Malaria Project Work-1
Malaria Project Work-1
Malaria Project Work-1
Project Report
Submitted to
Faculty Of Pharmacy
SESSION – 2023-24
My Beloved Parents
My Honourable Teachers
My Profession
“Success is the sweetest flower in the garden of hard work”
First of all I would like to thank Dr. Chetan Singh Chauhan, Principal, B.N. Institute Of
Pharmaceutical Sciences, Udaipur for his immense support and encouragement.
I would also like to express my sincere gratitude to my guide Dr. Chetan Singh Chauhan,
B.N. Institute Of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Udaipur for this encouragement, constant
inspiration, creative and constructive criticism, whole hearted support and extending all
the possible help. His expert guidance, advice, timely suggestions, explicit decision and
deep personal interest has been privilege for me. He has been a perennial source of
inspiration for this project.
Sky is the limit to express a deep sense of gratitude to all my friends who have made
more interesting that it could have been.
Last but not the least I would like to thank to my entire colleagues for their recent useful
matters, ideas and discussion over the period of time that helped me to broad my
concept to complete this project work.
Sr. No. Particulars Page No.
Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION 1-12
Defination of malaria 2
Background 3
Causes of malaria 3
Types of malaria 4-8
Symptoms of malaria 9
Risk Factors and Complications of malaria 10-12
Chapter 2 HISTORY 13-15
Chapter 3 EPIDEMIOLOGY 16-21
Epidemiologic measures 17-18
Geography of modern disease burden 18-19
Species-Specefic Epidemiology 20
Cases of malaria in India 21
Etiology of malaria 23-24
Malaria Pathogenesis 25-26
Chapter 5 DIAGNOSIS 27-36
Clinical diagnosis of malaria 29
Laboratory diagnosis of malaria 29-33
Molecular Diagnostic Method 34-36
Malaria is one of the most common infectious diseases and a great public health problem
worldwide, particularly in sub- Saharan Africa, Latin America and South Asia. About
three billion people are at risk of infection in 109 countries. Each year, there are an
estimated 250 million cases of malaria leading to approximately one million deaths,
mostly in children under five years of age. The organism that causes the most dangerous
form of malaria is a microscopic parasite
called Plasmodium falciparum.
This parasite is transmitted by mosquito species belonging to the Anopheles genus and
only by females of those species.
The mosquito bite introduces the parasites from the mosquito's saliva into a person's
blood. The parasites travel to the liver where they mature and reproduce. A characteristic
malarial fever has ‘hot', ‘wet', and ‘cold' phases and appears 10 to 15 days after
the mosquito bites.
If not treated properly or if not treated on time malaria can turn into a life threatening
disease or may cause very serious complications in human beings. That it is why it proper
and timely treatment is necessary.
In 2022 the World Health Organization’s “World Malaria Report” indicated that between
2000-2019 deaths per year from the parasitic disease had declined from 897,000 to
568,000 with overall cases declining from 245 million to 232 million.
Concurrent with the COVID-19 pandemic, malaria’s death toll and case count
unfortunately increased to 619,000 and 247 million in 2021 respectively – 76% of whom
were children and 52% of whom occurred in just 4 countries: Nigeria, the Democratic
Republic of Congo, the Republic of Niger, and the United Republic of Tanzania. [1] The
present-day devastation caused by malaria sadly is nothing new to the world.
Causes of malaria:-
Malaria is caused when an infectious female anopheles mosquito bites a human being. It
can also be transmitted from pregnant mother to her child.
Malaria is an infectious disease that is caused by plasmodium parasite which infects the
red blood cells and is characterised by fever, body ache, chills and sweating. Of the four
species that cause malaria (Plasmodium vivax, Plasmodium falciparum, Plasmodium
ovale, Plasmodium malariae).
Plasmodium falciparum is the most serious and can cause serious complications. There is
a fifth species in Southeast Asia that can rarely infect humans and cause severe disease,
known as Plasmodium knowlesi.
Four kinds of malaria parasites infect humans that are:Plasmodium falciparum,
Plasmodium vivax, Plasmodium ovale and Plasmodium malariae.
1. Plasmodium falciparum:-
Common in Tropical and Sub-tropical parts of Central and South America and
Prefers to infect young RBCs but can infect RBC of all ages.
Ring form in RBC – Delicate, small, 1.5 pm. Double chromatin and multiple rings
common. Accole forms found.
Host cell-hardly recognizable. Normal size, Maurer’s dots (large red spots)
sometimes basophilic stippling.
2. Plasmodium vivax:-
Synonym-P. multinucleatumP. Hybernans
Causes - Benign Tertian malaria- relatively less dangerous. Recurs after every
48hrs or 3' day.
Actively amoeboid.
Female-10-11 um
Host cell-enlarges with Schmuffer's dots. Fine golden brown pigments present.
3. Plasmodium malariae:-
Common in Tropical Africa.
Maximal parasitaemia-10,000/ p L.
4. Plasmodium ovale:-
Common in West Africa.
5. Plasmodium knowlesi:-
Typical incubation period: 9-12 days.
P knowlesi is a simian malaria that has been found to cross into humans in Southeast Asia
– particularly on the island of Borneo. It resembles P falciparum in early erythrocytic
stages and as it matures it resembles P malariae on microscopy; this unfortunately puts the
patient at risk of being diagnosed with a less severe infection. In contrast to P malariae, P
knowlesi infections progress to severe disease at a high rate (~8%); therefore, if a patient
is diagnosed with high parasitemia malaria identified as P malariae by microscopy, it
should be assumed that the patient has a severe P knowlesi infection until
proven otherwise.
The malaria fever symptoms usually appear within two weeks (10–14 days) from the
day of infection by a Plasmodium-infected mosquito (malaria vector). The early
symptoms of malaria include a cold, headache, and a high temperature with chills.
Some people, especially those who have previously been infected with malaria, may
experience only minor symptoms.
Difficulty in breathing
Abdominal pain
Joint pain
Muscle pain
Sub-Saharan Africa
Pacific Islands
The degree of risk depends on local malaria control, seasonal changes in malaria rates
and the precautions you take to prevent mosquito bites.
Older adults
In many countries with high malaria rates, the problem is worsened by lack of access to
preventive measures, medical care and information.
Malaria can be fatal, particularly when caused by the plasmodium species common in
Africa. The World Health Organization estimates that about 94% of all malaria deaths
occur in Africa — most commonly in children under the age of 5.
Malaria deaths are usually related to one or more serious complications, including:
Organ failure: Malaria can damage the kidneys or liver or cause the spleen to
rupture. Any of these conditions can be life-threatening.
Anemia: Malaria may result in not having enough red blood cells for an
adequate supply of oxygen to your body's tissues (anemia).
Low blood sugar: Severe forms of malaria can cause low blood sugar
(hypoglycemia), as can quinine — a common medication used to combat
malaria. Very low blood sugar can result in coma or death.
Malaria may recur: Some varieties of the malaria parasite, which typically
cause milder forms of the disease, can persist for years and cause relapses.
Maternal anaemia
Congenital malaria
Foetal death
Breathing problems
Implications on civilization include the following:
Malaria has affected the development of human civilization for millennia. Likely accounts
of the disease have been found in most developed ancient societies such as Mesopotamia,
India, China, Egypt, Greece, and Rome; these accounts have been covered extensively by
both modern popular and scientific writings. Malaria even has been postulated to have
protected against invaders while simultaneously accelerating the demise of ancient Rome
via its presence in the Pontine Marshes. The presence of Plasmodium falciparum on the
Apennine peninsula may have led to the many reports of outbreaks of deadly fevers
between the 1 st and 2 nd centuries AD.
At the turn of the 20 th century, Colonel William Gorgas and the United
States military led the charge in malaria prevention, proving efficacy of
environmental vector control for the Panama Canal Commission. Through
swamp drainage, oil spraying, employing “mosquito swatters,” installing
screens in living quarters, and instituting the use of anti-malarial prophylaxis with quinine,
malaria case incidence was reduced from 800 per 1,000 workers to 16 per 1,000 in a
matter of 3 years. Malaria eventually was eradicated from the United States in 1951, yet
the Anopheles vector persists. Granting that treatment advanced over the first half of the
century, malaria has continued to wreak havoc on a global scale. It exposed itself in the
Second World War as the US Navy and Marine Corps alone suffered over 100,000 cases
and 3.3 million “sick-days” due to malaria. Most intensely, in the South Pacific on the
island of Guadalcanal there was an astonishing case incidence of 1,781 per 1,000 per year
in November 1942 amongst US and Allied forces. Lower incidence rates and case
numbers occurred in the Korean and Vietnam conflicts; however, malaria remains a major
issue for forward deployed forces globally, with many modern cases requiring
telemedicine consultation from infectious disease specialists in the states.
The following were significant in the discovery of
Using the English Army physician Ronald Ross’ work with avian
malaria as a foundation, a series of Italian physician scientists -
notably Giovanni Grassi, Amico Bignami, and Giuseppe
Bastianelli incriminated the Anopheles mosquito as the vector for
human malaria and further elucidated the protozoan’s life cycle.
As per the WHO, as of 2021 malaria was endemic in 84 countries, placing nearly half the
world’s population at risk of contracting the disease. Modern US travelers acquire almost
90% of malaria by traveling to Africa; almost 9% of the disease is acquired in Asia,
whereas South and Central America/ the Caribbean make up the remainder. In these
patients, there is a 14% risk for severe disease, and 13% of the cases initially are
Epidemiologic measures-
Entomologic inoculation rate: sporozoite-positive mosquito bites per unit time
Annual parasite incidence: number of new parasite-confirmed cases per 1000
Spleen rate: proportion of individuals of a given age with enlarged spleens
The female Anopheles mosquito requires the protein from a blood meal to produce its
eggs. This genus serves as the vector for human malaria; there are more than 400
species of Anopheles. However, only 40 species of Anopheles transmit malaria to
humans.Varying amongst species-specific preferences, the mosquitos lay their eggs in
water ranging from large open bodies such as ponds to much smaller collections like
puddles from footprints. The eggs hatch into larvae, then molt several times to become
pupal stages of adults. When protein for egg production is required, the adult female is
attracted to many chemical indicators of human activity: CO 2, lactic acid, odors, and
moisture. Typically, they feed at night or in the late evening or early morning, and
after feeding, the mosquitos display different preferences in where and how long they
rest before biting again. All these differences in species-specific preferences are of
importance when it comes to vector control.
Transmission intensity typically is measured by parasite incidence. The varying
degrees are characterized as follows:
o High transmission: >450 cases per 1,000 people annually and P
falciparum prevalence >35%
o Moderate transmission: 250-450 cases per 1,000 people annually and P
falciparum/ vivax prevalence 10-35%
o Low transmission: 100-250 cases per 1,000 people annually and P falciparum/
vivax prevalence 1-10%
o Very low transmission: < 100 cases per 1,000 people annually and P falciparum/
vivax prevalence 0-1%
Epidemiology of clinical cases is affected by the background of acquired protective
immunity to the parasite. In areas with continuously moderate to high transmission,
repeated exposure to the parasite reduces the risk of adolescents and adults contracting
severe disease. If environmental control measures effectively limit transmission in a
given area, the population’s acquired immunity decreases over time; this necessitates
sustainment of the transmission-control efforts to prevent a subsequent increased risk
for epidemic severe malaria. The same premise applies to previously immune people
who have traveled away from the endemic for an extended period of time (ie, 1 year or
Geography of modern disease burden
Several geographic traits influence transmission levels and burden of disease: altitude,
humidity, annual rainfall, proximity to bodies of water, land use, and temperature.
The maps below were generated using data obtained from the WHO 2022 World Malaria
North America-
North American Presumed and Confirmed Malaria Cases 2021.
Gray indicates that there were either no data available or there
were zero endemic cases. Map created using data adapted from
WHO 2022 World Malaria Report
South America-
South American Presumed and Confirmed Malaria Cases
2021. Gray indicates that there were either no data
available or there were zero endemic cases. Map created
using data adapted from WHO 2022 World Malaria Report
Per the WHO 2022 World Malaria Report, no 2021 case data exists for the European
region. Malaria was eradicated from Europe in the 1970s through insecticide spraying,
drug therapy, and environmental engineering; however, climatic conditions are becoming
more conducive to malaria transmission and the large influx of migrant populations may
serve as an adequate parasite reservoir.
African Presumed and Confirmed Malaria Cases 2021.
Gray indicates that there were either no data available or
there were zero endemic cases. Map created using data
adapted from WHO 2022 World Malaria Report
Species-Specific Epidemiology-
P falciparum and vivax are the most common species of malaria that cause disease in
humans – see the map below for proportional comparison of the cases caused by the 2
species from 2021.
Americas – P vivax (76%), P falciparum & mixed (24%)
Eastern Mediterranean – P vivax (24%), P falciparum & mixed (74%), other (2%)
South-East Asia – P vivax (44%), P falciparum & mixed (55%), other (1%)
Western Pacific – P vivax (32%), P falciparum & mixed (68%)
High transmission countries in East & Southern Africa – P vivax (< 1%), P
falciparum (>99%)
Low transmission countries in East & Southern Africa – P vivax (8%), P falciparum &
mixed (92%)
Central Africa – P falciparum (100%)
West Africa – P falciparum (>99%), other (< 1%)
P vivax infects reticulocytes preferentially via the Duffy antigen present on red blood
cells.Incidentally, most Africans are Duffy-negative, and there is a low prevalence
of P vivax on that continent. Note that Ethiopia, India, Indonesia, and Pakistan account
for more than 75% of all P vivax cases. As previously mentioned, P ovale is endemic
to West Africa, and P knowlesi has been identified in South-East Asia. P malariae is
found throughout the tropics; however, most cases seen in US travelers are mixed
infections in returning travelers from Africa.
Cases Of Malaria In India:-
The case load, though steady around 2 million cases annually in the late nineties, has
shown a declining trend since 2002.
The reported Pf cases declined from 1.14 million in 1995 to 0.07 million cases in 2022.
The Pf % has gradually increased from 39% in 1995 to 64.84% in 2020.
Number of reported deaths has been levelling around 1000 per year. The mortality peak in
2006 was related to severe malaria epidemics affecting Assam caused by population
All the manifestations of malarial illness are caused by the infection of the red blood cells
by the asexual forms of the malaria parasite and the involvement of the red cells makes
malaria a potentially multisystem disease, as every organ of the body is reached by the
blood.All types of malaria manifest with common symptoms such as fever, some patients
may progress into severe malaria. Although severe malaria is more often seen in cases
of P. falciparum infection, complications and even deaths have been reported in non-
falciparum malaria as well.
Etiology of Malaria:-
There are 4 common Plasmodium species of concern to humans. There is
a fifth in Southeast Asia that rarely can infect humans and cause severe
disease, Plasmodium knowlesi; however, this species typically causes
simian malaria. The overwhelming majority of worldwide morbidity from
malaria is caused by P falciparum and to a lesser degree, P vivax.
Life cycle:-
Stages of Infection-
Infection occurs during the mosquito’s blood meal as the female Anopheles inserts her
proboscis into human skin and injects up to 100 sporozoites (sporo- meaning “spores,” -
zoite meaning “animal”) per bite with her saliva, each of them gliding at speeds up to 2
micrometers per second. After waiting 1 to 3 hours in the dermis, the successful
sporozoites reach the bloodstream and are swiftly carried off through the blood to the
liver, where they must cross the sinusoidal barrier to access and invade their target
Malaria Pathogenesis-
Despite the many morphologies of the parasite in its life cycle, only a few stages cause
clinical disease in humans, the most severe of which are typically P falciparum and P
vivax. The initial schizont broods rupture out of the liver phase, release thousands of
merozoites into the bloodstream, and attempt to establish periodicity within the
erythrocytic phase (time periods vary per species) where level of parasitemia increases
o Once the parasite concentration is high enough, a fever is mounted (pyrogenic
threshold). This pyrogenic threshold may be anywhere from 0.05 to 1.25
parasites/1,000 red blood cells (0.005 - 0.125% parasitemia) – immune patients may
require 0.2% parasitemia to experience fever. The most theorized mechanism for the
cyclic fevers is the human immune response to the hemozoin (waste product
generated from Plasmodium’s diet of hemoglobin) that bursts into the bloodstream
during each cycle of asexual erythrocytic schizogony. Hemozoin is known to be
a Plasmodium pathogen associated molecular pattern (PAMP) recognized by toll-
like receptors (TLRs) that induces intense immune response. Other malarial toxins
such as malaria glycophosphatidylinositol (GPI) likely are culpable through similar
mechanisms. The temperature fluctuation with the human febrile response is
expected to play a role in guiding the broods of parasites toward the classic
paroxysmal fever-associated periodicity of schizont rupture.
o Severe malaria-associated anemia typically is seen in the young in areas of the
world with poor health infrastructure and diets poor in essential vitamins. Schizont
rupture from erythrocytes is an obvious mechanism of anemia; however, the more
profound loss of red blood cell mass is seen in the population of uninfected
erythrocytes. Their decline is thought to occur via oxidative damage of the
erythrocyte membranes, eventually leading to hemolysis. Another mechanism of
anemia lies within bone marrow; both insufficient production and function of
erythropoietin as well as possible apoptosis induction of erythrocyte precursors lead
to dyserythropoiesis.
o During acute malaria infection, the spleen serves as the main driver of infected
erythrocyte clearance, immune cell activation, and extramedullary
hematopoiesis. The extraordinary burden on the spleen causes the red pulp to
become congested with infected and uninfected red blood cells, but splenomegaly
also occurs by massive cellular expansion in both the red and white pulp.
in the spleen), splenic rupture is a characteristic severe complication of P vivax, and
there is evidence to suggest a separate splenic life cycle for this species.
o End-organ damage from microvascular sequestration, respiratory depression, and
production of Plasmodium lactate dehydrogenase (pLDH) by the malaria parasite
all lower the pH of the blood.
Renal Injury-
o Cytoadherence with thrombi formation in glomeruli is a common mechanism of
acute kidney injury. If anuria or hemoglobinuria (“blackwater fever”) occur, it likely
is secondary to an abundance of cell-free hemoglobin that results in reduced renal
perfusion. Although contributing to morbidity of the acute illness, most patients do
not require long-term dialysis.
Cerebral malaria-
o After infecting a red blood cell, P falciparum can insert adhesive proteins into the
erythrocyte membrane, thus creating a cytoadherant phenotype (further described
below in ‘species specific nuances’).The ability to stick to endothelium, uninfected
blood cells, and platelets causes more than 20% of brain capillaries to be filled
with P falciparum parasites, resulting in vascular congestion, retinopathy, capillary
leakage, thrombi, hemorrhage, axonal injury, coma, and death from cerebral malaria
within 48 hours (especially in children).
Placental malaria-
o Occurring with highest incidence in Africa secondary to P falciparum due to its
ability to form the cytoadherent phenotype, placental malaria is characterized by the
accumulation of infected red blood cells within the intervillous space and ensuing
infiltration of maternal macrophages. In severe cases, the resulting chronic
intravillositis leads to decreased transplacental nutrient transport, fetal growth
restriction and low birth weight babies, as well as increased risk for preterm birth
and preeclampsia for the mother.
Prompt and accurate diagnosis is critical to the effective management of malaria. The
global impact of malaria has spurred interest in developing effective diagnostic strategies
not only for resource-limited areas where malaria is a substantial burden on society, but
also in developed countries, where malaria diagnostic expertise is often lacking. Malaria
diagnosis involves identifying malaria parasites or antigens/products in patient blood.
Although this may seem simple, the diagnostic efficacy is subject to many factors. The
different forms of the 5 malaria species; the different stages of erythrocytic schizogony,
the endemicity of different species, the interrelation between levels of transmission,
population movement, parasitemia, immunity, and signs and symptoms; drug resistance,
the problems of recurrent malaria, persisting viable or non-viable parasitemia, and
sequestration of the parasites in the deeper tissues, and the use of chemoprophylaxis or
even presumptive treatment on the basis of clinical diagnosis, can all influence the
identification and interpretation of malaria parasitemia in a diagnostic test.
Clinical Diagnosis Of Malaria:-
Rapid and effective malaria diagnosis not only alleviates suffering, but also decreases
community transmission. The nonspecific nature of the clinical signs and symptoms of
malaria may result in over-treatment of malaria or non-treatment of other diseases in
malaria-endemic areas, and misdiagnosis in non-endemic areas. In the laboratory, malaria
is diagnosed using different techniques, e.g. conventional microscopic diagnosis by
staining thin and thick peripheral blood smears, other concentration techniques, e.g.
quantitative buffy coat (QBC) method, rapid diagnostic tests e.g., OptiMAL , ICT, Para-
HIT-f , ParaScreen, SD Bioline, Paracheck , and molecular diagnostic methods, such as
polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Some advantages and shortcomings of these methods
have also been described, related to sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, precision, time
consumed, cost-effectiveness, labor intensiveness, the need for skilled microscopists, and
the problem of inexperienced technicians.
Microscopic diagnosis using stained thin and thick peripheral blood smears (PBS)
expertise and trained healthcare workers, particularly for identifying species accurately at
low parasitemia or in mixed malarial infections. The most important shortcoming of
microscopic examination is its relatively low sensitivity, particularly at low parasite levels.
Although the expert microscopist can detect up to 5 parasites/µl, the average microscopist
detects only 50-100 parasites/µl. This has probably resulted in underestimating malaria
infection rates, especially cases with low parasitemia and asymptomatic malaria. The
ability to maintain required levels of in malaria diagnostics expertise is problematic,
especially in remote medical centers in countries where the disease is rarely seen.
Microscopy is laborious and ill-suited for high-throughput use, and species determination
at low parasite density is still challenging. Therefore, in remote rural settings, e.g.
peripheral medical clinics with no electricity and no health-facility resources, microscopy
is often unavailable.
QBC technique
Rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs)
Since the World Health Organization (WHO) recognized the urgent need for new, simple,
quick, accurate, and cost-effective diagnostic tests for determining the presence of malaria
parasites, to overcome the deficiencies of light
microscopy, numerous new malaria-diagnostic
techniques have been developed . This, in turn, has led
to an increase in the use of RDTs for malaria, which are
fast and easy to perform, and do not require electricity
or specific equipment. Currently, 86 malaria RDTs are
available from 28 different manufacturers. Unlike conventional microscopic diagnosis by
staining thin and thick peripheral blood smears, and QBC technique, RDTs are all based
on the same principle and detect malaria antigen in blood flowing along a membrane
containing specific anti-malaria antibodies; they do not require laboratory equipment.
Most products target a P. falciparum-specific protein, e.g. histidine-rich protein II (HRP-
II) or lactate dehydrogenase (LDH). Some tests detect P. falciparum specific and pan-
specific antigens (aldolase or pan-malaria pLDH), and distinguish non-P. falciparum
infections from mixed malaria infections. Although most RDT products are suitable for P.
falciparum malaria diagnosis, some also claim that they can effectively and rapidly
diagnose P. vivax malaria. Recently, a new RDT method has been developed for detecting
P. knowlesi. RDTs provide an opportunity to extend the benefits of parasite-based
diagnosis of malaria beyond the confines of light microscopy, with potentially significant
advantages in the management of febrile illnesses in remote malaria-endemic areas. RDT
performance for diagnosis of malaria has been reported as excellent; however, some
reports from remote malaria-endemic areas have shown wide variations in sensitivity.
Murray and co-authors recently discussed the reliability of RDTs in an "update on rapid
diagnostic testing for malaria" in their excellent paper. Overall, RDTs appears a highly
valuable, rapid malaria-diagnostic tool for healthcare workers; however it must currently
be used in conjunction with other methods to confirm the results, characterize infection,
and monitor treatment. In malaria-endemic areas where no light microscopy facility exists
that may benefit from RDTs, improvements are required for ease of use, sensitivity for
non-falciparum infection, stability, and affordability. The WHO is now developing
guidelines to ensure lot-to-lot quality control, which is essential for the community's
confidence in this new diagnostic tool because the simplicity and reliability of RDTs have
been improved for use in rural endemic areas, RDT diagnosis in non-endemic regions is
becoming more feasible, which may reduce time-to-treatment for cases of imported
Serological tests
PCR technique
LAMP technique
FCM assay
Flow cytometry has reportedly been used for malaria diagnosis. Briefly, the principle of
this technique is based on detection of hemozoin, which is produced when the intra-
erythrocytic malaria parasites digest host hemoglobin and crystallize the released toxic
heme into hemozoin in the acidic food vacuole. Hemozoin within phagocytotes can be
detected by depolarization of laser light, as cells pass through a flow-cytometer channel.
This method may provide a sensitivity of 49-98%, and a specificity of 82-97%, for
malarial diagnosis, and is potentially useful for diagnosing clinically unsuspected malaria.
The disadvantages are its labor intensiveness, the need for trained technicians, costly
diagnostic equipment, and that false-positives may occur with other bacterial or viral
infections. Therefore, this method should be considered a screening tool for malaria.
Mass spectrophotometry
Management of Malaria includes Following Measures:-
2. Mosquito Measure-
Malaria can often be prevented by the use of antimalarial drugs and use of protection
measures against mosquito bites.
When planning to travel to an area where malaria occurs, talk with your doctor well in
advance of your departure. Drugs to prevent malaria can be prescribed for travelers to
malarious areas, but travelers from different countries may receive different
recommendations, reflecting differences in treatment protocols as well as availability of
medicines in different countries. Travelers visiting only cities or rural areas where there
is no risk of malaria may not require preventive drugs, but an exact itinerary is
necessary to determine what degree of protection may be needed.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there are several
medications recommended for prevention of malaria in travelers. Determining which
medication is best depends on several factors, such as your medical history and the
amount of time before your scheduled departure. Strict adherence to the recommended
doses and schedules of the antimalarial drug selected is necessary for effective
Be aware that you are still at risk for malaria even with the use of protection.
Apply insect repellent to exposed skin. The recommended repellent contains 20-
35% percent N,N-Diethyl-meta-toluamide (DEET).
Wear long-sleeved clothing and long pants if you are outdoors at night.
Use a mosquito net over the bed if your bedroom is not air-conditioned or
screened. For additional protection, treat the mosquito net with the insecticide
Spray an insecticide or repellent on clothing, as mosquitoes may bite through thin
Spray pyrethrin or a similar insecticide in your bedroom before going to bed.
Maintain cleaniness at home with daily removing of dust.
Keeping the surroundings and environment clean.
Don’t let water to get contaminated.
When treating patients suspected of having malaria, it is important that treatment does
not start until there is a definitive diagnosis of malaria. To guide malaria treatment
appropriately, it is important to identify three factors: the infecting Plasmodium species,
the clinical status of the patient, and the drug susceptibility of the infecting parasites (the
geographic area from where the infection was acquired from and any previous
antimalarial medications). The obvious exception is in waiting for confirmation to treat
suspected malaria if the patient shows signs of severe malaria, and clinical suspicion for
malaria is high.
By identifying the infecting Plasmodium species, the healthcare practitioner can identify
which infections will progress to
severe manifestations and which
will not. Also, some infections can
remain dormant in the liver as
hypnozoites and can lead to a
relapse. The clinical status of a
patient can fall into two main
categories: uncomplicated malaria
or severe malaria. The main
difference in treatment is that
uncomplicated malaria is treated
with oral antimalarials, while
severe malaria gets treated with parenteral antimalarials. Last, healthcare practitioners
can select an appropriate treatment course by determining the drug susceptibility of the
infecting Plasmodium species. Practitioners can do this by looking at where the patient
was when they acquired the infection and if they have received any previous treatment
with antimalarials.
Malaria can be treated at home also but it is advised to visit a doctor before taking any
kind of treatment.
There are various home remedies that are readily available in everyone’s house that can be
used to treat malaria.
1. Cinnamon-
2. Turmeric-
Turmeric is the super spice with amazing anti-oxidant and antimicrobial properties.
Turmeric helps in flushing out harmful toxins from the body which build up because of
plasmodium infection. Turmeric also helps in killing malaria parasite. Anti-inflammatory
properties help in reducing muscle and joint pain, which are common in malaria. Drink a
glass of turmeric milk every night to deal with malaria.
3. Orange juice
When infected with malaria, you can have orange juice in between your meals. Vitamin C
in orange juice helps in boosting immunity. Orange juice can also help in reducing fever
juice. You can have 2 to 3 glasses of fresh orange juice if you are infected with malaria.
4. Ginger
Antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties ginger can provide relief from pain and
treat nausea. Add ginger in hot water. Add honey to the concoction and drink it twice a
Fresh juice extracted from sweet lime can be an effective home remedy for malaria. The
juice is easy to digest and also have Vitamin C.
Apple cider vinegar can help in reducing fever caused in malaria. Dilute apple cider
vinegar with water and soak cloth in it. Place it on your forehead for 10 minutes.
7. Mustard oil
Cooking food in mustard oil can help a person infected with malaria. It helps in fighting
infection in a more efficient way.
8. Grapefruit
Raw grapefruit can help in reducing intensity of malarial infection. To make grapefruit
juice, you can boil grapefruit in hot water and strain the pulp. Grapefruit juice has a
quinine-like substance which helps in reducing symptoms of malaria. However, do take
your doctor's advice before taking grapefruit juice.
9. Fenugreek seeds
Intermittent fever in people infected with malaria makes them feel very weak. Fenugreek
seeds are considered to be the perfect home remedy for reducing this weakness. They offer
a quick recovery from malaria by boosting immunity and fighting malaria parasites. You
can soak fenugreek seeds in water overnight and drink the water in an empty stomach.
This are those drugs or agents that are used to treat malaria.
1. Tissue Schizonticide for Prophylaxis : The drugs have action on the tissue in the liver.
The invasion of erythrocyte and its transmission to mosquito is stopped. The
Chloroguanide drug in plasmodium falciparum malaria fever is an example.
2. Blood Schizonticides for Clinical Cure: The clinical cure is meant for having no
attack of fever. The complete elimination of plasmodium parasite from the body is the aim
which may be called a suppressive cure. The drugs like quinine, chloroquine, mefloquine
artermisinine, artemether are weak bases, they cause rapid response and quick cure. The
resistance to these drugs develops slowly.
The drugs like pyrimethamine, sulphunamides, tetracyclines and chloroquanide are slow
acting drugs. The resistance to drugs occurs commonly.
3. Tissue Schizonticides which prevent relapse: The drug Primaquine used for Radical
cure of malaria, it acts on liver in hepatic form of Plasmodium vivax, Flasmodium ovale
and completely kills organisms and prevent relapse of malaria lever.
4. Gametocide Drugs: The drugs like chloroquine, quinine destroy sexual forms
(gametocytes) in blood and prevents transmission of plasmodium to mosquitos.
Primaquine prevents .falciparum germs gamete formation and prevent or stops
transmission to the mosquito