬
‫قلتم ي خطبتكم مقتبساً من خطبة أبي بكر الصديق ‪" :‬إني وُّليتُ عليكم ولست خركم"‪،‬‬
‫فالسؤال هنا َمنْ الذي واكم على اأمة؟ هل هي ماعتكم؟ فبهذه الطريقة تأتي ماعة ا يزيد‬
‫عددها على عشرات اآاف فتولي نفسها على أكثر من مليار ونصف مسلم‪ .‬فهذا السلوك مبي على‬
‫دائرة مغلقة فاسدة من امنطق يقال فيها‪( :‬فقط حن امسلمون‪ ،‬وحن نقرر من هو اخليفة‪ ،‬وقد قررنا‬
‫خليفة ومن ا يعتر من نصبناه خليفة فهو غر مسلم)‪ .‬ففي هذه احالة ما معنى اخليفة إا رئيس‬
‫ماعة معينة تكفر أكثر من ‪ %11‬من امسلمن؟ ومن ناحية أخرى إن اعرفتم بامليار ونصف الذين‬
‫يعترون أنفسهم مسلمن فكيف ا تشاورونهم على خافتكم امزعومة‪ ،‬فأنتم أمام أمرين‪ :‬إما أن‬
‫تعرفوا بأنهم مسلمون وم يولوكم عليهم فأنتم لستم خليفة‪ ،‬أو ا تعرفوا بكونهم مسلمن‪ ،‬فَلِمَ‬

‫(‪ )14‬رواه احاكم ي امستدرك على الصحيحن (‪.)134/4‬‬

‫(‪ )11‬رواه البخاري (‪ )6210‬ي كتاب احدود‪ ،‬وتغرة‪ :‬أي حذرًا وكراهةً‪.‬‬
‫تستعملون كلمة خليفة؟ ففي هذه احالة يكون امسلمون ماعة صغرة ا حتاج إى خليفة‪ .‬فاخافة‬
‫جب أن تأتي من خال إماع من الدول اإسامية وإماع من منظمات علماء الدول اإسامية‬
‫وإماع من امسلمن ي كل أحاء العام‪.‬‬
‫‪ .41‬اانتماء إى اأوطان‪ :‬قلتم ي خطبتكم‪" :‬سوريا ليست للسورين‪ ،‬والعراق ليست‬
‫للعراقين"(‪ .)54‬وي نفس امقالة دعوم امسلمن من ميع أحاء العام ليهاجروا إى مناطق نفوذ "الدولة‬
‫اإسامية" ي العراق والشام‪ .‬فأنتم بهذا اإعان أخذم حقوق وخرات هذه الباد ووزعتموها‬
‫على أناس غرباء ولو كانوا من نفس الدين‪ ،‬ماماً كما فعلت إسرائيل ي طلب امستوطنن اليهود من‬
‫خارج إسرائيل وأخذهم حقوق أهل فلسطن وأراضيهم وطردهم من أرضهم وأرض أجدادهم‪.‬‬
‫فأين العدالة ي هذا؟‬
‫وبامختصر‪ :‬إن حب الوطن واانتماء إليه ليس نقيضًا لإسام بل حب الوطن من اإمان‪.‬‬
‫فحب اأوطان شيء طبيعي لكل إنسان‪ ،‬ومن السنة للمسلم أن حب وطنه‪ .‬فالرسول ‪ ‬خاطب‬
‫ك إليّ ولوا أن قومي أخرجوني منكِ ما سكنت غركِ)) (‪.)55‬‬
‫مكة وقال‪(( :‬ما أطيبك من بلد وأحبَ ِ‬

‫"‪  ‬‬ ‫فلحب اأوطان واانتماء إليها شواهد كثرة ي القرآن والسنة‪ .‬فمن القرآن قوله تعاى‪:‬‬

‫‪( "...‬النساء‪ .)66: 3،‬قال الفخر‬ ‫‪             ‬‬

‫الرازي(‪" :)56‬جعل مفارقة اأوطان مُ َعادَِلة لقتل النفس"‪ .‬وعن أنس بن مالك ‪ :‬أنه ‪" ‬كان إذا‬
‫قدم من سفر فنظر إى جدرات امدينة أوضع ناقته‪ ،‬وإن كان على دابة حركها من حبها"(‪ .)57‬قال‬
‫احافظ ابن حجر"(‪ " :)58‬وي احديث دالة على فضل امدينة‪ ،‬وعلى مشروعية حب الوطن‪ ،‬واحنن‬

‫(‪ )13‬وهذا منشور ي ‪ 4013/7/1‬على صفحة الـ (بي بي سي) على اانرنت‪.‬‬
‫(‪ )11‬رواه الرمذي (‪ )1146‬ي كتاب امناقب‪ ،‬وابن حبان ي صحيحه (‪.)41/1‬‬
‫(‪ )16‬تفسر الفخر الرازي (‪ )111/11‬عند تفسر اآية ‪ 71‬من سورة اأنفال‪.‬‬
‫(‪ )17‬رواه البخاري (‪ )1226‬ي كتاب احج‪.‬‬
‫(‪ )12‬ي فتح الباري شرح صحيح البخاري (‪.)641/1‬‬
‫‪ .43‬اهجرة‪ :‬دعوم امسلمن من ميع أحاء العام ليهاجروا إى مناطق نفوذ "الدولة اإسامية" ي‬
‫العراق والشام(‪ .)59‬وقال أبو مسلم الكََن ِدي وهو أحد جنود "الدولة اإسامية"‪" :‬تعالوا احقوا (أي‬
‫إى سوريا) قبل أن تغلق اأبواب"(‪ )60‬واختصار القول هنا أن الرسول ‪ ‬قال‪(( :‬ا هجرة بعد الفتح‬
‫ولكن جهاد ونية وإذا استنفرم فانفروا))(‪.)61‬‬

‫وي اخاصة‪ ،‬وصف اه تعاى نفسه بأنه أرحم الرامن‪ .‬وقد خلق اإنسان من رمته‪ .‬يقول‬

‫واه سبحانه وتعاى‬ ‫(الرمن‪.)1-1: 11،‬‬ ‫اه سبحانه وتعاى‪"       " :‬‬

‫"‪              ‬‬ ‫خلق اإنسان لرمته‪ ،‬قال تعاى‪:‬‬

‫‪( "...‬هود‪ .)111-112: 11،‬ولغوياً كلمة "لذلك" عائدة أقرب مذكور‪ ،‬أي‬ ‫‪     ‬‬

‫"للرمة"‪ .‬وليس لاختاف‪ .‬وهذا رأي ابن عباس حيث قال‪" :‬وللرمة خلقهم"(‪.)62‬‬

‫"‪  ‬‬ ‫والطريقة اأسلم لنيل هذه الرمة هي عبادة اه تعاى‪ .‬يقول اه تعاى‪:‬‬

‫‪( "   ‬الذاريات‪ .)16: 11،‬وعبادة اه سبحانه وتعاى ليست مَّناً على اه تعاى ولكنها رزق‬

‫"‪                 ‬‬ ‫للعبد‪ .‬قال اه تعاى‪:‬‬

‫"‪      ‬‬ ‫‪( "‬الذاريات‪ .)12-17: 11،‬واه سبحانه وتعاى أنزل القرآن رمة منه‪:‬‬

‫‪( "...‬اإسراء‪ .)24: 17،‬فالدِين اإسامي رمة وصفاته رمة‪ .‬والرسول ‪- ‬الذي بعث رمة‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫للعامن‪ -‬خص معاملة امسلم للناس بقوله ‪(( :‬من ا يَرْحَم ا يُرْحَم))(‪)63‬؛ وقوله ‪(( :‬ارموا‬
‫تُرْموا))(‪ .)64‬لكن جعلتم الدين اإسامي ي كل ما ذكر أعاه دين قسوة وبطش وتعذيب وقتل‪ ،‬وهذا‬

‫(‪ )11‬وهذا منشور ي ‪ 4013/7/1‬على صفحة الـ (بي بي سي) على اانرنت‪.‬‬
‫(‪ )60‬قاله ي مقطع فيديو على اانرنت حياة ميديا سنر ي شهر ‪4013/2‬م‪.‬‬
‫(‪ )61‬رواه البخاري (‪ )4721‬كتاب اجهاد والسر‪.‬‬
‫(‪ )64‬انظر تفسر الرازي (‪.)314/12‬‬
‫(‪ )61‬رواه البخاري (‪ )1117‬ي كتاب اأدب‪ ،‬ورواه مسلم (‪ )4112‬ي كتاب الفضائل‪.‬‬
‫(‪ )63‬رواه أمد (‪.)160/4‬‬
‫كما تبن أعاه خطأ وغلط عظيم وإساءة إى الدين وامسلمن والعالَم كله‪ .‬فراجعوا أعمالكم هذه‬
‫كلها وانتهوا عنها‪ ،‬وتوبوا منها‪ ،‬وكفوا اأذى عن الناس‪ ،‬وعودوا إى دين الرمة‪ .‬يقول اه سبحانه‬

‫"‪                   ‬‬ ‫تعاى‪:‬‬

‫‪( "  ‬الزمر‪.)11: 11،‬‬

‫واه أعلم‬
‫‪ 43‬ذو القعدة ‪1311‬هـ ‪ /‬اموافق ‪4013/1/11‬م‬

‫قول سيدنا علي بن أبي طالب كرم اه وجهه‬

‫روى نُ َعيم بن مَاد ي كتابه "الفن" أن سيدنا علي بن أبي طالب كرم اه وجهه قال‪:‬‬
‫"إذا رأيتم الرايات السود فالزموا اأرض فا حركوا أيديكم وا أرجلكم ثم يظهر قوم ضعفاء ا‬
‫يؤبه هم قلوبهم كزبر احديد هم أصحاب الدولة ا يفون بعهد وا ميثاق يَدْعُون إى احق وليسوا من‬
‫أهله أماؤهم الكنى ونسبتهم القرى وشعورهم مرخاة كشعور النساء حتى ختلفوا فيما بينهم ثم‬
‫يؤتي اه احق من يشاء(‪.")61‬‬
‫يتسا َء ل البعض‪ :‬هل هذا القول الذي قاله سيدنا علي ابن أبي طالب كرم اه وجهه ورواه‬
‫شيخ البخاري (نُ َعيم بن ماد) ي كتاب الفن قبل حو (‪ )1400‬سنة ينطبق على أصحاب "الدولة‬
‫فهل مكن فهم هذا اأثر كالتالي‪:‬‬
‫إذا رأيتم الرايات السود‪ :‬ورايات "الدولة اإسامية" سوداء‪.‬‬
‫فالزموا اأرض‪ :‬أي‪" :‬ابقوا يا مسلمن ي مكانكم وا تهاجروا إليهم"‪.‬‬
‫فا حركوا أيديكم وا أرجلكم‪ :‬أي‪" :‬ا تساعدوهم بامال وا بامعدات"‪.‬‬
‫ثم يظهر قوم ضعفاء ا يؤبه هم‪" :‬وامقصود ضعفاء ي معرفة الدين واأخاق ومارستها"‪.‬‬
‫قلوبهم كزبر احديد‪ :‬أي‪" :‬يقتلون اأسرى ويعذبون الناس بقسوة شديدة"‪.‬‬
‫هم أصحاب الدولة‪ :‬ومنذ مائة عام تقريباً م يدع أحد أنه دولة اإسام غر "الدولة اإسامية"‬
‫احالية ي سوريا والعراق‪.‬‬
‫ا يفون بعهد وا ميثاق‪ :‬و"الدولة اإسامية" م تفِ على سبيل امثال ميثاق الشعيطات بعدما‬
‫بايعوها‪ ،‬أو حرمة عهد الرسل اموفدين إليها كالصحفين‪.‬‬
‫َيدْعُون إى احق‪ :‬و"الدولة اإسامية" تدعو إى اإسام‪.‬‬
‫وليسوا من أهله‪ :‬أهل احق هم الرامون يقول رسول اه ‪(( :‬ارموا تُرْموا))‪.‬‬
‫أماؤهم الكنى‪ :‬مثل "أبو حمد" و"أبو مثنى" و"أبو مسلم" وهلم جرا‪.‬‬
‫ونسبتهم القرى‪ :‬مثل "البغدادي" و"الزرقاوي" و"التونسي" و"اليمي" و"ال َكَندِي"‪.‬‬
‫وشعورهم مرخاة كشعور النساء‪ :‬وهكذا شعور مقاتلي "الدولة اإسامية"‪.‬‬

‫(‪ )61‬رواه ُن َعيم بن ماد ي كتاب الفن برقم (‪.)171‬‬

‫حتى ختلفوا فيما بينهم‪ :‬كاختاف أصحاب "الدولة اإسامية" مع أصلهم وهي القاعدة وجبهة‬
‫النصرة‪ .‬والقتل بينهم أدّى إى أكثر من عشرة آاف قتيل ي عام واحد‪.‬‬
‫ثم يؤتي اه احق من يشاء‪ :‬ببيانٍ إساميٍ صحيح كهذا البيان‪.‬‬
‫يقول اه سبحانه وتعاى على لسان سيدنا لقمان احكيم‪:‬‬
‫‪                      ‬‬

‫(لقمان‪)16: 11،‬‬ ‫‪  ‬‬


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