Diego SSC He Ps Template Instructions
Diego SSC He Ps Template Instructions
Diego SSC He Ps Template Instructions
Session Layout and Routings are the same, with some added functionality not available in Pro Tools.
With this template, it will take you just a few minutes to have all your tracks routed, colored and ready for
Place S&M.ini and sws-autocoloricon.ini in your Reaper folder. So they will replace the 2 files pre-installed
in Reaper.
Place SchepsMixingTemplate.rpp in your ProjectTemplates folder.
If you have trouble finding the Reaper Folder, go to: Options menu/Show Reaper resource path in
I added most of the rules that you normally find in most projects for naming audio tracks. (You can find all
these rules at: Menu/ Extensions/ Auto Color/Icon/Layout). So please add the rules that are missing for your
project when it occurs.
To have tracks in Reaper working as "Pro Tools master tracks" I made pseudo "Reaper master tracks" (brown
color). To us, Reaper users, these tracks are simply bus tracks.
So, now you have a simple fader to control the whole signal before sending it to the next track for
processing, same way as Scheps use PT master tracks.
Scheps has three master tracks in his template: Fatso Master (for drums only), Rear Bus Master and Mix
Bus Master.
The ROUTER track (as labelled by Scheps) in Reaper context becomes the track where the Mix Bus
processing happens, before it's sent to the Reaper Master track.
So think of the MIX BUS MASTER track simply as a fader controlling the sum of your whole mix before the
ROUTER track (a.k.a. your Mix Bus).
Route your audio tracks to their designated tracks of the template, (explained below).
Use Reaper's Routing Matrix so that you can finish all this job in a minute. Getting familiar with Reaper's
Routing Matrix will pay you dividends.
Send all your Drums, Toms, Lead Vocals, Back vocals and Percussions audio tracks to their designated AUX
tracks, as follows:
Remaining tracks:
All the remaining audio tracks must be routed to the REAR BUS MASTER and to the MIX BUS MASTER. This
way, you can use them exactly same way as Scheps uses Master Tracks in Pro Tools. (i.e.: they become
master faders)
Don't put anything in any of the Master tracks, the brown tracks: (Fatso Master track, Rear Bus Master track
and Mix Bus Master track). Their only purpose here is to work as a simple fader, just like the "master tracks"
in a PT session.
If you'd like to throw me a bone and donate something, that would be greatly appreciated. You can do that
by using the following link: