10-Prish-Acrylic Sheet & Louvers-PD
10-Prish-Acrylic Sheet & Louvers-PD
10-Prish-Acrylic Sheet & Louvers-PD
4th Floor, Lake city Mall, Kapurbavdi junction, Majiwade, Thane (w) - 400 602.
Te\": A22-41119999 e Fax : A22-2533 7777
403, New Phatakwada Building,
Near Wadia Hospital,
Thane West- 400601
Cell No: 9l-7045859752
Kind Attend: Mr. Darshil Shah / Mr. Amish Satra
Email: in rishworld.com
iW.O.fto. - iole.qvfi. Stt""t Louvers /Material
C. +
Work Order Ref. No. Labour/ LO 12024-25!
Work Order for providins & Fixine of Louvers at Sale Building A-Wing
Contract Value:-
The total Contract Va.Lue is Rs. LT,OOOl- (Rupees seventeen Thousand only)
shall be paid extra as aPPlicable.
@ +
1. The contract sha1l be an item-rate contract including cost of Material Labour'
2. your rates shall be inclusive of includ.ing wastages, labour required including
shifting, & lifting of material, to carry out the work'
3. A11 tools and taJkles/equi"pment required to complete the work
should be at the
contractor's cost'
4" Your rates are inclusive of all government taxes' (GST sha11 be
paid extra as
S. A11 work shall havc: lo be done in workman like manner
as per the instructions
of site-in-charge oI his representative in stages if requireC to suit the site
condition and co-ordination with other agencies working Quantities mentioned
in the Bill of Quantities are approximate'
6. TDS on work *tutt t" deducted at source from your R. A.
7. You should not remove materials from site either belonging
to you or to the
owner,s without prior knowledge and r,vritten instn-rctions from
g. No escalation in rates will be cJnsid.ered ti11 completion of the contract' The rate
shall remain same till the completion of work'
Contr Cofrtract Flead
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Aourdrr ulghrnaa z^\(l"h
9. The entire work will be executed as per schedule of work. Your part amount will
be withheld, if your work progress is found unsatisfactory.
10. If the job done does not meet the sterndards and speci{ications set by developer,
the developer may terminate the contract.
11. You will carry out the work in coordination with various agencies and as per our
instructions. You will submit daily report to the Project Engineer as per the
format supplied to you.
12. You will submit work schedule to us, so as to enable us to plan the material
procurement and payment schedule accordingly.
13. You will follow all State and Central (iovernment or Local Body Rules, as
applicable to your work.
14. A11 the works sha1l be finished in acceptable workmanship and as directed by the
Architect/Project Manager and sha11 be as per I.S. code and TMC specifications.
15. A11 Labours should have valid identity cards
16. You should verify Police records of all empioyees.
17. You should have valid labour License from the labour commissioner.
18. You should always keep the work place/site clean & strictly observe HSE rules as
31. Arbitration:
A11 disputes and differences arising between the parties hereto in respect of this
Agreement/work order and/or any disputes or differences related to
interpretation or meaning of any provision or term of this Agreement/work order
andlor differences regarding claims of parties against each other andf or rights
and obiigation of the parties under this Agreement/work order, the parties
hereto sha-l1 use their best efforts to resolve such dispute or difference amicably
by mutual negotiations. Failing which all disputes which have not been
amicably settled shall be referred to sole arbitrator, Advocate Shri Prashant
Kadam and M/s. PRISH. Hereby give consent for appointment Advocate Shri
Prashant Kadam as Arbitrator. The arbitration proceeding shal1 be conducted as
per provisions of Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 and modification
thereafter. The parties have agreed that the venue for the arbitration proceeding
shall be at Thane only and only Thane courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction
on such dispute between the parties.
32. Termination:
The Developer due to non performance of the Contractor may terminate this
contract with immediate effect. In such event, the Developer shall have no
liability towards the contractor for any claim of damage or loss of business or
(*, W,-l
cohr1rz Contract Head Director Contractor
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Iic Sheet & l""rr"[7nr, l+
Dated: tL.OqTO24
: Sheet at SaI.s-OE and
Louvers wi
At ICICI Bank.
Description Amount
door with Smm thk Acryli" if.,""i
Sales office at Larkins_5l S 9,500
Providing &@".,.";L
Terrace Sale Builclini'A Wing -^ -
2'x3'= 6 Sqft (5 Nos)
Total Amount=
Note: - GST shall be paid extra.
Yours Faithfully,
For M/s. PRISH
LqM ,.$\'\
Authorized Signatory
A.ra"\ kl6tt,.navt
Contract Ilead Director Contractor
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