1995 04 Abcd
1995 04 Abcd
1995 04 Abcd
lHsrlndt laergt)ts Jf$lssrntr ll.oDge gEo. 632 :tr. & g. !fl. San Diego, eA (61 9) 2s4-092S 16 \)l\-lfa 3366 Adams AvenueChartered October 92 1926 14,
A Non-Smoking Facility
Menu: Stufied Green Bell Peppers, Fresh Carrots, Mashed Potatoes, Jello Salad, Cake, Coffee, Milk, lce Water, and
Donations will be $5.00, and reservations WILL be absotuE!y-!9S9SEEI1. Catt the Lodge office to make your reservation - 2U-0925. lf Our Secretary is not available, please leave a message. be received by March 30. We need to
To get your important information into the Trestleboard: . Give it to the Secretary at the Lodqe Lodge . Give it io me or Herald Sawdy at the Siated Meeting . Send intemet e-mail to pmckinney@ball.com Please attempt to have all inputs submitted by the date
Contact Building Manager 284-0925 3366 Adams Avenue San Diego, CA 921 1 6-1898
March 8, 1995
In Mnlromeu:
Edwin C. Mason Bom May '13, 1931 Raised June 26, 1972 Died January 24, 1995 Phil J. Scott Bom July 13, 1908 Raised May 22, 1957 Died Jan 14, 1995 Frank Henry Skrivanek Bom October 12, 1898 Raised May 9, 1928 Died January 28, 1995 Ramon Tercenio Bom August 13, 1909 Raised September 17, 1935 Died March 10, 1995 Worshipful Master and Members: 63 years
PROCLAMATION The Maste/s TrestleBoard............... Masonic Anniversaries for this Month .........-........................ 2 ...................................2 Out ofthe On the Secretarv's Table .....-...................................-.......... 3 Lodge Offcers fir 1995 ....."................................................4 ............4 Temple Board Notes
86 years
96 years
Public Schools Night ...........................................................4
85 years
The dale to visit Yuma Lodge #17 and see a third degree under the direction ofwoBhiptulSamuelJ. Oppenheimer is May4, 1995. I had a visitwith Brother Sam and he assured me he would do his very best to put on a fine degree. He also stated lhat if you bring your wives, his wife would entertain the ladies while the men are at lodge. With this in mind, I would like to offer the following plan for those who would like to.ioin me on my visit. By car pool (or motorhome), we would leave Pine Valley around 10:30 am. We would stop in El Centro for a bite to eat and a rest stop, and then make our way to Yuma. Worshipful Brother Sam is looking into a hotelorsuch forallofus. We will hang around together for the afternoon, have dinner together, then the men will go to lodge and the women are free to do as they wish. (Note: They may have a guide ifthey so desire, or they can go on their own.) The following day we will leave whenever the group ls ready. All Brothers who may have any interest in visiting Yuma Lodge, please conlacl me so lwillhave someidea howmanyare going.lwill coordinate the anangements with Worshipful Brother Oppenheimer. An early responsetothis noticewillbe appreciated. lwillbe in contact with each individualhaving an expressed interest, regarding accommodalions and msl. Submitted by Worshiptul Brother Frank G. Martin (473-9539)
I wish to extend my appreciation to the members of Normal Heights Masonic Lodge #632, F. & A.M., for their help with food preparation, set-up and clean-up forthe reception following the presentation ofthe Hiram Award to George Copus on S0nday, February 26, 1995.
My heartfelt "Thank You'' to Tom Vergne, who chopped more onions and garlic than I'm sure he ever wants to see again, John Beagles and Mark Ursprung forthe dynamite placement of tables so no one had a chairin theirback, Marvin Holmberg, Bob Gannaway and yourselffor rolling up your sleeves and diving into gallons of yuckie dish water, and to all who helped clean off tables. Needless to say I would not have been able to 'Teed the masses' without your voluntary assistance, nor would the afternoon have run as smoothly as it did.
Louis C. Duty John B. Watels lll Thornas A. Lamb, Jr. Arfiur Parks 5 Gary R. Phillips John L. Ritter Huston G. Kellogg Robert C. Scott, PM 7 Hanold E. Enrin Kenneth H. Gilliland Ralph A. Lepore Jorge G. Tangohan 10 Jose S. Ramirez 11 Robert W Gebhard Bobby L. Kimbrowh StaFord B. Walker 12 Clitrord L. DEke Uoyd C. Light
Wrnan L. De
lsidom A. Regalado, PM
13 14
18 19
29 30
Heman Klippert Johnny R. Sctoggins Don W. Shadbum Esteban l. Alberto Kenneth J. Koped9, Jr. PaulA. Burdick Mark E. Vettel Stephen A Kenny, PM Ttois G. Hindman \Mnfield S. Mdees, PM Teford L. McEwan R. Ben Elliott Frederick N. Peace Raynond F. Soulhwick Russell H. Buran James Kenniston Joseph C. Quirante Garv L. Polakofi RoiJ. Monell Leonard J. Erb, Jr.
10 11
Wanen Corcnd' Kl(IVlRl Slener 12 FrancjsmDiaz 15 Karl F. Fackler Wallace H. Red '16 Pauls. McKhney. PM 16 Harold L. Pugh ._ Geoe_H.Steven. 17 Robert Blessinget Serafn C. Cabl 18 Lonis Hale Daniel J. Plummei 19 Bruce M. Mscarier
J. Vvillbm Renato M.
carry A Vvhite{
Louie E. Oudev
'Renato and Dan aie celebrating lheir lst anniversary ofbeing raised '. Brother White is our Most senior Mason raised this month
our PUBLIC - and do hereby proclaim: PUBLIC SCHOOLS WEEK during April, 1995 throughout California, and call upon all Masonic Lodges to arrange with the schools in their areas for a mutuallv convenientweek in the
Whv do we refer to the Masonic Homes of California as "The Halimark ofour Dedication?" The hallmark originated in England as
that mark, or seal, placed on a gold or silver product to attest to the purity. Today, the term is used asverification ofthe genuineness and
high quality of any ltem. Surely, nothing better illustlates out delvotibn td the virtue of Charity and to the Masonic Tenets of
Brotherly Love and Relief than our beautiful Masonic Homes. Throuqh our two outstanding facilities in Union City and Covina we
merit for o.-ur needy brethren, their wives and children. Our charity extends bevond the Homes themselves by providing Non-Resident Assistance-to those wbo cannot enter the home or prefer not to. ln recogniiion of lhis'Hallmark of Our Dedication," I hereby proclaim the Month of May to be: MASONIC HOMES ENDOWMENT MONTH Every Mason in Califomia is urged to make a specialdonation tothe Masonic Homes Endowment Fund in this month. Let us endeavorto increase the Endowment Fund at least equal to the inflaiion rate. This request is especially addressed to those brethren who have not contributed in recent years. Let us strive for as close to 100% participation as possibie. Every dedicated Mason neeCs this opportunity to fulfill his Masonic obligation. This proclamation is to be read at the March, April and lMay Stated Meetings, and either copied or summarized in the April and May Trestleboards. Dated: February 25, 1995 Fraternally, Attested: wiliam F,-Stovall John L. Cboper
are privileqed to provide a co=mfortable and enjoyable living environ-
month of April to be set aside for appropriate ceremonies and programs in observance of this event: FURTHERMORE, I directthatnootherLodgeprogramsormeelings,
except Stated Meelings, be held during the week selecled for Public Schools Week Observance, and: tbatthis Proclamation be read bv the lvaster at the Stated Meetinos of allCalifornia Lodges and, wheie feasible, that it be published in tFe Lodge Bulletins or distributed to each member. DATED this 3lstday ofJanuary, 1995. Attested: Sincerely and Fratemally, John L. Cooper Wlliam F. Stovall Grand Secretary Grand Master
It was pleasing to see so many Past Masters present at Brother Tercenio's funeral service. U/orshipful Regalado informs me that lifty-seven Masons were present.
Our PublicSchools increasingly need oursupport. Please join me at the Lodge for our Public Schools program (see page 4).
TheScottish Rite is offering interested lodges the better partofa day lo man the Masonic Information Booth at the Del Mar Fair. Anv
interested brothers are invited to contact me at our Stated meeting. In the past seven yearq twenty-seven brothers have been raised, and are still members of Normal Heights todge. This is less than four new Master Masons per year. Fraternally, Patrick Crimmins
When our founding fathers established our beloved country more than two centuries ago, they showered upon us the many freedoms we now enjoy. tn so doing, they paved the way for America's lulure prominence among world powers by creating the greatest freedom of all, our system of FREE PUBLIC EDUCATION! Under this freedom our Public Schools have laught the youth oi America to be productive citizens and responsible leaders of tomorrow. They have implanted the skills that promote success in the trades, in business and in the professions. In short, our system of FREE PUBLIC EDUCATION has created in Ametica a standard of living that is the envy of the world. In recognition of the many beneiits derived from this outstanding freedom,lhe Masons of Califomia have selecled the following as an appropriate theme for Public Schools Week in April of 1995:
"FREE PUBLIC EDUCATION - AMERICA'S GREATEST FREEDOM" lfthis outstanding freedom is toendure and its myriad benefits are to
This month, we will have a second degree, proficiency nights and officers practices. The award night (See page 4 and the
calendar) for the essay contest among the fifth graders of John Adams Elementary School is also scheduled. Again, I am requesling that any brother interested in filling a station in our Lodge for next year please give me a call.
continus, itwillneed the unstinting support ofa concemed public. In order tc foster and Dromole such support, l, therefore, call upon all
lo renew lheir
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YOUR Loocn
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Dinner 0PM Stated Meeting 7PM 3
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7Pt1 Order of the Eastern Star 7:30PM
High Twelve Club
0fficers Prsctice
- Noon Luncheon
have been, and will coniinue to be, the future of our Country; and WHEREAS, the oldest of the threeYouth Orders, the Orderof DeMolay, wasfounded during the month ofMarch, 1919; and
Mrilrc ftihtshe? Tlc alendar m kis pg is nryrwty dttoutand u*4 irffiElsinheiNn Metdedar. lan srreF'lv onbnd bhearorfrb use. lf van w.M ke uv adn$rcntto tc size of te atenaTr. krwr u stalhr. dease
ki ne hrcllt.
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WHEREAS, the Intemational Order of Job's Daughters is celebrating its Seventy-Fifth Anniversary during 1995. NOW, THEREFORE, I, WILLIAM F. STOVALL, GMND
MASTER OF MASONS IN CALIFORNIA, DO HEREBY PROCLAIM THE MONTH OF MARCH 1995 TO BE: MASONIC YOUTH ORDERS MONTH And lcallupon all Masons in Californiato continue their strong support for our Masonic Youth Groups:
The International Order of DeMolay The Intemational Order of Job's Daughters The lntemational Order of Rainbow for Girls
It is my direction that this Proclamation be read at the Staied
The envelopes are printed and distributed to the California Lbdges bythe Masonic Hones. When our Lodge sends out the Trestleboard by bulk mail, every piece must be the same. Our bulk mail rate averages 11 cents per unit instead of the
first class rate of 32 cents. lf, during the Post office examination of the bulk mail, a variance is found in the mailed rnaterial, we are charged at the first class rate instead of our bulk rate for the entire mailing - triple our normal cost to mail the Trestleboard.
Meeting for the month of March of every Lodge under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Calffomia. Dated: February 25, 1995
Attested: Fraternally,
lguess what I'm trying to getacross, is this: lf you are sending a contribution for the Homes use the envelope for that. lf you
know that you haven't paid your dues for this year, you can enclose them in the same envelope. Please mark what the money is for- Homes and/ordues. lf there is no marking, lwill assume the money is for ihe Homes. John
No. 448
Patrick F.
8056 Poplin Drive
258-1972 Senior Warden
Santee, CA 9207I-3418
12928 TexaDa Street
Arnold F. Tojiro
8380 Cacus
Senior Steward
San Diego, CA, 92129-3620 George W. Copua (Nancy) ......,.........,Juaior Warilen - Elect 1412 33rd Street 696-8010 San Diego, CA 92102
Junior steward
CA 92102-3514
Secretary 282-7004
12525 Montero Place San Diego, CA 92128
Senior Deacon
656-6159 Deacon 692-0140 want to help with. Worshipful Larrie Ayers, PM, is getting the names done & willtake all the help he can get, I would think. The Temple Board lvleets the first ThursdaV of every i/onth starting gt 6:00 PM. Anyani all are welcome to come down and sit in, if you wish. Also, if you have anything you would like the Board to consider, don't hesilale io let us hear from you. The 1995 Temple Board Members are: Kenneth Short, President, PM, Richard Relvea. Vice President, Joel Gutierrez, PM, Secrefary, LanieAyers, PM, Ireasurer, and Members Worshipful Patrick Crimmins. Salvador Senar, SW. George Copus, JW (Elect), and Robert Scott, Pl\4. You may also contact 582-3908 390-0131 486-9461
Dan Plummer
Sprcr,q, Awrvrvensenrrs
Raymond F. Soutrwick celebrates his g3rd bi(hdayon lhe 22nd, and islhe eldest ofonly four members over lhe age of 90.
The culmination of our Public Schools Week Observance (see page 2 proclamation) wilt be held atNormalHeights Lodge, on Wednes-
invarious activilies atlhe Lodge. lf thiscould be one of your endeavors, don't hesitate to give Brother John a call at the Lodge. I am sure he can find a job for you. We are in the process of getting the names redone&putback uponourHONOR BOARD. I am sure there will be a lot of people happy to seethat. Here is a projectsomeone might
day, April 19, beginning at 7:00 PM. Our tentative program includes several speakers. Retired Marine Corps Sergeant John
lMoore willspeak on the American Flag. [riss Lorena l\4cwilliams, a former reciDient of the Public Schools Week Award from Normal Heights will also address us, as wili a member of the San Diego School Board. Atthe conclusion, a reception with refreshments will be provided in the dining room, including cake, ice cream, punch and coffee.
Brother John Beagles, our building N4anaer, or Brother Chuck Wilhelm, ourbuilding
Custodian. Fratemally Kenneth Short, PM, President