''l'~-,,il, n and mania are two extreme s• of a psychot ic basis with delusion al thinking or
, 1:11,' r 'i' ,. , __ . ~
,.;,:,.11 n: J isordt-rs which reter to a patholog ical occur in isolation and induce anxiety. On the
~~i,;inf(' in the mood state. Ma!·or depression other hand, patholog ical anxiety may lead to
,~ , h:u-:tl·tcri zed by symptom s hke sad mood, depress ion . Anxiety and depress ion are the
l,f interest and pleasur e. low energy, leading psychiat ric disorder s now.
1,, !-!'
",,rt.h kssness. gu iIt. psychom otor retardat ion
,,r "=- ·t·..•tion . change
a(, 1
- in appetite and/or sleep, ANTIDEPRESSANTS
md!lllch0lia. suicidal thought s, etc. It may be a
unipolar or a bipolar cyclic disorder in which These are drugs which can elevate mood in
.:-n.·les of mood swings from mania to depressi on depressi ve illness. Practica lly all antidepr essants
,~-cur over time. The mood change may have affect monoam inergic transmis sion in the brain
l I I I
Selective serotonin Atypical
Reversible inhibitors
reuptake inhibitors (SSRls) antidepressants
of MAO-A (RIMAs)
Trazodon e
Moclobemide Fluoxetine Mianseri n
Clorgyline Fluvoxamine Mirtazapine
Paroxetine Bupropion
Sertraline Amoxapine
Citalopra m Tianeptine
Escitalopram Amineptine
other drugs like Protriptyline, Maprotiline, Nafazodone, etc. are marketed in other
one way or the other, and many of them
barhituratcs and opioids arc Polcntiafcd
- ---------
respiratory failure. Pethidine admini stered'~~ rn~y c'IJ\t
have other associate d prope rties · Over the past
. patients has produ ce~ fever, sweating, cxcitat:°'0 inh~
tI1ree deca , '
a large number of antidepressan
k ; ta
ts convul sions _and . respiratory depression. The '°"•
with an assortment of effects on reupta e me - thi s intcra~tio_n . 1s : IJle<.:han~ ,~
MAO mh1b1tors retard hydrolysis of nt>tL · •
boli sm of biogenic amines, and on pre/post- .
its demet hy Iat1on.
. Th .•
us, excess ,.,..u11d1ne 1..-
of norpeth 'd• '1\11 r.A
junctional aminergic/cholinergic recept~rs h~ve •
a minor metabolite-see p. 503 ) is produced _>rrrtaJi.
I tne (11(
become available so that a cogent class1ficat1on excitatory actions. wt11ch ~
is difficult. A working classification has been The selective MAO-A inhibitors possess anr
property. Selegiline at low doses (5- 10 mg/day) ~~
presented above.
inhibits MA0-8, but these doses are not cffi . ~c1-,
. I .. .
depression. Se eg1 1me 1s meta bo 11zed .
to amph..i-·
Cct1 ve ~
~ CH Ct-t,CH 2N,
; CH,
gradually elevated, patien Lc, hecomc more com-
municative and start taking interest in self and
surroundings. Thus, TCA s are not cuphorient<;
2 "~
but only antidepressants. In depressed patienlc;
who have preponderance of REM sleep, thi s
rs were soon added and phase is suppressed and awakenings durin g
f congen e . .
O night are reduced. The EEG effects of low
n11n1t,cr ther are ca lied tricycl1c anlldepressants
th 6 ' wge addition to uptake bloc_kade, t ese doses are similar to hypnotics but high doses
,f(.451- In d mpounds have d1rect effects cause desynchronization . Sedative property
d ,elope co . h' . . varies among different compounds (see Table
,arlY e ic cholinerg1c and 1stammerg1c
,n adrenergd ' referred to as 'first generation 33.1 ). The more sedative ones are suitable for
l an are
r,ceptors, ' depressed patients showing anxiety and agitation.
d ·essants • d The less sedative or stimulant ones are better
0111i epi ntly produced secon genera-
Th e ~~~ nts have more selective . .
action for withdrawn and retarded patients.
ti depress a .
1io 11 an ke· are either Selective serotonin The TCAs lower seizure threshold and pro-
amine upta ' . d duce convulsions in overdose. Clomipramine and
on . h·b·rors tSSRls), or Serotonin an
iake in I I I' . h
bupropion have the highest seizure precipitating
,-eup 1. reuptake inhibitors. (SNRls) wit. I
adrena1ne potential. Respiration is depressed in overdose only.
nor .
direct acti· on on cholinerg1c/adrenerg1c.
no . ergic receptors, or have some atyp1- Mechanism of antidepressant action The
h1sramrn 1· · d t f
cal features. They . have a .1m1te spec rum o TCAs and related drugs inhibit NET and SERT
. resulting m fewer side effects.
acuon which mediate active reuptake of biogenic
amines NA and 5-HT into their respective
PHARMACOLOGICAL ACTIONS neurones and thus potentiate them by increasing
their availability in the synaptic cleft (see Fig.
The most prominent action of TCAs is their
33 .1). Antidepressants, however, differ markedly
ability to inhibit norepinephrine transporter
in their selectivity and potency for different
(NET) and serotonin transporter (SERT) located
amines, and are classified on this basis. Most
at neuronal and platelet membrane. They also
of the compounds do not inhibit DA uptake,
interact with a variety of receptors viz. musca-
except bupropion. Moreover, amphetamine and
rinic, a adrenergic, histamine H1, 5-HT,, 5-HT2
cocaine (which are not antidepressants but CNS
and occasionally dopamine D2. However, relative
potencies at these sites differ among different stimulants) are strong inhibitors of DA uptake.
compounds. The actions of imipramine are Tentative conclusions drawn are:
described as prototype. • Inhibition of NA and 5-HT uptake is asso-
ciated with antidepressant action.
1. CNS Effects differ in normal individuals • Inhibition of DA uptake correlates with
and in the depressed.
stimulant action.
In normal individuals It induces a peculiar
Monoaminergic hypothesis of depression
clumsy feeli ng, tiredness, light-headedness,
This hypothesis supposes that depression
sl~epiness, difficulty in concentrating and
th is caused by deficient noradrenergic and/or
inking, unsteady gait. These effects tend to
provoke anx1cty.
· Tl1ere . • serotonergic transmission in the brain (mainly
or euph · 1s no mood elevatton in cortical and limbic areas). This hypothesis
ona; c!Tects are rather unpleasant is supported by the observation that reserpine
In depres<··J t· .
are Y ,, pa 1ents Little acute ef.r-1ects depletes NA and 5-HT from brain and p_roduces
d Produc<:(! except sedation (in the case of depression; and that all classes of antidepres-
rugs which "· d .
••dV C se at1ve property). Aft er 2- 3 sants (TCAs, SNRls, SSRls, atypical) enhance J
Oecarboxylase -"~- - ~
• ·---------
Fig. 33.1: Schematic depiction of cerebral serotonergic synapse and sites of action of tricyclic antidepressants
(TCAs). selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRls), serotonin and noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors (SNRls),
and monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOls)
TP- Tryptophan; 5-HTP-5-Hydroxytryptophan; VMAT-2-Vesicular monoamine transporter-2; MAo-Monoamine oxidaSe:
5-HIAA-5-Hydroxy indole acetic acid; SERT-Serotonin transporter; SHT, -R / 5-HT -R - 5-HT, and 5-HT receptors.
2 2
synaptic availability of NA or 5-HT or both, in induce other adaptive changes in the number
one way or the other. However, uptake block- and sensitivity of pre- and postsynaptic ~A
ade doe~ not appear to be directly responsible and/or 5-HT receptors as well as in · am10e
for the anudepressant effect, because uptake .
turnover of brain, the net er~1ec t Of which.
hlod,ade occ urs quickly. while antidepressant . enhanced
1s . an d rotoneruic
noradrenerg1c se •
dlL<.t de, dop!, 0\ er severa l weeks. Explanation transmission. Thus, uptake blockade appea;
otkred for thi.., discrepa ncy is-initially the to initiate a series of time-dependent chang ·
prny11.:ip111.. ,1 rn ,J 5-HT autoreceptors are
1 that culminate in antidepressant effect. .
dltf\ atc d by tt L 1ncn:ased amount of NA/5- ·on Thrs
H f 111 ll1L "}r•..1pt1l· 1..k li resulting in decreased Neurotr~phic hypothesis of d~pre~s~ssociat~
fm ng ol lolU' l• 11:111lcu!) (noradrenergic) and hypothesis proposes that depression I trophic
n,phe (M.·ro tu1 1L '!!IL J 1H:uro11es. After, long-term with deficiency of brain derived neu: factors
factor (BDNF) and other nerve gro~t enio-
admini i.trat1011 a1111d1:prc!> san ts desensitise the . feeling 5,
(NGFs) in brain areas regulatmg d 1bnt
pre!>ynapt1c u._, 5 Il'I IA' 5-1ff 10 autoreccptors and tion. cognition, hedonia, behaviour, etc., an
ri:,snn 1
ts ,romo tc elabo ration of NG rs. The
. k'
. 11 1id,'P ·. receptor tyrosm e mases (RTK s) Tolerance and d
,I •• , c(I V:l 1C . . ependence
~(ii-~ '1 ., axona l/dcn dntt c grow th, prom ote Toler ance to the .
' 1ilr1nc1.: , . ant1ch 1· ·
.~11 d i: ·c •con1 1l~ ,,·tion and impro ve neura l plasticity. effect s of imipr amine -~itcr g1c and hypotensive
~,-n:1Pll_ f ooNF k vcls and neura l mass in dually , but antid
· •t11'n
~t' l1tll
° .
. . ,:,._ has been demo nstrat ed m depre
A dd1ct ion to th
e drugs develops ora-
epressant act' • c,
•~n is sustained .
li111b1l· .111:, . . .
ti1e1r acute effects ese drugs
tht' . , ,n)kw ed anttdr cssan t treatm ent has is rare, becau se
. ,,·hi 1l 1 e · are not pleasant
11 Th ere 1s
~1l' • • i to elevate BDN F levels as welt as som .
·n h'\llll . . e evidence of h ..·
lx'- • , nc\ll'l.)\!Cnests and synap tic conne ctions . dence occur ring h P ys1cal depen-
•nh:lllll ~ . . d h' h for long period s w en l .
high d
Thi: n1(,nonm , mergtc an neuro trop 1c ypoth - -ma a1se, chill oses are used .
l.,.-~ h:1Ye been _reconciled_ by ~onte ndin~ that may occur on discon tinu t' s, muscle pain
consi dered withd rawal ah1on and have been
en· 1i:111 c'men
t ot mono amme rg1c trans missi on
. hd p enom ena
rl 1 ged antide press ant thera py indire ctly wit rawal is recom mend ed but ant1·d·e Gradu a I
~' P 1 0 11 ~ . . .. lb . d0 ' pressants
p~omotes neurogenes1s m _cnt1c a ram areas by not carry abuse potential.
increasing BDNF produ ction. These grow th fac-
tors activate RTKs and initia te axona l/dend ritic
proliferation and forma tion of synap tic conne c- The oral absor ption of TCAs is good, though
rions. The therap eutic respo nse is delay ed due often_ slow. They are highly bound to plasma
to the time taken for neuro genes is to occur
and tissue protei ns, therefore have large volumes
of diStfib_ution ~-2~ L/kg). They are extensively
2. ANS Most TCAs are poten t antich oliner - ?1~tabol_1zed m liver; the major route for
gics-c ause dry mout h, blurr ing of visio n, 1m1pramme and amitriptyline is demethylation
constipation and urina ry hesit ancy as side where by active metab olites --desi prami ne and
effect. The antich oliner gic poten cy is grade d nortri ptylin e respe ctivel y are forme d. Both
in Table 33. l. these metab olites predo minan tly block NA
The TCAs poten tiate exog enou s and reupta ke. Few other TCAs also produce active
endogenous NA by block ing uptak e, but also metab olites . Inacti vation occur s by oxidation
have weak a 1 adren ergic block ing action . Some , and glucu ronid e conju gation . Vario us CYP
e.~. amitriptyline, doxep in, trimip ramin e have isoen zyme s like CYP2 D6, CYP3A4, CYPl A2
shght H I antihi stami nic action as well. and other s metab olise tricyl ic and relate d
3· CVS antide press ants. Metab olites are excre ted in
Effects on cardio vascu lar funct ion are
urine over 1-2 week s. The plasm a t½ of
prominent, occur at therap eutic conce ntrati ons
amitr iptyli ne, imipr amine and doxep in range
and become dange rous in overd ose.
betwe en 16-24 hours . The t½ is longe r for
T:chy~a~dia: due to antic holin ergic and NA some of their active metabolites. Becau se of
~ tentiatmg actions.
relativ ely long t½s, once daily dosing (at bed
/sdt_ura/ hypot ensio n: due to inhib ition of time) is practicable in the maintenance phase.
ar 1ovasc
ECG ha u lar re fl exes and a block ade. An unusual therapeutic window phenomenon
sup c .nges and cardi ac arrhy thmia s: T wave has been observed, i.e. optimal antidepressant
. n or invers1. on 1s
the most consi.stent effect is exerted at a narrow band of plasma
gem ECG A h h . . conce ntratio ns (between 50-20 0 ng/ml of imipra-
mainly d : rr yt m1as occur m overd ose
C:0ndu . ue to interf erenc e with intrav entric ular mine , amitriptyline, nortriptyline).
ction. The NA . . . . poten tlatm g + c h o 1·merg1.c Wide variation in the plasm a concenrrauon
depressf actions along with direc t myoc ardial attain ed by different individuals given th(' sam('
Older P~; compound the proar rhyth mic poten tial. dose has been noted. Thus, doses ne('.d to be
SNR1 s aiednts are more susce ptible . The SSRi s, indivi dualiz ed and titrate d with th~ r~sp~nst",
1 n at · •
n this YP•cal antid epres sants are safer but plasm a conce ntrati ons ar~ -not a _r~hall k
regard. guide for adjusting the dose ot TC A~-
Table 33.1: Comparative properties of antidepressants
Drug Sedation Anti-muscarinic Hypotension Cardiac Seizure
arrflythmia precipitation Dai e I
Tricyclic antidepressan ts (TCAs) (ftlg) I
1. lmipramine + ++ ++ +++ ++
2. Amitriptyline +++ +++ +++ +++ S0-20o
3. Trimipramine +++ ++ ++ +++ S0-20o
4 . Doxepin 50-150
+++ ++ ++ +++ ++
5. Clomipramine 50-150
++ ++ + +++ +++
6. Dothiepin 50-150
++ ++ ++ ++ ++
(Dosulepin) S0-150
7. Nortriptyline + ++ + ++ +
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSR/s)
1 . Fluoxetine :t:
2. Fluvoxamine :t:
3 . Paroxetine + +
4. Sertraline
5 . Citalopram :t + 20-40
6 . Escitalopram :t
Serotonin and noradrenaline reuptake inh,bitors (SNRls)
1. Venlafaxine :t
2. Duloxetine + ++ 30-80
Atypical antidepressants
1. Trazodone +++ + :t 50-200
2. Mianserin ++ + ++ + ++ 30-100
3. Bupropion
+++ 150-300
4. Amoxapine + + ++ 100-300
++ ++
5. Mirtazapine +++ + :t 15-45
+ to +++ indicates increasing intensity of that action; - indicates absence of that action
3. Increased appetite and weight gain is noted
Side effects are common with TCAs because of with most TCAs and trazodone, but not wi'th
which SSRis, SNRis and atypical antidepressants SSRis, SNRJs and bupropion.
have become the first line drugs. 4. Some patients receiving any antidepres-
I. Anticholinergic: dry mouth, bad taste, consti- sant may abruptly 'switc h over• to a
pation, epigastric distress, urinary retention · Proba-
dysphoric-agitated state or to mania.. he
( especially in males with enlarged prostate), bly, these are cases of bipolar depression'. ~
blurred vision, palpitation. other pole being unmasked by th e anti e-
2. Sedation, mental confusion and weakness, pressant. . ) and
especially with amitriptyline and more seda- · · action
5. Sweating (despite antimuscanntc
tive congeners. fine tremors are relatively common.
, l-i 7111 ,, threshold is lowered- fit s may be pre- 2. TC As potenti ate CNS depre.v.vant.v, including
,, :-,J'i l:tll'\l. especi all y in _children. Dupropion, alcohol and antihistaminics.
, 1,, 111 ipramme. nmoxapme have greater pro- 3. Phenytoin. phenylbutazone, aspirin and CPZ
l'cn~i t~·. ":hilc_desipramine. SSRls and SNRls can displace TCAs from protein bind ing sites
:ire ~a fc r 111 thi s regard . and cause transient overdose symptoms.
- r,,stura I hypotension. especially in older 4. Phenobarbitone competitively inhibits as well
patients. It is less severe with desipramine-like as induces imipramine metaboli sm.
d nH!S and insignificant with SSRis/SNRis. Carbamazepine and other enzyme inducers
~- Sex:al distress: especially delay or interfer- enhance metabolism of TCAs.
ence with erection, ejaculation and occasion- 5. SSRis inhibit metabolism of several drugs
ally with orgasm. (see later) including TCAs---dangerous toxicity
9. Cardiac arrhythmias , especially in patients can occur if the two are given concurrently.
with ischaemic heart disease. Arrhythmias 6. By their anticholinergic property, TCAs delay
may be responsible for sudden death in these gastric emptying and retard their own as
well as other drug's absorption.
7. MAO inhibitors- dangerous hypertensive
1o. Rashes and jaundice due to hypersensitivity
crisis with excitement and hallucinations has
are rare. Mianserin is more hepatotoxic.
occurred when given with TCAs.
Acute poisoning Poisoning with TCAs is
frequent ; usually self-attempted for suicide, Preparations of TCAs
and may endanger life. Manifestations are: I. lrnipramine: DEPSONIL, Ai'-TTTDEP 25 mg tab. 75 mg SR
Excitement, delirium and other anticholinergic 2. Amitriptyline: AMLINE, TRYPTOMER , SAROTENA
symptoms as seen in atropine poisoning, fol- 10, 25, 75 mg tabs.
lowed by muscle spasms, convulsions and coma. 3. Trimipramine: SURMONTIL I 0, 25 mg tab.
4. Doxepin: SPECTRA, DOXCN, DOXETAR I 0. 25. 75
Respiration is depressed, body temperature mg tab/cap.
may fall , BP is low, tachycardia is prominent. 5. Clomipramine : CLOFRANIL 10. 25. 50 mg tab, 75
ECG changes and ventricular arrhythmias are mg SR tab. CLONIL, ANAFRANIL 10, 25 mg tab
common. 6. Dothiepin (Dosulepin): PROTHIADEN , EXODEP 25.
50, 75 mg tab.
Treatment is primarily supportive with gastric 7. Nortriptyline: SENSIVAL, PRJMOX 25 mg tab.
lavage, respiratory assistance, fluid infusion, 8. Reboxetine: 4 mg BO or 8 mg OD; NAREBOX 4. 8
maintenance of BP and body temperature. mg tab.
" hich selecti, cl y inh ibit membrane assoc iated ri bl oc ke rs, so m e UZDs and c •·trh·.imuzc ·
SERT or hoth SERT a nd NET. Tho ugh, some 'Serotonin .,y ndmme' ma ni fcsting UH : fl 1n1:.
p:u ients may not respond even to these dru gs, restl essness, r1·g 1t
· 11ty,
- h
yperthcrmi tt· dag1ta1i
, . . 0 n,
the e t'lkacy of second generation antidepressan ts . . h. ,. 11 • e 1Iri lJ Ill
sweating, tw1tc 1ngs o o wed by con • ,
is rated higher th an older TCAs and RIMA s. . . d h vu 1K1ons
can be prec1p1tate w e n uny scrotonergic d
Some pa t ie nt s no t res ponding to one type (e.g. MAOls, tra mado l, pethidine) is tak . ru~
of drug ma y respond to another type. More a patient receivin g SS R Is. So me deu en hy
impo rtantly the new er drugs have improved . orec of
tolerance to the antH.leprcssan t action of SSRI
tolerability at therapeutic doses, as well as safety has bee n _no ted . in ~cw patie_nts after month:
in o, ·erdose . It has been claimed that certain of use. 1?•sco ntmua t1 on reactio n cons isting of
drugs (bupropion, venlafaxine, mirtazapine) have paresthes ,as, bodyachc, bowel ur,sct, agitation
fas ter onset of antidepressan t action, but this and sleep di sturba nces occurs in some patients
has not been unequivocally established. However, ri sk of switching o ver to hypomani~
The relative safety and better acceptability during treatment is less with SSIHs than with
of SSRi s ha s made them I st line drugs in TCAs.
d epress ion and allowed their exten s ive us e Because of freedom fro m psychomotor and
in anxie ty, phobias, panic, OCD and related cognitive impa irment, SS Ri s arc preferred over
d isorders. The SSRis produce little or no TC As for prophylaxis of recurrent depression
sedation, do not interfere with cognitive and (should be combined with lithium/valproatc).
psyc bomotor function or produce anticholinergi c Metaanalys is of comparative trials has shown
side effects. They are devoid of a adrenergic no s ignificant difference in efficacy among
blocki n g action-postu ral hypotension does individual SSRls, but there are pharmacokinctic
not occur, making them suitable for elderly differences and incidence of pa rticular side
pati ents. They hav e practically no s eizure efTects di fTers somewhat.
pre ci p itatin g propensity and do not inhibit Fluoxetine A bicyclic compound, it is the
card iac conduction--- 0verdose arrhythmias are first SSRI to be introduced, and the longest
not a problem. Prominent side effects are acting. Its plasma t½ is 2 days and that of its
gastrointestin al; all SSRls frequently produce active demethylated metabolite is 7- 10 days.
nausea (due to 5-HT3 receptor stimulation), but It has been approved for use in children 7
tol erance develops over time. Loose motions years or older for depression and OCD on the
a re due to 5-HT uptake blockade in the gut basis of similar efficacy and side efTcct profile
and activation of 5-HT receptors on enteric as in adults, but should be given to children
plex us neurones . Weight gain is not a problem only when psychotherap y fails. Agitation and
·.;. ith SS R1 s. but they more commonly interfere dermatologica l reactions are more frequent than
.,. · ·:: eJac ulatio n o r orgasm. A new constel- with other SSRls. Because of slower onset of
·- • · :-: r f mi ld side effects, viz. nervousness, antidepressan t effect, it is considered less suitable
, . , :' ,:,e,s, insomn ia, anorexia, dyskinesia and for patients needing rapid efTect, but is more
r.-: ,~sr.t ;-. associated with them, but patient appropriate for poorly compliant patients.. 11'! ;1,} is good . Increased incidence of stimulant effect could worsen patients showing
.:p1 sta.x 1s and ecchymosis has been reported, agitation. . UPAR
probably d ue to im pairment of platelet func- FLUDAC 20 mg cap, 20 mg/5 ml suHp., PLUN IL. l' L '
tio n. G a smc b lood loss due to NSAIDs may PRODAC I 0, 20 mg cap.
be increased by SSRl s. Fluvoxamine It is a shorter-acting SSRI w_itth
The SSRh inh ibi t drug metabolizing iso- a t ½ of 18 hours and no active . mctabo 1' c.
d for
e nzymes C YP2D6 and CYP3A4: elevate plasma It has been specifically recommc nd coCD-
le ve ls o f TC As, ha loperidol , clozapine, warfarin, generalized anxiety di sorder (GAD) a n<l