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Class - X Holidays Homework (2024-25)

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 Homework Activity is of 10 marks for each subject.

 10 marks will be added in half yearly results.

 Written work must be done in subject notebook.

The following experiments has to be done in science Lab Manual:

1. Determination of the focal length of a concave mirror by obtaining the image of a distance
2. Determination of focal length of a convex lens by obtaining the image of a distant object.
3. Tracing the path of rays of light passing through a prism for different angles of incidence.

4. Tracing the path of a ray of light passing through a rectangular slab for different angles of

Exp.1. Performing and observing the action of water on quick line and also to identify the type of
reaction involved.

Exp. Performing and observing the action of heat on ferrous sulphate crystals.

Exp.1. Study ing binary fission in Amocha and budding in yeast with the help of prepared slides.

Exp.2.Identification of the different parts of an embryo of a dicot seed (Pea, gram or red kidney

1.Refractive Index of diamond with respect to glass is 1.6 and absolute refractive index of glass
is 1.5. Find out the absolute refractive index of diamond.

2.Draw ray diagrams showing the image formation by a convex mirror when object is placed
a.At infinity b. at finite distance from the mirror.

3.Write laws of refraction. Explain the same with the help of ray diagram, when a ray of light
passes through a rectangular glass slab.

4.At which position of object will the magnification be-1 in case of

a convex lens b.concave lens

5.An object is placed at a distance of 12cm in front of a concave mirror of radius of curvature 30
cm. List four characteristics of the image formed by the mirror.

6. Why is concave mirror used by doctors?

7. If you given a part of hollow spherical glass how will you convert it into a concave mirror?

8. The mirror used in search lights is parabolic and not concave comment.
9.A point source & is placed in water. Name the type of beam of light it emits. This beam of
light after coming out from water converges or diverges. Why?

10. What is the difference between the virtual image produced by:
a) plane mirror (b) concave mirror c)convex mirror.

11. An object is placed at a distance of 9cm from a convex mirror of focal length 15cm Find the
position, nature and magnification of image

12. A concave mirror produces three times enlarged image of an object placed at 10cm in front
of it. Calculate the radius of curvature of the mirror.
13. Why does the ray of light bend when it travels from one medium to another? 14. Two lenses
of powers- 1.5 D and +2.75 D are kept in contact. Find the focal length of the combination.

 Answer the following questions:-

Very short type questions:

Q1. Name the processes required for the maintenance of life

Q2. What is the function of stomata and how do they perform this function? Q3. Name the
muscle which regulates the exit of food from stomach?

Q4. Name the enzyme present in pancreatic juice.

Q5. What causes the formation of cramps in our muscles?

Short type questions

Q6. How does aerobic respiration differs from anaerobic respiration? Q7. Out of a goat and tiger,
which one will have a longer small intestine? Justify your answer.

Q8. How the lungs are designed to maximize the absorption.

Long type Questions (Diagram based)

09. Describe an experiment to prove that CO2 is essential for the process of photosynthesis.

Q10. Draw the diagram of alimentary canal of man and label it. Write functions of different parts

Q11. With the help of labeled diagram, Discuss the mechanism of respiration in human beings.


1. Categories the following into different type of decomposition reactions and give
reactions also:
a) Decomposition of Lead nirate.
b) Decomposition of silver chloride.
c) Decomposition of molten calcium carbonate.
2. What do you mean by metal reactivity series? How is this series related to
displacement reaction?

3. A) Generally, combination reaction are exothermic where as decomposition

reactions are endothermic. Justify.

B) Double displacement reactions takes place only in solution state. Justify.

4. A) Balance the chemical reaction involved during burning of acetylene gas. B) Write the
product formed when hydrogen sulphide gas burns in oxygen and write the chemical reaction

5 Write the product formed when Zinc is heated with sulphur powder and identify the reducing
and oxidising agents.

6. Predict the feasibility of following reactions.

i.CU+ HCl(dil) ii) Fe+ Znso4 iii) Na+ Mgd2 iv) NAOHH2SO4 (dil)

7. Why is respiration considered an exothermic reaction? Explain.

8. a) With an activity including diagram, write reaction involved the laboratory

preparation of hydrogen gas.

b) Explain Redox reaction with at least two examples.

9. A shiny brown coloured element ‘X’ on heating in air becomes black in colour. Name the
element ‘X’ and the black coloured compound formed.

10. In the refining of silver, the recovery of silver from silver nitrate solution involved
displacement by copper metal. Write down the reaction.

 Revise whole work done in book and notebook.


Ql. How did the idea of national unity early 19th century Europe allied to
the ideology of liberalism. Explain.

Q2 Analyse the measures of practices which created a sense of collective

Identity amongst the French people.

Q3. ‘The Balkan issue was one of the major factors responsible for the
First World War’. Explain by giving examples.

Q4. Explain any three provisions of the Treaty of Vienna of 1815.

Q5. Explain the classification of resources on the basis of the status of

Q6 Which geographical factors are responsible for the evolution of black
soil? Why is it considered the most suitable for growing cotton?

Q7.Give Reasons. –
(i) The percentage of organic matter in desert soil is very low.
(ii) Alluvial soil can hold moisture, and is very fertile.
(iii) Black Soil needs to be tilled after the rain.
Q8 Describe the importance of judicious of resources.
Q9."Power sharing is the very spirit of democracy." Justify statement with
3 suitable points.

Q10. Explain any three elements of the Belgium & power sharing.

Q11. What is meant by the horizontal distribution of power? Explant two

merits of this form of power Sharing?

Q12. What is difference between prudential and moral reasons for


Q13.What is the main criterion used by World Bank in classifying different

countries? What are the limitations of this criterion?

Q14. The table shows the proportion of undernourished adults in India. It

is based on a survey of various states in the country for the year 2015-16.
Look at the table, and answer the following questions:

State Males (%) Females (%)

Kerala 8.5 10
Karnataka 17 21
Madhya 28 28
All states 20 23
(i) Based on the above data, compare the nutritional level of the people in
Kerala and Madhya Pradesh.
ii) Can you guess why around 20 % of the people in the country are
undernourished even though it is argued that there is enough food in the

country? Describe in your words.

Q15. ‘Human Development is the essence of social development. Explain.

1. Make a project file on this following topic according to allotted roll
1. Consumer Awareness
2. Social Issues
3. Sustainable development
Note :-
1. Prepare projects according to given roll.no.
2. Add a page of acknowledgement, index, certificate, conclusion and
3. Use proper diagrams and pictures to explain.

Writing :-
1. Unseen passages page – Do first 3 unseen passages ( page 1-11).
2. Formal Letter – Placing order (Practice assignment -8 ( page -83-
3. Making a business complaint (Classroom assignment -12 (Page no.
1. Prepare Mind map of the chapter- Two Stories About Flying.
2. BBC Module 6 –

Ch – A Letter To God (Page No. 290 to 292)

Ch – Nelson Mandela (Page No. 294 to 296)
Ch – Two Stories About Flying (Page No. 298 to 302)
3. BBC Module 7 – (Page No. 386 to 389 and Page .No. 391 to 393)
4. Poem – Dust of Snow & Fire and Ice (Page No. 341 to 344).

5. Practice Assignment 25,26 ( Gap Filling – page no. 267,268)
6. Practice Assignment 24 ( Error correction – page no 271,273)
7. Practice Assignment 27,36 ( Omissions – page no. 275 to 276)

 Revise all chapters completed before holidays.

Make a presentation on green skills (Maximum 10 slides)
1. Awpky Aws pfos my< hirhr kwkw jYsw ÛXi#q hY qo Awp iks pRkwr askI shwXqw kry<gy [ Apny SÑdo< my< ilKy< [

2. CwZo< my< bFqI AnuSwsnhInqw ky iv†X pr pRDwnwcwX~ qQw AÍXwpk kw vwqw~lwp [

3. bÇco< dvwrw e<trnyt ky du{pXog pr bwq kr rhI do mihlwAo< ky mÍX s<vwd – lyKn [

4. v÷@o< ky bcwv hyqu Ek Awk†~k ivzwpn [

5. Awpky ákUl my< r#q dwn iSivr kw AwXojn ikXw hY [ asky ilE Ek Awk†~k ivzwpn bnwE> [

6. lGu kQw lyKn:

(k) nYiqk mUØX

(K) e~mwndwrI
1. Awp Gr jwE<gy Xw pwk~ jwE<gy[ vw#X s<b<iDq hY-

(i) s<Xu#q vw#X sy (iii) im‰q vw#X sy

(ii) srl vw#X sy

2. rwDw dOVkr myry pws Awe~[ vw#X kw sX<u#q {p hY-
(i) rwDw dOVI AOr myry pws Awe~ (iii) rwDw jØdI -2 dOVI Ev< myry pws Awe~[
(ii) rwDw qyjI sy dOVkr myry pws AwEgI[ (iv) rwDw jYsy hI dOVI myry pws Aw ge~[

3. ‘kmwny vwlw KwEgw[ vw#X kw im‰ vw#X my< {p hogw[

(i) kmwny vwlw hI Kwqw hY[ (iii) jYsy hI vh kmwEgw qbsy KwEgw[
(ii) kmwny vwlw hI KwEgw[ (iv) jo kmwEgw vh KwEgw[

4. rmyS ny Putbwl Kylw AOr clw gXw[ vw#X kw srl {p hY=

(i) rmyS Putbwl Kylqy Kylqy clw gXw (iii) rmyS Putbwl kw Kyl Kylkr clw gXw
(ii) rmyS Putbwl Kylkr clw gXw (iv) rmyS Putbwl Kylw iPr clw gXw
5. lwBdwXk kwX~ kro[ vw#X kw im‰ vw#X {pw<qrx hogw[

(i) lwB vwlw kwX~ kro[

(ii) vhI kwX~ kro jo lwBdwXk ho[
(iii) lwB vwlw kwX~ hI kro[
(iv) Eysw kwX~ kro ijsmy< lwB ho[

6. pFwe~ my< myhnq kr mY< ______ ho skqw hU<[ muhwvry sy ir#q áQwn kI puiq~ kIijE[

(i) A<Do< my< kwnw rwjw

(ii) Ek p<Q do kwj
(iii) Apnw hwQ jgNnwQ
(iv) pYro< pr KVw honw[

7. sÇcy SUrvIr dyS kI r@w my< pRwxo< kI _____hY[ ir#q áQwn kI puiq~ stIk muhwvry sy kIijE[

(i) bwjI lgw dyqy hY[ (iii) qwkq lgw dyqy hY[
(ii) jwn lgw dyqy hY[ (iv) Awhuiq lgw dyqy hY[
8. rwmU mwZ AwTvI< pws hY, iPr BI askI srkwrI nOkrI lg ge~[ esI ko khqy hY[

(i) DoKw Kw jwnw (iii) A<Dy ky hwQ btyr lgnw

(ii) ikámq cmknw (iv) Awg bbUlw ho jwnw

9. vh qo _____ hY, vh quMhwrI #Xw mdd krygw[ ir#q áQwn kI puiq~ stIk muhwvry sy kIijE[
(i) glw kwtny vwlw (iii) Awg lgwkr qmwSw dyKnw
(ii) pyt kwt kr myhnq krny vwlw (iv) mqlbI AwdmI

10. ivdwn AOr vIr hokr BI rwvx kI _____pV gXw Qw ik asny mwqw sIqw kw Aphrx ikXw[

(i) A<Do< my< kwnw rwjw (iii) A#l pr pËQr

(ii) Ek p<Q do kwj (iv) pYro< pr KVw honw


1. gzi fdqP fusoB eo'.

2. j/m fby/ gzi fJPfsjkoK B{z ;[zdo Yzr Bkb
ekgh s/ pDkT[. (f;oc g?ZB Bkb)
(T) ;kVQhnK dh ;/b bJh.
(n) ;e{b ftZu bZr oj/ y{B dkB e?Ag
(J) s[;hA o?vhw/v eZgfVnK dk P'no{w
y'fbQnk j? fJ; ;zpzXh.
(;) cbK d/ i{; dh d[ekB ;zpzXh.
(j) w'pkJhb d/ Bt/A P'no{w bJh.
3. j[D sZe dk eotkfJnk ;kok ezw :kd

TOPIC : Sustainable Living : Understanding the interplay between life

processes and Resource Management.

SUBJECTS : English , Science & S.ST.

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