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Articless43587 021 00099 3 PDF
Articless43587 021 00099 3 PDF
Frailty is a multiply determined, age-related state of increased risk for adverse health outcomes. We review how the degree of
frailty conditions the development of late-life diseases and modifies their expression. The risks for frailty range from subcel-
lular damage to social determinants. These risks are often synergistic—circumstances that favor damage also make repair
less likely. We explore how age-related damage and decline in repair result in cellular and molecular deficits that scale up to
tissue, organ and system levels, where they are jointly expressed as frailty. The degree of frailty can help to explain the distinc-
tion between carrying damage and expressing its usual clinical manifestations. Studying people—and animals—who live with
frailty, including them in clinical trials and measuring the impact of the degree of frailty are ways to better understand the dis-
eases of old age and to establish best practices for the care of older adults.
n 2014, an influential commentary decried conventional, one- are much more susceptible to adverse outcomes than those with
disease-at-a-time approaches to age-related illnesses1. This gero- lower frailty scores21. Severe frailty typically occurs more often in
science view steers away from the ‘whack-a-mole’ approach2 of women25, is observed in 12–24% of older adults and is age related26.
treating specific diseases individually—a process that often yields Increasingly, frailty is seen as modifiable, even potentially prevent-
further problems including polypharmacy3 and hospital-induced able, thereby making it a target of treatment27–31. Trials of nutrition
functional decline4,5. Instead, the geroscience agenda envisages and physical exercise face challenges in relation to blinding, types
moving toward a systems-level approach that slows the aging pro- of controls and measurement of dosing that can be more chal-
cess2,6. Progress has been made, for example, with human clinical lenging than pharmaceutical studies, especially for well-tolerated
trials of senolytic drugs that target senescent cells7,8. Even so, aging compounds27. These challenges must be faced in sufficiently large,
is multiply determined and has many manifestations9,10 meaning locally adapted, randomized controlled trials if the prospect of pre-
that despite any one advance, gaps will remain between the diseases vention or even mitigation is to be more than aspirational. For this,
of aging and optimal health in old age11. multicomponent programs will be important, including taking the
These gaps between healthy aging and the diseases of old age social context into account29, something not always done31. Even so,
reflect important conceptual and operational challenges in con- caution is required: one indication that the path to success may be
tinuing to address age-related impairments in health. Major non- quite long is signaled by a multicomponent trial of metformin and
communicable age-related diseases such as cancer, coronary heart exercise—instead of increasing, metformin attenuated some of the
disease, dementia, diabetes mellitus and stroke share common risk benefit associated with exercise32.
factors12,13. Their prevention, and improving poor health in old age In reviewing how frailty relates to disease in old age, we explore
more generally, requires developing new systemic interventions. how age-related damage and decline in repair in various guises are
Some such systemic interventions already exist, such as tackling the detectable. We examine frailty and its antecedents from cellular and
shared and modifiable risks of physical inactivity and poor diet12,14. molecular damage33–36 to social determinants of health such as edu-
Less appreciated has been the opportunity to ‘treat aging’1, which cation, social position, race and financial stability13,14,23. We consider
can be operationally framed as an opportunity to ‘treat frailty’11, a frailty as a means of understanding variability in aging, in translat-
proposition that can be indifferent to exactly which aging mecha- ing interventions from preclinical to clinical studies, and as an aid
nism is being targeted15. That opportunity arises because detecting to clinical decision-making. Finally, we call for the development of
widespread effects of existing and future interventions requires inte- new intervention strategies, investigation of frailty mechanisms and
grative measures of age-related health. The degree of frailty, that is, use of frailty as an outcome measure in clinical trials and in improv-
variability in risk, is a widely used, theoretically grounded means of ing hospital best practices.
quantifying health in old age. Other candidate integrative measures
of health include ‘biological age’ such as provided by ‘physiological Operationalizing frailty in humans and other animals
dysregulation’16, DNA methylation clocks17,18, telomere length and No one who has attended a thirtieth high school reunion doubts
other aging biomarkers19,20. Frailty is a coarsely grained, system- that people age at different rates. In 1979, variability in rates of aging
level measure that can be used across levels from molecular and cel- was invoked to explain the apparent decline in the mortality rate
lular measures to tissues to organs to whole organisms21—and can at extreme old ages37, positing that eventually only slow agers are
also be applied to animals22. left after the frailer rapid agers die. While late-life deceleration of
Measuring frailty offers insights into clinical medicine and pop- mortality is still debated38,39, the notion of frailty as variability in the
ulation health14,23,24. At any age, individuals with high levels of frailty risk of death in people of the same age—generalized as variability
Geriatric Medicine Research Unit, Department of Medicine, Dalhousie University & Nova Scotia Health, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. 2Department of
Pharmacology, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. 3Department of Physics and Atmospheric Science, Dalhousie University, Halifax,
Nova Scotia, Canada. ✉e-mail:
in the risk of an adverse outcome to people with the same degree antecedents of differential aging. Some antecedents will be risk fac-
of exposure—is an established concept. Describing people as being tors for differential aging (such as genetic influences or social vul-
frail when they appear to be substantially ‘older than their stated nerability), while others will be features of aging, such as multiply
age’ is now part of the clinical lexicon40. determined loss of the ability to withstand stress (the idea of robust-
In 2001, several papers proposed new operational approaches to ness64) or to remove or repair damage when it arises (the idea of
frailty41–43. Since then, although many frailty tools have been devel- resilience64). The loss of either robustness or resilience is seen as
oped, two approaches have predominated (Table 1)44–46. One sees arising from the diminution in ‘physiological reserve’. A common
frailty as conforming to a phenotype or syndrome that underscores unifying definition of frailty includes both robustness and resil-
physical decline: low levels of grip strength, slow walking speed, loss ience. Frailty is an age-related, multiply determined loss of ability to
of weight, reduction in usual activities and feeling exhausted; any respond to common stressors.
three of these five features define a person as frail41. With the frailty Preclinical frailty models have been developed from both the
syndrome, the degree of frailty can be expressed as the number of phenotypic and accumulation-of-deficits approaches;22 so far, the
the five attributes that are present, which allows a six-point scale. best studied are murine models. Some items correspond to integra-
The other approach, developed by our group, sees frailty not as tive attributes (such as gait speed, usual activities41, health attitude,
a specific syndrome but as a more general age-related state of poor role function, instrumental activities of daily living and mobility in
health that is proportional to how many age-related health defi- people42,43,45,65; and gait speed, grooming, body temperature, body
cits an individual has accumulated42. Deficits can be drawn from condition score and menace reflex in mice66–68), although more
a variety of attributes or functions, the relevance of which can vary focused attributes are also available (such as hip flexor strength, cat-
depending on the context (for example, deficits related to exposure aracts, hearing loss and specific comorbidities in people; and hear-
to malaria, frostbite or prolonged mechanical ventilation). The ing loss, kyphosis, cataracts and tumors in mice67; Table 1). Frailty
degree of frailty for any individual can be expressed as the frac- tools have also been developed for use in dogs69,70 and nonhuman
tion of deficits that are present in an individual to the number that primates71. Quantifying frailty with similar approaches in both clin-
were considered in a standard clinical or epidemiological study. If ical and preclinical studies will facilitate translational research.
at least 30 age-related and adverse-outcome-associated items are
considered, the degree of frailty, for the most part, does not depend The degree of frailty contextualizes changes during aging
strongly on which items are counted21,47,48. While frailty inspires investigators, this enthusiasm is not uni-
The operationalization of each approach can vary considerably versal. Some are quoted as seeing in frailty "a pejorative concept
(Table 1), but the results remain robust. Not all five items in the that validates and reinforces the disadvantage and vulnerability
frailty phenotype are present in every database or clinic record, so of aging adults"72. Frail patients have multiple, interacting, medi-
that sometimes only four are used49. Sometimes self-reported data cal and social problems that confound the single-problem treat-
or different questions than those originally proposed are used49. ments for which much of contemporary health care is organized73.
The FRAIL scale, a self-report version, to which an item about the They can be characterized by a physician as ‘unsuitable’ for care74.
number of comorbidities has been added, is a popular variant50. Nevertheless, growing evidence suggests that the degree of frailty
The original frailty phenotype is sometimes referred to as ‘physi- helps us to understand not just risk, but the expression of chronic
cal frailty’, to distinguish it from similarly constructed frailty syn- and acquired diseases in older people.
dromes for cognitive frailty51, social frailty52 and organ-specific Indeed, a higher degree of frailty has been linked to a greater risk
frailties53. All of these are constructed with specific health deficits of disability in activities of daily living and falls75,76, delirium77–79, as
that typically increase with age and individually are associated with well as more hospital admissions, with longer lengths of stay75,80, and
adverse health outcomes. more primary care visits—all leading to greater health care costs73,81.
The frailty index is also subject to variable operationalization. Work on the degree of frailty and risk extends to a variety of clinical
Although a frailty index can be derived from any combination of settings, including critical care5, during invasive interventions46 and
symptoms, signs, laboratory values or other measures42, work with in nursing homes82.
a frailty index developed from laboratory data54 or biomarkers55
suggests quantitative differences in the distributions of the data, Frailty and COVID-19. Recent experience with coronavirus dis-
and slopes and intercepts in relation to age (Table 1). Other varia- ease 2019 (COVID-19) illustrates how frailty can integrate risk.
tions include the Clinical Frailty Scale, which proposes ordered Mortality in COVID-19 is related to the degree of frailty83–87, how-
combinations of high-information deficits to grade the degree of ever operationalized88. The mortality data from COVID-19 reflect
frailty56. The ‘modified frailty index’, especially in the American the known dose–response relationship between the degree of frailty
surgical literature, includes measures, mostly comorbidities, using and the risk of death58. Similarly, frailty is related to the risk of
a smaller number of deficits, such as a modified frailty index with COVID-19 being severe89 and to important complications, includ-
11 items (Table 1). However, such shorter versions have been criti- ing incomplete recovery90 and prolonged hospital stay85,86. Frailty
cized as being too brief to constitute a frailty index based on deficit can also be more common in people with COVID-19 who develop
accumulation5,57. delirium; mortality is especially high in this setting84,91. Indeed,
The differences between frailty as a syndrome and frailty as a new onset delirium may be a presenting symptom of COVID-19
state of deficit accumulation, although real, are easily exaggerated. (ref. 92). That delirium is associated with frailty93,94 illustrates why
Each has been used in a variety of applications, including at the patients who live with frailty can be perceived as unsuitable. By not
population level58–61. Both approaches are informative: at the group being able to describe what is wrong with them, frail patients who
level, they consistently classify people who are at an increased risk of are delirious fail to engage providers at the typical point of encoun-
death and do so in ways that tend to reduce the explanatory power of ter in health care95. As a result, delirium is underdiagnosed95.
age62. They appear to share genetic determinants63. Fundamentally, Among the patients with delirium, 37 (16%) had delirium as a
what the two main approaches have in common is that each sees primary symptom, and 84 (37%) had no typical COVID-19 symp-
frailty as rooted in aging. Each captures that not all people age at toms or signs, such as fever or shortness of breath96. Despite the
the same rates and that not everyone of the same age has the same toll taken by COVID-19, the increased risk of adverse outcomes
risk of death. Rather than searching for a single aging biomarker, noted above and the potentially negative impact of frailty on the
each approach uses more than one feature to define frailty. For response to vaccination97, frail older adults are underrepresented
each, once frailty is characterized, effort can be made to explore the in vaccine trials98,99.
3. Low physical activity 3. Tightrope, wheel running or open 2. Comparable measures in humans and
field test animals
4. Slow walking speed 4. Rotorod, walking speed or treadmill Weaknesses:
running speed
5. Exhaustion/endurance 5. Hang time plus rotorod or treadmill 1. Focuses only on physical frailty
running time, or inclined screen test
6. Tightrope test for gait and balance 2. Measures used in animal models are not
3. No consensus on use of weight in animal
Frailty index, examples 1. Gait disorders 1. Gait disorders Strengths: 42,67
of clinical signs 2. Vision loss 2. Vision loss 1. Frailty can be scored with a noninvasive
clinical exam in humans and animals
3. Resting tremor 3. Tremor 2. Many similar items can be used in
humans and animal models
4. History of malignancy 4. Tumors 3. Flexible, can use different measurements
and varying numbers of items (generally
>30 deficits)
5. Difficulties hearing 5. Hearing loss Weaknesses:
6. Skin abnormalities 6. Skin lesions, dermatitis 1. Animal models do not consider cognitive
aspects of frailty or activities of daily living
7. Abdominal abnormalities 7. Distended abdomen 2. Ideally at least 30 measures required
8. Respiratory complaints 8. Breathing disorders
9. Incontinence of stool 9. Diarrhea
10. Rectal abnormalities 10. Rectal prolapse
11. Difficulty with grooming 11. Coat condition
12. Vibration sense disorders 12. Vestibular disturbance
13. Feeling sad or depressed 13. Piloerection
14. Difficulty with memory 14. Kyphosis
15. History of stroke 15. Menace reflex
Frailty index, examples 1. Sodium 1. Sodium Strengths: 54,183
of laboratory measures 2. Potassium 2. Potassium 1. Frailty can be easily scored based on
readily available laboratory measures
3. Calcium 3. Calcium 2. Many similar items can be used in
humans and animal models
4 Glucose 4. Glucose 3. Can be created from existing datasets
5. Hemoglobin 5. Hemoglobin 4. Flexible, can use different measurements
and varying numbers of items (generally
>30 deficits)
6. Creatinine 6. Creatinine Weaknesses:
7. Systolic BP 7. Systolic BP 1. Physical, psychological, and social
components of frailty are not considered
8. Diastolic BP 8. Diastolic BP 2. Ideally at least 30 measures required
9. Urea 9. Blood urea nitrogen
10. Albumin 10. Chloride
11. AST 11. Anion gap
12. Folate 12. Carbon dioxide
13. Phosphatase 13. Heart rate
14. Protein 14. Pulse pressure
15. TSH 15. Ejection fraction
Table 1 | Translational potential of frailty assessment tools in humans and mouse models (Continued)
Frailty instrument Selected health deficits Strengths and weaknesses Refs.
Humans Mouse models
Clinical frailty scale 1. Very fit No preclinical model Strengths: 56
2. Fit 1. Simple nine-point pictorial scale that
stratifies health from fit to frail
3. Managing well 2. Useful for frailty screening
4. Very mild frailty Weaknesses:
5. Mild frailty 1. No preclinical model available
6. Moderate frailty
7. Severe frailty
8. Very severe frailty
9. Terminally ill
Tilburg Frailty Indicator Part A: determinants of frailty No preclinical model Strengths: 45
(for example, sex, age, education,
income and diseases).
Part B: score three frailty domains 1. Simple questionnaire with checkboxes
(15 items): to quantify frailty out of 15 items in three
domains as in part B
1. Physical Weaknesses:
2. Psychological 1. Determinants in part A are not scored
3. Social 2. No preclinical model available
Groningen Frailty Score four frailty domains (15 No preclinical model Strengths: 43
Indicator items):
1. Physical Simple questionnaire with checkboxes to
quantify frailty out of 15 items in four frailty
2. Psychological Weaknesses:
3. Cognitive No preclinical model available
4. Social
Edmonton Frail Scale Score nine frailty domains: No preclinical model Strengths: 65
1. Cognition Simple questionnaire that quantifies frailty
based on nine domains; uses standardized
tests including the Timed Up and Go and
clock-drawing tests
2. General health status Weaknesses:
3. Functional independence No preclinical model available
4. Social support
5. Medication use
6. Nutrition
7. Mood
8. Continence
9. Self-reported performance
FRAIL scale Score five frailty components: No preclinical model Strengths: 50
1. Fatigue Simple questionnaire that quantifies frailty
based on five frailty components
2. Resistance Weaknesses:
3. Ambulation No preclinical model available
4. Illness
5. Loss of weight
This table illustrates various instruments that are used to measure frailty in human studies. The frailty phenotype and frailty index instruments, including a frailty index based solely on laboratory data, have
been translated for use in animal models. AST, aspartate aminotransferase; BP, blood pressure; TSH, thyroid stimulating hormone.
Frailty and the risk of dementia in Alzheimer disease. Alzheimer between aging and important diseases of old age. By 2011, it was
disease and late-life dementia illustrate how measuring the degree evident that clinical trials designed to prevent the accumulation of
of frailty can allow a deeper understanding of the relationship the form of the beta-amyloid protein most associated with dementia
AGE accumulation
RAGE receptor
Atrial fibrosis Impaired contraction
Capillary rarefaction
mitochondrial dysfunction
Fig. 4 | Age-associated deficits arise at the molecular/cellular level in frail individuals, scaling up to affect function at the organ and system levels. Left,
accumulation of subcellular damage such as collagen deposition in the atria and reduced calcium channel expression in the ventricles results in atrial
fibrosis and impaired cardiac contraction, respectively. These changes may promote chronic diseases like atrial fibrillation and congestive heart failure,
which can ultimately lead to system failure and frailty. Preclinical studies show that age-related changes in the heart are closely graded by the degree of
frailty, so that for both young adult mice (7–12 months, depending on the study) and aged mice (>22 months), those with high frailty scores have the most
subcellular damage. Right, the accumulation of AGEs in aging can reduce blood supply in skeletal muscle, leading to sarcopenia and impaired physical
performance. Clinical studies indicate that individuals with high levels of frailty exhibit more AGE accumulation and functional impairment than those with
lower frailty scores. This figure was modeled on data in refs. 33–35,180.
with cancer202. Mice fed a high-fat diet showed an increase in body differential risk, both with a view to modifying or managing it.
weight in both sexes, but frailty increased only in male animals181. How should we proceed?
This sex difference could reflect male–female differences in the abil-
ity to resist a stressor, although additional work to generalize this Frailty helps us manage risk. As a clinical construct, frailty iden-
result is needed. tifies people whose age-related health status puts them at greater
risk than their aging peers. That risk can be graded by the degree
Computational models can facilitate translational research. to which someone is frail. The degree of frailty can be practically
Aging individuals are complex, interconnected systems. This inter- operationalized both for only a few key variables (as in the frailty
connectedness implies that predicting the specific effects of multiple phenotype or the Clinical Frailty Scale) and with many variables
interventions (for example, deleterious polypharmacy, but also use- (as in the frailty index). Greater frailty correlates with worse out-
ful interventions) in the face of multiple ailments (multimorbidity) comes58,84,87,118,203,204. The degree of frailty can thereby inform clinical
for a particular aging individual will be impossible without embrac- decision-making, where prognosis is the key. This is especially true
ing the system complexity. Computational models that embrace the regarding informed consent about procedural risk or tolerability of
complexity of aging (Box 1) will help us to translate results from ani- chemotherapeutic regimens. Better informed consent follows from
mal and cellular models to human medicine, and to improve the life better risk gradation for specific interventions. For example, if an
course of individual adults at any given point in their life by appro- intervention transiently increased the degree of frailty by about 0.3,
priately choosing from a suite of treatment options. Dynamical then the chance of dying can be better quantified with respect to the
models that include interactions between cellular, laboratory and baseline frailty because mortality is high when a frailty index score
clinical scales of function over individual lifetimes will help us to approaches 0.7 (ref. 205).
understand the benefits of specific therapies. Personalized medicine Knowing that increased frailty increases risk does not mean that
for aging individuals—one that respects individual priorities and the increased risk is irreversible. The elements that are giving rise to
capacity for important lifestyle change—will also be facilitated by a frailty for that individual can be treated or managed. Especially for
deeper understanding of the complexity of aging. Optimized treat- elective interventions, undertaking pre-procedural management and
ment choices and timing to best extend or improve the health span prehabilitation may offer risk mitigation206,207. Monitoring outcomes
of individuals may then be possible. by the degree of pre-intervention frailty and the risk of the procedure
could also incentivize innovations in care. Some of that innovation
Conclusion might simply be knowing which days after an intervention are the
As we age, each of us moves closer to death—although not every- riskiest, with attention being paid to the types of adverse events that
one of the same chronological age has the same risk of death. arise in relation to the degree of frailty. As attention is increasingly
Heterogeneity in rates of aging motivated the idea of frailty. The paid to frailty treatment208, there will then be a need to understand
complexity that underlies heterogeneity in aging reflects its mul- what represents a clinically meaningful treatment effect209–211.
tiply determined nature. This complexity is belied by striking This approach to quantified risk can be extended to hospital
regularities: everyone accumulates health-related deficits with care. Any number of routine hospital practices are often accepted
age; women live longer on average than men do, although often in even though they exacerbate risk—for example, being malnour-
worse health; poor people tend not to live as long as those who are ished, lonely, in pain, unnecessarily immobilized, deprived of
very well off; and everyone dies. Understanding frailty is motivated sleep, over-sedated, otherwise over-medicated, not having per-
by two goals: to finely grade risk, and to understand the basis of sonal agency or being exposed to intermittent fear-inducing events.
• Embracing complexity. Health is multidimensional and indi- • Embracing the complexity of health interventions for
vidually heterogeneous, with strong coupling between health individuals. The complexity of polypharmacy and multi-
characteristics. Complex computational models will help us to morbidity highlights the difficulty of treating aging health
embrace the complexity of aging. as a collection of independent ailments. Personal health
priorities and personal capacity to undertake, for example,
• Reconciling multiple health measures. Multiple biologi- dietary restriction and exercise, make treatment even more
cal ages are correlated with frailty, but do not coincide19. complex. Complex models of aging could help individuals
Multidimensional models can help us to both reconcile to navigate this landscape, to help people see how accessi-
and improve disparate measures. ble interventions may impact their future prognosis.
• Exploring the processes behind changing individual
health. The dynamical processes of damage and recov- • Understanding aging phenomenology. Mathematical mod-
ery underlie the net changes to individual health that are els can provide simulated aging individuals and populations.
captured by frailty. Recovery or repair can be described by Joint models of health and mortality can capture heterogeneity
‘resilience’, while resistance to damage can be described by within populations and interactions between aspects of health
‘robustness’64. Measurements of health, frailty, resilience and with mortality. Joint network models have highlighted
and robustness are interdependent, and can be included in complex interactions during aging15,223.
complex models of aging15. • Analysis of aging data. Mathematical models can help us to
• Moving between individual and population health. develop new approaches to data analysis. Interactions between
Complex models of aging are typically models of indi- different measures can be described by correlation networks224
viduals, but can also be used to study populations of indi- and can be included in complex network models of aging. Dif-
viduals. They are natural tools to see how population data ferent frailty maxima observed with systematic approaches
constrains the process of individual health trajectories, and to data dichotomization225 can be recapitulated in network
conversely how personal health interventions may affect models48. Machine-learning techniques provide appealing
population health. approaches to incorporate large amounts of aging data226.
Multicomponent interventions that target such features31, such as clinically detectable grades of frailty63,217–219. A focus on multimor-
the Hospital Elder Life Program, are effective in improving out- bidity to study the treatment of what are termed ‘aging-related
comes212, including delirium, for example, by applying cognitive rather than disease-specific outcomes’ is already under way220, as is
screening, physical and social measures for delirium prevention, a testing program of established interventions from the US National
and reducing medications likely to increase delirium risk213. Indeed, Institute of Aging in a genetically heterogenous mouse model220–222.
understanding the relationship between frailty and delirium, and The complexity of aging can be addressed in large-scale ani-
frailty and dementia, offers a pragmatic means to reduce dementia mal studies of naturally aging animals. Mouse models currently
incidence214,215. A nuanced understanding is needed to strike a judi- predominate, given their suitability for genetic manipulation.
cious balance between therapeutic adventurism and nihilism. Diversification into studies of other animals, especially rats, non-
human primates and companion animals, would help to translate
Frailty provides context for age-related changes. Measuring the interventions and clarify our understanding of how human aging is
degree of frailty helps us understanding the extent to which mech- both similar to and distinct from animal models of aging research.
anisms of aging operate. We can understand how mechanisms Quantitative models of aging can also advance our understand-
change with age. We can also understand how some changes have ing. Frailty invites consideration of how measurable aspects of health
more widespread effects than others216. This synergizes with the interact. Approaches and techniques borrowed from other disci-
geroscience agenda of treating aging mechanisms that have wide- plines, such as complex networks, information theory, queuing the-
ranging effects, following the example of exercise or diet. ory and machine learning, can be used to understand how the degree
The geroscience theory of fundamental aging processes posits of frailty is related to change in frailty states or mortality. While a
that only a few key processes underpin how age-associated dis- specific health deficit can be understood as a cumulative imbalance
eases arise: chronic ‘sterile’ immune activation; macromolecular between damage and repair, measuring these processes directly over
dysfunction (from DNA damage to protein misfolding and mito- individual life courses is not simple. Quantitative models will let us
chondrial dysfunction); stem, progenitor and immune dysfunction; separately consider sources of damage, including the social environ-
and cellular senescence10. The theory posits that treating any one ment, from factors that facilitate resisting damage such as vaccina-
mechanism should affect the rest as well216. However, to avoid dilut- tion, from factors that facilitate repair such as health care.
ing the impact of separate interventions, some way must be found
to integrate different treatment effects. The wide range of poten- The impact of aging on health. Policymakers and the scientific
tial individual effects from treating fundamental aging processes community have been exhorted to prepare for an aging population.
obliges multicomponent measures so that the benefits, not just the Often, attention is drawn to some disease becoming more common
problems, of old age can come as a package1. Frailty provides such a as the population ages, so that progress relies on studying how that
broad multicomponent measure. illness arises, and how to treat it. Seldom do we consider how dis-
Of course, many other quantifiable approaches to summarizing eases become more likely to manifest as an individual ages, beyond
the effects of aging exist. They will offer complementary informa- a cumulative exposure to risk. Even so, we must conceptualize, mea-
tion to understanding the degree of frailty or the overall biologi- sure and mitigate the impact that aging has on health. The gero-
cal age, based on tailored features that explicitly relate to putative science agenda has advanced the conceptualization and is aimed
aging mechanisms. Moving forward, cohort studies can provide at developing treatments. Frailty provides a way of measuring the
that level of detail for new aging treatments and relate them to impact of aging on health. It embraces the complexity of aging in