Abubaker, ID 15854 Mid Term

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GMS Corporation

Cash Budget
For the Period April to July 2024
Feb-24 Mar-24 Apr-24
Sales 240,000 356,000 400,000
Cash 50% 120,000 178,000 200,000
First Month 30% 72,000 106,800
Three Month 20%
Total Collections 100% 120,000 250,000 306,800

Purchases 55% 195,800 220,000 206,250

First Month 70% 137,060 154,000
Second Month 30% 72,000
Total Payments 100% 137,060 226,000

Total Collection 120,000 250,000 306,800

Less Disbursements
Inventory Payments - 137,060 226,000
Wages 25% 60,000 89,000 100,000
Lease Payments 10,000 10,000 10,000
Interest Payments
Short Term Interest Exp -
Tax Pre-Payments
Capital Investment
Total Disbursements 70,000 236,060 336,000

Begning Cash balance 21,000

Total Collection - Total Disbursement (29,200)
Unadjusted cash balance (8,200)
Current Borrowing 33,200
Ending Cash Balance 21,000 25,000
Cumulative borrowing/Investment - (41,400)

Minimum balance 25,000
Borrowing rate (Annual) 10% Monthly 0.0083
h Budget
d April to July 2024
May-24 Jun-24 Jul-24 Aug-24 Sep-24 Oct-24 *Dates are linked from Apr
375,000 28,000 398,000 450,000
187,500 14,000 199,000 225,000 - - 50%
120,000 112,500 8,400 119,400 135,000 -
48,000 71,200 80,000 75,000 5,600 79,600
355,500 197,700 287,400 419,400 140,600 79,600

15,400 218,900 247,500 - - -

144,375 10,780 153,230 173,250 - -

106,800 120,000 112,500 8,400 119,400 135,000
251,175 130,780 265,730 181,650 119,400 135,000

355,500 197,700 287,400 419,400 140,600 79,600

251,175 130,780 265,730 181,650 119,400 135,000

93,750 7,000 99,500 112,500 - -
10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000
25,000 25,000
- - -
25,000 25,000
459,925 197,780 575,230 304,150 129,400 145,000

25,000 (16,400) (16,480) (175,330) (60,080) (48,880)

(104,425) (80) (287,830) 115,250 11,200 (65,400)
(79,425) (16,480) (304,310) (60,080) (48,880) (114,280)
63,025 - 128,980
(16,400) (16,480) (175,330) (60,080) (48,880) (114,280)
(183,850) (200,330) (633,620)
*Dates are linked from April Onwards i.e. May-24

60% 30.0%
40% 20.0%

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