Fikky's Project

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I Dedicate this project to GOD almighty who gave me the golden privilege to
write this.
I owe a debt of gratitude to everyone who has contributed in one way or the
other to the success of this project
First and foremost, I acknowledge God and I am eternally grateful to the Lord
Jesus Christ, my ultimate role model, who provides unending inspiration.
I am greatly indebted to Mountain of fire and Miracles Campus Fellowship
(MFMCF), Obafemi Awolowo university, Ile -Ife, Osun state,
The Pastorate, Foundation Bible School (FBS)
I would like to appreciate Brother Tolulope Adeboye, the FBS Principal and
Sister Joy Sabaloju the vice principal.
I am especially grateful to Brother Faship Oladotun and Sisiter Pelumi, my
project supervisor who has been supportive and has provided me extensive
spiritual and professional guidance
And my instructors Brother Dotun, Sister Heritage, Sister Tinu, Brother Mike,
Sister Success, Brother David, Sister Pelumi
This project would have not been possible without the financial support of my
parent, MR and MRS OLADEYI. I would like to appreciate them for their
guidance and love towards me in whatever I pursue.
Title Page ……………………………………………………………..
Table of Content…………………………………………………………
1.1Background to study
1.2 Definition of terms
2.1 What Is Gospel by Apostle Gideon
2.2 Glorious Gospel by Reverend Gideon Odoma
2.3 How to get men saved by Apostle Arome Osayi
2.4 Adequate Repentance by Apostle Arome Osayi
2.5 The Great Salvation by Apostle Arome Osayi
2.6 Organic Salvation by Apostle Arome Osayi
2.7 Complete Gospel by Apostle Arome Osayi
2.8 Balancing Grace by Reverend Gideon Odoma


3.1 The Holy Bible
3.2 Audio Messages
3.3 Internet Materials
Chapter FOUR: BODY
4.1 Finding Gospel in the Bible
Chapter Five: THE EARLY LIFE

Chapter six: THE CASE STUDY

6.1 The Exploits Ministry

Chapter Seven:


8.1 Summary
8.2 Conclusion
8.3 Recommendation
8.4 References


Gospel is a joyful announcement (Luke 2:10) about Christ, that He is the Son of
God (John 20:18) and become sin for us (Matthew1:23), that he died (Romans
3:25-26), was buried (1 Corinthians 15:4) and was raised (John 20:1-10), and he
ascended to Heaven (Luke 24:50-51) where he is now seated at the right hand of
God and been established as the lord over all things (Hebrews 1:3). He presently
is reigning as King and Head of his Church (Eph 1:20-23) and will one day
come and judge the living and the dead come again to judge the living and the
dead (John 5:22).


The world “Gospel” is translated in the New Testament of the Holy Bible from
the Greek word “euaggelion”. The literal English translation of euaggelion is
“good news” or “glad tidings”. The gospel in the New Testament is the good
news of Christ that was delivered to humanity to insulate them from the
consequence and power of sin (salvation), when believed.
“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto
salvation to everyone that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek”

Is the act or an instance of justifying something: vindication argument offered in
justification of their choices. The act by which God moves a willing person
from the state of sin (injustice) to the state of Grace(justice).
“And by him all that believe are justified from all the things, from which ye
could not be justified by the law of Moses”.
ACT 13:39
Grace can be a difficult biblical term to define because it’s meaning is so often
modified by the context in which it is found. Grace is the power of God unto
salvation. It is understood by Christians to be a “spontaneous gift from God to
people”. The name GRACE is of Latin Origin and was first used as a reference
to the phrase. God’s Grace. Grace’s meanings include Goodness and
“For the Grace of God bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men”
Titus 2:11

Faith is derived from Latin fides and Old French field. Faith is confidence or
trust in a person, thing or concept. In context of Religion “Faith is can be
defined as belief in GOD or in a doctrine or teaching of religion”. Christians
often think of faith as a confidence based on a perceived degree or warrant.
“Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not

Redemption is the act of being saved from sin, error or evil Redemption is the
act of regaining or gaining possession of something in exchange for payment, or
clearing a debt.
The biblical definition of Redemption is that Jesus paid bis price for our release
from sin and its punishment through his blood.
“In whom we have redemption through His Blood, even the forgiveness of sins”
Salvation is the act of saving or protecting harm, risk or destruction. Salvation is
the saving of human beings from sin and its consequences, which include death
and separation from God by Christ’s death and resurrection, and the
justification. Salvation is a free gift of grace from God.
“And she shall bring forth a son and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he
shall save his people from their sins”.
Romans 1:1
As a minister, the area of service is to preach the Gospel. If you don’t
know what the gospel is, you have not legitimacy to Christianity.
The Gospel is concerning the son “JESUS” he was made with the seed of David
according to the fleshed declared the son of God. Grace and Apostleship is what
Paul received; the goal of Gospel is to preach Jesus Christ, make great
awareness. The constant for all Apostles is Grace,
the only thing we need to find is how grace will manifest, once found, and it
grow it and so on.

The Gospel is the foundation of the Ministry, No Gospel: No Ministry. Romans

1:16; The Gospel is goodness (Goodnews for humanity). God intended to solve
a human problem (SIN)by with the gospel
The Gospel is “Goodnews”; news that is good.
-NEWS: it is the report of an event
Goodnews/Gospel: God has done something good that can advert the human
problem (SIN). So that humans no longer need to face the consequences of sin
on earth and after.
 The power of God for salvation is in the Gospel
 God’s major function
 God conserves creation: He keeps creation in being
 Work of Reservation
Without the shedding of blood, there can be no redemption. The
Goodness is that:
 God has done something new about the human problem(sin)
JOHN 3:16; The gospel was preached by the LOVE. In the Gospel, we can see
the righteousness of God; God is righteous in Justification.
Justification is the judicial act of God by which God declares the sinner not
The Goodness is the life of Jesus.


Mark 1:14: The Gospel of the kingdom of God.
1peter 1:9-11;
We have seen from the New Testament that the Gospel is the Original God’s
idea from the beginning and the full processing of the gospel began to manifest
when man fall. Gospel is what God chanced upon in the New Testament.
The primary burden of scripture is redemption and to solve the problem
of humanity, and the major primary from the mental problem of humanity is
SIN. There are so many ways of trying to minimize the consequences of sins in
a broken world but there is only one way to deal with SIN, the project of God as
review in scripture is that way by which the major problem of will be solve,
scripture is of the objective of making us wise unto salvation. When you are
saved from consequences of sin are now secondary issues that can be dealt with,
in the same provision of God for sin, is the provision of God foe consequences
of sin both temporary and eternal. The Gospel is the fact that we have hope of
life beyond grace and that hope of life beyond the grace is between which God
hence to deal with every other carryover of the consequences of sin that the
human being might faces on the face of the earth.
The Gospel came to solve the problem (sin) and then progressive to now
deal with consequences of sin which will be ultimately be estaminated in the
world that is to come. All these things are the ultimate of the Gospel.
Gospel is a Goodnews (news reporting of an event). The enterprise of the gospel
is God’s arrangement by which human falls, humanity is restored to Fellowship
and to right standing with God. The errand of the Gospel is to announced that
God has done something to the problem of humanity, that humanity does not
need to bear the burden of our sin anymore, Gospel is that God has find a way
to bring us home as a person that does not bear (Adam’s sin), these are the
element of the gospel, our role as a Christian. It is to announce what God has
done by reconciling himself to us.
The Gospel is accepting the God that accept.
The Christian life begins from four powerful steps. The book that vividly
explains how to lead someone in Christ in Acts of Apostles 19:1-20
The four steps include;
A. Repentance towards God
B. Faith in Jesus Christ
C. Baptism in water
D. Baptism with the holy spirit

 Repentance towards God

This is explained in Acts2:36-38. Peter explained to the men of Judea that they
must repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the mission of sins,
and they shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. Hebrews 6:1-2, John3:1-5 –
Jesus explained to Nicodemus how to be born again. Romans 2:4, 2 peter 3:9 –
the apostle preached about repentances all through the epistles.
 Faith in Jesus Christ
Acts 20:20-21, Romans 10:9- this scripture talks about confessing with thy
mouth the Lord Jesus and believing in thine heart that God hath raised him from
the dead that thou shall be saved.
But before getting to this second step of confessing and believing in your
heart- you must first repent of your sins


 Our own evangelical instrative guarantees safety from hell. It is more like in
death you are saved. The Apostle prepare men to live with a new context.
They were more concerned about how you live whether you are in the
kingdom of light or darkness.
Acts 26:14:1- Their gospel was entired upon being savaged from sin not on
being saved from hell. Th apostle ministry brings newness of life. Matthew
1:21, John 1:29
Sin issues is based on three levels:
a) Principle of sin
b) Power of sin
c) Presence of sin
Salvation is not an event; it is a process. Justification gives us salvation from the
principle of sin. In justification, our quarrel with God has settled because of the
payment made by Jesus Christ.
Romans 7:7-8- the law was an instrument of judgement to people who can can’t
live up to the expectation of the law of God. God made Grace available to us so
that we are able to meet is standards
 Our salvation messages us concerned about being saved from something
while Apostolic message is about being saved into something (Holy Life,
Life of service).
 Our messages are to arrive at justification is a pathway to sanctification
Our preached Jesus as the savior- theirs preached Jesus as Lord and Savior.
Your navigation into spiritual maturity is tired to knowing Jesus as your lord.
His command tower is in your spirit. And it is the Holy Spirit that manage his
office in your heart.
Our messages have been branded as a gospel of materials things. Theirs
was kingdom oriented. You cannot serve both God and Mammon
Matthew 6:24-25- our heavenly father will provide for all our needs.


Mark 1:4-John preached the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins.
Baptism in water is in the name of Jesus Christ. Baptism with the Holy Spirit –
Jesus is the baptizer, he will baptism you with the Holy Ghost. John 1:33- And I
knew him not, but he that sent me to baptize you with water, not the same said
unto me, upon whom thou shalt see the spirit descending and remaining on him,
the same is he which baptize with the Holy Ghost
 Ways at which we can be saved
1. Repentance – repentance provide a platform for our sin to be blotted
out- (Acts 3:18-19)
2. Faith in Jesus- believing in Jesus and expanding God’s work-(Acts
3. Water Baptism – it is all about the declaration to the World (1 peter 3:19-
4. Holy Ghost Baptism (John 1:33)

 Repentance
Repentance provides a platform for our sin to be blotted out, confessions
and also it is different from regret and being remove
 Attributes of Repentance
a. It must we made known to God (Act 2:21)
b. It is not only the wrong things you have done but also the good things
outside God standard one has done thinking he/she is pleasing God. We
can only please God by Grace (Isaiah 64:6)
c. It involves naming the particular sin you want to be (mark 1:55)
d. It brings hidden things to confession; confessions involve three aspects;
 Verbal Exposition/thought aspect
 Renouncing things/vocal aspect
 Action aspect/deed

 Faith in Jesus
Faith in the bible has a historical fact (1 Corinthians 15:3-4). Our faith is based
on fact and this fact are into three
 Death of Jesus
 Buried
 Resurrection
Things about our faith;
I. Our faith is personal (James 2:19)- that we should behave and trust in him
The component of faith in Jesus are Believe Jesus and Trust him
The essence of a Christian faith is that he/she should trust in Jesus
II. Verbal dimension in faith
III. Faith in practice (James 2:24-26)
Faith is a continuous process; it is a stage-by-stage process.


Jude 1:3
 The nature of salvation in Chapter one is unique and it is worthy of much

 Salvation is not a simple task

 If God’s call something great it is worthy of mediations

 In the history, of God, on the cross is the first time the father (God)

 turned his black against his son (Christ)

 God turning his back to Christ is a spiritual thing

 When Jesus was on the cross, he was actually naked (which is on attack
on his dignity, on is soul). Jesus also had assault on his body, so Christ
suffered in three layers of existence; his spirit, his soul and body is on
attempt to secure pour common salvation.

 1 peter 1:9; this verse spoke about the salvation of our soul this was not
the salvation we experience the day we give our life to Christ
 It is not a spirit experience
 In processing man’s salvation because it is a spirit base, soul base and
body base

 We accept Christ longship

 The first benefit we enjoyed in him on the account or our faith was that
our deed spirit (separation from God) was in close with what we call the

 The person in the God has different roles

 There are somethings superior to faith

 The Justice System of heaven requires that the soul that sin shall die and
this was what necessary stated Christ to die the immortal structure and
protocol cannot be bend

 Substitution is the possibility that was exploited to secure men’s salvation

 One of the blessings of reconciliation I the “HOLY GHOST”

 When the God started in the beginning it was a co-operate creation the
father would have to do something

 Christ was the first that fulfill God’s requirement and he came to the earth
because of man
There are two levels of substitution: Substitute on the cross and Substitute
The purpose of substitute on the cross was for our deliverance
And he is a substitute writing for our Victory, it is the yielding to the prompting
within the spirit within
Angels and men where the only creator created with him


Job: 42:5
I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear, but now mine eye seethe thee
It is obvious that the intention that the set of teaching are poised at advantage
are design to cut us off from the experiential organic diversion of God
The hyper grace believer says that a believer is not supposed to confess sin.
Jesus Christ paid for the sin of the believer past present and future. Until
forgiveness is an.
Organic matter means the legal side of our relationship with Christ and this was
certified by Jesus on the cross. When he fulfilled the claim of divine justice.
The father became righteous in doing his will, in administering justice, his will
was obstructed because of that element of rebellion when human kind declared
independence against him that act of treachery was sated when Jesus through a
legal statement decided to offer himself without a spot unto God through the
holy ghost.
The position of deficiency that was the bail of human kind was reversed and
that was a legal statement, the legal statement is to produce and provide a living
vital relationship. This living vital relationship is what the grace preacher wants
to destroy, so that we become victims of the letters without the dimension of the
spirit, and that status and state of existence, the bible calls it “death”
Death from biblical perspective is not the sensation of life but it’s a separation
from God. There are several levels of separation from God that we can find in
the scripture, but one that needs to be addressed quickly is separation of God in
the context of a broken fellowship, there’s separation from God in the context of
an unbeliever, not being able to connect with God because the only access to
God is through the instrumentality of the spirit of God. That’s the operating
system in which God can be found and function. God function in spirit form;
the bible says any man that does not have the spirit of Christ is none of his. So,
you become Christ when his spirit has come to seal your heart, that is a proof
that your part of him.
John was supposing to be sending letters to the people but everything in his
environment is limitation couple with the big river standing between him and
the city which made him cut off from civilization, until he entered into the
realm of the spirit (High of Patmos). The day he started making sense was the
day he started to subscribe to the spirit frequency. The transition is on day in
day out but the problem is subscription and thereafter John began to hear new
sounds. These new sounds were coming from a realm and the only access to
that realm is the holy ghost
In faith you’re reconciled with God’s frame of reference. John yielded to the
summoning and encountered the first mystery known as transportation mystery.
The transport mode of the civilization of the realm of the spirit.
(Rev: 4:1) This passage discusses about the trumpet sound and John was able to
interpret the message of the trumpet. Majority of us can only hear the sound but
cannot interpret the message it is passing across. Heaven is full of places, court
and dimensions. A believer does not need to die before getting to heaven
because there is a navigating spirit in us which can take us to realms, just that in
some realms we just have to be summoned before we can enter into it. There are
at time we believer starts to hear some sounds and songs from another realm,
we do enjoy it but we actually don’t know that in the songs there are messages
being passed across.
Physical things don’t last, no matter the sweetness or how enjoyable it is. But
the spiritual touch last forever. Some people get stuck on the things of this
world and they are cut off
Job: 38:1
Job was riding on the philosophy of self-righteousness, he thought he was
perfect and was accurate with God. It’s in New Testament that we’ll find out
that the fact that you are accurate with God doesn’t exempt you from trials
In this passage (Job:38) God decoded to respond to Job
(Job: 38:2)
Who is this that darkened counsel by words without knowledge
(counterproductive counsel)?
Rev: 9, John: 3:31. You can know the realm which a pastor operates when
you hear what he is says with his mouth
 The ones that operate from God
 The one that operate from this Earth

EPIGNOSIS: Revealed knowledge of Christ
(Job: 38:3 – 4)
God was telling Job that if he was not as ancient as to when he laid the
foundation of the earth then he has no idea of what is happening to him. It is
foolishness to contend with your maker.
The holy spirit brings the spirit out of men
The holy spirit doesn’t convict the believer of sin this is not true in ACT 5 there
is a graphic seniro/ situation;
 They lied to the holy ghost but it was revealed by Peter
 The Holy Spirit reveal the secret in the act of men, he reveals the
treasuring and implement judgment
 When the holy spirit reveals the secret, they could not lie
 The judgment was passed, the HOLY GHOST is responsible for this
It is a blessing to be uncomfortable so you can adjust
The difference between the written word of God and the living word is what it
 The complete word of God is the Letter +the spirit
 The Greek word for Judge is same with CONVIVTION
 The judgment must begin in the house of the Lord
1. The layer of converting the heart of men; the Holy Spirit making you
The holy spirit needs to convince us so that he would be guilty of angular
Before the Holy Spirit takes his move, he makes you feel uncomfortable.
CONVICTION is a sign of Spiritual health.
The message of JESUS is the message of the Kingdom
Hebrews 12 verses 28- Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be
moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with
reverence and godly fear

 Grace is relevant to the Kingdom service, kingdom operation and
kingdom life
 Grace is a great salvation
 Grace is to live the life of the kingdom
 The entry to be into his kingdom is by GRACE
 The only way no to sin no more is by Grace
 Salvation is a great matter
 Salvation become necessary in order to restore us
(Hebrew:2: 1-4)
The first thing GOD gave us was kingdom. God laid the foundation for the
establishment of salvation. Salvation is not by the Law, it is by Grace
(Matthew chapter 6 and 7) Unveil how people begin to relate with Money,
their Secret life
 Is the book of kingdom
 Is the book of prayer
 Is the book of fasting
 Giving to the needy
 The narrow and wide gate
A Christian must be secretly pure. Your purity is towards GOD not man
(Matthew 5,6 and 7) - The Christian is merciful kind towards other


 Prophecy of Ballam
 prophecy and money
JESUS preach the Kingdom and he preached the salvation in (Mark: 1:14-15)
Every service will affect human kind. The Gospel of the kingdom of God is for
us to be operating under God’s command, subscribe to God’s Authority
When you begin to subscribe to God’s authority; God can give you your
responsibility, you will now discover you need grace to sustain the authority.
John 1:1-3.
All things were made by God, without Him, nothing was made. John chapter
one was defending the divinity of Jesus and eternality of Jesus. Jesus made all
that came into being, hence he seats outside of the created (i.e., he was not
made). The ultimate creator that seats outside of creation. John 1:14- “And the
world was made flesh among us (and we beheld his glory, the glory of the only
begotten of the father) full of grace and truth”.
Balancing grace is not trying to say partly by grace and partly by works (John
1:15) From verse 16 “And of his fullness have we all received, and grace after
grace” There’s a certain level of grace that needs to be accessed to attain a
certain level of grace. Grace is a gradient as glory is also a gradient in
(2Corinthians 3:18) it talks about a progression in glory. The mechanism by
which God’s love was manifest after the fall of man was mercy invoking grace
and then grace needing faith. Grace is what God offers because he loves us.
The idea of balance is native to the spirit of the gospel. It was God’s idea,
reason God made eyes in twos, legs in twos etc. Through Jesus came grace and
truth. Anytime we keep alone what God has ordained to be in community, we
cannot but go into error.
The bible says, taking faith and a good conscience which means when
exercising faith, we should take faith on one hand and good conscience on the
other hand. This establishes that the idea of balancing is not strange, it is native
to the bible all over.
(John 1:17), “For the law was given by Moses but grace and truth came by
Jesus.” (1Timothy 2:3,4) God will have all men to be saved and in addition to
being saved, he also wants all men to come to the knowledge of the truth.
There’s a coming into the knowledge of the truth after being saved. The
knowledge of truth is not automatic with salvation {John 3:12-16). God so
loved the world that he gave his only begotten son. Behind grace is the love of
When man fell, God had no obligation to rescue man. The rescue was purely an
act of God’s mercy because love required mercy. The only way mercy was
extended to man is that God showed him grace. Obtain mercy so no one can
find grace- coming boldly to the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and
find grace to help in time of need (Hebrew 4:16).
The grace has been made available to us out of the disposition of God’s mercy.
In the story of the lost sheep, there was no place where the sheep repented. The
shepherd found the sheep and carrying it on his shoulder rejoiced when he got
home. In the story of the lost coin, the woman labored to find it and when it was
found, she rejoiced as well. In the story of the prodigal son who went away with
his portion of his inheritance and squandered it, then became hungry, and so
came into a realization of his condition knowing his father was a better hirer in
verse 17 of Luke 15, “And so decided to bring forward a bargain before his
father to become a hired servant. But on getting to his town, his father seeing
him when he was great away, had compassion and ran and fell on his neck and
kissed him. Note, no word of condemnation but acceptance, not tolerance but
great acceptance. The father rid him of the shame before everyone not because
of anything but as a result of great love and compassion on the father’s part.
The heart of the shepherd that goes out to seek the lost and takes the burden
rigorously. Jesus was not a grumbling sacrifice; he was not an unwilling
sacrifice. Jesus was not coerced, mandated or compelled. He freely laid down
his life. The cross is the greatest expression of love that man has ever known.
The cross is the greatest expression of love that man has ever known.
Grace begins with a lost sheep, the acceptance of the fact that left to myself, I
can do nothing of my own; the acceptance of the fact that there’s a need to be
carried in order to make it home. The sheep was carried; the coin was found; the
boy was brought home.
Every time you think that there’s something you could do to make the father
accept you, remember that it was when we were yet sinners Christ died for us.
There’s a grace at work even before we said yes to Jesus and so repentance is
both what we do (even if our motives are wrong) and more of what God did.
Self-righteousness is no license for grace. You cannot believe yourself into the
kingdom not because behavior is not important. You are accepted in the
kingdom on full merit of what Christ did. The only thing we bring to the table is
believe in that which has been made available

Bible is the collection of scared writings of the Christian religion, comprising
the Old and New Testaments.
The English word “Bible” comes from bibilia in Latin and biblos in Greek. The
term means book, or books, and may have originated from the ancient Egyptian
port of Byblos (In modern day Lebanon)
The book sacred to Christians, which they consider to be the inspired word of
God. The bible includes the Old Testament, which contains the sacred books of
the Jews, and the New Testament, which begins with the birth of Jesus.
The bible is referred to as:
a. The “Word of God.” Ephesians 6:17
b. “The oracles of God.” 1 Peter 4:11
c. The writing of God.” Exodus 32:16
d. “The word of grace.” Acts 20:32
e. “The word of truth.” James 1:18 3. Inspired men, without hesitation, extended
the claim that they received their information directly from God.
The main message of the Bible is that God is restoring the World to his original
design through Jesus Christ. The world is in a state of brokenness because of
mankind’s rejection of God and his Plan. Jesus entered into a broken and
hurting world to die on the cross to restore mankind to God.


 What Is Gospel by Apostle Gideon
 Glorious Gospel by Reverend Gideon Odoma
 How to get men saved by Apostle Arome Osayi
 Adequate Repentance by Apostle Arome Osayi
 The Great Salvation by Apostle Arome Osayi
 Organic Salvation by Apostle Arome Osayi
 Complete Gospel by Apostle Arome Osayi
 Balancing Grace by Reverend Gideon Odoma


 Bible Definition & Meaning |

 https://www.lockman.jesus
 Gospel is what save the unbeliever to believer
 Gospel is what makes the Believer to Grow in Faith
 Gospel started before the world began, it has been promised before the
world began (Titus 1:2)
The world “Gospel” is translated in the New Testament of the Holy Bible from
the Greek word “euaggelion”. The literal English translation of euaggelion is
“good news” or “glad tidings”. The gospel in the New Testament is the good
news of Christ that was delivered to humanity to insulate them from the
consequence and power of sin (salvation), when believed.
“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto
salvation to everyone that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek”
Gospel is the old English translation of Greek “euaggelion”, meaning “good
news”. The Old English term was retained as gospel in Middle English Bible
translations and hence remains in use also in modern English
Written accounts of the life and teaching of Jesus are also generally known as
Gospels. The Roman Catholic Church Promotes the teaching of the good news
in the context of biblical salvation history as a fundamental part of the content
of its instruction. There are numerous exponents of the biblical theology
approach to understanding the good news.
The Gospel or the Good news is the news of the imminent coming of the
Kingdom of God- mark 1:14-15.
This message is expounded upon as a narrative in the four canonical gospels,
and as theology in many of the New Testament epistles. As theology it is
expanded, and related to the death and crucifixion between people and God.
Paul the Apostle’s gospel is of Jesus’s death on the cross and resurrection to
restore people’s relationship with God. Paul gave the following
“Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures, and that he was buried,
and that he was raised on the third day according to the scriptures- (1
Corinthians 15:1-4)
Christian theology describes the Good News of salvation in Jesus Christ not as a
concept but one that has been foretold thought out the Old Testament and was
prophetically preached even at the time of the fall of man as contained in
Genesis 3:14-15, which has been called the Proto-Gospel. It perceives this as
saving acts of God due to the work of Jesus on the cross and Jesus’ resurrection
from the dead which brings reconciliation between people and God.
Gospel, any of four biblical narratives covering the life and death of Jesus
Christ. Written by St. Matthew, St. Mark, St. Luke, and St. John (the four
evangelist), they are placed at the beginning of the New Testament and make up
about half the total next. The word gospel is derived from the Anglo-Saxon term
god-spell, meaning “good story,” a rendering of the Latin evangelium and the
Greek euangelion, meaning “good news” or “good telling”.
The traditions of Jesus’ earthly ministry and passions were remembered and
then written in the Gospel accounts. They were written from the post-
resurrection perspective and contain narrative as they deal with the earthly
ministry of Jesus from hindsight. It is also to be noted that, in the evangelists’
accounts, their theological presuppositions and the situations of their addresses
molded the formation of the four canonical Gospels, which were written after
the letters of St. Paul. The primary affirmations of Christianity of Jesus as the
Christ, his message of the kingdom and his resurrection preceded the
evangelists’ accounts, and some of these affirmations were extrapolated
backward (much as the exodus event central in Old Testament was extrapolated
backwards and was the theological presuppositions.
The Christian mission’s movement believes the Christian good news to be a
message for all peoples, of all nations, tribes, cultures and languages. This
movement teaches that it is through the good news of Jesus that the nations of
humanity are restored to relationship with God; and that the destiny of the
nations is related to this process. Missiology professor Howard A. Snyder
writes, ‘God has chosen to place the (worldwide) church with Christ at the very
center of His plan to reconcile the world to himself [ Ephesians 1:20-23]
“The Gospel teaches us Peace, Love, Compassion, Truth, Understanding and
Positive activism are all things that transform our lives, and young and
adulthood is a particularly transformative time in life. These ancient narratives
remind us of who we are and help us to intentionally shape who we want to
“The main messages of the Gospel or Goodness, is that we can be restored to
be God and live as people of His Kingdom, under God’s rule and reign through
Jesus Christ”
The Gospel are your most important resources in a study of Christianity.
Christians obtains most of their knowledge and understanding of Jesus from the
Gospels. Christians regard the Gospels as the Word of God and often treat them
with more awe and reverence than other parts of the Bible.


1. The Gospel produces faith
“Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.” The gospel is
the ministry of the spirit, that is the Holy spirit works through the
proclamation of the Gospel for salvation. Men receive the spirit through faith
(Galatians 3:14) by hearing of faith (Galatians 3:2)

2. The Gospel Strengthens faith

The gospel produces faith and through faith, as Ursinus says, our entire
conversion to God, justification, sanctification and salvation; for through
faith, we receive Christ, with all benefit for both justification and salvation
(2Corithians 3:18). The Gospel is to be proclaimed not only to unbelievers
but to believers as well. (Romans 1:15)

3. The Gospel humbles and abases man and most fully exhibits God’s
highest God
God chiefly designed the Gospel to display before the sinful men that glory of
God shines in the face of Christ (2corithuans 4:6). The Gospel is the way in
which the Holy spirit himself is glorified; and it is the Gospel that will be
honored with the accompanying influence of the Holy Spirit.

“There is nothing more notable or glorious in the church than the ministry of
the gospel because no other ministry exalts the glory of the Gospel. (Romans
11:36, Galatians 1:3-5)


 The Gospel is not a way
 The Gospel is not how we feel about things
 The Gospel is not something unfinished which is yet being completed.
Salvation depends, not on what we do for God, but on what he has done for
 The Gospel is not the telling of nice-sounding stories, or personal
 The Gospel is not an example of how-to live-in order to be right with God
 The Gospel is not a way of ministry
 The Gospel is not the church in the home
 The Gospel is not excuse to impose traditions of men and standard of
outward appearance
 The Gospel is not about conformity to a peer Group or submission to human
authority figures
 Knowing and believing the Gospel is not related to how we feel towards
people who share the Gospel

William Franklin Graham Jr. was born on November 7, 1918, in Charlotte,

North Carolina. He was of Scots-Irish descent and was the eldest of four
children born to Morrow (née Coffey) and William Franklin Graham Sr.
Graham was raised on a family dairy farm with his two younger sisters and
younger brother. When he was eight years old in 1927, the family moved about
75 yards (69 m) from their white frame house to a newly built red brick home.
He was raised by his parents in the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church.
Graham attended the Sharon Grammar School. He started to read books from an
early age and loved to read novels for boys, especially Tarzan. Like Tarzan, he
would hang on the trees and gave the popular Tarzan yell, scaring both horses
and drivers. According to his father, that yelling had led him to become a
minister. When he was fourteen in 1933, Prohibition ended in December, and
Graham’s father forced him and his sister, Katherine, to drink beer until they
got sick. This created such an aversion to booze that Graham and his sister
avoided alcohol and drugs for the rest of their lives.

Graham had been turned down for membership in a local youth group for being
“too worldly” when Albert McMakin, who worked on the Graham farm,
persuaded him to go and see the evangelist Mordecai Ham. According to his
autobiography, Graham was converted in 1934, at age 16 during a series of
revival meetings in Charlotte led by Ham.

After graduating from Sharon High School in May 1936, Graham attended Bob
Jones College, then located in Cleveland, Tennessee. After one semester, he
found it too legalistic in both coursework and rules. At this time he was
influenced and inspired by Pastor Charley Young from Eastport Bible Church.
He was almost expelled, but Bob Jones Sr. warned him not to throw his life
away: “At best, all you could amount to would be a poor country Baptist
preacher somewhere out in the sticks … You have a voice that pulls. God can
use that voice of yours. He can use it mightily.”

In 1937 Graham transferred to the Florida Bible Institute in Temple Terrace,

Florida, near Tampa. He preached his first sermon that year at Bostwick Baptist
Church near Palatka, Florida, while still a student. In his autobiography,
Graham wrote of receiving his “calling on the 18th green of the Temple Terrace
Golf and Country Club”, which was adjacent to the Institute campus. Reverend
Billy Graham Memorial Park was later established on the Hillsborough River
directly east of the 18th green and across from where Graham often paddled a
canoe to a small island in the river, where he would preach to the birds,
alligators, and cypress stumps. In 1939, Graham was ordained by a group of
Southern Baptist clergymen at Peniel Baptist Church in Palatka, Florida. In
1943, Graham graduated from Wheaton College in Wheaton, Illinois, with a
degree in anthropology.

During his time at Wheaton, Graham decided to accept the Bible as the
infallible word of God. Henrietta Mears of the First Presbyterian Church of
Hollywood (Hollywood, California) was instrumental in helping Graham
wrestle with the issue. He settled it at Forest Home Christian Camp (now called
Forest Home Ministries) southeast of the Big Bear area in Southern California.
A memorial there marks the site of Graham’s decision.


On August 13, 1943, Graham married Wheaton classmate Ruth Bell, whose
parents were Presbyterian missionaries in China. Her father, L. Nelson Bell,
was a general surgeon. Ruth Graham died on June 14, 2007, at the age of 87.
The Grahams were married for almost 64 years.

Graham and his wife had five children together: Virginia Leftwich (Gigi)
Graham (b. 1945), an inspirational speaker and author; Anne Graham Lotz (b.
1948), runs AnGeL ministries); Ruth Graham (b. 1950), founder and president
of Ruth Graham & Friends, leads conferences throughout the U.S. and Canada;
Franklin Graham (b. 1952), serves as president and CEO of the Billy Graham
Evangelistic Association and as president and CEO of international relief
organization, Samaritan’s Purse; and Nelson Edman Graham (b. 1958), a pastor
who runs East Gates Ministries International, which distributes Christian
literature in China.

Graham had 19 grandchildren and numerous great-grandchildren. His grandson

Tullian Tchividjian, son of Gigi, was the senior pastor of Coral Ridge
Presbyterian Church in Fort Lauderdale, Florida until he was defrocked in June
2015 after admitting to an extra-marital affair. Tchividjian later filed for divorce
from his wife, Kim. Grandson Basyle “Boz” Tchividjian, a former child abuse
chief prosecutor and professor at Liberty University School of Law, is the
founder and executive director of Godly Response to Abuse in the Christian
Environment, a nonprofit dedicated to preventing and responding to abuse in
Christian organizations.
Media Mastery

His influence was fueled by an organization that carefully planned his religious
campaigns, putting on international conferences and training seminars for
evangelical leaders, Martin said.

Graham’s mastery of the media was ground-breaking. In addition to radio and

publishing, he used telephone lines, television and satellites to deliver his
message to homes, churches and theaters around the world.

Some 77 million saw him preach in person while nearly 215 million more
watched his crusades on television or through satellite link-ups, a Graham
spokeswoman said.

Graham started meeting with presidents during the tenure of Harry Truman. He
played golf with Gerald Ford, skinny-dipped in the White House pool with
Lyndon Johnson, vacationed with George H.W. Bush and spent the night in the
White House on Nixon’s first day in office.

George W. Bush gave Graham credit for helping him rediscover his faith and in
2010, when it was difficult for Graham to travel, Barack Obama made the trip to
the preacher’s log cabin home in North Carolina’s Blue Ridge Mountains.

Graham’s ties to the White House were mutually beneficial. His reputation was
enhanced as preacher to the presidents, while the politicians boosted their
standing with religiously inclined voters.

“Their personal lives – some of them – were difficult,” Graham, a registered

Democrat, told Time magazine in 2007 of his political acquaintances. “But I
loved them all. I admired them all. I knew that they had burdens beyond
anything I could ever know or understand.”

Graham’s reputation took a hit because of Nixon after the release of 1972 White
House tapes in which the two were heard making anti-Semitic comments.
Graham later said he did not remember the conversation and apologized.

In the early half of his career, Graham often spoke his mind on social and
political issues of the day, including his strong anti-communist sentiments. He
dismissed Vietnam War protesters as attention-seekers and, while he eventually
refused to hold segregated revival meetings, he did not take an active role in the
1960s civil rights movement.
But Graham’s politics were not as overt as those of some religious leaders who
came after him, such as Pat Robertson, who ran for president in 1988, and Jerry
Falwell, co-founder of the Moral Majority, an organization whose purpose was
to promote Christian-oriented politics.

As he grew older, Graham said he felt he had become too involved in some
issues and shifted to a middle-of-the-road position in order to reach more
people. He did, however, dive into the gay marriage issue in 2012 when he
came out in support of a state amendment to ban same-sex marriages in North
Carolina. He also met with Republican Mitt Romney in October 2012 and told
him he supported Romney’s run for the presidency.

Later Life and Death

Graham suffered from hydrocephalus since 1992.

Graham said that his planned retirement was because of his failing health. In
August 2005, Graham appeared at the groundbreaking for his library in
Charlotte, North Carolina. Then 86, he used a walker during the ceremony. On
July 9, 2006, he spoke at the Metro Maryland Franklin Graham Festival, held in
Baltimore, Maryland, at Oriole Park at Camden Yards.

In April 2010, Graham, at 91 and with substantial vision and hearing loss, made
a rare public appearance at the re-dedication of the renovated Billy Graham

There had been controversy over Graham’s proposed burial place; he

announced in June 2007 that he and his wife would be buried alongside each
other at the Billy Graham Library in his hometown of Charlotte, North Carolina.
Graham’s younger son Ned had argued with older son Franklin about whether
burial at a library would be appropriate. Ruth Graham had said that she wanted
to be buried not in Charlotte but in the mountains near Asheville, North
Carolina, where she had lived for many years; Ned supported his mother’s
choice. Novelist Patricia Cornwell, a family friend, also opposed burial at the
library, calling it a tourist attraction. Franklin wanted his parents to be buried at
the library site. At the time of Ruth Graham’s death, it was announced that they
would be buried at the library site.

Graham died of natural causes on February 21, 2018, at his home in Montreat,
North Carolina, at the age of 99.

Some of his books include;

 Just as I am
 Peace with God
 How to be born again
 The heaven answer books
 Holy spirit
 Where I am: heaven, eternity
 Salvation
 The reason for my Hope
 Hope for each day
 A daily emotional

Some of his messages include;

 The hope of righteousness
 Commit your life to Jesus Christ
 Jesus, the hope of the World
 The holy spirit and you
 The hands of Jesus
 When God gets your attention
 Choices
 Life is short
 Starting life over again
6.1 The Exploits Ministry
William Franklin Graham, Jr. was born on November 7, 1918, in
Charlotte, North Carolina, to parents William and Morrow Graham. Graham
was the first of four children raised on the family’s dairy farm in Charlotte. In
hindsight, there was little indication that Graham would one day preach the
Christian gospel to as much as 215 million people in live audiences over 185
countries. Graham has been credited with preaching to more individuals than
anyone else in history, not counting the additional millions he has addressed
through radio, television and the written word.
While Graham’s parents were strict Calvinists, it would be an unfamiliar
traveling evangelist would set Graham on a profound spiritual path. At the age
of 16, Graham attended a series of revival meetings run by evangelist Mordecai
Ham. Despite the fact that Graham was a well-behaved adolescent, Ham’s
sermons on sin spoke to young Graham. After high school, Graham moved to
Tennessee to enroll in the conservative Christian school, Bob Jones College.
However, he felt disconnected from the school’s rigid doctrine and soon
transferred to the Florida Bible Institute. While in Florida, Graham joined a
Southern Baptist Convention Church, where he was ordained in 1939.
After graduating from the Florida Bible Institute with a bachelor’s in
theology, Graham moved to Illinois and enrolled at Wheaton College for further
spiritual training. He also met his future wife, Ruth McCue Bell, at this time.
Bell was the daughter of a missionary and lived with her family in China until
she turned 17. After graduating with a bachelor’s in anthropology, Graham and
Bell were married on August 13, 1943. They would eventually raise five
children together.
Graham briefly pastored the first Baptist Church in Western Springs,
Illinois, before leaving to join Youth for Christ, an evangelical missionary
group that spoke to returning servicemen and young people about God. In 1947,
Graham became president of Northwestern Schools, a group of Christian
schools in Minnesota. In 1948, he resigned from Youth for Christ and focused
on Northwestern Schools until 1952, when he resigned to concentrate on
It did not take long for people to identify with Graham’s charismatic
and heartfelt gospel sermons. In 1949, a group called “Christ for Greater Los
Angeles” invited Graham to preach at their L.A. revival. When radio personality
Stuart Hamblen had Graham on his radio show, word of the revival spread. The
publicity filled Graham’s tents and extended the revival for an additional five
As a consequence, Graham became a Christian superstar. In a 1954
interview, Graham stated, “Either communism must die or Christianity must
die, because it is actually a battle between Christ and the anti-Christ.” Thus,
Graham helped bind together a vulnerable nation through a religious revival. By
glazing over the finer details of Christianity and focusing on more moderate
doctrines, Graham made evangelism enticing, non-threatening, even easy and
the media made his massages accessible to the masses.
To expand and maintain a professional ministry, Graham and his colleagues
eventually incorporated the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA).
Graham began broadcasting his sermons over the radio during a Christian show
called Songs in the Night. Once a week he also hosted a program called The
Hour of Decision, a program ABC initially transmitted to 150 stations before
reaching its peak of 1200 stations across America.
Eventually, this program was converted into a television show which ran for
three years. The success of Graham’s radio and television programs speak to his
role as a means for spreading the gospel of Christ. With Graham’s success,
BGEA opened numerous international offices and started publishing
periodicals, records, tapes, films and books. BGEA also accepted invitations
from religious figures around the world to hold evangelical “crusades.” At the
end of these events, audience members would be invited to commit to Christ
and met with volunteer counselors.
These new recruits would be given workbooks for at-home bible study and
referrals to local evangelist pastors. BGEA eventually began to air footage of
these crusades on national television with subscriber information. In 1952, the
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association created the Billy Graham Evangelistic
Film Ministry as a means of distributing personal conversion stories to the
public through films. BGEA also acquired several audio stations around
America in an effort to broadcast Graham’s radio show to a wider audience.
In terms of print media BEGA created Christianity today in 1955. This is the
magazine continue to be the leading journal for evangelical Christians. In 1958,
BEGA started Decision magazine, a monthly mailer with bible studies, articles,
church histories and crusade updates. Eventually, this magazine was published
in Spanish, French and German Additionally, Graham himself authored
numerous books including such titles as Angels: God’s secret Agents (1975),
how to be born Again (1979), Death and the Life After (1994) and the Journey:
Living by Faith in an Uncertain World (2006).
Graham’s integrity has encouraged millions to heed his spiritual guidance,
including Martin Luther King Junior, Bono, Muhammad Ali and several United
states president. He has been rated by the Gallup organization as “one of the
Ten Most Admired Men in the World” a staggering 51 times. He is regarded by
contemporaries as humorous, non-judgmental, sincere, innocent and accepting.

A college dropout farm boy from North Carolina finds faith, starts to preach,
begins travelling the world, meets dictators, becomes a confidante to presidents,
becomes a media entrepreneur, catalyses dozens of global ministries, and ends
his days as the most influential and best-loved evangelist in history.

Such is the Billy Graham story.


1. Stay True to Your Calling

Billy Graham turned down a lucrative television hosting contract. He turned

down Lyndon Johnson’s offer to run for the US presidency. For a short time
he was the president of a Christian college until he realised it was a diverting
him from his real calling: sharing the good news of Jesus to the world. There
are many good things we could be doing. When God puts his finger on what
that specifically is for us, do it.

2. Take Calculated Risks

Graham accepted an historic opportunity to preach in the Soviet Union, with

all the propaganda hazards it entailed. He preached in closed countries and
other dangerous places. But he was no cowboy. Each opportunity was
weighed carefully, prayerfully and with much consultation. And some
opportunities were refused. Combine bold risk with great wisdom.

3. Be Innovative with Media

The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association explored the use of radio, TV and
film long before others even contemplated the idea. Graham founded or
helped found quality, reputable publications like Christianity Today.
Excellence was always a key value in what he produced.

4. Handle Criticism Graciously But Firmly

Graham was publically denounced by both fundamentalists and liberals alike.

He would contact his detractors privately through letter, and on the rare
occassions he responded publically he was gracious and fair. He didn’t hit
back or demonise. But he was firm when needed. When fundamentalist
preacher Bob Jones attacked his work Graham wrote a series of letters,
hoping to reconcile, the final one making it clear he would need to break
contact should Jones continue his hostility. That’s what happened. Be
gracious with critics. And be firm when necessary.

5. Be Politically Prophetic But Astute

Graham was an early opponent of racial segregation. He judged the emerging

Religious Right movement in America to be an unhealthy politico-religious
mix (something many fellow evangelicals today could reflect on). Graham
said he wasn’t always astute when it came to politics – sometimes he didn’t
remain bipartisan. But he spoke out on many things that mattered. This is a
hard one to get right, but we can learn from someone who both succeeded and
made mistakes here.

6. Be Generous While Maintaining Your Convictions

Did you ever hear Billy Graham demonize another religion? Did you ever
hear him waver from his belief that salvation comes through Christ alone?
Graham was generous to other faiths while maintaining his convictions. Let’s
do the same.

7. Pursue Integrity

The Modesto Manifesto is now famous. In it, Graham and his team outlined
the key temptations they knew they would face, along with strategies to stand
strong. They would commit themselves to sexual integrity, honesty in their
reporting, maintain close links with churches rather than operate alone, and
handle finances transparently. The manifesto helped Graham avoid the moral
failure so many other successful evangelists have fallen to.

Billy Graham was honest about his missteps, especially his not being around
enough for his family. Others could list further weaknesses. But we can learn a
lot from this faithful man. Today’s pressures are really age-old perils in new
guises. Heroes like Billy Graham can show us how to face them, and propel us
to exploit our own opportunities.

Someday you will read or hear that Billy Graham is dead. Don’t you believe a
word of it. I shall be more alive than I am now. I will just have changed my
address. I will have gone into the presence of God. — Billy Graham

Graham was awarded the Ronald Reagan President Foundation Freedom
Award, the congressional Gold Medal, the Templeton Foundation Prize for
progress in Religion, the Big Brother Award, the Templeton Prize for progress
in Religion, and the speaker of the year Award. Additionally, Graham was
recognized by the National Conferences of Christians and Jews for promoting
understanding between faiths and bestowed with the Honorary Knight
Commander of the order of the British Empire (KBE)
In 1922, Graham announced that he was diagnosed with the hydrocephalus, a
disease similar to Parkinson’s Disease. His son William Franklin Graham III
was chosen to overtake over BEGA upon his father’s retirement. Billy and his
wife Ruth eventually retired to their home in Montreat, North Carolina, in 2005,
in 2007, Ruth Graham passed away from Pneumonia and degenerative
Graham went to a celebration for his 95th birthday in Asheville, North Carolina
in November 2013. Roughly 900 people attended the event. Around this time,
Graham released what was called his final sermon. Ina video entitled My Hope
America, he expressed concern for the spiritual awakening, “he said, according
to a report in USA today. There been times that I’ve wept as I’ve gone from city
to city and I’ve seen how far people have wandered from God.
Graham passed at his home Montreat, North Carolina, on February 21, 2018, at
the age of 99. Although his health had been in decline in recent years, he
reportedly died of natural causes.

Gospel it is all about the meaning, the benefit, attributes and importance that
makes up a Goodnews that saves humanity from sin
Chapter one gives the introduction to the tittle of the project, “THE GOSPEL”
which also include some definitions of terms
Chapter two talks about the literature review; the audio messages, book used
during the course of the project
Chapter three describes the methodology
Chapter four talks about the Gospel, what Gospel is not, what Gospel brings to
us, importance of Gospel
Chapter five reveals who our God’s General who is BILLY GRAHAM, how he
was born, where, how he started his early life
Chapter six describes the case study, how his ministry started, how he exploited
Chapter seven describes lessons from the life of Billy Graham and its impact
Chapter eight wraps up the project. It comprises of the Summary, conclusion
and recommendations
It is the desire of God that every man should get saved, be free and come to the
knowledge of the truth, the gospel is for everyone both for the believer and
unbeliever; it is for the unbeliever to get saved, and the believer to continue in
I recommend this project to believer and unbeliever; it is important that we
understand the gospel and also entails the gospel that has the power to save
humanity from the darkness.

 Holy Bible
 What Is Gospel by Apostle Gideon
 Glorious Gospel by Reverend Gideon Odoma
 How to get men saved by Apostle Arome Osayi
 Adequate Repentance by Apostle Arome Osayi
 The Great Salvation by Apostle Arome Osayi
 Organic Salvation by Apostle Arome Osayi
 Complete Gospel by Apostle Arome Osayi
 Balancing Grace by Reverend Gideon Odoma
 Bible Definition & Meaning |
 https://www.lockman.jesus

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