Gold BSC Research Work
Gold BSC Research Work
Gold BSC Research Work
The quest for education and knowledge has gained a great momentum and thanks to
technology. It has given education a boost, from online admission application system to online
lecturing system, technology is virtually seen in the corners of education. Education encompasses
our lives and it has formed the foundation of our society. Education helps to improve our minds
and mold inquisitive minds into intellectuals. Higher learning takes the intellect to the next level,
Admission seeking through application is a process all prospective students must undergo.
This process has been manned by manual process despite the digitalized process of student
application. This research intends to automate this process of admitting students via the automation
and simulation of the standard admission rules of African thinkers community of inquiry, college
of education.
Admission is the process of being taken into a programme only after one has qualified by
having above the minimum requirement. Admission simply imply the permission to enter into a
particular place.
The main objective of student’s online admission system is to computerize the process
carried out in schools with improved performance and realize the vision of paperless admission.
Some of the goals are: to manage large number of student, to create student accounts and maintain
data effectively.
Digitalization is making life simpler and more interesting. Computers are seen in diverse
areas of human life. From sleeping to eating, from exercise to working, technology has become
Education as a best legacy given to individuals helps to stimulate our minds and create
inquisitive minds into intellectuals. It helps us to learn more about our life and world. Every
education icon wishes to make education in his or her watch greener through the incorporation of
technology. Hence, many started from online application, computer based test (CBT) and
publishing of admitted students names on the internet but little has adopted the online admission
system that will automate the admission rules and standard guidelines of admission.
The present admission process into African thinkers community of inquiry, college of
education is a manual process. Applicants or prospective students purchase the admission form,
from the admission office of the college of education thereby following up the manual and paper
form kind of admission thereby making the process tedious. Gold Alli (2021)
A system as a set of hardware, software (principles, rules and procedures) and people that
works in union to achieve a common goal makes up life of which information technology is not
excluded. An online student admission system in this context is a model of a system that will
automate the minimum required rules for admitting prospective student by the body/authority
concerned. This system will downsize the delay caused by humans due to the large number of
application received as well as set a limit to the numbers of application for each course like a seat
reservation system.
Bucklund(2007) in his research defined system as a whole that cannot be divided into
dependent elements that interacts with each other and produces an outcome in totality.
Decision made in this system as in other systems are principally grounded on principles and
experiences in human but built as intelligence into computer system. Due to the speed and
efficiency of computers, they are good companion for decision making and planning of business
activities. This is supported through the use of management information systems and decision
support systems.
These are to convert data/information fields that will enforce the rules that the system has been
programmed for. This is why system can use the input supplied by a user to achieve a result like in
Any manual system is occasioned with a lot of deficiency and set back. The manual system
of admission has a lot of deficiencies, ranging from delay to favoritism in admitting students. In
this digitalize world where people and technocrats are advocating for paperless society, manual
admission system will only upsurge the paper work. The difficulties student’s and staff in relation
to the admission department usually face in any institution of higher learning made the researcher
to realize that (computer aid) an online admission system is the best that can happen to African
The proposed system is to overcome the problems in the existing system such as:
Speed – The human efficiency in terms of speed is extremely slow. If they were
to consider every application against the requirements then one might be forced
against the application name, hence two different people will be attached to a
slot thereby causing some serious issues. There are also many other errors
that can be seen like wrongly spelt names and wrong application numbers.
Online student admission system is aimed at automating the admission process into African
thinkers community of inquiry, college of education. The objectives of the study is to do the
To design an online system for student admission (into African thinkers community of
Management studio for its database and Active Server (Hyper Text Markup
Language and Visual are incorporated) on Visual Studio for its interface
Paperless admission
Reduced manpower
Education is vital to individual hence the process of admitting students should be true
whereby the duly merited individuals will get admitted, not the unmerited via favouritism. Some
It would create convenience for the aspiring students to apply for the admission.
Reduction in the use of paper works thereby leading to loss of documents either by
This will also help in proper preservation of applicants data against the paper based method
that after a period the paper gets decay and might even be burnt.
education Enugu State. This was achieved to attain a standard output that will be useful to both
students and as well as staffs of the Institution. This research work would lead to a quick and faster
In the course of this study, to acquire some important information leads to an exhaustive study
which enabled me to get all I want, but some factors militate against it, the institution is lacking in
some computerized gadgets and programming platforms which really slow down the work process,
other factors include time, finance and mental energy to make the research work a successful one.
“The process of facilitating knowledge and the transfer of skills, value and belief is known
as education. The transfer of skills, knowledge, habits and so on is transferred from the educator to
the seeker. Also, education is the process of imparting knowledge, skill and judgement. The
transfer of knowledge can take diverse platform or avenue such as storytelling, discussion,
teaching, research and so on. Education has stages and admission into a particular stage must be
given. Here comes the role of the admission personnel. Education is compulsory in most places up
to a certain age, attendance at school often isn't, and a minority of parents chooses home-schooling,
sometimes with the assistance of modern electronic educational technology (also called e-learning).
Online system has become a central element of the discourse on higher education (Cox 2005).
There seems to be an overall drive towards online system given importance need for flexibility in
With the fast spread and development of online system applications, many colleges and universities
has began to offer online courses as an alternative to the traditional face to face platform.(Hill
Stock 2005)
Computers as present help a lot to speed up processes and activities of human. Computers
are looked upon as obedient servants who are ever ready to free man from tedious procedures and
produce results as compared with human computing time. A machine that is capable of accepting
input data, store and process the data based on instructions given by the user and produces expected
results called output is termed a computer. Computing is the act of using a computer to perform a
According to Gold Alli (2021) Computing can be defined as a process of using computer
forms of a system”, Stella Chiemeke, (2006). A system can also be seen as a combination of
machine, people and processes to achieving a unified goal. Systems always have an input that the
people initiate the processes to acts on it through the machines to have an output according to the
Input Output
“A combination of machine, processes and people that produces a defined set of output
from a set of input is a data processing system. The input and output are interpreted as data, fact,
information and so on; depending on the interpreter’s relation to the system. A data processing
A very simple example of a data processing system is the process of maintaining a check
register. Transactions – checks and deposits; are recorded as they occur and the transactions are
summarized to determine a current balance. Monthly the data recorded in the register is reconciled
A more sophisticated record keeping system might further identify the transactions for
example deposits by source or checks by type, such as charitable contributions. This information
might be used to obtain information like the total of all contributions for the year. The important
thing about this example is that it is a system, in which, all transactions are recorded consistently,
Another example is this system – student admission system, that records all the academic
required input of the applicant as well as other inputs and processes it to admission or not after a
good check of the requirements if fulfilled or otherwise. Another synonym for data processing
The concept of data and information is very important in understanding issues that go with
According to Leary(2008) data simply consist of raw unprocessed facts while information
is a data that has been processed by the computer.Information being a processed data is the life
wire of any computer system. The input to most system aren’t necessary raw fact but some are
information wish will be reprocessed to fit the format of the system’s output. These systems are
tools which assesses, calculates, measures, stores, regulates, monitors, retrieves information
amongst others. To a large extent, most systems are information systems or have a relationship to
Information System (IS) is defined as the software that helps organize and analyze data. An
information system is essentially made up of five components which are hardware, software,
database, network and people. These five components integrate to perform input, process, output
and feedback. It collects and processes data (or information) and provides it to mangers at all levels
that use it for decision making, planning, program implementation and control. The aim of
information system is to improve the quality and accuracy of information; it also aims in compiling
information from another object and in some manner changes the information before transmitting
hardware, software, people and procedures to collect, sort, analyses evaluate and distribute
pertinent, timely and accurate information for use by recipients to enhance better decision making.
An information system notably, admission system et cetera provides both a data processing
capacity and information to help recipients make better decision. The information generated from
these systems goes a long way to meet the need of people in a given organization as well as those
It is essential for any establishment to ensure that sound and effective Information systems
of various forms like staff information system, visitors tracking system amongst others are in place.
(Apanapudor, 2006), said that information system provides stand and reports and most recently,
‘Information can also be seen in some context as a work system which is a system in which
humans or machines perform processes and activities using resources to produce specific products
or services for customers. An information system is a work system whose activities are devoted to
systems inter relate with data system on one hand and activity system on the other hand.
Enwerem (2008) explain that the concept of information in an organization sense is more
complex and difficult than the frequent use of the common word would suggest, Oketunji(2009)
put more emphasis that the information is data that has been processed, transmitted by the
recipient, interpreted and understood by the recipient. It should be noted that the user not just the
sender is involved in the transformation of data into information. A given message can have
different meaning to different people, based on this one can safely say that data which has been
analyzed, summarized or processed in some other fashion to produce a message or report which is
recipient. Therefore the user determine whether a message contains information or just processed
The introduction or emergence of computer into information technology has widely improved the
information need of organization; the success of this machine is dependent on the knowledge base.
Therefore one can be prompted to ask “what is a computer” Funk(2007) defined a computer as an
electronic device that can perform automatically at a high speed of a sequence of logical operations
instruction; process the data base on the instruction to generate result or output in such a manner
The aim of information system to admission, registration, result processing and clearance in
universities using computer software based online system is to improve the quality and accuracy of
information provided to all involved as well as assisting universities in compiling and reporting
Since the arrival of internet technology, school system has taken a new shape with style with a
blend of convenience and satisfaction. Taylor (2010) says that computer base education includes
both computer – assisted instruction programs that interact with students in a dialogue and a
programming. Information technology has always helped the university system to educate both
staff and student in a better way, to explain a few examples staffs are been taught on how to
manage the proposed computer system and students obtain their admission form without carrying
files around. This is safe, fast and has no hazels. Filling out the admission form and going to offices
to submit certain documents is time and energy consuming process, through the online process the
admission application is made easy and there is majorly a fast response or reply.
Student admissions are delicate part of any university’s because students are what keep a school
alive. The student admission is one of the most important activities within a school as one cannot
survive without students. A poor admissions system can mean fewer students being admitted into a
information. It is the structured approach to a particular job such as system analysis and design.
Structured systems Analysis and Design methodology is a set of standards for system
analysis and application design. It makes use of formal methodical approach to the analysis and
waterfall model. It has been used by many commercial businesses, consultants and educational
When a student is about to admitted, he/she will obtain an admission form at the administrative
offices. The student has to bring along certain requirements that are needed by the institution,
The present admission system of the institution is a manual one. This make the system tedious and
time consuming. Here, student has to spend much on transportation and visiting different offices,
for the admission to be approved. In the manual system forms are stored in a file cabinet. Each
time the admission form is needed, a search operation is conducted on the file cabinet to locate a
Manual admission systems, even in present days where computerized systems seems to triumph
over paper based systems, can still provide a way of recording student data and can deliver a
A manual admission systems, if developed correctly can deliver timely and accurate information.
Easier to set up
Can be secure
Due to the manual means been used by the university, keeping information about student
Unavailability of some key staffs while processing clearance form, which leads student
repeatedly visiting a particular office in other to approve his/her admission form.
The new system is designed to solve problem affecting the manual system in use. It is design to
be used online thereby relieving both student and staff from much stress as experienced from the
manual system.
This will do the analyzing and storing of information either automatically or interactively,
The proposed system will also have some other features like:
Easy way of back up or duplicating data in a hard drive in case of data loss.
This new system is structured to work with the standard software development procedure. In order
to achieve an effective online admission system. Structured Analysis and Design (SSADM) was
used. This is because SSADM is an internationally accepted software engineering model mainly
System Requirement
In order to realize this project, the following software and hardware components was used:
Hardware requirement
In the cost of the design, the software development needed the following hardware for an effective
Pentium IV
Software Requirement
Microsoft access
Net framework
System Maintenance
Ensure the system has a dust cover or placed in a dust free environment to avoid
Ensure the computer which the software runs is optimized always to maintain its
processor speed.
The use of computer software based online admission system forms the basis of the school
management decision. It aims at providing the management with adequate, effective, well
documented up-to-date and formatted output. Having come to the completion of this project work,
Replacement of error prone manual system with new automated online admission
Research and development are continuous process; this is same in computer and software
development, however the effectiveness and efficiency of this new system provide room for further
improvement. As earlier stated some of the objectives of this project were not actualized due to
some limitation, the objectives can still be improved upon, the online admission system if
developed will offer greater opportunity for the institution management. All transaction or payment
The research work done is limited to online admission system only, it would be better if the
management carefully create and structure an online admission portal in admitting students both far
Development of the school computer lab should be put in place to enable computer