Year 5-6 English Grammar and Punctuation Mark Scheme
Year 5-6 English Grammar and Punctuation Mark Scheme
Year 5-6 English Grammar and Punctuation Mark Scheme
Question and Answer Marks
Since the accident, my Grans dog now only has three legs, so he cant run very quickly and
G5 1
doesnt chase possums anymore.
1b Pick one of the words that you have circled. Explain why it needs an apostrophe
Possible answers-
G5 Gran’s – to show possession 1
can’t or doesn’t- to show a contraction/ omission
Notes: Award one mark for all three co-ordinating conjunctions underlined.
Grammar Focus- G1. To recognise co-ordinating conjunctions (FANBOYS).
4 Rewrite the words with the correct prefix words in the spaces provided.
6 Tick the sentences that must end in a question mark. Tick two.
7 Tick the option that shows how the underlined words are used in the sentence.
as a main clause
as a noun phrase
G3 1
as a prepositional phrase
as a relative clause
Notes: Award one mark for a correct answer.
Grammar Focus- G3. To identify a relative clause and show knowledge of this term.
8a Underline the words which show that the sentences below are written in Non-Standard English.
Notes: Award just one mark for all correctly underlined words.
Grammar Focus- G7. To recognise Non-Standard English forms and correct them to form Standard
English sentences.
Year 5-6 English Grammar and Punctuation Test Paper 4
Notes: Award just one mark for both sentences re-written in Standard English.
Grammar Focus- G7. To recognise Non-Standard English forms and correct them to form Standard
English sentences.
9 Sort the words below into the correct word class columns:
Notes: Award two marks for all eight answers in the correct columns.
Award one mark for 6 or 7 answers in the correct columns.
Grammar Focus- G1. To recognise different word classes.
Notes: Award one mark for all three sentences identified correctly.
Grammar Focus- G2. To recognise command and statement sentences.
G3 1
under the sea Prepositional phrase
12 Circle the two words in the sentences below that are antonyms of each other.
Unfortunately, the presentation that Tom gave was disastrous. In his rehearsal, his
G6 1
performance had been much more successful.
Notes: Award one mark for the two correctly circled words.
Grammar Focus- G6. To understand the term antonym as words with opposite meanings.
13 Underline the pronoun the writer uses to refer back to the aliens, adding cohesion to his sentence.
Running from the spaceship, James sped away from the aliens but there was no way he
G1 1
would be able to outrun them.
G3 As they were busy, they completely forgot to take the cake out of the oven. 1
G5 Rome (which is the capital city of Italy) is home to some very famous landmarks. 1
16 Write one other word that belongs to this word family in the box.
Possible answers:
G6 1
trespass, passenger, underpass, impassive, compass, etc.
Notes: Award one mark for any word that uses ‘pass’ as its root word
Grammar Focus- G6. To use prefixes and suffixes to build words with the same root.
Year 5-6 English Grammar and Punctuation Test Paper 6
Possible answers:
G4 The banana is being eaten by Chris. 2
In the tree, a nest was being built by the sparrow
Write one sentence that lists everything Sheila bought from the shop. Make sure you use the correct
Possible answer:
G5 1
Sheila went to the shop and bought eggs, butter, frozen peas and beef crisps.
Notes: Award one mark for any grammatically correct sentence that uses commas in a list.
Grammar Focus- G5. To use commas correctly within list sentences.
19 Circle the subject and underline the object in each sentence below.
Notes: Award two marks for all the subjects and objects identified correctly.
Award one mark for the correct identification within two of the sentences.
Grammar Focus- G1. To identify subjects and objects correctly, including within passive sentences.
Possible answer:
G5 The first sentence insinuates that Ken shouldn’t forget to pay (as though someone where 1
talking directly to Ken himself), and the second sentence implies that Ken is the one owed
Notes: Award one mark for any suitable explanation that refers to the fact that the first sentence insinuates that Ken
shouldn’t forget to pay (as though someone where talking directly to Ken himself), and the second sentence implies that Ken
is the one owed money.
Grammar Focus- G5. To understand how commas can clarify or change the meaning of a sentence.
Year 5-6 English Grammar and Punctuation Test Paper 7
Tick one box in each row to show whether the word before is used as a subordinating conjunction or
as a preposition.
The train fares were cheaper before 7am.
Before eating her lunch, Joanne washed
her hands.
She gave everyone a hug before she set off on her
Notes: Only award one mark if all three correct answers are ticked.
Grammar Focus- G3. To identify subordinating conjunctions and prepositions in words which could belong to both word
Rita bought a carnival outfit from the market. It had many sequins on it and several large
G1 1
feathers. It certainly was an extraordinary costume.
Notes: Only award one mark if all five determiners are identified.
Gramma Focus- G1. To identify specific and general determiners and understand these terms.
Tick the correct boxes to show whether the modal verbs in the sentences show certainty
or possibility.
24 Tick one box for each sentence to show where the colon should go.
Carrie kept three chickens as pets Kiev, Nugget and Tikka.
Notes: Award one mark for each correctly placed colon.
Grammar Focus- G5. To assess the understanding of the use of colons.
25 Complete the sentence below with an adjective formed from the noun root word in the box.
Mr. Neilson was fantastic in his role as school caretaker because he was a very practical
G3 1
Notes: Award one mark for ‘practical’. Correct spelling is required for the award of the mark.
Grammar Focus- G3. To assess the use of suffixes to transform given nouns to their adjectival forms.
Insert more inverted commas in the correct places so that the direct speech is
punctuated correctly.
“Please take your seats,” instructed the conductor. “Does anyone need to purchase a
G5 1
Notes: Award one mark for an additional set of inverted commas in the correct places within the sentences.
Grammar Focus- G5. To assess the use of inverted commas.
Possible answers:
G7 They had not brought anything with them. 1
They had brought nothing with them.
27b Explain in your own words why the original sentence was incorrect.
Possible answers:
G7 There is a double negative in the original sentence. So the second negative word cancels 1
out the first.
Notes: Award one mark that gives reference to the double negative in the original sentence, where the second negative
word cancels out the first.
Grammar Focus- G7. To recognise Non-Standard English usage of double negatives.
Year 5-6 English Grammar and Punctuation Test Paper 9
28 What is the name of the punctuation mark used within the underlined word in the sentence below?
G5 Hyphen 1
29 Tick one box in each row to show if the underlined clause is a main clause or subordinate clause.
Sentence Main Clause
32 Tick one box in each row to show whether the underlined word is being used as a verb or a noun.
33 Replace the underlined words in each of the sentences with a synonym from the list.
The ice-cream sundae was such a generous size that the children couldn’t finish it.
Scrooge was a selfish man, who expected his staff to work through Christmas.
At least thirty minutes of vigorous exercise per day is good for your health.
G6 1
The wealthy businesswoman bought a new unit with a view of the river.
34 Change all the underlined verbs from the present tense to the past tense.
G4 2
He leaps at him until I whistle.
leapt whistled
was bought
35 Underline the verb form that is in the past perfect progressive in the passage below.
Riley felt excited about the school bake-off competition. He was eager to
G4 win a certificate for undertaking his favourite hobby. He was feeling exhausted 1
as he had been baking all day.
In the spaces, write the word class of each of the underlined words in the paragraph below.
Use the terms from the given list.
Rewrite the sentence below with the adverbial at the front of the sentence.
Make sure you use the same words and the correct punctuation.
G3 When you’ve finished washing the pots, you should tidy your bedroom. 1
Notes: Award one mark if the adverbial is at the beginning of the sentence and demarcated with a comma.
Grammar Focus- G3. To use fronted adverbials with the correct punctuation.
39a Rewrite these spoken sentences, adding inverted commas and the correct punctuation.
Notes: Award one mark if a comma, a set of inverted commas and an exclamation mark to end the exclamation sentence are
used in the correct positions. Also accept a full stop after ‘finger’.
Grammar Focus- G5. To accurately punctuate direct speech.
39b Rewrite these spoken sentences, adding inverted commas and the correct punctuation.
Notes: Award one mark if a set of inverted commas, a question mark and a full stop are used in the correct positions.
Grammar Focus- G5. To accurately punctuate direct speech.