Inteliconfig 2.47.0 Global Guide
Inteliconfig 2.47.0 Global Guide
Inteliconfig 2.47.0 Global Guide
PC Configuration and
Monitoring Tool
SW Version 2.47.0
1 Document Information 5
2 Getting Started 9
3 Communication Links 15
4 Connection Menu 23
5 Monitoring 29
6 Configuration 53
7 Multicontroller Features 176
8 Other Features 180
Example: This type of paragraph contains information that is used to illustrate how a specific function
1Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless
required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
2.1 Welcome
Welcome to InteliConfig from ComAp a.s.
InteliConfig is an on-line/off-line monitoring and configuration tool for use with various ComAp controllers, see
Supported Controllers on page 10.
InteliConfig runs on various versions of Microsoft Windows™, see Installing InteliConfig on page 12.
The main four chapters of this guide reflect the primary functions of InteliConfig:
Communication Links (page 15) – making the connection to the controller.
Monitoring (page 29) – viewing real-time operation and making setpoint adjustments.
Configuration (page 53) – making fundamental hardware, software settings, language changes and
firmware upgrades
For general information about the InteliConfig application itself, go to Control bookmark in ribbon and in
the Help category click at
InteliConfig manual icon for opening the latest manual in external PDF viewer
About icon to open the About window containing basic information about InteliConfig version.
For general information about the connected controller, go to to Control bookmark in ribbon and in the
Help category click at
Controller Manual icon for opening the latest relevant manual in external PDF viewer.
Controller Help icon for opening the relevant controller Help file.
Controller Info icon for opening the Controller Info window containing information about the
controller (Serial Number, Type of Application, version of HW and FW etc.).
For further information about Setpoints, Values and Input/Output functions listings for the currently
connected controller select the required Setpoint, Value or Input / Output within the InteliConfig
Controller Configuration window:
Basic information will appear automatically in the right Info panel.
More detailed information can be shown by clicking at Controller Help button in Info panel or just by
pressing F1 key on your keyboard.
Support of AirGate
CM3 - Ethernet Plug-in CM3ETHERXBX connection.
GSM/GPRS plug-in
communication module for GPRS
connection and SMS/E-Mail
CM-GPRS Plug-in CM2GPRSXXBX notification.
Support of AirGate
Combined module that offers fast
CM-4G-GPS Plug-in CM14GGPSXBX speed 4G communication
capability, including active SMS /
Emails alerts and control. Module
CM2-4G-GPS Plug-in CM24GGPSXBX also tracks GPS location and
supports AirGate.
Serial link communication module
CM-RS232-485 Plug-in CM223248XBX with RS232 and RS485 for Direct,
Modbus or ECU connection.
Operating System Version of Microsoft .NET Framework
Windows 10 (version 1607 and newer) 4.7.2 or newer
Windows 11 4.7.2 or newer
Hardware requirements
PC has to be equipped with USB 2.0 and other suitable communication interfaces (e.g. Internet connection).
5. Select additional tasks before the installation. Click 2x to Next and Install.
Note: If your system already has InteliConfig installed, the installation program will offer an upgrade (if your
current version is older) or re-installation (if your current version is identical). If your current version is older,
then it is recommended to perform the upgrade because the controller firmware that you are about to install
may not be compatible with older InteliConfig versions.
AirGate – ComAp proprietary protocol connection, for more information see AirGate on
page 15
Internet / Ethernet – Internet or Ethernet connection, for more information see Internet /
Ethernet connection on page 19
Direct - Direct cable connection via RS232, RS485, for more information see Direct
connection on page 17
Detected controllers – Connection to automatically detected controllers via USB or Ethernet.
For more information see Detected controllers on page 18
New configuration – Creating of new offline configuration, for more information see New
Configuration on page 21
Offline Archives – Open an archived configuration file, for more information see Offline archive
on page 22
3.2 AirGate
AirGate connection technology makes access to the ComAp controller via internet as simple as possible.
AirGate technology was designed to overcome the issues commonly faced when trying to connect remote
equipment using internet based communications.
AirGate allows ComAp’s controllers to connect to the internet using the existing network infrastructure,
negotiating firewalls and VPN systems and removing the requirement for static and public IP address.
b. Controllers with support of managing users - AirGate ID, Controller Address, AirGate Server (leave
default if you do not use some custom server), AirGate Key, Username, Password
2. You will be asked whether you really wish to close the connection. Click at Yes button to close the
IMPORTANT: Archive is not saved automatically. If you want to save the archive, click at Save
Archive icon before closing the connection.
2. You will be asked whether you really wish to close the connection. Click at Yes button to close the
IMPORTANT: Archive is not saved automatically. If you want to save the archive, click at Save
Archive icon before closing the connection.
Note: Controllers available via USB are marked with the icon. Controllers available via LAN are marked
with icon. In case of connection via LAN the question of Access Code will appear.
Note: In case there are no Detected controllers showed click at icon for refreshing the list.
2. You will be asked whether you really wish to close the connection. Click at Yes button to close the
IMPORTANT: Archive is not saved automatically. If you want to save the archive, click at Save
Archive icon before closing the connection.
3. In the Default bookmark choose the required type of the controller and click at Create new
configuration icon.
Note: The Create new configuration icon is not active when other offline archive is already opened.
Note: In case you want to create a New configuration based on any earlier saved archive, go to the My
configurations bookmark and choose any of earlier saved archives.
Note: The Open archive icon is not active when other offline archive is already opened.
Note: Another way how to open the offline archive is just do double-click at the archive file in your PC
equipped with InteliConfig PC SW.
1. To connect to the controller online use Connection bookmark and in Online Connection tab you can:
2. To create new configuration of the selected controller use New configuration bookmark and here you
a. Create new configuration based on imported default archive in Default tab.
b. Create new configuration based on your previously created archive in My configurations tab.
3. To open offline archived configuration use Connection bookmark and in Offline Archives tab you
Archive sets
In bookmark Archive sets are stored all archive sets, which were saved in connection with selected site.
Archive set is folder containing all archives, which were available during save (possibility Save all archives to
Opening archive set give you possibility to visualize offline image of the whole site.
Note: Ribbon bar can be hidden or displayed if necessary by clicking at "arrow" icon in the right upper corner.
Open the window to import the default or
Controller Configuration Configuration window description
user configuration.
(page 55)
Configuration Import Configuration Open the window for Configuration Import.
import (page 109)
Login to the controller or logout from the Login (page 109)
/ Login / Logout Access
controller. Logout (page 109)
Control window
Control Window Monitoring Open the Control Window
features (page 31)
Firmware Upgrade Firmware Open the window for controller or plug-in module firmware upgrade.
Open the Display Screens window, where can be changed screens of controller
Display Screens Configuration
display(not available for controllers with monochromatic display).
Control Window Settings Customization Open window for Control Window Settings.
Open Export data window. Data can be selected by type and exported to .csv or
Export to CSV/XLS Data Export
.xls(x) format.
Generate Cfg Image
Data Export Generate configuration image of communication objects.
Generate Cfg Image
Data Export Generate configuration image of Modbus objects.
Long Term History Data Export Convert history files stored on SD card to .CSV format
USB Flash Export Data Export Export data from controller or InteliConfig to flash disk.
CAN Bus Log Others Allow log communication in selected CAN interface
# Description
Mode indicator – directly mimics the current setting of the controller's mode indicator.
Diagram panel – mimics the diagram of the application and allows to control some of controller
buttons remotely.
Binary outputs panel – displays the current values of the various Binary outputs.
Binary inputs panel – displays the current values of the various binary inputs.
Status message area – mimics status messages of the engine and generator auto-mat related
to status of breakers, generator and engine. It mimics also the controller's current process timer.
Alarm list – display a list of current alarms as issued by the controller or ECU.
Alarm list
Mains is OK.
Mains failed.
Breaker is opened.
Breaker is closed.
Measuring gauges
Buttons description:
... – Opens the selection window with available values.
5.3.2 Setpoints
The Setpoint window enables you to view and adjust each Setpoint present in the controller. It is possible to
choose whether some or all Setpoints require password protection from unauthorized changes. When
displayed within the window, any password protected Setpoint will be shown with a gray background and will
remain uneditable until a password of proper level is entered. In off-line mode, Setpoints can be altered
without a password, however, a password will be required later when the modified archive is written into the
In cases where you need to copy across one or more Setpoint values from an archive file, use the Alternative
setpoints feature to provide assistance (see Control Window on page 31).
Note: For AirGate connections, when retrieving the history from the controller, the Setpoint window will be
disabled until the History has been fully downloaded.
a. Select the Control bookmark and in the category of Configuration click at Controller
Configuration icon to open the Configuration window. Now select the bookmark Setpoints.
IMPORTANT: For opening of Controller Configuration window for the online connected
controller it is necessary to enter the password. To log in select the Control bookmark and in
Access category click at icon.
Note: In case of changing parameters in the Setpoints window (opened by clicking at Setpoints icon or at
Setpoints bookmark in Right Dock Panel) the effect is immediate after confirmation of the change by Enter
key or by clicking to another parameter. In case of changing parameters in the Configuration window (opened
by clicking at Controller Configuration icon) it is necessary to confirm all changes by pressing the
Write button.
A. Setpoint group panel – contains all visible groups for the current type of controller.
B. Setpoints panel – contains all visible setpoints (parameters) within the selected group. This panel can
contain following parts of parameters:
Name of the Setpoint.
Value of the Setpoint and unit.
Numbers of the alternative – or . Some setpoints have two different alternatives which are
switchable by the configured Logical Binary input.
C. Info panel – contains basic information about the selected Setpoint. It shows:
Parameter range.
Parameter units.
Original value of the setpoint – this value resets always after the new connection.
Default value of the setpoint – value of the default configuration prepared by ComAp.
Short description of the setpoint – basic information about the purpose of the setpoint.
Controller Help button for opening full context help for the selected setpoint.
Search panel.
Go to previous occurrence.
Go to next occurrence.
Cancel search.
Set all setpoints to default value – this option will reset all made changes and will set all
Setpoints to default values.
Reset original values – this option will reset all made changes back to original values.
Alternative setpoints
Show alternatve setpoints – this icon will open the explorer window where it is possible to find
the configuration for the Setpoint comparison.
Hide alternative setpoints – in case of opened Alternative Setpoints this option will close it.
Show/Hide alternative setpoint names – this option will show or hide names of alternative
Setpoints to show possible differences.
Import all alternative values – this option will rewrite all Setpoints of the openned connection by
those from the alternative configuration.
Import selected alternative value – this option will rewrite the selected Setpoint of the openned
connection by the relevant value from the alternative configuration.
Hide panel
Hide panel – this option will hide the whole Tool bar. In case of hidden Tool bar only the icon of
is shown in the right bottom corner of the Setpoints window. After click at this icon the Tool bar
will appear again.
Note: The separate Setpoints window is possible to pin to the Docking system (page 49) by using of
Pin icon.
To edit a Setpoint
1. In the Setpoint window, click the required Group name to display all related setpoints.
2. In the Setpoint value column, click the cell adjacent to the required setpoint in order to highlight it (in light
Note: If the cell has a dark gray highlight then it is password protected and you'll first need to enter a valid
3. Change the setpoint by writing new value, increasing or decreasing the value by using of arrows or just by
choosing from the offered list.
Note: In cases where you need to use the Original or Default value just double-click at this value in the info
panel and it will be automatically written in the required setpoint. If the Original or Default value differs from
the actual value of the Setpoint it is highlighted with bold font.
4. Continue with other changes. Setpoints are written to the controller immediately after pressing of Enter
key or right after choosing another setpoint.
IMPORTANT: In case of changing Setpoints in Configuration window all changes will take
affect after pressing Write button only.
# Meaning
1 Active group of Setpoints.
2 Active setpoint. Basic info about the Active Setpoint available in the Information panel on the right.
3a Changed setpoint from its original value.
3b Indication of the group which contains any changed Setpoint.
Alternative setpoints
Alternative setpoints is a InteliConfig feature that can help to compare two different configurations and to
import one or more setpoint values from another archive.
3. In the bottom Tool bar in the Setpoints window click at Show/Hide alternative setpoints icon.
4. Open the chosen configuration archive and click at Open.
To copy all values from Alternative setpoints = Click at Import all alternative values icon.
5.3.3 Values
The Values window allows you to view current measured and computed values. The values are separated
into groups according to their meaning.
2. Select the Control bookmark and in the category of Monitoring click at Values icon to open the Values
A. Values group panel – contains all visible groups for the current type of controller.
B. Values panel – contains all visible values within the selected group. This panel can contain following
parts of values:
Value Name.
Value, including the unit if available.
C. Info panel – contains basic information about the selected value. It shows:
Value range, if available.
Value unit, if available.
Short description of the value.
Controller Help button for opening full context help for the selected value.
D. Tool bar – it contains following functions:
Search panel.
Go to previous occurrence.
Go to next occurrence.
Cancel search.
Hide panel – this option will hide the whole Tool bar. In case of hidden Tool bar only the icon of
is shown in the right bottom corner of the Setpoints window. After click at this icon the Tool bar
will appear again.
Note: The Values window is possible to pin to the Docking system (page 49) by using of Pin icon.
5.3.4 History
The History window displays the history log held within the controller. The history log is displayed as a table,
where each row contains one record (event) and the columns contain data values recorded in the moment
that the event occurred.
Columns of history are partially customizable. It is possible to add or delete some of columns associated with
ECU , External or Plug-in modules. This can be done by ticking the 'Add to history' option when configuring
ECU , External or Plug-in modules in Configuration window.
In this window is also possible clear history in controller by click on button . This operation must be
supported by controller and actual user must have access rights to command Clear history. Operation is
available only for online connection.
2. Select the Control bookmark and in the category of Monitoring click at History icon to open the History
A. Fixed history columns – basic columns of the history log which are fixed
B. History columns – logged values which belong to specific events. All values are arranged to columns
helping easy orientation in it.
Search panel.
Go to previous occurrence.
Go to next occurrence.
Cancel search.
Edit columns – this option opens the window with additional functions of history columns.
Hide panel – this option will hide the whole Tool bar. In case of hidden Tool bar only the icon of
is shown in the right bottom corner of the Setpoints window. After click at this icon the Tool bar
will appear again.
Note: The separate Setpoints window is possible to pin to the Docking system (page 49) by using of Pin
Selected column. When any column is selected buttons of Move to first column and Move
to last column are activated.
Control buttons for changing of the selected column position: Move to the top, Move up,
Move down and Move to the bottom.
5.3.6 Controllers
Controllers window gives overview about currently active connections. By switching selection in the window is
changing the content of the Control Window. If the group / site is selected, the Control Window shows the site
overview. If the specific controller is selected, the Control Window shows the detail overview for the selected
controller. By default is this window docked on the left side, next to the Control Window.
Note: Docked window can be pinned by the icon in the header top right corner (next to the close button) to
save space in the work area.
Toolbar functions:
5.4 Statistics
Statistic values (counters) are one of groups available in the Values (page 40). The difference from other
values is that statistics can be reset to zero or be preset to some value and they are also retained in the
controller even when the power is off.
2. Select the Control bookmark and in the category of Access click at Login icon. Enter the
Administrator password for the full access to the controller.
3. Select the Tools bookmark and in the category of Statistics click at Set Statistics icon to display the
Statistics setup window.
4. For each parameter enter your new required value and either:
a. Click the Set button, or
b. Continue changing all required values and after that click the Set all button.
5. When finished, close the window.
IMPORTANT: All statistic values can be reset to zero using Clear all button.
a. Select the Control bookmark and in the category of Monitoring click at Values icon to open the
Values window.
b. Select the bookmark Control or Tools and in the Docking system (page 49) click at the bookmark
Values to open the Values window.
3. Select the group of Statistics.
6 back to Monitoring
Docking area
Docking area is the place where the monitoring windows can be organized. The position of docked area is
highlighted in the picture below.
To place the window into the docking area, click and hold the window header and move a little with the
window. During the movement, the indicators appear. See the highlighted indicators on the picture below.
Move the mouse cursor over the required docking indicator to place the window into the specific location and
release the left mouse button. When the mouse is over the docking indicator, it is displayed the area, where
the window will be docked (see the picture below).
Using the center element of the docking indicator will group the windows together. This group has at the
bottom tabs which allow switching between windows.
Note: The Control Window has limited possibilities of the docking. This window cannot be docked into other
monitoring windows and vice versa.
Default layouts
Default layouts represent the layouts which are created by ComAp. Default layout can be recognized by the
italic font style in the Apply Window Layout menu option see Layout operations on page 52 or in Manage
Layouts window by the information in the column named Default. It is impossible to save the user layout under
the same name as the default one.
User layouts
In case of need more than the one default layout which is automatically saved, it is possible to save user
layouts through Save Window Layout option see Layout operations on page 52. These saved layouts are
stored inside the application database and can be applied in the future.
6 back to Configuration
2. Select the Control bookmark and in the category of Configuration click at Controller Configuration
icon to open the Configuration window.
IMPORTANT: You can not change value of setpoint which has active Froced Value function.
Note: Setpoints that are currently being forced their arrow turns to green color and they also have the option
for writing of different value manually disabled.
– It is possible create Forced value definition but currently there is no one defined.
Source from which is setpoint going to be forced. Source has to have the same resolution and
dimension as target setpoint.
Name of LBI which activates the Forced Value
Note: This can be also changed from tab LBI/LAI
List of already configured Forced Values for specific setpoint. First row has highest priority.
Options for adding, removing and editing Forced Values and options for changing order.
There are 2 types of Setpoints which allows use Forced value functionality:
Numeric Setpoint: In this case, source could be only another numeric Setpoint or Value with the same
resolution and dimension.
List Setpoint(setpoint, where its value is selected from the list): In this case, source is constant selected
from the same list of options as forced setpoint.
Note: When writing configuration into Controller, Setpoints which are actually forced are not rewritten
(generally, it is not possible change value of setpoint which has active forcing).
There are extended possibilities when working with User Setpoints from InteliConfig version 2.35.0.
It is possible to create user groups and subgroups.
This functionality is only available for selected controllers. Maximum number of user
groups/subgroups depends on controller type and its firmware version.
It is possible to change order of user groups/subgroups.
There is a limitation that user groups must be at the end of list under all groups defined in default
It is possible to change order of User Setpoints within a subgroup.
There is a limitation that User Setpoints must be placed at the end of list under all setpoints defined in
default configuration.
1. In tab I/O configuration, click on button in section Protections for selected input. Window for protection
definition is automatically opened and protected value is selected (cannot be changed in this situation).
2. In tab Protections, select type of protected value (binary or analog). Click on button to open window
with definition of new protection.
Version 1
Configuration of inputs/outputs is separated for controller and each configured module see
Inputs/Outputs Configuration (ver. 1) on page 62
Controller inputs/outputs can be configured from the bookmark in the configuration window named
Controller I/O
Module inputs/outputs can be configured in bookmark named Modules
After the module is added to configuration, the new bookmark IO Configuration appears for each
configured module
Version 2
Configuration of all inputs/outputs is available in the bookmark I/O Configuration see Inputs/Outputs
Configuration (ver. 2) on page 68
In the device tree is possible to select only items from the specific device or display items from all devices
The full-text filter is available
A. Configuration bookmarks – bookmarks sort out the controller configuration to few categories.
B. I/O Group panel – contains groups of inputs and outputs available in control unit itself.
C. Configuration panel – main configuration window with available inputs / outputs.
D. Info panel – contains basic information about the selected parameter. It shows:
Inputs / Outputs overview – overview of all available inputs / outputs including their description and
type. It contains following symbols:
Terminal is used for the function without any protection.
Save as... button – Saves the current configuration to the archive file.
Write button – Confirms the configuration and writes it to the controller. While the configuration is
written properly the controller will restart.
Binary Inputs
While configuring Binary inputs there are available 3 different options – in the field of Function choose:
A. Not Used – for the case that the Binary input is not wired or you don't want to use it.
B. Controller function – prepared functions directly in the controller as breaker feedbacks, external buttons
etc.. In this case it is possible in advanced to configure only:
Contact type as Normally close or Normally open.
C. General protection – in case you choose the general protection (as a default named as "BIN Protection
#) it is possible to predefined other values such as:
Name – Filled name will appear in case of activation in the Alarm list or History.
Contact type – Normally close or Normally open.
Protection type of the activated binary input:
Monitoring - it is possible to see the value in the Controller, in SCADA or in LE Values window but
no action is executed.
HistRecOnly – activating of such a binary input will cause the record to the History (including all
other values) but no alarm will be announced in Alarm list.
Wrn – Warning, activating of the binary input will cause the Warning alarm which is visible at the
controller and InteliConfig side too. Warning alarm is immediately written to the History.
Sd – Shutdown, activating of the binary input will cause the Shutdown alarm (immediate stop of the
engine). This alarm is visible at the controller and InteliConfig side too. Shutdown alarm is
immediately written to the History.
BOC – Breaker Open and Cool Down, activating of the binary input will cause the BOC alarm
(immediate opening of the GCB, cooling of the engine and shutting down). This alarm is visible at
the controller and InteliConfig side too. Shutdown alarm is immediately written to the History.
Delay of the protection.
Engine running only means that the protection is active only after proper engine start.
Binary Outputs
While configuring Binary outputs it is possible to configure the Function as:
A. Not Used – for the case that the Binary input is not wired or you don't want to use it.
B. Controller function – prepared functions directly in the controller as Starter, Fuel Solenoid, breaker
control signals etc. In this case it is possible in advanced to configure:
Contact type as Normally close or Normally open.
Analog Inputs
While configuring Analog inputs there are available 3 different options – in the field of Function choose:
A. Not Used – for the case that the Analog input is not wired or you don't want to use it.
B. Controller function – prepared functions directly in the controller as Oil Pressure, Coolant Temp and
Fuel Level. In this case it is possible in advanced to configure:
History abbreviation – shortcut of the function in the History
Sensor – choice of the curve for used analog sensor. For more information about sensors and theirs
configuration see Sensors on page 73.
Protection type of the activated analog input:
Alarm parameter describes the condition of the alarm. It is visible only when the protection is
Under Limit: alarm is activated if the value is lower than the preset setpoint.
Under Limit+Fls: alarm is activated if the value is lower than the preset setpoint or when the value
is out of sensor range.
Over Limit: alarm is activated if the value is higher than the preset setpoint.
Over Limit+Fls: alarm is activated if the value is higher than the preset setpoint or when the value
is out of sensor range.
Note: Parameter visibility depends on the setting of Protecton type.
Engine running only means that the protection is active only after proper engine start.
C. AIN Switch – this Analog input controls logical bianry output Analog Switch. In case of Analog switch it is
possible to configure:
History abbreviation – shortcut of the function in the History.
Sensor – choice of the curve for used analog sensor. For more information about sensors and theirs
configuration see Sensors on page 73.
IMPORTANT: Value for activation and deactivation of the logical binary output is done by the
relevant setpoint of Analog Switch in the group of General Analog inputs.
D. AIN Protec – Analog input is used for any protection based on analog value. It is possible to configure:
Name – Filled name will appear in case of activation in the Alarm list or History.
History abbreviation – shortcut of the function in the History.
Switch Detail View button - Switch the configuration part of all/one inputs/outputs
Binary Inputs
The configuration of the binary input consists of:
1. Name - the name identification of the binary input
a. The name is automatically changed when the first function is added (the input name is the same as
the function name). In case of need, the name can be changed. When the last function is removed,
the name of the input is automatically changed to "Not Used". On ECU binary inputs the name is
changing according to selected ECU value.
2. ECU Value - electronic control unit value, available only for ECU devices (otherwise disabled)
3. Functions - the set of functions see Functions Configuration on page 71
4. Protections - the set of protections see Protections Configuration on page 71
5. Used in Screens - determines whether the value is visible on the controller screens
a. Available only for ECU inputs/outputs
b. Support depends on the controller and display type
Binary Outputs
The configuration of the binary output consists of:
1. Name - the identification name of the binary output
a. The name is automatically changed when the source is connected (the output name is the same as
the source name). In case of need, the name can be changed. When the source is removed, the
name of the output is automatically changed to "Not Used". On ECU binary outputs the name is
changing according to selected ECU value.
2. Source - the source value for the binary output
3. Contact Type - represents the default state of output (Normally Open/Normally Closed)
4. ECU Value - electronic control unit value, available only for ECU devices (otherwise disabled)
5. Protections - the set of protections see Protections Configuration on page 71
6. Used in Screens - determines whether the value is visible on the controller screens
a. Available only for ECU inputs/outputs
b. Support depends on the controller and display type
Analog Inputs
The configuration of the analog input consists of:
1. Name - the identification name of the analog input
a. The name is automatically changed when the first function is added (the input name is the same as
the function name). In case of need, the name can be changed. When the last function is removed,
the name of the input is automatically changed to "Not Used". On ECU analog inputs the name is
changing according to selected ECU value.
2. Sensor - sensor used for the analog input see Sensors on page 73
3. Dimension - dimension used for analog input
a. Can be set directly in form if the electronic sensor is configured, otherwise it can be set in sensor
Analog Outputs
The configuration of the analog output consists of:
1. Source - the source value for the analog output
2. Output Curve - definition of the transferring output curve
a. The output curve is not available if the "No Conversion" parameter is checked.
3. No Conversion - Define whether the source value is converted by the output curve or not
4. PWM Frequency - setting of the PWM frequency
a. The PWM frequency can be set only if the output curve is a type of PWM.
5. ECU Value - electronic control unit value, available only for ECU devices (otherwise disabled)
Protections Configuration
Add new protection
Remove protection
Edit protection
For more information about configuration of specific protections see User Protections on page 60
4. Once all changes within the Configuration window have been made click the Write button to write the
configuration to the controller. Once the configuration is uploaded the controller will automatically restart
and new connection will be automatically established.
6.2.9 Modules
Plug-in modules
There are two different approaches in configuration of Supported communication modules (page 11).
Communication plug-in modules – while assembled in the controller there appear relevant Group in
Setpoints window.
Extension plug-in modules – configuration should be made via the Configuration window:
1. Open the online / offline connection with the controller.
4. Pick the wanted plug-in module from the list and click at Add module icon.
5. Set required Plug-in module properties.
6. Go to I/O Configuration for added Plug-in module and set I/O configuration for this module.
5. From the shown list of ECUs choose the same ECU as is used by your engine and click at Add
module icon.
6. Set proper ECU settings.
7. If necessary, go to I/O Configuration or Fault Codes Configuration for ECU and change configuration
Note: In case there is no ECU listed choose the used ECU list in the field of Electronic Control Unit.
IMPORTANT: When changing ECU address (in Module properties), user J1939 Parameters remain
unchanged. Address is always set to value defined by user (in Frame data). To change it, it is
possible edit user parameter definition.
Note: This functionality is available only in some controllers. Controller must have Configuration format to 9
or higher (Click on Control / Controller Info in ribbon).
Note: Number of user parameters is limited (limit is applied to each I/O type independently). Each ECU has
its own limit.
Note: Definition of all user J1939 Parameters (regardless of I/O use) is stored in configuration.
Customization Possibilities:
1. Define own set of fault codes sent by ECU
2. Modify predefined set of fault codes sent by ECU
3. Setting own user messages
4. Changing the visibility of some messages
States can be selected through the button , which opens FMI Numbers window
Definition of the displayed message
Visibility of the specific item
ECU Lamps
ECU Lamps tab provides the setting of protection type on each available ECU lamp. Support of setting
protections depends on the controller and his software version. If the controller does not support the
functionality, the tab is hidden.
Note: Modifying default settings of the lamp protections may result in non-compliance with Stage V (EU) or
Tier 4 Final (US) legislation, depending on location and usage.
This chapter explain how to configure MODBUS Master in InteliConfig.
MODBUS Master is special type of Electronic unit (ECU). This devices shares the same resources (number
of I/Os, total number of devices...).
How to add MODBUS Masterdevice into configuration.
1. Open the online / offline connection with the controller.
5. From the shown list of ECUs choose MODBUS device you want and click at Add module icon.
a. When there is no t your device in list, it is necessary select User Device and define all parameters
6. Set proper ECU settings. All settings are described in chapters below.
7. If necessary, go to I/O Configuration or Datapoints for ECU and change configuration
Note: In case there is no ECU listed choose the used ECU list in the field of Electronic Control Unit.
SunSpec Modbus
This chapter explain how to configure Sunspec Modbus in InteliConfig.
Sunspec Modbus is special type of Electronic unit (ECU). This devices shares the same resources (number
of I/Os, total number of devices...).
How to add Sunspec Modbus device into configuration:
1. Open the online / offline connection with the controller.
2. Go to Controller Configuration and choose the bookmark of Modules.
3. Click on ECU field in left column.
4. Select right ECU list from the list. You need to select ECU List with devices supporting Sunspec Modbus
5. From the shown list of ECUs choose SunSpec device you want and click at Add module icon.
6. Set proper ECU settings. All settings are described in chapters below.
7. If necessary, go to I/O Configuration for ECU and change configuration
8. Click at Write to take the configuration into effect.
Note: In case there is no ECU listed choose the used ECU list in the field of Electronic Control Unit.
Communication parameters
Common parameters:
Protection upon module failure: select type of protection when communication with device fail
Module name: Set your device name
Add to history: Check if device values should be in history records
Device address: Select address set in MODBUS device.
Connection Type: Select type of connection.
Byte Order: Select Byte order definition. For details, see MODBUS device documentation.
Pause Before Request [ms]: Some MDOBUS devices needs to have some pause between response and
following new request. For details, see MODBUS device documentation.
Response Timeout [ms]: Controller waits specific time for reply from MODBUS device.
Retry Count: Number of repeats when there is no reply from MODBUS device in time specified in
Response Timeout.
Parameters for MODBUS RTU:
There are no other parameters for MODBUS RTU in Module configuration. Some parameters could be set
via Setpoints.
Parameters for MODBUS TCP:
IP Address: Set IP address of MODBUS device
TCP Port: Set correct port (the same port as set on MODBUS device)
Note: Some parameters are hidden when specific MODBUS device is selected. In this case, hidden
parameters are predefined in definition file (MSF/MSC) and cannot be changed.
Note: All module datapoint definitions of module which is in configuration (ComAp and User, regardless of
whether they are used in an I/O configuration) are stored in configuration. Displayed name and version of
definition is from configuration, not from definition stored in PC. Picture is not stored in configuration and is
always loaded from PC.
Number of I/Os
When MODBUS device is added in configuration, it is possible set number of I/Os. Resources are shared
between MODBUS device and Engine unit. Total number of I/Os depends on controller type and FW version.
Datapoint is definition of value which is communicated. Datapoint can be used on I/O Configuration to read or
write data from or to MODBUS device.
Datapoint parameters (not all parameters are available, some parameters are irelevant for some types of
Name: User name of datapoint. Name must be unique for each MODBUS device.
Address: MODBUS Address
Function: List of supported MODBUS functions
Datapoint operations:
- Add new Datapoint for specific device. Number of datapoints is limited.
- Clone selected Datapoint. This is quick way how to create new Datapoint with similar parameters.
- Delete selected Datapoint. When Datapoint is used in I/O configuration, after confirmation will be deleted
also I/O definition.
- Edit selected Datapoint. Datapoint can be edited also by doubleclick. When Datapoint is used in I/O
definition and I/O Type is changed, after confirmation this Datapoint is removed from I/O definition (it is not
more compatible with specific I/O).
- Import saved list of Datapoints. Current list of Datapoints is deleted before import. When imported
Datapoint name is the same as current one and I/O Type of both datapoints is the same, Datapoint remains
used in I/O definition. Otherwise this datapoint is removed from I/O Configuration.
- Export current list of datapoints. This list can be used in different configuration.
Group operations:
- Add new Group. Function used for each Group is assigned automatically based on function defined for
first datapoint added into group.
- Delete selected Group. If the group contains any data points, these data points will first be removed from
the group.
Note: Group reading availability depends on controller type and its version of Firmware.
How to add Modbus device which supports block reading into configuration:
1. Open the online / offline connection with the controller.
2. Go to Controller Configuration and choose the bookmark of Modules.
3. On the left column choose "Electronic Control Unit".
4. Click on "+" icon to "Add New Module".
5. Select correct ECU list from the list.
6. Choose device from list which supports Modbus protocol and click at "Add Module" icon.
7. Set proper ECU settings.
8. In Controller Configuration, create blocks and add datapoints to a block.
9. If necessary, go to I/O Configuration for ECU and change the configuration.
10. Click at Write to take the configuration into effect.
This card contains the whole Block Reading configuration consisting of Data
A Registers
Blocks and Data points.
All User Contains tree structure which represent number of created data blocks and
Registers "unassigned" section where unassigned datapoints are collected after creation.
Contains created data points assigned in chosen data block and the content may
C Table view
vary according to data point customization.
CAN modules
Configuration of CAN modules with slots
This system is supported in controllers up to Configuration Format 9.
In case your controller supports CAN modules (external modules connected via CAN link), you can add
supported modules to offered CAN slots. Number of slots and list of supported modules depends on default
configuration provided by ComAp.
To add CAN module(s):
1. Open the online / offline connection with the controller.
4. Select wanted CAN module from a list, set module index (if applicable) and click at
5. Set required CAN module properties. Pay attention to correct settings on module itself, usually described
on picture of module.
4. Select wanted CAN module from the list and click at button. Only available
CANmodules are in the list.
5. Set required CAN module properties. Pay attention to correct settings on module itself, usually described
on picture of module.
Set correct "Module Index". This field determine address used for communication with module. Offered
are only available indexes (list of indexes depends on other CAN modules in configuration and resources
in Controller).
6. It is possible select protection when communication with module is interrupted. Activation of this protection
could be indicated by binary value in User Protection States by check this option in Module Settings.
Binary value is automatically named by protection type (Wrn or Sd) and module name (for example "Wrn
7. Go to I/O Configuration for added CAN module and set I/O configuration for this module.
Generic Modules
When configuring CAN Modules, physical module is usually use (like Inteli AIN8, Inteli IO8/8 etc.). But this
system has some limitations:
Some modules allows set different address for inputs and outputs. In this system is combination input and
output address fixed.
It is required to configure some specific module which coud have variable number of I/Os (and use
variable number of addresses) like InteliFieldbus Gateway.
It is required to configure some special module which is not officially supported
To offer more, generic modules system was added .
Note: To delete PLC block just click on it and press delete button. Also delete selection function can by used.
Note: For more information about the PLC block functionality, select the block and press the F1 button.
Sheet outputs are located at the right side of a sheet. Follow the procedure below to add or edit an output.
Double-click on a free output position to add new binary or analog sheet output.
Double-click on an already created binary output to configure it onto a binary output terminal or a logical
Binary input (first of all some PLC block output has to be connected to this output to enable its
Double-click on an already created analog output to configure it onto an analog output terminal or a logical
Analog input (first of all some PLC block output has to be connected to this output to enable its
Creating wires
Wires can be created between PLC inputs and PLC blocks and between PLC blocks and PLC outputs.
IMPORTANT: Keep the order of starting and finishing connection points. Wires between inputs
and blocks have to start from inputs. Wires between blocks and outputs have to start from
Note: It is possible to make connection only between the outputs and inputs with the same type of value
(binary or analog). Binary values are marker by black pointer, analog values are marked with green pointer.
Note: To delete wire just click on it and press delete button on your keyboard. Also delete selection function
can by used by selecting more objects and clicking on the delete selection button
There is support of Multisheet functionality. It is possible create more sheets, for example each sheet for
specific functionality.
Note: Multisheet functionality is connected only with right version of InteliConfig. It is not conditioned by the
controller version.
It is possible Export selected PLC sheet into file. This file can be used to import this PLC sheet into different
When importing file into selected PLC sheet, user is asked to confirm that current content of PLC sheet will be
During process this data are imported:
All PLC blocks including their settings.
Wiring between PLC blocks
Sheet name and description
Connection to LBI/LAI if this LBI/LAI is not already connected to any source
Data not imported:
Source signals from rest of configuration including other PLC sheets
Connection to physical outputs
IMPORTANT: You can get unexpected error message when connecting to controller or opening
configuration with more PLC sheets in configuration from older version of InteliConfig (without
support of PLC Multisheet). In this case download and install latest version of InteliConfig (PLC
Multisheet is supported from version 2.17.0).
Note: Number of PLC Blocks on one sheet is limited to 30 if they are added manually. However, it is possible
import PLC Sheet with more than 30 PLC blocks. When more PLC Blocks are needed, split functionalitu
between 2 or more PLC Sheets.
Each PLC sheet can be exported to file. Exported is name of PLC sheet, description, content of sheet (PLC
blocks, its settings, wiring, layout...).
It is possible export only one sheet at once. There is no option to export all PLC sheets into one file.
It is possible import PLC sheet definition inot selected PLC sheet. When PLC sheet is not empty, the user is
warned that its contents will be overwritten.
Imported are only some definitions from saved file.
This is not imported:
Inputs of PLC blocks which are connected to any object out of this PLC sheet
Outputs of PLC blocks which are connected any I/O (Binary or Analog outputs of Controller or its physical
or virtual modules)
Connections to LAI/LBI are imported when exists in configuration and are not already assigned to
other source
Other functions
Use this function to search in all inputs, outputs and sheet names. Search will go through all sheets (including
collapsed) and highlight all occurrences with an option to go through them one by one.
Use this function to enable or disable quick hints for blocks (controller help is not affected by this function).
PLC monitor
PLC monitor is a powerful tool for monitoring your PLC . Just click on PLC monitor button on main InteliConfig
page to see your PLC. Active inputs and outputs have blue color. Also wires with active signals have blue
IMPORTANT: It is not possible to edit PLC in PLC monitor tool.
6.2.12 Others
In the Configuration window use the bookmark of Controller for the advanced configuration, you can either:
Change the Init screen. For more information see Init screen on page 94.
Change the Languages of the controller. For more information see Languages on page 94.
Init screen
Init screen is shown each time when the controller is started up when enabled. Here you can change the
message you want to be shown during the controller start up.
1. Open the online / offline connection with the controller.
Languages tab
In this tab it is possible to manage list of languages in configuration and make own translations.
ComAp controllers support different languages. For their configuration:
1. Open the online / offline connection with the controller.
Note: First language, English, is a basic language of the controller and can't be removed.
Translator allows user translation of any text in controller configuration.
1. Open the online / offline connection with the controller.
Each available language has its own Default dictionary with translations prepared by ComAp. If there is no
translation in this dictionary or user wants to use different translation, automatically is created User dictionary
for specific language to store all user translations. The User dictionary takes precedence over the Default
dictionary. The User dictionary can be exported to disk and imported on another PC. But only one User
dictionary for each language can exists on PC.
Translator use color indication for each text to indicate different states
Text not translated. It is possible to use user translation.
Text in specific language is the same as in English and does not exist in User or Default
Text has been translated earlier but there is no translation in current dictionaries. It is possible
to add this text to user dictionary.
Text in specific language is different from English (text was translated earlier by different user)
and there is no translation in User or Default dictionary.
Text translated using user dictionary. It is possible to remove this text from user dictionary.
Text has been translated earlier, but there is a different translation in the current dictionaries. It
is possible to add / update translations in user dictionary.
Text cannot be translated. This is default language or default dictionary for this language is missing.
Because User dictionary is connected with Default dictionary for specific language, it cannot exist when there is no Default
It is possible to export dictionaries to the disk as package (extension is .psidict). User can select which
dictionaries will be included into package. Displayed are only languages where User dictionary exists.
Exported is always pair of dictionaries (User nad Default) – It is usefull, if it is required to copy Used
dictionaries from one PC to another.
During import (allowed are only packages with extension .psidict) can user select which dictionaries will be
imported. It is not necessarry to import all dictionaries contained in package.
Note: When importing dictionaries, existing dictionaries are rewrited by imported ones.
Access rules
Depending on controller type and firmware version, in controller is one of three existing User Managements
In the old User Management, the access level is defined by entering the password for the given level.
There are 4 levels. Level 0 for a non-logged-in user and Level 1-3 for a logged-in user. Level 3 has
There are different ways how to define rights to Setpoints and commands.
Setting of access rules for old User Management and User Management ver. 2:
1. Open the online / offline connection with the controller.
User 0 can be allowed to either read only or read and write the setpoint
User 1 can be allowed to either read only or read and write the setpoint
User 2 can be allowed to either read only or read and write the setpoint
Image 6.33 Access rules window for old User Management and User Management ver. 2
The user is able to see the value of the setpoint but he is not allowed to change it
Read and Write
The user is allowed to see and change the value of the setpoint
In addition it is possible to choose the visibility of the Setpoint. It is defined by Adv. only checkbox:
Checked - The setpoint is visible at the controller only when switched to Advanced mode
It is possible to set following rights for each role independently to each other.
Read Only (checkbox unchecked)
The user is able to see the value of the setpoint but he is not allowed to change it
The user is allowed to see and change the value of the setpoint
The user has the right to write a setpoint if he is a member of at least one role for which the
checkbox is checked.
The Administrator role is always assigned all rights.
Note: Columns Modbus and SNMP are settings for terminals connected via Modbus or SNMP protocols.
In this case there is no standard User Management using username and password.
In addition it is possible to choose the visibility of the Setpoint. It is defined byIs Advanced checkbox:
Checked - The setpoint is visible at the controller only when switched to Advanced mode
Controller supports access to most its objects using Modbus protocol. This window allows to define list of
Modbus registers and its meaning (connection Modbus register <->controller object).
In configuration are three groups of objects. Each group has assigned range of Modbus registers.
Binary objects: <0...999>
Values: <1000...2999>
Setpoints: <3000...3999>
Default controller configuration may contain some Modbus definition. This definition can be modified based
on user needs. If there is no definition (group is empty), definition could be created.
Available operations:
– Add new Modbus register. Free Modbus register is predefined as default, can be changed in allowed
range. Controller object is selected from the list.
– Import Modbus definition from file. This replaces while Modbus definition in configuration (remove all
defined Modbus registers and import Modbus registers from file).
Each Modbus register can contain 2 bytes of data. In controller exist objects, which are bigger than 2 bytes
(statistics values, text setpoints...). It is necessary to use more Modbus registers for this objects. When
configuring Modbus register for this object, only first Modbus register is chosen by user. System automatically
use following registers for other bytes (Modbus register is increased by +1). There must be enough free space
in Modbus table definition to allow create appropriate number of Modbus registers. Othervise Modbus register
cannot be added. This Modbus registers are in gray, it means cannot be edited or deleted separately.
There is example of Modbus definition for setpoint Gen-set name:
Firewall rules are used to explicitly define parameters of incoming TCP/UDP communication, which will be
accepted by the controller. All other communication will be dropped. Firewall is by default disabled on
controllers, which support this functionality.
A firewall rule definition consists of:
1. IP address
2. Address mask
3. Port
History Editor
Each configuration has definition of history, it means which values are stored in each history record. It is
possible to change this definition based on user's need on this tab.
Allowed operations:
Add value into definition
Remove value from definition
Change order of values in definition
Change abbreviation of each value
Export and import history definition
Each value can be in the definition only once.
When new value is added, abbreviation is automatically predefined for ECU, CAN modules or Virtual
modules. For other values it is predefined as " " (one space) - this field cannot be empty. Abbreviation can be
changed by user.
Controller has dedicated space for each history record. This space cannot be exceeded. Used/available
space in history record is indicated by fill indicator below. When there is no space in history definition, value
cannot be added (each value use different space so it could be possible add only some values when space
for history is almost full).
History definition could be exported and imported into different configuration. During import, some values
might not be imported if they are missing in target configuration.
When History Editor is available for controller, there are changes for history in module management (tab
Modules). It is possible to add all module values into history by checking Add to history option before module
is added. This option is unchecked by default for Virtual modules. There is a check that enough space is
available in history definition. If not, some values might not be added and user is informed about it. In this
case, use History Editor to remove some less important values from the definition.
Note: This editor may not be available for all controllers
Note: When Configuration Lock is used, PLC definition is ciphered. Configuration Lock can be used also
without any PLC definition in Configuration.
Note: Configuration Lock is supported only in some Controllers and only from specific FW version. For detail,
see Controller manual.
Consistency check could be manually started by user by click on button located near
Write button. Consistency check is also automatically started when "Write" is clicked and during "Save As"
from Configuration window. Consistency check is available in Configuration.
User is noticed about all inconsistencies in configuration in separate window. This window can be kept
displayed as long as the Configuration window is open. To refresh data, click on button in this
Window functionalities
Filter panel
Filter panel is displayed under main categories at the top of the window. It allows you to easily start writing
name of required value and during this operation are items dynamically filtered. After two characters are
entered, the entire table with items is expanded.
3. Go to Control bookmark and in the category of Configuration click at Configuration Import icon and
select default configuration.
4. In the opened item selection window select the required configuration.
Note: If no compatible configuration is installed or inside the controller is not valid configuration, the window
cannot be opened. An information message will show up. In case of an invalid configuration, the firmware
upgrade should be used.
5. The new configuration window will appear. Now you can check the needed configuration and in the case
you want to use it click at Write to take the configuration into effect.
3. Go to Control bookmark and in the category of Configuration click at Configuration Import icon and
select user configuration.
4. In the opened Explorer window find the wanted archive and click at Open.
5. The new Configuration window will appear. Now you can check the needed configuration and in the case
you want to use it click at Write to take the configuration into effect.
6.4 Access
Access bookmark allows users to log in or log out. InteliConfig contains 4 Access levels. For more information
about Access rules see Access rules on page 97.
6.4.1 Login
If the user is not logged in, the Access tab indicates a red lock icon.
Note: How to Change Password see Change password (ver. 1) on page 115.
6.4.2 Logout
If the user is logged in, the Access tab indicates a green unlock icon. After the required configuration is
set, the user can log out and lock the Configuration.
InteliConfig contains 4 user levels. Access tab can displays this levels.
Note: When Access Lock is active for any user, different user can deactivate Access Lock. This right has
usually only user with Administrator rights but it depends on controller.
Current status of Access Lockis indicated in Ribbon (button for Access Lock control) and on template
(detailed and multi-connection).
Meaning of icons:
Access Lockis not active. All users can make changes in Controller based on their rights.
Access Lockis active for currently logged user. Only this user can make changes.
Access Lock is active for any other user. Current user cannot make changes.
1. Go to Control bookmark and in the category of Access set the administrator password (Password level 3).
2. Go to Tools bookmark and in the category of Firmware click at Firmware Upgrade icon and select
Default configuration.
3. The Controller firmware upgrade – default configuration window will appear with the list of supported
firmwares available in your PC.
4. Pick desired firmware and click at Upgrade.
Note: You will be asked to save the original configuration. It is recommended to do that.
IMPORTANT: In case there is no required firmware available in the list it is necessary to import
this to your computer. Download the relevant .PSI file (on our website -> Products -> your
controller -> Software -> Product Upgrade .PSI) and after successful download execute it with
double click. The import procedure will begin. After the successful firmware import try the
Firmware Upgrade procedure once again.
5. Go to Control bookmark and in the category of Access set the administrator password (Password level 3).
6. Go to Tools bookmark and in the category of Firmware click at Firmware Upgrade icon and select
Current configuration.
7. The Controller firmware upgrade – existing configuration window will appear with the list of supported
firmwares available in your PC.
8. Pick the desired firmware and click at Upgrade.
9. If source version is different from target version, you can see report from upgrade configuration process. If
everything is OK, press Next button to write new firmware and configuration into controller.
Note: You will be asked to save the original configuration. It is recommended to do that.
IMPORTANT: In case there is no required firmware available in the list it is necessary to import
this to your computer. Download the relevant .PSI file and execute it with double click. The import
procedure will begin. After the successful firmware import try the Firmware Upgrade procedure
once again.
6.6.3 Module FW
This option allow user upgrade firmware in Plug-in modules.
1. Open the online connection with the controller.
2. Go to Control bookmark and in the category of Access set the administrator password (Password level 3).
3. Go to Tools bookmark and in the category of Firmware click at Firmware Upgrade icon and select
Module FW.
4. The Plug-in modules firmware update window will appear with the list of supported firmwares available in
your PC. On the bottom there is a list of installed modules and current firmware displayed.
5. Pick the wanted firmware and click at OK.
1. Go to Tools bookmark and in the category of Firmware click at Firmware Upgrade icon and select
Bulk / offline update.
10. The Configuration upgrade – stored configurations window will appear.
11. Add archive from disk to be upgraded.It is possible to add more archives.
12. For each selected archive there is a target automatically assigned to the newest compatible default
archive. You can change this target archive for each user separatelly.
13. Select output folder.
14. Click OK to proceed upgrade.
15. Final report is displayed after finish. If there is any problem, you can see it in report.
Note: Upgraded archives are automatically saved into selected folder. The name of archives consists from
name of source archive + "_m.n.p.b" where m.n.p.b is version of target (final) archive.
6.7 Security
Security bookmark allows to Change password (ver. 1) (page 115)Change access code (page 116)
Note: For the information how to log in see Login on page 109 or how to log out see Logout on page 109.
Note: List of security functions depends on Controller type and Firmware version.
IMPORTANT: Box with email address in change Password window is visible only if controller
support Password reset function. We strongly recommend to set up email address for
administrator account if your controller supports Password reset. This email address is
necessary for Password reset function.
It is also possible import user management definition from file. Click on Bulk User Editor to open editor
window, click on import icon and when OK, click on Write. This remove whole user management from the
controller and upload new one. When finish, first user with access level 3 is automatically logged in.
The difference between User Management ver. 4 and User Management ver. 2 is as follows.
User Management ver. 2 defined Levels (a higher level always has at least the same rights as a lower level).
The rights of level x were therefore dependent on the rights of a lower level.
User Management ver. 4 introduces so-called Roles instead of Levels. The roles are mutually independent.
In User Management ver. 2, a user could be assigned exactly one of the 4 levels. In User Management ver. 4,
a user can be a member of any combination of roles (that is, he can be a member of one to eight roles in any
Another change in User Management ver. 4 occurred in the definition of rights for changing Setpoints and
executing Commands (Configuration window - Others - Access rules). Here again, the assignment of these
rights to specific roles is independent. The only exception is the Administrator role, which has retained full
rights (these rights cannot be removed).
There are also 2 new columns - Modbus and SNMP. It is now possible to define the rights of other devices
accessing the controller via Modbus or SNMP protocol. It is therefore necessary to limit the group of setpoints
that can be changed via these protocols.
There is a little different indication of logged-in user in ribbon and in other places.
When a user who is a member of the Administrator role is logged in, a green unlocked lock with the letter A
is displayed.
When a user who is not a member of the Administrator role is logged in, a green unlocked lock without a
letter is displayed.
When no user is logged in and Production Mode is not active, a red lock is displayed.
When no user is logged in but Production Mode is active, a blue unlocked lock with the letter A is
There is tooltip on icon indicating membership of logged-in user in Roles.
For configuration in InteliConfig go to Tools bookmark and in section Security click on User Administration
(icon ) - User Management. A window User Management appears.
It is also possible import user management definition from file. Click on Bulk User Editor to open editor
window, click on import icon and when OK, click on Write. This remove whole user management from the
controller and upload new one. When finish, first user with administrator rights is automatically logged in.
Note: When upgrading from Firmware version with User Management ver. 2 to Firmware version with User
Management ver. 4, all existing users are automatically transformed from Levels to Roles. Also configuration
is updated, so finally real user rights remain the same.
IMPORTANT: Downgrade from Firmware with User Management ver. 4 to Firmware with User
Management ver. 2 is limited only to controllers that have Production Mode functionality. During
this operation, User Management is reset and a default user is created in the controller.
Controllers that do not support Production Mode cannot be downgraded.
Note: All user parameters must fulfill the same general rules as when creating user in online window
Note: All user parameters (including password and PIN) are visible to all, who has access to exported file on
disk. Keep this files on secured place.
IMPORTANT: Box with email address in change Password window is visible only if controller
support Password reset function. We strongly recommend to set up email address for
administrator account if your controller supports Password reset. This email address is
necessary for Password reset function.
Note: How to set up recovery email see Change password (ver. 1) on page 115.
6 back to Configuration
To change the SNMP password open the drop-down button Access Administration in the Tools part of the
Ribbon bar. Change SNMP Password button is active only if the administrator is logged in and the control unit
supports the functionality.
6 back to Configuration
The ScreenEditor is an integrated tool which allows the user to modify the layout of the screens in the internal
and external displays.
The default layout of the screens is given in the default archive of the respective firmware and InteliConfig
modifies it automatically when extension modules are added into/removed from the configuration. However,
some users may want to rearrange the information on the screens in a different way to fit better their needs.
The ScreenEditor allows adding of new screens, modifying of present screens as well as removing unneeded
screens. Also exporting screens to XML files and reimporting them back (e.g. into another archive) is
Click to the instrument to select it. Hold "CTRL" key while clicking to select more than one instrument.
Drag the instrument up or down within the list to change the z-order.
Press DEL key to delete the selected instrument(s).
Right-click on a screen in the structure to show the context menu.
The context menu contains operations with selected instruments and the clipboard.
Position properties are updated automatically while the instrument is being moved in the virtual screen. It
is also possible to modify them manually.
All other properties are to be modified manually if the original value does not fit.
If multiple instruments are selected it is possible to modify all properties that are common for all selected
instruments. If a text <multi select> is displayed in a property, it means the value is different for the
selected instruments.
Shows and hides the grid. Click to the arrow on the right of the icon to select the grid density.
Options available: (None - Low - Medium - High).
Activates and deactivates the function "snap to grid". If this function is active the objects (their
reference points) can be placed only onto the grid points when they are being dragged or moved
by arrow keys. The snap to grid function is overridden if CTRL + arrow keys are used to move the
object as well as if the position properties are edited directly.
Pastes the content of the clipboard into the screens. If the clipboard contains a whole screen(s)
the screens are inserted to the existing screens before the active screen. If the clipboard
contains instrument(s) it is appended to the active screen.
Cancels the last undo operation and returns back to the original state before undo was
Shows and hides instrument borders. This function helps to prevent overlapping of instruments,
which might not be clearly visible if the instruments have the same color as the background.
Validates a consistency of screen definitions. When the consistency check finds any problem
then the application shows window with list of inconsistencies.
Note: Some of the instruments are intended for use in specific screen types only. E.g. ButtonCMD are to be
used only in Status bar screens as their function is linked to the position on the screen and to the hardware
buttons. On the other hand pointer meters are intended for using only on the metering screens as they are too
big to fit anywhere else.
Metering screens are editable, can be also added and removed. always at least one screen must remain
in the configuration. These screens contain measured and/or computed values, texts, simple drawings
Status bar bottom screens are editable and can be added and removed. Status bar bottom screens are
linked to metering screens (i.e. together create pairs) and are displayed together. The pairs need not to be
1:1, it is possible to link one Status bar bottom screen to multiple metering screens (or even to all).
Add screen will insert a blank screen before the currently selected one.
Delete screen will remove the currently selected screen.
Cut screen will remove the currently selected screen and place it into the clipboard.
Copy screen will copy the currently selected screen into the clipboard.
Paste screen will insert the screen stored in the clipboard (if there i s any) before the currently selected
Import screen function will import the screen from an XML file and replaces the currently selected
Export screen function will export the currently selected screen into an XML file.
Editing screens
First select the screen, which you want to edit. To do so, click on the desired screen in the screens structure
panel. The content of the screen will appear in the screen content panel. Then you can edit the screen.
This instrument supports aftertreatment. In Automatic mode user can simply choose one of predefined
functionalities. Pictograms and blinking are set automatically.
Category Name Default value Note
"Mode = Custom" -> all properties
under Source value & Pictograms are
Custom /
General Mode Automatic enabled "Mode = Automatic" -> all
properties under Source value &
Pictograms are disabled
This property is enabled only if "Mode =
Automatic" in the automatic mode
combobox shows list of all
Aftertreatment functions (from XML
definiton). Once the functionality is
selected, all the properties under
Source value & Pictograms are pre-
First item
Functionality None, ... N selected based on the XML definition. If
(Amber lamp)
"Mode = Custom" and Source value &
Pictograms settings fit to any of defined
functionality, the functionality name is
displayed (in the disabled field). If
settings doesn't fit to any of the
functionalities (user has chaned any
value), "Functionality = None" is set.
X 0 0-799
Y 0 0-399
Picture state is defined by this bit State
bit = 1: Picture active, blinking depends
State bit DPF°status 1
on Period bit 0 and Period bit 1 State bit
= 0: Picture inactive, no blinking
This instrument displays one of a set of text strings according to the index contained in the assigned value.
The value must be "stringlist" type. The selection window in the Com object property automatically filters the
objects so that only "stringlist" type objects are displayed.
Category Name Default value Note
X 0 0-799
Position Y 0 0-399
Width 100 30-799
If the communication object doesn't exist
the value of None (0) is used. Required
Value ControllerMode
field (None is not allowed - red background
Source in Instrument properties panel).
value If the communication object doesn't exist
the setpoint of None (0) is used. The list is
Setpoint ControllerMode
limited to setpoints only. Optional field
(None is allowed).
Display Bg color Default
attributes Border ON ON/OFF
Font size (Default) Small, FontSize Small = 24px; Large = 36px.
This instrument supports mask dynamic
Represents circular (270°) meter with needle for displaying the value of the given communication object. User
can defined 4 different warning limits.
It has ability to display variety of visual decoration like scale limit, scale bar, warning limits, needle, border,
The meter has two size - small and large.
Category Name Value range Note
X 0 0-799
Y 0 0-399
Source Com Selection limited to values only (Setpoint option
value object is disabled).
Represents circular (90°) instrument (meter) for displaying the value of the given communication object. User
can defined 4 different warning limits.
It has ability to display variety of visual decoration like scale limit, scale bar, warning limits, needle, border,
The meter has two size - small and large.
Category Name Value range Note
X 0 0-799
Y 0 0-399
Source Com Selection limited to values only (Setpoint option
value object is disabled).
This instrument displays group of consequent bits with their names below each other.
Category Name Default value Note
X 0 0-799
Position Y 0 0-399
Width 54 30-799
Source value (com object: 8235 and .
mask: 255/0xFF)
Bg color Default
Display Border ON ON/OFF
attributes Label ON ON/OFF
Bit order ON ON/OFF
FontSize Small = 24px; Large =
Font size (Default) Small,
Text attributes Label
This instrument supports mask
dynamic visibility
This instrument displays a group of consequent bits as a string of "0" and "1" characters. First bit is on the left.
Binary value name (label) can be displayed as well as hidden.
Default Value
Category Name Note
value range
X 0 0-799
Position Y 0 0-399
Width 127 30-799
Source value Com object None .
Bg color Default
Border ON ON/OFF
Font size (Default) Small, FontSize Small = 24px; Large = 36px.
Text attributes
Label color Default
This instrument supports mask dynamic
Default Value
Category Name Note
value range
X 0 0-799
Position Y 0 0-399
Width 127 30-799
Source value Com object None .
Bg color Default
Border ON ON/OFF
Font size (Default) Small, FontSize Small = 24px; Large = 36px.
Text attributes
Label color Default
This instrument supports mask dynamic
Special meter – button for capturing press hardware button and convert it to the sending argument and
command to the controller. Meter can color its face regarding to RED and GREEN bit. Meter can also show
pre-selected internal picture regarding to RED and GREEN bit. Meter can also show text, there is special text
for ON and OFF button state regarding to on/off text bit value.
Typically used commands:
1 = EngineCommand
2 = BreakersCommand
Typically used arguments ID:
0x01FE … StartEngine (EngineCommand 1)
0x02FD … StopEngine (EngineCommand 1)
0x04FB … HotrnReset (EngineCommand 1)
0x08F7 … FaultReset (EngineCommand 1)
0x11EE … GCB ON/OFF (BreakersCommand 2)
0x12ED … MCB ON/OFF (BreakersCommand 2)
There is also option to display the pictogram based on the bit combination
Default Value
Category Name Note
value range
0 - HW button F1
1 - HW button F2
Position Key index 0-4 2 - HW button F3
3 - HW button F4
4 - HW button F5
Bg color Default
Font size (Default) Small, FontSize Small = 24px; Large = 36px.
Text attributes
Color Default
Red None .
Green None
Source value
If Text switch = 1, Active text is displayed.
Text switch None
If Text switch = 0, Inactive text is displayed.
None None, ... N Pictogram GREEN RED
Pictograms Pictogram 00 0 0
Pictogram Pictogram 01 0 1
None None, ... N
10 Pictogram 10 1 0
Pictogram Pictogram 11 1 1
None None, ... N
Editable combobox
shows list of all names from table of
<No text 'screen texts'
specified> allows user to type & use a new text
<No text specified> item is the first in
Special meter – button for capturing touch press hardware button and convert it to the changing the displaying
mode. It is also possible to specify preferred screen of selected target screen.
Category Name Value range Note
0 - HW button F1
1 - HW button F2
Position Key index 0-4 2 - HW button F3
3 - HW button F4
4 - HW button F5
Bg color Default
FontSize Small = 24px;
Text Font size (Default) (Default), Small, Large
Large = 36px.
Color Default
Selected value affects if
other comboboxes
Setpoints (Metering screen, Setpoint
Target screen Metering
AlarmList group and Administration
History tab) are enabled or
This property is enabled
only if "Target screen=
Metering screen <1st screen> Metering" Combobox
shows list of all metering
screen names
Link target
This property is enabled
<1st only if "Target screen=
Setpoint group setpoints Setpoints" Combobox
group> shows list of all setpoints
group names
Users &
Passwords This property is enabled
Communication only if "Target screen=
Users &
Administration Administration"
Passwords Languages
Combobox shows list of all
InteliVision Info
administration tab names
Controller info
Default Value
Category Name Note
value range
X 0 0-799
Position Y 0 0-399
Width 54 30-799
Source value Com object None List is limited to character values only.
Display Bg color Default
attributes Border ON ON/OFF
Font size (Default) Small, FontSize Small = 24px; Large = 36px.
Text attributes
Left / Right
Alignment Center
/ Center
Color Default
This instrument supports mask dynamic
This instrument displays a date-type object, e.g. current date from the controller RTC clock. The format is
given by the language, which is currently selected in the display.
Respects US/EU format based on the actually selected language in entire GUI:
EU Date : DD/MM/YYYY (fullyear)
EU Date : DD/MM/YY
US Date : MM/DD/YYYY (fullyear)
US Date : MM/DD/YY
Default Value
Category Name Note
value range
X 0 0-799
Position Y 0 0-399
Width 150 50-799
By default, the Date (24553) is pre-configured. If
the communication object doesn't exist the
Com object Date default value of None (0) is pre-configured. Only
communication objects of td_fdate are allowed
for configuration.
Bg color Default
Border ON ON/OFF
Full year ON ON/OFF
Font size (Default) Small, FontSize Small = 24px; Large = 36px.
Text Large
attributes Left / Right
Alignment Left
/ Center
Color Default
Visibility This instrument supports mask dynamic visibility
This instrument displays a static image. Internal picture is placed to the position [X, Y] (left top corner
coordinates) and is drawn from top-left to the bottom-right direction.
Supports 3 sizes (24 × 24 px; 40 × 40 px; 64 × 64 px)
Category Name Default value Note
X 0 0-799
Y 0 0-399
Bit 0 None
Source value
Bit 1 None
Bg color Default
Border ON ON/OFF
Display Icon sizes:
attributes Small/Large/Very 0 = small (24 x 24)
large 1 = large (40 x 40)
2 = very large (64 x 64)
Combo box with internal icon list. None
variant is included (1st item) Picture
None None, ... N set: internal (External = 0) N ... number
of internal pictures Pictogram 00 is
displayed if Bit 0 = 0 and Bit 1 = 0.
Pictogram 01 is displayed if Bit 0 = 1,
None None, ... N Bit 1 = 0 for details see Pictogram 00
Pictograms 01
Pictogram 10 is displayed if Bit 0 = 0,
None None, ... N Bit 1 = 1 for details see Pictogram 00
Pictogram 11 is displayed if Bit 0 = 1
None None, ... N and Bit 1 = 1 for details see Pictogram
00 Note
This instrument supports mask
dynamic visibility
Draws a line from point [X1,Y1] to point [X2,Y2]. Line width, color are adjustable.
Default Value
Category Name Note
value range
X1 0 0-799
Y1 0 0-399
Position Minimal line length is 0 px.
X2 75 0-799
Y2 75 0-399
Attribute Style is not supported, line is always
Line attributes Color Default
Visibility This instrument supports mask dynamic visibility
Default Value
Category Name Note
value range
None /
Visibility None Dynamic
Hide / This property is hidden if 'Mask mechanism =
Mask type Hide
Show None'
This property is hidden if 'Mask mechanism =
Com object None
If Mask mode is set on 'One or more' then
ComObjBit dialog must allow to select bits.
This property is hidden if 'Mask mechanism =
None'. Mask mode "One or more" means that at
least one of the bits selected in Comm obj has to
One or One or be true (value 1) to activate masking. Mask mode
Mask mode
more more / All "All" means that all the bits selected in Comm obj
have to be true (value 1) to activate masking. If
the mask type is "Hide", then the screen is
hidden, if it is "Show" then the screen is shown.
This instrument shows N horizontal bars (Nmax = 6). Each bar represents value of given communication
object. It expects all the communication objects are of the same data type and resolution as the first one.
Default Value
Category Name Note
value range
X 0 0-799
Y 0 0-399
Maximum is 6 communication objects. It is
limited to values only.
At least 1 comobj has to be selected. Number of
selected items displays in Instrument properties
Source Com object Generator window (e.g. "list of 4 values")
value list kW (8202) If any of selected com objects has a different
format (units) a message ("... Continue?
Yes/No") is displayed. Each bar represents one
com object (relevant label). Only the unit of the
first selected com object is displayed.
This instrument shows N vertical bars (Nmax = 6). Each bar represents value of given
communication object. It expects all the communication objects are of the same data
type and resolution as the first one.
Default Value
Category Name Note
value range
X 0 0-799
Y 0 0-399
Maximum is 6 communication objects. It is
limited to values only.
At least 1 comobj has to be selected. Number of
selected items displays in Instrument properties
Source Com object Generator window (e.g. "list of 4 values")
value list kW (8202) If any of selected com objects has a different
format (units) a message ("... Continue?
Yes/No") is displayed. Each bar represents one
com object (relevant label). Only the unit of the
first selected com object is displayed.
This instrument displays one of a set of text strings according to the index contained in the assigned value.
The value must be "stringlist" type. The selection window in the Com object property automatically filters the
objects so that only "stringlist" type objects are displayed.
Default Value
Category Name Note
value range
X 0 0-799
Position Y 0 0-399
Width 150 30-799
List is limited to values and setpoints of
Source value Com object None
stringlist type.
Display Bg color Default
attributes Border ON ON/OFF
Text attributes Font size (Default) Small, FontSize Small = 24px; Large = 36px.
Left / Right
Alignment Left
/ Center
Color Default
This instrument supports mask dynamic
Default Value
Category Name Note
value range
X 0 0-799
Y 0 0-399
Position Width 388 30-799
300 0-799
Source value Com object None
Bg color Default
Border ON ON/OFF
Text attributes Font size (Default) Small, FontSize Small = 24px; Large = 36px.
Label color Default
Value color Default
This instrument supports mask dynamic
Draws a rectangle with upper-left corner at point [X,Y]. Line width, color and style are adjustable, as well as
the fill color. Fill color can be also Default.
Category Name Default value Note
X 0 0-799 X coordinate of the left top corner
Y 0 0-399 Y coordinate of the left top corner
Width 100 20-799
Height 100 20-399
Attribute Style is not supported, line is always
Line attributes Color Default
Fill attributes Fill color Default
This instrument supports mask dynamic
Default Value
Category Name Note
value range
None /
Visibility None Dynamic
Hide / This property is hidden if 'Mask mechanism =
Mask type Hide
Show None'
This property is hidden if 'Mask mechanism =
Com object None
If Mask mode is set on 'One or more' then
ComObjBit dialog must allow to select bits.
This property is hidden if 'Mask mechanism =
None'. Mask mode "One or more" means that at
least one of the bits selected in Comm obj has to
One or One or be true (value 1) to activate masking. Mask mode
Mask mode
more more / All "All" means that all the bits selected in Comm obj
have to be true (value 1) to activate masking. If
the mask type is "Hide", then the screen is
hidden, if it is "Show" then the screen is shown.
Default Value
Category Name Note
value range
X 0 0-799
Y 0 0-399
Position Width 388 30-799
300 0-799
Source value Com object None
Bg color Default
Border ON ON/OFF
Text attributes Font size (Default) Small, FontSize Small = 24px; Large = 36px.
Label color Default
Value color Default
This instrument supports mask dynamic
This instrument represents circular instrument (meter) for displaying the value of given communication object.
The scale covers angle value of range -180.0° -> +180.0°
Phase window is graphicaly represented as the range of the mirrored value around the phase angle
Meter expects all the communication objects have the same resolution, ie. 0.1°.
There are a communication objects for the synchroscope settings
Angle - current phase angle
Shift - phase shift - the window is shifted about the value specified in this com obj
Window - phase window (acceptable range where the phasing is still allowed)
Category Name Value range Note
X 0 0-799
Y 0 0-399
By default, the Angle (8225) is pre-configured.
If the communication object doesn't exist the
Slip Angle
Angle default value of None (0) is used. 'Angle'
comobj selection is filtered, only values of
dimension '°' are allowed.
By default, the Voltage Meas Phase Shift
value Voltage
(9578) is pre-configured. If the communication
object doesn't exist the default value of None
Shift Phase
(0) is used. 'Shift' comobj selection is filtered,
only values or parameters of dimension '°'
are allowed.
This instrument displays the Bit name of the selected communication object
Default Value
Category Name Note
value range
X 0 0-799
Position Y 0 0-399
Width 150 50-799
Source value Bin com object None Variant LED status disabled
Display Bg color Default
attributes Border ON ON/OFF
Text attributes Font size (Default) Small, FontSize Small = 24px; Large = 36px.
Left / Right
Alignment Left
/ Center
Color Default
This instrument supports mask dynamic
This instrument displays the dimension of the assigned value or setpoint separately. In combination with Text
label it allows customization of the layout of various other instruments.
Default Value
Category Name Note
value range
X 0 0-799
Position Y 0 0-399
Width 150 50-799
In case of invalid value meter displays
Source value Com object None
Display Bg color Default
attributes Border ON ON/OFF
Text attributes Font size (Default) Small, FontSize Small = 24px; Large = 36px.
Left / Right
Alignment Left
/ Center
Color Default
This instrument supports mask dynamic
This is a static text string, which can be selected from the predefined system strings. If you need a custom
string use the instrument Text screen instead.
Default Value
Category Name Note
value range
X 0 0-799
Position Y 0 0-399
Width 150 50-799
The combobox
shows list of all names from table of
'fixed names'
list can differ depending on archive
(structure is the same, eg. index 10 =
Texts Text Default
Applictaion name)
Default item is the first in the list. Meter
displays "####" as default.
In case of invalid value meter displays "####".
This instrument displays the name (label) of the assigned value or setpoint separately. In combination with
Text dimension it allows customization of the layout of various other instruments.
Default Value
Category Name Note
value range
X 0 0-799
Position Y 0 0-399
Width 150 50-799
In case of invalid value meter displays
Source value Com object None
Display Bg color Default
attributes Border ON ON/OFF
Text attributes Font size (Default) Small, FontSize Small = 24px; Large = 36px.
Left / Right
Alignment Left
/ Center
Color Default
This instrument supports mask dynamic
This is a static text string of max. 14 characters. It is possible to use one of already existing strings in the
configuration or add a new string. New string is added into all languages that exist in the configuration and
must be translated later using the translator function. The string is located in the group "Screen text names".
Default Value
Category Name Note
value range
X 0 0-799
Position Y 0 0-399
Width 150 50-799
The combobox
shows list of all names from table of
'screen texts'
allows user to type & use a new text
Default item is the first in the list.
Texts Text Default Meter displays "####" as default.
user texts are available in
<screentexts> section of screen
definition xml
In case of invalid value meter displays
Display Bg color Default
attributes Border ON ON/OFF
Font size (Default) Small, FontSize Small = 24px; Large = 36px.
Left / Right
Alignment Left
/ Center
Color Default
This instrument supports mask dynamic
This instrument displays a time-type object, e.g. current time from the controller RTC clock. The format is
given by the language, which is currently selected in the display.
Respects US/EU format based on the actually selected language in entire GUI:
EU Time : HH:MM:SS (HH 0-24)
US Time : HH:MM:SS AM/PM (HH 0-12)
Default Value
Category Name Note
value range
X 0 0-799
Position Y 0 0-399
Width 150 50-799
By default, the Time (24554) is pre-configured.
If the communication object doesn't exist the
Com object Time default value of None (0) is pre-configured. Only
communication objects of td_ftime are allowed
for configuration.
Bg color Default
Border ON ON/OFF
Full year ON ON/OFF
Font size (Default) Small, FontSize Small = 24px; Large = 36px.
Text Large
attributes Left / Right
Alignment Left
/ Center
Color Default
Visibility This instrument supports mask dynamic visibility
Name Description
The warning is displayed when any property is set on an invalid
Invalid property
The warning message shows information about a display, a All
screen, an instrument and a property which contains invalid
The warning is displayed when screen definition contains
Invalid communication object which is not existed in configuration table.
communication The warning message shows information about a display, a All
objects screen, an instrument and a property which contains invalid
communication object.
The warning is displayed when screen doesn't contain any
Empty screen All
The warning message shows information about a display, a
screen, which doesn't contain any instrument.
The warning is displayed when screen contains too many non-
dynamic instruments.
Too many Total limit for ICD metering screen and status bar screen is 50
instruments on non-dynamic instruments and the limit only for ICD statusbar
screen screen is 10 non-dynamic instruments.
The warning message shows information about a display and a
screen, which contains too many instruments.
The warning is displayed when display configuration contains too
Too many many dynamic instruments (for ICD is limit 50
dynamic ScreenMaskDynamicVisibility instruments or 150 ICD/InteliVision
instruments in MaskDynamicVisibility instruments). 5.2
configuration The warning message shows information, which display contains
too many instruments.
The warning is displayed when instrument which contains
Wrong scale property Scale 0% and Scale 100% has invalid value. ICD/InteliVision
range The warning message shows information about a display, a 5.2
screen and an instrument which contains invalid Scale value(s).
7.2 View
By clicking in window Controllers can be switched view between controllers and between the view of the
whole site.
Note: By click to some controller on the right side in Controllers window, view will be switched to detail view
of selected controller.
7.3 Setpoints
If the connection to more than one controller is opened, setpoints window is extended by possibility to see
setpoints on all controllers (if the setpoint is on controller available) in site. By checkboxes in Control tree
section you can define from which controllers will be value of setpoint displayed.
7.3.1 Multiwrite
Multiwrite mode allows you to rewrite setpoint value on more than one controller at the same time.
1. Setpoint can be rewritten only in controllers, where is setpoint available
2. You must have access rules for modifying setpoint
7.4 Values
If the connection to more than one controller is opened, Values window is extended by possibility to see
values on all controllers (if the value is on controller available) in site. By checkboxes in Control tree section
you can define from which controllers will be values displayed.
Note: If you click on Enable detailed logging under Troubleshooter icon the application will log every
single action you make, so that the logs are more precise and helpful in case of reporting problem
8.4 Cloning
Cloning feature allows user to clone one controller or Plug-in modules configuration and firmware to another
Exporting clone
It is possible to export clone from InteliConfig software into any location. To export the clone click on
Export clone icon. Following window appears.
Importing clone
It is possible to import clone from any location. For importing the clone click on Import clone icon.
Following window appears.
To export Setpoints, Values or Inputs and Outputs click on Export to CSV/XLS icon and select
required data to export.
It is also possible to export Setpoints or Values including the hidden items in the current configuration
through specific menu items.
Configuration Image
(COM) – To generate configuration image click on Generate Cfg Image (COM) icon.
(MODBUS) – To generate configuration image click on Generate Cfg Image (MODBUS) icon.
To generate SNMP MIB table click on Generate SNMP MIB Table icon.
Long Term History
To convert Long Term History files (generated by controller on SD Card) to .CSV format, click on
Select Input directory (directory, where files with history are located). To convert more directories in
one step, select parent directory (or directory on higher level).
Select Output directory (or use the same directory as input).
Select Delimiter parameter.
None: Conversion is to .CSV where values separator is "," (comma) and decimal place char is "."
Comma (,): Microsoft Excel could be set to use different separator than comma. In this case
doubleclick on .CSV file opens this file in Microsoft Excel but all values in one row are placed in first
This option notify Microsoft Excel that comma is used as separator and file is opened correctly
("Sep=," is added to first row of .CSV file).
Rest of .CSV file is the same as for "None" option.
Click Start to start conversion. All history files are converted in all subfolders. Final directory structure
is the same as in Input directory. Conversion could be interrupted in any moment.
In Log window you can see status of each operation.
Green color: operation was successful.
To export controller firmware or archive, click on the USB Flash Export icon and select Export
The archive to export is loaded from the connected controller.
If the controller has internal display, there are also offered items dedicated for internal display
(display firmware, display screens, etc.).
To export items dedicated for color display, click on the USB Flash Export icon and select Color
Display Manager.
Color Display Manager can generate a package also for external displays.
If the file is exported as a package (.pcg3 file extension) it is possible to check package content by
clicking on menu item "Package Information" under USB Flash Export.
Note: Only one logging process can run at the same time in InteliConfig.
Note: Only one logging process can run on the controller at the same time.
8.7 Tutorials
This window shows the list of topics, for which are some tutorials available. Each topic has its own link to the
web page, where the specific video can be played. The main purpose of these videos is to share basic
knowledge or some tips, which can help users to better understand ComAp products and functions. To open
some tutorial video, click to the hyperlink, which is available over the whole tutorial name. After the click on
the tutorial name, the user is automatically transferred to the web page, where could be the video seen.