Pediatric Graves' Disease
Pediatric Graves' Disease
Pediatric Graves' Disease
Christiaan F Mooij1,*, Timothy D Cheetham2,3,*, Frederik A Verburg4, Anja Eckstein5, Simon H Pearce2,6,
Juliane Léger7 and A S Paul van Trotsenburg1
1Department of Pediatric Endocrinology, Emma Children’s Hospital, Amsterdam University Medical Centers, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam,
the Netherlands
2Translational and Clinical Research Institute, Newcastle University, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK
4Department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, the Netherlands
7Department of Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes, Reference Center for Rare Endocrine Growth and Development Diseases, Endo-ERN HCP,
Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris, Robert Debré University Hospital, University of Paris, NeuroDiderot Institut National de la Santé et de la
Recherche Médicale (INSERM), Paris, France
Hyperthyroidism caused by Graves’ disease (GD) is a relatively rare disease in children.
Treatment options are the same as in adults – antithyroid drugs (ATD), radioactive Key Words
iodine (RAI) or thyroid surgery, but the risks and benefits of each modality are different. ff Graves’ disease
The European Thyroid Association guideline provides new recommendations for the ff pediatric
management of pediatric GD with and without orbitopathy. Clinicians should be alert ff childhood
that GD may present with behavioral changes or declining academic performance ff antithyroid drugs
in children. Measurement of serum TSH receptor antibodies is recommended for all ff radioactive iodine
pediatric patients with hyperthyroidism. Management recommendations include the ff total thyroidectomy
or more), a preference for dose titration instead of block and replace ATD, and to avoid ff clinical practice guideline
Purpose and scope of guideline in the young. The European Thyroid Association
(ETA) guideline addresses the etiology, diagnosis and
Hyperthyroidism caused by Graves’ disease (GD) is a prognosis of pediatric GD patients with and without
relatively rare disease in children. Although treatment orbitopathy and includes evidence-based treatment
options are the same as in adults – antithyroid drugs recommendations. Fetal and neonatal thyroid
(ATD), radioactive iodine (RAI) and thyroid surgery – dysfunction related to maternal GD during pregnancy is
the benefits and risks of each modality are different not discussed in this guideline. © 2022 European Thyroid Association This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Published by Bioscientifica Ltd. Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0
International License.
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C F Mooij, T D Cheetham Pediatric Graves’ disease 11:1 e210073
et al. ETA guideline © 2022 European Thyroid Association This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Published by Bioscientifica Ltd. Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0
International License.
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C F Mooij, T D Cheetham Pediatric Graves’ disease 11:1 e210073
et al. ETA guideline
Table 1 European Thyroid Association 2022 recommendations for the management of pediatric Graves’ disease.
(Continued) © 2022 European Thyroid Association This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Published by Bioscientifica Ltd. Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0
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C F Mooij, T D Cheetham Pediatric Graves’ disease 11:1 e210073
et al. ETA guideline
Table 1 Continued.
TSHR stimulation induces fibroblasts to differentiate into incidence is lower: 1 to 2.91/100,000 per year. GD is 3.4 times
adipocytes, resulting in tissue expansion in the orbit (12). more common in girls than boys (21). Before age 5 years, the
The etiopathogenesis of GD is not fully understood. prevalence is about ten times lower, with a girls-to-boys ratio
Genetically determined immunological susceptibility of 1.4. This ratio increases markedly with age, particularly
appears to interact with environmental insults (e.g. in the second decade of life (21, 22). GD incidence varies
cigarette use, infection, stress and gut microbiota). between countries and may be rising (23, 24).
Genetic susceptibility is linked to the HLA locus and other
immune-related genes (e.g. CTLA4, IL-2RA and PTPN22)
and thyroid-specific genes (e.g. TG and TSHR) (13, 14,
15). HCP5 polymorphisms have been associated with a Treatment of hyperthyroidism caused by
younger age at GD onset (16, 17). GD is associated with the Graves’ disease
occurrence of other autoimmune disorders such as type
General considerations
I diabetes mellitus, celiac disease and vitiligo and is more
common in Down syndrome (4, 18). In approximately 15% Because of deleterious effects of excess thyroid hormone on
of cases, there is a first-degree relative with autoimmune multiple organ systems, children with GD require prompt
thyroid disease. GD can also occur following bone marrow treatment. Occasional, evolving ‘mild’ cases, including
transplantation and HIV therapies (19). subclinical hyperthyroidism with minimal clinical and
biochemical disturbance, may benefit from a period of
surveillance to clarify the need for treatment.
What is the incidence and prevalence of GD
In general, initial treatment is medical. When this
in children?
fails or is not possible, a definitive treatment should be
Childhood GD accounts for 5% of all GD cases throughout considered. The proposed approach to treatment and
life (20). The overall incidence in children and adolescents follow-up is a general one and – depending on specific
is around 4.58/100,000 per year, but before age 15 years, the patient characteristics – can be individualized. © 2022 European Thyroid Association This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Published by Bioscientifica Ltd. Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0
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Table 2 Causes of pediatric hyperthyroidism/thyroid hormone excessa.
Cause Etiology Clinical signs and symptoms, findings at ultrasonography Biochemical characteristics
Thyroid gland
Graves’ disease Autoimmune disease characterized Changes in behavior, attention span, school performance, Elevated serum (F)T4 and (F)T3 levels;
by the presence of TSHRAb anxiety, disturbed sleep, fatigue, palpitations, tremor, suppressed TSH level; elevated TSHRAb
stimulating the thyroid gland. heat intolerance, sweating, tremor, diarrhea and weight
May arise following interventions loss; symmetrical thyroid enlargement; sometimes
such as bone marrow accelerated growth and bone maturation; at US, the
transplantation thyroid is often enlarged and can be hyperechoic, with
heterogeneous echotexture and hypervascularity
Hyperthyroid phase of Autoimmune disease characterized Clinical signs and symptoms are typically milder and Elevated (F)T4 and (F)T3 levels;
Hashimoto’s disease by chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis self-limiting in contrast to GD; at US, a diffusely enlarged suppressed TSH level; elevated
with destruction of thyroid follicles thyroid with a heterogeneous echotexture, a anti-TPO or anti-Tg antibodies; negative
et al.
adenoma physical examination; headache, visual field defects or or mildly elevated TSH levels; high serum
galactorrhea may be present alpha subunit concentration
Familial non-autoimmune Germline-activating TSHR mutation Goiter, progressive hyperthyroidism from early life Elevated (F)T4 and (F)T3 levels;
hyperthyroidism (autosomal dominant) suppressed TSH level
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Thyroid hormone Inactivating mutation in THRB Attention deficit, tachycardia, goiter and potential short Elevated FT4 and FT3 levels; normal or
resistance stature; sometimes asymptomatic elevated TSH level
Iodine-induced Treatment with iodineb, radiocontrast Symptoms of hyperthyroidism Elevated (F)T4 and (F)T3 levels; suppressed
hyperthyroidism agents or amiodarone TSH level; high urinary iodine
Factitious thyrotoxicosis Excessive intake of thyroid Symptoms of hyperthyroidism; at physical examination Elevated (F)T4 or (F)T3 levels; suppressed
hormone (T4 or T3) no visible or palpable thyroid abnormalities TSH levels; low serum Tg
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aAn important diagnostic pitfall is the false biochemical picture of hyperthyroidism due to interference with laboratory testing, for example, by biotin.
bDeliberate or inadvertent (e.g. as a component of multivitamin supplement).
CRP, C-reactive protein; ESR, erythrocyte sedimentation rate; FT3, free triiodothyronine; FT4, free thyroxine; GD, Graves’ disease; T3, tri-iodothyronine; T4, thyroxine; Tg, thyroglobulin; TSH,
thyrotropin; TSHRAb, TSH receptor antibodies; TSI, thyroid-stimulating immunoglobulins; TPO, thyroid peroxidase; US, ultrasonography.
Medical treatment – antithyroid drugs supervenes. Higher ATD doses (e.g. 1.0 mg/kg MMZ or
1.3 mg/kg CBZ) can be used initially in severe disease or if
Which antithyroid drug(s) (ATD) can be used in thyroid hormone concentrations do not fall as expected.
The thionamide carbimazole (CBZ) or its active metabolite What is the preferred approach, DT or BR?
methimazole (MMI; also known as thiamazole) can be
A recent RCT showed no difference in biochemical control
used to treat hyperthyroidism. Propylthiouracil (PTU)
between DT and BR, but more adverse events in BR (31).
should not be used because of the risk of hepatic failure
Therefore, in most cases, DT is preferred. Earlier studies
(25). Thionamides act as a preferential substrate for thyroid
can be interpreted as demonstrating greater biochemical
peroxidase (TPO), thereby preventing tyrosine iodination in
stability with BR (32, 33, 34), and there may be occasions
the thyroglobulin molecule and blocking thyroid hormone
when the pediatric endocrinologist discusses the
synthesis. Although a direct immunomodulatory action
theoretical advantages of BR with families.
has been proposed (26), rendering the patient euthyroid
has a beneficial effect on autoimmunity in itself (27).
ATD can be titrated against thyroid function tests A beta-blocker (e.g. propranolol or atenolol) should be
(dose titration, DT) or administered in a larger dose to administered in an age- or weight-appropriate dose when
prevent endogenous thyroid hormone production, with there are signs of moderate to severe thyroid hormone
levothyroxine (LT4) added later in a replacement dose excess (35) but are contraindicated in patients with asthma.
(block and replace, BR). The ATD starting dose will depend The beta-blocker can be stopped once thyroid hormone
on weight, signs, symptoms and biochemical severity. levels normalize.
MMZ of 0.6 mg is approximately equivalent to 1.0 mg
CBZ. MMZ of 0.5 mg/kg or CBZ of 0.75 mg/kg will block
Thyroid storm
thyroid hormone production in the majority of patients.
A lower starting dose of 0.15 mg/kg of MMZ or 0.25 mg/kg Occasionally, patients with GD present with a thyroid © 2022 European Thyroid Association This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Published by Bioscientifica Ltd. Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0
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C F Mooij, T D Cheetham Pediatric Graves’ disease 11:1 e210073
et al. ETA guideline
How should the patient’s thyroid status be monitored Table 4 Framework for managing patients with block and
while on ATD treatment? replace.
Tables 3 and 4 describe frameworks for managing patients Objective of treatment: maintain thyroid hormone
with DT and BR, respectively. Patients can be seen and concentrations within the laboratory reference range with a
TSH that is also within the normal laboratory range (neither
thyroid status can be assessed every 4 weeks for the elevated nor suppressed).
first 3 months, moving to 2- to 3-monthly assessments Start of treatment: MMI is commenced in a dose of
thereafter. 0.5 mg/kg/day (0.75 mg/kg/day CBZ).
• This ATD dose will block endogenous thyroid hormone
release in most patients. If thyroid hormone
What other tests are required besides thyroid concentrations remain elevated at 3–4 months into
treatment with a suppressed TSH, then discuss compliance
function tests? and consider increasing the dose of ATD by 25%.
• As thyroid hormones (FT4/FT3) normalize, start LT4 in a
Hyperthyroidism can, like ATD, be associated with a low relatively low dose (age and weight appropriate). Bear in
white cell count and hepatic dysfunction (36, 37). A full mind that FT3 will take longer to normalize than FT4.
blood count (FBC) and liver function should therefore be • If TSH is suppressed, but FT4/FT3 is low or in the bottom
part of the normal range in the initial phase of treatment
assessed pre-treatment so that subsequent investigations (the first 4 months), then LT4 should still be commenced.
can be placed into context. The timing of FBC/liver • After initiation of LT4 replacement treatment, dose titrate
function assessments while on ATD is discussed in more LT4 guided by biochemistry (FT4) every 4–6 weeks until
stable values are achieved.
detail below. • If the patient becomes thyrotoxic with a suppressed TSH
when the biochemistry (FT4 and FT3) normalized at an
earlier stage, then check compliance, make sure iodine
intake has not increased substantially and consider
increasing the ATD dose. Review TSHRAb titers.
• Discuss the importance of compliance to ATD therapy on
Table 3 Framework for managing patients with dose titration.
a regular basis, revisiting the importance of stopping ATD
therapy in the event of a sore throat or fever
Objective of treatment: maintain thyroid hormone concentrations
within the laboratory reference range with a detectable TSH that
ATD, antithyroid drug; CBZ, carbimazole; FT3, free triiodothyronine; FT4,
is below the upper limit of the reference range.
free thyroxine; LT4, levothyroxine; MMI, methimazole; TSH, thyrotropin;
Start of treatment: MMI is commenced in a dose of
TSHRAb, TSH receptor antibodies.
0.5 mg/kg/day (0.75 mg/kg/day CBZ) until thyroid hormone
levels fall toward or into the local laboratory normal range. A
lower starting dose of ATD can be used in the case of mild to
moderate hyperthyroidism. What is the response to ATD, what can the physician
Thereafter: and patient expect?
• As the patient becomes euthyroid or hypothyroid, then
the MMI/CBZ (ATD) dose can be reduced by approximately Short term
25–50% (euthyroid) or 50% (hypothyroid). Most patients will be biochemically euthyroid within
• If the patient remains hyperthyroid, then the ATD dose can
be increased by approximately 25% or more if the
4–6 weeks, although the timeline will depend on disease
hyperthyroidism is severe. severity, ATD dose and compliance. Patients with higher
• Be guided by thyroid hormone concentrations (not TSH) in baseline thyroid hormone concentrations may take a
the first 4–6 months after diagnosis.
• Be guided by thyroid hormone concentrations as well as
longer time to normalize. Moreover, ATDs build up in the
TSH concentrations beyond 4–6 months; if TSH thyroid over a few weeks, and improvement in symptoms
concentrations remain persistently suppressed in the may not be immediate.
presence of a normal FT4, this may reflect elevated FT3;
consider increasing the dose of ATD a little.
• Discuss the importance of compliance on a regular basis Longer term
as well as the importance of stopping ATD therapy in the Although most patients have a BMI SD score within normal
event of a sore throat or fever with agranulocytosis.
• A raised TSH above the local laboratory normal range
limits at diagnosis, excessive weight gain can occur after
despite a minimum daily dose of ATD (e.g. 2.5 mg of MMI euthyroidism is restored (38).
or CBZ daily) together with normal TSHRAb suggests that
the patient is in remission or has evolving thyroid gland
failure and that ATD can potentially be stopped.
What are the side effects of ATD treatment?
ATD, antithyroid drug; CBZ, carbimazole; FT3, free triiodothyronine; FT4,
free thyroxine; kg, kilogram; MMI, methimazole; TSH, thyrotropin; Around 15% of pediatric GD patients on ATD (mainly
TSHRAb, TSH receptor antibodies. MMI/CBZ) develop at least one side effect/adverse event © 2022 European Thyroid Association This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Published by Bioscientifica Ltd. Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0
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et al. ETA guideline
(AE) (Supplementary Table 1, see section on supplementary (MMI) or 1.3 mg/kg/day (CBZ), it is appropriate to discuss
materials given at the end of this article). The most frequent the role of surgery or RAI with families as well (45). © 2022 European Thyroid Association This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Published by Bioscientifica Ltd. Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0
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C F Mooij, T D Cheetham Pediatric Graves’ disease 11:1 e210073
et al. ETA guideline
Figure 1
Remission rates in relation to duration of medical treatment (methimazole or carbimazole) in patients with pediatric Graves’ disease. Remission rates
reported in the systematic review by van Lieshout et al. (40) (Table 2) evaluating studies on the efficacy of treatment with methimazole or carbimazole in
relation to the treatment duration in pediatric Graves’ disease. Size of the bubble reflects the size of the patient population. Prospective studies
comparing standard and long-term treatment durations are displayed twice in this figure (Azizi et al. (49) displayed in red, and Léger et al. and Kaguelidou
et al. (47, 48) displayed in green).
Table 5 Factors associated with improved likelihood of Some patients who relapse may still remit in the long term
remission following antithyroid drug treatment. depending on associated features (Table 5). This should
be taken into consideration when considering the role of
Older age (47, 99)
further ATD.
Female sexa (100)
Ethnicity (Caucasian) (47)
Small goiter size (101)
Mild biochemical derangement at diagnosis (48) Is there a role for new treatment modalities like
Lower TSHRAb titer (47) immune modulation in the treatment of pediatric GD?
History of other autoimmune conditions (48)
Duration of ATD treatment (48, 102) There are case reports and series describing the clinical
adult studies only.
course of adult patients receiving biologics like rituximab
ATD, antithyroid drug; TSHRAb, TSH receptor antibodies. or TSHR-blocking antibodies (K1-70) as a treatment for GD © 2022 European Thyroid Association This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Published by Bioscientifica Ltd. Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0
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C F Mooij, T D Cheetham Pediatric Graves’ disease 11:1 e210073
et al. ETA guideline
(52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58). There is insufficient evidence to patients treated with RAI aiming at hypothyroidism
suggest that these agents are of benefit in pediatric GD. reported no malignancies or fertility problems with a
maximum follow-up of nearly four decades (59, 63, 64, 65).
Measures to be considered when preparing a pediatric
Definitive treatment – radioiodine or surgery patient for RAI are shown in Supplementary Table 2. ATD
should be stopped 3–7 days prior to RAI administration.
Indications for definitive treatment include relapse after Patients with active GO should receive a course of steroids
ATD treatment, serious or persistent side effects of ATD, in accordance with EUGOGO guidelines (66). RAI should
poor compliance or obstructive symptoms from a large be administered according to local radiation protection
goiter (4, 59, 60). law. After RAI, ATD treatment should be resumed 1–2 days
after I-131 administration and continued for at least 3
months if a BR strategy is used, or titrated against thyroid
Radioiodine treatment
hormone concentrations. TSH levels may not normalize for
Like iodine, RAI is taken up and metabolized by the several months after RAI treatment. Patients and parents
thyrocyte and stored within the thyroid follicle as thyroid should be warned about a small risk of thyroid crisis post
hormone. Isotope decay with the emission of beta- RAI treatment (67), although this is extremely rare in
radiation damages thyrocyte DNA resulting in apoptosis children (65). The first clinical and biochemical evaluation
and tissue necrosis. Sufficient RAI activity will destroy the by the pediatric endocrinologist should be scheduled
thyroid gland resulting in hypothyroidism. 4–6 weeks after RAI administration but can be brought
When RAI is chosen as definitive treatment, we advise forward depending on the pre-RAI treatment status. As
aiming for thyroid ablation in order to minimize the risk the objective of RAI is complete thyroid ablation, lifelong
of relapse and (future) malignant transformation of LT4 replacement is usually necessary. If hyperthyroidism
persistent, viable but radiation-damaged cells. still persists at 12 months after RAI, a second course can be
When administering RAI, there are various methods for considered.
calculating appropriate activity, including a fixed approach
with activities ranging from 200 to 800 MBq (61), limited
Total thyroidectomy
personalization in the form of (preferably) 15 MBq I-131 per
gram thyroid tissue (thyroid volume/weight estimated by Total thyroidectomy aims to remove all overactive thyroid
ultrasound) (62) or dosimetry aiming at delivering at least tissue. It is the preferred definitive treatment option for
300 Gy to the thyroid gland for functional ablation (61). GD patients younger than 10 years, for patients with
No method is demonstrably superior to others, although a (relative) contraindication for RAI treatment and for
higher activities/doses are usually associated with higher those with a large or nodular goiter. The advantage
rates of complete functional ablation. No adult or pediatric of total thyroidectomy is that it immediately cures
studies demonstrate a 100% success rate. For the greatest hyperthyroidism by removing the source of excess thyroid
chance of success, while at the same time minimizing hormone. Subsequent hypothyroidism necessitates
excessive radiation exposure, we recommend performing lifelong LT4 treatment. Total thyroidectomy is preferred
thyroid dosimetry if available. over subtotal thyroidectomy to reduce the risk of
RAI can theoretically be used in any patient with recurrent hyperthyroidism, with no reported difference in
GD, but contraindications are pregnancy (and becoming complications (68, 69).
pregnant within 6 months after RAI), breast-feeding, Prior to surgery, patients need to be biochemically
young age (<5 years; because of a greater long-term euthyroid to reduce the risk of anesthesia and thyroid
theoretical risk of malignancy) and active GO which can storm. ATD treatment should be continued until the day
be exacerbated by RAI. Relative contraindications are age of surgery. When euthyroidism cannot be achieved by
5–10 years, inactive GO and large goiter that may need ATD treatment alone, oral iodine (5–10 drops of Lugol’s
repeated treatment. solution or 1–4 drops of saturated potassium iodide
Side effects following RAI treatment in pediatric GD solution three times daily) can be administered for 1–2
patients are extremely rare, although sometimes a mild weeks prior to surgery to normalize FT3. If surgery is not
tenderness over the thyroid may be observed in the first performed in a timely manner, then the patient may
week after treatment. Observational studies in pediatric become thyrotoxic again. Pre-operative treatment with © 2022 European Thyroid Association This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Published by Bioscientifica Ltd. Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0
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C F Mooij, T D Cheetham Pediatric Graves’ disease 11:1 e210073
et al. ETA guideline
a beta-blocker and glucocorticoid may be required (2). with GO (46, 72). The pathogenesis of GO is therefore the
Patients should be vitamin D replete prior to surgery to same in children as in adults (10).
reduce the risk of post-operative transient hypocalcemia
and if in doubt can be treated with cholecalciferol for 3
days prior to surgery (60). After total thyroidectomy,
LT4 treatment should be commenced in a weight- The frequency of GO in pediatric GD patients is 27–63%
appropriate dose. and is similar to adults (47, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77). In 19–69%,
Mortality post-thyroidectomy in pediatric GD family members also have thyroid dysfunction (78, 79, 80).
patients is very low (<0.1%). However, there are post- Female-to-male ratio is between 3.3 and 7.1 to 1 (75, 76, 78,
operative morbidities, including transient hypocalcemia 79, 81). The time between diagnosing thyroid dysfunction
(22.2%) and recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) injury (5.4%) and the onset of eye signs is usually less than 6 months.
(70). In addition, permanent hypoparathyroidism with Like in adults, independent risk factors for GO are smoking
hypocalcemia was reported in 2.5% and permanent RLN (OR = 7.098), TSHRAb (OR = 6.358), stress (OR = 6.030) and
in 0.4% of pediatric GD patients (70). Post-operative high FT4 at diagnosis (OR = 5.963) (82).
infection, hemorrhage and keloid development are rare.
Damage to the superior laryngeal nerve’s external branch Signs and symptoms
may occur after thyroidectomy and can have subtle
effects on voice projection (71). The risk of post-operative Eyelid retraction (median 72%; range 23–91%) and
morbidities is lower when thyroidectomy is performed by a proptosis (median 53%; range 4–92%), best detected by
high-volume thyroid surgeon. comparison with photographs prior to the onset of GO, are
the most frequent signs of GO in children with GD; soft
tissue inflammation is less common (median 22%; range
Radioiodine vs thyroidectomy 1–59%). In most retrospective and cross-sectional studies,
impaired motility and dysthyroid optic neuropathy are rare
The choice for RAI or total thyroidectomy is a contentious
or not reported, respectively. Accordingly, most patients
topic and will reflect local opinion and expertise. Each
have a mild course (7).
pediatric case warrants interdisciplinary consultation
including a pediatric endocrinologist, thyroid surgeon and
nuclear medicine physician specialized in thyroid disease; Treatment and prognosis of orbitopathy in pediatric
the choice of definitive treatment will involve shared GD patients
decision making with the patient and the parents/legal
In most retrospective case series and cross-sectional studies,
guardians, focusing on the advantages and disadvantages
pediatric GD patients with GO are managed conservatively
of each option.
(70–100%) because of mild underlying disease (79, 80). In
An absolute or relative contraindication for one
patients with lagophthalmos artificial tears can be offered,
modality vs another such as pregnancy or a markedly
but with good tear production and absence of meibomian
elevated risk of perioperative morbidity may direct
gland dysfunction, eye drops and ointments are rarely
treatment choice. Table 6 lists contraindications for
needed. Rare cases of moderate-to-severe active GO cases
and advantages and disadvantages of RAI and total
can be treated with anti-inflammatory drugs (e.g. i.v.
corticosteroids) (66). Selenium (Se) supplementation can
prevent further deterioration in adults and can be offered
to children when residing in an area of limited Se intake
Pediatric Graves’ orbitopathy (83). A daily supplementation dosage of 1–2 µg/kg can be
administered for 6 months (84).
Improvement of GO with normalization of thyroid
Pediatric GO is caused by autoreactivity to TSHR. function is frequently reported (7). Few patients need
Hyperthyroid children with GD and GO have higher surgery (lid lengthening and rarely orbital decompression).
TSHRAb levels than those with only hyperthyroid GD, and Decompression surgery is best deferred until the facial skull
during ATD treatment, TSHRAb decreases less in children has fully grown. Success rates are the same as in adults (85, 86). © 2022 European Thyroid Association This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Published by Bioscientifica Ltd. Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0
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C F Mooij, T D Cheetham Pediatric Graves’ disease 11:1 e210073
et al. ETA guideline
Table 6 Specific indications and contraindications for, and pros and cons of, definitive treatment in pediatric Graves’ disease:
radioactive iodine vs surgery/total thyroidectomy.
General indications Relapse after ATD treatment, serious or persistent Relapse after ATD treatment, serious or
side effects of ATDs, or poor compliance. persistent side effects of ATDs, or poor
Indications and Absolute contraindication Indications
contraindications Pregnancy (pre-treatment pregnancy test is mandatory Obstructive symptoms from a large goiter.
from the moment of menarche) or breastfeeding. When a euthyroid state is required quickly.
Patients under 5 years of age. Patients under 5 years.
Active GO.
Relative contraindication Contraindication
Patients between 5 and 10 years of age. Essentially none, however, patients must
Inactive GO. be euthyroid or have only mild thyroid
Large goiter – second dose may be required. dysfunction at the time of surgery.
Pros and cons
Likelihood of hypothyroidism The success rate of achieving hypothyroidism 100% success rate of achieving
increases with a higher RAI activity dose. hypothyroidism when total
thyroidectomy is performed.
Treatment process Usually administered orally (capsule) on an Surgical procedure with admission.
outpatient basis.
Time to hypothyroid state Achieving hypothyroidism can take weeks or months. Rapid achievement of hypothyroidism.
Short-term logistics and risks Specific regulations need to be followed in the weeks General surgical risks and consequences,
following treatment. like bleeding, infections, scar.
Long-term risks General risks associated with ionizing radiation Risk of post-operative (transient or
including theoretical neoplasia risk. permanent) morbidities:
Hypothetical risk of genetic damage to offspring: hypoparathyroidism and/or recurrent
mandatory advice not to become pregnant within laryngeal nerve injury.
6 months after RAI.
Adolescent girls
Smaller chance of disappearance of TSHRAb
compared to total thyroidectomy, resulting in
greater risk of fetal or neonatal hyperthyroidism in
offspring (103).
Risk of thyroid cancer A histopathological diagnosis of thyroid (micro-) Histopathological examination can be
carcinoma cannot be made (if present). performed and may show thyroid (micro)
carcinoma (if present).
ATD, antithyroid drug; GO, Graves’ orbitopathy; RAI, radioactive iodine; TSHRAb, anti-TSH receptor antibodies.
Treatment of thyroid disease in presence of reflecting modern, detailed histological analysis. In some
orbitopathy but not all studies, the rate of thyroid cancer detected is
the same in adult GD patients as in those undergoing
Pediatric patients with GO are more likely to have a severe
thyroidectomy for other benign thyroid diseases (89).
course of their GD and are less likely to go into remission
However, several studies have found a slightly higher DTC
following ATDs (77). Thyroid surgery is preferable to
rate in GD patients. Cappelli et al. found a cancer rate of
RAI treatment in active GO, and if there is a poor/absent
6.5% in GD patients undergoing thyroidectomy compared
response to GO treatment, then thyroidectomy may also
to 4.4% of those with solitary toxic nodules (90), and some
reduce the risk of GO exacerbation (66, 87).
studies found that tumors in adult GD patients may behave
more aggressively (91, 92, 93). A meta-analysis of 987 GD
Thyroid cancer risk in pediatric GD patients patients with DTC confirmed the higher prevalence of
adverse prognostic features, but there was no difference in
In 2–10% of adults undergoing thyroidectomy for GD, persistent disease or mortality (94). Several mechanisms
co-existing differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC) is found have been postulated for these associations including the
in surgical specimens (88). In 80% of cases, these are stimulation of thyrocyte proliferation by TSHRAbs and
incidental microcarcinomas (<10 mm in diameter), increased vascularity. © 2022 European Thyroid Association This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Published by Bioscientifica Ltd. Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0
International License.
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C F Mooij, T D Cheetham Pediatric Graves’ disease 11:1 e210073
et al. ETA guideline
Despite the associations found in adults with Graves’ this topic is needed, it emphasizes the need for additional
disease, there is little information on this subject in support for young people with GD, both at school and
pediatric GD patients. A retrospective analysis of young from a psychological perspective (98).
GD patients undergoing thyroidectomy at a single
North American center showed that 7 of 32 (22%) had
differentiated thyroid cancer (95). In four patients, this Conclusions
was suspected from ultrasound and cytological workup
pre-operatively, but in three, this was an incidental This ETA guideline provides new recommendations for the
finding. The young patients with GD did not appear management of pediatric GD including a longer phase of
to have a worse prognosis than age-matched patients initial medical/ATD treatment, preference for DT instead
without GD (96). of BR in most cases, complete thyroid gland ablation with
Additional work is required, but in the interim, we personalized dose determination when using RAI and
recommend that all palpable thyroid nodules in children involvement of a pediatric endocrinologist in all cases.
and adolescents with GD are subject to ultrasound
evaluation. Patients with suspicious sonographic findings
should either proceed to FNA cytological assessment Supplementary materials
or direct to total thyroidectomy. There is little role This is linked to the online version of the paper at
for ‘diagnostic surgery’ in this situation with total
thyroidectomy the best treatment option.
Declaration of interest
Simon Pearce received speaker fees from Merck, Sanofi, Berlin Chemie,
Quidel and is member of the clinical advisory board of Apitope. The other
authors have nothing to disclose.
It is important to discuss the various possible outcomes
when managing GD. The first treatment goal is to restore
euthyroidism. The most favorable long-term outcome
is permanent functional and immunological remission Funding
The Department of Anja Eckstein received funding from Horizon
without the need for medical treatment. Unfortunately,
Therapeutics plc to conduct clinical studies on the use of Teprotumamab
many children have a less favorable outcome: persistent in GO. No financial support was received writing this guideline.
thyroid autoimmunity and thyroid stimulation by
TSHRAb necessitate lengthy medical, or definitive thyroid
destructive therapy. Hence euthyroidism is achieved by
long-term ATD or, after definitive treatment, by thyroid
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