WS Construction Contract Eng Amh March 21
WS Construction Contract Eng Amh March 21
WS Construction Contract Eng Amh March 21
ይህ የውሃ ግንባታ ውል ስምምነት የተፈፀመው This water supply scheme construction contract is made
u›=”}` ›?ÃÉ õ^”e S”Óe ታ© ያ MJ’ የበጎ ›É^Ôƒ e^ É`σ & Ÿ²=I
u ኃ L ¾ýaË¡~ ›eðéT> uSvM K=Öke ¾T>‹K¨< ¾›=ንቴ` ›? Inter Aide France (IAF), NGO, herein after called the “project
ÃÉ }¨ŸÃ ¾ýaË¡ƒ ኃላፍ implementer” on one part represented by Inter Aide France
__________________________________________________ሥራው x ታ/ወረዳ Program Officer
_____________________________________ e.l.___________________________ “__________________________________________________ ”, whose office is
located at: ______________________________,
እ“ tel:______________________,
ዝረዘር LÃ uSSe[ƒ ¾}ÑS}¨<” ¾vKVÁ ¡õÁ w` SSÅw ›Kuƒ:: a) IAF shall provide all construction materials that are not
locally available to the end of the accessible vehicle road.
N) ›=ንቴ` ›?ÃÉ õ^”e ueUU’~ Sc[ƒ ሥ^¨< u›Óvu< SŸ“¨’<”
"[ÒÑÖ u ኃ L ለተቋራጩ ተገቢውን ክፍያ መፈፀም ይጠበቅበታል:: b) IAF shall allocate the estimated cost of skilled labour
according to the bill of quantity prepared and attached to
S) K=ሠ^ የታቀደውን የውሃ }sTƒ Ó”v ታ U” U” እንደሚያስፈልገው this document.
እ“ ¾›c^\” Ç=³Ã” ´`´` መግለጫ u›=”}`›?ÃÉ õ^”e }²ÒÏ„ Sp[w
Õ`u ታ M:: c) IAF shall make payments for the contractor after checking
the agreed conditions and requirements are fulfilled.
W) ›=”}`›?ÃÉ õ^”e uƒUI`ƒ“ በተግባር ተጠቃሚውን Iw[}cw d) IAF shall prepare and provide detailed specification and
TcMÖ”& uY^ ማሳተፍ እ“ ማደራጅት የሚያስችል W^}— መመደብ drawing of the desired water supply scheme construction.
Õ`u ታ M:: All measurement of the executed work quantity and any
modification of the design and specification shall be
[) ›=”}` ›?ÃÉ õ^”e ግንባታውን up`uƒ እየ}Ÿ ታ}K u}c ጠው ዲዛይን approved by IAF engineers.
Sc[ƒ S"H@Æ” Sq×Ö` ›Kuƒ::
e) IAF shall assign a personnel required for mobilization and
organization of the beneficiary community through training
g) ›=”}`›ÃÉ õ^”e u›=ƒ¾åÁ S”Óeƒ Ów` ›ªÏ Sc[ƒ Ÿ}s^Û and applying various animation steps.
›eðLÑ>¨<” Ów` cwcx KS”Óeƒ Ñu= ያደርጋል::
f) IAF shall exert close and intense supervision on the
1.2 የውሃ ማህበር ኃ Lò’ƒ እ“ ÓÈ ታ construction in order to ensure that the construction is
G) የውሃ TIu` uÑ<Muƒ ሥራ ¾T>ÁÓ²< c‹” ግንባታው ተጀምሮ executed according to the design and specification
እ eŸT>Ö“kp É[e መመደብ Õ`u ታ M:: provided.
c) ግንባታው ተጀምሮ እ eŸT>Ö“kp É[e የውሃ ማህበር uk” u=Á”e d) Beneficiary water association shall notify any labour force
›”É ¾¢T>‚ ›vM uÓ”v ታ x ታ< እ”Ç=ј SSÅw ›Kuƒ:: ÃIU absence 3 days in advance, otherwise the contractor can ask
¾Iw[}cu<” }dƒö u}SKŸ} K=•` KT>‹M ›KSÓvvƒ ð×” ULi the water association for a compensation of 100 birrs/day.
KSeÖƒ እ“ ¾Te}"ŸÁ እ`U ጃ ለመውሰድ ያግዛል::
e) Beneficiary water association shall provide to the contractor’s
team a good safe and reliable shelter temporarily at the
g) የውሃ TIu` Ÿ}s^Û ኃ Lò‹ Ò` uÒ^ u}¨c’¨< Sc[ƒ u=Á”e ´p}— vicinity of the construction site for sleeping and cooking.
¨<” ¾Ñ<Muƒ c^}— õLÔƒ TTELƒ Õ`u ታ M:: }s^ጩ U
KSq ጣጠ` እ“ K¨<G ማህበር J’ KTIu[cu< u›Óvu< ]þ[ƒ KTÉ[Ó f) Beneficiary water association shall provide a safe place to
እ”Ç=Áe‹K¨< የተመደቡተን c‹ eU ´`´` u}ÖnT>¨< ¾¨<G store all construction material and tools.
TIu` }²ÒÏ„ K=cÖ¨< ÃÑvM::
g) Beneficiary water association shall assign minimum one
k) የውሃ ማህበር አከባቢውን ለሥራ ምቹ ማድረግና ተቋራጩ member of the association per day at the construction site
በሚያዘው ሰዓት ግንባታውና በተከታታይ ውሃ የማጠጣት ግዴታ throughout the period of the execution. This is to facilitate
አለበት፡፡ quick response and remedial action of the water association
in case of possible problems regarding the community
1.3 የተቋራጩ ኃ Lò’ƒ እ“ ÓÈ ታ
G) }s^Û Ó”v ታ¨<” u}cÖ¨< Ç=³Ã”“ ªÒ ´`ዝ` SÓKÝ SW[ƒ h) Beneficiary water association shall provide the minimum
Se^ƒ ና u}ÝT] ¾›=”ቴ` ›?ÃÉ ባለሙያዋችን ማማከር ይኖርበታል unskilled daily labour requirement based up on the joint
(የህብረተሰብ ተሳትፎ በለሙያና ተቆጣጠሪን ጨምሮ) discussion and scheduling with the chief of the contractor’s
team. The list of assigned persons shall be provided to
ለ) አብሮ ከሚሠራው ማህበረሰብ ጋር ተግባብቶ መሥራት ይኖርበታል፡፡ contractor so that he makes the attendance and reports to
the water association and community.
N) ተቋራጩ ለሥራው ¾T>ÁeðMѨ<” ¾c¨< ኃይልና ጥሬ ዕቃ ›p`xƒ
ŸT>ÁeðMÓuƒ ›”É dU”ƒ kÅU wKA መጠየቅ ›Kuƒ:: ÃIU ›=”}` i) Beneficiary water association shall be responsible for the
›?ÃÉ õ^”c J’ Qw[}cu< u›Óvu< ተደራጅቶ እ“ }k“Ï}¨< እ”Ç=c\ እ“ safety of the working sites. They shall be responsible for
¾Ñ>²? S ጓ}ƒ እ”ÇÕ` ÁÓ³M:: watering all concrete construction following contractor’s
S) ¢”ƒ^¡}\ Y^ x ታ ŸSp[~ Ÿ3 k” uòƒ Tdªp Õ`u ታ M ::እ”ÉG<U
ÁKðnÉ Ÿk[ KTI በ\ በቀን 400 w` ይቀጣል:: 1.3 – Contractor Obligations
a) The contractor shall execute the construction work according
to the specification and the drawing. He shall follow all IAF’s
W) }s^Û K›e^ ›Ueƒ ¾e^ k“ƒ ue^ x ታ በተደጋጋሚ ያለፍቃድ ቀርቶ team advice (including Field Animator and Technical Social
እንድሁም ለ k[uƒ በቂ ምክንያት ካላቀረበ ለሠራው ሥራ ብቻ በመክፈል Expert).
ድርጅቱ ውሉን አቋርጦ በሌላ ማሰራት ይችላል፡፡
b) The contractor shall respect the community he is working
ረ) }s^Û ueUU’~ SW[ƒ ¾Ñ>²? cK?Ǩ<” u›î”*ƒ SŸ}M Õ`ታል:: with.
Ÿ}s^Û ›pU uLà SJ’< ኢንቴር ኤይድ በተረጋገጠ U¡”Áƒ "MJ’
ue}k` T”—¨<”U የሥራ S ጓ}ƒ uT>Ÿ}K¨< ዋጋ }S” Sc[ƒ }s^Û”
¾T>Áek× ÃJ“M:: c) The contractor shall make his requisition of the construction
ŸeUU’~ Ñ>²? ›e` uS„ S²Ó¾ƒ KSËS]Á‡ ›Ueƒ k“ƒ uk” 400 material and unskilled labour in at least one week prior to
(አራት መቶ w`) p׃ Õ[ªM:: anticipated day of demand. This allows both IAF and the
u}ÚT]U Ÿ›Ue}— k” እ eŸ ›e[— k” "²Ñ¾ u¾k’< 450.00 community to mobilize the resources and fulfil the requested
(አራት መቶ ሃምሳ w`) p׃ Õ[ªM:: demand on time.
Ÿ²=Á uLà KT>•` ¾ ሥ^ S ጓ}ƒ Ÿ›e[— k” እ eŸ ›e^ ›Ue}—
k” p×~ uk” 500.00 (አምሰት S„ w`) ÃJ“M:: d) Any absence of the contractor on the working site should be
¾Te[Ÿu=Á Ñ>²? Ÿ›e^ ›Ueƒ k” uLà ከቆየ eUU’~” እ”Å ፈ[e notified at least 3 days in advance. Unjustified absence will
ይቆጠራል:: lead to a penalty of 400 ETB/day that will be retained from
the contractor payment and given to the Association.
S) uQw[}cu< ŸT>k`u ው መጠለያ uk` ተቋራጩ ወደ ግንባታ ቦታ
ለሚያመጣቸው W^}™‹ }ÚT] G<’@ታ‹” ¾TS‰†ƒ ኃ Lò’ƒ e) In case of 15 working days absence of the contractor, even
ይወስዳል:: justified, IAF can break the contract, pay the due executed
amount, and hire another contractor to finish the works.
›”kî 2 : }ÁÁ» G<’@ታ‹
¾Ó”v ታ¨< ¡òÁ G<’@ታ Ÿ²=I ¨<M Ò` u}ÁÁ²¨< የዋጋ ዝረዘር f) The contractor shall strictly respect the time table as per the
SÖ” (BOQ) መሰረት _____________________ብር ቫትን ሳይጨምር agreement. Any delay unless justified for it is “beyond the
ይሆናል፡፡ ይህ መጠን ግን የሚሰላው ተሰርቶ የተለካውን ስራ ዝርዝር capacity of the contractor”, shall lead to penalty of delay
መሰረት በማደረግ ቢቻ ነው፡፡ which the contractor is liable to pay:
K¢”}^¡}\ ጠቅላላ የሠራተኛ የጉልበት ዋጋ ማጠቃለያ ዝረዘር Sc[ƒ Delay beyond 10% of the agreed time table shall cost the
u›=”ቴ` ›?ÃÉ }[ÒÓÖ¨< ßðLM :: contractor 400 birrs per each day of first five days as a
›=”}` ኤይድ õ^”e ÁckS׆¨<” ¾ ሥ^ Ø^ƒ Å[Í ግንባታው penalty
¾T>Ö“kp ŸJ’ Ÿ5 እ eŸ 10 ፐርሰንት ቦነስ ሊከፍል ይችላል፡
የግንባታው ሥ^ Ÿ}kSÖKƒ Ø^ƒ Å[Í u ታ‹ ¾}c^ ŸJ’ 5 ø`c”ƒ Additional days of 5 to 10 days shall cost the contractor 450
p׃ Õ[ªM birrs per day as a penalty.
ተቋራጩ KT>ŸðK¨< Ñ”²w IÒ© Å[c˜ Ák`vM : For additional days of 10 to 15 days the penalty shall be 500
birrs per day.
T”—†¨<U ¾¨<K< }ፈራራሚዎች TKƒU }s^Û ¨ÃU ¾¨<H Delay for more than 15 days shall be considered as
¢T>‚¨< ¾T>Öupv†¨<” u›”kî 1.2 እና 1.3 የተጠቀሰውን ኃ Lò’ƒ“ termination of the contract.
ÓÈ ታ ካልተወጡ ›=”ቴ` ኤይድ õ^”e ውሉን የማቋረጥ S<K< Swƒ
አለው:: g) The contractor shall be responsible for accommodation of the
team he brought to the site except the shelter which is
›”kî 3 : የውሉ ዓላማ provided by the community.
¾¨<K< ¯LT u›”kî 1.3 ¾k[u¨<” uSS`¢´ ተቋራጩ ግንባታውን Article 2 – Modalities and conditions
እ”Ç=ÁŸ“¨<” እ“ በተጨማሪ በአንቀጽ 1.1 እ“ 1.2 ከላይ የተጠቀሱ
ነጥቦችን K?KA‡ ›"Lƒ u›Óvu< እንዲተገብሩ TeÑ”²w ’¨<:: The payment for the construction shall be done according to the
attached planned Bill of Quantities for a total of:
________________________ETB without VAT. This amount
will be recalculated according to the exact quantity of work
›”kî 4 :የውሉ ግዜ executed.
¾²=I ¨<M Ñ>²? }s^Û dÃ~” Ÿ}[Ÿuuƒ ¨pƒ ËUa የሚቆጠር The final payment will be done after accomplishment of the work
______________________________የሥራ k“ƒ ÃJ“M:: according to final bill of quantity validated by IAF.
A quality bonus from 5% to 10% will be applied if high quality
›”kê 5: የውሉ ሁኔታ standards are applied according to IAF quality check list.
ÃI ¨<M uIÓ òƒ ¾T>ǘ IÒ© c’É SJ’<” u¨<K< ውስጥ የ}"}~ƒ A penalty of 5% will be applied if the contractor did not
G<K<U ›"Lƒ }[É}¨< }eTU}¨<u ታ M:: respect the minimum requirement expected for the
The contractor shall provide legal receipt to receive his
አንቀጽ 6: ¾¨<K< }Óv^©’ƒ payment
ÃI ¨<M ›=”}` ኤይድ ፍራንስ& የውሃ ማህበር< እ“ ¾Ó”v ታ IAF has right to terminate the contract if one of the cosigning
}s^Û }eTU}¨< Ÿð[S<uƒ k” ËUa S<K< uS<K< ¾ì“ ÃJ“M:: parties namely, the contractor, or the water association fail to
fulfil the obligations stated in article 1.2 and 1.3.
u __________________________________________________________________,
እ“ u ______________________________ (k”) ¾}²ÒË:: Article 3 – Intent of the contract
›”wu” እ“ }[É}” ፈ`S“M:: The intent of the contract is that the contractor shall execute the
works in conformity with the description made in article 1.3
provided that the articles 1.1 and 1.2 are respected by the
corresponding parties.
This contract shall come into full force and effect on the signing
date between the IAF, the Water Association, and the
Done in ____________________________________________,
on the ______________________________ (date).
As witness:
የውሃ ተጠቃሚዎች ማህበራት ፌደሬሽን _____________________________________________
Water User Association Federation of ___________________________________
}¨ŸÃ eU: ____________________________________________
Represented by: Name: ____________________________