Project Proposal Form 2021

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Diploma in Perfor

Performing &
Production Arts
Unit 12 Project Proposal

Candidate Esme Peach Kley

Candidate 358330
Pathway Level 3 Performing & Production Arts

Project Title Metamorphosis FMP

Section 1: Review
Since joining this course, I have become noticeably more confident, I now more often share my ideas in
group discussions whereas previously I would mostly keep them to myself. This course has facilitated
me and so many others to work with professionals from the industry, I have learned so much from
seeing their individual ways of working and teaching and the art they create within their domain. From
this I have come to realise quite how many different roles in the industry that I was not aware even
existed, some of which i would be very interested in learning more about as I’m open trying new things
within this. This course has enabled me to explore areas that would have at this time been out of my
comfort zone. An example of this was in our Musical Theatre unit where we had to choose a song and
perform it to a panel. As I would not class myself as a confident singer whatsoever, this task was a huge
challenge for me- and after this I felt far more confident in my ability to try new things and not be put off
by my past predictions. One of our other units was on stage combat, which I immediately fell in love
with! It was my first time doing any kind of stage fighting and I was pleasantly surprised at how easy I
found it- it was like learning choreography for a dance, this may be something that I am interested in
doing in the future. I have thoroughly enjoyed the experience of working with my peers as they are all
incredibly different as creatives and it has inspired me to think outside the box. In the future I wish to go
to drama school to study acting as this is something I wish to go into, I love working with other creatives
so perhaps I will join or set up my own ensemble theatre company. When I am older, I wish to be a
playwright- I am interested in the creation of contemporary stories that contain a political message for
the younger generation to tell.

Section 2: Project Concept

We will be performing the play ‘Metamorphosis’ written by Laura Lomas, Sabrina Mahfouz and Sami
Ibrahim, the play is an adaptation of Roman poet’s Ovid. We will be working alongside professionals
such as our Director Natalie Simone and an entire creative and production team. Metamorphosis is a
complex and beautiful piece of writing which explores a range of Greek Myths and stories showing
themes of love, murder, sex, violence, revenge and romance. The play explores these Ancient Greek
Myths through humor and seriousness, narration and storytelling which includes a range of different
characters perspectives of these Myths. I am excited to be a part of this production as its way of retelling
stories is genius! The running order completes each scene so well- going from emotional mental
torment to hilarious audience interaction. With this play I feel there is a lot of room to experiment as
there is a lot of creative freedom as the scenes can be placed in any order and the scenes don’t all have
to be used, I find this makes the process of the play more playful and allows us as a theatre company to
feel more included in creative decisions which makes our ideas feel expressed and valued which is
important as it creates a good working environment and allows us to work more playfully in the
rehearsal space. For me the aim of this is to experience creating a show with trained professionals and
taking on whatever it is their domain is in. I want to become a more experienced creative as I am
interested into going into other fields such as directing and writing as well as acting- It is important for
me to gain as many skills as possible to prepare myslef for the industry.

Section 3: Evaluation
This section provides an opportunity for you to explain how you will reflect on and evaluate your work,
as both an ongoing activity and at the conclusion of your project.

You should describe how you intend to record your decision-making and how you will document
changes to your ideas as your work progresses.

The evaluation should be referenced to your stated aims and be reflective and analytical rather than a
description of actions completed.

When working in collaboration with others you should comment on how this may impact either positively
or negatively and steps you can take to minimise disruption in your own progress.

I will continually be aiming to improve in all areas, if possible, I want this to be the case so that when this
project comes to an end I feel as though I tried my hardest to excel at everything- I think that this
specific project needs commitment from everyone in all areas for it to work. This can only happen if I ask
my peers for their opinions and overall feedback on my work and performances, then I can make the
necessary changes to my work in order to achieve the best possible. To minimise any possible
disruption that could be caused, I have chosen to work with cast members other than just my friends- in
order to avoid distraction and to vary the work produced. Before each session I will re-read notes from
the previous week, and if I feel necessary I will flick through the script t make sure I am fully prepared. I
have also planned that directly after every session, I will take notes on what was done in the session,
what went well, how I was feeling about certain aspects and how I could improve. I then plan to film a
weekly reflection talking about this in more detail, so when this project is over, I can look back over the
process, and how I progressed and how my feelings changed over time.

Proposed Research Sources and Bibliography (Harvard Format)

BBC Bitesize. (2019). Who were the ancient Greeks? [online] Available at:

BBC (2010). BBC - History - British History in depth: Prime Ministers and Politics Timeline.
[online] Available at:

Dunbar, R. (2022). The big idea: do we still need religion? [online] the Guardian. Available at: Editors (2018). The 1980s. [online] HISTORY. Available at: Editors (2010). Ancient Greece. [online] History. Available at:

Journal, T.G. (n.d.). 25 iconic moments that define the 21st century thus far. [online] The
Gentleman’s Journal. Available at:

Karina, N. (2023). 20 historical events from 2000 to 2020 that shaped the new millennium.
[online] - Nigeria news. Available at:

National Geographic Society (2023). Democracy (Ancient Greece) | National Geographic

Society. [online] Available at:

outrageous-today/ss-BB1mmTZm?item=flightsprg-tipsubsc-v1a [Accessed 2 Jun. 2024].

Society, S.H. (2002). Securities and Exchange Commission Historical Society. [online] Available at:

Tikkanen, A. (2023). Timeline of the 1980s | Britannica. [online]

Available at: (n.d.). P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses, Book 10, line 298. [online]
Available at:
%3A1999.02.0028%3Abook%3D10%3Acard%3D298 [Accessed 2 Jun. 2024]. (n.d.). MSN. [online] Available at:

Project Action Plan and Timetable

Week Date Week Activity / What you are intending to do - Resources / What you will need to do it -
Beginning including independent study including access to workshops

1 script, pen, notebook, waterbottle

26th Tuesday- We were introduced to what
theory tasks we were going to be given
during the research and development
phase and the deadlines for these tasks

Wednesday- We were introduced to

vocal coach Eillan Showering, talked
about ideas for metamorphosis-
playfulness within. started with a vocal
warm-up-found this interesting as this
was a different approach to a vocal
warm-up- this effective and felt more
open using my voice. We were then
taught lyrics to a warm-up song to help
us enunciate and learn how to
understand breathing this helped me
control my voice a lot better and for
sound to come out more clearly.

2 Script, pen, notebook, waterbottle

4th March Monay- read through the scenes that Nat
had chosen and after reading each of the
scenes we would reflect our thoughts,
feelings and ideas and contribute to the
space, this allowing us to express our
creativity and thoughts as well as our
director’s, this provided more freedom
and created a good environment.
talked about the possible setting for the
show and how we were possibly going
to execute this on stage and talked about
audience interaction and participation

Tuesday- Theory session, start making

the initial presentation and research your
Wednesday – Eillan again where did
brief warm-up which helped me collect
focus and think more about my breath.
talked about sound in the play and how
we could use it to create different
emotions and encourage moments of
tension. picked a piece of text from a
scene from Metamorphoses and found a
backing track for that specific moment
in pairs.

Friday- I worked on theory tasks from


3 Monday- gathered & met some of the Script, pen, Notebook, waterbottle
11th March creative team, designer Olivia &
assistant stage manager Harriet, In this
session we mainly focused on the script
trying out a range of different
physicality to play with different
characters. We were then put into groups
where we all discussed skills/ abilities
created a piece Later in the session we
worked towards movement and
engaging our bodies in the space-
playing animals. looked at lip syncing .

Tuesday- Set theory task

Wednesday- Eillan, warm-up and

exercises- working with our voice and
how placing it in different areas could
make it sound and feel different, we
changed our voice starting from the
throat to nasal and finally to the chest.

Thursday- started re-reading some of the

script and wrote down the running order
so that I had knowledge and clarity
4 16th March Monday- movement director Cat- warm- Script, pen, notebook, water bottle
up thinking about the physicality of
nature and imagery. play with the
characters - the Nymphs and looked
Goddess Diana. looked at an animal’s
physicality and focused dog’s character,
stages of a dog. characteristics. text
work for casting.

Tuesday- Theory session- presentations

Wednesday- Ellian/ Nat rewrite the

lyrics of the song fit character's
perspective- ‘Super Freak’ by ‘Rick
James’ for character Orpheus

Thursday- wrote down notes for the

Friday- Filmed weekly reflection

5 Monday- vocal and physical warm- Script, pen, notebook, water bottle
25th March Eillan/nat-rewriting lyrics to ‘Super
Freak'. write jingle for Palace of the
Sun. Worked on harmonies w/ Eillan for
Ciconian Women. Announced our
Tuesday- Presentation

Wednesday- Vocal
tips/exercises/warmups - Ellian.

Thursday- Theory work/ Website

Friday- Weekly Reflection/notes

6 Monday- briefing. First Intensive Script, pen, notebook, water bottle

15th April rehearsal. read-through of the script.
Wrote about project, quotes, Media.
Tuesday- Warmup. Character bio.
Finally. discussed how we felt about
gender identity & society today.

Wednesday- Actaeon- lines. First 1-1

with nat- Myrrha- discussed trapeze/ her

Thursday- Worked on character bio/

trapeze rehearsals
7 22nd April Monday- own clothes- represent Script, pen, notebook, water bottle
character- characterr bios/ hot seating
After we finished the hot seating,

Tuesday- Ciconian Women – giving of

lines/ how to they behave/
Wednesday- Movement director- cat.
Actaeon and blocked the movement the
Bacchae- workshop movement.
Discussion about trapeze.
Thursday- Tutor w/ deb. Lines with Nat
Friday- blocked ciconian wemon/
blocked Bacchae
8 Monday- full day w Ellian. Ciconian Script, pen, notebook, water bottle
Women. Jingle- harmonies. Created a
Tuesday- Blocked ciconian wemon/
discussed characterisation/ physicality
Wednesday- Trapeze rehearsal
Thursaday- harmonies in the ciconain
women scene allowing us to put this
alongside blocking and putting vocals in
with the text
Friday- Movement Director- Cat-
Bacchae choreography. Trapeze

9 Monday- Bank holiday. Script, pen, notebook, water bottle

All day trapeze rehearsals.

Tuesday- run scenes and receive notes.

take in feedback and improve our
performance in the scenes of the
Ciconian Women, Arachne, Myrrha
focused on the blocking of the scenes as
this enabled us to think about the pace.
Wednesday- stagger through of the play
- feedback . Disccussion about set.
Costume fitting- 3 cotumes
Thursday- movement director
movement in the scenes Arachne,
Orpheus, Phaethon, and Phoebus and the
Bacchae transition.
Friday- stagger through -notes on script
with the feedback
10 Monday- Palace of the sun jingle, Script, pen, notebook, water bottle
stagger through, note session
Tuesday- Stagger through, completed
first ever run through, notes
Wednesday- Run through, look at
pacing- speed up
Thursday- Run through – slowly go
through each scene
Friday- session with Cat, trapeze
11 Monday- Rig trapeze with Howie to Script, pen, notebook, water bottle
correct height.
Run through ciconian women-
harmonies & Palace of the sun
Full run through
Tuesday- moved into auditorium, began
Wednesday- run though, had Cat, looked
at trapeze made some changes. Added
two people to my scene
Thursady- warmup, Trapeze call try
certain tricks make sure its safe, dress
run, dinner, opening night
Friday- warmup, trapeze call,
Saturday – Matanee show – warm up ger
dressed, trapeze call, perfromance,
dinner break, back into costume, warm
up, trapeze call- final performance

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