Z0714242 005 DFS73 GB

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Z 0714242_005_DFS73_GB, subject to change, valid as of S/N 10112892, page 1 of 9


Instructions, electrical Connection, Mounting:
Display, Handling:
Display : - shows the measured p-value during normal operation
- shows the name of the parameter
- shows the value of the set points
- shows the name of the functions: STOP, HAND, ICC


lights up if cleaning is running with PULSE 1 and INTERVAL 1
lights up if cleaning is running with PULSE 2 and INTERVAL 2
lights up if cleaning is running with PULSE 3 and INTERVAL 3
lights up if cleaning is running with PULSE 4 and INTERVAL 4
ALARM - max = lights up, if p > set point Alarm max
ALARM - min = lights up, if p < set point Alarm min
ALARM - Valve = lights up if valves have line-brake or short-circuit
ALARM - p-Air = lights up if no pressure pulse was detected

Keyboard: PAR = Displays the adjusted set point Control max and min
or access to the parameters, e.g.: ALH = set point Alarm
1. In general: max or exit from parameter-modus and back to normal
After power on, the LED’s light operation
up and the display shows 8.8.8. ENT = Displays the adjusted set point Control above max and
for approx. 3s. After this short ICC or exits the parameter adjustment
self test, the controller starts
normal operation with the UP  = Displays the adjusted set point Alarm max and min
adjusted parameters and the or increases the selected parameter

display shows the measured
p-value. If the p-value = Displays the adjusted values for PULSE 1-4 and
exceeds the adjusted pressure INTERVAL 1-4 or decreases the selected parameter
measuring range - have a look
to parameter “rAn” – more than
UP + DOWN  = Displays the valve number of the next valve to be
5%, the display shows EEE. pulsed

Keyboard:  + 
 UP
Key: DOWN Key:
During adjustment of the parameters, the value changes for one digit if the key UP or DOWN will be pressed once for >200ms.
If the keys will be pressed continually for >1s, the value changes faster for many digits.

2. Fast display of the set points:

2.1 Set point p-Control max and min
p-Control max = CtH = LED CONTROL Interval 1
PAR p-Control min = CtL = LED CONTROL Interval 2

If the key PAR will be pressed >200ms during normal operation, the display shows the adjusted value of the set
point CtH = Control max and CtL = Control min by alternating between them as long as the key will be pressed but
for a maximum time of 30s. The LED INTERVAL 1 and 2 will light up.

2.2 Set point p-Control above-max and p-Intensive Cleaning Cycle ICC
p-Control above max = Cto = LED CONTROL Interval 3
p-Intensive Cleaning Cycle = ICC = LED ICC Interval 4
If the key ENT will be pressed >200ms during normal operation, the display shows the adjusted value of the set
point Cto = Control above-max and ICC = Intensive-Cleaning-Cycle by alternating between them as long as the
key will be pressed but for a maximum time of 30s. The LED INTERVAL 3 and ICC 4 will light up.

MIKRO-MESS-GMBH Am Südende 15 - Steinwedel

D - 31275 Lehrte, Phone: ++49 (0)5136 880 990 8, FAX: ++49 (0)5136 880 990 0
Internet: www.mikro-mess.de E-Mail: info@mikro-mess.de
Z 0714242_005_DFS73_GB, subject to change, valid as of S/N 10112892, page 2 of 9

2.3 Set point p-ALARM max and min

p-ALARM max = ALH = LED ALARM max

 p-ALARM min = ALL = LED ALARM min

If the key  will be pressed >200ms during normal operation, the display shows the adjusted value of the set point
ALH = Alarm max and ALL = Alarm min by alternating between them as long as the key will be pressed but for a
maximum time of 30s. The LED ALARM max and ALARM min will light up.

2.4 PULSE 1, 2, 3 and 4 and INTERVAL 1, 2, 3 and 4

PULSE 1 = PU1 = LED CONTROL Interval 1 fast and INTERVAL 1 = In 1= LED CONTROL Interval 1 slow
 PULSE 2 = PU2 = LED CONTROL Interval 2 fast and INTERVAL 2 = In 2= LED CONTROL Interval 2 slow
PULSE 3 = PU3 = LED CONTROL Interval 3 fast and INTERVAL 3 = In 3= LED CONTROL Interval 3 slow
PULSE 4 = PU4 = LED ICC Interval 4 fast and INTERVAL 4 = In 4= LED ICC Interval 4 slow

If the key  will be pressed >200ms during normal operation, the display shows the adjusted values of the parameters
PU1 - PU4 = PULSE 1 - PULSE 4 and In1 – In4 = INTERVAL 1 – INTERVAL 4 by alternating between them as long as
the key will be pressed but for a maximum time of 30s. The corresponding LED INTERVAL will light up blinking fast with
a period of approx. 50 ms if the display shows the PULSE time and blinking slow with a period of approx. 200 ms if the
display shows the INTERVAL time.
2.5 Actual valve number

 + 
If the key  and key  will be pressed simultaneously >200ms during normal operation, the display shows the valve
number of the next valve to be pulsed as long as the key will be pressed but for a maximum time of 30s.
3. Manual calibration of p zero point:

+  Press simultaneously for approx. 3s:
The display is blinking three times and shows: 00.0 or „no“

Before the manual calibration of the p zero point, the pressure at the pressure connectors -P2 und P1+ must
be zero. It is recommended to disconnect the tubes at the pressure connectors.
If the key ENT and  will be pressed simultaneously for approx. 3s during normal operation, the zero point of the
p-unit will be calibrated.
After successful calibration, the display is blinking three times and shows 00.0 mbar.
If calibrations fails, the display shows „no“. That means that the calibration of the zero point is not possible. The
reason may be, that the pressure at the pressure connectors -P2 und P1+ is not zero.
After calibration the unit changes automatically to normal operation.

4. Parameter - Modus: Access, Selection and Adjustment:

4.1 Access to Parameter - Modus by entering the password:

PAR +  Press simultaneously for approx. 3s:

The display is blinking 3 times if a passwort is set and thereby shows PAS and then 000.
If leaving the factory, no password is set, and the unit changes immediately to the
parameter menu and shows the first parameter rAn.

Next with:
Press until the display shows the right password to access the parameters.
 If leaving the factory, the passwort is 000 = no passwort set and can be changed by parameter
PSt later in this section.

Next with:

Press the key ENT = Enter to enter the right password.

ENT The unit changes to the Parameter-Modus.
If the password is wrong, the display shows „no“ for approx. 3s and then the unit falls back to
normal operation.

MIKRO-MESS-GMBH Am Südende 15 - Steinwedel

D - 31275 Lehrte, Phone: ++49 (0)5136 880 990 8, FAX: ++49 (0)5136 880 990 0
Internet: www.mikro-mess.de E-Mail: info@mikro-mess.de
Z 0714242_005_DFS73_GB, subject to change, valid as of S/N 10112892, page 3 of 9

4.2 Parameter selection:

 +  Press  or until desired parameter appears:

4.3. rAn = Range = p pressure measuring range 20.0 – 100 mbar,
Factory default
4.4. dPd = p damping 0 – 240 s, 30
Display: name of parameter 4.5. AnO = Analogue Output 0 -20 mA = AnO = 020 / 4 -20 mA = AnO = 420, 420
Access with: 4.6. ALL = Set point Alarm min 0 – 100 mbar, 0
4.7. ALP = Set point Alarm min pre delay 1 – 999 s, 5
4.8. ALA = Set point Alarm min minimum period time 3 – 999 s, 5
ENT 4.9. ALH = Set point Alarm max 0 – 100 mbar, 20
4.10. AHP = Set point Alarm max pre delay 1 – 999 s, 5
4.11. AHA = Set point Alarm max minimum period time 3 – 999 s, 5
4.12. CtH = Set point Control max 0 – 100 mbar, 15
4.13. CtL = Set point Control min 0 – 100 mbar, 14
4.14. CtP = Set point Control pre delay 1 – 999 s, 5
4.15. CtA = Set point Control minimum period time 3 – 999 s, 5
4.16 Cto = Set point Control above-max 0 – 100 mbar, 18
4.17. CoP = Set point Control above-max pre delay 1 – 999 s, 5
4.18. CoA = Set point Control above-max minimum period time 3 – 999 s, 5
4.19. ICC = Set point Intensive-Cleaning-Cycle 0 – 100 mbar, 3
4.20. ICP = Set point ICC pre delay 1 – 999 s, 1
4.21. ICt = Set point ICC minimum period time 3 – 999 s, 3
4.22. CyC = Number of ICC cycles 1 – 200, 5
4.23. tIr = Time that relay ICC remains active after ICC cycles has passed 0-120 min, 2
4.24. PU1 = PULSE 1, 20 ms – 5 s, 100 ms
4.25. In1 = INTERVAL 1, 5 – 240 s, 10
4.26. PU2 = PULSE 2, 20 ms – 5 s, 100 ms
4.27. In2 = INTERVAL 2, 1 – 60 minutes, 2
4.28. I2E = INTERVAL 2 Enable: disable = 0, enable = 1, 1
4.29. I2L = INTERVAL 2, only if p>set point CtL, disable = 0, enable = 1, 0
4.30 PU3 = PULSE 3, 20 ms – 5 s, 100 ms
4.31. In3 = INTERVAL 3, 5 – 240 s, 10
4.32. PU4 = PULSE 4, 20 ms – 5 s, 100 ms
4.33. In4 = INTERVAL 4, 5 – 240 s, 30
4.34. PLC = Pulse always until last valve , 0 – 1, 1
4.35. Out = Number of valve outputs, number of built-in outputs e.g.: 12
4.36. OuE = Number of valve outputs for expansion unit, 1 – 250, 1
4.37. PPS = Pressure Pulse Sensing 0 – 10 mbar, 0
4.38. rE1 = Function of relay 1 at terminal 5 and 6, 1 - 6, 1
4.39. rE2 = Function of relay 2 at terminal 6 and 7, 1 - 6, 1
4.40. CEr = Valve (Coil) Error, shows the number of valves that have error
4.41. PEr = Pressure Air Error, shows the number of valves that have error
4.42. PSt = Change Password
4.43. FAd = Factory Defaults, sets all parameters to factory defaults
Press  or  until desired parameter appears.

By pressing the key PAR for approx. 2s, the unit exits from parameter-modus and falls back to normal operation.

4.3 p - differential pressure - measuring range, Parameter rAn:

Adjust with:
ENT  + 
Display: Set value: rAn = p pressure measuring range, can be changed in steps of 0,1 mbar from 0-20 mbar
till 0-100 mbar. rAn = 30.0 mbar by default
Next with:
Press ENT = Enter to save adjusted value to memory and exit.
If the range was changed, then all the previously adjusted set points that are l o w e r than
ENT the new range, are remaining unchanged.
All previously adjusted set points that are higher than the new range will be set to zero
and need to be adjusted to reasonable values by the user.

MIKRO-MESS-GMBH Am Südende 15 - Steinwedel

D - 31275 Lehrte, Phone: ++49 (0)5136 880 990 8, FAX: ++49 (0)5136 880 990 0
Internet: www.mikro-mess.de E-Mail: info@mikro-mess.de
Z 0714242_005_DFS73_GB, subject to change, valid as of S/N 10112892, page 4 of 9

4.4 Damping, Parameter dPd:

The Damping (dPd) of the pressure signal can be adjusted in steps of 1 s in the range from 0 – 240 s and is 30 s by default.
Press the ENT key to save the adjusted value to memory.

4.5 Analogue Output, Parameter AnO:

The parameter Analogue Output (AnO) defines the analogue output signal at terminal 47 and 48. It is adjustable to 020 (0-
20mA) and 420 (4-20mA) and by using the switch S16 to 0-10V and 2-10V, too. AnO is 4-20mA by default.
For Example:
Parameter AnO = 020 and switch S16 in OFF position: Analogue Output is 0-20 mA
Parameter AnO = 420 and switch S16 in OFF position: Analogue Output is 4-20 mA
Parameter AnO = 020 and switch S16 in ON position: Analogue Output is 0-10 V
Parameter AnO = 420 and switch S16 in ON position: Analogue Output is 2-10 V

4.6 Set point Alarm min, Parameter ALL:

The set point Alarm min (ALL) can be adjusted in steps of 0,1 mbar and is 0 mbar by default. The value can not be greater than
the adjusted pressure measuring range, parameter “rAn“.
If the set point is adjusted to 00.0 mbar, the function of Alarm min is n o t ! active.
During adjustment the LED ALARM min lights up. During normal operation, the set point will be activated 30 s after power on.
Press the key ENT to save the adjusted value to memory.

4.7 Alarm min, pre delay, Parameter ALP:

The Alarm min pre delay (ALP) defines, how long [s] the set point Alarm min must be reached before the Alarm min (ALL) will
be activated. For example: Suppose that set point Alarm min (ALL) is adjusted to 5 mbar and Parameter Alarm min pre delay
(ALP) is adjusted to 10 seconds, then the Alarm min will be activated 10 seconds after the pressure falls below 5 mbar.
The Parameter Alarm min pre delay (ALP) can be adjusted in the range of 1 – 999 s and is 5 s by default. During adjustment the
LED ALARM MIN lights up. Press the key ENT to save the adjusted value to memory.

4.8 Alarm min, minimum period time, Parameter ALA:

The Alarm min minimum period time (ALA) defines, how long [s] if once activated the Alarm min is active at least. For example:
Suppose that set point Alarm min (ALL) is adjusted to 5 mbar and Parameter Alarm min pre delay (ALP) is adjusted to 1 second
and Parameter Alarm min minimum period time (ALA) is adjusted to 20 seconds, then the Alarm min will be activated 1 seconds
after the pressure falls below 5 mbar and is then active for a minimum time of 20 seconds even if the pressure increases above
5 mbar.
The Parameter Alarm min minimum period time (ALA) can be adjusted in the range of 3 – 999 s and is 5 s by default. During
adjustment the LED ALARM min lights up. Press the key ENT to save the adjusted value to memory.

4.9 Set point Alarm max, Parameter ALH:

The set point Alarm max (ALH) can be adjusted in steps of 0,1 mbar and is 20 mbar by default. The value can not be greater
than the adjusted pressure measuring range, parameter “rAn“.
If the set point is adjusted to 00.0 mbar, the function of Alarm max is nevertheless active.
During adjustment the LED ALARM max lights up. Press the key ENT to save the adjusted value to memory.

4.10 Alarm max, pre delay, Parameter AHP:

The Alarm max pre delay (AHP) defines, how long [s] the set point Alarm max (ALH) must be reached before the Alarm max will
be activated. For example: Suppose that set point Alarm max (ALH) is adjusted to 25 mbar and Parameter Alarm max pre delay
(AHP) is adjusted to 10 seconds, then the Alarm max will be activated 10 seconds after the pressure increases above
25 mbar. The Parameter Alarm max pre delay (AHP) can be adjusted in the range of 1 – 999 s and is 5 s by default. During
adjustment the LED ALARM max lights up. Press the key ENT to save the adjusted value to memory.

4.11 Alarm max, minimum period time, Parameter AHA:

The Alarm max minimum period time (AHA) defines, how long [s] if once activated the Alarm max (ALH) is active at least. For
example: Suppose that set point Alarm max (ALH) is adjusted to 25 mbar and Parameter Alarm max pre delay (AHP) is
adjusted to 1 second and Parameter Alarm max minimum period time (AHA) is adjusted to 20 seconds, then the Alarm max will
be activated 1 seconds after the pressure increases above 25 mbar and is then active for a minimum time of 20 seconds even if
the pressure falls below 25 mbar.
The Parameter Alarm max minimum period time (AHA) can be adjusted in the range of 3 – 999 s and is 5 s by default. During
adjustment the LED ALARM max lights up. Press the key ENT to save the adjusted value to memory.

4.12 Set point Control max (2-step-controller), Parameter CtH:

If the pressure is above the set point Control max (CtH), the cleaning is running with PULSE 1 and INTERVAL 1.
The set point Control max (CtH) can be adjusted in steps of 0,1 mbar and is 15 mbar by default. The value can not be greater
than the adjusted pressure measuring range, parameter “rAn“.
If the set point is adjusted to 00.0 mbar, the function of Control max is nevertheless active.
During adjustment the LED CONTROL-Interval 1 lights up. Press the key ENT to save the adjusted value to memory.
Please notice that if cleaning with PULSE 1 and INTERVAL 1 is once activated by the controller, the cleaning is always
running with PULSE 1 and INTERVAL 1 until the last valve was pulsed.

MIKRO-MESS-GMBH Am Südende 15 - Steinwedel

D - 31275 Lehrte, Phone: ++49 (0)5136 880 990 8, FAX: ++49 (0)5136 880 990 0
Internet: www.mikro-mess.de E-Mail: info@mikro-mess.de
Z 0714242_005_DFS73_GB, subject to change, valid as of S/N 10112892, page 5 of 9

4.13 Set point Control min (2-step-controller), Parameter CtL:

If the pressure is below the set point Control min (CtL), the cleaning is running with PULSE 2 and INTERVAL 2.
The set point Control min (CtL) can be adjusted in steps of 0,1 mbar and is 14 mbar by default. If the set point CtL will be
adjusted  CtH, then the 2-step-controller is acting in the same way as an Alarm. The value can not be greater than the
adjusted pressure measuring range, parameter “rAn“. During adjustment the LED CONTROL-Interval 1 lights up. Press the key
ENT to save the adjusted value to memory.

4.14 Control max, pre delay, Parameter CtP:

The Control pre delay (CtP) defines, how long [s] the set point Control max (CtH) must be reached before the cleaning with
PULSE 1 and INTERVAL 1 will be activated. For example: Suppose that set point Control max (CtH) is adjusted to 16 mbar and
Parameter Control pre delay (CtP) is adjusted to 10 seconds, then the cleaning with PULSE 1 and INTERVAL 1 will be activated
10 seconds after the pressure increases above 16 mbar. The Parameter Control pre delay (CtP) can be adjusted in the range of
1 – 999 s and is 5 s by default. During adjustment the LED CONTROL-Interval 1 lights up. Press the key ENT to save the
adjusted value to memory.

4.15 Control max, minimum period time, Parameter CtA:

The Control minimum period time (CtA) defines, how long [s] if once activated the cleaning with PULSE 1 and INTERVAL 1 is
active at least. For example: Suppose that set point Control max (CtH) is adjusted to 16 mbar and the set point Control min
(CtL) is adjusted to 12 mbar and Parameter Control pre delay (CtP) is adjusted to 1 second and Parameter Control minimum
period time (CtA) is adjusted to 20 seconds, then the cleaning with PULSE 1 and INTERVAL 1 will be activated 1 seconds after
the pressure increases above 16 mbar and is then active for a minimum time of 20 seconds even if the pressure falls below 12
mbar. The Parameter Control minimum period time (CtA) can be adjusted in the range of 3 – 999 s and is 5 s by default. During
adjustment the LED CONTROL-Interval 1 lights up. Press the key ENT to save the adjusted value to memory.

4.16 Set point Control above-max (2-step-controller), Parameter Cto:

If the pressure is above the set point Control above-max (Cto), the cleaning is running with PULSE 3 and INTERVAL 3.
The set point Control above-max (Cto) can be adjusted in steps of 0,1 mbar and is 18 mbar by default. The value can not be
greater than the adjusted pressure measuring range, parameter “rAn“.
If the set point is adjusted to 00.0 mbar, the function of Control above-max is nevertheless active.
During adjustment the LED CONTROL-Interval 3 lights up. Press the key ENT to save the adjusted value to memory.

Please notice that if cleaning with PULSE 3 and INTERVAL 3 is once activated by the controller, the cleaning is always
running with PULSE 3 and INTERVAL 3 until the last valve was pulsed.

4.17 Control above-max pre delay, Parameter CoP:

The Control above-max pre delay defines (CoP), how long [s] the set point Control above-max (Cto) must be reached before the
cleaning with PULSE 3 and INTERVAL 3 will be activated. For example: Suppose that set point Control above-max (Cto) is
adjusted to 20 mbar and Parameter Control above-max pre delay (CoP) is adjusted to 10 seconds, then the cleaning with
PULSE 3 and INTERVAL 3 will be activated 10 seconds after the pressure increases above 20 mbar. The Parameter Control
above-max pre delay (CoP) can be adjusted in the range of 1 – 999 s and is 5 s by default. During adjustment the LED
CONTROL-Interval 3 lights up. Press the key ENT to save the adjusted value to memory.

4.18 Control above-max minimum period time, Parameter CoA:

The Control above-max minimum period time (CoA) defines, how long [s] if once activated the cleaning with PULSE 3 and
INTERVAL 3 is active at least. For example: Suppose that set point Control above-max (Cto) is adjusted to 20 mbar and the set
point Control min (CtL) is adjusted to 12 mbar and Parameter Control above-max pre delay (CoP) is adjusted to 1 second and
Parameter Control above-max minimum period time (CoA) is adjusted to 20 seconds, then the cleaning with PULSE 3 and
INTERVAL 3 will be activated 1 seconds after the pressure increases above 20 mbar and is then active for a minimum time of
20 seconds even if the pressure falls below 12 mbar. The Parameter Control above-max minimum period time (CoA) can be
adjusted in the range of 3 – 999 s and is 5 s by default. During adjustment the LED CONTROL-Interval 3 lights up. Press the
key ENT to save the adjusted value to memory.

4.19 Set point Intensive-Cleaning-Cycle ICC:

If the pressure is below the set point Intensive-Cleaning-Cycle (ICC), the cleaning is running with PULSE 4 and INTERVAL 4.
The set point Intensive-Cleaning-Cycle (ICC), can be adjusted in steps of 0,1 mbar and is 3 mbar by default. The value can not
be greater than the adjusted pressure measuring range, parameter “rAn“.
If the set point is adjusted to 00.0 mbar, the function of Intensive-Cleaning-Cycle is n o t ! active.
During adjustment the LED I-C-C-Interval 4 lights up. Press the key ENT to save the adjusted value to memory.

4.20 Intensive-Cleaning-Cycle pre delay, Parameter ICP:

The Intensive-Cleaning-Cycle pre delay (ICP) defines, how long [s] the set point Intensive-Cleaning-Cycle (ICC) must be
reached before the Intensive-Cleaning-Cycle will be activated. For example: Suppose that set point Intensive-Cleaning-Cycle
(ICC) is adjusted to 3 mbar and Parameter Intensive-Cleaning-Cycle pre delay (ICP) is adjusted to 10 seconds, then the
Intensive-Cleaning-Cycle will be activated 10 seconds after the pressure falls below 3 mbar.
The Parameter Intensive-Cleaning-Cycle pre delay (ICP) can be adjusted in the range of 1 – 999 s and is 1 s by default. During
adjustment the LED I-C-C-Interval 4 lights up. Press the key ENT to save the adjusted value to memory.

MIKRO-MESS-GMBH Am Südende 15 - Steinwedel

D - 31275 Lehrte, Phone: ++49 (0)5136 880 990 8, FAX: ++49 (0)5136 880 990 0
Internet: www.mikro-mess.de E-Mail: info@mikro-mess.de
Z 0714242_005_DFS73_GB, subject to change, valid as of S/N 10112892, page 6 of 9

4.21 Intensive-Cleaning-Cycle minimum period time, Parameter ICt:

The Intensive-Cleaning-Cycle minimum period time (ICt) defines, how long [s] if once activated the Intensive-Cleaning-Cycle is
active at least. For example: Suppose that set point Intensive-Cleaning-Cycle (ICC) is adjusted to 3 mbar and Parameter
Intensive-Cleaning-Cycle min pre delay (ICP) is adjusted to 1 second and Parameter Intensive-Cleaning-Cycle minimum period
time (ICt) is adjusted to 600 seconds, then the Intensive-Cleaning-Cycle will be activated 1 seconds after the pressure falls
below 3 mbar and is then active for a minimum time of 600 seconds even if the pressure increases above 3 mbar. Please
notice, that the Intensive-Cleaning-Cycle minimum period time (ICt) will be ended automatically if the number of adjusted
Intensive-Cleaning-Cycles (CyC) (Parameter 4.22) has expired before the Intensive-Cleaning-Cycle minimum period time (ICt)
has expired. The Parameter Intensive-Cleaning-Cycle minimum period time (ICt) can be adjusted in the range of 3 – 999 s and
is 3 s by default. During adjustment the LED I-C-C-Interval 4 lights up. Press the key ENT to save the adjusted value to memory.

4.22 Intensive-Cleaning-Cycles, Parameter CyC:

The Parameter Intensive-Cleaning-Cycles (CyC) defines, how many Intensive-Cleaning-Cycles should be run if the pressure
reaches the set point Intensive-Cleaning-Cycle (ICC). One cycle means a complete valve sequence, for example from valve 1 to
valve 25.
For example, if Intensive-Cleaning-Cycles (CyC) is adjusted to 5 and the pressure reaches the set point Intensive-Cleaning-
Cycle (ICC), then the CONTROL-FILTER-SCANNER will run 5 complete valve sequences from valve 1 to valve 25. After that
the cleaning stops until the pressure increases above the set point Intensive-Cleaning-Cycle (ICC).
The Parameter Intensive-Cleaning-Cycles (CyC) can be adjusted in the range of 1 – 200 cycles and is 5 cycles by default.
During adjustment the LED I-C-C-Interval 4 lights up. Press the key ENT to save the adjusted value to memory.

4.23 Time Intensive-Cleaning-Cycles Relay, Parameter tIr:

The Parameter Time Intensive-Cleaning-Cycle Relay (tIr) defines, how long [minutes] the relay ICC (contact at Terminal 5+6)
remains active after the Intensive-Cleaning-Cycles (CyC) has finished. For example, if Time Intensive-Cleaning-Cycle Relay (tIr)
is adjusted to 10 and the Intensive-Cleaning-Cycles (CyC) has finished, then the relay ICC (contact at Terminal 5+6) remains
active for additional 10 minutes. The Time Intensive-Cleaning-Cycle Relay (tIr) can be adjusted in the range of 0 – 120 minutes
and is 2 minutes by default. During adjustment the LED I-C-C-Interval 4 lights up. Press the key ENT to save the adjusted value
to memory. This relay may be used to connect it to a machine that removes the dust from the Intensive-Cleaning-Cycles

4.24 Pulse 1, Parameter PU1:

The Parameter Pulse 1 (PU1) defines the PULSE time if PULSE 1 and INTERVAL 1 is active. The Parameter Pulse 1 (PU1) can
be adjusted in the range of 20 ms – 5 s and is 100 ms by default. Please notice that the digital display shows the value in ms
and without a decimal point if the Pulse 1 is in the range of 20 – 990 ms and shows the value in s and with a decimal point if the
Pulse 1 is in the range of 1,0 – 5,0 s. During adjustment the LED CONTROL-Interval 1 lights up. Press the key ENT to save the
adjusted value to memory.

4.25 Interval 1, Parameter In1:

The Parameter Interval 1 (In1) defines the INTERVAL time if PULSE 1 and INTERVAL 1 is active. The Parameter Interval 1
(In1) can be adjusted in the range of 5 – 240 s and is 10 s by default. During adjustment the LED CONTROL-Interval 1 lights up.
Press the key ENT to save the adjusted value to memory.

4.26 Pulse 2, Parameter PU2:

The Parameter Pulse 2 (PU2) defines the PULSE time if PULSE 2 and INTERVAL 2 is active. The Parameter Pulse 2 (PU2) can
be adjusted in the range of 20 ms – 5 s and is 100 ms by default. Please notice that the digital display shows the value in ms
and without a decimal point if the Pulse 2 is in the range of 20 – 990 ms and shows the value in s and with a decimal point if the
Pulse 2 is in the range of 1,0 – 5,0 s. During adjustment the LED CONTROL-Interval 2 lights up. Press the key ENT to save the
adjusted value to memory.

4.27 Interval 2, Parameter In2:

The Parameter Interval 2 (In2) defines the INTERVAL time if PULSE 2 and INTERVAL 2 is active. The Parameter Interval 2
(IN2) can be adjusted in the range of 1 – 60 minutes and is 2 minutes by default. During adjustment the LED CONTROL-Interval
2 lights up. Press the key ENT to save the adjusted value to memory.

4.28 Interval 2 Enable, Parameter I2E:

The Parameter Interval 2 Enable (I2E) defines if the INTERVAL 2 should be disabled or enabled. The Parameter Interval 2
Enable (I2E) can be adjusted in the range of 0 - 1 and is 1 by default. 0 means disabled and 1 means enabled. During
adjustment the LED CONTROL-Interval 2 lights up. Press the key ENT to save the adjusted value to memory.

4.29 Interval 2 if p > set point CtL, Parameter I2L:

The Parameter Interval 2 if p > set point CtL (I2L) defines if the INTERVAL 2 should only be active if the if p > set point CtL.
The Parameter Interval 2 if p > set point CtL (I2L) can be adjusted in the range of 0 - 1 and is 0 by default. 0 means that
INTERVAL 2 is active even if the p is below the set point CtL, 1 means that INTERVAL 2 is only active if the p is greater than
the set point CtL Please notice that if the parameter I2E (4.28) is set to “disabled”, then the settings of parameter I2L has no
influence on INTERVAL 2 because INTERVAL 2 is always disabled then. During adjustment the LED CONTROL-Interval 2
lights up. Press the key ENT to save the adjusted value to memory.

MIKRO-MESS-GMBH Am Südende 15 - Steinwedel

D - 31275 Lehrte, Phone: ++49 (0)5136 880 990 8, FAX: ++49 (0)5136 880 990 0
Internet: www.mikro-mess.de E-Mail: info@mikro-mess.de
Z 0714242_005_DFS73_GB, subject to change, valid as of S/N 10112892, page 7 of 9

4.30 Pulse 3, Parameter PU3:

The Parameter Pulse 3 (PU3) defines the PULSE time if PULSE 3 and INTERVAL 3 is active. The Parameter Pulse 3 (PU3) can
be adjusted in the range of 20 ms – 5 s and is 100 ms by default. Please notice that the digital display shows the value in ms
and without a decimal point if the Pulse 3 is in the range of 20 – 990 ms and shows the value in s and with a decimal point if the
Pulse 3 is in the range of 1,0 – 5,0 s. During adjustment the LED CONTROL-Interval 3 lights up. Press the key ENT to save the
adjusted value to memory.

4.31 Interval 3, Parameter In3:

The Parameter Interval 3 (In3) defines the INTERVAL time if PULSE 3 and INTERVAL 3 is active. The Parameter Interval 3
(In3) can be adjusted in the range of 5 – 240 s and is 10 s by default. During adjustment the LED CONTROL-Interval 3 lights up.
Press the key ENT to save the adjusted value to memory.

4.32 Pulse 4, Parameter PU4:

The Parameter Pulse 4 (PU4) defines the PULSE time if PULSE 4 and INTERVAL 4 is active. The Parameter Pulse 4 (PU4) can
be adjusted in the range of 20 ms – 5 s and is 100 ms by default. Please notice that the digital display shows the value in ms
and without a decimal point if the Pulse 4 is in the range of 20 – 990 ms and shows the value in s and with a decimal point if the
Pulse 4 is in the range of 1,0 – 5,0 s. During adjustment the LED I-C-C-Interval 4 lights up. Press the key ENT to save the
adjusted value to memory.

4.33 Interval 4, Parameter In4:

The Parameter Interval 4 (In4) defines the INTERVAL time if PULSE 4 and INTERVAL 4 is active. The Parameter Interval 4
(IN4) can be adjusted in the range of 5 – 240 s and is 30 s by default. During adjustment the LED I-C-C-Interval 4 lights up.
Press the key ENT to save the adjusted value to memory.

4.34 Pulse always until last valve, Parameter PLC:

The Parameter Pulse always until last valve (PLC) defines, if a running cleaning sequence should always be completed by
running until the last valve even if the differential pressure at the filter falls short of controller setpoint CtL by pulsing the first
valves and the cleaning then actually should stop. The Parameter can be adjusted in the range of 0 - 1 and is 0 by default.
0 = no complete sequence, 1 = always complete sequence. During adjustment the LED CONTROL-Interval 1 lights up. Press
the key ENT to save the adjusted value to memory.

4.35 Number of valve outputs to be pulsed, Parameter Out:

The Parameter Number of valve outputs to be pulsed (Out) defines how many of the valve outputs installed on the CONTROL-
FILTER-SCANNER should be pulsed. For example, the CONTROL-FILTER-SCANNER has 25 valve outputs installed but only
10 valves are connected. Then the Parameter Number of valve outputs to be pulsed (Out) must be set to 10.
The Parameter Number of valve outputs to be pulsed (Out) can be adjusted in the range of 1 – 25 valve outputs and is by
default: the number of the installed valve outputs of the unit e.g.: 12. Press the key ENT to save the adjusted value to memory.

4.36 Number of valve outputs to be pulsed if an expansion unit TFS* is installed, Parameter OuE:
The Parameter OuE defines how many valve outputs of the CONTROL-FILTER-SCANNER and an additional expansion unit
TFS* should be pulsed. For example, the CONTROL-FILTER-SCANNER (Master) has 25 valve outputs installed with 25 valves
connected and the expansion unit TFS* (Slave) has 10 valve outputs installed with 10 valves connected. Then there are 35
valves all in all and the Parameter OuE must be set to 35. In this case the Parameter Out must be set to 25. The Parameter
OuE can be adjusted in the range of 1 – 250 valve outputs and is 1 valve output by default. If there is no expansion unit TFS*
then the Parameter OuE must be adjusted <= the Parameter Out. In this case it is recommended to set OuE to 1 valve output.
Press the key ENT to save the adjusted value to memory.

4.37 Pressure Pulse Sensing, Parameter PPS:

The Parameter Pressure Pulse Sensing (PPS) defines how many mbar differential pressure must be detected by the internal
pressure sensor to be sure that it comes from the pressure cleaning pulse with compressed air. For example, Suppose that the
differential pressure at the filter is 17 mbar and the Parameter PPS is set to 5 mbar. If a valve is pulsed then, compressed air is
flowing through the filter an influences the differential pressure at the filter for the pulse time. This influence will be measured by
the internal pressure sensor and if the influence is less than the adjusted value PPS, an error will be detected and the
corresponding valve number will be stored in a list -> have a look to Parameter “PEr” to watch the list. If the error will be
detected 3 times in a row at the same valve number, then the LED ALARM-p-Air-Error lights up and the relay ALARM (Terminal
6+7) will be activated.
Please do not wonder that the influence of the cleaning pulse can not be seen at the display and on the analogue output. The
reason is, that the display and the analogue output will be hold for approx. 3 s after the cleaning pulse in order to avoid
unwanted effects on the regulation. Even if one can not see any influence at the display, the detection is running in the
background with full sensitivity.

Please notice that sensing will be activated first if the differential pressure at the filter (from the filter process, not from the
cleaning process) is higher than the Parameter PPS + 1 mbar, except if PPS = 0 mbar. For example, Suppose that the
Parameter PPS is adjusted to 2 mbar, then the sensing begins if the differential pressure at the filter is higher than 3 mbar. The
reason is, that the unit detects positive and negative influences induced by the pressure cleaning pulse with compressed air
and if the differential pressure at the filter is lower than the Parameter PPS then the unit can not detect a negative influence
because a measurement below 0 mbar is not possible. This prevents error detection if there is no error.

MIKRO-MESS-GMBH Am Südende 15 - Steinwedel

D - 31275 Lehrte, Phone: ++49 (0)5136 880 990 8, FAX: ++49 (0)5136 880 990 0
Internet: www.mikro-mess.de E-Mail: info@mikro-mess.de
Z 0714242_005_DFS73_GB, subject to change, valid as of S/N 10112892, page 8 of 9

The Parameter Pressure Pulse Sensing (PPS) can be adjusted in the range of 0 – 10 mbar and is 0 mbar by default. 0 mbar
means that sensing is deactivated. Press the key ENT to save the adjusted value to memory.

4.38 Function of relay 1 at terminal 5 and 6 , Parameter rE1:

The parameter function of relay 1 (rE1) allows the user to define the function of relay 1. Parameter rE1 can be adjusted in the
range of 1 - 6, and is 1 by default. Press the key ENT to save the adjusted value to memory.

Parameter rE1 Function relay 1 Relay 1 NO contact at terminal 5 and 6

1 Intensive-Cleaning Energised if Intensive-Cleaning (ICC) is Closed

(ICC) running
2 Intensive-Cleaning De-energised if Intensive-Cleaning (ICC) is Opened
(ICC) running
3 Alarm Energised if Alarm Closed
4 Alarm De-energised if Alarm Opened
5 Operating message Energised if cleaning is running Closed
6 Operating message De-energised if cleaning is running Opened

4.39 Function of relay 2 at terminal 6 and 7 , Parameter rE2:

The parameter function of relay 2 (rE2) allows the user to define the function of relay 2. Parameter rE2 can be adjusted in the
range of 1 - 6, and is 1 by default. Press the key ENT to save the adjusted value to memory.

Parameter rE2 Function relay 2 Relay 2 NC contact at terminal 6 and 7

1 Alarm De-energised if Alarm Closed

2 Alarm Energised if Alarm Opened
3 Intensive-Cleaning De-energised if Intensive-Cleaning (ICC) is Closed
(ICC) running
4 Intensive-Cleaning Energised if Intensive-Cleaning (ICC) is Opened
(ICC) running
5 Operating message De-energised if cleaning is running Closed
6 Operating message Energised if cleaning is running Opened

4.40 Valve (Coil) Error, Parameter CEr:

The Parameter Valve (Coil) Error (CEr) allows the user to see the list of valve numbers where the unit has detected short circuit
or line break 3 times in a row. If there is only 1 valve with error, then the display shows the number. If there are more than one
valves with error, then the display shows the valve numbers alternating. During watching the list the LED ALARM-VALVE-Error
lights up. Press the key ENT to leave the list.

4.41 Pressure Air Error, Parameter PEr:

The Parameter Pressure Air Error (PEr) allows the user to see the list of valve numbers where the unit has detected no
pressure cleaning pulse with compressed air 3 times in a row. If there is only 1 valve with error, then the display shows the
number. If there are more than one valves with error, then the display shows the valve numbers alternating. During watching the
list the LED ALARM-p-Air-Error lights up. Press the key ENT to leave the list.

4.42 Password, Parameter PSt:

The parameter PSt = “Password” allows the user to set a password or change an existing password for access to the
parameters. To obtain access to the parameter PSt, the current password must first be entered. Entering a wrong password, the
digital display shows “no” for about 2s and it then switches back to the parameter list. After entering the correct password, the
digital display immediately displays “SUC (successful) for approx 2s and then the current password. If no password is set
(factory setting = no password), the password is not asked for and the digital display immediately displays “SUC” for 2s
(successful) – and then the current password. The password can be changed in the range of 000 – 999. The value is adopted
and saved by pressing ENT.
If an existing password is reset to 000, that means “no password set”.
If you forget your password, please send an e-mail to info@mikro-mess.de and tell us the device number of the device. The
device number is an 8-digit bar code and is on the outside of the device next to the type label.

4.43 Factory Defaults, Parameter FAd:

The parameter FAd = “Factory settings” allows the user to reset all parameters to the factory settings. To obtain access to the
parameter factory settings (Fad), the current password must first be entered. (Factory settings: no password). Entering a wrong
password, the digital display shows “no” for about 2s and it then switches back to the parameter list. After entering the correct
password, the digital display immediately displays “SUC (successful) for approx 2s. If no password is set (factory setting = no
password), the password is not asked for and the digital display immediately displays “SUC” for 2s (successful). After that, a
question like “Do you really want to set all parameters to the factory settings?” for security reasons. The display displays ”y n” for
yes/no. After pressing “PAR” for “yes“, all parameters are set back to the factory settings. The process takes about 5s and the
status of the process is displayed on the digital display in %. Please note: Even the password for access to the parameters is

MIKRO-MESS-GMBH Am Südende 15 - Steinwedel

D - 31275 Lehrte, Phone: ++49 (0)5136 880 990 8, FAX: ++49 (0)5136 880 990 0
Internet: www.mikro-mess.de E-Mail: info@mikro-mess.de
Z 0714242_005_DFS73_GB, subject to change, valid as of S/N 10112892, page 9 of 9

set back to the factory settings = no password and must then be changed where necessary.
After pressing  for “no“, the process is discontinued and the device goes back to the list of parameters and the display displays
“Fad” again.
Please note: Whilst resetting to the factory settings, the supply voltage to the device must not be switched off. If the
supply voltage is switched off during the resetting to factory settings, the process will be automatically repeated after
switching on the supply voltage and will return to normal operation.

Please notice that the mains voltage must not be switched off while the Factory-Default-Reset is in execution.

4.44 Exit Parameters and back to normal operation:


By pressing the key PAR for approx. 2s, the unit exits from parameter-modus and falls back to normal operation.
If there is no key press within approx. 2 minutes the unit exits and falls back to normal operation. The display shows „tio“ for 2s.
Tio is the short form for “Timeout”. Adjusted parameters that are not confirmed by pressing the key ENT = Enter, will be not
saved to memory. The unit operates then with the parameters of the previous adjustment.

5. Special display messages:

5.1. EEE = Overload of p - differential pressure - measuring range.

5.2. In1 = External Signal HAND at terminal 46 is active or switch S20 (on display) is in HAND position.
The DFS-73 works continuously with Pulse 1 and Interval 1. The display alternates between "In1" and the
measured differential pressure.

5.3. StP = External Signal STOP at terminal 12 is active, DFS-73 stops permanent.
The display alternates between "StP" and the measured differential pressure.

5.4. ICC = External pulse >= 1000ms or continuous signal at terminal 15: The digital display shows ICC and the instrument
starts the Intensive Cleaning Cycle with pulses 4 and interval 4 until the number of set cycles - parameter CyC -
has elapsed. The display alternates between "ICC" and the measured differential pressure.

5.5. ICS = External signal for ICC Intensive Cleaning Signal is active at terminal 15 and must be removed, see 5.4.
All functions of the device continue to operate normally except the function of the external signal at terminal 15.
The signal at terminal 15 must be removed before a new triggering of the ICC by signal at terminal 15 is possible.
The display alternates between "ICS" and the measured differential pressure.

MIKRO-MESS-GMBH Am Südende 15 - Steinwedel

D - 31275 Lehrte, Phone: ++49 (0)5136 880 990 8, FAX: ++49 (0)5136 880 990 0
Internet: www.mikro-mess.de E-Mail: info@mikro-mess.de

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