Projet n4 - Project - VC0-Report
Projet n4 - Project - VC0-Report
Projet n4 - Project - VC0-Report
Project: projet n4
Variant: Nouvelle variante de simulation
Standalone system with batteries
System power: 2520 Wp
Pikine - Senegal
Project: projet n4
Variant: Nouvelle variante de simulation
PVsyst V7.4.0
VC0, Simulation date:
04/06/24 15:48
with v7.4.0
Project summary
Geographical Site Situation Project settings
Pikine Latitude 16.00 °N Albedo 0.20
Senegal Longitude -16.49 °W
Altitude 7m
Time zone UTC
Meteo data
Meteonorm 8.1 (2010-2021), Sat=100 % - Synthétique
System summary
Standalone system Standalone system with batteries
System information
PV Array Battery pack
Nb. of modules 8 units Technology Lead-acid, sealed, Gel
Pnom total 2520 Wp Nb. of units 9 units
Voltage 36 V
Capacity 600 Ah
Results summary
Useful energy from solar 3348.51 kWh/year Specific production 1329 kWh/kWp/year Perf. Ratio PR 66.71 %
Missing Energy 0.00 kWh/year Available solar energy 3999.07 kWh/year Solar Fraction SF 100.00 %
Excess (unused) 526.17 kWh/year
Table of contents
Project and results summary 2
General parameters, PV Array Characteristics, System losses 3
Detailed User's needs 4
Main results 5
Loss diagram 6
Predef. graphs 7
PVsyst V7.4.0
VC0, Simulation date:
04/06/24 15:48
with v7.4.0
General parameters
Standalone system Standalone system with batteries
PV Field Orientation
Orientation Sheds configuration Models used
Fixed plane No 3D scene defined Transposition Perez
Tilt/Azimuth 14.8 / 0 ° Diffuse Perez, Meteonorm
Circumsolar separate
User's needs
Daily household consumers
Constant over the year
Average 9.2 kWh/Day
PV Array Characteristics
PV module Battery
Manufacturer Schott Solar AG Manufacturer Narada
Model ASE-300-DG-FT(315) Model AcmeG 12V 200
(Original PVsyst database) Technology Lead-acid, sealed, Gel
Unit Nom. Power 315 Wp Nb. of units 3 in parallel x 3 in series
Number of PV modules 8 units Discharging min. SOC 20.0 %
Nominal (STC) 2520 Wp Stored energy 17.8 kWh
Modules 8 Strings x 1 In series Battery Pack Characteristics
At operating cond. (26°C) Voltage 36 V
Pmpp 2518 Wp Nominal Capacity 600 Ah (C10)
U mpp 51 V Temperature Fixed 20 °C
I mpp 50 A
Total PV power
Nominal (STC) 2.52 kWp
Total 8 modules
Module area 19.4 m²
Cell area 17.3 m²
Array losses
Thermal Loss factor DC wiring losses Serie Diode Loss
Module temperature according to irradiance Global array res. 15 mΩ Voltage drop 0.7 V
Uc (const) 20.0 W/m²K Loss Fraction 1.5 % at STC Loss Fraction 1.4 % at STC
Uv (wind) 0.0 W/m²K/m/s
PVsyst V7.4.0
VC0, Simulation date:
04/06/24 15:48
with v7.4.0
PVsyst V7.4.0
VC0, Simulation date:
04/06/24 15:48
with v7.4.0
Main results
System Production
Useful energy from solar 3348.51 kWh/year Perf. Ratio PR 66.71 %
Available solar energy 3999.07 kWh/year Solar Fraction SF 100.00 %
Excess (unused) 526.17 kWh/year
Loss of Load Battery aging (State of Wear)
Time Fraction 0.0 % Cycles SOW 89.1 %
Missing Energy 0.00 kWh/year Static SOW 91.7 %
Battery lifetime 9.2 years
GlobHor Global horizontal irradiation E_User Energy supplied to the user
GlobEff Effective Global, corr. for IAM and shadings E_Load Energy need of the user (Load)
E_Avail Available Solar Energy SolFrac Solar fraction (EUsed / ELoad)
EUnused Unused energy (battery full)
E_Miss Missing energy
PVsyst V7.4.0
VC0, Simulation date:
04/06/24 15:48
with v7.4.0
Loss diagram
1942 kWh/m² Global horizontal irradiation
+2.5% Global incident in coll. plane
PVsyst V7.4.0
VC0, Simulation date:
04/06/24 15:48
with v7.4.0
Predef. graphs
Diagramme d'entrée/sortie journalier