Digital Production Standards Manual
Digital Production Standards Manual
Digital Production Standards Manual
Document type
June 2015
Revision 2.0
Date 10/06/2015
Made by Evolve
Checked by Andrew Collingbourne
Approved by Graham H Stewart
Description Tier 1 digital production compliance requirements for
all modelling & draughting software
Ref [xxxxx]
60 Newman Street
London W1T 3DA
United Kingdom
T +44 (0)20 7631 5291
F +44 (0)20 7323 4645
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Purpose 2
1.2 Application 2
1.3 Objectives 3
1.4 Definitions and Abbreviations 3
1.4.1 Definitions 3
1.4.2 Abbreviations 3
1.5 References 3
2. Project Folders 4
2.1 Common Data Environment 4
2.2 New projects 4
2.3 BIM Folder structure 5
2.4 01-WIP Discipline Folders 6
2.5 02-Shared 7
2.6 03-Published 7
2.7 04-Archived 7
2.8 05-Incoming 8
2.9 06-Resources 8
3. Incoming Data 9
3.1 Incoming Procedures 9
3.2 Incoming Drawings (PDF) Procedure 9
3.3 Incoming Model Procedure 10
3.4 Editing & Using Incoming Data 11
3.4.1 Incoming data as a background 11
3.4.2 Ordnance Survey information 11
4. Work In Progress: Models 12
4.1 Modelling Strategy 13
4.1.1 Data segregation 13
5. Work In Progress: Standards 14
5.1 Templates 14
5.1.1 Units 14
5.1.2 Levels 14
5.2 Project location and orientation 15
5.3 Model File Naming 16
5.4 Layer Standards 17
5.5 Line Styles 18
5.5.1 Line thicknesses 18
5.6 Colours 18
5.7 Annotation 19
5.7.1 Text 19
5.7.2 Dimensions 20
5.8 Ramboll Company Content (UK only) 21
5.8.1 Symbols 21
5.9 Project-specific Content 21
5.10 Content naming 22
6. Work In Progress: Output 23
6.1 Views 23
6.1.1 Differences to the Ramboll Company Standard 23
7. Work In Progress: Drawings 24
7.1 Drawing Composition 24
7.2 Templates 24
7.3 Drawing Borders 25
7.4 Drawing border location and orientation 26
7.5 Drawing File Naming 27
7.6 Title Blocks 28
7.6.1 Notes 28
7.6.2 Revision Bar 28
7.6.3 Status 28
7.6.4 Project Title 28
7.6.5 Office Details 29
7.6.6 Drawing Titles 29
7.6.7 Scale, Date and Drawn 29
7.6.8 Drawing Number and Revision 29
7.7 Drawing Scales 30
7.8 Discipline-specific Drawing Notes 30
7.9 Revisions & Status Codes 31
7.10 Sketches 32
8. Issuing Data 33
8.1 Printing 34
8.2 Preparing Information for Release 35
8.2.1 Drawing Preparation 35
8.2.2 Drawing Checks and Approvals 35
8.2.3 2D Model Checks and Validations 35
8.2.4 3D Models 36
8.3 Archive 37
8.3.1 Contents of archive ZIP file 37
8.3.2 Archive requirements 38
8.4 Issuing to Shared 39
8.5 Issuing to Published 40
Appendix A
Allowable Discipline Codes
Appendix B
Floor / Section Codes
Appendix C
File Type Codes
Appendix D
Standard Layers
Appendix E
Drawing Sequential Numbering
Appendix F
Presentation Codes
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As the UK moves towards Building Information Modelling, digital information is becoming a more
important characteristic of project delivery.
“Essentially the UK Government has embarked with industry on a four year programme for sector
modernisation with the key objective of: reducing capital cost and the carbon burden from the
construction and operation of the built environment by 20%. Central to these ambitions is the
adoption of information rich Building Information Modelling (BIM) technologies, process and
collaborative behaviours that will unlock new more efficient ways of working at all stages of the
project life-cycle.”
To deliver against this increasing requirement for standardised data and British Standards
compliance, it is critical that Ramboll digital information is clear, consistent and unambiguous.
The Digital Production Standards have been developed to establish a common protocol for all
Ramboll projects, those employing BIM processes and techniques and all others regardless of
office, discipline or software.
The Digital Production Standards Manual has been developed from existing company standards
and industry best practice. It represents a structured approach to project data production that
ensures Ramboll remains at the forefront of excellence in all aspects of design.
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1.1 Purpose
To define the use of digital production technology (BIM & CAD) to enable the company to benefit
both in terms of drawing production efficiency and in terms of management and exchange of
To standardise the information contained in project files which may be common to more than one
engineering discipline such as drawing borders, title boxes, grid lines, levels, line styles and the
use of Ordnance Survey co-ordinate geometry.
1.2 Application
These digital production standards are a strict “Tier 1” guide to BIM and CAD model and drawing
production throughout the Ramboll organisation ensuring consistency of presentation and ease of
transfer of drawing information. This applies equally to sub-contractors.
The Tier 1 standards are intended to be non-software specific and therefore useable with any of
the production software being used around the practice. For software-specific requirements
reference must be made to the relevant Tier 2 standards (in production) and Tier 3 discipline-
specific guidance documents found in the Digital Design Discipline area on the Ramboll Portal
(Tier 1)
help documents
guides for
User guides &
(Tier 3)
Project-specific changes can be made, but only by consultation and agreement with the Ramboll
Integrated Business Technology (IBT) Network.
1.3 Objectives
To ensure compliance with industry best practice guidelines and British Standards for data
production and data exchange procedures (BS1192-1:2007 & PAS1192-2:2013) for all project
work, internal and external.
To identify procedures whereby all external agency output (models files, drawing files and plots)
conform to Ramboll standards.
1.4.1 Definitions
Drawing file The sheet file or view set up to represent the paper output including
drawing border and annotations.
1.4.2 Abbreviations
1.5 References
2.1 Common Data Environment
The Folder Structure has been based on the principles of BS1192:2007 and the adoption of the
Common Data Environment (CDE), modified to align with the Ramboll internal processes.
The protocols outlined in this Digital Production Standards Manual relate to this procedural
approach and are referenced throughout the manual.
Shared WIP
Issued information Work In Progress
02-Shared 01-WIP
Published Archived
Approved Drawings Record / backup copies
03-Published 04-Archived
All project data is stored in the relevant project folder on a single office server.
e.g. \\ukram###filer01\projects\162xxxxxxx
The folder structure below is to be used for all projects. No alternative or additional sub-folders
may be used, unless specifically agreed by the Ramboll IBT Network.
The following folders are used for each discipline’s Work In Progress project data. No alternative
or additional sub-folders must be used, unless specifically agreed by the Ramboll IBT Network.
01-WIP All project models and data. Models and drawings are
considered Work In Progress and are continually
updated throughout the life of a project.
Discipline folder
3D 3D Model files.
Refer to Section 4.
2.5 02-Shared
2.6 03-Published
2.7 04-Archived
2.8 05-Incoming
2.9 06-Resources
The 06-Resource folder is provided to allow for any project-specific settings or additions to the
company standards. The following folders and files are included with any newly created project:
Images All original logo files & images that are linked to the
Drawing Border.
All project-specific resources must comply with the conventions outlined in this manual.
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3.1 Incoming Procedures
When data is received from an external source for the project it should be processed in
accordance with the procedures outlined in this section:
Incoming Incoming
1. Incoming drawings in an non-editable format, e.g. PDF, should be zipped and stored in the
relevant 05-Incoming\[Discipline-CompanyName]\ folder with all accompanying issue
Refer to Appendix A –
Allowable Discipline for a
YYMMDD 01, 02, 03, etc.
list of approved discipline
If necessary, for specific instances such as a stage or reason for issue, an additional
description may be added to the end of the zip file name to help distinguish the contents or
purpose of issue.
2. The latest versions of the PDF drawings should then be extracted into the project
05-Incoming\[Company]\Current\ folder to form a current record set of the latest
published information only.
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1. Incoming Model files (if not already in ZIP format) should be zipped and stored in the relevant
05-Incoming\[Company]\ folder, with any accompanying issue sheets.
Incoming Shared
05-Incoming\[Company] 02-Shared
Refer to Appendix A –
Allowable Discipline
YYMMDD 01, 02, 03, etc.
Codes for a list of approved
discipline codes.
If necessary, an additional description may be added to the end of the zip file name to help
distinguish the contents or purpose of issue.
2. All models should be then copied into the 02-Shared folder for direct referencing. No format
conversions or edits must be done to these files.
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Where incoming data is used as backgrounds on drawings a caveat must be added to the drawing
notes, absolving Ramboll of any inaccuracies in setting out or errors inherent in the information
outside of our control. This note must contain the following details:
OS maps reproduced on any drawing will require an ‘Ordnance Survey Licence Number’ as
indicated below. This number should be released by the design team supplying the survey data.
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All elements / objects created within WIP files must conform to the standards defined in Section
Create File
5.6 Line
5.10 WIP
Project- reviewed
specific and
Content checked
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All Model files should be stored in the relevant discipline’s 01-WIP\[Discipline]\MODEL folders
(refer to Section 4), named according to the Ramboll Model File Naming convention (refer to
Section 5.3).
Appropriate and sufficient model divisions (separate model files, references and/or worksets)
shall be established and elements assigned, either individually or by category, location, task
allocation, etc, to avoid congestion in workflow.
Each discipline will collate their 3D/BIM Model files into a single federated “WholeModel” (a
Container) file whose function is to link the various assemblies together for drawing production,
export, coordination/clash detection and other BIM/collaboration purposes.
WholeModel WholeModel
01-WIP\Model\3D 01-WIP\Model\3D
Floor 01 Model
Floor 00 Model
- On the left, a Container model comprising two separate zones to avoid all information
being produced in a single excessively large file
- On the right, a hierarchical Container comprising individual floor models
When linking/referencing models into drawing files, the relative path should be used. Never use
full path.
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AutoCAD AutoCAD\####\Templates\RUK-XX-XX-M3-MEP-Template.dwt
MicroStation Bentley\V8iSS4\Workspace\Standards\Seed\RUK-XX-XX-M3-S-Seed.dgn
Revit Revit\Revit ####\Templates\RUK Templates\RUK-XX-XX-M3-ME.rte
Revit\Revit ####\Templates\RUK Templates\RUK-XX-XX-M3-S.rte
Any projects requiring a different set up from the Ramboll standard should be approved by a
member of the Ramboll IBT Network prior to implementation.
AutoCAD Autodesk\AutoCAD\Templates\Project-RUK-XX-XX-M3-MEP-Template.dwt
MicroStation Bentley\Seed\Project-RUK-XX-XX-M3-S-Seed.dgn
Revit Autodesk\Revit\[Discipline]\Template\Project-RUK-XX-XX-M3-ME.rte
5.1.1 Units
Note: Data outside buildings is generally modelled in metres; data inside buildings is generally
modelled in millimetres. No other unit will be used.
5.1.2 Levels
Levels may be given in metres, to 3 decimal places, or in millimetres and relate to the datum.
The datum will be given prior to commencing a job by the Project Engineer.
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All 2D and 3D models will be produced at full size (1:1) in a coincident manner to allow all floor
plans, sections and elevations to be referenced without modification.
Each and every 2D or 3D Model file should carry a unique Ramboll file name, based on the AEC (UK) Protocols, compliant with BS1192:2007, but
expanding the Container naming to allow human readable descriptions. The Model file name will be made up from the following components:
Zone / Floor /
Project - Originator - - - File Type - Discipline - Description
Volume Location
1.1.14. Project Zone 1.1.8. Floor/Section 1.1.9. File Type 1.1.12. Discipline 1.1.1. Description
Number or No.
1.1.10. Code used1.1.13.
to Refer to 1.1.2. A brief description
Reference Building-specific 2 (generally) define the Appendix A – of the model
zone code upper case contents.
1.1.15. The unique “view” Allowable
depending on characters used
project number orientation of Discipline
building type. 1.1.3. Do not use spaces.
(or abbreviation to identify the the model. Codes
XX = no zone Use CamelCase.
if specified in a floor, level or
BIM Execution section/flag 1.1.11. Refer to 1.1.4. Civils
Civils reference. Appendix C –
File Type 1.1.5. Sequential unique
4-digit Civils Codes file reference
“specification within each
for highways” 4-digit chainage volume.
reference code / package /
zones. 1.1.6.
where required.
Refer to 1.1.7.
Appendix B –
Floor / Section
Fields should be separated by a hyphen. Underscores should not be used as they are generally non-breaking characters.
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Ramboll follow the layer naming standards set out from AEC (UK) CAD Standards v3 and utilise
the Uniclass v1.4 classification system for the second field.
Discipline Classification Presentation
- - - Description
S G214 M PileCaps
No layers may be created under any circumstance. If there is any element that you feel needs
permanently adding-in to the symbology, please log a proposal with the Ramboll IBT Network.
Some projects may have specific layering standards imposed by Clients, Architects or Contractors.
While it is actively discouraged to adopt other standards for CAD data production within Ramboll,
on occasion it may be necessary to follow these requests. In this instance, please contact a
member of the Ramboll IBT Network to ensure set-up is correct.
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Whenever possible, internal (delivered) line styles should be used as preference to customized
styles. The table below highlights the comparative line types to be used on all Ramboll draughting
1 Dot Dot
0.35mm 1.05mm
2 Dashed Dashed
1.75 1.05
3 Dashed Dashed
4.2 1.4
5 Hidden Hidden
1.4 1.4
7 Centre Centre
2.8 0.7 1.4 0.7
The table below illustrates the requirements for line thicknesses for all Ramboll drawings:
5.6 Colours
Colour is used whenever possible within Ramboll CAD systems to denote a material or purpose of
the CAD model.
The preference is to use only the first 8 colours of any colour table to maintain definition, to avoid
problems with shades of colour, and to produce more accurate translations.
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5.7 Annotation
5.7.1 Text
All annotation should be placed within the Drawing files wherever practical, orientated to be read
from the bottom or the right hand side of the sheet.
General notation and dimensions should be in capital text, 2.5mm high "Verdana" font.
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5.7.2 Dimensions
Dimension text must not be altered manually. The only exception is where a dimension is shown
and noted “Not To Scale” (NTS).
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5.8.1 Symbols
A symbol is defined as any element stored externally to be used repetitively across projects or
files. The use of standard symbols within block and cell libraries should be encouraged to support
the use of standard details.
Symbols are managed on a corporate basis and are found in the \\ramuk\cadstandards\ folder
for all offices:
AutoCAD AutoCAD\####\Blocks\
MicroStation Bentley\V8iSS4\Workspace\Standards\Cell\
Revit Revit\Revit ####\Libraries\RUK Library\
The server copies are locked to read-only and cannot be edited in any form to avoid duplication or
incorrect representation of elements.
Any requests for new symbols should be passed through the Ramboll IBT Network for approval.
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All content (Blocks, Cells, DataGroups, Families, Parts) should follow the naming convention outlined below, based on the AEC (UK)
Protocols, compliant with BS8541. This is to enable consistent identification, re-use and classification. The content name will be made up
from the following components:
Fields should be separated by a hyphen. Underscores should not be used as they are generally non-breaking characters.
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WholeModel Output
01-WIP\Model\3D 01-WIP\Output
Depending on the software used, Output may either be in the form of individual files or views
contained in the WholeModel file. Either way, all Output must conform to the standards defined in
this manual.
AutoCAD n/a
MicroStation Bentley\V8iSS4\Workspace\standards\dgnlib\RUK-DrawingSeed.dgnlib
Revit Revit\Revit ####\Templates\RUK Templates\RUK_Structural_Metric_2014.rte
Revit\Revit ####\Templates\RUK Templates\RUK_MEP_Metric_2014.rte
Any projects requiring a different set up from the Ramboll standard should be created in the
project-specific templates and be approved by a member of the Ramboll IBT Network prior to
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The Drawing file presents an exact replicate of the paper drawing, stored within the relevant
discipline's 01-WIP\[Discipline]\Drawing\ folder.
A Drawing file is created from a Sheet template with the relevant Drawing border shown. All
relevant reference files are then attached to this file and laid out in a manner necessary to produce
the paper copy. The Drawing file should contain no building information, only drawing annotation
and title block details.
There should only ever be one border created within a Drawing file. Multiple drawings should not
be set up within a Drawing file.
7.2 Templates
AutoCAD AutoCAD\####\Templates\RUK-XX-XX-M3-MEP-Template.dwt
MicroStation Bentley\V8iSS4\Workspace\Standards\Seed\RUK-XX-XX-DR-S-Seed.dgn
Revit Revit\Revit ####\Templates\RUK Templates\RUK-XX-XX-M3-ME.rte
Revit\Revit ####\Templates\RUK Templates\RUK-XX-XX-M3-S.rte
Any projects requiring a different set up from the Ramboll standard should be approved by a
member of the Ramboll IBT Network prior to implementation.
AutoCAD Autodesk\AutoCAD\Templates\Project-RUK-XX-XX-M3-MEP-Template.dwt
MicroStation Bentley\Seed\Project-RUK-XX-XX-DR-S-Seed.dgn
Revit Autodesk\Revit\[Discipline]\Template\Project-RUK-XX-XX-M3-ME.rte
Any projects requiring a different set up from the Ramboll standard should be approved by a
member of the Ramboll IBT Network prior to implementation.
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Drawings will be produced using the current Ramboll drawing border selected from the
\\ramuk\cadstandards\ server:
AutoCAD AutoCAD\####\Blocks\RUK-sheet\
MicroStation Bentley\V8iSS4\Workspace\Standards\dgn\RUK-sheet.dgn
Revit Revit\Revit ####\Title Sheets\
Some projects have drawing borders imposed by Architects or Management Contractors. In such
cases, their designated border must be adhered to.
Before adopting any such project borders please consult with a member of the Ramboll IBT
Network to ensure CAD standard compliance is maintained.
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All drawing borders will have a minimum margin of 20mm on all sides.
View or references will be scaled down to the required scale. Under no circumstances should files
be referenced/linked with the full path saved.
e.g. a 1:100 drawing will have modelspace entities viewed at a scale factor of 1:100.
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Floor / Drawing
Project - Originator - Zone - - File Type - Discipline -
Section No.
Fields should be separated by a hyphen. Underscores should not be used as they are generally non-breaking characters.
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7.6.1 Notes
Text should be in "Verdana" font, 2.5mm high capitals, centrally justified (except Description
which should be left-top justified).
7.6.3 Status
If the additional lines are not required they should be left blank.
Project Title text should be in “Verdana” font, 5.0mm high capital text, centrally justified.
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Scale, Date and Drawn text should be in “Verdana” font, 3.5mm high capital text, centrally
Drawing Number text shall be in “Verdana” font, 3.5mm high capital text, centrally justified.
Revision text shall be in “Verdana” font, 5.0mm high capital text, centrally justified.
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Drawing scales shall be selected from the following. The table below offers a suggested range of
scales and their preferred application:
If more than one scale is used on a drawing, the scale shall be displayed under each title. If a
sketch or detail is not to scale this shall be prominently noted.
In addition to the required standard drawing notes, discipline-specific notes can be found on the
\\ramuk\cadstandards\ server:
AutoCAD AutoCAD\####\Blocks\
MicroStation V8iSS4\Workspace\standards\cell\RUK-BuildingStructures-Note.cel
Revit Revit\Revit ####\Templates\RUK Templates\
Note: The notes provided are generic; exact project requirements should be decided with the
Project Engineer before commencement of drawing annotation.
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Revisions will be highlighted on a drawing by placing a cloud around the revised area and revision
triangle symbol added. Appropriate and descriptive notes will be added to the title block revision
A drawing should never be released without a revision code. P01 is the first issue of every
drawing. A sequential suffix stage code letter and number (according to drawing stage) starting
from “01” is used to indicate each successive revision. At each stage change the number suffix
shall revert back to 01 i.e. P01 to P04 – T01 to T03 – C01 (Construction Stage).
As Built* A (A01)
The revision suffix is a reference for use on the title block, hard copy and drawing lists only. The
revision suffix should never be included in the relevant CAD drawing file name.
*Note: Ramboll do not typically issue “As Built” Drawings except for certain Civils projects. The
final issue of a drawing is to be under the F revision suffix with the comments “Issued for Final
Design Intent” with ‘Final Design Intent’ noted in the status box.
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7.10 Sketches
Sketch files, either digital or scanned hand drawings should be stored in the project 01-
WIP\[Discipline]\Drawing\Sketch\ folder.
Sketches are to have unique drawing numbers i.e. [Project Number]-RAM-XX-02-SK-S-00123 and
this number is to be the same as the electronic or scanned PDF file i.e. [Project Number]-RAM-XX-
02-SK-S-00123.dgn or [Project Number]-RAM-XX-02-SK-S-00123.pdf
All sketches must be issued with a revision code (refer to Section 7.9) and comply with the full
Digital Production Standards Manual procedures found in Section 8.
For revised hand-drawn sketches, the scanned PDF file name must include the revision code i.e.
[Project Number]-RAM-XX-02-SK-S-00123-P02.pdf.
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When data for the project is deemed to be ‘fit for coordination’ it should be shared with external
members of the design team and will have undergone the following checks and approvals prior to
being prepared for issue:
8.1 Print to Drawing
Issue to
PDF Checks &
All internal inter-disciplinary issues are to be carried out exactly as per the procedures in this
There must be no deviation from the procedures and standards regardless of whether the issue is
to external companies or internally.
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8.1 Printing
Ramboll has standard printer device drivers installed to ensure consistent printing across all
projects. Each CAD/BIM workstation has been configured by I.T. with Windows-specific print
drivers to enable printing to networked devices throughout the office locations. Ramboll’s preferred
format for plots for issue is non-editable PDF format, although hard copies may be required for
If hard copies are required for external issue all checks and approvals must have been performed
prior to any data plotted.
Standard print driver names are assigned for all CAD/BIM software formats as listed below:
The drivers are located in the software specific standards on the \\ramuk\cadstandards\
AutoCAD AutoCAD\####\Plotting\Plotters\
Bentley Bentley\V8iSS4\Workspace\standards\pltcfg\
Revit n/a
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1. Ensure all drawings are named in accordance with Section 7.5 Drawing File.
2. Ensure the revision code is correct and the revision clearly noted in the title block in
accordance with Sections 7.6.8 and 7.9.
3. Check that layer standards conform to the project/client specification where necessary.
5. Ensure all necessary reference files are attached and displayed correctly and any temporary or
unrequired reference files are removed.
6. Ensure the main model view encompasses all the data to the full extents and is not set to a
zoomed in view.
1. Print the drawing to PDF. Ensure all revisions have been checked and approved by an
authorised person. Once the PDF has been signed off by the engineer this will give validation
for the model to be released.
2. Check that layer standards conform to the project/client specification where necessary.
4. Ensure all necessary reference files are attached and displayed correctly and any temporary or
unrequired reference files are removed.
5. Ensure the main model view encompasses all the data to the full extents and is not set to a
zoomed in view.
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8.2.4 3D Models
3. Ensure all content / objects are compliant with the Ramboll standards with regard to naming,
classification and presentation.
4. Ensure all unrequired callouts, extractions, views, models, schedules, links/references and
images are removed.
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8.3 Archive
WIP Archive
01-WIP 04-Archived
A record copy of all issued information must be saved to the 04-Archived\[Discipline]\ folder
prior to being issued externally or internally.
The Archive must accurately record the documentation that has been issued on any specific date.
Note: Model files refer to those files that specifically form part of a Production drawing. Examples
of this could be any discipline specific CAD model\output file that has been referenced to enable
the preparation of the drawing file, an Architectural model that has been attached as an XREF and
used as a background or a survey model attached to achieve the same.
8.3.2 The archiving of 3D CAD models (from which the 2D outputs are derived) do not necessarily need to be
carried out for every drawing Issue. They should however be archived at Key stages of the project or at
other pre-determined points in the project as identified by the Project Manager.
8.3.3 On Projects where models are shared on a regular basis (with the project team) as part of a defined
model co-ordination\collaboration exercise, an Archive Zip file should be created to record each of these
model issues.
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All Model files should be issued exactly as produced with no additional merging (binding) or
editing. All reference files should also be issued as separate files in accordance with BS1192-1.
Under no circumstances should drawing borders ever be issued with the CAD files. This is to
guarantee no plots can be reproduced outside of Ramboll control and approvals process other than
from the issued PDF files.
A ZIP file of all information to be issued (Models and accompanying Drawings) is created and
stored in the relevant 04-Archived\[Discipline]\ folder.
Refer to Appendix A –
Allowable Discipline
YYMMDD 01, 02, 03, etc.
Codes for a list of approved
discipline codes.
For major stages or datadrops an additional description may be added to the end of the zip file
name to help distinguish the contents or purpose of issue.
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Archive Shared
04-Archived 02-Shared
The 02-Shared folder is used as a repository for the current Model information on a project. This
data will need to have been checked, approved and validated as ‘fit for purpose’ in line with
PAS1192-2 and the validation checks defined in Section 8.2 above.
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Archive Published
04-Archived 03-Published
The 03-Published folder is used as a repository for the latest copies of all documentation on a
project. These drawings will need to have been checked and approved in line with Ramboll
checking procedures.
All drawings should be extracted from the ZIP file in the 04-Archived\[Discipline]\ folder into
the relevant 03-Published\[Discipline]\ folder. Any previous copies should be overwritten or
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Only the AEC (UK) codes below are approved for use in Ramboll model, layer and drawing naming.
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Floor Reference
2 digits
A code representing the floor contained within the Model file. The following codes should be used:
... etc
B2 Basement Level 2
B1 Basement Level 1
PL Piling Layout
FN Foundations
00 Ground
01 First Floor
01m First floor mezzanine
02 Second Floor
... etc
RF Roof
AA Section A-A
BB Section B-B
CC Section C-C
DD Section D-D
EE Section E-E
FF Section F-F
GG Section G-G
HH Section H-H
… etc.
N North Elevation
S South Elevation
E East Elevation
W West Elevation
NE North East Elevation
NW North West Elevation
SE South East Elevation
SW South West Elevation
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File Type
1 digit (generally)
A single character that represents the type of information contained within the model file. This field
cannot be blank.
CR Clash Rendition
D Detail
DR Drawing
E Elevation
F Feasibility/Option
G Grid
M Mezzanine
M2 2D Model
M3 3D Model
P Plan
S Section
SK Sketch/Schematic
T Table
X Existing
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Z-Z521-T-SectionMark Section marks & detail call ups White/Black Continuous / 0 0.18mm
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Note: The drawing numbers provided below are for guidance only. Refer to Senior CAD
Technician or Project CAD lead if different numbers are to be used.
Bridges (CB)
To be added
Facades (SF)
To be added
Geotechnics (CG)
To be added
Roads/Highways (CR)
To be added
Transport (CT)
To be added
Water/Marine (CW)
To be added
Electrical (E)
00001 Legend
00002 – 00099 Details
00100 – 00149 Plantroom (General Arrangements)
00150 – 00199 Plantroom (Schematics)
00200 – 00249 Lighting Systems (General Arrangements)
00250 – 00299 Lighting Systems (Schematics)
00300 – 00349 Power & Data Systems (General Arrangements)
00350 – 00399 Power & Data Systems (Schematics)
00400 – 00449 Fire Alarm Systems (General Arrangements)
00450 – 00499 Fire Alarm Systems (Schematics)
00500 – 00549 Security Systems (General Arrangements)
00550 – 00599 Security Systems (Schematics)
00600 – 00649 Containment (General Arrangements)
To be added
Mechanical (M)
00001 Legend
00002 – 00099 Details
00100 – 00149 Plantrooms (General Arrangements)
00150 – 00199 Plantrooms (Schematics)
00200 – 00249 Heating Systems (General Arrangements)
00250 – 00299 Heating Systems (Schematics)
00300 – 00349 Cooling Systems (General Arrangements)
00350 – 00399 Cooling Systems (Schematics)
00400 – 00449 Domestic Water Systems (General Arrangements)
00450 – 00499 Domestic Water Systems (Schematics)
00500 – 00549 Ventilation Systems (General Arrangements)
00550 – 00599 Ventilation Systems (Schematics)
00600 – 00649 Sprinkler Systems (General Arrangements)
00650 – 00699 Sprinkler Systems (Schematics)
00700 – 00749 Gas Systems (General Arrangements)
00750 – 00799 Gas Systems (Schematics)
00001 Legend
00002 – 00099 Sections & Elevations
00100 – 00149 Plantrooms (General Arrangements)
00150 – 00199 Plantrooms (Schematics)
00800 Builder’s Work
00900 External
00001 Legend
00002 – 00099 Details
00100 – 00149 Plantrooms (General Arrangements)
00150 – 00199 Plantrooms (Schematics)
00200 – 00249 Below ground drainage (General Arrangements)
00250 – 00299 Below ground drainage (Schematics)
00300 – 00349 Above ground drainage (General Arrangements)
00350 – 00399 Above ground drainage (Schematics)
00600 – 00649 Dry riser & Sprinklers (General Arrangements)
00650 – 00699 Dry riser & Sprinklers (Schematics)
Railways (R)
To be added
Structural (S)
Gantries (U)
To be added
Only the AEC (UK) codes below are approved for use in Ramboll.
Presentation indicates the type of CAD/BIM data associated with the layer.
Code Description
D Dimensions
T Text