Shifa Rizkiyanti-Tugas 1-Bahasa Inggris Niaga
Shifa Rizkiyanti-Tugas 1-Bahasa Inggris Niaga
Shifa Rizkiyanti-Tugas 1-Bahasa Inggris Niaga
Tugas 1
Please choose one of the topics below. Then, write an essay consisting of 3 paragraphs.
Elaborate your own opinion with references related to the topic that you choose.
1. You have a property business. Sometimes you need to loan a big amount of money to run
your business. What kind of bank is suitable for your business? Please explain your reason!
2. Demand is an economic concept that relates to a consumer's desire to purchase goods and
services and willingness to pay a specific price for them. What will happen to
the demand If suppliers charge too much for a product?
3. Demographic analysis is the study of a population based on factors such as age, race, and
sex. Please explain your opinion on how important demographic analysis is for business
1. Property business is a form of business that operates in the field of buying and selling assets
in the form of residences and another buildings such as houses, boarding houses,
shophouses, malls, hotels, office buldings, etc. The property business is a field that quite
attractive with a number of benefits on offer. For example, the fact that from time to time
asset price alos always increase, and the number of housing needs for society continues to
increase along with the increase in the number of new families.
With the considerations stated previously, I have conclude that the most suitable bank to
support the property business is commercial bank and investment bank. Commercial bank
is a banks that focus on providing credit and making provits by offering various types of
finance, including business credit. Meanwhile investment bank is a bank that focuse on
investment activity and provide credit for large investation project. That’s because, both of
them have a large capacity to provide capital loans in large amounts with lower interest rate
accompanied by more measureable requirements than another banks, and had experience in
handled big investment project. They both also can providing additional services in the form
of consultation and assistance in managing financial risk faced by property business. It’s
verry important to property business when facing up quite high risk, such as property price
fluctuations, project failure risks and market risks.
For corporate marketing goals, demographic data is collected to build a costumer base
profile, the common it’s include age, sex, income level, employement, location,
homeownership, and level eduqation which later be related with consumer preferences and
purchasing power.
In my opinion demographic analysis is important because, when company already has the
criteria of targeted consumer, it will be easier to determining criteria for producing goods
and services that related with targeted consumers needs and taste. So that the product will
be more targeted, example when company targets clothing products for children aged 5-9
years, consumers, it will adjust the size according to the average children with appropriate
colors and motifs. The choice of clothing materials that are comfortable for children’s skin
is also adjuted.
Reference source: Misruro
materi sesi 3: What is Demand Demographics How to Collect, Analyze, and Use Demographic Data