Business Partner B2+ Workbook

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Workbook answer key

11 will
Unit 1 12 shall

1 research 1
2 target 1d
3 surveys 2a
4 groups 3e
5 size 4c
6 secondary 5f
1 tester 2
2 respondents 1 NG
3 customer satisfaction 2F
4 researchers 3T
5 in-depth 4T
6 analysis 5 NG
7 quantitative 6F

3 3
1 desk 1, 4
2 gauge
3 impact
4 gather
Functional language
5 launch 1
6 viable 1a
Grammar 4b
1 5a
1c 6c
2a 7a
4f 2
5b 1c
6d 2e
2 4b
1 shall we 5a
2 aren’t they 6d
3 do they
4 won’t they 3
5 doesn’t it 1 Sorry, we can’t hear you very well because the
6 will we connection is bad.
2 It’s a bad line so let me just repeat your question to
3 be sure I understood.
1 is 3 If you can email me that question, I’ll respond to
2 it you directly.
3 have 4 This is a very delicate topic which we need to
4 didn’t respond to sensitively.
5 has 5 I’m afraid that question is outside the scope of
6 isn’t today’s presentation.
7 it 6 Sorry, can I just stop you there as we are pushed
8 didn’t for time.
9 aren’t
10 they

Workbook answer key

Writing Unit 2
1 demonstrated Vocabulary
2 half 1
3 respondents 1 nurturing
4 More than 2 isolated
5 just 3 mentoring
6 majority 4 candid
7 participants 5 feedback
8 none 6 peers
9 confirmed 7 benefits
10 the findings 8 compassionate
2 2
1e 1 cooperative
2d 2 two-way
3b 3 beneficial
4a 4 interests, heart
5g 5 call, shots
6c 6 inclusion

3 Grammar
Model answer
According to the recent market research survey, the 1
new chocolate bar has not had a positive response 1b
from our product testers. Unfortunately, the majority 2c
of respondents favoured both the taste and size of 3a
the original chocolate bar, while almost none of the 4c
participants preferred the new, improved recipe. 5b
Worryingly, almost half of those surveyed believed 6a
that the new bar uses cheaper ingredients, whereas
it uses premium ingredients, increasing production 2
costs by 12 percent. Despite the fact that around a 1 The thing, Something
third of the responses suggested that customers 2 will be, is
would be happy to pay more for a better-quality 3 what, something
product, more than two thirds reported that they 4 The thing, What
would be unlikely to buy this product should the 5 was, wasn’t
current price increase. Three quarters of the testers 6 Things, The things
also raised concerns that the quality does not reflect
the luxury brand image. Interestingly, despite the 3
negative comments about the taste of the product, 1 The things that we cannot compromise on are
the findings also indicated that a quarter of the quality and reliability.
participants would be interested in seeing more 2 What one successful business did was to allow
flavours added to the current range. The survey employees to work from home.
confirmed that we need to reconsider both the 3 The areas of business that most interest graduates
improved recipe and the pricing of the product. As a are finance or consultancy.
result, we will carry out further improvements and a 4 What I will do is make sure that the work is
further round of market research before launching completed before the deadline.
the product. 5 It was a technological problem that was the cause
of the delay, not our staff.
4 6 Something that works for us is having regular
b meetings to update the team.

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Listening … face-to-face meetings with the client [at] the start

of the project … regular calls to [find] out if they
1 require …
1g … arrange for a member of your team to prepare [an]
2b online survey after each project is complete [in] order
3d to check customer satisfaction.
4c Arrange follow [up] calls for customers … Speak to
5e the HR Manager next week [for] more information …

1 emotional 2
2 workplace Model answer
3 managers Dear Maria,
4 appropriately We are delighted that you have completed the first
5 relationships part of our training course and passed your exams
6 empathy with distinction. You are now ready to move on to the
7 understanding next part of your training. As we discussed in our
8 managing meeting yesterday, there are some areas where
improvements are required for the next part of your
3 course.
1F Firstly, you will need to attend seminars and lectures
2T more regularly so that you do not miss course
3T content. If you are not able to get to the class, we
4T expect you to let the lecturer know as soon as
Secondly, it is important that you spend more time
Functional language preparing for projects. Your written reports are good
1 but they do need to include more research. I would
1e also like to stress how important it is to hand the
2d assignments in on time. Last term, some of your
3a essays and project work were late and therefore you
4f lost marks in your end-of-term result.
5b Finally, we would like you to arrange weekly face-to-
6c face meetings with your tutor. This is in order to
discuss your progress and so that she can help you
2 with planning and with any parts of the course you
1 open, up may be finding difficult. Previous candidates have
2 check, page found this enormously helpful.
3 both, issues You have made a good start on the training course
4 to, second and we look forward to watching your progress in the
5 best, tackle next term.
6 benefits, thinking Yours sincerely,

3 3
1b C
Unit 3
Writing Vocabulary
1 1
… where we require improvements in team 1 withdrawn
performance for [the] next project. 2 financial
Firstly, we [would] like you to schedule … As project 3 prohibitive
leader, you need [to] check progress and 4 banking
communicate any concerns to your manager [so] 5 transfer
that problems can be solved … 6 payee
7 accounting
8 deposits

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2 Functional language
1 fee
2 bill 1
3 money order 1d
4 debit card 2h
5 rent 3a
6 direct debit 4g
7 cheque 5b
8 savings 6e
1 These are the reasons which warrant
1 by
2 when we considered the big picture
2 out
3 If we fail to act, then
3 by
4 The consequence of that would be
4 up
5 can see why there might be objections
5 with
6 this idea is the best opportunity
6 forward
1 action, mean C
2 break down, reasons D
3 idea, opportunity D
4 should, current C
5 achieve, target C
6 backing, others D

3 Writing
a 2, 5
b1 1
c 3, 4, 6 1c
Reading 4b
Model answer
Dear Sir/Madam,
We are writing to express our dissatisfaction with
your service. Ten weeks ago, we ordered 2,000
personalised key rings to give to visitors attending a
conference. We gave notice that this was a large
order and that these items would need to be
personalised with our company logo. We also agreed
a 12 percent discount due to the size of the order.
Having informed you well in advance of our
requirements and receiving written confirmation that
everything was in order, we did not anticipate any
issues. However, we were informed on Monday that
1, 4
you will now only be able to supply 75 percent of the
order with logos. Also, the price quoted on your letter
does not include any discount. We have called your
customer services department but received no
response. We feel that you have dealt with this

Workbook answer key

matter most unprofessionally. Your actions have 2

damaged both our plans for the conference and also 1b
our trust in your company. 2a
As a potential regular customer, we request that you 3c
kindly resolve this matter immediately and also 4b
increase the discount to 25 percent to reflect the key 5c
rings which will now be supplied without a logo. 3
Unless you do this, we shall be forced to find another 1 will have advanced
supplier for all future contracts. 2 correct
We look forward to your prompt response. 3 hadn’t tested
Yours faithfully, 4 will have experienced
5 correct
3 6 will have installed
b 7 correct
8 has increased

Unit 4 Listening
Vocabulary 1
1 1T
1 threat 2F
2 weather 3F
3 temperatures 4T
4 change 5F
5 atmosphere 6T
6 demand 7T
7 environment 8F
8 difficulties
2 1 costs
1 extreme weather 2 cyberattacks
2 pose a threat 3 hacking
3 high temperatures 4 network
4 humid atmosphere 5 data
5 face difficulties 6 threats
6 unstable environment 7 damage
8 analyse
3 9 identify
1 production 10 systems
2 predict 11 improvements
3 embrace 12 stage
4 protect
5 sustainable 3
6 potential 1A
Grammar 4N

1 had become Functional language
2 will have become
3 has/have used 1
4 will have used 1b
5 has/have forgotten 2a
6 had forgotten 3b
7 had lived 4a
8 will have lived 5a

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2 2
a 2, 3 Model answer
b 1, 5 Taking all the factors mentioned into account, there
c6 are two courses of action to improve time
management. There were many suggestions made,
3 which included hiring a consultant on a temporary
1 matter contract or using the HR department. Having
2 point considered the options, a reasonable approach
3 objectively would seem to be to use a team from HR to carry out
4 overlooking initial research. This would take place in three steps
5 elaborate and would include the following: investigating the
6 unreasonable effectiveness of our current work patterns and
7 benefits conducting consultations with all staff to discover any
8 correctly issues which employees feel might affect task
efficiency in their role. As the third step, we will
4 investigate ways to improve staff engagement, for
A: I heard that you were upset about not being example, by providing suggestion boxes or running
selected to lead the project? competitions for the best idea to improve productivity.
B: That’s right. Could you elaborate on why I wasn’t Some of the recent problems we have experienced
considered suitable? have occurred as a result of sudden changes made
A: I understand that you’re disappointed, but can we to work rotas.
look at this objectively for a moment? You haven’t yet Because these were made without giving staff
developed the management skills a role like this sufficient advance warning, there were a significant
requires. number of complaints. Therefore, I would also like to
B: Are you perhaps overlooking the fact that I recommend new procedures which would allow at
managed teams in my previous position? least three days’ notice for any changes to rotas. It
A: I get your point, but this is a very different type of would also be advisable to use online tools to
team. It would be useful for you to have further manage projects so that everyone has access to the
leadership training to help you enter into the role schedules at any given time.
confidently. Finally, I propose we carry out additional training on
B: OK, I can see the benefits of what you’re saying. time management for all employees over the next
And if I follow you correctly, you mean that if I agree three weeks.
to additional training, you’ll consider me ready to lead
a project? 3
A: The fact of the matter is that we would need to see c
how the training goes. After the course we could
discuss potential projects that might be a good fi t for
you. Unit 5
B: That doesn’t sound unreasonable. Can we discuss
some logical next steps? Vocabulary
A: Do you mean in terms of arranging the course?
Sure. Come and speak to me tomorrow and we’ll 1
look at the best way to proceed. 1 developmental
2 international
3 perspective
Writing 4 brief
5 mobility
1 6 settle
1 courses 7 claim
2 options 8 deposit
3 approach
4 investigate 2
5 recommend 1 assignment
6 advisable 2 mobilised
7 into 3 shipment
8 Consequently 4 adoption
5 taxable
6 compensatory

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3 5b
Across: 6c
1 immigrant 7a
3 compensate
4 assign 3
6 process 1 link
7 relocation 2 vital
8 mobility 3 fail
4 personal
Down: 5 effect
2 globalisation 6 financial
5 ship 7 avoid

Grammar Functional language

1 1
1 a, c 1 rewarding
2 b, c 2 evidence
3 a, b 3 demonstrate
4 a, c 4 respond
5 b, c 5 excelled
6 follow
2 7 a tendency
1 should 8 room
2 have 9 improve
3 did 10 thoughts
4 are 11 achieved
5 will
6 had 2
1 One clear benefit
3 2 The obvious thing to do
1 Not until she received the letter did she believe she 3 don’t take this opportunity
had won first place. 4 In a nutshell
2 Only if we are given more information can we make 5 the worst
a decision. 6 a matter of talking
3 Little did we know that property prices were about 7 the twin benefits
to fall.
4 Under no circumstances would we consider this to 3
be an acceptable offer. a 2, 6
5 Not once did they give him any feedback on his b1
performance. c7
6 Only by finding a compromise can we guarantee d4
job security. e3
7 Seldom have we heard such a convincing f5
8 Not only did he get an interview, but they also
offered him the job. Writing
Listening 1 Thanks
2 highly
1 3 beneficial
family, mentor support, loneliness, cultural issues 4 downside
5 understanding
2 6 exchange
1c 7 expectations
2b 8 Although

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2 3 1 share
Background information: 2 2 resources
Sequence of events: 1, 3, 6, 8, 12 3 benefit
Pros and cons: 4, 5, 7, 9, 10 4 foundation
Conclusion: 11 5 turnaround

Model answer Grammar
Hello from Shanghai!
Well, here I finally am in Shanghai thanks to the
1 should / ought to
company secondment programme. It was quite a
2 could / ought to
culture shock when I got off the plane, but I’m very
3 couldn’t
excited to be here. I arrived last week and was met
4 shouldn’t
by Chao, from the office, who spoke very
5 couldn’t / can’t
good English.
6 may
He introduced me to my manager, Mr Huang. Chao
then took me to the company apartment where I’ll be
staying. It’s quite small, but it has everything I need. I
1 She couldn’t have expected the project to run
started work the next morning and was shown my
smoothly with such an inexperienced team.
desk in a huge open-plan office. Mr Huang
2 We ought to have discussed the merger before any
introduced me to most of the staff during the day.
decisions were made.
The work is very interesting and it’s giving me a
3 He can’t have lost his phone because he’s just
better global perspective. I’m also learning to adapt
called me from the airport.
to the different work culture. At first, I thought my
4 They shouldn’t have signed the contract without
colleagues didn’t like me, but I’ve discovered it’s
consulting their lawyer first.
because they are worried about their English – they
5 You might have forgotten to make a note of the
shouldn’t be as it’s really very good!
deadline in your diary.
The main downsides are that I don’t speak Mandarin
6 Their previous appointment must have run late as
very well and the working hours are longer than at
we were due to start this meeting ten minutes ago.
However, I’m really looking forward to improving my
Mandarin and learning all about the local culture and
1 might have found
history. I am sure that this experience will be
2 couldn’t have written
beneficial to my career progression and I highly
3 must have agreed
recommend it to everyone.
4 can’t have gone
5 may have decided
6 should have responded

Unit 6 1
Vocabulary 1F
1 3C
1 strategic 4E
2 gain 5D
3 access
4 presence 2
5 win-win 1 markets
6 outweighed 2 revenue
7 stake 3 base
8 regulatory 4 collaborative
5 differences
2 6 trust
1 shareholders 7 goals
2 joint venture 8 procedures
3 takeover 9 confidential
4 synergy
5 acquisition

Workbook answer key

3 projects, where several important deadlines were

b missed due to delayed deliveries of key materials.
With the delivery times guaranteed from our alliance
partner, we would be able to avoid a repeat of the
Functional language same mistakes. Both companies have the same
objectives and are looking to expand. Furthermore,
we are keen to share our skills, knowledge and
1 straight to the point
expertise to benefit both companies.
2 most concerns me
It is evident that a close working relationship can only
3 if we were to
be beneficial to both companies and we look forward
4 you be prepared
to working on even more large projects in the future.
5 potential problem
However, we are fully aware that we would need to
6 let’s figure out
have clear lines of communication and that
7 I’ll agree to set up
procedures and job roles would need to be very
8 to raise the issues
clearly defined.
9 reach a compromise
a, d, f
1 ways
2 meant
3 hindsight
4 expected Unit 7
5 foreseen
6 takeaway Vocabulary
7 in 1
8 Considering 1 thinking
9 forward 2 pose
3 measures
4 suffered
Writing 5 mitigated
1 6 solutions
1 hope 7 stock
2 discussion 8 disaster
3 lack
4 failure 2
5 clear Across:
6 result 4 are
6 potential
2 7 reduce
1 in the hope of expanding
2 is hardly any advantage Down:
3 is evident (that) there is 1 take
4 these reasons 2 minimise
5 does not appear to be 3 calculated
5 major
Model answer 3
We have been awarded a new contract to build 2,000 1 analysis
homes over the next two years, and due to the size 2 hazards
of the project and the need to complete it on time, we 3 manage
have been in discussions with our main supplier 4 prevent
about the possibility of a strategic alliance. Currently, 5 run
we are very close to reaching an agreement
regarding all the details of the contract and our
shared strategy.
We made the decision in the hope of both growing
the business and ensuring a smooth supply chain for
all the required materials for this project. Supply of
materials has been a huge issue on our last two

Workbook answer key

Grammar 6 arise
7 overcautious
1 8 cover
a 2, 8
b 1, 5 2
c 3, 6 1 probability
d 4, 7 2 methods
3 cause
2 4 an urgent
1c 5 identified
2b 6 radar
4b 3
5a a 2, 6
6c b5
c 1, 3
3 d4
1 would wouldn’t
2 weren’t wouldn’t be
3 didn’t crash hadn’t crashed Writing
4 would be were / had been
5 doesn’t wouldn’t
1 involved
2 Date
Listening 3 details
4 Injuries
1 5 Analysis
a3 6 Causes
b1 7 Recommendations
c5 8 How to avoid
e4 2
1 was injured
2 2 was lifting
1 predict 3 hurt
2 volatile 4 was checked
3 inflation 5 will not be
4 negative effect 6 have just filled
5 assets 7 will find
6 strong returns 8 to remind
7 fund managers
8 technology 3
9 economic recovery Model answer
10 safety net
11 spending Facts
12 emotion Person(s) involved Jack Roberts, metal worker
13 stocks
14 top Date, time and 7th July at 11.30 a.m.
location Engineering plant A
3 Full details of Jack was working on one of
c incident our new engines when he
turned round to get
something from the work
Functional language bench behind him. However,
1 he did not see a piece of
1 for equipment which had been
2 case left on the floor by another
3 time employee and he tripped
4 expect over it, hitting his head on the
5 give bench.

Workbook answer key

Injuries and When Jack fell, he twisted Grammar

treatment his ankle and also hit and cut
his head on the work bench. 1
The company nurse checked 1 making
his ankle, which had started 2 to hold
to swell up quite badly. She 3 discussing
recommended that he went 4 to consider
immediately to hospital for an 5 to speak
X-ray. Before he went, she 6 keeping
cleaned up the cut on his
head. 2
Analysis 1 taking
Causes of incident There seems to be one main 2 coming
reason for this accident: the 3 to do
fact that another employee 4 to make
had left some equipment on 5 to survive
the floor. This is against 6 having
health and safety regulations. 7 to think
Recommendations 8 not making
How to avoid it in It is clear that all staff need to 9 weighing
future be reminded of the dangers 10 creating
of leaving equipment
unattended around the plant. 3
I recommend that they 1a
receive more training on all 2a
aspects of the health and 3b
safety rules. 4a
Unit 8 8a
1 Reading
1 driving 1
2 collected 1D
3 examined 2C
4 identify 3A
5 reconsidered 4E
6 given 5B
7 monitor
2 1T
1 making 2F
2 forward 3T
3 gut 4F
4 pulling 5T
5 ending 6F
6 settle 7T
7 alternative
3 c
1 evaluate
2 implemented
3 consider Functional language
4 defined
5 criteria 1
6 constraints 1 of the matter
7 developed 2 lack of
3 personally

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4 our feelings Italian would be helpful, but knowledge and

5 cloud experience of our company are more important.
6 instinct would be Yours sincerely,
7 true that Gareth Higham
8 black and white Sales & Marketing Director
9 even though

1 had Pronunciation
2 way
3 where
4 like
Unit 1
5 between
6 get
7 interests 1
8 issue Checking: 1, 2, 5, 6, 7
9 feeling Asking: 3, 4, 8
10 hold
1 shouldn’t they
Writing 2 wouldn’t you
1 3 is there
1 enable 4 doesn’t it
2 be improved 5 shouldn’t they
3 assure 6 doesn’t it
4 guarantee 7 shall we
5 view 8 aren’t we
6 consider

b 1
1, 4, 5, 7, 8
Model answer 2
Dear Mr Champeau, 1 It’s not something we have time to look at today.
Further to our discussions last week, we have 2 I’m not entirely sure of the answer to that question.
decided to set up a new Sales and Marketing office 3 I’ll respond directly to you. Is that OK?
in Rome. The Italian market is growing fast and 4 That question is outside the scope of today’s
currently it is serviced by your office in Paris. This presentation.
means that we are unable to take advantage of this 5 We need to be mindful that many people feel very
growth in the way we would like and that customers strongly about this.
often find it difficult to contact the Sales Manager if 6 We covered that at the beginning of the
they have any problems. presentation when I talked about …
The office in Rome will enable us to have a much 7 What’s the main question you have on this?
closer relationship with our Italian clients. It is 8 You’d be better off asking my colleague in Finance
important to have a presence in the country so we about this issue.
can have face-to-face contact with individual
customers. It will also allow us to work on expanding
our market share in that region.
We realise that there may be a period of
Unit 2
readjustment in the Paris office but we can assure 2.2
you that no one will be made redundant as we are
hoping to expand our market share in that area, too. 1
In view of this, we are offering a six-month 1 What I’ll do tomorrow (fall-rise) is to make sure the
secondment for two staff members from the Paris contract (fall) is ready.
office to oversee setting up the Rome office. Please 2 It was the boring work (fall) that made him leave.
let me know which of your staff may be interested 3 Something they forgot to take (fall-rise) was the
and who you would recommend. A knowledge of latest version of the agreement (fall).

Workbook answer key

4 What we’ll have to rethink (fall-rise) are our 3.3

conditions of employment (fall).
5 It’s the supplier in Mexico (fall) that my boss is 1
trying to reach. Then … / try and visualise / the looks on your guests’
6 The innovation that didn’t (fall-rise) work was the faces / as they enter the ballroom / and see more
one that was most expensive (fall). than one hundred circus performers / all dressed in
gold. / Fire acts! / Acrobats! / Jugglers! / Trapeze
3 artists! / All surrounded by enormous golden urns /
1 B: It’s my boss (fall) that’s trying to get through to with thousands of flowers / cascading from them. /
them. Imagine how everyone will react / to this incredible
2 B: It’s the manufacturer (fall) in Mexico I’m trying to sight.
3 B: What they criticised (fall-rise) was the lack of
time (fall) to implement them. Unit 4
4 B: What made him leave (fall-rise) was the boring
work (fall) he had to do. 4.2
5 B: What made me (fall-rise) leave was the
atmosphere (fall) in the office. 1
6 B: Unfortunately, the only one they forgot (fall-rise) 1 How many computers had been affected?
to take was the latest (fall) one. 2 They still haven’t recovered.
3 The ransomware had been aimed at banks.
4 He said he’d been told.
2.4 5 They’d chosen their targets carefully.
6 A UK plant will have been targeted.
1 3 1 Before I worked in this office, I’d never worked at
1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8 a smart desk.
2 The virus has spread quickly.
2 3 I’ve never seen this kind of smart building before.
1 Do you see any quick wins here? 4 By the time I’d installed it, it was out of date.
2 I think both perspectives are very valid. 5 I’ve worked for the company for nearly two years.
3 Let me make sure we all understood what you said. 6 They thought they hadn’t been hit, but they had, in
4 Any reflections from your side? fact.
5 We don’t really see eye to eye on this. 7 They still haven’t brought the system back online.
6 You can see from the agenda what we’re all 8 They hadn’t chosen random targets.
looking to achieve today. 9 I’m sure they’ll have been able to respond.
7 We need to increase the insurance for the project. 10 I don’t think we’ve been affected, have we?
8 What’s your take on this, Jack? 11 By the end of the day we’ll have been given all the
12 They thought they’d escaped, but they haven’t.
Unit 3
3.2 Unit 5
1 She carried on living with her mother. 5.1
2 She managed to put some money by each month. 1
3 She wanted to save up before studying at Oo culture process
university. processed shipping
4 She didn’t want to fall behind with the rent. oO assign assigned
5 Her grandfather had set up a trust fund for her. employ
Ooo cultural globalised
3 immigrant mobilise
1 He set a trust fund up. taxable
2 He set it up. oOo adopted assignment
3 She wanted to save some money up. seconded taxation
4 The problem has come up before.
ooO employee relocate
5 What if your computer breaks down?
ooOo immigration relocated
6 He wouldn’t be able to pay them back.
ooOoo compensatory
7 They agreed to pay off his debts.
8 They agreed to pay them off. oooOo globalisation

Workbook answer key

4 There might have been a lot of different

3 possibilities.
1 accommodation oooOo 5 They may have wanted to make use of synergy.
2 helpful Oo 6 Shouldn’t you have left earlier to be on time for
3 personal Ooo your appointment?
4 development oOoo 7 The company could actually have grown faster
5 compensation ooOo under different ownership.
6 interpreter oOoo 8 A strategic alliance might perhaps have been a
7 opportunities ooOoo good idea.
8 permanently Oooo 9 Couldn’t you have taken on the new role you were
9 organisation oooOo offered?
10 They can’t possibly have told you the details,
because they don’t know them themselves yet.
5.2 11 They must have been trying to decrease
competition, mustn’t they?
12 They say we should have solved the problem
1 Rarely does anyone I know get any really exciting
months ago, but I can’t see how we could have.
2 Little did I know how difficult it would be to learn a
new language. 6.4
3 Never in my life have I been treated so badly by an
employer. 1
4 Not only was the work interesting, but I also got to 1, 2, 4, 6, 8
know something of a different culture.
5 At no time was she offered any kind of support. 2
6 No sooner had she arrived than she knew she’d be 1 Considering everything that happened I’m very
happy there. proud of what we achieved.
7 In no way am I saying that you were responsible for 2 In future, roles and responsibilities should be
what happened. defined more clearly.
8 On no account should you sign the contract in its 3 My main lesson learnt is that problems need to be
present form. addressed early.
9 Only much later did I realise what a great 4 With hindsight, we should have used a project
experience it had been. planning tool.
10 Not only did they have to book a flight, but they 5 One thing I hadn’t expected was that they’d need
also had to find accommodation. so much guidance.
11 Not until he began the job did he realise it was the 6 What are your thoughts on this?
opportunity of a lifetime. 7 In many ways, I think that the main problem was a
12 Under no circumstances would I accept that leadership failure.
assignment abroad. 8 This created the problem that people had different
versions of the schedule.

Unit 6
Unit 7
1 They must have been working late. 1
2 You oughtn’t to have left the company. 1 /w/
3 They couldn’t have left on time. 2 /r/
4 You should take the other job. 3 /w/
5 They can’t have known that the brand would 4 /w/
become so popular. 5 /r/
6 /r/
3 7 /r/
1 Don’t you think we should have joined forces? 8 /r/
2 We obviously couldn’t have predicted what the
results of the merger would be. 3
3 They could really have kept the brand name, 1 Keep the weight of the building as light as possible.
couldn’t they? 2 Many buildings have to be demolished after

Workbook answer key

3 Buildings in the capital are more at risk than those 5 If he hadn’t struck up a conversation with a
in other areas. stockbroker, we wouldn’t be applying his thinking to
4 How do earthquakes affect business and the markets today.
economy? 6 If stocks are more volatile than bonds, investors
5 Have you ever worked in a skyscraper? should expect better returns.
6 Fire alarms are an effective means of saving lives. 7 If he hadn’t made a key contribution to economics,
7 Smart systems automatically reduce risk to people he wouldn’t have received a Nobel Prize.
in a building. 8 If he hadn’t spent so much time playing baseball,
8 The lifts stop automatically at the nearest floor. perhaps his interest in economics would have
developed earlier.
1 Keep the weight_of the building_as light_as
2 Many buildings have to be demolished_after /r/ Unit 8
3 Buildings_in the capital_are more /r/ at risk than 8.2
those_in_other /r/ areas.
4 How do /w/ earthquakes_affect business_and the 1
economy? 2, 3, 5, 6, 8
5 Have you /w/ ever worked_in_a skyscraper?
6 Fire /r/ alarms_are /r/ an_effective means_of 2
saving lives. 1 What type of store would you like to open, and
7 Smart systems_automatically reduce risk to where would you want to locate it?
people_in_a building. 2 The good news is that we’ve finally got the go-
8 The lifts stop_automatically at the nearest floor. ahead from the CEO.
3 Of course you have to analyse all the different
options, but in the end I think it’s often best to go with
7.2 your initial gut feeling.
4 Let’s all get together two weeks from now, to
1 evaluate what progress we’ve made.
1 If he were a teenager today, he probably wouldn’t 5 There isn’t much time left, and we urgently need to
have spent his early childhood playing the violin. settle on a plan of action.
2 If he hadn’t decided to pursue a graduate degree in 6 If you don’t hire someone to help you, you’ll end up
economics, he wouldn’t have gravitated towards having to do all the work yourself.
uncertainty. 7 If you don’t think through all the alternatives
3 If it hadn’t been for a chance meeting, he wouldn’t carefully, you might end up regretting your decision.
have revolutionised the investment industry. 8 When you have to make an important decision, do
4 If he hadn’t got interested in economics, he might you think it’s better to follow your heart or your head?
have become a great violinist.
5 If he hadn’t struck up a conversation with a
stockbroker, we wouldn’t be applying his thinking to
markets today.
6 If stocks are more volatile than bonds, investors
should expect better returns.
7 If he hadn’t made a key contribution to economics,
he wouldn’t have received a Nobel Prize.
8 If he hadn’t spent so much time playing baseball,
perhaps his interest in economics would have
developed earlier.

1 If he were a teenager today, he probably wouldn’t
have spent his early childhood playing the violin.
2 If he hadn’t decided to pursue a graduate degree in
economics, he wouldn’t have gravitated towards
3 If it hadn’t been for a chance meeting, he wouldn’t
have revolutionised the investment industry.
4 If he hadn’t got interested in economics, he might
have become a great violinist.

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