Project Proposal
Project Proposal
Project Proposal
A Project Proposal
Presented to the
Faculty of the National Service Training Program
University of Antique
Sibalom, Antique
In Partial Fulfilment
Of the Requirements for the Subject NSTP-CWTS 1
(Civic Welfare Training Service)
One of the major problems we are facing each day in hope of creating a
harmonious society is the fear of harassment specially among the young women. Research has
shown that a huge percent of women who have experienced harassment had become unstable in
controlling their emotions and as a result they suffer from major anxiety, trauma, and depression
that unfortunately may lead to suicidal thoughts. These incidents had long been a problem
hindering a full success on enabling a secured living environment where everyone can walk at
night without any fearful thoughts.
By spreading awareness, we can not only empower women but also equip them
with correct knowledge to guard themselves against potential harm. Women awareness against
harassment plays a crucial role in asserting women their rights on standing up against
harassment. With these, they can gain confidence in speaking, setting up boundaries and navigate
challenging situations and seek help when needed.
II. Objectives
III. Beneficiaries
This project will be beneficial in terms promoting safety among women, because
they possess unique qualities and strengths that contribute to society in various ways. However,
acknowledging that women often face specific challenges related to their safety can be helpful in
recognizing the root of the problem that will be vital in addressing a solution.
IV. Proposed Activities and Timeline
Activities Objectives Methodolog Timeline Resources Persons Expected
y Involved Output
Seminar Provide Hold a one January Collect A At the end
about the and imply day seminar. 20, 2024 solicitations speaker of this
problems solutions to and/or from project,
and effects avoid Morning collect Women’ attendees
of harassment Sessions: contributio s desk are
harassment . seminar n from Office expected
Mental- Enrich and students. A to be
health care women’s educationa speaker equipped
educationa self-esteem l talks. from with self-
l talk. and entitle DSWD defense
them their techniques
rights. Afternoon and
Training Equip Sessions: An awareness.
for simple women Self- instructor
self- with defense for self-
defense preventive Training dense
ways and measures training.
techniques. to prevent,
avoid and