English Complete Book Answers f4
English Complete Book Answers f4
English Complete Book Answers f4
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UNIT4: POETRY GUIDE……………………………………………………………………………………….……10
He was dysfunctional
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He was feeble
He was aged
He was incapable of visiting outstations
4. Who relieved him of his duty and sate why?
The feature of the sentence shows the bitter words from the speaker
and its style that shows incomplete words like usefulness…
He also meant that we all get provision from Allah which means we all
equal and we shall all be judged.
7. Basing your argument on one major shortcoming of the writer, say a reason
why you should not be sympathetic with him.
Not because he is not suffering , he has his family now and his three
full grown men who are settled securely in life and work so hard to
support him
8.What feelings towards the writer does the passage arouse? Support your
Bitter feelings
He said that he was so perplexed and downcast that very bitter feelings will
forever remain in his heart.
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9. The writer uses the word redemption to elicit two implications. Explain the
two implications.
He said that he can now have all the time to reflect back on his entire
life and try to asses wherever he failed and try to effect a self-
Activity 4
1. Withdrawal from one’s occupation or from active working place –
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12. Not functioning properly –dysfunctional
Choose the most appropriate word from the box below to fill in the gaps
in the following sentences:
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The mind
Mental qualities i.e. confidence, contentment, feeling of peace & serenity
inside as well active good will.
2. The two classes of behavior that happiness includes are:
Active – searching
Passive – possession of material things and security.
3. What according to you does the writer mean when he talks of a balanced
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The writer says it is legitimate to seek happiness. He also says it is the
nature of every one of us to seek happiness.
11. According Islamic teaching one can reach the true ultimate of
happiness by humbling his / herself to Allah, worship him alone, strive
for his pleasure, strive to enter paradise and have salvation from
hellfire in the Day of Judgment
Explain the meaning of the following words according to the way they
have been used in the passage
e) Pleasure – enjoyment
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l) Dynamics – change of how something is done within a system
n) Procrastination – postponing
o) Accomplish – to achieve
r) Inimitably – unique
x) oxymoron – contradiction
y) Intimate – familiar
Complete the sentences with words from the box. (Each word should be used
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- Not in good condition
7. In two paragraphs, make a short description of Farah’s family
- Mr. Farah came back from abroad for the first time after 20 years; life
abroad had been an absolute void. More than 20 years old kitchen safe
which he bought shortly before his marriage was white and new then.
- According to the passage we have only been told about his marriage but
not the entire family
8. Why according to you, does the writer start most of the sentences with
- The writer starts most sentence with and because he is giving more
sentences about the same thing
1. Peculiar
2. Flows
3. Sagged
4. Refurbished
5. Accommodate
6. Returnee
7. Conspicuously
8. Philanthropist
9. Attic
10. Amazingly
11. Occupant
12. Gratitude
13. Destitute
14. Miserable
15. as kind gesture
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Poetry- is the study of poems and the poetic language.
Definition of terms
The subject matter or theme- is the issue that is being talked about or being
Structure of the poem- refers to how the lines in a poem are arranged. For
example, a poem can have four stanzas and each stanza can carry five lines.
Practical Example
In this poem the end sounds /est/ has been repeated several times and
therefore the poem has rhyme.
When a poem has a few words that rhyme then the style in the poem will be
use of rhyming words
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Internal rhyme- refers to use of rhyming words within a line in a poem if the
line is divided into two clauses and they all end in the same sound e.g.
although they set a target, it was not met
The rhyme scheme in the poem above will be aabbccddeeff this rhyme
scheme is regular one because we can easily predict the next sound to be gg.
This rhyme scheme creates musicality in the poem and also reinforces the
meanings of the words that rhyme.
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She sang a sad song
Assonance in poetry
Assonance- is the repetition of vowel sounds in words that follow each other
closely in a poem usually to create musicality.
1. Metaphor
2. Simile
3. Symbolism
4. Personification
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- His interest is akin to mine
Mood- refers to feelings you get when you read a poem or the atmosphere
that surrounds events in a poem. This could influence how the reader or how
the audience feels after reading or listening to the poem.
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A poem that centers to on a funeral /death will certainly have a sorrowful or
sad mood whereas; one that centers to a wedding or any other celebration
should have a happy contented or jovial mood.
Attitude – refers to the feelings that the persona has towards the subject the
persona is talking about. For instance, in a poem the persona may describe
someone who is corrupting children and oppressing people using words like
disgusting, blemish, rogue etc.
Tone – this refers to the nature of the voice used in a poem. It is important to
know what the poem is talking about in order to identify the tone of the
persona. The tone of the persona is closely influenced by the attitude towards
the subject and the general mood of the poem.
For instance, if the persona loved the subject and his attitude towards it
loving, then the tone would be happy.
If a persona is a father talking to a son in a polite way then the tone can be
patronizing. Etc.
The people we meet in the story and who inhabit literary work.
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A characterization is a description of characters. The protagonist is the main
character, often the hero of the story. The antagonist is the villain or enemy in
the story.
The association called up by a word that goes beyond its dictionary meaning.
Poets especially tend to use words rich in connotation.
By Maxamed Ibraahim Warsame ‘Hadraawi’
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3. From stanza 1-4 select three words and phrases that describe how the
poet explains what the persona should do to make good out of their
- You have no clue.
- His fall will break both shinbone and thigh it will be
recorded well
- You deserve it
4. Look again at stanza 2-4. In your own words explain what the poet’s
thoughts and feelings are towards the young people.
- Sympathetic … my fear at your fortunes, my care at your
5. In at least two paragraphs, discuss how the poet uses language and style
to create optimism and restore hope
- The use of rhetorical questions, to bring out the clear
picture of the society needed. ‘‘Calamity is capable of
wonders… and you call this normal?”
6. What is the mood of this poem? Explain your answer.
- The mood is sympathetic. The persona shows pity towards
the citizens he leads explaining their sufferings, and feels for
them. He hopes to make them a better people
7. In your own words, retell the events that took place in the poem.
- The people of this society lost their land due to war and
now seeking refuge to other countries (now refugees) but
hoping for a better tomorrow.
8. What is the main theme of this poem?
- Slavery. So many instances of white rule that leaves the
people in abject poverty until they have to severally get any
day from Arabic countries.
9. Identify and illustrate three instances of hyperbole in this poem
- Jumped up into the sky
- Made your bed in my soul
- A thousand times begging
10. Describe the tone of the persona in the poem.
- The tone is optimistic. Evident from what the persona tells
the citizens that it shall be recorded well. He hopes for the
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better tomorrow even after what they have been through.
Refuses to be put down by negativity
11. Explain the meaning of these words as used in the poem
a. Unobtainable
- Difficult to get
b. Unbridled
- Without boundaries
c. Hick-skinned
- Uninfected
d. Pity
- Sorry
e. Scattered
- Dismantled
Activity 1
Occupation- a job or profession
Prey- animal hunted for food
Game- area of land where wild animals live safely
Thicket- a dense group of bushes or trees
Growling - a low guttural noise made in the throat, especially by a dog, to
indicate hostility.
Wagging - (especially with reference to an animal's tail) move or cause to
move rapidly to and fro.
Profusely - to a great degree in large amounts.
Soothing - reducing pain or discomfort.
Supply - make (something needed or wanted) available to someone;
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1. Under which category is the above narrative? Explain your answer.
Etiological /explanatory narrative because it is a story that
explains the origin of a phenomena i.e. why the hen scratches the
ground and why a vulture swoops on chicks even in this days.
2. Identify and illustrate any four features of oral narratives used in this
Opening and closing formula
3. For each of the following Identify and illustrate one character trait of;
a. Vulture
Generous: because he lent the razor to the hen without
expecting payment.
b. Hen
Forgetful: it forgot to return the razor to the vulture
c. Little ones
Untidy: as they had unshaved hair
4. Identify and illustrate two economic activities practiced by the
community in this narrative.
Trading /business
Cattle keeping
5. What is the meaning of “with a chick gripped within his talons under his
It means that the vulture took and kept firm hold of chick on his
large hooked claw under the breast
6. State two moral lessons we learn from the above narrative.
We should be careful and follow instructions
We should be generous to our friends
7. Why according to the narrative does the hen scratch the ground?
The hen scratches the ground looking for vulture’s razor which
got lost
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8. Why does the vulture hunt the chicks?
The vulture hunts the chicks because the hen failed to compensate
the vulture his razor.
9. State other three types of oral narratives that you know.
Legend narratives
10. Give two reasons why the hen borrowed the razor in the first
Because she had lost her nearly months ago
Because of her young ones were looking very ugly, untidy, with
their unkempt long and overgrown hair.
C: Vocabulary
A. Activity 1
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m. Sustenance - the maintaining of someone or something in life or
existence/ daily bread
n. Dung - the excrement of animals/ manure/ droppings/faeces.
o. Gripped - take and keep a firm hold of; grasp tightly.
p. Compensation - something given or received as an equivalent for
services, debt, loss, injury, suffering, lack, etc.; indemnity:
q. Talons - a claw, especially of a bird of prey.
B: Vocabulary
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d. The helmsman
Caring – he ordered his workers to carry and have him shaved
and cleaned.
9. Who according to your understanding is the most appropriate target
audience of this narrative?
10. What do you think could be the moral lesson of this story?
We should learn to control our anger
11. Do you think the young man will kill his father? Why or why not?
No, because he tried to defend his father when the helmsman’s
workers wanted to strike his father.
12. Explain the dilemma in this narrative.
The dilemma happens where the real father and the helmsman
went in the boondocks together with the son then the helmsman
gave his sword to the son and said to him ‘‘kill one of us”.
Activity 1
Explain the meaning of the following words as used in the narrative
a. Occupation
Job or occupation
b. Wild game
An animal that is used for food, but is not domesticated
c. Helmsman
A person who steers a ship or boat
d. Ceremony
A formal religious or public occasion, once celebrated at a
particular event.
e. Caravan
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It is a vehicle without an engine that can be pulled by a car or van.
It contains beds and cooking equipment so that people can live
and spend their holidays in it.
f. Eluded
Escape from or avoid (a danger, enemy, or pursuer), typically in a
skilful or cunning way.
g. Unconscious
Not awake and aware of and responding to one's environment.
h. Heed
Pay attention to; take notice of.
i. Plentitude
Abundance or fullness
j. Bungalow
A low house having only one storey or, in some cases, upper
rooms set in the roof, typically with dormer windows.
k. Abundant
Existing or occurring in large amounts: sufficient
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In sewage system, soda bicarbonate helps in keeping harmful and
toxic materials such as lead and copper from entering drinking
water to help in sewage biodegradation and to and to remove
contaminants from the soil.
Give the meaning of the words and phrases in the box as used in the passage.
1. To curb- to control
2. Delicate soak – best detergent for hand washing
3. Constitutes- to form or make something
4. Neutralizes-make something ineffective by applying an opposite force
5. Component -a particular feature or part of something
6. Combination -a joining or merging of different parts or qualities in
which the component elements are individually distinct.
7. Acidic elements – chemicals or substances having the property of an
8. Releases – allow something to move or flow freely
9. Edible soda -a white powder used to make foods rise when they are
10. Scour them – clean or brighten the surface of something with an
abrasive or detergent
11. Derived from – obtain something from a specific source
12. Clogged – blocked with an accumulation of thick, wet matter.
13. Maintenance – the process of keeping something in good
14. Stuck – push a sharp or pointed object into or through something.
By: Maxamed Ibrahin Warsame ‘Hadraawi’
Questions and answers
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1. From the poem above, identify and illustrate three mnemonic effects.
Rhyme: e.g. counsel, goal, friend, hand
Alliteration: e.g. you planted sesame and cereal
Assonance: e.g. weapons bear
2. In not more than 35 words, describe what the poem is about
The poem is about how knowledge ( the pen) can make someone
a better person by giving wise counsel (makes them be wise) or
how it can work against a person through making weapons which
are used in attacks that leads to death.
3. You’ve been asked to perform the above poem. Explain how you will
prepare for it.
Present myself well and be attentive. Use good posture. Be
confident and make a direct connection with the audience. No
Nervous gestures and lack of confidence
4. In one sentence tell the persona of the poem. Give reason to your
The persona is one of the residents who advises them to keep
knowledge (let it flatten all fences and the boundaries that hedge
us in.
5. What is the tone of the persona?
The tone is informative
The persona clearly shades light on how knowledge can be helpful
Distrustful at the same time
6. What non-verbal aspects would you use in the performance of the poem
and where?
Point the index finger at an imaginary person to show ‘you’ (line2)
Walk around to show ‘following’ people who follow many flags
Put on a sad face to indicate sorrowful and suffering
7. While performing the above poem you notice that members of the
audience are murmuring what could be the problem?
Inaudibility of the reciter
The audience didn’t understand the poem
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The reciter failed to use verbal and non-verbal cues like tonal
variation, gestures, etc.
8. In at least 3 sentences, describe the mood of the poem.
Life sorrowful and suffering
Belongs to a man who doesn’t give a cent
Who finds it difficult to do well?
9. Identify and illustrate two instances of personification and explain their
The pen will give wise counsel.
The pen which is knowledge has a vital role to play in decision
10. Identify and explain two themes evident in the poem.
Theme of betrayal-Whom we trusted with our fates/ Who we plan
out our paths
Theme of war – those weapons that can bear never attempt the
forging of swords and implements of death
11. Explain the meaning of the following words as used in the poem
a. Counsel – an advice given especially as a result of consultation
b. Encompassing – to include different types of things
c. Flatten – make something flat
d. Groan – make a deep sound conveying pain, despair and pleasure
e. Lulation –wail or make loud sound as an oppression of strong
emotion e.g. in funeral
f. Victimization –bullying someone or causing someone to be treated
g. contentment a stage of happiness and satisfaction
h. collaboration –the action of working with someone to produce
i. Burden –something you carry or withstand with much difficulty
j. Refute –to prove something or someone is wrong by argument
k. Essence –is the quality or qualities that make anything what it is
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1. What are the social evils dealt within the poem? Explain your answer by
supporting it with quotations from the poem.
Discrimination : most young people are not allowed to participate in
this event
Line 23 stanza 2 “The best young people are chosen for the dance”.
“Their choruses and echo harmoniously.”
Moral decadence: e.g. In line 26 stanza 3 “the skillful young men are
alive with excitement while the graceful divas respond with their
The question is why does the activity only permitted to on at night
but when the sun rises the party ends.
2. Pick up three stylistic devices used in this poem and explain their
Symbolism: E.g. the fresh green grass symbolizes peace
Fresh rainfalls evenly symbolizes fertility of the land
Rhyme: e.g. stanza 1 line 5 and 6. Around / ground /Environment
/excitement /fulfillment
Metaphor: direct comparison of two things, e.g. its soil is gold
beyond price
a) Discuss the tone in the poem.
Nostalgic: this means the speaker keeps on remembering all
the nice experiences they used to experience before.
a) Is the title of this poem significant? Explain why or why not?
The title rhymes perfectly with the theme of the poem hence
it is significant simply because all the experiences described
are truly uniting hence the resulting harmony.
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b) Identify and illustrate the use of irony of the poem
The poet celebrates his/her country and refers it to us a
place of peace and safety while in the same line, prays for it
to be healed by justice. This is ironic
3. Who could be the persona of the poem above?
Inhabitant of the land because he/she is very nostalgic and seems
to have gone through the experience
4. What is the subject matter of the poem above?
Prosperity and abundance /tranquility and peace
5. Identify satire in the poem above and explain its effectiveness.
In stanza 1, the persona speaks of utility and productivity with
much rain. It is ironic that in the last stanza, the poet is heard
lamenting of open skies i.e. under a clear sky with no hint of haze,
not a cloud to be seen nor any mist.
6. What is the tone of this poem?
The tone is nostalgic
7. Explain what the last stanza implies.
It tells of how the place is specious enough to fit everybody,
without there being anyone left out, that trust is the hallmark or
the highest quality of every human being and that people are
religious enough to trust Allah and faithfully ask for his protection
over their well being and all they own.
8. “Brightly-patterned butterflies flit around new blossoms” which of the
following sound pattern is evident in this line?
a) Assonance c) rhyme
b) Alliteration d) consonance
9. Explain the effect of this particular sound pattern.
It creates or puts more emphasize on the idea being passed
10. Explain the meaning of the following words as used in this poem:
a) Plump – wealthy and well rounded leaves
b) Gorges- to feel themselves to satisfaction with water
c) Churn- to turn around/
- The container used to take milk
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d) Tension- miss understanding that can lead to breakdown to
e) Mist- lack of clarity / not being able to see
f) Magnificent- beautiful sight
g) Flapping – wings in motion/ moving their wings up and down
h) Sanctuary- a fortified place with or not easy to penetrate from
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The presence of elders shows the people in the story are ruled by
5. Why did the woman send the girls and to where were they sent?
The woman sent the girls so that they can meet with the hyena as
they had agreed and the girls were sent to the spring to fetch
some water
10. Was the banishing of the woman from the village justifiable or
not? Explain your answer
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It was justifiable because according to the story the woman was
so grieved and could not utter a word when she heard of the news
that her daughter had been killed by the hyena.
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Verses – this is also important since clearly the person in question
is a poet and poetry is his/her great work.
4. How would you perform the third line of the last stanza?
Maintain direct eye contact with the audience
Use gestures and be confident
Relax and be natural, enjoy your poem
Be audible
Speak clearly
5. State three themes evident in this poem.
Chaos and anarchy
Leadership vacuum
6. Identify the intonation in the following sentences:
Reading comprehension
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Many members of society believe and think from a material
point of view where they think money is the only and the most
important thing.
3. What personal qualities were regarded with respect in the past and
which are regarded respect as well in the present day society?
In the past the qualities that were that were regarded with
respect and courage, commitment to one’s family and friends
or country, generosity, wisdom and honesty, willingness to
sacrifice one’s life for the interest of the society and being
selfless while in the present day society the ability to generate
money and succeed professionally, the quicker an individual
amasses material wealth or professions and become rich
person to more respect he or she earns.
4. What is the cause of the change of perception?
Lack of morally upright values which are no longer viewed as
important as it was in the past.
5. Explain the relationship between the people’s perception and time.
Due to age difference, the relegation of the features that were
treasured by earlier societies to the lowest position has rather
created in the minds of the greater majority especially the
youths to put their interest in music, sports and
entrepreneurship because they believe it offers much
opportunity of getting wealthy and popularly famous.
VOCABULARY (Activity 1)
1. Trait.
A distinguishing quality or characters typically one belonging
to a person
2. Sphere
A round solid figure
3. Material wealth
Large amount of money and valuable material possession.
4. Desire
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A strong feeling of wanting to have something
5. Morally upright
Behaving according to the standards of what is right or just.
6. Staunch
Always loyal in support of a person, organization or set of
beliefs or opinions.
7. Insignificance
The quality of being too small or unimportant to be worth
8. Dispensation
Exemption from a rule or unusual requirement
9. Entrepreneurship
Activity of setting up a business or businesses
10. Amasses
Gather together or accumulate (a large amount or number of
materials or things)
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Weeds can survive only if the gardener or farmer cultivates the
5. From the passage find out and write down the words that mean the
a. The natural environment, in which plants and animals normally live.
b. Small bushes and plants growing under big trees in forests.
c. An area of land that is kept separate in order to protect the animals
living there.
Game Park
6. Differentiate between nature and environment.
Nature is careful preservation and protection while environment
is the surrounding in which animals and plants live.
7. Give a suitable title for this passage.
Our planet and its beauty
8. Construct sentences of your own using the following words or phrases
a. Share our planet
We can’t share this planet with another planet
b. Conserve
We need to protect and conserve the our land
c. Survive
All plants can survive if we take good care of them
d. Roam across
Our animals can roam across where they cannot be disturbed
9. Explain the meaning of: others are not even conscious to the importance
of nature conservation as started in the passage.
It means that people are not concern with plants and animals
around them.
10. Give opposite of the following words as used in the passage.
a. Conserve
b. Consciousness
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c. Meadows
d. Danger
e. Sensitizing
f. Peace
g. Naturally artificially
1) Impact
A marked effect or influence.
2) Ambitious
Having or showing a strong desire and determination to succeed.
3) Mechanism
A natural or established process by which something takes place
or is brought about
4) Safeguard
A measure taken to protect someone or something or to prevent
something undesirable
5) Dormitory
A large bedroom for a number of people in a school or institution.
6) Collapses
(Of a structure) suddenly fall down or give way.
7) Authorizing
Give official permission for or approval to (an undertaking or
8) Conversely
Introducing a statement or idea which reverses one that has just
been made or referred to
9) Adhere
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Believe in and follow the practices of.
C. Vocabulary
a) Match the words with their correct definitions
4. Fossil – the remains of the animal or plant which have become hard and
turned into a rock
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5. Coastline – the land along a coast
10. Curbside – the side of a road or pavement that is nearer to the kerb
12. Pressure – the exertion of force upon a surface by an object, fluid, etc/
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Disappointment: - the persona has clearly failed to live up to the
expectations of his master hence he/she is being reprimanded.
Stanza 9 line 7 or could it be you who fail them?
8. Give the meaning of the following words as used in the poem above;
a) Garrulous
Means excessive talking or talkative hence in the poem the person
talks endlessly and excessively.
b) Obligation
Responsibilities carried out by an individual.
c) Horizons
It means disappear from their sight.
d) Womb
e) Eternal
It is used to portray truth as not being a concept that lasts. It is
short lived.
f) Constellations
Here the poet is being interrogated to find out if there is any
linage or relationship between him and the legendary figure
g) Assail
To attack vigorously or violently
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Entering new culture, from students to business travelers and to
4. What does the writer mean when he says, “And her delight turned into her
The writer meant that travelling to the city was no more existence
to Maryanne; instead it was stressful rather than stimulating.
5. What evidence does the writer give to show that “one understands all the
words, but does not understand the meaning”?
The evidence is on the 5th stage where the writer says, as the
peoples language improve, they begin to succeed in meeting
people and negotiating for instance they are able to interact freely
and their self-confidence increase.
6. What do newcomers to the city do on realizing that they cannot change
their surroundings?
They begin to accept the differences and tolerate them, for
instance, the food will never be as tasty as the food in their home
area or town but they are now able to eat.
7. Identify and explain any three features that characterize people in the
worst state of culture shock.
At the second stage where people find it difficult to make friends
because they do not know the social customs of the new culture.
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9. In note form, explain the difficulties experienced in the third stage of
culture shock.
Making friends was not easy so the people/victims begin to feel
lonely and isolated. They begin to spend most of their free time
with students from their village home town and eat only from
restaurants that serve the same food as the one served in their
home area.
10. Name the helpful factors in overcoming culture shock? Explain your
Strong support groups
Keeping in touch with friends and family members
Having a positive attitude
Being patient and having faith
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1. Criteria – A standard on which a judgment or decision may be based.
4. Unpardonably – Unforgivable
5. Optimism – Sanguinity
8. Equitability – Fairly
6. Give one moral lesson that we can learn from this narrative
We should be satisfied with what we have eaten and stop being greedy.
7. State at least five stylistic devices employed in this narrative
d] Haughtiness – Arrogance
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e] Overstretched – To extent something beyond the limits.
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2. How do the findings of the school experiment help us in understanding
how we view television in a domestic situation?
Just like in school where loud bangs make students uneasy and
less concentrated, at home, a lot of destruction severely
diminishes the power television to inform due to lack of
3. What is needed if a person wishes to assimilate information through the
medium of television?
To be well informed by television requires determination in the
viewer and a domestic set-up is sympathetic to such earnest self-
4. Where does the indiscriminate stream of stimuli come from and when
does it impinge in our consciousness?
Only when something we consider special to us, like soap operas,
news bulletins, football results or movies, do we pay attention.
There are considerable variations among viewers, who complicate
the picture.
5. State the biggest problem facing broadcasters of today’s current affairs
programmes and explain how it affects their approach.
It is a challenge for broadcasters to know the degree of previous
knowledge to assume in that vast heterogeneous audience,
despite the simplicity of the language in which they are presented,
current affairs programmes cannot be understood equally by all.
Give the meaning of the following words as used in the passage:
1. Bombarded
A continuous flow of questions, criticism of information
2. Notices, charts, posters, memos, recipes,
3. Consume
eat, drink or ingest to destroy or expend by use
4. Charts
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Graphical presentation of data
5. Posters
-A temporary promotion of an idea, products or event put up in a
public space for mass consumption
6. Memos
A short official note that is sent by one person to another within
the same company/organization
7. Recipes
A set of instructions for preparing a particular dish, including a
list of the ingredients required
8. Saturated
To become completely soaked / completely filled with things or
9. Deluge
Overwhelming amount of something in general such as work,
people or questions
10. Diminished
To reduce or to be reduced in size or importance
11. Cornflakes
A conservative that postures as crunchy and delicious, but
becomes a soggy mess when immersed in reality
12. Regime
A system or ordered way of doing things
13. Incomprehensible
Not able to be understood
14. Psychological
A rising in the mind, related to the emotional and mental stage of
a person.
15. Context
The situation within which exists or happens
16. Self-esteem
Confidence in one’s own worth or abilities
17. Heterogeneous
Diverse in character of content
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18. Overloaded with information
When someone gets too much information
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Give the meaning of words and phrases as used in the passage
1. Thoroughfare
A road that connects to other roads
2. Assessment
The act of judging or deciding the amount, value, quality, or
importance of something
3. Concentration
Mental effort you direct towards whatever you are doing
4. Collision
An accident that happens when two vehicles hits each other
5. Deteriorate
To become progressively worse
6. Pedestrians
People walking rather than travelling in a vehicle
7. Pace fatigue
Tiredness made worse by exertion
8. Medium
About halfway between two extremes of size or another quality
9. Blurred tendency
Inability to see vision problem
10. Foreground
The part of a scene or picture that is nearest to and in front of the
11. Inaccurate
Not completely correct or exact or not able to do something
12. Fatigue
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1. Supporting your answer with information from the first paragraph, explain why the
writer describes indiscipline as astonishing.
Because we see, hear and read about the issues of indiscipline almost every
time and everywhere
2. Explain what circumstances led to the situation described in the next.
Lack of legislative or a provision in our regulatory rules which states that a
person who comes first in the counter of a public premises should be served
before the one who arrives later.
3. What precisely makes it difficult to define indiscipline in regard to this passage?
The social malady which manifests itself in so many different forms,
sometimes obvious and brutal, takes a rather crude form.
4. Identify the themes in this text.
Discipline and indiscipline in our life today
5. How would understanding, recognizing and respecting other people’s rights, needs
and desires minimize indiscipline?
By having self control and restraint
6. What role do neighbors play in the text?
To realize that adequate social education to the average citizen will make
them appreciate. The fact that it is in their own interest to uphold discipline
7. Give one reason why reckless driver who is indiscipline is taken as an example in
the text?
To show that indiscipline is completely distinct from the act of lowliness and
the line between the two is indeed often slender.
8. How can our sense of natural justice and intelligence contribute to our self control
and discipline?
By monitoring the way in which we will conduct ourselves or behave.
9. What is the different between disciplined individual and indiscipline individual in
the society?
Discipline individual have sense of natural justice, intelligence and self
control while indiscipline individuals are lawless and fail or refuse to submit
to one’s selfless desires.
10. In a chronological order as per the passage,
a) Make notes on how an individual as well as the society in general can help to
propagate discipline.
Realizing that adequate social education to average citizen will make them
appreciate the fact that it is their own interest to uphold discipline.
kapolonmark@gmail.com 56
b) Explain what circumstances led to the situation described in the text.
The circumstances led to the situation in the text are failure or refusal to
submission to one’s selfless desires and actions to the restraints of orderly
and social conduct while recognizing the rights and needs of others.
11. Describe writer’s attitude towards those who do not exercise self-control and
Who do not exercise self control and discipline will be unable to unwillingly
establish the inner break of one’s discipline on their selfish desires as well as
Explain the meaning of the following words and expressions as used in this text.
a) Verbal reprimand
A warning that a superior gives to an employee as a means of rectifying in
appropriate conduct
b) Pervaded
Present throughout, to exist in every part
c) Figure out
To solve something by using reasoning
d) Devilishness
Playful, reckless behavior that is not intended to cause serious harm
e) Astonishing
Extremely surprising
f) Social malady
A condition affecting productivity of the human network
g) Robustness
The quality of being strong and in good condition
h) Eccentric
A person of unconventional and slightly strange views or behavior
i) Inevitably
In a way that cannot be avoided
j) Predominantly
Having power, authority or influence over others
k) Subtle
Making use of clever and indirect methods to achieve something
l) Restraints
Measures that keeps someone or something under control
m) Comprehensive
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Completing and including everything that is necessary
n) Abandonment
The act of leaving someone or something a lone
o) Pedestrian
A person walking rather than travelling in a vehicle
p) Sensibility
The equality of being able to appreciate and respond to complex emotional
q) Discretion
The freedom to decide what should be done in a particular situation
r) Blameless
Not responsible for something bad
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s. We had a narrow escape
t. Review your work before submitting to the teacher
kapolonmark@gmail.com 59
Like the people in the lesser island who lived in their island freely from
worries while the others in the greater island struggled in collecting
rubble and earth from lesser island for development.
3. Find a quotation in the passage that clearly conveys the author’s attitude to
modern forms of packaging and list them down.
Some unscrupulous manufactures many try to deceive her by
increasing the size of a carton whilst reducing the quantity of its
contain less fluids
4. In two sentences, describe the author’s attitude towards modern packaging
Modern packaging makes people attracted to hems which sometimes
becomes bulky as the buyer checks out
Modern packaging makes the items packed be more expensive
5. Identify three opinions and three factual statements from the passage and
write them down
Two journeys to the shops will be necessary instead of the one she
made in the days when packaging was less elaborated.
Colorful wrappings do make goods look attractive and provide
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Uniformity in the size of packets also leads to quicker transportation
and more efficient display and storage of goods
The higher and carefully cost of wrapping goods is reflected in their
higher prices.
6. Find evidence in the passage that suggests the language of packaging is more
oriented towards opinion rather than fact.
The mere suggestion on a packet that we shall be fitter more, more
loved, richer or happier if we buy the products will love us to spend
more than we can afford
7. From our own experience and knowledge, suggest three reasons why
environmentalists would be unhappy about the common trends in modern
Packaging uses a lot of resources like energy, water, chemicals,
petroleum, minerals, wood and fibers to produce.
Manufactures of packaging materials generates air emissions
including greenhouse gases heavy materials and waste into water
Packaging in form of litter spoils the environment because some do
not decomposes.
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10. What is the role of histamine in the body
To prevent the allergen from combining with the igE antibody so
that little or no histamine is released.
Explain the meaning of the following words and phrases as used in the
passage on allergies
a. Hypersensitivity
Refers to undesirable reactions produced by the normal immune
b. Immune system
Is made up of special organs cells and chemicals that tight
c. Hay fever
An allergic response causing itchy, watery eyes, sneezing and
other similar symptoms
d. Atopic dermatitis
Also known as eczema, this is a condition that makes your skin
read and itchy.
e. Allergic asthma
Is an allergic condition caused by allergic reaction.
f. A runny nose
Excess drainage ranging from a clean fluid to thick mucus from
the nose and nasal passages.
g. Desensitization
Treatment or process that diminishes emotional responsiveness
to a negative, aversive stimuli
h. Antibody
A protection protein produced by the immune system in response
to the presence of a foreign substance
i. Trillionth of a grain
A lot of grains
j. Drowsiness
A feeling of being sleepy and lethargic sleepiness
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k. Unpleasant
Not enjoyable or pleasant
l. Cure
Relieve of the symptoms of a disease or condition
m. Depression
Mood disorder
n. Blurred vision
A lack of sharpness of vision resulting in the ability to see fine
o. Mast cells
A resident cell of connective tissue that contains many granules
rich in histamine and heparin
p. Pollen
A fine powdery substance, consisting of microscopic grains
discharged from the male part of a flower or from a male cone.
kapolonmark@gmail.com 64
Courtesy of Alfajr institute of language under the supervision of Alfajr High
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