9 DG-Infiltration Gallery ADA

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Infiltration Gallery

Design Guidance

June 2021

California Department of Transportation

HQ Division of Design
For individuals with sensory disabilities, this document is available in alternate
formats upon request. Please call or write to:

Caltrans Division of Design

Office of Hydraulics and Stormwater Design
P.O. Box 942874, Sacramento, CA 94274-0001

(916) 653-8896 Voice or dial 711 to use a relay service.

Table of Contents
List of Figures...................................................................................................................................iv
List of Tables ...................................................................................................................................iv
List of Abbreviations....................................................................................................................... v
1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 1-1
1.1 Design Responsibility................................................................................................. 1-2
1.2 Infiltration Gallery ...................................................................................................... 1-2
2. Infiltration Gallery Design................................................................................................... 2-1
2.1 Preliminary Design Criteria ....................................................................................... 2-2
2.2 Site Soils and Infiltration ............................................................................................ 2-3
2.3 Geotechnical Considerations ................................................................................. 2-5
2.4 Structural Considerations ......................................................................................... 2-6
2.5 Safety Considerations............................................................................................... 2-6
2.6 Restrictions/Coordination......................................................................................... 2-6
3. Getting Started .................................................................................................................. 3-1
3.1 Preliminary Design Parameters ................................................................................ 3-1
3.1.1 Contributing Drainage Area and WQV ..................................................... 3-2
3.1.2 Invert Area .................................................................................................... 3-2
3.1.3 Design Storm Event ...................................................................................... 3-4
4. BMP Layout ......................................................................................................................... 4-1
4.1 Layout ........................................................................................................................ 4-1
4.1.1 Proprietary Devices ...................................................................................... 4-1
4.2 Inline vs. Offline Placement...................................................................................... 4-3
4.3 Pretreatment of Runoff............................................................................................. 4-4
4.3.1 Maintenance ............................................................................................... 4-4
4.4 Detailing of the Infiltration Gallery Inlet................................................................... 4-5
4.5 Geotechnical Investigations .................................................................................... 4-5
4.6 Structural Design ....................................................................................................... 4-6
4.7 Site Specific Design Elements .................................................................................. 4-7
4.7.1 Soil Compaction .......................................................................................... 4-7
4.7.2 Invert Separation from Seasonally High Groundwater ............................. 4-8
4.7.3 Environmental Conditions ........................................................................... 4-8
4.7.4 Upstream Effects .......................................................................................... 4-8
4.7.5 Potential Downstream Impacts .................................................................. 4-8

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5. PS&E Preparation ................................................................................................................5-1
5.1 PS&E Drawings ...........................................................................................................5-1
5.2 Specifications.............................................................................................................5-2
5.2.1 Standard Specifications ...............................................................................5-2
5.2.2 Standard Special Provisions .........................................................................5-3
5.2.3 Non-Standard Special Provisions .................................................................5-3
5.3 Project Cost Estimates ...............................................................................................5-3
5.3.1 PID and PA/ED Phases ..................................................................................5-3
5.3.2 PS&E Phase ....................................................................................................5-3
5.4 Developing Infiltration Gallery Cost Estimates ........................................................5-4
6. Design Example ..................................................................................................................6-1
7. References ..........................................................................................................................7-1

List of Figures
Figure 1-1. Schematic of a Medium Type Infiltration Gallery installed on 07-LA-210 (EA
323104) ...................................................................................................................................1-3
Figure 1-2. Schematic of a Large Type Infiltration Gallery installed on 07-Ven-118 (EA
336004) ...................................................................................................................................1-4
Figure 3-1. BMP Size Reduction Based on Soil Type ..................................................................3-2
Figure 4-1. Example of Perforated HDPE Pipe installation, Photo from Plastic Pipe Institute
website. ..................................................................................................................................4-2
Figure 4-2. Example of Perforated Metal Pipe installation, Photo from Storm Water Solutions
Magazine website. ................................................................................................................4-3
Figure 6-1. Proposed Infiltration Gallery Project, Sea World Drive, Route 5 ............................6-1
Figure 6-2. Illustration of One-Dimensional Flow Out of an Infiltration Gallery ........................6-3

List of Tables
Table 2-1. Infiltration Gallery Design Criteria..............................................................................2-2
Table 2-2. Posssible Infiltration and Soil Properties Tests ............................................................2-4
Table 2-3. Other Possible Soil Tests ..............................................................................................2-5
Table 3-1. Typical Infiltration Rates for NRCS Type, HSG, and USCS Classifications1...............3-3
Table 5-1. Example Infiltration Gallery Estimate ........................................................................5-4

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List of Abbreviations
AASHTO American Association of State PDT Project Development Team
Highway and Transportation PE Project Engineer
PECE Preliminary Engineer’s Cost
ACI American Concrete Institute Estimate
ASTM American Society for Testing and PID Project Initiation Document
PPCE Project Planning Cost Estimate
BEES Basic Engineering Estimating
System PPDG Project Planning and Design
BMP Best Management Practice
PS&E Plans, Specifications and Estimate
CRZ Clear Recovery Zone, (AASHTO
Clear Zone) RCB Reinforced Concrete Box
CDA contributing drainage area RWQCB Regional Water Quality Control
CF cubic foot
SQFT square foot
CY cubic yard
SQYD square yard
DPPIA Design Pollution Prevention
Infiltration Area SSP Standard Special Provision
FHWA Federal Highway Administration SWDR Stormwater Data Report
ft foot/feet SWRCB State Water Resources Control
H:V Horizontal:Vertical
TBMP Treatment Best Management
HDM Highway Design Manual Practice
HQ Headquarters USCS Unified Soil Classification System
HSG Hydrologic Soil Group WQF Water Quality Flow
LID Low Impact Development WQV Water Quality Volume
LRFD Load and Resistance Factor
MSL Mean Sea Level
NPDES National Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System
NRCS Natural Resources Conservation
nSSPs non-Standard Special Provisions
OHSD Office of Hydraulics and
Stormwater Design
PA/ED Project Approval/Environmental

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vi June 2021
Section 1

This document provides information for Caltrans Designers for evaluating and
incorporating Infiltration Galleries as Treatment Best Management Practices (TBMPs)
into projects during the planning and design of Caltrans highways and facilities. Use
of this TBMP must be approved by the District/Regional Design Stormwater
Coordinator. Infiltration Gallery TBMPs are underground structures designed to
temporarily store runoff for infiltration. An Infiltration Gallery is an infiltration device,
functionally equivalent to an Infiltration Basin or Infiltration Trench, except that the
Infiltration Gallery is an underground structure that requires structural analysis as
maintenance vehicles may drive across or park on them occasionally. The primary
functions of this document are to:
1. Describe an Infiltration Gallery
2. Provide design considerations
3. Review the required design elements for implementing Infiltration Gallery TBMPs
into Plans, Specifications, and Estimates (PS&E) packages
4. Provide a design example
It is assumed that the need for post construction TBMPs has already been
determined in accordance with the guidelines and procedures presented in the
Project Planning and Design Guide (PPDG; Caltrans 2019a).
The following guidance is based on a review of several types of Infiltration Gallery
TBMPs. Designers may utilize alternatives to the calculation methodologies
presented in this guidance provided the alternative calculations and design
decisions are documented in the project Stormwater Data Report (SWDR) and the
Project File. The SWDR template can be found in the PPDG.
Depending on the size and type of infiltration system designers can use either
approved perforated pipe sizes or special structures. A structural design analysis
using the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
(AASHTO) Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) Bridge Design Specifications,
8th Edition, with California Amendments (AASHTO 2019) criteria and construction
shop drawings may be required for Infiltration Gallery TBMPs. Geotechnical reports
of the underlying soil and adjacent slopes may also be necessary to provide
appropriate siting and design criteria.

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SECTION ONE Introduction

1.1 Design Responsibility

The Project Engineer (PE) is responsible for the design of Infiltration Gallery
hydrology, hydraulics, and grading because they are part of the highway drainage
system. The PE is expected to apply their own engineering knowledge and
judgement when evaluating and designing Infiltration Gallery TBMPs. The PE must
also work with geotechnical, materials, and structural engineers or professionals to
determine: the ability of the soils to infiltrate the WQV, the soils ability to support the
structural components of the Infiltration Gallery, and to identify necessary structural
design and reinforcement of the TBMP. The designer must consider highway
grading and structures plans, and the impact that stormwater infiltration may have
on the roadway or slopes above the Infiltration Gallery. Coordinate with other
functional experts to implement successful and functioning Infiltration Galleries. An
Advanced Planning Study (APS) should be requested from Design and Engineering
Services (DES) Bridge Design for applicable region of State.
The aspects of hydraulic engineering that are presented in this guide will focus on
the site-specific design of the Infiltration Gallery TBMP, and not on all aspects of
hydraulic or hydrologic engineering. Refer to Chapter 800 of the Highway Design
Manual (HDM), the Headquarters (HQ) Office of Hydraulics and Stormwater Design
(OHSD), and District Hydraulics for project drainage requirements. To achieve
sustainability requirements, the Project Development Team (PDT) is encouraged to
use designs that require the least amount of maintenance. The District/Regional
Design Stormwater Coordinator must approve the design and use of all TBMPs used
to meet the requirements of the Caltrans Permit.

1.2 Infiltration Gallery

An Infiltration Gallery utilizes underground facilities to store runoff for infiltration.
During a storm, runoff enters the Infiltration Gallery causing the water level in the
underground facilities to rise. During rainfall, and for some time after it ends, runoff
infiltrates into the soils through the invert area of underground facilities. When
designing enclosed infiltration TBMPs, consider including an air vent to allow air to
move freely out of and into the TBMP during filling and draining. Also consider
installing a monitoring pipe to allow observation of the bottom of the TBMP from the
surface. Pretreatment for sediment and debris is required and must be sufficiently
sized for the expected loading. Refer to the D11 Chollas Creek BMP Retrofit
Evaluation TM for air vent and pretreatment design lessons learned (Caltrans
Each Infiltration Gallery can vary in size; it may be small, for example a 12-inch
perforated pipe backfilled with aggregate base, large like the configuration shown
in Figure 1-1, or any size in between. The size of these facilities is based on the
design WQV, the permeability of the soil below the invert, and the period selected
for infiltration. Events that are greater than the Water Quality Event (WQ Event)

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Introduction SECTION ONE
must be bypassed around the TBMP via an upstream diversion or flow splitter.
Coordinate with the District Design Stormwater Coordinator to determine the
appropriate size configuration for each TBMP location.
Infiltration devices are highly effective at removing sediments, nutrients, pesticides,
trash, metals, pathogens and bacteria, oil and grease, organics, turbidity,
temperature, and mercury as noted in the PPDG and TC-11 of the California
Stormwater Quality Association (CASQA) manual (CASQA 2003). Due to the
effectiveness of treatment, infiltration should be considered first when selecting a
TBMP for a Caltrans project.
Infiltration Gallery TBMPs are configured to meet right-of-way restrictions. The design
should conform to the available space and topography, consider ease of
maintenance and construction, and account for structural and geotechnical
limitations. For ease of design, construction, and maintenance when possible the
Infiltration Gallery should use Standard Plans such as a 24" alternative perforated
pipe, referring to Section 68 of the Standard Specifications under Subsurface Drains.
For large galleries Caltrans Structures Bridge Standard Details (XS Sheets), Section 17
- Underground Structures, Cast-In-Place (CIP) Bottomless Culvert could be used. See
Section 4.1.1 for information on use of proprietary devices within the right-of-way.
Special designs for the larger galleries will be provided by DES Office of Bridge
Design as reinforced concrete structures. Consult with Geotechnical Design,
Hydraulics, and Traffic Safety if within the clear recovery zone (CRZ).
A example of a large type Infiltration Gallery is shown in Figure 1-1.

Figure 1-1. Schematic of a Medium Type Infiltration Gallery installed on 07-LA-210

(EA 323104)
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SECTION ONE Introduction

Figure 1-2. Schematic of a Large Type Infiltration Gallery installed on 07-Ven-118 (EA

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Section 2

Infiltration Gallery Design

This section describes design considerations of Infiltration Gallery TBMPs. For
additional considerations when siting an infiltration TBMP, refer to Infiltration Basins
Design Guidance (Caltrans 2020b).
The Infiltration Gallery design must meet Caltrans requirements and design
standards and must be approved for use by the District/Regional Design
Stormwater Coordinator.
To be suitable for Infiltration Gallery TBMPs, the site must have soils that meet
infiltration requirements, conform to structural stability criteria, meet safety criteria,
allow safe access to maintenance staff and vehicles, and where flow velocities
can be mitigated to prevent scour. Design elements and feasibility of implementing
an Infiltration Gallery TBMP on a project may include consideration of:
• Infiltration Gallery TBMPs are load bearing and must be designed by a licensed,
professional civil engineer to ensure structural integrity.
• Typically used on sites where there are space constraints or a very high percent
of impervious surface.
• Placement perpendicular to or along freeway or roadway structural sections
must be carefully analyzed. The concern being saturation of subgrade and
adverse effects on either the structural section of the roadway, fill
embankments, bridge abutements, or retaining walls foundation.
• Should be placed under flatter sloped areas, and in interchange loops in an off-
line flow connection when possible. Could be used under other Caltrans
facilities such as Park-and-Rides and Maintenace Yards.
• Infiltration Gallery TBMPs will require approval/coordination with the
District/Regional Design Stormwater Coordinator, District Hydraulics, District
Traffic Operations, District Maintenance, Geotechnical Design, District
Maintenance Stormwater Coordinator, Traffic Safety, and OHSD.
• Widely applicable for storage of runoff from roof tops, sidewalks, parking areas,
and places with light traffic loads.
• Site on relatively flat terrain, preferably with slopes less than 15 percent.
• Areas contributing runoff directly into the Infiltration Gallery should be stabilized
and not be a source of sediments.
• Pretreatment of the runoff must be provided before runoff enters the Infiltration
Gallery to increase longevity of the system and to maximize time between

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SECTION TWO Infiltration Gallery Design

periodic cleaning. Pretreatment may include incorporation of a sediment

forebay or basin and full trash capture system.

2.1 Preliminary Design Criteria

Infiltration Gallery TBMPs must meet certain preliminary design parameters to
perform as an effective TBMP. The primary parameters to be incorporated into the
design are found in Table 2-1.

Table 2-1. Infiltration Gallery Design Criteria

Parameter Minimum Value Maximum Value
Runoff Volume WQV, or portion thereof WQV
Freeboard1 Not required Not required
Monitoring Well May be required May be required
Air Vent May be required May be required
Design Bypass Event2 Use the HDM Design Use the HDM Design
Storm or local Storm or local
regulations; see also regulations; see also
discussion under Section discussion under Section
3.1.3 3.1.3
Invert Slope 0% (preferred); provided 0% (preferred); provided
no objectionable no objectionable
backwater condition is backwater condition is
created created
Drawdown Time3 12 hours 96 hours
Seasonally High 5-feet Not applicable
In-Situ Infiltration Rate4 0.5 inches per hour 2.5 inches per hour
1. If freeboard is not provided, the design should consider pressurized conditions.
The need for bolt-down manhole covers and inlet grates should be evaluated.
For online and offline systems, backwater conditions should be analyzed.
2. When BMP is placed inline.
3. The drawdown time may be as high as 96 hours. The recommended design
drainage time is between 40 and 48 hours. Drawdown times longer than 96
hours may be allowable if vector controls meeting California Department of
Public Health requirements are implemented. Coordinate with District/Regional
Design Stormwater Coordinator.
4. The soils exhibiting these infiltration rates are typically Hydrologic Soil Group
(HSG) A, B, and C. Lower infiltration rates may be allowable if drawdown time
requirement is still met.
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Infiltration Gallery Design SECTION TWO

2.2 Site Soils and Infiltration

Soil testing to determine the infiltration rate of site soils should be completed as part
of the Geotechnical request. The tests that should be considered are included in
Tables 2-2 and 2-3 below.
In addition to the soil tests listed below, reviewing any existing soil data will help in
estimating the in-situ infiltrations rate. Other possible sources and criteria that will aid
in determining estimated infiltration rates include the following:
• Some preliminary information may be available from County or private
groundwater managers.
• The Department of Water Resources has an on-line service that provides historic
groundwater elevations called California Statewide Groundwater Elevation
Monitoring https://www.casgem.water.ca.gov/
• The number of tests needed and spacing of the tests (i.e., if the TBMP is 50 ft long
vs. 0.25-mile-long) to adequately categorize conditions
• Sample Blow Counts – as part of hollow stem auger drill hole subsurface
investigations, 6” and 12” blow counts can provide information on the hardness
of the underlying soils and estimated infiltration rates.
• Drill Hole Percolation Tests – 2” polyvinyl-chloride (PVC) perforated casing can
be used in the drill hole to get infiltration rates at specific depths.
• Grain Size Curves – Gradation classification will help determine the suitability of
an area for infiltration. Locations that contain large fractions of silt and clay
where the D10 > 0.02mm and D20> 0.06mm may indicate slow infiltration rates.
Infiltration Gallery TBMPs should be located above permeable soils to limit the area
of the invert. The soils immediately below the invert should have permeability
between 0.5 in/hr and 2.5 in/hr. Infiltration rates over 2.5 in/hr must be justified by
adequate groundwater information. All infiltration inverts will become less
permeable with time because of silts and fines so even 2.5 in/hr may be possible by
adjustments to tested rates. If infiltration rates are significantly higher, consider
impacts to groundwater quality based on seasonally high groundwater.
Coordinate with Geotechnical Design to discuss methods to mitigate high
infiltration rates. Contact the District/Regional NPDES Coordinator to determine if
consultation with the RWQCB on infiltration rates is needed.
Related to permeability, the underlying soils should be classified as NRCS Hydrologic
Soils Group (HSG) as A or B and the WQV should infiltrate within a maximum of 96-
hours. If an Infiltration Gallery is proposed over HSG C or D soils or if the drawdown
time is longer than 96-hours, vector control meeting California Department of Public
Health requirements must be implemented. Coordinate with the District/Regional
Design Stormwater Coordinator when longer drawdown times are being

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SECTION TWO Infiltration Gallery Design

Proposed sites for Infiltration Gallery TBMPs should be excluded from consideration if
the site is constructed in fill or partially in fill, unless the location is approved in a
geotechnical report. The area identified for infiltration should be clearly marked on
the plans and delineated in the field. The contractor should only be allowed to
access the area during construction of the TBMP. Use of heavy equipment should
be limited or prohibited to prevent compaction of the underlying soils intended for
For soils where there is a potential for the gallery bottom to freeze, discuss with the
Geotechnical Engineer options to line the bottom of the Infiltration Gallery with 6
inches to 1 foot (ft) of clean sand or gravel. This technique provides a layer of soil
that will infiltrate better than native soils and provide a thermal barrier to reduce
freezing potential.
Specific soils testing to be reported in the Geotechnical Design Report must be
carefully considered. Soil testing, including determining the infiltration rate of site
soils, should be completed as part of the Geotechnical request. The infiltration and
soil property tests that may be considered for inclusion in the Geotechnical request
are listed in Tables 2-1 and 2-2.

Table 2-2. Posssible Infiltration and Soil Properties Tests

Parameter Test method(s)
Infiltration Rate, in/hr CTM 750 (modified for shallow depth)
ASTM D5126 (Single-Ring/Infiltrometer)
ASTM D3385 (Dbl-Ring/Infiltrometer)
ASTM D8152-18 (Modified Philip Dunne/Infiltrometer)
CTM 220
Bulk Density, Dry Density, ASTM D7263-09
Water Content ASTM D1557
CTM 216 – compaction behavior
Specific Gravity CTM 209 – specific gravity of the soil
ASTM D1557
Void Ratio ASTM D1556

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Table 2-3. Other Possible Soil Tests
Parameter Test method(s)
Hydraulic Conductivity, Saturated ASTM D5856
Soil Classification AASHTO M145
ASTM D2487
Particle Size Distribution CTM 202 - sieve analysis
CTM 203 - hydrometer
Remolded Moisture Curve ASTM D698
ASTM D1557

Determine soil properties from the ground surface elevation to a maximum of 50 ft

(or refusal in rock or rock-like material at a lesser depth) below the invert of the
proposed Infiltration Gallery, and to a minimum depth of 3 times the depth of water
in the Infiltration Gallery (at the WQV depth). Contact Geotechnical Services early
in the project, even in the Project Initiation Document (PID) phase, to obtain
preliminary geotechnical information and to begin arrangements for later
In addition to the soil tests listed above there may be additional effort to ensure the
effectiveness of the infiltration areas:
• Which project phase the tests are completed in, as some preliminary information
may be needed prior to PS&E
• The number of tests needed and spacing of the tests (i.e., if the BMP is 50 ft long
vs. 0.25 mile long) to adequately categorize conditions
• Shallow depth of geotechnical tests to estimate infiltration rates

2.3 Geotechnical Considerations

The Geotechnical Report, or a separate geotechnical technical memorandum,
should evaluate soil characteristics and surrounding slopes to determine the
feasibility of using an Infiltration Gallery. The geotechnical investigation should
identify the infiltration rates of native soil and slope stability, and review other
available key soils data, including: percent silt and clay, presence of a restrictive
layer, permeable layers interbedded with impermeable layers, minimum and
maximum groundwater elevations, and the seasonal high-water table.
Other geotechnical considerations that may prohibit the use of an Infiltration
Gallery include: location in seismic impact zones, unstable areas such as landslides
and Karst terrains, areas with soil liquefaction and differential settlement potential,
or highly expansive/collapsible soils. Generally, Infiltration Devices should not be
constructed in fill or on any slope greater than 15 percent. Any other possible

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SECTION TWO Infiltration Gallery Design

roadway structural section degrading effects should be considered and evaluated

in the Geotechnical Report by infiltrating water near it.

2.4 Structural Considerations

The proposed structure location should be reviewed to establish structural feasibility
based on potential loading, surrounding slopes, and construction access. Static
and dynamic soil pressures on the structure shall be applied based on site-specific
parameters obtained from Geotechnical investigations (i.e. active/at-rest, dynamic
lateral earth pressures and groundwater elevation). Live load (including impact if
applicable) shall be applied in accordance with Section 3 of the AASHTO LRFD
Bridge Design Specifications, 8th Edition, with California Amendments. Load
combinations shall follow Table 3.4.1-1. Design of reinforced concrete sections shall
be in accordance with the American Concrete Institute (ACI) 318-14: Building
Code Requirements for Structural Concrete and Commentary (ACI 2014). Structural
considerations that may render use of an Infiltration Gallery TBMP impractical
include but are not limited to, proximity to roadway and placement in uncontrolled
parking areas.
Refer to the Geotechnical Report to develop foundation requirements to minimize
static and dynamic settlement and scour. Use minimum and maximum
groundwater levels established in the Geotechnical Report to determine buoyancy
design requirements. Infiltration devices should not be constructed in areas that
would require pile foundations or other means of tie down.

2.5 Safety Considerations

Infiltration Gallery TBMPs should be located using the general roadway drainage
considerations for safety and CRZ concept in the AASHTO manual (AASHTO 2011).
Traffic safety is an important part of highway drainage facility design. The Infiltration
Gallery should provide a traversable section for errant traffic leaving the traveled
way within the CRZ (HDM Topics 304, 309, and 861.4). It is recommended as a
general practice to discuss the proposed location with the Traffic Operations Unit
even if outside the CRZ.
Coordinate with other functional experts such as District Traffic Operations, District
Maintenance, District Hydraulics, Geotechnical Design, Structure Design, and Traffic
Safety, as applicable.

2.6 Restrictions/Coordination
Successful implementation and utilization of the Infiltration Gallery will require
proper siting by the PDT with coordination of the District/Regional Design
Stormwater Coordinator, District Hydraulics, District Maintenance, District Traffic
Operations, District Landscape Architecture, Geotechnical Design, Structure

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Infiltration Gallery Design SECTION TWO
Design, and Traffic Safety, as applicable. Infiltration Gallery design decisions and
coordination must be documented in the SWDR and the project file.
Design criteria applicable to the use of Infiltration Gallery TBMPs are:
• Runoff quality must meet or exceed standards for infiltration to local
groundwater. Consider consultation with RWQCB or other local agency if there
is less than five feet separation from invert. Consult with the District/Regional
NPDES Coordinator.
• Should not be located closer than: i) 1,000 ft from any municipal water supply
well; ii) 100 ft from any private well, septic tank, or drain field; and iii) 200 ft from
a Holocene fault zone.
• May be considered unsuitable if near a Drinking Water Reservoir or a Recharge
Facility due to difficulty in cleaning in the event of a spill; consult with the
District/Regional NPDES Coordinator and the most recent District Work Plan.
• Should not be used in fill sites or on cut slopes steeper than 15 percent (3.7
Horizontal:Vertical [H:1V]). If galleries are proposed in steeper locations, a
project Geotechnical Design Report and approval are required.
• Cannot be used within 10 ft down gradient or 100 ft up gradient of building or
other structure foundations when infiltrating to near-surface groundwater. In this
instance, a subsurface drain may be recommended to convey runoff to a more
appropriate location for infiltration. A project Geotechnical Design Report and
approval are required if outside these criteria.
• Infiltration Galleries should not cause scour or undermine adjacent structures or
the supporting soils of adjacent structures. Infiltration Galleries should neither
adversely impact the settlement of adjacent structures nor surcharge adjacent
• A proposed site having hazardous soils that would not be completely removed
during the excavation, or a site above or near a contaminated groundwater
plume, must receive the concurrence of the District/Regional NPDES
• Infiltration Galleries should be placed offline and configured with an overflow
release device (See Section 4.4). Infiltration Galleries may be placed inline when
upstream diversion is not feasible.
• If placed inline, the upstream and downstream conveyance on either side of
the Infiltration Gallery must be able to convey peak design flows from the
contributing drainage area (CDA) that were used in the drainage system design
for that roadway section 1.

1 For convenience in this document, this design storm flow will be referred to as Q25, although other recurrence
intervals might have been used, as described in HDM Chapter 830, Transportation Facility Drainage. Confer with
District Hydraulics.
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SECTION TWO Infiltration Gallery Design

• When constructed inline, water stored in the Infiltration Galleries must not cause
backwater conditions upstream in the storm drain system that would adversely
impact its ability to convey flows generated by peak drainage design storms as
required in the HDM.
• The geometric configuration must be sized to allow the Infiltration Gallery to
drain within 96 hours. Required drain time may be more stringent based on
District specific or local vector requirements.
• Not appropriate for areas with inadequate soil infiltration rate (less than 0.5
inches per hour and/or HSG Type C soils). Note that constructed embankments
used to support highways are highly disturbed areas, and it is likely that the
infiltration rate will be degraded compared to that of the native soils. These sites
should not be considered without consultation with Geotechnical Services and
other Data Sources.
• Not appropriate for areas with seasonally high groundwater (minimum 5-ft
separation required), where groundwater has known contamination, in seismic
impact zones, or in areas with soil liquefaction and differential settlement
potential is possible.
The RWQCB having jurisdiction may impose additional requirements for water
protection purposes. Consultations with the RWQCB should include an assessment
of whether infiltration would exacerbate existing groundwater accretion problems.
Groundwater accretion has been implicated in certain areas as a contributing
factor to impairment by salt and other salt-associated dissolved constituents, such
as boron, selenium, sulfate, and chloride. If stormwater infiltration is determined to
increase the risk of groundwater accretion and seepage of high Total Dissolved
Solids water from down gradient areas, infiltration may not be appropriate.

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Infiltration Gallery Design Guide
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Section 3

Getting Started
Evaluate site conditions to obtain and assess the design parameters that will be
used to determine if an Infiltration Gallery is suitable based on the Feasibility Criteria
described in Section 2. Infiltration Gallery TBMPs require an extensive geotechnical
investigation, see the Infiltration Basins Design Guidance for more information. This
section provides the calculations that are used to verify TBMP feasibility and to
determine the portion of WQV infiltrated by the TBMP. If the Infiltration Gallery is
configured inline, also verify that the TBMP can convey the Design Storm flows.
Because the Infiltration Gallery is a newly approved TBMP, the TBMP design must be
approved for use by the District/Regional Design Stormwater Coordinator.

3.1 Preliminary Design Parameters

The calculations in this guidance assume instantaneous runoff to the TBMP (i.e.,
‘slug-flow’) which does not consider active treatment during the event, leading to
conservative sizing designs. A sizing alternative to account for timing of runoff is to
perform rainfall-runoff and unsteady-flow storage routing computations for the
TBMP. When the runoff is distributed over the duration of an event, early-event
runoff can be treated and released before the peak runoff arrives. Using these
calculations, the TBMP does not need to be sized to store the entire runoff volume
at once (i.e., ‘slug-flow’), leading to smaller designs. By accounting for active
treatment occurring during the event, an increase in the treated WQV can be
expected. Details of this methodology and findings are discussed in the Review of
Design Guidance for Sizing Media Filters for Stormwater Quality Treatment (Caltrans
Additionally, when an infiltrative BMP is installed in a Type A or Type B soil the BMP
footprint can be reduced while treating the same WQV. The following figure shows
an example of how accounting for active treatment and native soil type using the
Caltrans Infiltration Tool IT4 tool impacts BMP size. The example shows that in a Type
A soil a BMP can be 60% smaller than if it were installed in Type C or Type D soils.

Caltrans Stormwater Quality Handbooks

Infiltration Gallery Design Guide
June 2021 3-1
SECTION THREE Getting Started

Figure 3-1. BMP Size Reduction Based on Soil Type

Alternative calculations may be used by the PE for a specific project and must be
developed by a qualified professional in consultation with the District/Regional
Design Stormwater Coordinator and documented in the SWDR. Consult with DEA
and OHSD for design approval or to determine if a Special Design required.
3.1.1 Contributing Drainage Area and WQV
The WQV generated by the TBMP CDA is calculated using the Small Storm
Hydrology Method (PPDG Section 5.3). The Caltrans Infiltration Tool version IT4 can
also be used when this TBMP site has infiltration capacity. An explanation of CDA
delineation and WQV calculation and example can be found in Section 3 of the
DPPIA Design Guidance (Caltrans 2021).
3.1.2 Invert Area
The geometric requirements of the Infiltration Gallery are based on the WQV, the in-
situ infiltration rate, and the desired drawdown time. Runoff is assumed to leave
Infiltration Galleries only through the invert. The invert area is sized using the
equation below:
Ainv = 12 x SF x WQV Eq. 2
kest x t
Ainv = area at the invert of the Infiltration Gallery (SQFT)
kest = known or estimated soil infiltration rate (in/hr)
t = drawdown time of full device (recommended as 40 to 48 hours)
SF = safety factor of 2.0

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Infiltration Gallery Design Guide
3-2 June 2021
Getting Started SECTION THREE
Note: If the permeability is not known or cannot be reasonably estimated based on
available information during the planning phases of a project, use the minimum
permeability of 0.5 in/hr to estimate the maximum invert area. Use field tested
permeability rates during the design phase. Representative infiltration rates for
various soils can be obtained from Table 3-1.

Table 3-1. Typical Infiltration Rates for NRCS Type, HSG, and USCS Classifications1
Typical Infiltration
NRCS Soil Type Classification Classifications (inches/hour)2,3
Sand A SP, SW, or SM 8
Loamy Sand A SM, ML 2
Sandy Loam A SM, SC 1
Loam B ML, CL 0.3
Silt Loam and Silt B ML, CL 0.25
Sandy Clay Loam C CL, CH, ML, 0.15
Clay Loam, Silty Clay D CL, CH, ML, < 0.05
Loam, Sandy Clay, and MH
Silty Clay
Clay D CLM CH, MH < 0.05
1. Unified soil classification system (USCS) classifications are shown as
approximation to the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)
classifications. Note that the NRCS textural classification does not include gravel,
while the USCS does. Note also that the gradation criteria (particle diameter) for
the three soil types as used in the NRCS and the USCS, while agreeing in large
part, are not congruent. Dual classifications in the USCS are omitted. Infiltration
estimates for USCS found in standard geotechnical references may vary from
those shown for NRCS classifications, especially if significant gravel is present.
2. Infiltration Gallery should typically be placed at locations with soils classified as
HSG A, or B soils and the WQV should infiltrate within a maximum of 96 hours. If
an Infiltration Gallery can't drawdown in 96 hours, vector control meeting
California Department of Public Health requirements must also be implemented.
Coordinate with the District/Regional Design Stormwater Coordinator when
longer drawdown times are being considered. A maximum allowable infiltration
rate is not specified unless justified by adequate groundwater information.
3. When estimating the invert area for Infiltration Gallery placed in HSG Group B
soils using the equations above, use the minimum infiltration rate of 0.5 inches
per hour to initially size the TBMP until geotechnical investigation provides a field
rate for the proposed location.
Caltrans Stormwater Quality Handbooks
Infiltration Gallery Design Guide
June 2021 3-3
SECTION THREE Getting Started

3.1.3 Design Storm Event

WQV-based TBMPs that are designed for both inline placement (see Section 4.2)
and offline placement must safely bypass flows that are larger than the WQV Event,
typically through an overflow/bypass device. The TBMP bypass must be designed to
convey peak drainage from the roadway and CDA in accordance with HDM Topic
831. This event is called the Design Storm 2. Continue to use the runoff coefficients in
HDM Topic 819.2 and the total TBMP CDA for drainage design and flood flows. The
permissible velocity and permissible shear stress of upstream and/or downstream
channels during the Design Storm must be evaluated, see HDM Chapter 860 and
Table 865.2. The upstream and downstream conveyance design is beyond the
scope of this document.

2 For convenience in this document, this flow will be referred to as Q25, although other recurrence intervals
might have been used as described in HDM Chapter 830, Transportation Facility Drainage. Confer with District
Caltrans Stormwater Quality Handbooks
Infiltration Gallery Design Guide
3-4 June 2021
Section 4

BMP Layout
This section discusses various detailing needed to place an Infiltration Gallery within
a project, including: inline versus offline placement, pretreatment of runoff,
geotechnical investigation considerations, and structural design requirements.

4.1 Layout
The Infiltration Gallery may assume any shape and may be configured using
proprietary devices. Caltrans has not studied proprietary devices; therefore, these
devices may not comply with current maintenance practices. The Infiltration
Gallery may be designed using modified standard drainage facilities, such as
perforated drainage pipe (used for underdrains), open bottom RCBs, or arch
culverts with open bottoms, when feasible. The design must consider maintenance
access, constructability, and pretreatment to reduce sediment loading on the
system. When possible the Standard Plans for items such as excavation and backfill
or structural features should be used.
Safety of the traveling public is paramount and, therefore, the placement of this or
any other TBMP must not cause objectionable backwater or violate requirements of
Chapter 800 of the HDM. Specific consideration of the overall placement within the
existing drainage system is beyond the scope of this document, and should be
coordinated with District Hydraulics, as needed.
Example configurations of Infiltration Galleries are shown in Figure 4-1 and Figure
4.1.1 Proprietary Devices
The use of proprietary devices within the right-of-way requires approval from the
District/Regional Design Stormwater Coordinator, District Office Engineer, OHSD,
District Maintenance Stormwater Coordinator and potentially other functional units,
as appropriate. Infiltration Gallery TBMPs that utilize a prefabricated product
(proprietary device) shall follow the manufacturer’s specifications for design,
installation, and maintenance. Public interest findings may be required to be
submitted to the Office of Federal Resources for review and approval. See the
Construction Contract Development Guide (Caltrans 2019b) and the Public Interest
Finding Guidelines for a complete list of requirements.

Caltrans Stormwater Quality Handbooks

Infiltration Gallery Design Guide
June 2021 4-1

Figure 4-1. Example of Perforated HDPE Pipe installation, Photo from Plastic Pipe
Institute website.

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Infiltration Gallery Design Guide
4-2 June 2021

Figure 4-2. Example of Perforated Metal Pipe installation, Photo from Storm Water
Solutions Magazine website.

4.2 Inline vs. Offline Placement

An Infiltration Gallery can be placed in an inline or offline configuration. An
Infiltration Gallery is placed in an inline configuration when an alternate route for
the overflow event (or Design Storm) is not provided. Designing an Infiltration
Gallery in an inline configuration is not the preferred method but may be
acceptable due to space restrictions.
Because the volume of the Infiltration Gallery is designed for the WQV, alternate
means of safely conveying the events larger than the Water Quality Event must be
provided. Additionally, the Infiltration Gallery must be able to pass the runoff
generated during the Design Storm (see Section 3.1.3) through the TBMP to
downstream conveyance without objectionable backwater effects to upstream
facilities. An overflow device shall be designed to convey the runoff from an
overflow event in accordance with Section 4.4.
An Infiltration Gallery is placed in an offline configuration when an alternative route
for runoff in excess of the WQV is provided. The excess volume is diverted around
the Infiltration Gallery to avoid exposing the treatment facility to events larger than
Caltrans Stormwater Quality Handbooks
Infiltration Gallery Design Guide
June 2021 4-3

the WQ Event. Offline placement also provides better treatment by collecting first-
flush runoff and does not flush out collected pollutants during high-flow storm
events. A flow diversion structure typically consists of a flow splitter, weir, orifice, or
pipe to bypass excess runoff (Caltrans 2020c). Whatever bypass design is chosen is
should be a passive system that does not require anyone for it to function. The
bypass device should meet the design criteria and be accompanied with
downstream conveyance engineered to handle the Design Storm flow (see Section

4.3 Pretreatment of Runoff

Runoff entering an Infiltration Gallery must be pretreated to minimize the build-up of
sediments and trash in the device, which will impair performance (Caltrans 2020d).
Pretreatment is used to extend the maintenance interval on the system and reduce
the life cycle cost.
Stormwater runoff that is directed to an Infiltration Gallery would usually be in a
concentrated flow regime. Place a sufficiently sized sediment basin or sump and
full trash capture BMP immediately upstream of the Infiltration Gallery inlet and
provide safe access for maintenance staff and vehicles.
Pretreatment of runoff for oil and grease is recommended for large parking lots,
commercial sites, and industrial sites when a significant potential exists for discharge
of contaminants to groundwater or surface water (e.g., spills, high concentrations
of oil/grease). Consideration of trash capture in these areas is also advisable due to
the increased potential for generation of litter.
4.3.1 Maintenance
Infiltation Gallery TBMP can easily be overwhelmed by sediment, trash, or
aggregate and some can be very hard or nearly impossible to clean if loaded with
material. Maintainable, sufficiently sized pretreatment devices must be
implemented to reduce the risk of clogging or failure of this TBMP (Caltrans 2020d).
At a minimum, the inline system should include the following:
1. Sumps at forebay and afterbay, along with cleanouts placed at a maximum of
150’ apart.
2. Screened inlet to prevent sediment and trash from entering void space area.
3. Weirs at grates preceding forebay and cleanout inlets to divert water into
4. Trash screening upstream of system if warranted for heavy trash loading areas.
When installed correctly only clean water free from trash and sediment will enter
the Infliltration Gallery. This is the goal for pretreatment. Pretreatment is critical since
these galleries can range in size from small 12" perforated plastic pipe to large
reinforced concrete structures so access will range from small cleanout to
manholes, inlets, and steel hinged access covers. Access could be problematic for
Caltrans Stormwater Quality Handbooks
Infiltration Gallery Design Guide
4-4 June 2021
small systems but if the water going into these is clean, then this should not be a
For large galleries manholes and/or inlet structures should be placed at necessary
intervals to allow for ease of maintenance access, ingress, and egress. These
access facilities must have appropriate steps, ladders, or rigid rail fall protection to
ensure safe access into the Infiltration Gallery. The large Infiltration Gallery
configuration would be classified as a confined space.
The devices should be inspected prior to the start of the wet season and
periodically during the wet season; the NPDES permit requires annual inspections.
The TBMP requires sufficient space adjacent to the TBMP to allow Maintenance staff
and vehicles safe access. Discuss all proposed Infiltration Gallery locations with the
District Maintenance Stormwater Coordinator, because maintenance is critical to
the performance of these devices. Locate the TBMP where adequate access is
available for maintenance activities without requiring lane or shoulder closures.
When possible, maintain a minimum space of twelve feet (one lane width)
between moving traffic and the work area. Include a minimum 9-ft parking width
for maintenance vehicles.

4.4 Detailing of the Infiltration Gallery Inlet

Properly size and maintain the upstream drainage system discharging to the
Infiltration Gallery to allow stormwater runoff from the intended CDA to enter the
facility. Calculate the velocity of flow entering the Infiltration Gallery, particularly
during the overflow event, to determine if scour protection is required. Depending
on the velocity entering the proposed Infiltration Gallery, an energy dissipator may
be required (HDM, Table 865.2). Coordinate the design of an energy dissipator with
District Hydraulics.

4.5 Geotechnical Investigations

A Geotechnical Investigation must be performed by a qualified, licensed
geotechnical engineer registered in the state of California. The geotechnical
engineer must issue a report summarizing findings. The report should comment on
the following items: potential site hazards (e.g., slope stability, landslides,
liquefaction, lateral spreading); appropriate setbacks from sloped terrain, adjacent
foundations, and utilities; seismic load parameters, including seismic increments for
soil loading; permanent ground deformation and fault rupture; differential
settlement (due to static and seismic considerations); and identification of hazards
or conditions that may prohibit the installation of the gallery infiltration system (e.g.,
location in seismic impact zones, unstable areas such as landslides and Karst
terrains, areas with high potential for soil liquefaction and differential settlement,
highly expansive/collapsible soils).

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Infiltration Gallery Design Guide
June 2021 4-5

The geotechnical investigation provides information for both the structural

foundation load bearing calculations and estimating the expected infiltration rates
of the underlying soil. The subsurface investigation should generally follow the
Infiltration Basins Design Guidance with respect to the number and depth of the
borings. The borings should identify the site soils and any impermeable layers and
shallow groundwater that may affect the infiltration capability of the site soils.
Perform soil laboratory testing to help develop engineering soil parameters for use
in determining the bearing capacity, settlement, and overall stability of the
proposed Infiltration Gallery foundation systems.
Perform either site-specific infiltration testing or hydraulic conductivity testing at the
site in the borings or on recovered samples to determine the design infiltration rates.
Testing should consist of gradation, plasticity, strength, and time-dependent
settlement soil testing.

4.6 Structural Design

The Infiltration Galleries design should be evaluated for structural feasibility based
on potential loading, surrounding slopes, and construction and maintenance
access locations. Calculations should state all relevant codes considered, the
design criteria and loading used, and clearly describe any loads imposed on
existing or adjacent structures. Structural designs are to be coordinated with other
discipline documents and the structural elements shall explicitly account for effects
of miscellaneous openings, manholes and access openings, and pipe penetrations.
Refer to the Geotechnical Report for foundation and other design requirements not
noted below.
Infiltration structures should be designed based on the California Building Code
(CBC), 2016 Edition with local amendments, ASCE 7-10: Minimum Design Loads and
Associated Criteria for Buildings and Other Structures, and ACI 318-14: Building
Code Requirements for Structural Concrete and Commentary (ACI 2014).
Additionally, liquid containing structures should be designed in accordance with
ACI 350-06: Code Requirements for Environmental Engineering Structures, and ACI
350.3-06: Seismic Design of Liquid-Containing Structures.
The design of all structural members should follow Load Resistance and Factored
Design (LRFD) methods. Soil and geotechnical designs and considerations may
follow LRFD methods or Allowable Stress Design (ASD) methods. Load combinations
should follow Table 3.4.1-1 of the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, 8th
Edition, with California Amendments. Live loads (including increases for impact, if
applicable) should be applied in accordance with Section 3.
Infiltration structures that act as retaining structures should be designed for both the
static and dynamic soil loads provided in the Geotechnical Report. Static soil loads
should be based on active pressures or at-rest pressures as applicable. Retaining
structures that are restrained at the top in the final condition but are subject to
Caltrans Stormwater Quality Handbooks
Infiltration Gallery Design Guide
4-6 June 2021
cantilever behavior during construction, should be designed for the worst effect
between the active and at-rest soil load cases. Infiltration structures that act as
retaining structures should have a minimum factor of safety against sliding and
overturning of 1.5. Where earthquake loads are included, the minimum safety
factor for sliding and overturning may be reduced to 1.1.
Infiltration structures that are located underground or are partially underground
should be designed assuming that counteracting soil effects (i.e., passive pressures
at concrete walls above the foundation) against active soil loads, at-rest soil loads,
and seismic loads are non-existent unless explicit guidance is otherwise provided by
the Geotechnical Engineer.
Infiltration structures should be designed for the following surcharge loads:
surcharge effects of HL93 trucks and surcharge effects of adjacent structures and
foundations. In lieu of designing for surcharge effects of adjacent structures,
infiltration structures may be located beyond the adjacent structure’s realm of
influence assuming a 1.5 H:1 V sloping line emanating from the bottom of the
nearest adjacent footing, mat slab or pile cap.
Use minimum and maximum groundwater levels established in the Geotechnical
Report to determine buoyancy design requirements, if applicable. The design for
Infiltration Galleries must account for depth to seasonal high groundwater which
must be at least 5 feet below the bottom of the gallery. Infiltration devices should
not be constructed in areas that would require pile foundations or other means of
tie down.
Foundations for infiltration structures should be designed and configured to
minimize static and dynamic differential settlements. Total differential foundation
settlements (inclusive of seismic considerations) should conform to the following
limits: 0.005*L for structures less than 10 feet tall, and 0.003*L for structures greater
than 10 feet tall.
Where Caltrans permits the installations of Infiltration Galleries near roadways or
vehicular traffic, the structure should be designed to support HL93 truck loading.
The HL93 truck loading should be increased per the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design
Specifications, 8th Edition, with California Amendments to account for impact
forces of moving wheels.

4.7 Site Specific Design Elements

4.7.1 Soil Compaction
A Geotechnical Design Report should be completed for siting Infiltration Gallery
TBMPs. The area identified for infiltration should be clearly marked on the plans and
delineated in the field. During construction, use of heavy equipment over the invert
of the gallery should be limited or prohibited to prevent compaction of the
underlying soils intended for infiltration.

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Infiltration Gallery Design Guide
June 2021 4-7

4.7.2 Invert Separation from Seasonally High Groundwater

Treatment is provided by the soil below the invert while the runoff is infiltrating. A 5-ft
separation between seasonally high groundwater and Infiltration Gallery inverts is
desired. Less separation may be considered if justified by adequate groundwater
information or contact the District/Regional NPDES Coordinator to determine if
consultation with the RWQCB is needed. The Infiltration Gallery should not be
located in areas that contain fractured rock within 10 ft of the invert. Sites that have
subsurface conditions that may be of concern, should be discussed with the
District/Regional NPDES Coordinator.
4.7.3 Environmental Conditions
Obtain environmental clearances related to sensitive flora and fauna,
archeological and historical sites, and determine the potential for soil or
groundwater contamination. Contact the District Environmental Unit for these
4.7.4 Upstream Effects
Infiltration Gallery is placed for water quality purposes and must operate safely and
effectively as part of the overall highway drainage system. Hydraulic design issues
must be carefully evaluated during the design process, keeping the safety of the
traveling public paramount. TBMP placement and design must consider the
roadway drainage system. The Design Storm must be determined, and the
associated hydraulic grade lines calculated to ensure that placement of the
device does not impede the effective drainage of the roadway. Additional
discussion of those analyses is beyond the scope of this document. Consult with
District Hydraulics.
4.7.5 Potential Downstream Impacts
Potential downstream erosion must be considered during overflow events if the
overflow release is proposed for surface conveyance. Refer to the PPDG Appendix
A, for means to prevent erosion, and Chapter 800 of the HDM, to design and
protect downstream conveyance.

Caltrans Stormwater Quality Handbooks

Infiltration Gallery Design Guide
4-8 June 2021
Section 5

PS&E Preparation
This section provides guidance for incorporating Infiltration Gallery TBMPs into the
PS&E package, discusses typical specifications that may be required, and presents
information about estimating construction costs.
While every effort has been made to provide accurate information here, the PE is
responsible for incorporating all design aspects of Infiltration Gallery TBMPs into the
PS&E in accordance with the requirements of Section 2 of the Construction
Contract Development Guide (Caltrans 2019b).

5.1 PS&E Drawings

This section provides guidance for incorporating the Infiltration Gallery TBMP into the
contract plans. Infiltration Gallery TBMPs do not have standard drawings but there
are several sheets that should be placed in the PS&E package. The PS&E drawings
for most projects having an Infiltration Gallery may include the following:
• Layout(s): Show location(s) of the Infiltration Gallery. This will aid in recognizing,
both within and outside Caltrans, that the Infiltration Gallery was placed within
the project limits.
• Drainage Plan(s), Profiles, Details, and Quantities:
− Drainage Plan sheets should show each Infiltration Gallery in plan view,
along with other existing (or proposed) drainage conveyance devices that
direct the runoff into or around the device (i.e., inline versus offline) and
overflow from the device.
− Drainage Profile sheets should show the Infiltration Gallery in profile within the
drainage conveyance system. These sheets should also call out the specific
Infiltration Gallery inlet and outlet flow line (surface) elevations, as
applicable, and invert elevations.
− Drainage Detail sheets should show detailing needed for the construction of
the Infiltration Gallery. Inflow and outflow detailing should be shown,
including the overflow release device (e.g., outlet pipe or riser). If an RCB
configuration is used, the dimensions, structural elements, reinforcement
types, and spacing should be shown. Structure Plans may need to be
developed to show additional details (e.g., general plan, footing details, log
of test borings).
− Drainage Quantity sheets should include all pay and non-pay items
associated with the construction of the Infiltration Gallery, except for those
items that will be placed on the Summary of Quantities sheets.
Caltrans Stormwater Quality Handbooks
Infiltration Gallery Design Guide
June 2021 5-1

• Temporary Water Pollution Control Plans: These sheets show the temporary
TBMPs used to establish the Infiltration Gallery TBMPs and compliance with the
Construction General Permit.

5.2 Specifications
Contract specifications for projects that include Infiltration Gallery TBMPs will
include Standard Specifications and may include Standard Special Provisions (SSPs)
and non-Standard Special Provisions (nSSPs). 3
If special provisions are needed for the various items of work to construct the
Infiltration Gallery TBMP, they could be organized under the blanket heading of
'Infiltration Gallery’ with some or all of these items listed as subheadings. Payment
would be made for ‘each’ Infiltration Gallery. Optionally, separate listings could be
made for each contract item of work, with separate measurements and payments.
The PE and the District Office Engineer should consider which method would better
serve the project.
5.2.1 Standard Specifications
Standard Specifications are to be used for a project that constructs an Infiltration
Gallery TBMP. Consider the construction of the Infiltration Gallery in the context of
the entire project to determine what Standard Specifications are applicable. Within
the Standard Specifications, these are the sections that will typically be applicable:
13 Water Pollution Control
17 General (Earthwork and Landscape)
19 Earthwork
21 Erosion Control
51 Concrete Structures
52 Reinforcement
62 Class D Filter Fabric
64 Plastic Pipe
68 Subsurface Drains
70 Miscellaneous Drainage Facility
71 Existing Drainage Facilities
72 Slope Protection
73 Concrete Curbs
96 Geosynthetics

3 Standard Specifications will not be included but merely referenced in the contract’s special provisions.

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Infiltration Gallery Design Guide
5-2 June 2021
5.2.2 Standard Special Provisions
SSPs are not typically used for a project that constructs an Infiltration Gallery TBMP.
Consider the construction of the Infiltration Gallery in the context of the entire
project to determine if SSPs are required or if they can enhance the overall design.
5.2.3 Non-Standard Special Provisions
A project that constructs an Infiltration Gallery may require an nSSP to provide
details to assure that the design assumptions are constructed properly. The PE and
PDT should decide the most appropriate specifications for the site-specific site
conditions to meet design requirements and other goals in the HDM (e.g., safety,
slope stability). If the PE and PDT deem nSSPs necessary, coordinate with OHSD.
OHSD can provide nSSPs to support the design.
OHSD has developed an nSSP to cover the many variables that an Infiltration
Gallery may contain and is available by request.

5.3 Project Cost Estimates

Project Cost Estimates are required at every phase of the project: PID, Project
Approval/Environmental Document (PA/ED), and PS&E. The Caltrans Division of
Design has developed the following website to assist in the development of cost
This website includes links to Chapter 20 Project Development Cost Estimates of the
Project Development Procedures Manual and Caltrans Cost Estimating Guidelines.
In addition to Chapter 20, this website includes other useful cost estimating
information on project cost escalation, contingency and supplemental work, and
cost estimating templates for the planning and design phases of the project. These
templates may be used to track estimates relating to costs for incorporating TBMPs.
5.3.1 PID and PA/ED Phases
Project planning cost estimates typically proceed as: project feasibility, project
initiation, draft project report, and project report. A refined version of the cost
estimate is the project report cost estimate and is developed in the PA/ED phase.
For details on what needs to be included in the TBMP cost estimate refer to
Appendix F of the PPDG. This estimate must be modified as the project progresses.
5.3.2 PS&E Phase
Preliminary Engineer’s Cost Estimates (PECE) are initiated at the beginning of PS&E
and are updated until the completion of PS&E phase of the project. PECEs focus on
the construction costs of the project and the stormwater BMPs and are input into
the Basic Engineering Estimating System (BEES).

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June 2021 5-3

Verify the quantities for inclusion in the project cost estimate to identify which
should be considered Final Pay items, and to determine appropriate unit prices for
each. Develop all necessary earthwork quantities for each specific Infiltration
Gallery location and determine limits of excavation and backfill.

5.4 Developing Infiltration Gallery Cost Estimates

Develop a quantity-based cost estimate, regardless of availability of specific unit
cost or quantity data. As the design process proceeds, the project cost estimate
should be updated as new data becomes available. Identify contract items
required to construct the Infiltration Gallery. Table 5-1 includes typical contract
items that may be included in the unit cost (CY and SQFT) estimate if they are
required for Infiltration Galleries. Table 5-1 is not a complete list and must be
modified on a project-specific basis to accommodate all aspects of design.

Table 5-1. Example Infiltration Gallery Estimate

Contract Item Type Unit Quantity Price Amount
Structural Concrete CY
Bar Reinforcing Steel LB
Structure Excavation CY
Structure Backfill CY

When developing costs based on unit quantities, the cost estimates should be
based upon the most recent Caltrans Contract Cost Data Book and District 8 Cost
Data Base for current similar projects in the District: http://sv08web/contractcost/
Use the project specifications, SSPs, and nSSPs to develop a list of items for which
unit costs should be supplied. Carefully check that all items of work are accounted
for either as pay or non-pay items.
Watch for the costs associated with earthwork for each specific Infiltration Gallery
location, including the need for shoring to protect an existing highway feature.
Calculate quantities for cost estimating and construction pay items and
incorporate into the modified drawings and estimates.
Estimate the total cost of each Infiltration Gallery used on the project for tracking
TBMP costs at PS&E. Document all TBMP costs in the project SWDR at PS&E.

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Infiltration Gallery Design Guide
5-4 June 2021
Section 6

Design Example
The site chosen for this example is a proposed bridge expansion at Sea World Drive,
District 11, located at Route 5. An aerial photograph of the site is provided in Figure

Figure 6-1. Proposed Infiltration Gallery Project, Sea World Drive, Route 5

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Infiltration Gallery Design Guide
June 2021 6-1
SECTION FIVE Design Example

• Invert elevation at proposed Infiltration Gallery: 15 ft Mean Sea Level (MSL)
• Geotechnical Properties:
− Permeability (Kest) as 1.50 inches per hour
− Groundwater elevation below proposed Infiltration Gallery: 5 ft MSL
− Geotechnical Report concludes the site is suitable for placement of
Infiltration Galleries
• Assume instantaneous runoff to the TBMP (i.e., slug-flow)
• CDA (A) as 1.54 acres (80% impervious):
− 1.23 acres impervious roadway
− 0.31 acre unpaved
• Available length (parallel to roadway) for Infiltration Gallery is 50 ft
• Drawdown time (t) as 48 hours
• Precipitation depth (P) as 0.49 inch
• No Water Quality siting restrictions apply
• Offline system
• Pretreatment system sized separately
Step 1: Determine the WQV:
WQV = Rv (P/12) A
WQV = Runoff volume generated by the 85th percentile 24-hour
storm event (CF)
Rv = Volumetric Runoff Coefficient, 0.60 – from PPDG Section
5.3 for 80 percent impervious drainage area
P = Precipitation Depth, 0.49 inch (given)
A = CDA, 1.54 ac (given)
WQV = 0.60 x 0.49 inch (1 inch /12 ft) x (1.54 acres x 43,560 SQFT/acre) = 1,644
Step 2: Calculate minimum required floor area using Darcy’s Law for one-
dimensional flow.
Ainv = (12 inches per foot x WQV) / (kest x t)
WQV = 1,644 CF
kest = 1.50 inches per hour (given)
t = 48 hours (given)
Ainv = (12 inches per ft x 1,644 CF)/(1.50 inches per hour x 48 hour) = 274 SQFT
Caltrans Stormwater Quality Handbooks
Infiltration Gallery Design Guide
6-2 June 2021
Design Example SECTION FIVE
Step 3: Size the TBMP storage based on the selected configuration:
Example calculations for an RCB and an open bottom arch culvert (Figure 6-2) are
shown below. Additional calculations may be required to design this TBMP. All
calculations must be prepared by a Structural Engineer for the modified RCB.
Coordination with OHSD or other appropriate office is required.

Figure 6-2. Illustration of One-Dimensional Flow Out of an Infiltration Gallery

Taken from Minnesota Stormwater Manual

Configuration A: RCB
Standard RCB Dimensions:
Step A-1: Width of RCB:
274 SQFT/50 ft = 5.5 ft  Caltrans Standard Plan D80, use 6 ft span
Step A-2: Height of RCB to contain WQV:
1,644 CF/(50 ft x 6 ft) = 5.48 ft  Standard Plan D80, use 6 ft height
• Verify: 50 ft x 6 ft x 6 ft = 1,800 CF > 1,644 CF
Configuration B: Arch Culvert
Step B-1: In this step the minimum circular pipe diameter is calculated assuming the
pipe is limited to 50 ft (given), and assuming this is a circular or half-circle pipe. This
tells us minimum pipe diameter size given the required bottom area of 274 SQFT.
274 SQFT/50 ft = 5.5 ft or 66 inches

Caltrans Stormwater Quality Handbooks

Infiltration Gallery Design Guide
June 2021 6-3
SECTION FIVE Design Example

Step B-2: This step determines the cross-sectional area of the half-circle pipe that is
assumed to be filled completely with water. This tells us along with minimum pipe
diameter size in Step A-1 how many SQFT of water per FT of pipe it can hold.
0.5 x (π x (5.5 ft)2) = 11.9 SQFT
Step B-3: We complete the calculations by using the results of Step A-2 to
determine how many 50ft rows of 66 in pipe will be required to hold the whole WQV
of 1,644 CF.
1,644 CF/(11.9 SQFT x 50 ft) = 2.8 rows  3 rows
Detailed example structural calculations are not provided here because culvert
material and type can vary by project. Detailed calculations must be prepared by
a licensed professional and submitted for approval and design concurrence from
the appropriate Caltrans functional units.
Alternative Configuration: Modified RCB
The site is suitable for infiltration, so a potential configuration is to modify the RCB to
be open bottom. A licensed professional must submit project-specific calculations
for approval or design concurrence from the appropriate Caltrans functional units.
As this configuration is similar to a bridge, when used, the TBMP must be designed
by an engineer experienced in structural design. The California Amendments to
AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications must be considered during design.
Calculations include and are not limited to wall design, top slab design, and
footing design.

Caltrans Stormwater Quality Handbooks

Infiltration Gallery Design Guide
6-4 June 2021
Section 7

American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), 2011.
Roadside Design Guide, 4th Edition; with errata published in July 2015
Bay Area Stormwater Management Agencies Association (BASMAA), 2016a. Biotreatment
Soil Media and Specification: Current Research on Trees and Water Quality Treatment,
Literature Review, September 14, 2016.
Bay Area Stormwater Management Agencies Association (BASMAA), 2016b. Bioretention
Design for Tree Health: Literature Review. September 15, 2016.
California Stormwater Quality Associations (CASQA), May 2017, Removing Barriers to Low
Impact Development (LID), Bioretention Details and Standards Review.
California Stormwater Quality Association (CASQA), 2003. Stormwater Best Management
Practice Handbook, New Development and Redevelopment, January 2003
California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), 2021. Stormwater Quality Handbooks:
Design Pollution Prevention Infiltration Area (DPPIA) Design Guidance
California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), 2020a. Highway Design Manual 6th
Edition, March 2020
California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), 2020b. Stormwater Quality Handbooks:
Infiltration Basins Design Guidance
California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), 2020c. Stormwater Quality Handbooks:
Biofiltration Strips Design Guidance
California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), 2020d. Stormwater Quality Handbooks:
Biofiltration Swales Design Guidance
California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), 2020e. Stormwater Quality Handbooks:
Supplemental Details Design Guidance
California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), 2020f. Stormwater Quality Handbooks:
Vault Flow Splitters Design Guidance
California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), 2019a. Stormwater Quality Handbooks:
Project Planning and Design Guide (PPDG), April 2019
California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), 2019b. Statewide Trash Implementation
Plan, April 2019
California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), 2019c. Construction Contract
Development Guide, Version 5.0, July 2019
California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), 2019d. Review of Design Guidance for
Sizing Media Filters for Stormwater Quality Treatment, CTSW-TM-16-314.17.1, January 24,
2017 (Revised November 2019)
Caltrans Stormwater Quality Handbooks
Infiltration Gallery Design Guide
June 2021 7-1

California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), 2019e. Caltrans Infiltration Tool v4.0,

available on the California State University Sacramento, Office of Water Programs
website https://www.owp.csus.edu/research/caltrans-infiltration-tool.php
California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), 2018. Multi Benefit Treatment BMP Trash
Full Capture Requirements – Design Guidance, October 2018
California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), 2016. Caltrans, District 4, San Francisco-
Oakland Bay Bridge (SFOBB) Bioretention Pilot Project – Media Analysis, CTSW-TM-16-

Caltrans Stormwater Quality Handbooks

Infiltration Gallery Design Guide
7-2 June 2021

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