Project Scheduling
Project Scheduling
Project Scheduling
Issues in Project management
• project is not completed on schedule
• changing customer requirements affect on schedule
• miscommunication among project management
• essential software and hardware may be delivered late
• in large project, software engineer perform multiple tasks parallel
• risk is not considered at beginning of project
Project Scheduling
• Project schedule is responsible activity of project manager
• Project schedule is a mechanism that is used to communicate
and know about that tasks are needed and has to be performed
in project
• Project manager separate total work task in project into different
• Effective project scheduling leads to success of project ,reduced
cost and increased customer statisfaction
Project scheduling process
Project scheduling techniques
2)Program evaluation and review technique(PERT)
-It is way to schedule flow of tasks in a project and estimate total time taken to
complete it
-PERT charts offer a visual representation of the major activities(and
dependencies) in a project
It calculates:
➢ Optimistic time (O) : quickest time you can complete a project
➢ Pessimistic time(P) :longest time it’ll take to complete your project
➢ Most likely time (M) : how long it’ll take to finish your project if there are no problems
• ( O + 4M + P) / 6
3)Gantt Chart:
• A Gantt chart is a type of bar graph that project managers use for planning and
scheduling in complex project.
• It represent each task horizontally on a bar chart, which shows the start and end
dates & they frequently include deadlines & dependencies of tasks
• It easier to visualize the progress of a project and see how different tasks interact
with one another.