RP Strategic Plan 2019-2024

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Skills for a better destiny

Summary &
Rationale for the
Revision of the
Strategic Plan
Table of Contents
Table of Contet i


1. The Vision and Mission of Rwanda Polytechnic. 1
2. The Legislative Policy context 2
3. Rwanda Polytechnic as part of the Ministry of Education 4
4. TVET sector Institutional Overview 5
5. TVET sector SWOT analysis: 6
6. Key Stakeholder Framework 10
7. Rwanda Polytechnic Organizational Structure 11
8. Risk Management and Analysis 12


Completed and transferred activities 15
Strategic Area One: Legislative, Regulatory, and Policy Framework 18
Strategic Area Two: Oversight and Governance 20
Strategic Area Three: Curriculum 22
Strategic Area Four: Teaching and Learning 24
Strategic Area Five: Student Support 27
Strategic Area Six: Infrastructure and Resources 29
Strategic Area Seven: Human Resource Development 34
Strategic Area Eight: Applied Research and Innovation 36
Strategic Area Nine: Partnerships 37
Strategic Area Ten: Management Information and Statistics 40
Strategic Area Eleven: Perception of TVET 44
Strategic Area Twelve: Access 49
Strategic Area Thirteen: e-Learning 51
Strategic Area Fourteen: Financial Resources Mobilization 54


1. National Budgeting and Operational Planning Process 56
2. Rwanda Polytechnic Priorities Matrix 56
3. The IPRC / RTTI Strategic, Operational and Budgeting Process 57
4. Rwanda Polytechnic Next Steps 57
5. Annexes 58

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ii | Strategic Plan (2019-2024) Version II - 2021
FORWARD by the Vice-Chancellor of
Rwanda Polytechnic

wanda Polytechnic is only recently created (in May 2017) and its vision is to provide
quality education that complies with international standards through technical and
vocational educational training that enables the beneficiary to acquire skills required
to create jobs and compete in the labor market.
Rwanda Polytechnic is made up of eight Integrated Polytechnic Regional Colleges (IPRCs), at
least one IPRC in each province and the City of Kigali, plus two institutes, the Rwanda TVET
Trainer Institute (RTTI) and Hospitality Management Institute (HMI) which is dedicated to
training the teachers and instructors both in educational institutions and industry in order
to deliver on high standards of hands-on skills development through a competency-based
training and assessment program.
Rwanda is going through a rapid socio-economic transformation such that the skills to cope
with this development must be availed quickly and efficiently. Rwanda Polytechnic has been
created to deliver on this goal by empowering existing structural entities by harnessing both
local and global resources. We are mindful that a lot is expected of RP, especially considering
the past and continuing investment by government in good, modern infrastructure for the
TVET sector. This infrastructure positions Rwanda Polytechnic right in the centre of the
evolution of Rwandan economy to a knowledge-based and ICT-driven economy.
According to the recently concluded study entitled “the impact of Covid-19 on skills
development in technical and vocational training in Rwanda” which was commissioned by
the African Development Bank and Rwanda Polytechnic, it was revealed that when Covid-19
struck, Rwanda Polytechnic was not ready and did not have any mechanism to deal with the
subsequent fallout to ensure continuity of online training and learning and there is evidence
that some students did not participate wholly because they lacked the equipment or access
to electricity and internet. The report recommended that blended learning is the only way to
ensure continuity of business in pandemics that require confinement or social distancing.
Rwanda Polytechnic is determined to create an environment and community where young
people flourish through a competency-based teaching and assessment; an industrial or
work apprenticeship program, and an active entrepreneurship system involving producing
real products for the “Made in Rwanda” market in our well-equipped workshops and business
incubation centres. We want the profile of a Rwanda Polytechnic graduate to be defined by
a high work ethic, professionalism, good citizenship and aspiring to the highest standards.
I am excited about the possibilities, notwithstanding the challenges; I know that there is a
lot of goodwill from all our stakeholders, because a lot is at stake for the development of
our economy as we enter the digital era. Come, let us together embrace the vision and get to
Vice Chancellor, Rwanda Polytechnic

Strategic Plan (2019-2024) Version II - 2021 | iii

ADEA Association for the Development of Education in Africa
Association pour la Promotion de l’Education et de la Formation à l’Etranger (Belgium)

BRD Banque Rwandaise de Développement (Rwanda Development Bank)

CBA Competency Based Assessment
CBC Competency Based Curricula
CBT Competency Based Training
CSC Koblenz Chamber of Skilled Crafts
CPD Continuous Professional Development
CNRU Rwandan National Commission for UNESCO
DACUM Developing a Curriculum
DP Development Partner
DVCAF Deputy Vice Chancellor in Charge of Administration and Finance
DVCTIDR Deputy Vice Chancellor in Charge of Trainings, Institutional Development, and Research
EAC East African Community
EDPRS Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy
ESSP Education Sector Strategic Plan
ESWG Education Sector Working Group
FARG Fonds d’Assistance aux Rescapés du Génocide (Genocide Survivors’ Fund)
FBO Faith-based organisation
GIZ Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (German cooperation agency)
GoR Government of Rwanda
HEC Higher Education Council
HEI Higher Education Institution
HRM Human Resource Manager
ICT Information and Communication Technology
IPRC Integrated Polytechnic Regional Colleges
JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency
KOICA Korea International Cooperation Agency
M&E Monitoring and evaluation

iv | Strategic Plan (2019-2024) Version II - 2021

MIFOTRA Ministry of Public Service and Labor
MINAGRI Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources
MINALOC Ministry of Local Government
MINECOFIN Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning
MINEDUC Ministry of Education
MINICOM Ministry of Trade and Industry
MINICT Ministry of ICT
MIS Management Information System
MoU Memorandum of Understanding
NEP National Employment Programme
NGO Non-Governmental Organization
NST-1 National Strategy for Transformation
PSF Private Sector Federation
PwD People with Disabilities
REB Rwanda Education Board
RP Rwanda Polytechnic
RTTI Rwanda Technical Trainers Institute
RTQF Rwanda TVET Qualification Framework
SDC Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
SPIU Single Project Implementation Unit
SSWGs Sub-sector Working Groups
STEM Science, technology, engineering and mathematics
SWOT Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats
TVET Technical and Vocational Education and Training
UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
UR University of Rwanda
USAID United States Agency for International Development
VC Vice Chancellor
WDA Workforce Development Authority
WPL Work Place Learning

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Executive Summary and
Rationale for the Revision
of the Strategic Plan

wanda Polytechnic was established by the Government of Rwanda in 2017
to implement Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) skills
development across the country. The Government of Rwanda (GoR) has been
focusing on a development agenda aimed at transforming Rwanda and the expansion of
the TVET system with collaboration from development partners, private sector actors,
and civil society is part of this initiative.
This Strategic Plan presents a foundation for Rwanda Polytechnic to carry out its mandate
in providing quality TVET education and modernizing the technical workforce for national
development. The TVET sector has emerged as a priority for Rwanda to transform into
a knowledge-based economy that will have the capacity of creating 214,000 productive
jobs annually, per policy objectives under Rwanda Vision 2050.
Rwanda Polytechnic has responsibility for teaching, curriculum development and research.
There are also eight college institutions (Integrated Polytechnic Regional Colleges –
IPRCs) that are part of Rwanda Polytechnic and two institutions namely Rwanda TVET
Trainer Institute and Hospitality Management Institute.
To ensure the continued development of effective TVET delivery, Rwanda Polytechnic
and IPRCs, with the assistance of development partners have decided to develop a long-
term strategic plan. The strategic plan will be a guiding strategic document for Rwanda
Polytechnic to deliver on its mandate.

The core of the Rwanda Polytechnic Strategic Plan is the twelve Strategic Areas and
Objectives. These cover the following areas:
• Legislative, Regulatory, and Policy Framework
• Oversight and Governance
• Curriculum
• Teaching and Learning
• Student Support
• Infrastructure and Resources
• Human Resource Development
• Research and Innovation
• Partnerships

vi | Strategic Plan (2019-2024) Version II - 2021

• Management Information and Statistics
• Perception of TVET
• Access
These strategic areas are chosen as they reflect the most common themes in national
and international TVET policy, education sector strategy documents, and development
partner input. They also follow a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, an Threats (SWOT)
and stakeholder analysis which was conducted as part of the strategic planning process.
Included in this plan are objectives for each of these strategic areas with corresponding
activities, targets, and reporting time frames.
It is important to note RP strategic Plan was developed and validated in 2019 and was
expected to cover the period between 2019 to 2024. After 3 years of its implementation
in 2021, the management of Rwanda Polytechnic decided that this Strategic Plan could be
revised and put in the current context.
It important to note that education sector in Rwanda has undergone through major
changes since the writing of this strategic plan. Notably, these changes relate to the
Education Sector restructuring and to the establishment of the Rwanda TVET Board (RTB)
as new institution in charge of all TVET schools after dissolving Workforce Development
Authority. It is also important to note that some new other institutions were created among
them we can talk of National Examination and Schools Inspection Authority (NESA) which
will be in charge of Quality standards and inspections of Basic Education including TVET
schools. The Higher Education Council was also mandated to ensure Quality standards
and inspections of Higher Learning Institutions including TVET polytechnics and IPRCs.
Other prominent changes in the sector included the transfer of TVET schools from RP
to RTB. In addition to this, the TVET has now a Minister of State in Charge of ICT and
In additional to these changes in the education sector and TVET sub-sector, the Covid
19 pandemic has completely affected the TVET training delivery in general but has also
paralyzed the implementation process of the RP strategic Plan. Most of the activities
could not be implemented on time as planned because of preventive measures to contain
the spread of Covid 19. We can give examples of activities which were affected such as
training of trainers, staff capacity building, TVET awareness campaigns, national and
regional skills competitions, etc

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It is also important to mention that consequences of covid 19 have contributed to the
current global financial crises which hampered the implementation of some TVET
projects, especially the ones related to ICT and TVET infrastructure development (Schools
constructions, supply of training equipment, etc ). Therefore, this strategic plan was
revised to show the current status of each every planned activity and show the overall
progress and hence know the remaining works to be done. Some targets have been revised
or adjusted and put in current socio-economic context. All target will be planned for the
remaining 3 years (2021-24) and hence only the most urgent, important and relevant
activities will be considered in the revised strategic plan.
The revised report is structured into three main areas: Part A provides a strategic
overview of the TVET sub-sector which incorporates the policy background of TVET in
Rwanda, Rwanda Polytechnic’s vision, mission, values, and the process in which this plan
was developed. Part B is the Rwanda Polytechnic Strategic Framework and is the core
of the strategic plan in greater detail. Part C of the plan provides guiding templates for
implementation considerations.
The impact expected from successfully following the Rwanda Polytechnic Strategic
Plan is to ensure Rwandan citizens have sufficient and appropriate skills, competences,
knowledge, and attitudes to drive the continued social and economic transformation of
the country and to be competitive in the global market in the area of TVET. The purpose
of this plan is to ensure that Rwanda Polytechnic is progressing with clear objectives and
guiding strategy. Following this five-year plan, annual plans may be created by Rwanda
Polytechnic that corresponds to the five-year strategy. It is imperative to note that this
this strategic plan now as the government of Rwanda has set up a target of 60% of nine
years’ basic education graduated to be absorbed in the TVET sector.
The blended learning with more focus on online learning, ICT and Internet penetration in
TVET will be given special attention in the current TVET delivery. Successfully following
this plan will ensure the vision of providing quality education complies with applicable
standards that enable beneficiaries to acquire the skills necessary required to create jobs
and compete in the labor market.

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Part A:
A Strategic Overview
of the TVET Sub-Sector
1. The Vision and Mission of Rwanda Polytechnic.

To provide quality education that complies with applicable standards through
vocational education that enables beneficiaries to acquire skills required to
create jobs and compete in the labor market (MINEDUC, 2017).

• To prepare technical and vocational education curricula for their use
at various technical vocational training levels and submit them to
competent authority for approval.
• To offer technical and vocational courses leading to certificate, diploma,
bachelors, and higher levels.
• To provide science and technology based technical and vocational
training as well as education which enable the beneficiary to create jobs
for personal development and contribute to national development.
• To carry out and promote research and technology in technical and
vocational fields and disseminate their findings to foster national
• To participate in the discovery, exchange and preservation of knowledge
in technical and vocational field.
• To promote education, culture and Rwandan values.
• To impart knowledge required to provide technical and vocational
education and apprenticeship and training.
• To offer in-service training to practitioners in various fields to develop
their technical and vocational skills.
• To coordinate programs and activities aimed at developing teaching and
research staff within institutions of technical and vocational education,
upgrade their knowledge and skills capacities and improve their

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• To contribute to finding solutions to other problems related to national
• To cooperate and collaborate with other national, regional or international
institutions with similar mission(s) in order to achieve its mission.

• Excellence
• Patriotism
• Loyalty
• Respect
• Diversity
• Responsibility
• Integrity

2. The Legislative Policy context

The establishment of Rwanda Polytechnic

The Government of Rwanda established Rwanda Polytechnic (RP) in May 2017 to implement
TVET skills development across the country. Rwanda Polytechnic is an organ that has legal
personality and enjoys administrative, teaching, research and financial autonomy and it is
managed in accordance with relevant laws (Official Gazette nº 23 of 05/06/2017).1
The main functions of Rwanda Polytechnic include TVET curriculum development; TVET
implementation (offering courses); promoting TVET research and innovation; conducting
in-service training; as well as coordination all TVET programs.
The Revised National TVET Policy of 2015
The landscape for the TVET Sector was revamped with the release of the Revised
National TVET Policy in 2015, which followed from the TVET Policy of 2008. The 2015
TVET Policy helped to set the vision for the TVET sector for the next five years. The new
TVET system, as envisaged in Rwanda’s TVET policy and TVET strategy, involves a new
governance framework: a new framework for programmes and qualifications, a new
quality improvement and assurance institution, and a new funding system, envisaged as a
key lever for system change.
This governance framework is envisaged to drive the development of the new system and
to ensure its responsiveness to the education and training needs of the people of Rwanda.
The Revised National TVET Policy is linked to national policies related to Economic
Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy (EDPRS), the Education Sector Strategic
Plan (ESSP) 2013/14-2017/18, the National Gender Policy (2004), the Vision 2020, the
National Employment Programme (NEP), and the Girls’ Education Policy (TVET Policy, 6).

1 Concept Note for Development of Rwanda Polytechnic Strategic Plan

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Whilst the TVET Policy needs revision in the near future, it is still the current document
that sets most of the purpose, direction and a supporting framework for the TVET sector.
The TVET policy has provided a clear sense of purpose, direction and a supporting
framework for all those who will be involved in TVET over the next five years. It includes
strategic alignment with its vision, policies, and strategies. It also justifies and explains
why the respective Government of Rwanda agencies and its partners in development are
concerned with TVET, what the government aims to achieve, and how it will be achieved.
Informed by Government of Rwanda guiding documentation
The strategic thinking of Rwanda Polytechnic has been guided by the legislative and
strategic thinking that directs the Government of Rwanda (GoR) development agenda.
These are found in the guiding documents and lines for the country as described in Vision
2050, the National Strategy for Transformation (NST 1), and for the education sector and
TVET sub sector as described in the Education Sector Strategic Plan 2018/19-2023/24.
The TVET Policy and the Workplace Learning Policy are also important in informing the RP
Strategic Plan.
NST1 will focus on increasing the proportion of students pursuing TVETs from 31% in 2016
to 60% by 2024 (MINECOFIN & OPM, 2017) to address the challenge of skills shortage and
unemployment. This will be achieved by increasing TVET schools from 342 (2016) to 405
by 2024 with the aim of maximising geographic coverage. Additionally, clear pathways
into different levels of TVET within the education system, particularly for the poorest
segments of the population, will be created and competence-based responsive TVET
curricula provided. This will include the establishment of four TVET centres of excellence,
benchmarked against regional and international standards, supported by a gender-
sensitive business plan to promote increased female participation.
Alignment with MINEDUC Education Sector Strategic Plan
This Education Sector Strategic Plan (ESSP) (2018/19–2023/24) builds upon the
achievements of the previous ESSP (2013/14 - 2017/18) and accommodates new thinking
and policy directions that will support Rwanda’s aspirations for transformation from a
predominantly agrarian-based, low-income economy to an industrial, knowledge-based
middle-income nation by 2020. This vision is premised on the ability of Rwanda’s education
system to produce sufficient and appropriately skilled workforce capable of realizing this
aspiration, as well as upgrading the skills and competencies of the existing workforce. The
impact expected from successfully delivering this ESSP is to ensure Rwandan citizens
have sufficient and appropriate skills, competences, knowledge and attitudes to drive the
continued social and economic transformation of the country and to be competitive in the
global market.
The functions of Rwanda Polytechnic are guided by and aligned with the Ministry of
Education (MINEDUC) Education Sector Strategic Plan 2018/19 to 2023/24 as described
Rwanda Polytechnic Integrated Polytechnic Regional Colleges
Rwanda Polytechnic is composed of eight colleges / Integrated Polytechnic Regional

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Centres (IPRCs) situated in Karongi, Kitabi, Tumba, Musanze, Ngoma, Huye, Kigali, and
Gishari. Additionally, there is the Rwanda TVET Trainer Institute (RTTI) and Hospitality
Management Institute (HMI)
The IPRCs are the institutions tasked with delivery of providing quality education that
complies with applicable standards through vocational education that enables the
beneficiary to acquire skills required to create jobs and compete in the labor market.2
The role of IPRCs is to provide TVET courses at levels six and seven (diploma), as well as to
follow up TVET programs in the decentralized implementation structure.

3. Rwanda Polytechnic as part of the Ministry of Education

Rwanda’s formal education system has four main levels or sub-sectors; pre-primary,
primary, secondary, and higher education, with a significant TVET stream at both secondary
and higher education levels. In addition, there is non-formal education, also known as adult
TVET is thus one part of a structured education sector under the Ministry of Education.

MINEDUC assumes the lead responsibility for policy formulation, educational planning,
coordination and M&E at the national level, and is the lead ministry for the education
sector, with responsibility for policy formulation, coordination and regulation through
setting norms and standards for the education sector. MINEDUC’s mission is to transform
Rwandan citizens into skilled human capital for the socio-economic development of
the country by ensuring equitable access to quality education, focusing on combating
illiteracy, promotion of science and technology, critical thinking, and positive values.
MINEDUC works closely with several semi-autonomous Government agencies. The
main six include the following 3:
The Rwanda Basic Education Board (REB) which was established for having national
oversight for coordinating and implementing general education activities at pre-primary,
primary and secondary level.
Rwanda TVET Board (RTB) established to provide the institutional framework to provide
a strategic response to the skills development challenges facing the country across
all sectors of the economy. The main functions now include developing TVET schools;
monitoring implementation of basic TVET delivery ( Level 1 to 5)

National Examinations and Schools Inspections Authority (NESA) : established to set

education standards, inspections , examinations and certification for both basic general
education and TVET (Level 1 to 5)

2 Concept Note for Development of Rwanda Polytechnic Strategic Plan

3 Education Sector Strategic Plan. 2018/19 to 2023/24. Final Draft (2019)

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Rwanda Polytechnic (RP) was established in May 2017. This institution has as its vision
the provision of quality education that complies with applicable standards through TVET
that enables beneficiaries to acquire the skills required to create jobs and compete in
the labour market. The main functions of RP include TVET curriculum development; TVET
implementation (offering courses); promoting TVET research and innovation; conducting
in-service training; as well as coordinating all TVET programmes. The role of IPRCs will
be to provide TVET courses at levels six and seven (diploma), as well as to follow up TVET
programmes in the decentralised implementation structure
The Higher Education Council (HEC) is responsible for securing coherent provision of
quality higher education including higher TVET ( Level 6 and beyond ) in Rwanda, in line with
GoR policies and priorities, and advising the Minister of Education on all matters relating
to the accreditation of higher education institutions, including the merging of all Higher
Education Institutions (HEIs) under the University of Rwanda (UR) and Rwanda Polytechnic
(RP). It is also responsible for monitoring and evaluating the quality and standards of
the HEIs and enhancement of teaching and research. This includes responsibility for
implementing EAC guidelines on issues such as the harmonization of curricula and unit
costs/fees that can be charged.
The University of Rwanda has its head office in Kigali, and has 10 campuses. It was formed
in 2013 through the merger of Rwanda’s public HEIs. Law number 71/2013 transferred the
contracts, activities, assets, liabilities and denominations of seven institutions to the UR.
The Rwandan National Commission for UNESCO (CNRU) is responsible for coordinating
activities related to United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
(UNESCO) activities in Rwanda.

4. TVET sector Institutional Overview

The GoR continues to drive a development agenda aimed at transforming Rwanda.

Education is a critical component of this development agenda, and the TVET sub-sector is
an integral contributor to this development.
The Education Sector Strategic Plan (ESSP3) recognizes that the TVET sub-sector
has developed a comprehensive policy framework and institutional and organisation
infrastructure in order to deliver of TVET training for the youth of Rwanda. The Rwanda
Polytechnic and Rwanda TVET Board specify the TVET institutional mandates, structures,
roles and responsibilities. The focus of all “these policy frameworks is for Rwanda to move
towards a demand-driven, labour market-oriented system of training, with programmes
producing the skills required in the world of work – employed and self-employed”.
In the Concept Note for the Development of Rwanda Polytechnic Strategic Plan, Rwanda
Polytechnic recognizes that TVET has emerged as one of the most effective human resource
development strategies that Rwanda has embraced in order to train and modernize the
technical workforce for national development. The support from Government as well as
Development Partners has seen a continual growth in TVET initiatives, improved IPRCs,
and projects aimed at improving delivery. Growth includes an increase in the number of
TVET schools from 63 in 2010 to 394 in 2017, and an increase of TVET students from 51,773

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to 116,292 in the same period (Strategy Paper on Rwanda Education Sector 2000-2016,
2016). The latest national TVET tracer surveys has also shown that graduate employability
is at 70.3% and employer satisfaction at 75%.
There has been considerable progress in recent years. There is still work to be done. The
annual target is to create “214,000 decent and productive jobs” (under NST I that aligns
with Vision 2050). The government of Rwanda has set up a target of 60% of nine years’
basic education graduates to be absorbed in TVET by 2024.
Rwanda Polytechnic has been established to provide the “needed quality education
that complies with applicable standards through vocational education that enables
beneficiary to acquire skills required to create jobs and compete in the labor market”.
This Rwanda Polytechnic long-term strategic Plan (2018/19-2023/24) will be a strategic
guiding document for Rwanda Polytechnic to deliver on its mandate.

5. TVET sector SWOT analysis:

This SWOT was developed by stakeholders and the management of Rwanda Polytechnic.
The stakeholders also identified Successes and Challenges which are reflected below.
Table A: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats
• Political will • TVET schools need greater attention for
• Committed trainers and students improvement
• Courses are available at various colleges • Gaps in financing skills development
• Legal frame • Gaps in the RP law
• Development Partners • Private sector engagement
o Strong and many DPs • Overlapping (duplicating) courses
o Positive engagement of DPs • Legal framework is not fully
• Established colleges
• Few qualified and competent trainers
o Basic infrastructure
• Inadequate equipment and infrastructure

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o Infrastructure in some colleges • No consumables and running costs
• Availability of CBT/CBA at some levels Young Implementation of CBT/CBA
and dynamic human resources • Budget constraint
o Limited budget
• Low level of research and innovation
• Limited number of companies (private)
• Gender imbalance
• Improved coordination of sector
activities is needed
• Increase use of technology
• Digitization of TVET delivery should
• Insufficient ICT infrastructure
• Poor & Insufficient internet connectivity
• Lack of ICT skills
• Limited online learning facilities and

• East Africa Community (EAC) integration • Logistical coordination of services needs
o TVET augment in EAC to be improved, duplication of activities,
• Committed DPs provide opportunity for
growth o Need a balance between centralized
coordination and empowered principals
• Positive political will of government
o RP not coordinating DPs well enough
• Increased relevance of TVET
o Need to differentiate coordination levels.
• Global trend towards TVET
• Mindset about TVET
• Regional integration
o Public perception on TVET programs
• Availability of ToT implementation framework
o Negative perception on TVET
o Progress of ToT L3-L5
• Trainer/Lecturer turnover is high
• New priority economic sectors
• Small private sector
• “Made in Rwanda” promotion
• Insufficient budget allocated to TVET
• High Demand
o By private sector
• Imbalance between TVET supply and
o Government policy level demand
o Students are interested • Limited opportunity for industrial
• Foreign Direct Investment exposure
o Private sector needs skilled workforce • EAC integration
• Revised RTQF o Qualified workforce from EAC competing
o Rwanda TVET Qualification Framework for local jobs
• Youth Population • 60% of basic education graduates to
TVET by 2024
o Youth dividend
o 60% of basic education graduates to
o Young and Dynamic human resource
go to TVET means there is a shortage of
o Many new fields-skills needs TVET schools from approximately 300 to
approximately 2,000

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Table B: Successes and Challenges
• TVET trainer certification program • High level unskilled trainers
• Work Place Learning policy in place • Implementation of CBT/CBA
• Establishment of RP • Poor infrastructure
• Increased relevance of TVET • Need more innovation
• TVET awareness • Staff turn over
• Good progress of TOT L3-L5 • Competent based assessment needs improvement
• Progress curriculum DVPT/CBT • WPL Implementation Issues
• Increased TVET schools • TVET for People with Disabilities (PwD)
• Short course under NEP • Curriculum/Developing a Curriculum (DACUM)
• Legal instruments available process is not conductive to private sector
o CBT/CBA implementation issues
• TVET data collection needs improvement

6. Key Stakeholder Framework

The Key Stakeholder Framework was developed using information provided by Rwanda
Polytechnic staff and affiliated stakeholders during various consultation meeting.
Additional information on working partnerships was found within official policy documents
such as NST1, ESSP3, TVET Policy, and the Work-based Learning Policy.
Table C: Stakeholder Analysis
Stakeholder Purpose of Mutual
Stakeholder Role of Stakeholder
Framework Interest
Primary • Students • Make Policies • Policy Guidelines and
Beneficiaries • Parents • Develop TVET Formulation
• Training Providers Infrastructure • Improved access
• Academic and Research • Law Enforcement • Securing
Institutions • Budget Allocation Transparency in
• Districts • Consumers of Implementation
• Employers (Industries, TVET • Resource Allocation
Companies) • Manage the • Providing Work
• Relevant Government learning and Competence for
Departments training of TVET Employers
• Assurance of Quality
in TVET Learning
Secondary • Workers • Support • Benefit for TVET
Beneficiaries • Employers Implementation Programs at Local
• Communities of Programs Level
• Civil Society
• Local Communities
• State Owned Enterprises
• Non-Profit Organizations

8 | Strategic Plan (2019-2024) Version II - 2021

Suppliers of • Financial Institutions • Provision of • Support cooperatives,
Resources • Sponsors, Banks, Large relevant, quality, small enterprises, and
Companies and accessible community training
• Genocide Survivors’ Fund financial services • Effective internal
• Research/Academic • Research means management of funds
Centers to improve administered
• Providers of Infrastructure/ utilization • Achieve national
Facilities of financial priorities in
resources increasing skill based
• Fund national competencies
Regulators • Central Governance • Implement the • Establish credible
• Higher Education Council system of quality institutional
• Workforce Development assurance mechanism for
Authority • Monitor the state oversight
• Rwanda Development of education
• Rwanda Standards Board

Ministries • MINEDUC • Facilitate • Implementing public

and Affiliated • Ministry of Finance conducive agencies
Institutions and Economic Planning policies and • Responsibility
(MINECOFIN) standards for to coordinate
• Ministry of Public Service implementation government programs
and Labor (MIFOTRA of quality TVET • Address national
• MINALOC) • Implement priorities on annual
• Ministry of Trade and capacity building basis
Industry (MINICOM) programs
• Ministry of Youth • Enacting laws
(MINIYOUTH) and adopting
• Ministry of Gender regulations for
and Family Promotion the promotion
(MIGEPROF) of national
• Ministry of ICT (MINICT) education
• Ministry of Information • Overseeing
Technology and formal education
Communications (MYTECH)
• Ministry of Infrastructure
• Rwanda Basic Education
• National Examination
and Schools Inspection
Authority (NESA)
• Higher Education Council
• University of Rwanda
• HEIs

Strategic Plan (2019-2024) Version II - 2021 | 9

Strategic Partners • Private Sector Federation • Resource • Funding Quality
• World Bank Mobilization Assurance Programs
• African Development Bank • Offer Technical • Supporting TVET
• UNESCO Assistance Development
• Association for the
Development of Education
in Africa
• Gesellschaft für
Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
• Korea International
Cooperation Agency
• United States Agency for
International Development
• Japan International
Cooperation Agency (JICA)
• Swiss Agency for
Development and
Cooperation (SDC)
• CSC Koblenz
• Association pour la
Promotion de l’Education et
de la Formation à l’Etranger
• German Cooperation Bank
• European Union
• Agence Francaise de
Development (AFD)
• African Development Bank
• Mastercard Foundation
• Indian Government
• Embassies
• USAID Huguka Dukore
Akazi Kanoze
• Swiss Contact
• Faith Based Organizations
• Hotels

Affiliated Projects • USAID Huguka Dukore • Offer Technical • Official Development

Akazi Kanoze Assistance Priorities
• KIVUBELT Project (GIZ, I&M • Train Youth • Increase capacity of
Bank) • Make TVET visible local population
• Bee 5
• Jinhua Polytechnic

• Akazi Kanoze Access

• SEAD Project

10 | Strategic Plan (2019-2024) Version II - 2021

Service Providers • Contractors • Make TVET • Participate in re-
Outbound • Consultants Visible branding TVET
• Academic and Research • Internal Quality • Institution meet set
Institutions Assurance quality standards
• Approved • Sound management of
Program TVET institutions
Media • Rwanda Broadcasting • Publishing of • Enhanced Publicity
Agency Information • Advocacy
• Communication

7. Rwanda Polytechnic Organizational Structure

The following organogram is the officially approved Structure for Rwanda Polytechnic:

Strategic Plan (2019-2024) Version II - 2021 | 11

8. Risk Management and Analysis
The SWOT that was developed indicated some threats, weaknesses, and challenges. These
were analyzed to formulate a risk assessment. Additional information was gleaned from
national policy documents.

Risk Description Mitigating Measures

1. No linkage to local demand • Local labor market assessment mechanisms created with private
sector stakeholders by 2022
2. Career guidance needs • Career guidance personnel to be appointed in all Rwanda Polytechnic
improving for students institutions by 2023
3. Inadequate linkages with • Private sector engagement plan created in 2022
industries • Private sector engagement plan approved and implemented in 2020
4. Shortage of infrastructure – • Infrastructure feasibility study conducted nationally by 2020
building, modern equipment, • Funding models for TVET institutions updated by 2023
and raw materials
• National improvement plans for infrastructure and learning equipment
for all Rwanda Polytechnic institutions by 2024
• Online / blended learning and ICT infrastructure developed
5. Poor human resource • Staff capacity building and support program developed and
management implemented by 2022
• Staff retention program created and implemented by 2024
6. Inefficient management • ICT system to be used by all Rwanda Polytechnic institutions by 2022
information system and • Instruments for data capture and output reports implemented across
knowledge management all Rwanda Polytechnic institutions by 2023
7. Resource management / • Resource mobilization training for all Rwanda Polytechnic institutions
financing constraints by 2022
8. No equity in access (female • Policies on gender and inclusion in TVET implemented by 2023
inclusion, rural populations, • Awareness campaigns to attract special populations by 2024
people with disabilities)
• Gender and inclusion in curricula to be mainstreamed in TVET by 2024
• Improve capacity of TVET institutions to accommodate youth with
disability and special needs by 2024
9. Absence of effective • M&E framework for effective implementation of TVET system oversight
monitoring and evaluation of by 2024
TVET sector
10. Policy gaps/legal • ESSP 3 implemented from 2018-2024
framework not up to date • NST 1 implemented from 2017-2024
11. Lack of coordination within • Quarterly meetings between Rwanda Polytechnic and Development
Rwanda Polytechnic and with Partners to ensure effective coordination as well as planning
Development Partners • Joint working groups and thematic focus groups between Rwanda
Polytechnic and Development Partners
12. Research and innovation • National policy on creative innovation to be approved and published
not addressing community and • National and institutional level applied research as well as innovation
national challenges plans to be developed
• Community needs assessment mapping to be conducted

12 | Strategic Plan (2019-2024) Version II - 2021

Risk Analysis
This risk analysis categorizes the level of risk for the twelve identified possible threats. Risk assessment was identified as part of the
SWOT analysis, as well as Rwanda Polytechnic feedback, and national policy documents.
Table: Risk Management Matrix (Plan)

Probability of Risk Occurring

Unlikely Possible Likely Very Likely Almost Certain

Minor Research and innovation

not addressing community
and national challenges
Moderate Absence of effective
Poor human resource
monitoring and evaluation
of TVET sector
Lack of coordination within Inefficient management
Career guidance not Resource management/
Rwanda Polytechnic and information system and knowledge
improving for students Financing constraints
with Development Partners management

Very Serious No equity

in access
Policy gaps/Legal
inclusion, rural No linkage to local demand
framework not up to date

Impact of Risk Occurring - Impact

people with
Catastrophic Shortage of infrastructure
Lack of e-learning facilities
Inadequate linkages with – building, modern
and poor ICT infrastructure
industries equipment, and raw
to allow blended learning

Strategic Plan (2019-2024) Version II - 2021 | 13

Part B:
Rwanda Polytechnic
Strategic Framework
Strategic Area One Legislative, Regulatory, and Policy Framework

Strategic Objective One To ensure a sound legislative, regulatory, and policy framework

Strategic Area Two Oversight and Governance

Strategic Objective Two To provide strong oversight and governance mechanisms to ensure the smooth
operations of Rwanda Polytechnic and its Institutions (Colleges and TVET
Strategic Area Three Curriculum

Strategic Objective Three To develop and regularly update quality TVET competency-based curricula that
responds to labor market needs

Strategic Area Four Teaching and Learning

Strategic Objective Four To ensure the delivery of high-quality teaching and learning support services
aimed at improving access to quality teaching and learning in TVET Institutions
Strategic Area Five Student Support

Strategic Objective Five To establish effective student support systems that ensure adequate career
guidance, student welfare, and prepare students to enter the labor market
Strategic Area Six Infrastructure and Resources

Strategic Objective Six To develop and maintain infrastructure and resources for effective training

Strategic Area seven Human Resource Development

Strategic Objective seven Establish professional development systems for teaching and administrative
staff to strive for excellence in service delivery.
Strategic Area eight Research and Innovation
Strategic Objective eight Promote the culture of research and innovation in the TVET sector to ensure
TVET programs are responsive to and address community and national

Strategic Area Nine Partnerships

Strategic Objective Nine To develop partnerships that strengthen synergies to enhance trainees’ and
graduates’ opportunities for local, national, regional, and international labor
market access.

Strategic Area Ten Management Information and Statistics

Strategic Objective Ten To provide management information and statistics on TVET performance on an
annual basis
Strategic Area Eleven Perception of TVET

Strategic Objective Eleven To improve the public perception of TVET

14 | Strategic Plan (2019-2024) Version II - 2021

Strategic Area Twelve Access

Strategic Objective Twelve To increase equitable and inclusive access

Strategic Area Thirteen To expand and promote e-learning

Strategic Objective Thirteen Set up Strategies for financial resources mobilization

Strategic Area Fourteen Financial Resources Mobilization

Strategic Objective Fourteen To develop and implement financial resources mobilization strategies

Completed and transferred activities

During this mid-term evaluation of the RP strategic Plan, all activities were deeply
analysed and it was found that some of them have been accomplished, others are still
ongoing whereas many of them have not yet started. It is important to note that some
activities are no longer under RP mandate and will be implemented by new responsible
institutions such as Rwanda TVET Board (RTB) and National Examinations and Schools
inspection Authority (NESA).

The following are some completed activities, and these being implemented by other
Completed activities
S/N Sampled Completed Activity Observation
1 Establishment a working group to review and/or The RTQF is now aligned to Rwanda National Education
extend RTQF by 2019. Qualification Framework
2 Approve the formation of an ICT planning office RP has now a Division in charge of ICT related activities
within Rwanda Polytechnic by 2019
3 Revise, update, and submit proposal for revision of The new structure was published with mandate for
RP mandate by 2020 coordinating public IPRCs only
4 Approve the delegation of responsibility for RP has got now a new department in charge of planning
Planning to a Rwanda Polytechnic Office by 2019
5 Establish a working group to develop and finalize a The Social Inclusion and Disability policy was
Rwanda Polytechnic Social Inclusion and Disability developed and approved
policy by 2019
6 Review, update and publish communication The RP communication and marketing strategy was
procedures and guidelines for Rwanda Polytechnic approved
and its institutions by 2020
7 Review, update and publish an internal policy and The Student handbook was developed and approved
guidelines for the administration/ management of by RP management
student admissions for Rwanda Polytechnic and its
Institutions by 2022
8 Review, update and publish a policy and guidelines All RP staff have been capacitated to use RBM for
for results based / performance reporting for TVET contract signing and management
Institutions by 2022
9 Develop and implement capacity building program All curriculum developers and facilitators have gone
on procedures and guidelines for curriculum annual CBT/CBA training in partnership with RDB and
developers and facilitators by 2021 RMI

Strategic Plan (2019-2024) Version II - 2021 | 15

10 Ensure curricula development procedures and The curricula development procedures and guidelines
guidelines are approved by the relevant bodies, have been developed
including by 2021
11 Create and conduct a tracer survey to ensure The RP tracer survey was conducted early 2021 and
competency-based training by 2020 reports are available
12 Review and update existing curricula to ensure work Curricula for diploma level have been revised
readiness, entrepreneurial, as well as technical accordingly
relevance by 2022
13 Review, restructure, and approve student welfare All IPRC have a specific unit in charge of students
support unit by 2021 affairs
14 Develop and approve student academic support The student handbook was developed and is being
guidelines by 2021 used
15 Review, approve and integrate an improved work All developed curricula have work readiness
readiness program into all curricula by 2020 components
16 Develop, approve and integrate a student work All developed curricula have industrial attachment
exposure and experience program guidelines into components
all curricula by 2020
17 Review, improve and approve guidelines for The guidelines for industrial attachments program
industrial attachments program by 2021 have been developed
17 Develop, approve, and implement a work exposure The guidelines for industrial attachments program
program for all staff by 2020 have been developed
18 Develop, approve, and implement a work experience The Dual Training program was launched as part of
program for technical training by 2021 implementation of work experience program for
technical training
19 Support innovative entrepreneurial student The policy for innovative entrepreneurial student
projects at institution level by 2022 projects was developed and approved
20 Implement innovative entrepreneurial projects at The policy for innovative entrepreneurial student
institution level by 2022 projects was developed and approved
21 Ensure activities conducted at institution level by RP organizes annual joint planning sessions with its
development partners and donors align with those stakeholders
of Rwanda Polytechnic by 2022
22 Design and approve an ICT system for use by TVET The RP Management Information System was
institutions by 2020 developed and now fully operational
23 The Review the existing learner registration The RP Management Information System was
Management Information System by 2020 developed and now fully operational even for students
24 Develop and approve a format for institutional level The template for activity reporting were developed
management reports by 2022 and now usable
25 Develop, approve and publish bi-annual reports on The reporting on statistics is done on quarterly basis
TVET statistics (enrolments, staffing provision, and
resources) by 2022
26 Develop a public awareness and promotion strategy The communication and marketing strategy was
by 2021 developed and now usable

Transferred activities
The following activities were transferred to their respective institutions because they no
longer fall under responsibilities of RP:

SN Sampled activities no longer under RP mandate Observation

1 Conduct annual visits to surrounding feeder schools TVET schools are no longer under RP Mandate they are
by 2020. now under RTB

16 | Strategic Plan (2019-2024) Version II - 2021

2 Approve the working group to develop and finalize The RPL guidelines not developed and this should be
RPL guidelines by 2020 under National Examination and Schools Inspection
Authority (NESA)
3 Establish a working group to develop and finalize a This activity is no longer under RP mandate, NESA is
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) policy by 2019 responsible.
4 Review, update and publish an internal policy and RP has developed Internal Operational Manual but not
guidelines on financial management for Rwanda internal policy and guidelines on financial management
Polytechnic and its institutions by 2020. because this is a responsibility for the MINECOFIN
5 Develop annual budgeting policy guidelines by 2020 The annual budgeting policy guidelines is a responsibility
6 Conduct needs assessment, and where applicable, The finance capacity building and support program is a
develop and implement a finance capacity building responsibility for the MINECOFIN
and support program by 2024.
7 Review, update and publish an institutional and Institutional and national audit and accountability
national audit and accountability system by 2021. system is a responsibility of Office of Auditor General
8 Review, update and publish a results-based The results-based performance evaluation
performance evaluation management system by management system (RBM) is under Ministry of Public
2021. Service and Labour. What RP does is the follow the
process and guidelines from MIFOTRA, like any other
public institution.
9 Review, update and publish policy directives for RP has fully operationalized its TVET Management
TVET Institution information’s technology systems Information Systems. However, the directives for
(ICT) by 2022. Institution information’s technology systems (ICT) are
set by RISA (Rwanda Information Society Authority)
10 Develop and implement guidelines for the The guidelines for the procurement, management and
procurement, management and maintenance of maintenance of hardware, software and networks are
hardware, software and networks by 2024. set by RISA (Rwanda Information Society Authority).
However, for maintenance no guidelines exist, it is
11 Review, update and publish a results-based There is results-based monitoring and evaluation
monitoring and evaluation system by 2021. system set by MINEDUC & MINECOFIN. RP reports on
weekly, quarterly and annually to MINEDUC using the
provided templates
12 Develop and implement a capacity building program The capacity building program on results-based
on results-based monitoring and evaluation system monitoring and evaluation system are always under
by 2024. Rwanda Development Board (RDB) and MIFOTRA.
13 Conduct sectoral skills surveys to identify Conduct sectoral skills surveys to identify requirements
requirements for new curricula by 2022. for new curricula was not fully done and requires other
institutions engagements (E.g : RDB).
14 Avail and train career guidance officers in all TVET Activity needs to be rephrased because all TVET
schools and IPRCs by 2024. schools are under RTB, but RP has staff responsible for
career guidance
15 Develop, approve, and implement a plan to improve The guidelines for human resource recruitment and
the human resource recruitment and selection selection process are in presidential order and basically
process by 2024. monitored by MIFOTRA and Public Service Commission
16 Develop, approve, and implement an Individual The Individual Performance Management Development
Performance Management Development System by System is part of RBM and it is under MIFOTRA’s
2024. responsibility.
17 Conduct and report on simple community mapping The simple community mapping and needs assessment
and needs assessment by 2020. has never been done and has nothing to do with RP

Strategic Plan (2019-2024) Version II - 2021 | 17

Strategic Area One: Legislative, Regulatory, and Policy Framework
Strategic Area One Legislative, Regulatory, and Policy Framework

Strategic Objective One To ensure a sound legislative, regulatory, and policy framework
Justification This objective will ensure that TVET higher institutions function effectively and efficiently
in an environment that allows them to respond to national development priorities.

Five Year Outcomes Activity Responsible Progress Five Year Targets

Party Reporting
1.1 Develop and 1.1.1 Submit the revision DVCTIDR By end of 2022 2022: Working group
approve a of RTQF and a submits Trainer
revision of RTQF Rwanda TVET Qualification
and Rwanda Trainer Qualification Framework
TVET Trainer Framework by 2022
Qualification 1.1.2 Approve the revision MINEDUC By end of 2024 2024: Trainer
framework by of RTQF and a Qualification
2024 Rwanda TVET Framework
Trainer Qualification approved and
Framework by 2024 published
1.2 Review and 1.2.1 Consult with the VC Office, Legal 3 Months 2022: Process
approve the law Government of Advisor approved
establishing Rwanda with regard
/ governing to the processes for
Rwanda reviewing and providing
Polytechnic by feedback on the Rwanda
2023 Polytechnic law by 2022
1.2.2 Submission of the draft VC Office, Legal 3 Months 2022: Draft law 1
to the ministry of Advisor
Education and Rwanda 2023: Draft law 2
Polytechnic to follow up
by 2023
1.2.3 Approve and publish a Prime Minister Annual 2024: Law approved
revised law by 2024 Office and published

1.3 Review and 1.3.1 Confirm a timeline for the DVCAF By end of 2022 2022: Responsible
confirm the development of a Five- departments
five-year Budget Year Budget by 2022 identified for
for Rwanda development
Polytechnic by of five-year
2022 budget

1.3.2 Develop and approve a Council of RP Bi-annually until 2022: Draft five-year
Five-Year Budget by end of 2022 budget
2022: Approve and
implement five-
year budget

18 | Strategic Plan (2019-2024) Version II - 2021

Five Year Outcomes Activity Responsible Progress Five Year Targets
Party Reporting
1.3.3 Develop and approve DVCAF Bi-annually until 2022: Review current
guidelines and end of 2022 institutional
templates for guidelines
institution level three- and update
year and one-year templates
budgets by 2022
2022: Updated three-
year and one-
year guidelines
with input
from financial
officers at all

2022: Guidelines
approved and
distributed at
all institutional
1.4 Develop 1.4.1 Develop a Rwanda DVCTIDR Bi-annually until 2022: Develop an ICT
and approve Polytechnic ICT policy end of 2022 policy for IPRC
a Rwanda by 2022 institutions
Information and 2022: ICT policy
Communications approved and
Technology (ICT) implemented
Policy by 2023
1.4.2 Approve and publish RP Council Bi-annually Until 2022: Develop an
Rwanda Polytechnic ICT end of 2023 ICT policy
Policy Framework by framework
2023 policy for

2023: ICT policy

approved and
1.4.3 Approve and implement DVCTIDR Bi-annually until 2022: Approved and
Anti-plagiarism Policy by 2022 end of 2022 implemented Anti-
plagiarism Policy

1.4.4 Approve and implement DVCTIDR Bi-annually until 2022: Approved and
Online learning Policy by 2022 end of 2022 implemented
Online learning
1.5 Implement 1.5.1 Effective Implementation MINOFTRA, Annually 2022: 100% of
Existing of Workplace Based DVCTIDR, students
Workplace Based Learning by 2024 MINICOM perform WBL
Learning Policy
and Guidelines by

Strategic Plan (2019-2024) Version II - 2021 | 19

Five Year Outcomes Activity Responsible Progress Five Year Targets
Party Reporting
1.6 Develop 1.6.1 Policy Framework on RP Academic Annually 2022: Policy
and approve Social Inclusion and Senate Framework
a Rwanda Disability approved by reviewed and
Polytechnic 2024 approved
Framework on
Social Inclusion
and Disability by

Strategic Area Two: Oversight and Governance

Strategic Area Two Oversight and Governance
Strategic Objective Two To provide strong oversight and governance mechanisms to ensure the smooth
operations of Rwanda Polytechnic and its Institutions (Colleges and TVET Schools)

Justification This objective will ensure that Rwanda Polytechnic and its institutions are
functioning optimally within the applicable and relevant acts, policies and
regulations. This will include developing or strengthening mechanisms for
effective, decentralized decision making and management for all administrative,
financial and human resource functions (institutional capacity)

Five Year Outcomes Activity Responsible Progress Five Year Targets

Party Reporting
1.1 Develop and 2.1.1 Develop and approve DVCAF Quarterly until 2022: Operational
approve an operational manuals on end of 2022 manuals
internal policy financial management approved and
and guidelines for Rwanda Polytechnic distributed
on financial and its institutions to to all RP
management ensure effective financial institutions
for Rwanda management practices
Polytechnic and (including management
its institutions by accounting, financial
2022 accounting, procurement)
by 2022
1.2 Develop 2.2.1 Review, update and publish DVCAF Bi-annually 2022: 50% of
and approve governance policies and until end of governance
governance guidelines for Rwanda 2023 policies and
policies and Polytechnic by 2023 guidelines
guidelines for Rwanda
for Rwanda polytechnic
Polytechnic and updated and
its Institutions by published
2023: 100% of
policies and
for Rwanda
updated and

20 | Strategic Plan (2019-2024) Version II - 2021

Five Year Outcomes Activity Responsible Progress Five Year Targets
Party Reporting
2.2.2 Develop and approve DVCAF Annually until 2022: Draft
institutional capacity end of 2023 institutional
building package for capacity
Rwanda Polytechnic building
and its institutions and package based
stakeholders at all levels by on national
2023 audit

2023: Institutional

2.2.3 Implement Rwanda DVCAF, HRM Annually 2022: 100% of

Polytechnic governance staff undergo
capacity building program capacity
by 2022 building

1.3 Develop and 2.3.1 Develop a plan and DVCAF Quarterly 2022: Create
approve policy procure appropriate ICT working group
directives for infrastructure by 2024 with members
TVET Institutions consisting
information of finance
technology officials, ICT
systems by 2024 staff, and
and Working
group meets
and develop
guidelines on

Strategic Plan (2019-2024) Version II - 2021 | 21

Five Year Outcomes Activity Responsible Progress Five Year Targets
Party Reporting
assess ICT
needs, and
produce plan

2023: Plan
approved and
and 80% of
all IPRCs have
plans approved
and acquire
necessary ICT

2024: 100% of all

plans approved
and acquire
necessary ICT
2.4.4 Develop and implement DVCAF Bi-annually 2022: 100% of ICT
a capacity building and until end of staff receive
support program by 2022 2022 capacity
1.4 Review and 2.8.1 Review, update and publish DVCAF Bi-annually 2022: Approve
approve a TVET a TVET Institution funding until end of and publish
Institution funding model (for programs and 2023 all updates
model by 2023 resources) by 2023 on TVET
funding model

2023: All TVET

funding model
and obtain

Strategic Area Three: Curriculum

Strategic Area Three Curriculum
Strategic Objective Three To develop and regularly update quality TVET competency-based curricula that
responds to labor market needs
Justification This objective will ensure that the curricula in both TVET IPRC and TVET schools are
competency-based and provide students with appropriate work readiness and technical
skills demanded by the labor market

22 | Strategic Plan (2019-2024) Version II - 2021

Five Year Outcomes Activity Responsible Progress Five Year Targets
Party Reporting
1.1 Review and 3.1.1 Review existing DVCTIDR, Quarterly 2022: Competency based
update existing curricula curricula guidelines
Competency - development approved and
Based Curricula procedures and procedures to improve
development and guidelines by 2022 are implemented
procedures and 3.1.2 Update existing DVCTIDR, Bi-Annually 2022: Updated work place
guidelines (CBC curricula learning program
Framework) by development approved and
2022 procedures and implemented
guidelines by 2022
1.2 Review and 3.2.3 Ensure all revised DVCTIDR, Annually 2022: 80% of all updated
update existing curricula are curricula accredited
competency-based accredited by 2024
curricula by 2024 2023: 90% of all updated
curricula accredited

2024: 100% of all updated

curricula accredited
1.3 Develop new 3.3.2 Review matrix of all DVCTIDR Quarterly until 2022: Technical committee
competency- curricula available end of 2022 conducts gap
based curricula for for all RTQF levels REB, analysis; Gap analysis
emerging priority and programs and is reported and
areas by 2024 develop gap analysis disseminated amongst
by 2022 relevant Rwanda
Polytechnic officials
3.3.4 Develop teacher DVCTIDR Annually 2022: Update teacher guides
guides for new to reflect updated
curricula by 2024 curricula and 100%
of teachers and
administrators undergo
training with updated
teacher guides

2023: Annual refresher

training on curricula
conducted in 20

2024: Annual refresher

training on curricula
conducted in 30
3.3.5 Ensure all new DVCTIDR, Annually 2022: Working group
curricula are WDA created to review
accredited by 2024 curricula; working
group develops tools
and guidelines for
accreditation of
curricula and Tools and
guidelines approved
for curricula inspection
and accreditation

2023: 80% of all updated

curricula accredited

2024: 100% of all updated

curricula accredited

Strategic Plan (2019-2024) Version II - 2021 | 23

Five Year Outcomes Activity Responsible Progress Five Year Targets
Party Reporting
1.4 Teacher and 3.4.1 Develop teacher DVCTIDR, Annually 2022: Update curricula
Student manuals guides for new RP Trainer of with private sector
for all available curricula by 2024 Trainers collaboration and
competency-based identify emerging
curricula developed priority areas and
and distributed for 100% of work
use by 2024 readiness curricula
updated to ensure

2023: Emerging technical

skills occupational
standards created
and 50% of emerging
technical skills
occupational standards

2024: 100% of emerging

technical skills
occupational standards
3.4.2 Develop student DVCTIDR, Annually 2022: Update student guides
guides for new RP Trainer of to reflect updated
curricula by 2024 Trainers curricula and 70%
of students undergo
training with updated

2023: 80% of students

undergo training with
updated guides

2024: 100% of students

undergo training with
updated guides
3.4.3 Develop and DVCTIDR, Annually 2022: Develop a plan on
implement teacher RP Trainer of teacher capacity
capacity building Trainers building program and
program on new and Teacher capacity
updated curricula by building program plan
2024 approved

2022: 80% of all staff receive

capacity building
support on updated

2024: 100% of all staff

receive capacity
building support on
updated curricula

24 | Strategic Plan (2019-2024) Version II - 2021

Strategic Area Four: Teaching and Learning
Strategic Area Four Teaching and Learning
Strategic Objective Four To ensure the delivery of high quality teaching and learning support services aimed
at improving access to quality teaching and learning in TVET Institutions

Justification Rwanda Polytechnic must ensure that the system provides the necessary support
to teachers to function optimally in the delivery of TVET programs at all RTQF levels
through competency-based training and assessment, in order to equip students with
competencies and attributes that satisfy the needs of world of work

Five Year Outcomes Activity Responsible Progress Five Year Targets

Party Reporting
1.1 Develop and 4.1.1 Develop, approve, and IPRCs, RP Quarterly until 2022: Working group has 4
approve a implement a plan Trainer of end of 2021 quarterly meetings
process for for TVET trainer Trainers, and develop plan and
improved education by 2022 Plan approved and
teaching and RTTI, HMI disseminated
4.1.2 Develop, approve, IPRCs, RP Annually 2022: Approve project plan and
and implement a Trainer of begin implementation;
plan for equipping Trainers, 70% of teachers receive
for teacher
all teachers with the ICT skills support
education in all RTTI, HMI
necessary pedagogy
fields by 2024 2023: 80% of teachers receive
as well as English and
ICT skills by 2024. ICT skills support

2024: 100% of teachers

receive ICT skills support

1.2 Develop a 4.2.1 Develop and IPRCs, RP Bi-annually 2022: Plan approved
Teaching implement a plan for Trainer of
and Learning improving skills and Trainers, 2023: 75% of all TVET trainers
Continuous knowledge for TVET participate in workshops
Professional trainers at all levels RTTI to increase skills and
Development by 2024 knowledge
Program (CPD)
2024: 100% of all TVET
for all teachers
trainers participate in
by 2024
workshops to increase
skills and knowledge

4.2.2 Develop, approve, and IPRCs, TVET Annually 2022: Plan approved
implement a plan for Schools, RP
TVET school-based Trainer of 2023: 50% lecturers reached
mentoring by 2024 Trainers,
2024: 75% lecturers reached

Strategic Plan (2019-2024) Version II - 2021 | 25

Five Year Outcomes Activity Responsible Progress Five Year Targets
Party Reporting
1.3 Equip 4.3.1 Develop a plan for Rwanda Bi-annually until 2022: Develop an
classroom improving and Polytechnic end of 2024 implementation plan for
with ICT tools implementing the ICT in classrooms of RP
for quality use of ICT in all institutions with input
teaching and classrooms by 2024 from schools and ICT
learning by division
2023: Plan approved and
budgeted and 60%
of all RP institution
classrooms have
necessary ICT tools

2024: 80% of all RP institution

classrooms have
necessary ICT tools
4.3.2 Equip all classrooms IPRCs, and Annually 2022: Develop an ICT provision
with necessary ICT Rwanda plan for both IPRCs as
resources by 2024 Polytechnic well as TVET secondary
schools and create
proposed budget and
Approve ICT provision
plan and budget annually

2023: Provision plan

implemented; 70% of all
ICT resources provided
and Provision plan
implemented; 80% of all
ICT resources provided

2024: Provision plan

implemented; 100% of all
ICT resources provided
1.4 Review and 4.4.1 Review, update, and RP Bi-annually until 2022: Approve, and publish
update existing approve existing competence- end of internal and external
competency- internal and external based verification guidelines
based assessment Assessment 2022
assessment and verification Unit,
and verification guidelines by 2022
procedures and 4.4.2 Implement CBA and IPRCs, and Annually 2022: Facilitate focus group
guidelines by verification plan to Rwanda discussions with teacher
2024 support all TVET Polytechnic in 5 regions and develop a
trainers by 2024 plan on teacher capacity
building support based
on feedback and Teacher
capacity building support
approved and begin
implementation; 60%
of all teachers receive

2023: 80% of all teachers

receive support

2024: 100% of all teachers


26 | Strategic Plan (2019-2024) Version II - 2021

Strategic Area Five: Student Support
Strategic Area
Student Support
Strategic Objective To establish effective student support systems that ensure adequate career guidance,
Five student welfare, and prepare students to enter the labor market

Justification For the core business of TVET institutions to be conducted at high quality, support sys-
tems for the improvement of student success must be in place. These include: mecha-
nisms for improvement of programs offered at TVET Colleges, student progression
(measured in terms of pass and certification rates), and access to labor markets.

Five Year Outcomes Activity Responsible Progress Five Year Targets

Party Reporting
1.1 Develop and 5.1.1 Review and Rwanda Quarterly until 2022: Review student
approve student approve student Polytechnic, end of 2023 support guidelines with
welfare support welfare support IPRCs solicited student input
guidelines by 2024 guidelines by and Updated student
2023 support guidelines
approved at all TVET
2023 Welfare support
guidelines implemented
in 100% of all campuses

1.2 Develop and 5.2.1 Develop and Rwanda Quarterly until 2022: Develop appropriate ICT
approve student improve ICT Polytechnic, end of 2024
academic support tools for student IPRCs, TVET tools for student use and ICT
guidelines by 2024 support services Schools tools approved
by 2024
2023: 50% of students receive
new ICT tools

2024: 100% of students

receive new ICT tools

5.2.2 Develop and Rwanda Quarterly until 2022: Develop guidelines

approve an Polytechnic, end of 2024 and protocols for
academic IPRCs, TVET peer-to-peer academic
mentoring Schools mentoring program and
program in TVET approved at all TVET
institutions by levels; 60% of students
2024 receive peer-to-peer
academic mentoring

2023: 70% of students receive

peer-to-peer academic

2024: 100% of students

receive peer-to-peer
academic mentoring

Strategic Plan (2019-2024) Version II - 2021 | 27

Five Year Outcomes Activity Responsible Progress Five Year Targets
Party Reporting
1.3 Develop and 5.3.1 Review, improve Rwanda Bi-annually until 2022: Technical committee
approve a student and approve a Polytechnic, end of 2024 established to identify
work-based private sector IPRCs, PSF, key private sector
learning program engagement MIFOTRA stakeholders
by 2024 program
guidelines by 2023: Identified stakeholders
2024 review and update
private sector
engagement program

2024: Private sector

engagement program
implemented in 70% of
all TVET institutions
1.4 Review, restructure 5.4.1 Develop and Rwanda Quarterly until 2022: Career guidance
and approve a approve a Polytechnic, end of 2023 officers meet quarterly
career guidance national career IPRCs, to develop national
program by 2024 guidance guidance policy and
policy and framework
framework by 2023: Policy and framework
2023 approved and
implemented in 100%
TVET institutions
5.4.2 Develop and Rwanda Annually 2022: Review funding and
approve an Polytechnic, service fee model for
appropriate BRD, PSF, career development
funding model for IPRCs services and Provide
student career costing and budget
development forecast
services at all
TVET institutions 2023: Develop and Approve
by 2024 new funding model with
forecasted projections

2024: Funding secured for

100% of student career
development services

1.5 Revise and 5.5.1 Develop and Rwanda Annually 2022: Create focus groups of
approve a student implement Polytechnic, students in 5 districts to
leadership capacity a student IPRCs solicit input on student
development leadership leadership programs
program by 2024 capacity and Develop leadership
development capacity development
program by 2024 strategy and plan based
on focus group feedback;
Tools created to assess
student capacity

2023: Plan, tools approved

and Student leadership
capacity increased by

2024: Student leadership

capacity increased by

28 | Strategic Plan (2019-2024) Version II - 2021

Strategic Area Six: Infrastructure and Resources
Strategic Area Six Infrastructure and Resources

Strategic Objective Six To develop and maintain infrastructure and resources for effective training

Justification In order to strengthen the institutional capacity and infrastructure of the TVET
system to provide equitable access for Rwanda youth in order to deliver relevant
programs with high level quality

Five Year Outcomes Activity Responsible Party Progress Five Year Targets
1.1 Review and 6.1.1 Conduct DVCF Annually 2022: Finance feasibility
establish funding appropriate studies for
models for TVET infrastructure infrastructure
institutions by feasibility studies developed
2024 by 2023
2023: Feasibility studies
approved and
6.1.2 Review, update Institutional Bi-annually 2022: Review and Update
and establish Development, current TVET funding
infrastructure Applied Research, model
funding models Consultancy
for TVET & Production 2023: Consultative meetings
institutions by Coordination held with relevant
2024 Division stakeholders, Funding
priorities identified
and mechanism

2024: TVET funding model

6.1.3 Develop a capacity Institutional Bi-annually 2022: Develop mechanisms
building and Development, to assess capacity
support plan Applied Research, building needs and
on resource Consultancy Perform audit of
mobilization for & Production TVET capacities
TVET institutions Coordination utilizing developed
by 2024 Division mechanisms

2023: Draft institutional

capacity building
package based on
national audit

2024: Institutional capacity

building package
1.2 Implement 6.2.1 Train appropriate Institutional Annually 2022: Train 50% of financial
resource staff to engage Development, staff at TVET
mobilization and implement Applied Research, institutions in project
activities in TVET in resource Consultancy proposal writing
institutions by mobilization & Production
2024 activities for Coordination 2023: 100% of all financial
TVET institutions Division staff at TVET
by 2024 institutions in project
proposal writing

2024: 25 proposals
submitted per year

Strategic Plan (2019-2024) Version II - 2021 | 29

Five Year Outcomes Activity Responsible Party Progress Five Year Targets
1.3 Develop 6.3.1 Conduct needs IPRCS, Institutional Bi-annually 2022: Needs assessment
appropriate assessment on Development, Until end of on infrastructure and
infrastructure infrastructure Applied Research, 2024 learning equipment
and learning and learning Consultancy performed in 50% of
equipment in equipment in & Production all TVET institutions
TVET institutions TVET institutions Coordination
by 2024 by 2024 Division 2023: Needs assessment
on infrastructure and
learning equipment
performed in 75% of
all TVET institutions

2024: Needs assessment

on infrastructure and
learning equipment
performed in 100% of
all TVET institutions
6.3.2 Develop and Institutional Annually 2022: Review audit report
implement Development, on current state of
a national Applied Research, national infrastructure
improvement plan Consultancy and Develop
for infrastructure & Production improvement plan for
and learning Coordination existing facilities in
equipment for Division TVET sector
TVET institutions
by 2024 2023: Plan approved and
budgeted nationally
and 30% of TVET
institutions identified
have improved
infrastructure and
learning equipment

2024: 90% of TVET

institutions identified
have improved
infrastructure and
learning equipment
6.3.3 Develop and Institutional Annually 2022: Review audit report
implement a Development, on current state of
national asset Applied Research, national infrastructure
management Consultancy and Develop
and maintenance & Production maintenance plan for
plans for Coordination existing facilities in
infrastructure Division TVET sector
and learning
equipment by 2023: Plan approved,
2024 budgeted nationally,
Implement plan to
improve maintenance
TVET facilities
nationally, 50% of all
institutions implement
updated maintenance

2024: 100% of all

institutions implement
updated maintenance

30 | Strategic Plan (2019-2024) Version II - 2021

Five Year Outcomes Activity Responsible Party Progress Five Year Targets
6.3.4 Develop and DVCAF Annually 2022: Review student
approve a plan to accommodation
address student planning, perform
accommodation audit of infrastructure
issues at IPRCs by and Create focus
2024 group discussions
with students who
utilize accommodation
in 5 regions and
solicit feedback on

2023: Utilize feedback

from student focus
groups and create
plan, Plan approved
and implemented;
60% of student
accommodation issues

2024: 100% of student

accommodation issues

6.3.5 Develop and DVCAF Annually 2022: Develop web portal

approve a national asset
National management system,
Infrastructure approve asset
Asset management system
Management and pilot online portal
System for the
TVET sector by 2023: 80% of assets
2024 reported on online

2024: 100% of assets

reported on online

1.4 Provide 6.4.1 Conduct needs Institutional Bi-annually 2022: Needs assessment
appropriate assessment Development, until end of on learning materials
learning for learning Applied Research, 2024 and consumables
materials and materials and Consultancy performed in 50% of
consumables to consumables for & Production all TVET institutions
TVET institutions TVET institutions Coordination
by 2024 by 2024 Division 2023: Needs assessment
on learning materials
and consumables
performed in 75% of
all TVET institutions

2024: Needs assessment

on learning materials
and consumables
performed in 100% of
all TVET institutions

Strategic Plan (2019-2024) Version II - 2021 | 31

Five Year Outcomes Activity Responsible Party Progress Five Year Targets
6.4.2 Develop and Institutional Annually 2022: Review audit report on
implement a Development, current state of STEM
national provision Applied Research, resources available to
plan for learning Consultancy IPRCs, Develop budget
materials and & Production and plan to improve
consumables for Coordination STEM resources
IPRCs by 2024 Division
2023: Approve both plan
and budget to begin
10 workshops
constructed and

2024: 60 workshops
constructed and

6.4.3 Develop and Institutional Annually 2022: 88,000 textbooks

implement a Development, supplied
national supply Applied Research,
plan for textbooks Consultancy 2023: 110,000 textbooks
and digital & Production supplied
content for TVET Coordination
2024: 132,000 textbooks
institutions by Division

6.4.4 Develop and Institutional Annually 2022: Review existing stock

implement stock Development, management system
management Applied Research, for learning materials
for learning Consultancy and consumables to
materials and & Production identify gaps, update it
consumables in Coordination and disseminate to all
TVET institutions Division RP TVET institutions
by 2024
2023: 75% of all TVET
institutions utilize
updated stock
management system

2024: 100% of all TVET

institutions utilize
updated stock
management system

1.5 Improve 6.5.1 Conduct needs Digital Content Quarterly 2022: Needs assessment
and Provide assessment & Connectivity on ICT systems
appropriate on ICT in TVET Division until end of performed in 75% of
ICT to TVET institutions by all TVET institutions
institutions by 2023 (Plan to
2024 include SMART 2023: Needs assessment
classroom on ICT systems
numbers, internet performed in 100% of
connectivity, all TVET institutions
student computer
ratio, Digitized
content for TVET

32 | Strategic Plan (2019-2024) Version II - 2021

Five Year Outcomes Activity Responsible Party Progress Five Year Targets
6.5.2 Develop and Digital Content Annually 2022: Approve ICT provision
implement a & Connectivity plan and budget; 50
national plan for Division SMART classrooms,
ICT improvement 2500 Positivo laptops
and provision to
TVET institutions 2023: 58 SMART classrooms
by 2024 and 4300 Positivo

2024: 60 SMART
classrooms, and 5000
Positivo laptops,
1.6 Fusing all 6.6.1 Streamline the DVAF, Institutional Annually 2022: Working group
companies activities of Development, identified and all
existing different private companies Applied Research, companies existing
IPRCs and set and other income Consultancy in different IPRCs
up a single generating & Production dissolved to make a
company for RP, activities existing Coordination single company for RP
development in different Division
and approval of IPRCs (dissolve
its operational companies in
manual by 2024 existing different
IPRCs and set up
a single company
for RP) by 2022
6.6.2 Develop and DVAF, Institutional Annually 2022: Review of existing
approve a single Development, operation manuals
company’s Applied Research, in different IPRCs to
operational Consultancy come up with draft
manual by 2024 & Production single company’s
Coordination operational manual
2023: Submission of draft
single company’s
operational manual

2024: Approved single

company’s operational
6.6.3 Develop and DVAF, Institutional Annually 2022: Developed the draft
approve the Development, operational plan
operational plans Applied Research,
for RP company Consultancy 2023: Approved operational
by 2023 & Production plan
1.7 Approve and 6.7.1 Review, approve DVAF, Institutional Annually 2022: Approved
operationalize and operationalize Development, Entrepreneurship,
consultancy consultancy and Applied Research, consultancy &
policy by 2024 incubation policy Consultancy incubation policy
which provides & Production
a conducive Coordination 2023: Entrepreneurship,
environment and Division consultancy &
motivation for incubation policy
the academic implemented in all
staff to engage IPRCs
in consultancy
2024: Approved policy
activities by 2024
operationalized 100%

Strategic Plan (2019-2024) Version II - 2021 | 33

Strategic Area Seven: Human Resource Development
Strategic Area Seven Human Resource Development
Strategic Objective Seven Establish professional development systems for teaching and administrative staff
to strive for excellence in service delivery.
Justification To build required capacity in order to support the objectives of the sector and im-
prove efficiency, productivity and morale

Five Year Outcomes Activity Responsible Progress Five Year Targets

Party Reporting
1.1 Review and 7.1.1 Conduct an annual Rwanda By end of 2022 2022: Create review process
approve Human review of the Polytechnic HR of annual plan
Resource Human Re- Directorate
Development Plan source Devel-
that meets the opment Plan by
needs of the sector 2022
by 2024
1.2 Develop and 7.2.1 Develop, approve, Rwanda Annually 2022: Develop and approve
approve a staff and implement Polytechnic HR occupational standards
capacity building a compe- Directorate and quality assurance
mechanism for tency-based manuals
academic staff staff capacity
and administrative building plan for 2023: Mechanism created
staff by 2024 academic staff to ensure professional
and adminis- development trainings
trative staff by for teaching and
2024 administrative staff
and 80% of staff
set to have bi-
annual professional
development trainings

2024: 100% of staff set

to have bi-annual
development trainings
7.2.2 Develop, approve, Rwanda Annually 2022: Develop and approve
and implement Polytechnic, HR occupational standards
a competen- Directorate, and quality assurance
cy-based staff manuals
capacity build- DVC TIDR
2023: Pilot bi-annual
ing program for
academic staff
development trainings
and adminis-
with 80% of staff
trative staff by
2024 2024: 100% of staff receive
bi-annual professional
development training
7.3.3 Develop and Rwanda Annually 2022: Human resource
implement a staff Polytechnic, HR policy and salary
retention program by Directorate considerations revised
2024 and 10 focus group
discussions conducted
to solicit feedback
from staff
2023:85% of staff retained
2024: 95% of staff retained

34 | Strategic Plan (2019-2024) Version II - 2021

Five Year Outcomes Activity Responsible Progress Five Year Targets
Party Reporting
7.3.4 Approve and Rwanda By end 2023 2022: Approve Academic
implement Academic Polytechnic, HR
staff appointments,
staff appointments, development, career path &
development, career promotion policy
path & promotion 2023: Academic
policy by 2023
staff appointments,
development, career
path & promotion policy
implemented in all IPRCs

Strategic Area Eight: Applied Research and Innovation

Strategic Area Eight Research and Innovation
Strategic Objective Eight Promote the culture of research and innovation in the TVET sector to ensure TVET
programs are responsive to and address community and national challenges
Justification TVET institutions need to be more aware of the needs of the local community, the
national priorities, and regional opportunities. TVET institutions should be more in-
novative, entrepreneurial, and responsive to opportunities as well as demands. The
responsibility for this rests with TVET institutions. (Innovation develops creative
new ideas, entrepreneurship brings the ideas to life)

Five Year Outcomes Activity Responsible Progress Five Year Targets

Party Reporting
1.1 Develop an 8.1.1 Approve Rwanda DVCTIDR Quarterly until 2022: DevelopApplied
applied research, Polytechnic end of 2022 Research and Innovation
innovation, and Applied Research policy as well as
entrepreneurship & Innovation entrepreneurship at
plan by 2024 Policy by 2022 institutional level with
a minimum of 5 TVET
research projects
per year published in
recommended peer
review Journals

2022: AR&I Policy approved

and formalized

8.1.2 Strengthen the DVCTIDR Quarterly until 2022: Appoint a AR&I

AR&I coordination end of 2023 coordinator at IPRC level
framework at 2023: Foster the creation
institutional level of Research Clusters,
by 2024 Research Groups, and
Research Centers

8.1.3 Develop and VC Quarterly until 2022: Develop and approve

approve long-term end of 2023 Long- term and short-
and short- term DVCTIDR term AR&I institutional
AR& I institutional agenda 2022: Develop
agenda by 2024 and approve annually
the AR&I institutional

Strategic Plan (2019-2024) Version II - 2021 | 35

Five Year Outcomes Activity Responsible Progress Five Year Targets
Party Reporting
8.1.4 Establish and DVCTIDR, Quarterly until 2022: Allocate a budget line
operational the Principals, end of 2023 for internal AR&I funding
internal AR&I
funding scheme 2022:Establish a platform
by 2023 for scanning funding

2022: Mobilize external funds

for AR&I projects
8.1.5 Establish DVCTIDR, By end of 2024
Communication Principals,
and dissemination 2022: Create AR&I portal and
mechanism by a database of AR&I
2024 projects

2024: Conduct a minimum of

five Seminars /Public
lectures and Exhibitions

1.2 Build capacity 8.2.1 Develop and DVCTIDR, Quarterly until 2022: Mechanisms to assess
of TVET staff to approve Rwanda end of 2023 capacity building needs
conduct research, institutional level Polytechnic, developed; Perform
innovation, and capacity building audit of TVET capacities
entrepreneurship by plans by 2023 Deputy utilizing developed
2024 Principal in mechanisms
charge of
Academics 2023: Drafted institutional
and Training capacity building
package based on audit
8.2.2 Conduct staff DVCTIDR, Bi-annually 2022: Develop plan on
capacity building Rwanda until end of improving staff
in research, Polytechnic, 2023 capacity in Applied
innovation, and research, innovation,
entrepreneurship Deputy and entrepreneurship;
at institutional Principal in Assess staff capabilities
level by 2023 charge of
Academics 2023: Approved and
and Training implemented
Capacity Building Plan
Implementation begins
in 100% of IPRCs

1.3 Implement new 8.3.1 Engage the DVCTIDR Bi-annually 2024: Identify 10 AR&I projects
AR&I projects private sector in for commercialization
and engage the development and Institutional
private sector in commercialization Development, 2024: Identify and 50 private
development and of AR&I products Consultancy sector partners for
commercialization by 2023 & Production development and
of AR&I products Division commercialization of
by 2024 AR&I products

8.4.6 Organize a DVCTIDR Annually 2022: Organize a National

National TVET TVET skills competition
skills competiton annually
and Participate in
the Africa Skills 2023: Participate annually in
Competition Africa Skills Competition

36 | Strategic Plan (2019-2024) Version II - 2021

Strategic Area Nine: Partnerships
Strategic Area Nine Partnerships
Strategic Objective To develop partnerships that strengthen synergies to enhance trainees’ and graduates’
Nine opportunities for local, national, regional, and international labor market access.
Justification To ensure that all TVET institutions have effective public-private partnerships and are
supported to function optimally, with special focus on Government of Rwanda Ministries that
have Strategic Plans that emphasize TVET skills training, such as the Ministry of Agriculture
and Animal Resources (MINAGRI)

Five Year Outcomes Activity Responsible Progress Reporting Five Year Targets
Party Timeframe
1.1 Develop, approve, 9.1.1 Develop and RP SPIU Quarterly until end 2022: Technical committee
and implement approve of 2023 established to
a strategy a national identify key
on effective strategy on stakeholders
partnerships with effective
key stakeholders partnerships 2023: Identified
by 2023 with key stakeholders develop
stakeholders national strategy on
by 2023 strategic partnerships
9.1.2 Develop and Principals Quarterly until end 2022: Technical committee
approve an of 2023 established to
institution identify key
level strategy stakeholders
for effective
partnerships 2023: Identified
with key stakeholders
stakeholders develop institutional
by 2023 strategy on strategic
9.1.3 Develop and Principals Quarterly until end 2022: First draft of private
approve a of 2023 sector engagement
private sector plan presented to
engagement technical committee
plan at
institution level 2023: Approve and publish
by 2023 institutional level
private sector
engagement plan
9.1.4 Develop and Principals Quarterly until end 2022: 30 community
approve a of 2023 assessment
community committees created
outreach plan
at institution 2023: Community
level by 2023 committees
develop and publish
institutional level
community outreach
1.2 Establish a 9.2.1 Develop Principals Quarterly until end 2022: 30 community
mechanism for guidelines for of 2023 assessment
improving student institutional committees created
engagement level
with the local community 2023: Community
community that mapping committees develop
results into to identify guidelines for
partnerships by relevant mapping relevant
2024 partnerships partnerships
by 2023

Strategic Plan (2019-2024) Version II - 2021 | 37

Five Year Outcomes Activity Responsible Progress Reporting Five Year Targets
Party Timeframe
9.2.2 Develop Principals Quarterly until end 2022: Create SMS and
resources for of 2023 online web portal
communicating for employment
opportunities opportunities
for local
partnerships 2023: Launch SMS and web
to students portal resources for
(job placement employment
services both
for self-
and wage-
by 2023

9.2.3 Develop Principals Annually 2022: Create, approve and

mechanisms implement local labor
for ensuring market assessment
career mechanism with
guidance private sector
offices are stakeholders; 50
linked into local MoUs signed with
partnership companies
support by
2024 2023: Career guidance
offices sign MoUs
with 150 companies

2024: Career guidance

offices sign MoUs
with 300 companies

1.3 Establish a 9.3.1 Ensure Rwanda DVCTIDR, Quarterly until end 2022: Internal audit of
coordinating Polytechnic of 2023 Rwanda Polytechnic
structure for SPIU is RP SPIU departments
stakeholder operational conducted
engagement by and effectively
2024 coordinates 2023: Rwanda Polytechnic
strategic department identified
partnerships and delegated
by 2023 responsibility for
strategic partnerships

38 | Strategic Plan (2019-2024) Version II - 2021

Five Year Outcomes Activity Responsible Progress Reporting Five Year Targets
Party Timeframe
9.3.2 Ensure plans RP SPIU, Quarterly until end 2022: Development
and activities Planning Unit of 2024 partners and donors
initiated by present activities
development and plans to Rwanda
partners and Polytechnic;
donors align Activities and plans
with those modified to ensure
of Rwanda they are aligned with
Polytechnic by Rwanda Polytechnic
2024 and

2023: 50% of activities

approved by
partners, donors, and
Rwanda Polytechnic

2024: 100% of activities

approved by
partners, donors, and
Rwanda Polytechnic
9.3.4 Ensure Principals Quarterly until end 2020: Institutions without
institutional of 2023 career centers
level offices identified; all career
(career guidance officers
guidance trained
centers) in
charge of 2023: 8 IPRC guidance
coordinating centers established
and student
are effectively
staffing by
9.3.5 Identify, map, DVCTIDR Annually 2022: Pilot first company
and update registry for student
registry of exposure and 25%
companies to of all RP institutions
host students have industrial
as well as exposure programs
trainers for for students and
industrial trainers
(located 2023: 75% of all RP
in career institutions have
guidance industrial exposure
centers) by programs for
2024 students and trainers

2024: 100% of all RP

institutions have
industrial exposure
programs for
students and trainers

Strategic Plan (2019-2024) Version II - 2021 | 39

Strategic Area Ten: Management Information and Statistics
Strategic Area Ten Management Information and Statistics
Strategic Objective Ten To provide management information and statistics on TVET performance on an
annual basis
Justification The provision of reliable statistical information report is dependent on a
reliable management information system being in place (including hardware
and instruments for collecting data); as well as trained personnel with sufficient
skills to use these systems effectively. As a result of these investments, it will
be possible to ensure the provision of statistical information (reporting) on the
performance of the TVET system for effective policy and planning.

Five Year Outcomes Activity Responsible Progress Five Year Targets

Party Reporting
1.1 Design and 10.1.1 Ensure regular Rwanda Bi-annually 2022: ICT system budget developed
approve a maintenance Polytechnic until end of and approved
management and update Digital Content 2024
information of the ICT and Connectivity 2023: ICT system budget reviewed
system for TVET system by Division, and updated
institutions by 2024 Principals, School
2024: ICT system budget reviewed
2024 Managers
and updated annually

10.1.2 Design and Rwanda Bi-annually 2019: Form working group of ICT
approve Polytechnic staff to review existing MIS
instruments Digital Content system
for data and Connectivity
capture Division 2020: Develop plans and budget to
and output improve existing MIS system
reports by
2021: Plan and budget approved to
begin implementation; Data
output report templates

2022: MIS system undergoes 80%

improvement; all data reports

2023: MIS system improved at 90%

40 | Strategic Plan (2019-2024) Version II - 2021

Five Year Outcomes Activity Responsible Progress Five Year Targets
Party Reporting
10.1.3 Develop and Rwanda Annually 2019: Identify appropriate
approve M&E Polytechnic stakeholders for M&E
framework Digital Content working group
for effective and Connectivity
implementa- Division 2020: Review existing M&E
tion of over- guidelines at secondary level
sight of the and IPRCs
TVET system
2021: Update M&E guidelines and
by 2024
submit for approval

2022: 70% of secondary level

schools receive updated
M&E standards; 80% of
IPRCs received updated M&E

2023: 80% of secondary level

schools receive updated
M&E standards; 90% of
IPRCs received updated M&E

2024: 90% of secondary level

schools receive updated
M&E standards; 100% of
IPRCs received updated M&E
1.2 Design and 10.2.1 Design and DVCTIDR, Bi-annually 2019: Develop plan and workshop
approve a approve a Rwanda until end of sessions on improving
reliable capacity capacity Polytechnic 2022 capacity for TVET staff
building and building Digital Content responsible for ICT systems
support system program for and Connectivity
for TVET staff TVET staff Division 2020: 34% of all TVET staff in
responsible of responsible ICT division attend capacity
the ICT system of the ICT building workshops
by 2023 system by
2021: 67% of all TVET staff in ICT
division attend capacity
building workshops

2022: 100% of all TVET staff in

ICT division attend capacity
building workshops

Strategic Plan (2019-2024) Version II - 2021 | 41

Five Year Outcomes Activity Responsible Progress Five Year Targets
Party Reporting
10.2.2 Design and DVCTIDR, Annually 2019: Working group of five
approve Rwanda individuals identified to
a support Polytechnic conduct focus group on
program for Digital Content improving staff support
TVET staff by and Connectivity
2023 Division 2020: Support program plan
designed based on focus
group results and

2021: Support program approved

and budgeted

2022: 50% of all TVET staff in ICT

division enrolled in support

2023: 100% of all TVET staff in ICT

division enrolled in support
1.3 Development 10.3.1 Strengthen/ Connectivity Annually 2021: Platforms developed and
of ICT upgrade the already Division approved
infrastructure existing platforms
by 2024 10.3.2 Build the Connectivity Annually 2022: staff capacity in e-learning &
staff capacity Division blended learning conducted
in e-learning &
blended learning
and other
platforms to be
able to provide
services online
10.3.3 Increase Connectivity Annually 2021: Needs assessment conducted
ICT infrastructure Division
(internet 2022: ICT Infrastructure developed
connectivity, at 50%
the number of
2023: ICT Infrastructure (internet
classrooms or
connectivity, the number
lecture rooms that
of classrooms or lecture
are equipped with
rooms that are equipped
E-learning facilities,
with E-learning facilities )
etc by 2022
developed at 100%

10.3.4 Increase Wi- Connectivity Annually 2022: Wi-Fi coverage across all
Fi coverage across Division IPRC campuses increased
all IPRC campuses
by 2022
10.3.5 High speed Connectivity Annually 2023: High speed internet access
internet access in Division in computer labs and other
computer labs and essential areas availed in all
other essential IPRCs
areas in the campus
for teaching and
learning purposes
by 2023

42 | Strategic Plan (2019-2024) Version II - 2021

Five Year Outcomes Activity Responsible Progress Five Year Targets
Party Reporting
1.4.6 Build ICT Connectivity Annually 2024: ICT solutions that are
solutions that are Division responsive to the needs of
responsive to the research and innovations built
needs of research
and innovations
across all IPRCs
(AR & I portal/
database..) by 2024
1.4 Set a road map 10.4.1. Set a road Connectivity Annually 2024: ICT solutions that are
for digitization map for digitization Division responsive to the needs of
of some of of some of the research and innovations built
the courses/ courses/modules
modules to to as we embark
embark on on easing remote
easing remote learning and self-
learning and learning by 2022
10.4.2. Set a Connectivity Annually 2023: Road map set for providing
road map for Division most of the services online
providing most
of the services
online (students’
students’ clearance,
digital libraries,
of lecturers
by students,
tracer surveys,
subscription to
various online
resources) by 2023
1.5 Enhance access 10.5.1 Develop and Rwanda Annually 2022: Review existing institutional
to quality approve a Polytechnic level management reports
and reliable format for Digital Content
information by institutional and Connectivity 2023: Develop, approve updated
2024 level Division templates and distributed
2024: 100% of institutional level
reports by
reports submitted with new
10.5.2 Develop, Principals, School Bi-annually 2022: Develop, approve reporting
approve Managers template, published, and
and publish disseminated to all RP
bi-annual institutions
on TVET 2023: 50% of all RP institutions
statistics produce bi-annual reports on
(enrolments, TVET statistics
2024: 100% of all RP institutions
produce bi-annual reports on
resources) by
TVET statistics

Strategic Plan (2019-2024) Version II - 2021 | 43

Five Year Outcomes Activity Responsible Progress Five Year Targets
Party Reporting
10.5.3 Develop, Rwanda Annually 2022: Public relations office reviews
approve and Polytechnic existing reports, identifies
publish An- Public Relations improvements, Collect
nual Reports Office success stories, relevant
on TVET data, and impact reports of
statistics and effectiveness
by 2024 2023: Utilize collected information
to create pilot annual report
template, Annual report
template approved; First
TVET annual report published

2024: Second annual report

published for regional
distribution and online, Third
annual report published for
regional distribution and
10.5.4 Develop, Principals, School Annually 2022: IPRCs review existing student
approve Managers reporting procedures
and publish
reports on 2023: Reporting templates
student approved and implemented
results by and 80% of IPRCs schools
2024 report student results
utilizing new templates

2024: 100% of IPRCs schools

report student results
utilizing new templates

Strategic Area Eleven: Perception of TVET

Strategic Area Eleven Perception of TVET

Strategic Objective Eleven To improve the public perception of TVET

Justification There is a low public perception of the TVET sector as a preferred option for youth
education. This is true for both parents as well as the private sector. We need to improve
this perception.

Five Year Activity Responsible Progress Five Year Targets

Outcomes Party Reporting
1.1 Conduct 11.1.1 Develop and VC Office Quarterly 2022: Public relations office creates
community approve plans until end of national community awareness
awareness for national 2023 campaign plans
campaigns level community
by 2022 awareness 2023: Communication strategy for
campaigns by 2023 community awareness reviewed
and approved

44 | Strategic Plan (2019-2024) Version II - 2021

Five Year Activity Responsible Progress Five Year Targets
Outcomes Party Reporting
11.1.2 Develop and VC office Quarterly 2022: Public relations office creates
approve plans until end of institutional community
for institution 2023 awareness campaign plans
level community
awareness 2023: Communication strategy
campaigns by 2023 for institutional community
awareness reviewed and
11.1.3 Conduct annual VC Office Bi-annually 2022: Public relations office creates
community 30 community assessment
awareness committees and
campaigns at
national level by 2023: Communication strategy for
2024 community awareness developed

2024: Communication strategy

approved and materials created
for distribution
11.1.4 Conduct bi-annual VC Office Bi-annually 2022: Public relations office creates
community 30 community assessment
awareness committees and Community
campaigns at committees develop community
institution level by awareness campaigns strategy
2023: Communication strategy
approved and materials created
for distribution; Pilot 5 regional
bi-annual events

2024: Bi-annual community events

launched in 70% of all provinces
11.1.5 Review and VC Office By end 2023 2022: Review and approve Outreach &
approve Outreach Extension Services Policy
& Extension
Services Policy by 2023: Outreach & Extension Services
2023 Policy implemented in all IPRCs

1.2 Implement 11.2.1 Implement the VC Office Annually 2022: Public relations office develops
public public awareness institutional level marketing
awareness and promotion plan and Public relations team
and strategy through implements approved marketing
promotion various campaigns plan, awareness campaigns, and
strategy by and events, such as distributes materials
2024 TVET expositions,
symposiums, skills 2023: Public awareness and promotion
competitions, strategy evident in 5 national
provide best events and 20 district events
2024: Public awareness and promotion
awards, annual
strategy evident in 9 national
open days to visits
events and 30 district events
to surrounding
schools, etc. by

Strategic Plan (2019-2024) Version II - 2021 | 45

Five Year Activity Responsible Progress Five Year Targets
Outcomes Party Reporting
11.2.2 Organize events VC Office Quarterly 2022: Public relations office designs
to promote TVETs promotion and awareness
such as TVET
expositions, 2023: TVET promotion and awareness
symposiums, skills campaigns implemented
2024: 5 national events organized; 20
forums with
district events
stakeholders, and
awarding best
performing TVET
graduates by 2024
11.2.3 Organize annual VC Office Annually 2022: Delegate responsibility to
open days at appropriate Rwanda Polytechnic
institution level by department
2023: First annual open days
programming operates at
institutional level

1.3 Publicize 11.3.1 Establish annual VC Office Annually 2022: Public relations office develops
success publication plans national publication template
stories of for success
TVET by stories on TVET 2023: National publication template
2024 institutions, approved and piloted in 5 districts
graduates, and
2024: National publication distributed
students by 2024
in 30 districts and published
11.3.2 Implement VC Office Annually 2022: Public relations office develops
identification and institutional publication template
publication on
success stories of 2023: Institutional publication
TVET institutions, distributed in 15 districts and
graduates, and published online
students by 2024
2024: Institutional publication
distributed in 30 districts and
published online
11.3.3 Publish TVET VC Office Annually 2022: Develop TVET career guidance
related careers standards and expectations
and pathways by
2024 2023: TVET labor market and career
information compiled in 25
districts for dissemination

2024: TVET labor market and career

information compiled in 30
districts for dissemination

46 | Strategic Plan (2019-2024) Version II - 2021

Five Year Activity Responsible Progress Five Year Targets
Outcomes Party Reporting
11.3.4 Design and arrange VC Office Annually 2022: All institutions to be informed
annual career fairs to organize annual career fairs
at all institutions and Institutions delegate
by 2024 responsibilities to internal staff
members and receive guidelines
from public relations department

2023: 75% of all institutions have annual

career fairs

2024: 100% of all institutions have

annual career fairs
1.4 Develop and 11.4.1 Develop and VC Office Annually 2022: Gender mainstreaming strategy
implement publicize an developed; Public relations office
and improved creates awareness campaign for
improved awareness and young women
social access program
inclusion for young women 2023: Gender mainstreaming strategy
program by by 2023 approved; Public relations
2024 department conducts awareness
11.4.2 Develop and VC Office Annually 2022: Review current policy and
publicize an standards of enrolment of youth
improved with disabilities
awareness and
access program 2023: Update policy and standards on
for youth with access for youth with disabilities
disabilities by
2024: 20% increase enrolment of youth
with disabilities
11.4.3 Improve capacity DVCTIDR Annually 2022: Assess capacity of TVET
of TVET institutions and teachers to
institutions deliver instruction to youth
and teachers to with disabilities and Develop a
accommodate framework for TVET instruction
youth with for people with special needs
disability and
special needs by 2023: Framework for TVET instruction
2024 for people with special needs
implemented and Trainers
capacity to deliver instruction for
special needs students increased
by 15%

2024: Trainers capacity to deliver

instruction for special needs
students increased by 20%

Strategic Plan (2019-2024) Version II - 2021 | 47

Five Year Activity Responsible Progress Five Year Targets
Outcomes Party Reporting
1.5 Ensure 11.5.1 Develop national VC Office Annually 2022: Public relations office
improved relationships identifies most prominent
Regional with regional and relationships to engage with
and African African partners and Message 15 countries in
linkages by by 2024 Africa on participating in TVET
2024 conferences; Secure participation
in 5 countries

2023: Message 30 countries in

Africa on participating in TVET
conferences; Secure participation
in 20 countries

2024: Message 35 countries in

Africa on participating in TVET
conferences; Secure participation
in 25 countries
11.5.2 Apply for VC Office Annually 2022: Working group created to
membership review curricula; working group
of regional and develops tools and guidelines
international for accreditation of curricula and
accreditation Tools and guidelines approved
bodies by 2024 for curricula inspection and

2023: 80% of all updated curricula

accredited regionally and

2024: 100% of all updated curricula

accredited regionally and
11.5.3 Benchmarked VC Office Annually 2022: Working group created to
programs with benchmark programs
regional and
international TVET 2023: 80% of all programs
institutions by benchmarked regionally and
2024 internationally

2024: 100% of all programs

benchmarked regionally and
1.6 Develop 11.6.1 Develop improved VC Office Bi-annually 2022: First draft of private sector
improved linkages with engagement plan presented to
linkages private sector technical committee, Approve and
with private stakeholders by publish institutional level private
sector 2024 sector engagement plan
ers by 2024 2023: 15 new private sector stakeholder
relationships created

2024: 20 new private sector stakeholder

relationships created

48 | Strategic Plan (2019-2024) Version II - 2021

Five Year Activity Responsible Progress Five Year Targets
Outcomes Party Reporting
1.7 Develop im- 11.7.1 Develop improved VC Office Bi-annually 2022: Create local labor market
proved link- linkages with assessment mechanism with
ages with community private sector stakeholders; 50
community stakeholders by MoUs signed with companies
stakehold- 2024
ers by 2024 2021: Career guidance offices sign
MoUs with 150 companies

2024: Career guidance offices sign

MoUs with 250 companies

Strategic Area Twelve: Access

Strategic Area Twelve Access
Strategic Objective Twelve To increase equitable and inclusive access
Justification The provision of equitable access to relevant, quality education is a central tenant of
the education sector.

Five Year Activity Responsible Progress Five Year Targets

Outcomes Party Reporting
1.1 To create a · 12.1.1 Rwanda Annually 2022: Establishing working group
conducive Develop and Polytechnic, to conduct focus groups on
learning implement IPRCs, accessibility of IPRCs and
environment a plan for Working group develops plan on
for all by improving improving accessibility based on
2024 accessibility focus group results
for all IPRCs
by 2024 2023: Plan on improving accessibility
approved and implementation
begins and Accessibility in IPRCs
increased by 8% (based on
enrollment rates)

2024: Accessibility in TVET institutions

increased by 10% (based on
enrollment rates)

12.1.2 Appoint and train DVCTIDR Bi-annually 2022: Career guidance personnel
career guidance position established in all RP
personnel for all institutions
schools to ensure
that students, 2023: 100% of all RP institutions
especially female, employ career guidance staff
are aware of
TVET options and
career paths by

Strategic Plan (2019-2024) Version II - 2021 | 49

Five Year Activity Responsible Progress Five Year Targets
Outcomes Party Reporting
1.2 To increase 12.2.1 Develop and Rwanda Quarterly 2022: Gender mainstreaming strategy
the number implement Polytechnic, until end of developed; Public relations office
of female an improved IPRCs, 2020 develops awareness campaign for
students awareness young women
enrolled program to attract
in TVET more female 2023: Gender mainstreaming strategy
programs by students in TVET approved; Public relations
2024 by 2023 department conducts awareness
1.3 Increase 12.3.1 Develop and Rwanda Annually 2022: Social inclusion and disability
the number implement Polytechnic, guidelines and policies updated
of students an improved IPRCs, TVET and Public relations office utilizes
with awareness Schools updated guidelines to develop
disability program to attract awareness campaign
enrolled more students
in TVET with disabilities 2023: Awareness campaign approved
programs by by 2024 and disseminated to all RP
2024 institutions

2024: Awareness campaign aids in rise

in enrollment rate of students
with disability by 10%
1.4 Develop a 12.4.1 Review and adapt Rwanda Quarterly 2022: Review existing policies on
policy on the existing Polytechnic, until end of gender inclusion in TVET
gender and policies on gender GMO, NCPD 2023 institutions to identify gaps
inclusion by and inclusion in
2024 TVET by 2023 2023: Policies updated and
disseminated to all RP
12.4.2 Mainstream Rwanda Annually 2022: Review existing policies on
gender and Polytechnic, gender inclusion in TVET
inclusion in GMO, NCPD institutions to identify gaps
curricula and all within curricula and Submit plan
levels of TVET by on improving curricula to reflect
2024 updated gender and inclusion

2023: 50% of all curricula updated

to reflect gender and inclusion

2024: 100% of all curricula updated

to reflect gender and inclusion
1.5 Having 12.5.1 Set target Planning Unit Annual 2022: RP targets aligned to national
realistic enrolment growth targets
growth in rates annually
line with the (per College
academic/ and possibly
training per program)
vision and Enrolment plans
national versus the future
targets by shape of Rwanda
2024 Polytechnic
Colleges by 2022

50 | Strategic Plan (2019-2024) Version II - 2021

Five Year Activity Responsible Progress Five Year Targets
Outcomes Party Reporting
15.1.2 Develop, approve Principals, Annual 2021: RP & IPRC Expansion Plans
and implement Planning Unit, available
IPRC’s Expansion
plans in terms of
to cater for the
enrolment growth
rates at various
levels by 2023

15.1.3 Introduce B-TECH DVC TIDT Annual 2022: B-TECH and M-TECH introduced
and M-TECH to in IPRCs
allow vertical
mobility of IPRCs’
brilliant graduates
by 2024

Strategic Area Thirteen: e-Learning

Strategic Area Thirteen e-Learning

Strategic Objective To develop, maintain and update ICT training facilities to allow e-learning in all RP colleges
Justification Rwanda Polytechnic will respond to the changing needs of e-learning, blended learning and
online teaching and learning support services to equip students with competencies and attri-
butes required to successfully progress in the world of work.

Parts of TVET programmes can be made digital and offered online, integrated with face-to-
face learning on hybrid or blended learning scenarios. Thus, digital education is available
during any future disruptions, and also significantly contributes to improved capacity in TVET

Five Year Activity Responsible Progress Five Year Targets

Outcomes Party Reporting

13. 1 Develop 13.1.1 Develop and Customize “Organ” Quarterly 2022: Customized user
eLearning Moodle eLearning eLearning interfaces of the
systems platform user interface development eLearning Platform for
for each IPRC and team and each IPRC
integrate tools based on elearning
international standards champion 2023: Acquire and Integrate
and definitions. from each eLearning tools including
college / Proctoring solution,
facilities e-Portfolio, and Anti-
teams Plagiarism.

2024: Implement a single

sign-on for users of RP
13.1.2 Establish the management DVCTDIR Annually 2022: Train administrators,
team and unified user managers and user
support system that support staff to handle
handles the needs of technical aspects and
eLearning users at RP support.

Strategic Plan (2019-2024) Version II - 2021 | 51

Five Year Activity Responsible Progress Five Year Targets
Outcomes Party Reporting

13.2 Developing 13.2 1 Develop and acquire DVCTIDR/ Annually 2022: Update curricula with
locally locally relevant digital Digital private sector and DP
relevant content, aligned with the Content and collaboration and identify
blended- curriculum Connectivity/ emerging priority areas
learning RP
curricula 2023: Introduce multibranch
that results videos, Unity for virtual
in CBT/CBA 3D environments, virtual
reality, open-source
authoring tools (H5P),
gamification elements

13.2.2 Establish a quality DVCTDIR Annually 2022: Conduct an annual

assurance process aligned review of courses with
with CBT/CBA Curriculum development
division to ensure the
effectiveness of blended
learning courses and
evaluate competency
based outcomes

13.2.3 Implement learning eLearning Quarterly 2022: Apply learning analytics

analytics tools in Coordination for the evaluation of
compliance with team blended learning courses
international standards
to monitor student
engagement and learning

13.3 Establish the 13.3.1 Identify the location, RP Council; Annually 2022: Define mission/vision
RP central related equipment, statement and create an
eLearning and personnel for the DVCTIDR organizational chart for
organ establishment of a central the eLearning centre/
eLearning organ at RP organ.
-Create specification for the
center, covering space
needed, personnel,
supporting equipment and
related infrastructure (eg..
internet broadband) in or
near the RTTI

2022: Update the existing

capacity building Plans to
include digital education
comprehension and

13.3.2 Develop and implement DVCTIDR Annually 2021: eLearning Policy

the eLearning policy developed and approved

2022: ICT policy approved and


52 | Strategic Plan (2019-2024) Version II - 2021

Five Year Activity Responsible Progress Five Year Targets
Outcomes Party Reporting

13.3.3 Conduct research on eLearning Annually Coordinate with the division

relevant emerging Coordination of digital content and
technologies team/Digital connectivity and the DVC-
Content and TDIR to liaise with the
connectivity industry and development
Division partners (UNESCO and
World Bank) to track
emerging technologies
relevant to digital
13.4 Providing 13.4.1 Provide internet IPRCS, Annually 2024: Provide internet
adequate bandwidth in every college Institutional bandwidth in every college
bandwidth/ with minimum capacity of Develop- with minimum capacity of
internet 2Mbps per user in 2024. ment, Applied 2Mbps per user in 2024.
connectivity Research,
and internet Consultancy
capable & Production
devices Coordination
at each Division
campus 13.4.2 Develop Infrastructure IPRCS, Annually 2023: Identify potential
and related for internet connectivity partners / funding for
facilities on an individual basis by smartphone and laptop
students, faculty, and donations to enable student
staff access
13.4.3 Establish an eLearning IPRCS, Annually 2023: Establish or Upgrade ICT
organ (ICT Lab/smart Labs and or Smart classrooms
classroom) at each college as needed for eLearning
13.4.4 Determine appropriate Digital Annually 2022: Identify the best cost-
hosting solutions for the content and effective hosting solutions
RP eLearning platform Connectivity that also comply with GoR Data
and content. Division Privacy and security
13.5 Proactive 13.5.1 Establish individual IPRCS, Annually 2022: eLearning Focal persons/
develop- campus-based eLearning Coordinators at each
ment of coordinators for the college
inclusive ed- implementation of policy
ucation with goals and strategic
supported objectives
eLearning 13.5.2 Train all teaching staff DVCTDIR, Quarterly 2022: Trained eLearning
Systems and students on use of eLearning Champions to train
for disad- eLearning platforms and Coordination teaching staff at all IPRCs
vantaged related project-based team- / -
students by and student-centred
2023 pedagogy for achieving IPRCs, RP
Trainer of Annual:-Orientation/ Induction
CBT/CBA learning
Trainers, weeks for students about
eLearning Platforms
13.5.3 Establish an incentive DVCTIDR, Annually 2022: Modify workload
framework and usage IPRCs requirements to
guidelines for students accommodate eLearning
and teaching staff. responsibilities

2022: Create a rewarding

system for teachers,
students and staff for
outstanding achievements

Strategic Plan (2019-2024) Version II - 2021 | 53

Five Year Activity Responsible Progress Five Year Targets
Outcomes Party Reporting

13.6 Ensuring 13.6.1 Establish appropriate DVCAF Annually 2021: Modify RP annual
sustainabil- government budgetary budget to accommodate
ity of the support and coordination eLearning development
policy goals with other government
supported ICT projects
13.6.2 Coordinate development DVCTIDR Quarterly 2022: Point focal persons to
partner projects that liaise with Development
support eLearning partners eLearning
development Projects

13.6.3 Review and update the DVCTIDR Annually 2024: Identify a team to review
policy and action plan on and update the action plan
annual basis on annual basis

Strategic Area Fourteen: Financial Resources Mobilization

Strategic Area Fourteen Financial Resources Mobilization
Strategic Objective Fourteen To develop and implement financial resources mobilization strategies

Justification The key mandate for Rwanda Polytechnic is increase access, quality and relevancy
for all public Higher TVET learning institutions across the country. Considering
that TVET is very expensive, this section will describe some important and
relevant strategies to mobilize funds for effective implementation of TVET

Five Year Activity Responsible Progress Five Year Targets

Outcomes Party Reporting

14. 1 Rwanda 14.1.1 Review, harmonize and DVC-AF Quarterly 2022: Technical meeting to
Polytechnic validate RP-IPRC Training review and update the RP-
Financing Unit costs by program IPRC Training Unit costs by
Model program organized
2022: RP-IPRC Training Unit
costs by program

2022: The revised and validated

Training Unit costs by
program submitted to
for final approval

54 | Strategic Plan (2019-2024) Version II - 2021

Five Year Activity Responsible Progress Five Year Targets
Outcomes Party Reporting

14.1.2 Introduce a TVET training DVC-AF Quarterly 2022: Make detailed proposal
levy for TVET Training levy.

2022: Organize a high level

meeting with other
stakeholders on detailed
proposal for TVET Training

2023: Submit the proposal for

TVET Training levy to
MINECOFIN and Cabinet
for review and approval

14.1.3 Organize stakeholders’ DVC-AF Twice a year 2022: Develop RP resource

consultation meetings mobilization tool
for financial resources comprising all priorities
mobilization and related costs for the
next 3 years ( 3-Years
Costed Joint RP-DPs Plan).

2023: Two consultation

meetings for financial
resources mobilization

2024: Two consultation

meetings for financial
resources mobilization

14.2 RP Business 14.2 1 Develop proposal for DVC-AF Annually 2021: RP private Company
Private RP Private company proposal Developed
company operational

14.2.2 Develop and Submit DVC-AF Annually 2022: The cabinet paper for
the cabinet paper to RP RP private company
private company Developed and Submitted

14.243 Operationalize RP DVC-AF Quarterly 202: RP Private company

Private Company operationalized

Strategic Plan (2019-2024) Version II - 2021 | 55

Part C:
Beyond the Strategic
Planning Process
1. National Budgeting and Operational Planning Process
The National Strategic Planning Process that results in the development of a Rwanda
Polytechnic Strategic Plan for the period 2021 – 2024 is the first part of a Strategic,
Budgeting, and Operational Planning Process. The Strategic Plan will be a useful base for
Rwanda Polytechnic complete these other planning elements which include:
• Develop a Rwanda Polytechnic Priorities Matrix
• A 3-Year Budget that aligns to the National Strategic Plan ( To be done by
Independent consultant )
• An M&E Framework to track results
• An Annual One-Year Operational or Implementation Plan
• An Annual One-Year Budget
• An Annual One-Year Reporting Framework.

2. Rwanda Polytechnic Priorities Matrix

The first step that Rwanda Polytechnic needs to undertake, is to review the Strategic Plan
and identify priorities for the immediate future. This will help focus the further thinking
and planning efforts of Rwanda Polytechnic.

56 | Strategic Plan (2019-2024) Version II - 2021

3. The IPRC / RTTI Strategic, Operational and Budgeting Process
The Rwanda Polytechnic Strategic Plan will inform additional key planning activities that
the IPRCs and RTTI will need to conduct. Their planning should result in the following
planning processes and documents:
• A 3-Year Strategic Plan
• An Annual One-Year Operational or Implementation Plan
• An Annual One-Year Budget

4. Rwanda Polytechnic Next Steps

Once Rwanda Polytechnic has developed priorities for year one (2022-23) for the revised
SP, it will be important for Rwanda Polytechnic to communicate these to stakeholders and
supportive Development Partners. The following templates will be useful as part of this
• Roles and Responsibilities of Partners and Stakeholders - Stakeholder
Considerations Template
• Coordination and Information Sharing - Project Communication Plan

Strategic Plan (2019-2024) Version II - 2021 | 57

5. Annexes
5.1: References
5.3: Useful Resources for Planning Implementation
5.4: Resource Considerations and costed plan. Towards a 3-Year Budget (To
be done by an Independent consultant)

58 | Strategic Plan (2019-2024) Version II - 2021

5.1: References:
7 Years Government Programme: National Strategy forTransformation
(NST 1) 2017 – 2024, Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning
(MINECOFIN) (2017).
Concept Note from Rwanda Polytechnic. Concept Note for
Development of Rwanda Polytechnic Strategic Plan (2019-2024).
Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy II 2013-
2018, Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning (MINECOFIN) (2013).
Education Sector Strategic Plan: 2018/19 to 2023/24., Ministry of
Education (MINEDUC) (2018). Final Draft (2019).
Republic of Rwanda Ministry of Education (MINEDUC). (2017).
LAW N° 22/2017 Of 30/05/2017 Establishing Rwanda Polytechnic
Higher Learning Institution and Determining its Mission, Powers,
Organisation and Functioning (pp. 24-57, Rep. No. Official Gazette nº
23 of 05/06/2017). Kigali, Rwanda: MINEDUC.
Rwanda Vision 2020: Revised 2012, Ministry of Finance and Economic
Planning (MINECOFIN) (2012).
TVET Policy, Ministry of Education (MINEDUC) (2015).

Strategic Plan (2019-2024) Version II - 2021 | 59

5.3: Useful Resources for Planning Implementation

These documents are provided:

1. Roles and Responsibilities of Partners and Stakeholders - Stakeholder
Considerations Template
2. Coordination and Information Sharing - Project Communication Plan

1. Roles and Responsibilities of Partners and Stakeholders

Stakeholder Considerations Template

Perceived attitudes and/or

Stakeholder Role of Stakeholder Responsibility of Stakeholder
e.g. Project Board Project completed in time, Overall direction, support May not take an active role in
in budget and to specified and decision making when project, lack of responsibility
quality standard necessary

2. Coordination and Information Sharing

Project Communication Plan Template
Identify the Communication Date(s)/frequency of Who will be Costs (where
stakeholders who Activity or communication responsible applicable)
should receive Format for this
communication. communication?
e.g. Project Board Project Board Monthly Project Board &
Meetings At key stages of project Project Manager
Progress Project Manager

60 | Strategic Plan (2019-2024) Version II - 2021

5.4: Resource Considerations. Towards a Three-Year

As discussed in Part C: Beyond the Strategic Planning Process - #1. A National Budgeting
and Operational Planning Process, the National Strategic Planning Process that results in
the development of a Rwanda Polytechnic Strategic Plan for the period 2022 – 2024 is the
first part of a Strategic, Budgeting, and Operational Planning Process.
The Strategic Plan will be a useful base for Rwanda Polytechnic complete these other
planning elements which includes A Five-Year Budget that aligns to the National Strategic
The process of developing a Five-Year Budget will involve the Office of the Deputy Vice
Chancellor in Charge of Administration and Finance working with the line items from the
Strategic Plan, and developing Annual and Five-Year Budgets. This process is necessary
but will take some time.
In order to provide some suggestions and templates towards this, the budgets from
Rwanda Polytechnic Resources were examined:
• ESSP 3: 6.2.2. Scenario 2 (pragmatic): Most new initiatives implemented
at half the rate of expansion. Table 19: Summary of costing, allocations
and financing gap under Scenario 2
• TVET Key Priorities 2022-23 with Budget (Supplied by Rwanda

ESSP provides an indication of Annual Budgets for TVET. These are reflected at the top of
the column for each Financial Year.
TVET Key Priorities provides line items for Activities aligned to ESSP Priorities. These Line
Items and the Annual budget are used to project a five-year total per line (with no increase),
and then used to calculate annual amounts per line item. The increase per financial year
aligns with the increase shown per year in the ESSP budget.
The templates are designed to give Rwanda Polytechnic a starting point for developing
a five-year budget. The format of the template might be realigned to meet Rwanda
Polytechnic Priorities as per the Rwanda Polytechnic Priorities Matrix

Strategic Plan (2019-2024) Version II - 2021 | 61

Detailed breakdown of contribution by year, category and by Donor, Partners, and Agency

Cost in Rwanda Francs

Fiscal year 1 Fiscal year 2 Fiscal year 3 Fiscal year 4 Fiscal year 5
Rwanda Devel- Pri- Rwanda Devel- Rwanda Devel- Rwanda Devel- Rwanda Devel-
Polytech- opment vate Polytech- opment Private Poly- opment Private Polytech- opment Private Poly- opment Private
nic Partners Sector nic Partners Sector technic Partners Sector nic Partners Sector technic Partners Sector

Human Re-

62 | Strategic Plan (2019-2024) Version II - 2021






(+250) 791 447 408
P.O. Box: 164 Kigali, Rwanda

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