Part 1.6 - Flight Crew Composition Revision 1
Part 1.6 - Flight Crew Composition Revision 1
Part 1.6 - Flight Crew Composition Revision 1
1. NAC’s Responsible Person Flight Operations is ultimately responsible for the process of determining Flight
Crew composition when rostering flight crew for the purposes of NAC’s Part 127 and Part 138 Operations.
2. The minimum number and composition of the Flight Crew shall not be less than the minimum number and
composition specified in the Aircraft Flight Manual. NAC allocates additional Flight Crew members when it is
required by the type of operation, and the number of such additional Flight Crew members shall not be less
than the number specified herein.
3. NAC shall ensure that the Flight Crew members are competent to perform the duties assigned to them and
hold the appropriate valid licences and ratings. In this regard for:
3.1 For the following operations, NAC shall ensure multi crew operations under Part 127 operations:
3.1.2 UN Contracts;
3.1.4 Oil, Gas and Petroleum as well as Basic Aviation Risk Standard (BARS) Contracts
3.2 The Single Engine aircraft operated by NAC are certified to be operated by a minimum of one pilot.
In terms of the regulations [CARS 127.02.1] the operator of a small commercial air transport aircraft
may allocate additional flight crew members when it is required by the type of operation. NAC may be
required by its contracting clients to operate its single engine turbine aircraft with two flight crew
A Helicopter may be operated by a single pilot under IFR or by night if the following requirements are
complied with;
3.2.1 The helicopter shall be certified for a single pilot IFR or night operations;
3.2.2 The following instruments and equipment shall be in the helicopter when operating at night
without a second-in-command:
(b) Headset
3.2.3 The OM includes a Specialised training program for pilots which include the additional
requirements for a single pilot operation;
(e) Stability augmentation or automatic flight control management use with and without the
introduction of abnormal and emergency conditions.
i. Knowledge of the regulatory and company procedures relating to singe pilot IMC
or night flying
3.2.4 The proficiency checks shall be performed in the Single Pilot role on the type or class of
helicopter in an environment representative of the operation
3.2.5 The pilot concerned shall have minimum of 400 hours total flight time, which includes 200
hours as pilot-in-command, of which 100 hours have been under IFR.
3.2.6 The minimum required recent experience for a pilot engaged in a single-pilot operation under
IFR or by night shall be:
i. Five (5) IFR flights including 3 instrument approaches that consists of one
missed approach after and engine failure, one engine out approach and at least
three (3) landings from approaches, preceding 90 days on a helicopter
approved in the single-pilot role.
ii. 25 Hours total IFR flight experience in the relevant operating environment
iii. 25 Hours flight experience on the specific type of helicopter, approved for single-
pilot IFR, of which 10 hours is as pilot-in-command.
i. Executed not less than five circuits (including take-off and landing) by night in
a helicopter of the same category as that in which such
3.3 As per the regulations [CARS 61.01.8 (8)] the designated captain of the aircraft shall log Pilot-in-
Command flight hours in his/her flight logbook and the designated co-pilot shall log Co-pilot flight
hours in his/her flight logbook when tasked to operate as Co-Pilot.
3.4 Part 127 Operations – NAC shall operate all aircraft under and in accordance with its Part 127
License with two appropriately rated and qualified pilots as or when required.
4. In respect of Part 127 Operations, where the Aircraft is certified for single pilot operations or weighs less than
5 700 kg NAC shall be able to operate the Aircraft with two pilots with a Commercial Pilots license. However,
where the aircraft is certified for two crew operations and the helicopter weighs more than 5 700 kg, NAC shall
ensure that the PIC has an appropriately issued Airline Transport Pilots Licence while the Co-pilot shall be the
holder of a Commercial Pilot’s or higher license qualification.
5. For commercial operations under IFR or by night, in a commercial air transport helicopter or in the case of any
operation in a commercial air transport helicopter when more than nine (9) passengers are carried, the
minimum flight crew of such helicopter shall be two flight crew. The rated crew shall adhere to the applicable
standard operating procedures for the type of aircraft being operated in the IFR or night flying conditions.
6. NAC shall designate one pilot among the flight crew as PIC of an Aircraft Operated by NAC and the PIC may
delegate the conduct of the flight to another suitably qualified pilot.
9.1 Before being allowed to act as a Flight Crew member on an NAC Operated Aircraft, the person shall
hold a valid licence, be rated and current on the Aircraft type in question.
9.2 The experience levels shall be commensurate with the nature of the flying to be undertaken. The
ultimate decision to allow a pilot to fly an NAC operated aircraft rests on the Executive Director:
Operations after having considered the recommendations, comments and input of the Chief Pilot,
Chief Training Captain, Division Manager and where applicable the Safety Manager. The
Responsible Person Flight Operations may consider input from other interested stakeholders
including, but not specifically limited to the Chief Training Captain, the CEO and Operations
9.3 The Responsible Person Flight Operations and the Division Manager shall also give consideration to
the requirements of the Aircraft Insurer as well as the specific requirements of the aircraft owner and
where applicable customer minimum requirements.
9.4 No flight crew member shall act as pilot-in-command of any aircraft carrying passengers by day,
unless he/she has within the 90 days immediately preceding the flight, carried out either by day or by
night at least 3 take-offs and 3 landings in the same class or similar type and category of aircraft.
9.5 No flight crew member shall act as pilot-in-command of any aircraft carrying passengers by night,
unless he/she has, within the 90 days immediately preceding the flight, carried out at least 3 take-offs
and 3 landings by night , in the same class or similar type and category of aircraft.
9.6 No flight crew member shall act as pilot-in-command of an aircraft on an instrument approach to an
aerodrome in IMC unless he/she has, within the 90 days immediately preceding such an approach
procedure or procedures -
9.6.1 executed at least, two approaches in an aircraft either under actual or simulated conditions,
with reference to flight instruments only; or
9.6.2 executed at least one approach in an aircraft under actual or simulated conditions with
reference to flight instruments only and one approach in an approved FSTD; or
9.6.3 undergone the appropriate skill test as prescribed in Part 4 paragraph 11 of this OM.
10.1 Refer to Part 1.8 of the Operations manual and the specific Base SOP’s.
10.2 If a flight crew member expects his or her cumulative flight hours projected for a particular operation
to exceed the appropriate limit then the flight crew member shall inform NAC Operations accordingly.
A/C Category License Type Total Time PIC Turbine Time on Type
<5700 KG
COM 750 HRS 400 HRS 20 HRS 20 HRS
A/C Category License Type Total Time PIC Multi Engine Turbine Time on Type
< 5700 KG CSP COM 1000 HRS 400 HRS 200 HRS 200 HRS 50 HRS
> 5700 KG CSP COM 2000 HRS 600 HRS 400 HRS 400 HRS 100 HRS
ATPL 1750 HRS 600 HRS 400 HRS 400 HRS 100 HRS
ATPL 2000 HRS 1000 HRS 500 HRS 500 HRS 100 HRS
A/C Category License Type Total Time PIC Turbine Time on Type
< 5700 KG
A/C Category License Type Total Time PIC Multi Engine Turbine Time on Type
> 5700KG CSP COM 300 HRS 100 HRS 75 HRS 50 HRS RATED
COM 500 HRS 150 HRS 100 HRS 100 HRS RATED
A/C Category License Type Total Time PIC Turbine Time on Type
Where NAC is required to operate aircraft on behalf of third parties with Minimum experience levels that are
more restrictive than the above, the more restrictive Minimum experience levels shall apply. Third Party
Specific hour requirements are reflected in Annexures to this part 1.6 below.
In the event that the aircraft is required to operate with a low time captain and first officer the combined time on
type should not be less than 300 hrs, or if less than 300 but not less than 200 hours, the total time of the PIC
should be in excess of 2000 hrs for multi turbine operation and 1500 hrs for single turbine operations.
16.1 The minimum requirements as set out above may be reduced at the discretion of the Responsible
Person Flight Operations in consultation and agreement with the Safety Officer and Chief Pilot, having
due consideration to the nature of the proposed operations, aircraft type, and the Pilot’s background
and experience on similar or other Aircraft types.
16.2 A full and proper conversion to type must have been satisfactorily completed and a written document
shall be placed on the pilots file stating the reasons for the decision including but not specifically
limited to new aircraft type or, prior experience on similar types.
16.3 Where the abovementioned post holders agree to waive the minimum requirements as set out above,
the PIC or Co-Pilot position shall be endorsed only after a check ride on the aircraft or a Simulator has
been completed to confirm the suitability of the candidate. The check ride shall be done by the
Chief Training Captain, a company approved instructor or an approved ATO.
16.4 The new intake of crew will have to comply with the minimum requirements laid down by the relevant
aircraft insurance policy in respect of total hours specified, hours on type of aircraft, etc.
16.5 The above requirements similarly do not reflect hour specific requirements imposed on NAC as an
operator by a client and should contract requirements differ the more restrictive shall be applicable.
16.6 The nominated post holders must take the above into consideration when rostering crew on a specific
aircraft and to a specific destination.
Prospective aircrew shall be required to undergo an assessment by the Chief Pilot, Safety Manager,
Division Manager and /or the Responsible Person Flight Operations prior to being approved for NAC
Operations. Where considered necessary by the above Post holders, such assessment may require
that the Aircrew undergo a flight test under the auspices of an NAC approved instructor and / or ATO.
A psychometric evaluation shall be performed if or when required by a client prior to appointing new
Flight Crew and prior to the upgrading of any Flight Crew to PIC.
The psychometric evaluation shall be coordinated by the HR Manager. The required psychometric
evaluation shall be performed by a licensed psychologist.
The result of the psychometric evaluation and recommendations shall be reviewed by the HR Manager
and the Responsible Person Flight Operations and actioned accordingly.
Recurrent training of aircrew shall be arranged on a regular basis by the Chief Training Captain.
Whenever a pilot procedural inefficiency or incident has occurred the Chief Training Captain may call
for a proficiency check or refresher course for the affected pilot. Such recurrent training and flight
checks shall be undertaken by NAC approved Instructors and / or an approved ATO.
18.1 Standards established by ICAO will be regarded as the minimum for Flight Crew. However, such
requirements will be enhanced by requiring all flight deck crew to be conversant with and have an
adequate knowledge of the routes to be flown and airports to be used.
18.2 NAC shall use all practical methods to qualify the Captain concerned for the Area of Operations and
NAC will in principle undertake to brief all Flight Crew regarding route and airports to be utilised before
leaving base by making full use of all available information.
18.3 Where practicalities do not however permit for NAC to fully brief the Flight Crew on the intended
routes, airfields and operating environment, it shall be the responsibility of the individual flight crew
members to ensure that he is qualified to fly a particular route, or to a particular airport. He must be
thoroughly conversant with all aspects of the operation and be able to comply strictly with all
applicable regulations and local procedures for the route to be flown.
After being certified as competent to operate as PIC, a new Captain will be required to undergo a
minimum of 2 flights under supervision of an experienced Captain or a line check pilot designated
by NAC.
In order to qualify to operate in a particular area, the following methods are available to NAC in order
to ensure that the appointed Flight Crew shall be required to operate in the proposed Area of
Operation in a safe and reliable manner:
Self briefing, using Jeppesen charts, plus a comprehensive review of the information
available at NAC’s Head Office will assist the appointed Flight Crew to gather sufficient
information in order to operate safely. The NOTAC system will also be used to inform crew
of short term changes at unlicensed aerodromes. Additionally, refer to Part 1.4, paragraph 4,
detailing the flight preparation and release procedure.
19.1 The prime objective of the scheme of flight time limitations, as described in this OPS Manual, is to
ensure that flight crew members are adequately rested at the beginning of each flight duty period. The
Chief Pilot and Responsible Person Flight Operations will take account of interrelated planning
constraints on:
19.1.2 the length of cycles of duty and the associated periods of time off; and
19.2 Duties must be scheduled within the limits of the operator's scheme. To allow for unforeseeable
delays the PIC may, within prescribed conditions, use his or her discretion to exceed the limits on the
day. Nevertheless, flight schedules must be realistic, and the planning of duties must be designed to
avoid as far as possible exceeding the flight duty limits.
19.3 Refer to the Part 1.8 of the Operations Manual – Flight and Duty Period Limitations and Rest
Any PIC that has operated as a co-pilot on an aircraft certified for multi crew operations will automatically be
rated on both left and right seats if he has flown the aircraft from the right hand seat.
NAC shall carry out the training and checking of all Aircrew in accordance with Part 4 of this Manual.
22.1 The Single Engine Turbine aircraft operated by NAC are certified to be operated by a minimum of one
pilot. In terms of the regulations [CARS 127.02.1] the operator of a small commercial air transport
aircraft may allocate additional flight crew members when it is required by the type of operation.
One of these crew members shall be designated as the Captain of the aircraft and the other shall be
designated as the Co-pilot of the aircraft.
22.2 As per the regulations [CARS 61.01.8 (8)] the designated captain of the aircraft shall log Pilot-in-
Command flight hours in his/her flight logbook and the designated co-pilot shall log Co-pilot flight
hours in his/her flight logbook.
23.1 No holder of a Pilot’s licence who has attained the age of 65 years shall act as a pilot in command of
an aircraft engaged in international commercial air transport operations except, as a member of a
multi-pilot crew; provided that such holder is the only pilot of the crew who is older than the age of 60
< 5000 KG CSP COM / IR 500 HRS N/A 50 HRS 100 HRS
A/C Category License Type Total Time PIC Total Command Multi- Engine Time on Type
< 5700 KG CSP* COM / IR 2500 HRS 1500 HRS 500 HRS 100 HRS
> 5700 KG CSP ATPL / IR 3000 HRS 2500 HRS 500 HRS 100 HRS
Experience in Topographical Area: One year in similar to specified in contract (arctic, offshore, high density altitude,
mountainous, jungle, international operations etc.
A/C Category License Type Total Time PIC Total Command Multi- Engine Time on Type
> 5700KG CSP COM / IR 500 HRS N/A 100 HRS 50 HRS
Type Rating –
Contract Type
Current IR –
Contract Type (See Note 1)
Multi Hours
>5 700 Kg
Command Multi 500 500
(See Note 3)
Command Hours
100 100 100
Contract Type
50 TOTAL / 50 TOTAL /
Hours Last 90 Days 50 ON TYPE
Type Rating –
Contract Type
Hours Last 90 Days
1. Instrument ratings are to be tested at periods not exceeding 13 months. Instrument base should normally be at 6
monthly intervals.
3. These hours to be fully on helicopters. Up to 10% may be achieved in a flight simulator approved for the purpose
by the regulatory authority. 50% of hours spent in command under supervision (ICUS) may be included to meet
aircraft captain.