547 - 3 - Roadmap B2. Workbookwith Answ. Key - 2020, 96p
547 - 3 - Roadmap B2. Workbookwith Answ. Key - 2020, 96p
547 - 3 - Roadmap B2. Workbookwith Answ. Key - 2020, 96p
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often gave
was feeling
never forgot
big impact
I saw a really unusual looking bird while I was sitting outside this
bawled my eyes out
in shock Although Maddie took loads of driving lessons last year, she failed
her test
feel ashamed
André used to work at the local bank but now he has his own business
inspired me
a total fool
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more? me
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Spain. that?
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it. That means, er, we take far fewer risks than people who are
UNIT 1 Recording 1
P = Presenter G = Graham P: Right.
G: And the problem with optim … with … with being optimistic, is
P: Joining me today is Graham Latimer who’s recently written a book
that it makes you think everything will work out and nothing bad
about our personalities. He says that every characteristic has
will happen to you. So, of course, what that means is that you
its benefits, even the bad ones. So, Graham, why did you choose
make no preparations for anything bad happening or avoid risks
this topic?
that a pessimistic person would avoid. The result of all this is that
G: Well, er … none of us are perfect. We all have characteristics that
it’s actually pessimistic people who live longer and healthier lives.
we think of as good and characteristics we think of as bad. But,
P: Really? That’s fascinating.
you know, a lot of bad characteristics aren’t actually bad at all.
G: It is. Not what most people would say at all.
P: Such as?
P: No.
G: Well, let’s take, um, laziness, for example. When someone’s lazy,
G: Um, another characteristic we think of as negative is shyness,
we imagine they … they lay around doing nothing. But what lazy
but it isn’t negative at all. Shy people may be reluctant to speak to
people actually do is to make life easier for themselves. And this
new people, but are often … well, often make excellent listeners
results in … in … inventions.
and they pay much more attention to what’s around them than
others. They can be excellent managers because, er, listening
UNIT 1 Recording 2 and observation skills are very important in that kind of job.
P: So, um, do you think that every negative characteristic is a
P = Presenter G = Graham
P: Joining me today is Graham Latimer who’s recently written a book G: Good question. Hmm, I’m not sure about every one, but I do think
about our personalities. He says that every characteristic has that the majority can be positive.
its benefits, even the bad ones. So, Graham, why did you choose P: Interesting. Graham, thanks very much. It was great to hear your
this topic? ideas today.
G: Well, er … none of us are perfect. We all have characteristics that
we think of as good and characteristics we think of as bad. But,
you know, a lot of bad characteristics aren’t actually bad at all. UNIT 2 Recording 1
P: Such as? A = Alicia M = Marco
G: Well, let’s take, um, laziness, for example. When someone’s lazy,
M: Hello and welcome to My thoughts exactly – the weekly podcast
we imagine they … they lay around doing nothing. But what lazy
in which Alicia and I talk about … well, whatever we feel like, right?
people actually do is to make life easier for themselves. And this
A: Ha ha! Right.
results in … in … inventions.
M: I’m your host, Marco, and this week we’re talking about
P: What do you mean?
complaining. Alicia, do you know anyone who complains?
G: Well, lazy people invent things to make their lives more
A: Yeah, someone I used to work with. Let’s call her Annie.
comfortable. For instance, did you know that if you put your
M: What did she moan about?
mobile phone in a glass, the sound is much louder?
A: What didn’t she moan about? The temperature of the office for one.
P: Oh right, yeah, I’ve heard about that.
It was always too cold for her. And then she complained if someone
G: Yeah. And the likelihood is that a lazy person discovered it because,
was late, even if they made up the hours at the end of the day.
well, they didn’t want to get up and find some speakers. See?
That used to really get on my nerves. And she hated it if someone
P: Ah, right. There’s a saying, isn’t there? That necessity is the
brought smelly food in for lunch and ate at their desk, and then
mother of invention. So, what you’re saying is that when you’re a
she …
bit lazy, avoiding activity is a necessity and so lazy people invent
M: Wait, wait stop!
things to avoid activity.
A: What?
G: Exactly!
M: You’re complaining! You’re complaining, about someone
P: OK, now, I’m pretty messy – you should see my flat, there’s stuff
everywhere – and it’s certainly something which my family see
A: Oh yeah, I guess I am! But it’s good to have a moan, isn’t it?
as a negative trait. Can you do me a favour and tell me that it’s
Complaining helps to get out your frustrations and makes you
actually a positive thing?
feel better.
G: Yeah, I can.
M: Well, yes and no.
P: Great!
A: What do you mean?
G: Research shows that messy people are … are … very creative
M: Well, apparently, complaining about something to someone else
people. They, er, also take more risks.
can improve your mood slightly but not for long. In the end, it just
P: Oh, that’s good. I can’t wait to tell my family that!
makes you feel down.
G: We can say a similar thing about people who are easily bored.
A: Oh, right.
When … when we’re bored, we actually spend time looking for …
M: Yeah, I’ve read a bit of research about it. Complaining produces
for new things to do or … looking for new knowledge to learn.
feelings of negativity. There was this one study where people
We get creative.
were asked to write about their day, you know, every evening.
P: Children use their imaginations when they’re bored, don’t they?
Half the people were asked to write about positive things and the
G: Yeah, they make their own games, but adults get creative, too,
other half were asked to write about things that irritated them.
just perhaps in a different way. We try new things and imagine all
A: And?
kinds of possibilities that help us to, er, make better decisions.
M: Well, the half that complained about their day felt less satisfied
P: That makes sense.
that evening and were in a worse mood the next day, too.
G: Optimism and pessimism are interesting characteristics. We …
A: Yeah, I can see how that happens.
we think of optimism as being positive and pessimism as being
M: Right. There’s also a suggestion that complaining can have a
negative, right?
physical effect on your body, too. It causes stress which, in turn,
P: Yeah.
can do things like increase your blood pressure.
G: Yeah, but actually pessimism is a positive characteristic.
A: Oh, that doesn’t sound good.
P: Really? How come?
M: No, complaining makes the listener feel miserable, too, so, er,
G: Well, when we’re pessimistic, we always assume the worst.
thanks for that!
Something bad’s always gonna happen, right? So, we prepare for
2 4
UNIT 1 1 cautious 2 careless 3 trusting 1 inventions 2 risks 3 creative 4 prepare
4 adventurous 5 reserved 6 outgoing 5 attention 6 leaders
7 suspicious 8 organised
1A Writing
1 1 a 2 e 3 c 4 f 5 d 6 b 1
1 c 2 a 3 f 4 b 5 e 6 h 7 d 8 g 4 3 A place that surprised me
2 1 c 2 a 3 b 4 c 5 a 6 a 2
1 relied on 2 deal with 3 work on 4 smile at 5 1 F The writer says it’s places that we have no
5 thinking about/of 6 suffer from 7 stand for 1 This article doesn’t make sense. expectations of that are surprising.
2 You’ll have to wait in line to get the tickets. 2 F The writer arrived early to avoid crowds.
3 None of my colleagues take an interest in my 3 T
1 Who put these books here?
work. 4T
2 Do you know what time the film starts?
4 If we don’t meet our deadline, we’ll be in trouble. 5 F It was bigger than the writer imagined.
3 Who are you looking at?
5 If you feed our cat while we’re away, I’ll return 6T
4 Do you belong to any clubs?
5 Could I ask how old you are? the favour when you next go away. 3
6 I wonder why nobody’s here yet. 1 a 2 e 3 d 4 b 5 c 6 f 7 g
7 Who called you so early this morning? 4
8 I’d love to know where Tom gets his energy from. 1D 1 c 2 d 3 b 4 f 5 a 6 e
4 1 5
1 d 2 g 3 c 4 e 5 a 6 f 7 h 8 b 1 c 2 a 3 b 4 c 5 c 6 b The floor in the hotel lobby; like
5 2 6
1 what time the shops (usually) close 1 What makes you say that? 1 d 2 c 3 a 4 b
2 does BBC stand for 2 I’m not really with you on that one. /
3 gave you that necklace 7–11
I’m really not with you on that one. Students’ own answers.
4 what Sam’s doing/where Sam is 3 Can you explain that a bit more?
5 project are you working on 4 You might be right, I guess.
6 why Matt was rude to me yesterday 5 That happened to me once.
7 happened after the meal last night 6 How did you come to that conclusion?
8 how many countries Anna has visited 7 You could look at it another way.
8 That reminds me of the time I went to Spain.
1B 3
1 You’re absolutely right. 1
1 2 What makes you say that? 1 rest 2 rid of 3 attention 4 nerves
1 b 2 c 3 e 4 f 5 g 6 h 7 d 8 a 3 Are you serious? 5 together 6 paid 7 straight 8 it
4 You’ve got a point
2 5 In my experience 2
1 big impact 2 bawled my eyes out 3 in shock 6 How did you come to that conclusion? 1 get in touch with 2 get carried away
4 feel ashamed 5 inspired me 6 a total fool 3 get to see 4 get the feeling
7 believe her luck 8 blew my mind 4 5 getting on my nerves 6 get rid of
1 options 2 main/obvious 7 get his attention 8 get some rest
3 3 drawback/disadvantage 4 against
1 was waiting, saw 2 used to 5 option 6 benefit/advantage 3
3 was coming down, was getting 4 kept 7 account/consideration 8 balance 1 a 2 a 3 b 4 a 5 b 6 b 7 a 8 b
5 ’d go 6 beating 4
4 Reading 1 ’s/has been uploading 2 ’s/has uploaded
… the head teacher was often giving me 3 has become 4 have seen
often gave/would often give me extra
1 5 ’s/has gained 6 ’s/has earned
1 Descriptive article 7 have been supporting
… , I was doing did something really silly. 2
… , were waiting for the teacher 1 c 2 b 3 a 4 b 5 a 6 c
… so we were deciding decided to take … 3 2B
I would feel felt very ashamed … 1 traditional offline dating is dead
I was never forgetting forgot … 2 much more time 1
5 3 introduce a new topic Across: 1 action 3 a law 5 funding
1 While I was sitting outside this morning, I saw a 6 research
4 Down: 2 the dangers 3 a problem
really unusual looking bird. 1 tell (something)
2 Although Maddie took loads of driving lessons 4 alternatives
2 converse with
last year, she failed her test. 3 fall into easy conversation 2
3 André used to work at the local bank but now 4 hit if off (with someone) 1 ban 2 enforce 3 crack 4 carried
he has his own business. 5 make judgements (about someone) 5 do 6 warn 7 tackle 8 increases
4 We looked/were looking at the menu, trying to 6 make a good impression 3
decide what to eat. 7 put someone at ease 1 take action 2 offer alternatives
5 My family and I would often go/often used to 8 be relieved 3 tackle the problem
go camping in the summer holidays.
5 4 warn (their children) about the dangers
6 I once broke a finger while I was playing
1 impression 2 off 3 easy conversation 5 enforce a law 6 do more
4 tell 5 with 6 make 4
1 being built 2 was hit 3 had been
1C Listening 4 be given 5 get 6 sent 7 speak
8 be given
1 b 5
1 outgoing 2 cautious 3 reserved 1 are being given/have been given 2 organises
4 adventurous 5 trusting 6 organised 2 3 was started 4 have been invited
7 confident 8 suspicious 1 optimism 2 pessimism 3 laziness
5 are trained 6 are also offered
4 shyness 5 messiness 6 boredom
7 have been given 8 receive 9 be given
3 10 get
1 d 2 f 3 b 4 e 5 a 6 c
Writing 2
5C 1
1 accused 2 deny 3 insist 4 convince
5 refused 6 threatened 7 advised
b 8 blamed 9 reminded 10 agreed
1 interest 2 recession 3 investments 2 11 apologise 12 admitted
4 savings 5 pension 6 income 7 bargain 1 short, dark, straight, wavy, receding 3
8 donation 9 inflation 10 budget 2 symmetrical 3 deep brown 4 elegant 1 breaking 2 to let 3 playing 4 to pay
5 full 6 above average height, slim, broad 5 to increase 6 on taking 7 us to get
7 deep, soft 8 shy, confident 8 to give
1 interest 2 savings 3 pension/income
4 recession 5 inflation 6 pension/income 3 4
7 donation 8 budget 9 bargains bald: hair freckles: face high-pitched: voice 1 d Norah insisted on paying it
10 investment muscular: body prominent: nose stubble: face 2 f She accused me of borrowing her clothes
thick: hair thin: hair, nose, mouth, body 3 c I’ve agreed to help a friend move house
wide: eyes, mouth 4 b I admit having one or two
1 qualified 2 dangerous 3 wrong 4 good
5 disappointed 6 easy 4 5 e Remind me never to ask you for advice
… dark as the night sky … as deep as the ocean 6 a David’s threatened to cancel the party
… rich and soft like velvet … as strong as an ox
1 perfectly safe 2 completely different
3 absolutely ridiculous 4 bitterly cold 5 Listening
5 widely available 6 relatively simple 1 c 2 g 3 a 4 e 5 b 6 h 7 f 8 d 1
5 6–8 a
1 c 2 d 3 d 4 c 5 c 6 c Students’ own answers. 2
1 Podcast 2 2 Podcast 1 3 Podcast 1
4 Podcast 2 5 Podcast 2 6 Podcast 1
5D UNIT 6 7 Both 8 Podcast 2 9 Both 10 Podcast 1
1 1 asked for 2 profits 3 job satisfaction
1 mark 2 alone 3 on 4 mess 6A 4 calm, friendly 5 disappointing 6 listening
5 message 6 home 7 around 8 me
1 4
1 d 2 a 3 b 4 c be a pain, be out of this world, be over the moon, 1 b 2 a 3 a 4 a 5 b 6 a
be a piece of cake, cost an arm and a leg, 5
3 drive me up the wall, take my breath away
1 It’s no big deal. (b) 1 d 2 e 3 b 4 f 5 a 6 c
2 I had nothing to do with it. (c) 2 6
3 I’ll sort it out, I promise. (a) 1 world 2 breath 3 leg 4 wall 5 cake 1 Podcast 2 2 Both 3 Podcast 1
4 Try not to do it again. (b) 6 cover 7 moon 8 a pain
5 It’s got nothing to do with me. (c) 3 Reading
6 I should have been more careful. (a) 1 takes my breath away 2 drives me up the wall
7 Well, who did then? (d) 3 judge a book by its cover 1
8 I’m so sorry, did I spill your drink? (a) 4 cost an arm and a leg 5 over the moon c
4 6 a pain 7 a piece of cake 8 out of this world 2
1 own 2 deal 3 sort 4 fault 5 blame 4 1 h 2 p 3 k, l 4 n 5 g 6 c 7 n, o
6 then 1 going 2 to go 3 living 4 to get 8 a, m
5 5 telling 6 to buy 7 locking 8 Having 3
1 Let’s try to find a solution. 5 1 T
2 What about if Andy and I 1 We considered getting a dog last year. 2 F He also likes falling asleep in front of the TV.
3 I don’t think that’s going to work 2 It isn’t/’s not worth crying over a broken dish. 3 F He knows he shouldn’t do it.
4 I understand (that) 3 It’s easy to get around the city on foot. 4 T
5 Why don’t I see if I 4 Megan keeps sending me really funny gifs. 5 F He feels it’s a depressing habit.
6 That sounds reasonable 5 Do you remember meeting me for the first time? 6 F He says that he’s heard this is the case, not
7 It makes sense because 6 I can’t wait to have a lovely, relaxing bath tonight. that he does it.
7 It was good of you to come round and help 7 T
8 F They remind her of her own childhood.
Reading yesterday.
8 Dom messaged me this morning to invite me 4
1 for dinner. 1 a 2 b 3 b 4 a 5 a 6 a
The cost of items
2 1 watching 2 laughing 3 eating/having
1 e 2 c 3 a 4 f 5 d 6 b 4 having 5 to have 6 Playing 7 having
8 complaining/moaning 9 moaning/complaining
3 1
1 I am making a claim for a full refund. Across: 7 sister-in-law 8 client
(purpose 2) 9 brother-in-law 1
2 I hope to hear from you at your earliest Down: 1 ex-partner 2 senior colleague 1 retire 2 (full-time) job 3 15/fifteen
convenience. (purpose 4) 3 acquaintance 4 classmate 5 co-worker 4 day trips/staycations 5 children
3 Please accept this email as a claim for a refund. 6 flatmate 2
(purpose 4)
2 1 home 2 loans 3 10–15 4 meals
4 I am writing to complain about your event. 5 holidays 6 meals 7 camping 8 interest
1 acquaintance 2 co-workers 3 flatmate
(purpose 1) 9 income 10 goals
4 clients 5 ex-partner 6 brother-in-law
5 This product is not fit for purpose. (purpose 3)
7 sister-in-law 8 classmates 3
6 I believe the product is still under warranty.
(purpose 3) 3 Comment 2
1 It seems to me that Lyn and Ellie have fallen out.
1 hopefully 2 clearly, obviously 3 frankly
2 It feels as if it’s going to rain. Writing
3 It strikes me that we’re spending a lot of
4 unfortunately
money. 1
5 4 It sounds as though you’re having a hard time. May not March
Hope/luck/unhappiness: luckily, sadly 5 It occurs to me that I’ve never been here 75 people not 65
Surprise: astonishingly, naturally, predictably before. Mark’s cousin to DJ not brother
Other: reluctantly 6 It looks as if you’ve had a great day. Lisa to get paperwork from the police not the
6 4 Discuss £ of tickets, not DJ next week
1 Sadly 2 Predictably 3 Naturally 1 a, b 2 c 3 a 4 c 5 b 6 a
4 Luckily 5 reluctantly 6 Astonishingly 2
5 1T 2 T 3 F 4 T 5 F 6 T
7–10 1 that/as if/as though you’re not very happy
Students’ own answers. 2 to me that the shops close early on a Sunday 3
3 out that I didn’t have any battery About/regarding: re. And/plus: +
4 me that anyone eats this awful fast food Approximately: approx. Compared with: c.f.
Increase: Necessary: nec. People: ppl
UNIT 7 5 as if/though this is a lovely house
Price/cost: £ Through: thru Week: wk
6 worries/concerns me that Tammy always
looks fed up Weekend: w/e
7A 4
Because = b/c Decrease = Especially = esp.
1 7D Information = info. Number = no. Very = v.
1 standard/living 2 Unemployment With = w/ Without = w/o
3 Homelessness 4 social unrest 1 5
1 agenda 2 item 3 topic 4 business Suggested answers:
5 talk 6 gone 7 move 8 through 1 Demand for products this month > last month
1 inequality 2 life expectancy
9 input 10 come 2 Sales this year low c.f. last year
3 living standards 4 energy efficiency
5 inequality 6 energy efficiency 2 3 Sales x 30%
7 healthcare 8 poverty 9 life expectancy 1 Let’s get down to business. 4 No other sales information b/c Maria off sick
2 Has everyone met Gill from Accounts? 5 Need to do more to advertise in local
3 newspapers, online etc.
3 The next item on the agenda is our budget.
1 f 2 d 3 b 4 a 5 e 6 c 6 Need a meeting w/ Tom re. our new product.
4 Our goal today is to decide on a new project.
4 5 Let’s make a start, shall we? 7 Promotion of product v. imp.
1 long 2 soon 3 when 4 unless 5 If 6 I think you all know Eduardo. 8 NB. Tom’s on holiday next wk.
6 provided 7 It’s good to see you all here. 6
5 8 The purpose of this meeting is to share new Suggested answers:
1 Unless you get the large size, the shirt won’t ideas. 1 Need to get a plumber out to fix taps in toilets
fit me. 3 on 1st, 2nd etc. floor.
2 When my dog sees me, she comes running a copy of the agenda not diary 2 no. of invitations to approx. 30.
every time! let’s get started/let’s begin not begun 3 Need to do research to get more info. re. the
3 I won’t come with you if you don’t want me to. The purpose of today’s meeting not role area.
4 You’ll do fine in the exams as long as you item on the agenda not object 4 Ken will hire mini bus. Everyone else go w/ him.
revise. 5 Recent storm power cut in 3 villages
5 Provided that Jack does his part of the report 6 Dan to call Sally re DJ. She can book someone if
1 have to stop you there
soon, we’ll finish it by 3 p.m. nec.
2 what are your thoughts 3 ’ve gone off topic
6 My car always stops working when I need it 7
4 maybe you could tell 5 Let’s move on to
the most. Possible answer:
6 to hear your views
5 Things to do before our holiday
1 Research cheaper car park. Last year’s £ x
7B 1 b 2 f 3 a 4 d 5 e 6 c
2 Speak to Ed re. plants, cat etc. Buy gift from
1 Reading Spain.
1 e 2 d 3 b 4 a 5 c
1 3 Buy new suitcase online w/ four wheels.
2 1 c 2 d 3 a 4 b 4 Get 1 x small bottle sun cream at w/e. Buy
1 will 2 definitely 3 doubt 4 are more during wk at hotel shop.
5 won’t 6 possible 7 won’t 8 unlikely 5 Check travel insurance. Get more if nec.
1 Writer 2 2 Writer 3 3 Writer 3 4 Writer 4
6 Put passports in case.
3 5 Writer 1 6 Writer 4 7 Writer 2 8 Writer 4
7 Download music, films, books etc. onto phones.
1 e 2 b 3 d 4 h 5 g 6 a 7 c 8 f 9 Writer 3 10 Writer 1 11 Writer 2
Take games e.g. cards.
12 Writer 1
8 Order 500 euros online. Pick up in town. Use
debit cards.
1 6
1 1 speed by 2 overall 3 rush
1 d 2 a 3 c 4 e 5 b 1 big break 2 unknown 4 not a bed of roses 5 perspective
2 3 taken the world by storm 4 an instant hit 6 settle down 7 made the most of 8 loyal
1 T 2 F 3 F 4 T 5 F 6 T 7 F 8 T 5 started out 6 legacy
9 F 10 T 11 F 12 T 7 being in the public eye 7
1 settle down 2 a bed of roses 3 rush
3 2 4 perspective 5 make the most 6 loyal
1 c 2 a 3 b 1 b 2 d 3 a 4 c 5 f 6 e 7 overall 8 sped by
4 3
1 poor relations with 2 launch a manhunt 1 c 2 a 3 b 4 a 5 c 6 a 7 b 8 c Writing
3 publicity 4 claimed 5 remote 4
6 satisfy our curiosity 7 enabled us
1 dogs 2 the plates 3 the Chicago 1 a 2 e 3 b 4 f 5 d 6 c
8 an ideal world 4 the police station 5 the most amazing thing
5 6 The Inner beauty is 7 the Sahara Desert 2
8 The one with the black cap 1 F 2 F 3 T 4 T 5 T 6 T
1 publicity 2 claim 3 launch a manhunt
4 satisfy 5 enabled 6 remote 5 3
1 The Dutch bred orange carrots 1 b 2 a 3 c 4 c 5 a
Listening 2 the British town of Dull (was) linked with the 4
American town of Boring 1 help 2 afraid 3 Find 4 time zones
3 the spaceship which landed on the moon 5 far better 6 long way 7 look like
4 a person gets rid of about 35 kg of skin 8 feel the need
2 5 threw a party for time travellers
1 c 2 a 3 a 4 b 5 b 5–7
6 didn’t send the invitations
Students’ own answers.
7 turned up to the party
Writing 8 the Middle Ages in Europe
9 a moment was equal to 90 seconds
1 10 an hour was divided into 40 moments
1 c 2 a 3 a 4 a 5 b 10C
2 c 3 a 4 b 1
densely populated, good-looking, five-year,
4 hard-up, high-tech, middle-aged, part-time,
1 There is plenty of evidence that …
self-confident, strong-willed, well-educated
2 In addition to that …
3 In summary, … 2
4 I am convinced that … 1 short 2 known 3 minute 4 built
5 To summarise, … 5 behaved 6 narrow 7 run 8 centred
6 This is conclusive proof that … 3
7 I strongly believe that … 1 brightly-lit 2 broken-down 3 well-off
8 The main reason is that … 4 absent-minded 5 state-of-the-art
5 6 internet-connected 7 well-known
I: 4, 7 M: 1, 2, 6, 8 C: 3, 5 8 part-time 9 15-year 10 so-called
6–8 4
Students’ own answers. 1 enforce 2 install 3 fined 4 introduce
5 put up 6 charge 7 educated
8 discourage
1 c 2 a 3 c 4 b 5 a 6 b 7 b 8 c