Management Science

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Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 50

Note : Attempt five questions in all. Attempt two questions

each from Group-I and Group-II. Each question of these
groups carries 7.5 marks. Question No. 9 of Group-III is
compulsory and carries 20 marks.

I. Formulate the model of the problem given below and solve
it for the maximum profit per day by simplex method.
A small manufacturer employs 4 skilled men and 10 semi-
skilled men for the manufacturing of the two models of the
peg tables namely deluxe and ordinary models.
The deluxe model requires 2 hours of work by the skilled
worker and 3 hours of work by the semi-skilled worker
whereas the ordinary model takes away 1 hour of skilled
worker and 3 hours of semi-skilled worker.
No worker can work for more than 8 hours per day. The
profit earned on the deluxe model is Rs. 10.00 whereas on
the ordinary model the profit earned is only Rs. 8.00.
The store room can store only 50 peg tables of any type for
the day and the manufacturer must produce at least 12 peg
tables of any type per day. (7.5)

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II. Solve the following linear programming problem by using
graphical method.
Maximise z  3 x1  2 x2
Subject to : 2 x1  x2  18
2 x1  3 x2  42
3 x1  x2  24
x1, x2  0 . (7.5)

III. The unit transportation costs from plants P1, P2, P3, P4
and P5 with 100 units capacities each to the two different
warehouses and their demands are given in the following
table :
Warehouse Transportation Cost (Rs.) Demand
per Unit from the plant
P1 P2 P3 P4 P5
A 12 11 16 10 18 200
B 11 14 15 15 17 300
Find the optimum solution for minimum transportation cost.

IV. (a) Differentiate between Assignment model and

Transport model.
(b) Five jobs 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 are to be processed and five
machines A, B, C, D and E are available. Any machine
can process any job with resulting profit (in rupees) as
follows :

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1 22 28 10 28 10
2 10 21 28 21 28
Job 3 11 27 22 20 27
4 22 28 11 28 28
5 29 22 10 25 29
Make the optimal assignment of jobs and machines so as
to maximise the profit. (7.5)

V. Applying Cramer's rule solve the following equations :
x  8 y  5z  14

5x  3y  4z  4

11x  2 y  6 z  3 . (7.5)

VI. Solve the following game whose pay off are given as below
and verify it graphically.
Player B
60 150 75 51
Player A
165 162 243 192

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VII. (a) Multiply the following matrices A and B to get the
Matrix AB
Matrix A
–14 5 6
13 –6 0
Matrix B
17 5 –6
12 9 7
6 7 8
(b) Solve the following determinant
ab a2b2 a + b
bc b2c2 b + c
ca c 2a 2 c + a
Hence find its value when
a = 3; b = 7; c = 2 (4, 3.5)
VIII. In an organization the Equipment which costs Rs. 74,000
has to be replaced with new equipment.
The following data for equipment have been estimated.
Year Resale Value in Rs. Annual Maintenance
Cost in Rs.
1 62500 2000
2 55000 3600
3 50100 4000
4 42200 4600
5 38500 5200
6 34200 7600
7 28900 8200
8 21000 9600
9 19000 11200
10 17000 14600
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Determine the optimal replacement period.
Assume :
I. Time value of the money to be zero.
II. Time value of the money to be 10% per annum.
(Compulsory Question)

IX. Attempt all the parts.

(a) Differentiate between individual replacement and group

replacement with the help of Illustrative examples.

(b) What do you mean by unbalanced trasportation

problem? How does degeneracy occur in transportation
problem? How is the degeneracy resolved?

(c) Explain the application of dominance method and sub

games method for solving the game.

(d) What is duality theory? Why is duality used in linear

programming? Show that dual of a dual linear
programming problem is the primal problem.

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