CRE Grade 7 Term-II

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Major Alpha

GRADE 7 2023

Page 1
1 By the end of the lesson, the learner
Individually, in pairs or in
should be able to:
groups, learners are guided to: Good News
- Brainstorm how the Bible is Bible
Functions of Brainstorm how the Bible is used in
used in different occasions and What is the Flash cards
the Bible; different occasions and places. places. importance of Pictures Songs Written Quizzes
1 The Bible Importance Read 2 Timothy 3: 16-17, Hebrew 4:12 -Read 2 Timothy 3: 16-17, the Bible in Digital devices Checklists, Oral
of the Bible Discuss the importance of the Bible in the Hebrew 4:12 the society Charts questions
in the society society today.
-Discuss the importance of the today? KLB: Top
today Discuss how the Bible is used in
Bible in the society today. Scholar; C.R.E
spreading the Word of God.
-Discuss how the Bible is used page 41-43
Appreciate the importance of the Bible in
in spreading the Word of God.
the society today.
By the end of the lesson, the learner Individually, in pairs or in
should be able to:
groups, learners are guided to: Good News
- Brainstorm how the Bible is Bible
Functions of Brainstorm how the Bible is used in
used in different occasions and What is the Flash cards
the Bible; different occasions and places.
places. importance of Pictures Songs Written Quizzes
Importance Read 2 Timothy 3: 16-17, Hebrew 4:12
2 The Bible -Read 2 Timothy 3: 16-17, the Bible in Digital devices Checklists, Oral
of the Bible Discuss the importance of the Bible in the
Hebrew 4:12 the society Charts questions
in the society society today. -Discuss the importance of the today? KLB: Top
today Discuss how the Bible is used in Bible in the society today. Scholar; C.R.E
spreading the Word of God.
-Discuss how the Bible is used page 41-43
Appreciate the importance of the Bible in
in spreading the Word of God.
the society today.
Good News
By the end of the lesson, the learner
The role of should be able to: Individually, in pairs or in What is the Bible
the Bible in groups, learners are guided to: role of the Digital devices Written Quizzes
3 The Bible - State the role of the Bible in Bible in Charts Checklists, Oral
holistic State the role of the Bible in holistic
holistic growth. holistic KLB: Top questions
growth growth.
-Sing the song in learner growth? Scholar; C.R.E
Sing the song in learner
page 43-44
2 By the end of the lesson, the learner
should be able to: Good News
Individually, in pairs or in Bible
Discuss different types of services groups, learners are guided to: Which values Flash cards
Christians engage in their local - Discuss different types of can we Pictures Songs
Ways in community in service to God and services Christians engage in acquire by Digital devices Written Quizzes
1 The Bible which God humanity. their local community in service learning about Charts Checklists, Oral
Search the word puzzle and identify the to God and humanity. the functions KLB: Top questions
values acquired by learning about -Identify the ways in which God of the Bible? Scholar; C.R.E
functions of the Bible. page 45-48
Appreciate the ways in which God

Page 2
By the end of the lesson, the learner
should be able to: Good News
Individually, in pairs or in Which values Bible
Discuss different types of services groups, learners are guided to: can we Flash cards
Ways in Christians engage in their local - Discuss different types of acquire by Pictures Songs Written Quizzes
2 The Bible community in service to God and services Christians engage in Digital devices Checklists, Oral
which God learning about
humanity. their local community in service Charts questions
the functions
Search the word puzzle and identify the to God and humanity. KLB: Top
of the Bible?
values acquired by learning about -Identify the ways in which God Scholar; C.R.E
functions of the Bible. page 45-48
Appreciate the ways in which God
By the end of the lesson, the learner Individually, in pairs or in Good News
The two
should be able to: groups, learners are guided to: Bible
divisions of What is the
Identify the books of the Bible Flash cards
the Bible; importance of
Discuss the two major divisions of the from flashcards and arrange the Pictures Songs Written Quizzes
Importance the two
3 The Bible Bible. books of the Bible in order. Digital devices Checklists, Oral
of the two divisions of
divisions of Discuss why it is important to know the -Discuss the two major the Bible to Charts questions
the Bible to books of the Bible. divisions of the Bible. Christians? KLB: Top
Christians Appreciate the importance of the two -Discuss why it is important to Scholar; C.R.E
divisions of the Bible to Christians know the books of the Bible. page 48-49
3 By the end of the lesson, the learner
should be able to: Individually, in pairs or in Which are the Good News
groups, learners are guided to: main groups Bible
Classification Identify the books of the Old and New - Identify the books of the Old of the Old Flash cards
of the books Testament. and New Testament. Testament Pictures Songs Written Quizzes
1 The Bible of the Old Draw, colour and label the different -Draw, colour and label the books? What Digital devices Checklists, Oral
and New sections of books in the library. different sections of books in are the group Charts questions
Testament Design a bookmark on the books of the the library. of the New KLB: Top
Bible. -Design a bookmark on the Testament Scholar; C.R.E
Appreciate the books of the Old and New books of the Bible. books? page 48-49
By the end of the lesson, the learner
should be able to: Individually, in pairs or in Which are the Good News
groups, learners are guided to: main groups Bible
Classification Identify the books of the Old and New - Identify the books of the Old of the Old Flash cards
of the books Testament. and New Testament. Testament Pictures Songs Written Quizzes
2 The Bible of the Old Draw, colour and label the different -Draw, colour and label the books? What Digital devices Checklists, Oral
and New sections of books in the library. different sections of books in are the group Charts questions
Testament Design a bookmark on the books of the the library. of the New KLB: Top
Bible. -Design a bookmark on the Testament Scholar; C.R.E
Appreciate the books of the Old and New books of the Bible. books? page 48-49

Page 3
Good News
By the end of the lesson, the learner How many
Individually, in pairs or in Bible
should be able to: books are in
Classification groups, learners are guided to: Flash cards
the Old
of the books - Identify the values acquired Pictures Songs Written Quizzes
Identify the values acquired from Testament?
3 The Bible of the Old from studying the Bible. Digital devices Checklists, Oral
studying the Bible. Which values
and New -Create a tune and sing a song Charts questions
Create a tune and sing a song that shows are acquired
Testament that shows appreciation for the KLB: Top
appreciation for the books of the Bible. from studying
books of the Bible. Scholar; C.R.E
Have a desire to read the Bible. the Bible?
page 54-56
4 By the end of the lesson, the learner Good News
should be able to: Individually, in pairs or in Bible
The different groups, learners are guided to: Flash cards
Bible Explain the meaning of the word - Explain the meaning of the Pictures Songs Written Quizzes
What is
1 The Bible translation translation. word translation. Digital devices Checklists, Oral
used in Prepare flashcards and write the - Prepare flashcards and write Charts questions
Kenya today challenges faced by Bible translators. the challenges faced by Bible KLB; Top
Appreciate the different Bible translation translators. Scholar C.R.E
used in Kenya today. page 56-58
By the end of the lesson, the learner Good News
should be able to: Individually, in pairs or in Bible
The different groups, learners are guided to: Flash cards
Bible Explain the meaning of the word - Explain the meaning of the Pictures Songs Written Quizzes
What is
2 The Bible translation translation. word translation. Digital devices Checklists, Oral
used in Prepare flashcards and write the - Prepare flashcards and write Charts questions
Kenya today challenges faced by Bible translators. the challenges faced by Bible KLB; Top
Appreciate the different Bible translation translators. Scholar C.R.E
used in Kenya today. page 56-58
By the end of the lesson, the learner
Good News
should be able to:
Individually, in pairs or in Bible
Reasons for groups, learners are guided to: Flash cards
Give reason for translation of the Bible Why is it
translation of - Give reason for translation of Pictures Songs Written Quizzes
into local languages. important to
3 The Bible the Bible into the Bible into local languages. Digital devices Checklists, Oral
Discuss how people have benefited from translate the
local - Discuss how people have Charts questions
the translation of the Bible to local Bible?
languages benefited from the translation of KLB: Top
the Bible to local languages. Scholar; C.R.E
Appreciate the translation of the Bible
page 59-60
into local languages.

Page 4
5 By the end of the lesson, the learner What are the Good News
Social and should be able to: Individually, in pairs or in social and Bible
economic groups, learners are guided to: economic Flash cards
effects of Identify the values that are demonstrated - Identify the values that are effects of Pictures Songs Written Quizzes
1 The Bible translation of in the process of Bible translation. demonstrated in the process of translation of Digital devices Checklists, Oral
the Bible into Interpret the pictures in learner's book. Bible translation. the Bible into Charts questions
local Have a desire to read the Bible in their - Interpret the pictures in local KLB: Top
languages local language. learner's book. languages? Scholar; C.R.E
page 60-63
Good News
By the end of the lesson, the learner What are the
Social and Individually, in pairs or in Bible
should be able to: social and
economic groups, learners are guided to: Flash cards
effects of - Identify the values that are Pictures Songs Written Quizzes
Identify the values that are demonstrated effects of
2 The Bible translation of demonstrated in the process of Digital devices Checklists, Oral
in the process of Bible translation. translation of
the Bible into Bible translation. Charts questions
Interpret the pictures in learner's book. the Bible into
local Have a desire to read the Bible in their - Interpret the pictures in local KLB: Top
languages local language. learner's book. languages? Scholar; C.R.E
page 60-63
By the end of the lesson, the learner Good News
Individually, in pairs or in
should be able to: Bible
Leadership in groups, learners are guided to:
Flash cards
the Bible; - Read the Bible; Exodus 2:1- How did God
Read the Bible; Exodus 2:1-15, 3:1-22, Pictures Songs Written Quizzes
How God 15, 3:1-22, 11, 4:1-20 prepared
3 The Bible 11, 4:1-20 Digital devices Checklists, Oral
prepared - Identify ways through which Moses for
Identify ways through which God Charts questions
Moses for God prepared Moses for leadership?
prepared Moses for leadership. KLB: Top
leadership leadership.
Retell the story of Moses. Scholar; C.R.E
- Retell the story of Moses.
Enjoy retelling the story of Moses. page 64-65
6 By the end of the lesson, the learner Individually, in pairs or in
Good News
should be able to: groups, learners are guided to:
- Read the Bible Exodus 14: 10-
What are the Flash cards
The roles Read the Bible Exodus 14: 10-16, 21, 16, 21, 15:22-25, 18:5-10, 13-
roles played Pictures Songs Written Quizzes
played by 15:22-25, 18:5-10, 13-26 26
1 The Bible by Moses Digital devices Checklists, Oral
Moses during Identify ways in which leadership is -
during Charts questions
the Exodus important. Identify ways in which
Exodus? KLB: Top
Discuss the roles played by Moses during leadership is important.
Scholar; C.R.E
the Exodus. - Discuss the roles played by
page 66-67
Appreciate the importance if leadership. Moses during the Exodus.

Page 5
By the end of the lesson, the learner Individually, in pairs or in Good News
should be able to: groups, learners are guided to: Bible
- Read the Bible Exodus 14: 10- What are the Flash cards
The roles Read the Bible Exodus 14: 10-16, 21, 16, 21, 15:22-25, 18:5-10, 13- roles played Pictures Songs
15:22-25, 18:5-10, 13-26 26 Written Quizzes
played by by Moses Digital devices Checklists, Oral
2 The Bible
Moses during Identify ways in which leadership is - during Charts questions
the Exodus important. Identify ways in which Exodus? KLB: Top
Discuss the roles played by Moses during leadership is important. Scholar; C.R.E
the Exodus. - Discuss the roles played by page 66-67
Appreciate the importance if leadership. Moses during the Exodus.
By the end of the lesson, the learner
Individually, in pairs or in
should be able to: Good News
groups, learners are guided to:
- Identify the characteristics of a
Identify the characteristics of a good Flash cards
Leadership good leader.
leader. What are the Pictures Songs Written Quizzes
qualities to - Discuss the leadership
3 The Bible Discuss the leadership qualities one can qualities of Digital devices Checklists, Oral
emulate from qualities one can emulate from
emulate from Moses. Moses? Charts questions
Moses Moses.
Write a journal on how to be a good KLB: Top
- Write a journal on how to be a
leader in school, church and community. Scholar; C.R.E
good leader in school, church
Apply the values portrayed by Moses in page 67-71
and community.
their day-to-day life.
7 Individually, in pairs or in
By the end of the lesson, the learner
groups, learners are guided to:
should be able to:
Background - Define the term 'prophet' and
Good News
to the birth of 'prophecy'
The Life Define the term 'prophet' and 'prophecy' Bible
Jesus Christ; - Read Isiah 9:6-7 and Jeremiah Who is a
and Read Isiah 9:6-7 and Jeremiah 23:5-6 Flash cards Written Quizzes
The 23:5-6 prophet?
1 Ministry Discuss the prophecies about the coming Digital devices Checklists, Oral
prophecies - Discuss the prophecies about What is
of Jesus of Jesus Christ. KLB: Top questions
about the the coming of Jesus Christ. prophecy?
Christ Prepare flashcards with the Bible texts Scholar; C.R.E
coming of - Prepare flashcards with the
they have read about prophecies on the page 73-75
Jesus Christ Bible texts they have read about
coming of Jesus Christ.
prophecies on the coming of
Have a desire to follow Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ.

Page 6
Individually, in pairs or in
By the end of the lesson, the learner
should be able to: groups, learners are guided to:
Background - Define the term 'prophet' and Good News
to the birth of 'prophecy'
The Life Define the term 'prophet' and 'prophecy' Bible
Jesus Christ; - Read Isiah 9:6-7 and Jeremiah Who is a
and Read Isiah 9:6-7 and Jeremiah 23:5-6 Flash cards Written Quizzes
The 23:5-6 prophet?
2 Ministry Discuss the prophecies about the coming Digital devices Checklists, Oral
prophecies - Discuss the prophecies about What is
of Jesus of Jesus Christ. KLB: Top questions
about the the coming of Jesus Christ. prophecy?
Christ Prepare flashcards with the Bible texts Scholar; C.R.E
coming of - Prepare flashcards with the
they have read about prophecies on the page 73-75
Jesus Christ Bible texts they have read about
coming of Jesus Christ.
prophecies on the coming of
Have a desire to follow Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ.
Ways in By the end of the lesson, the learner Individually, in pairs or in Why did Good News
which Old should be able to: groups, learners are guided to: Joseph plan to Bible
The Life Testament - Read the Bible; Matthew 1:18- break his Flash cards
and prophecies Read the Bible; Matthew 1:18-23 23 engagement Pictures Songs Written Quizzes
Ministry about the Discuss how Jesus Christ fulfilled the Old - Discuss how Jesus Christ to Mary? Digital devices Checklists, Oral
3 Messiah Testament prophecies about the coming fulfilled the Old Testament
of Jesus What was the Charts questions
Christ were fulfilled of the Messiah. prophecies about the coming of Angel's KLB: Top
in the coming Summarise and write the points on a the Messiah. message to Scholar; C.R.E
of Jesus chart. - Summarise and write the Joseph? page 75
Christ Accept Jesus Christ as His savior. points on a chart.
8 Mid term
9 What was
By the end of the lesson, the learner Individually, in pairs or in
Angel Good News
should be able to: groups, learners are guided to:
Gabriel's Bible
- Read the Bible; Luke 1:5-25
The Life The message to Flash cards
Read the Bible; Luke 1:5-25 - Describe what Zechariah was
and annunciation Zechariah? Pictures Songs Written Quizzes
Describe what Zechariah was doing in the doing in the Temple when the
1 Ministry and birth of Why was it Digital devices Checklists, Oral
Temple when the angle of the Lord angle of the Lord appeared to
of Jesus John the hard for Charts questions
appeared to him. him.
Christ Baptist Zechariah to KLB: Top
Retell the story of annunciation of the - Retell the story of
believe the Scholar; C.R.E
birth of John the Baptist. annunciation of the birth of
Angel's page 76-78
Avoid doubting the word of God. John the Baptist.

Page 7
What was
By the end of the lesson, the learner Individually, in pairs or in
Angel Good News
should be able to: groups, learners are guided to:
Gabriel's Bible
- Read the Bible; Luke 1:5-25
The Life The message to Flash cards
Read the Bible; Luke 1:5-25 - Describe what Zechariah was
and annunciation Zechariah? Pictures Songs Written Quizzes
Describe what Zechariah was doing in the doing in the Temple when the
2 Ministry and birth of Why was it Digital devices Checklists, Oral
Temple when the angle of the Lord angle of the Lord appeared to
of Jesus John the hard for Charts questions
appeared to him. him.
Christ Baptist Zechariah to KLB: Top
Retell the story of annunciation of the - Retell the story of
believe the Scholar; C.R.E
birth of John the Baptist. annunciation of the birth of
Angel's page 76-78
Avoid doubting the word of God. John the Baptist.
By the end of the lesson, the learner How did John
should be able to: Individually, in pairs or in the Baptist Good News
groups, learners are guided to: introduce Bible
Relating the
The Life Read the Bible; Luke 3:16, John 1:29-30 - Read the Bible; Luke 3:16, Jesus Christ to Flash cards
birth of John
and Discuss the importance of the birth of John 1:29-30 the crowd? Pictures Songs Written Quizzes
the Baptist to
3 Ministry John the Baptist. - Discuss the importance of the How does the Digital devices Checklists, Oral
the coming
of Jesus Compose a poem on how the birth of birth of John the Baptist. birth of John Charts questions
of Jesus
Christ John the Baptist related to the coming of - Compose a poem on how the the Baptist KLB: Top
Jesus Christ. birth of John the Baptist related related to the Scholar; C.R.E
Appreciate the importance of the birth of to the coming of Jesus Christ. coming of page 78-80
John the Baptist. Jesus Christ?
10 By the end of the lesson, the learner Individually, in pairs or in
Ways in should be able to: groups, learners are guided to: Good News
which - Read the Bible; Luke 3: 7-15 Bible
Which ways Flash cards
The Life Christians Read the Bible; Luke 3: 7-15 - Identify ways in which
apply the Identify ways in which Christians can can Christians Pictures Songs
and Christians can apply the Written Quizzes
1 Ministry message of apply the message of John the Baptist in message of John the Baptist in apply the Digital devices Checklists, Oral
message of
of Jesus John the their lives today. their lives today. Charts questions
Baptist in Dramatize how they can apply the John the KLB: Top
Christ - Dramatize how they can apply
their lives message of Joh the Baptist in their lives the message of Joh the Baptist Baptist? Scholar; C.R.E
today today. in their lives today. page 80-82
Have fun and enjoy dramatizing.

Page 8
By the end of the lesson, the learner
Individually, in pairs or in
Ways in should be able to: Good News
groups, learners are guided to:
which Bible
- Read the Bible; Luke 3: 7-15 Which ways
The Life Christians Read the Bible; Luke 3: 7-15 Flash cards
- Identify ways in which can Christians
and apply the Identify ways in which Christians can Christians can apply the apply the Pictures Songs Written Quizzes
2 Ministry message of apply the message of John the Baptist in Digital devices Checklists, Oral
message of John the Baptist in message of
of Jesus John the their lives today. their lives today. John the Charts questions
Christ Baptist in Dramatize how they can apply the KLB: Top
- Dramatize how they can apply Baptist?
their lives message of Joh the Baptist in their lives Scholar; C.R.E
the message of Joh the Baptist
today today. page 80-82
in their lives today.
Have fun and enjoy dramatizing.
By the end of the lesson, the learner
should be able to: Good News
Individually, in pairs or in
Which values Bible
groups, learners are guided to:
The Life Define the term of values. do Christians Flash cards
- Define the term of values.
and Message of Identify the values that Christians need to need to avoid Pictures Songs Written Quizzes
- Identify the values that
3 Ministry John the avoid evil condemned by John the evils Digital devices Checklists, Oral
Christians need to avoid evil
of Jesus Baptist Baptist. condemned by Charts questions
condemned by John the Baptist.
Christ Design a poster on the message of John - Design a poster on the John the KLB: Top
the Baptist. Baptist? Scholar; C.R.E
message of John the Baptist.
Appreciate the values we learn from John page 82-84
the Baptist.
11 By the end of the lesson, the learner
should be able to: Why was Good News
Individually, in pairs or in
Mary troubled Bible
Read the Bible; Luke 1:26-38 groups, learners are guided to:
The Life by the Angel's Flash cards
Discuss the events that took place during - Read the Bible; Luke 1:26-38
and The birth and message? Pictures Songs Written Quizzes
- Discuss the events that took
1 Ministry childhood of the annunciation of the birth of Jesus. How did the Digital devices Checklists, Oral
place during the annunciation of
of Jesus Jesus Christ Watch a video on the birth of Jesus Angel Charts questions
Christ. the birth of Jesus.
Christ described the KLB: Top
Appreciate the events that took place - Watch a video on the birth of
son who Mary Scholar; C.R.E
during the annunciation of the birth of Jesus Christ.
was to have? page 85-89

Page 9
By the end of the lesson, the learner
should be able to: Why was Good News
Individually, in pairs or in
Mary troubled Bible
groups, learners are guided to:
The Life Read the Bible; Luke 1:26-38 by the Angel's Flash cards
- Read the Bible; Luke 1:26-38
and The birth and Discuss the events that took place during message? Pictures Songs Written Quizzes
- Discuss the events that took
2 Ministry childhood of the annunciation of the birth of Jesus. How did the Digital devices Checklists, Oral
place during the annunciation of
of Jesus Jesus Christ Watch a video on the birth of Jesus Angel Charts questions
the birth of Jesus.
Christ Christ. described the KLB: Top
- Watch a video on the birth of
Appreciate the events that took place son who Mary Scholar; C.R.E
Jesus Christ.
during the annunciation of the birth of was to have? page 85-89
By the end of the lesson, the learner Individually, in pairs or in
Good News
Biblical should be able to: groups, learners are guided to: Where do you Bible
- Define the term worship.
teachings on worship God? Digital devices Written Quizzes
3 The selected Define the term worship. - Discuss why worship is What do you Charts Checklists, Oral
Church Discuss why worship is important to important to Christians in their
forms of do during KLB: Top questions
Christians in their day-to-day lives. day-to-day lives.
worship worship? Scholar; C.R.E
Compose songs on the Lord's Prayer. - Compose songs on the Lord's
page 100-103
Have a desire to worship God all the time. Prayer.
12 By the end of the lesson, the learner
should be able to: Individually, in pairs or in Good News
groups, learners are guided to: Bible
Read the Bible; Luke 4:1-2, Acts 13: 1-3, - Read the Bible; Luke 4:1-2, Flash cards
Importance What is the
Matthew 6:9-13 Acts 13: 1-3, Matthew 6:9-13 Pictures Songs Written Quizzes
The of prayer and importance of
1 State the importance of prayer and fasting - State the importance of prayer Digital devices Checklists, Oral
Church fasting to prayer and
to Christians. and fasting to Christians. Charts questions
Christians fasting?
Design posters on the importance of - Design posters on the KLB: Top
prayer and fasting. importance of prayer and Scholar; C.R.E
Appreciate the importance of prayer and fasting. page 103-104
fasting to Christians.
By the end of the lesson, the learner
should be able to: Individually, in pairs or in Good News
groups, learners are guided to: Bible
Read the Bible; Luke 4:1-2, Acts 13: 1-3, - Read the Bible; Luke 4:1-2, Flash cards
Importance What is the
Matthew 6:9-13 Acts 13: 1-3, Matthew 6:9-13 Pictures Songs Written Quizzes
The of prayer and importance of
2 State the importance of prayer and fasting - State the importance of prayer Digital devices Checklists, Oral
Church fasting to prayer and
to Christians. and fasting to Christians. Charts questions
Christians fasting?
Design posters on the importance of - Design posters on the KLB: Top
prayer and fasting. importance of prayer and Scholar; C.R.E
Appreciate the importance of prayer and fasting. page 103-104
fasting to Christians.

Page 10
By the end of the lesson, the learner
should be able to: Individually, in pairs or in
groups, learners are guided to: Good News
Ways in -Identify ways in which
Identify ways in which Christians can Which ways Bible
which Christians can apply the
apply the teachings of Jesus Christ on can Christians Flash cards
Christians teachings of Jesus Christ on
prayer and fasting. apply the Pictures Songs Written Quizzes
The apply the prayer and fasting.
3 teachings of Digital devices Checklists, Oral
Church teachings of State the values that are demonstrated in - State the values that are
Christian worship. Jesus Christ Charts questions
Jesus Christ demonstrated in Christian
Sing a song on the Lord's prayer. on prayer and KLB: Top
on prayer and
fasting Appreciate ways in which Christians can worship. fasting? Scholar; C.R.E
apply the teachings of Jesus Christ on - Sing a song on the Lord's page 104-108
prayer and fasting. prayer.

13 By the end of the lesson, the learner

Individually, in pairs or in Good News
should be able to:
groups, learners are guided to: Bible
Contribution - Explain the meaning of What is the Flash cards
Explain the meaning of education.
of the church education. contribution Pictures Songs Written Quizzes
The Discuss the contribution of the church
1 towards - Discuss the contribution of the of the church Digital devices Checklists, Oral
Church towards education.
education church towards education. towards Charts questions
Compile a brief report on the contribution
and health - Compile a brief report on the education? KLB: Top
of the church towards health in Kenya.
contribution of the church Scholar; C.R.E
Appreciate the contribution of the church
towards health in Kenya. page 108-111
towards education.
By the end of the lesson, the learner
Individually, in pairs or in Good News
should be able to:
groups, learners are guided to: Bible
Contribution - Explain the meaning of What is the Flash cards
Explain the meaning of education.
of the church education. contribution Pictures Songs Written Quizzes
The Discuss the contribution of the church
2 towards - Discuss the contribution of the of the church Digital devices Checklists, Oral
Church towards education.
education church towards education. towards Charts questions
Compile a brief report on the contribution
and health - Compile a brief report on the education? KLB: Top
of the church towards health in Kenya.
contribution of the church Scholar; C.R.E
Appreciate the contribution of the church
towards health in Kenya. page 108-111
towards education.
By the end of the lesson, the learner Individually, in pairs or in
Good News
should be able to: groups, learners are guided to:
- Identify the role of the Church
What is the Flash cards
Identify the role of the Church in health. in health.
The role of contribution Pictures Songs Written Quizzes
The Discuss the barriers to effective church - Discuss the barriers to
3 the church in of the church Digital devices Checklists, Oral
Church mission work in health and education. effective church mission work
health towards Charts questions
Design posters on the benefits of in health and education. health? KLB: Top
missionary work in education in Kenya. - Design posters on the benefits
Scholar; C.R.E
Appreciate the contribution of the church of missionary work in education page 111-114
towards health. in Kenya.

Page 11
major alpha

Page 12

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