Lab 6, Isolation of PBMCs From Blood-1
Lab 6, Isolation of PBMCs From Blood-1
Lab 6, Isolation of PBMCs From Blood-1
Isolation and Separation of Leukocytes from
Human Peripheral Blood
After completing this laboratory exercise you should be able to:
Human Blood
The principle behind density-gradient centrifugation relies on having two media with
different densities, one of them is a diluted blood sample and the other is a Ficoll solution.
The Ficoll solution has greater density than that of diluted human blood and when a
centrifugal force is applied, blood constituents will separate according to their densities.
Therefore, PMNs and RBCs will pellet at the bottom because they are denser than the rest of
blood components. Lymphocytes and monocytes will settle at the interface between blood and
Ficoll. Platelets and diluted plasma will remain in the upper layer since they are the least
Separation of Monocytes and B cells from other MNCs by
Materials, equipment and reagents for bleeding of animals (see Lab. II).
Power supply.
Spectrophotometer or densitometers.
Razor blades.
Sera of normal persons and patients. Sera of normal and immunized animals.
Absolute ethanol.
1- Prepare serum samples you want to fractionate and label them sequentially (See
Exercise 3).
2- Set up the elecrtrophoresis apparatus. Follow the manufacturer's directions step by step
for proper use of the apparatus.
3- Fill the chambers with barbital buffer (pH 8.6) up to the desired level as set by the
manufacturer's instructions.
4- Use plastic forceps to remove the cellulose acetate strip and place it in the buffer in
one of the electrophoresis chambers and allow it to reach full saturation.
5- Take the membrane out and place it between two blotters to remove excess buffer.
6- Load membrane on bridge of the electrophoresis cell. Orient the reference hole on
strip at lower left of the bridge. Place the bridge on the cell making certain that the two
ends of the membrane are submerged within the buffer. Place the cell cover in
7- Place a drop of each serum sample on parafilm. Cover with inverted beaker to avoid
evaporation of the serum. Load samples using a special sample applicator or a
micropipette (sample size 2ul). Rinse the sample applicator with distilled water after
the application of each sample, or use a new tip for each sample.
8- Connect the cell to power supply and adjust to 250 V and at 4-6mA. Run for 16-18
minutes then turn off the power supply and disconnect the cell.
9- Place the membrane in a tray containing Ponseau S dye/ fixative solution or Ponseau S
stain solution for 7 minutes. Meanwhile fill plastic trays with following solutions:
a. 100 ml rinse solution (5% acetic acid solution) -3 trays.
b. 100 ml dehydration solution (absolute ethanol) -1 tray.
c. 100 ml clearing solution (formic acid in diemethyl sufoxide or 30%
cyclohexanone in ethanol) - 1 tray.
10- Rinse membrane in 3 washes of 5% acetic acid solution until the dye no longer is
removed from the membrane.
11- Agitate the membrane in dehydration solution for one minute.
12- Place a clean glass plate in a tray containing clearing solution and transfer the
membrane on top of the glass plate. Agitate for 1 minute, then remove the glass plate
with the membrane on top of it.
13- Using a plastic forceps, remove excess clearing solution off the membrane.
14- Place glass plate and membrane in an oven preheated to 100c or allow the membrane
to dry in an oven at 37 c.
15- Using a razor blade, peel the membrane from the glass plate. Place the membrane in
clear plastic envelope and trim off the ends using sharp scissors.
16- Read protein fractions using a densitometer set at A520 and pre-warmed for 15
17- Analyze the densitometer tracings of each fraction and calculate the relative
percentage of each.
18- If a densitometer is not available, the steps following step 10 above are as follows:
19- Place the membrane on clean glass plate and squeeze out excess fluid. Dry in an
incubator at 37ºC.
20- Use a razor blade to cut the strip into sections with each containing one distinct band
of protein. Place each section in a separate 13X 100-mm test tube.
21- Add 5 ml of clearing solution to each tube to dissolve the cellulose acetate membrane
of each section.
22- Standardize a spectrophometer set at A520 with clearing solution alone.
23- Determine the absorbance for each tube containing protein fractions and analyze
your results. Calculate the relative percentage of each fraction.