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The Project Gutenberg EBook of Ten Days That Shook the World, by John ReedThis eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no co
Title: Ten Days That Shook the World Author: John Reed
Posting Date: November 25, 2012 [EBook #3076] Release Date: February, 2002
First Posted: December 16, 2000
Language: English
Produced by Norman Wolcott, with corrections by Andrew Sly and Stefan Malte Schumach
[Redactor's Note: The book is composed of text, footnotes, and appendices. The footnotes
included at the end of each chapter, while the Appendix No. and Section are referred to in
parentheses, the Appendices following the book text. There are 17 graphic figures in the te
are indicated by a reference to the page number in the original book.]
This book is a slice of intensified history—history as I saw it. It does not pretend to be any
a detailed account of the November Revolution, when the Bolsheviki, at the head of the wo
soldiers, seized the state power of Russia and placed it in the hands of the Soviets.
Naturally most of it deals with “Red Petrograd,” the capital and heart of the insurrection. Bu
reader must realize that what took place in Petrograd was almost exactly duplicated, with g
lesser intensity, at different intervals of time, all over Russia.
In this book, the first of several which I am writing, I must confine myself to a chronicle of t
events which I myself observed and experienced, and those supported by reliable evidence
preceded by two chapters briefly outlining the background and causes of the November Re
I am aware that these two chapters make difficult reading, but they are essential to an
understanding of what follows.
Many questions will suggest themselves to the mind of the reader. What is Bolshevism? W
of a governmental structure did the Bolsheviki set up? If the Bolsheviki championed the Co
Assembly before the November Revolution, why did they disperse it by force of arms afterw
And if the bourgeoisie opposed the Constituent Assembly until the danger of Bolshevism b
apparent, why did they champion it afterward?
These and many other questions cannot be answered here. In another volume, “Kornilov t
Litovsk,” I trace the course of the Revolution up to and including the German peace. There
the origin and functions of the Revolutionary organisations, the evolution of popular sentim
dissolution of the Constituent Assembly, the structure of the Soviet state, and the course a
outcome of the Brest-Litovsk negotiations. ...
In considering the rise of the Bolsheviki it is necessary to understand that Russian econom
the Russian army were not disorganised on November 7th, 1917, but many months before
logical result of a process which began as far back as 1915. The corrupt reactionaries in co
the Tsar's Court deliberately undertook to wreck Russia in order to make a separate peace
Germany. The lack of arms on the front, which had caused the great retreat of the summer
the lack of food in the army and in the great cities, the break-down of manufactures and
transportation in 1916—all these we know now were part of a gigantic campaign of sabotag
was halted just in time by the March Revolution.
For the first few months of the new régime, in spite of the confusion incident upon a great
Revolution, when one hundred and sixty millions of the world's most oppressed peoples su
achieved liberty, both the internal situation and the combative power of the army actually im
But the “honeymoon” was short. The propertied classes wanted merely a political revolution
would take the power from the Tsar and give it to
them. They wanted Russia to be a constitutional Republic, like France or the United States
constitutional Monarchy, like England. On the other hand, the masses of the people wanted
industrial and agrarian democracy.
William English Walling, in his book, “Russia's Message,” an account of the Revolution of 1
describes very well the state of mind of the Russian workers, who were later to support Bol
almost unanimously:
They (the working people) saw it was possible that even under a free Government, if it fe
hands of other social classes, they might still continue to starve....
The Russian workman is revolutionary, but he is neither violent, dogmatic, nor unintelligent
ready for barricades, but he has studied them, and alone of the workers of the world he has
about them from actual experience. He is ready and willing to fight his oppressor, the capit
class, to a finish. But he does not ignore the existence of other classes. He merely asks tha
other classes take one side or the other in the bitter conflict that draws near. ...
They (the workers) were all agreed that our (American) political institutions were preferable
own, but they were not very anxious to exchange one despot for another (i.e., the capitalist
The workingmen of Russia did not have themselves shot down, executed by hundreds in M
Riga and Odessa, imprisoned by thousands in every Russian jail, and exiled to the deserts
arctic regions, in exchange for the doubtful privileges of the workingmen of Goldfields and
Creek. ...
And so developed in Russia, in the midst of a foreign war, the Social Revolution on top of t
Political Revolution, culminating in the triumph of Bolshevism.
Mr. A. J. Sack, director in this country of the Russian Information Bureau, which opposes th
Government, has this to say in his book, “The Birth of the Russian Democracy”: The Bolsh
organised their own cabinet, with Nicholas Lenine as Premier and Leon Trotsky—Minister o
Affairs. The inevitability of their coming into power became evident almost immediately
after the March Revolution. The history of the Bolsheviki, after the Revolution, is a history o
steady growth. ...
Foreigners, and Americans especially, frequently emphasise the “ignorance” of
the Russian workers. It is true they lacked the political experience of the peoples of the We
they were very well trained in voluntary organisation. In 1917 there were more than twelve
members of the Russian consumers' Cooperative societies; and the Soviets themselves ar
wonderful demonstration of their organising genius. Moreover, there is probably not a peop
world so well educated in Socialist theory and its practical application.
William English Walling thus characterises them:
The Russian working people are for the most part able to read and write. For many years th
country has been in such a disturbed condition that they have had the advantage of leader
only of intelligent individuals in their midst, but of a large part of the equally revolutionary ed
class, who have turned to the working people with their ideas for the political and social
regeneration of Russia. ...
Many writers explain their hostility to the Soviet Government by arguing that the last phase
Russian Revolution was simply a struggle of the “respectable” elements against the brutal
Bolshevism. However, it was the propertied classes, who, when they realised the growth in
of the popular revolutionary organisations, undertook to destroy them and to halt the Revol
this end the propertied classes finally resorted to desperate measures. In order to wreck th
Kerensky Ministry and the Soviets, transportation was disorganised and internal troubles p
to crush the Factory-Shop Committees, plants were shut down, and fuel and raw materials
to break the Army Committees at the front, capital punishment was restored and military de
connived at.
This was all excellent fuel for the Bolshevik fire. The Bolsheviki retorted by preaching the c
and by asserting the supremacy of the Soviets.
Between these two extremes, with the other factions which whole-heanedly or half-hearted
supported them, were the so-called “moderate” Socialists, the Mensheviki and Socialist
Revolutionaries, and several smaller parties. These groups were also attacked by the prop
classes, but their power of resistance was crippled by their theories.
Roughly, the Mensheviki and Socialist Revolutionaries believed that Russia was not econo
ripe for a social revolution—that only a political revolution
was possible. According to their interpretation, the Russian masses were not educated eno
take over the power; any attempt to do so would inevitably bring on a reaction, by means o
some ruthless opportunist might restore the old régime. And so it followed that when the “m
Socialists were forced to assume the power, they were afraid to use it.
They believed that Russia must pass through the stages of political and economic develop
known to Western Europe, and emerge at last, with the rest of the world, into full-fledged S
Naturally, therefore, they agreed with the propertied classes that Russia must first be a
parliamentary state—though with some improvements on the Western democracies. As a
consequence, they insisted upon the collaboration of the propertied classes in the Govern
From this it was an easy step to supporting them. The “moderate” Socialists needed the
bourgeoisie. But the bourgeoisie did not need the “moderate” Socialists. So it resulted in th
Socialist Ministers being obliged to give way, little by little, on their entire program, while the
propertied classes grew more and more insistent.
And at the end, when the Bolsheviki upset the whole hollow compromise, the Mensheviki a
Socialist Revolutionaries found themselves fighting on the side of the propertied classes....
every country in the world to-day the same phenomenon is visible.
Instead of being a destructive force, it seems to me that the Bolsheviki were the only party
with a constructive program and the power to impose it on the country. If they had not suc
the Government when they did, there is little doubt in my mind that the armies of Imperial G
would have been in Petrograd and Moscow in December, and Russia would again be ridde
Tsar. . ..
It is still fashionable, after a whole year of the Soviet Government, to speak of the Bolshevi
insurrection as an “adventure.” Adventure it was, and one of the most marvellous mankind
embarked upon, sweeping into history at the head of the toiling masses, and staking every
their vast and simple desires.
Already the machinery had been set up by which the land of the great estates could be dis
among the peasants. The Factory-Shop Committees and the Trade Unions were there to p
operation workers' control of industry. In every village, town, city, district and province there
Soviets of Workers',
Soldiers' and Peasants' Deputies, prepared to assume the task of local administration.
No matter what one thinks of Bolshevism, it is undeniable that the Russian Revolution is on
great events of human history, and the rise of the Bolsheviki a phenomenon of world-wide
importance. Just as historians search the records for the minutest details of the story of the
Commune, so they will want to know what happened in Petrograd in November, 1917, the
which animated the people, and how the leaders looked, talked and acted. It is with this in
I have written this book.
In the struggle my sympathies were not neutral. But in telling the story of those great days
tried to see events with the eye of a conscientious reporter, interested in setting down the t
J. R.
New York, January 1st 1919.
Political Parties
In the elections to the Constituent Assembly, there were seventeen tickets in Petrograd, a
some of the provincial towns as many as forty; but the following summary of the aims and
composition of political parties is limited to the groups and factions mentioned in this book.
essence of their programmes and the general character of their constituencies can be notic
1. Monarchists, of various shades, Octobrists, etc. These once-powerful factions no longer
openly; they either worked underground, or their members joined the Cadets, as the Cadet
by degrees to stand for their political programme. Representatives in this book, Rodzianko,
2. Cadets. So-called from the initials of its name, Constitutional Democrats. Its official nam
of the People's Freedom.” Under the Tsar composed of Liberals from the propertied classe
Cadets were the great party of political reform, roughly corresponding to the Progressive P
America. When the Revolution broke out in March, 1917, the Cadets formed the first Provis
Government. The Cadet Ministry was overthrown in April because it declared itself in favo
Allied imperialistic aims, including the imperialistic aims of the Tsar's Government. As the R
became more and more a social economic Revolution, the Cadets grew more and more
conservative. Its representatives in this book are: Miliukov, Vinaver, Shatsky.
2a. Group o[Public Men. After the Cadets had become unpopular through their relations wi
Kornilov counter-revolution, the Group o[Public Men was formed in Moscow. Delegates fro
Group o[Public Men were given portfolios in the last Kerensky Cabinet. The Group declare
non-panisan, although its intellectual leaders were men like Rodzianko and Shulgin. It was
composed of the more “modern” bankers, merchants and manufacturers, who were intellig
enough to realise that the Soviets must be fought by their own weapon—economic organis
Typical of the Group: Lianozov, Konovalov.
3. Populist Socialists, or Trudoviki (Labour Group). Numerically a small party, composed of
intellectuals, the leaders of the Cooperative societies, and conservative peasants. Professi
Socialists, the Populists really supported the interests of the petty bourgeoisie—clerks,
shopkeepers, etc. By direct descent, inheritors of the compromising tradition of the Labour
the Fourth Imperial Duma, which was composed largely of peasant representatives. Keren
the leader of the Trudoviki in the Imperial Duma when the Revolution of March, 1917, brok
Populist Socialists are a nationalistic party. Their representatives in this book are: Peshekh
4. Russian Social Democratic Labour Party. Originally Marxian Socialists. At a party congre
in 1903, the party split, on the question of tactics, into two factions—the Majority (Bolshinst
the Minority (Menshinstvo). From this sprang the names “Bolsheviki” and “Mensheviki”—“m
of the majority” and “members of the minority.” These two wings became two separate part
calling themselves “Russian Social Democratic Labour Party,” and both professing to be M
Since the Revolution of 1905 the Bolsheviki were really the minority, becoming again the m
September, 1917.
a. Mensheviki. This party includes all shades of Socialists who believe that society must pr
natural evolution toward Socialism, and that the working-class must conquer political powe
Also a nationalistic party. This was the party of the Socialist intellectuals, which means: all
means of education having been in the hands of the propertied classes, the intellectuals in
reacted to their training, and took the side of the propertied classes. Among their represent
this book are: Dan, Lieber, Tseretelli.
b. Mensheviki Internationalists. The radical wing of the Mensheviki, internationalists and op
all coalition with the propertied classes; yet unwilling to break loose from the conservative
Mensheviki, and opposed to the dictatorship of the working-class advocated by the Bolshe
Trotzky was long a member of this group. Among their leaders: Martov, Martinov.
c. Bolsheviki. Now call themselves the Communist Party, in order to emphasise their comp
separation from the tradition of “moderate” or “parliamentary” Socialism, which dominates t
Mensheviki and the so-called Majority Socialists in all countries. The Bolsheviki proposed i
proletarian insurrection, and seizure of the reins of Government, in order to hasten the
coming of Socialism by forcibly taking over industry, land, natural resources and financial
institutions. This party expresses the desires chiefly of the factory workers, but also of a lar
section of the poor peasants. The name “Bolshevik” can not be translated by “Maximalist.”
Maximalists are a separate group. (See paragraph 5b). Among the leaders: Lenin, Trotzky,
d. United SoCial Democrats InternatiORaliStS. Also called the Novaya Zhizn (New Life) gro
the name of the very influential newspaper which was its organ. A little group of intellectual
very small following among the working-class, except the personal following of Maxim Gork
leader. Intellectuals, with almost the same programme as the Mensheviki Internationalists,
that the Novaya Zhizn group refused to be tied to either of the two great factions. Opposed
Bolshevik tactics, but remained in the Soviet Government. Other representatives in this boo
e. Yedinstvo. A very small and dwindling group, composed almost entirely of the personal f
of Plekhanov, one of the pioneers of the Russian Social Democratic movement in the 80’s,
greatest theoretician. Now an old man, Plekhanov was extremely patriotic, too conservative
the Mensheviki. After the Bolshevik coup d'etat, Yedinstvo disappeared.
5. Socialist Revolutionary party. Called Essaires from the initials of their name. Originally t
revolutionary party of the peasants, the party of the Fighting Organisations—the Terrorists.
March Revolution, it was joined by many who had never been Socialists. At that time it stoo
abolition of private property in land only, the owners to be compensated in some fashion. F
increasing revolutionary feeling of peasants forced the Essaires to abandon the “compens
clause, and led to the younger and more fiery intellectuals breaking off from the main party
of 1917 and forming a new party, the Le[t Socialist Revolutionary party. The Essaires, wh
afterward always called by the radical groups “Right Socialist Revolutionaries,” adopted the
attitude of the Mensheviki, and worked together with them. They finally came to represent t
wealthier peasants, the intellectuals, and the politically uneducated populations of remote r
districts. Among them there was, however, a wider difference of shades of political and eco
opinion than among the Mensheviki. Among their leaders mentioned in these pages: Avkse
Gotz, Kerensky, Tchernov, “Babuschka” Breshkovskaya.
a. Le[t Socialist Revolutionaries. Although theoretically sharing the Bolshevik programme o
dictatorship of the working-class, at first were reluctant to follow the ruthless Bolshevik tact
However, the Le{t Socialist Revolutionaries remained in the Soviet Government, sharing th
portfolios, especially that of Agriculture. They withdrew from the Government several times
always returned. As the peasants left the ranks of the Essaires in increasing numbers, they
the Left Socialist Revolutionary party, which became the great peasant party supporting the
Government, standing for confiscation without compensation of the great landed estates, a
disposition by the peasants themselves. Among the leaders: Spiridonova, Karelin, Kamkov
b. Maximalists. An off-shoot of the Socialist Revolutionary party in the Revolution of 1905,
was a powerful peasant movement, demanding the immediate application of the maximum
programme. Now an insignificant group of peasant anarchists.
Parliamentary Procedure
Russian meetings and conventions are organised after the continental model rather than o
The first action is usually the election of officers and the
The presidium is a presiding committee, composed of representatives of the groups and po
factions represented in the assembly, in proportion to their numbers. The presidium arrang
Order of Business, and its members can be called upon by the President to take the chair
Each question vopros) is stated in a general way and then debated, and at the close of th
resolutions are submitted by the different factions, and each one voted on separately. The
Business can be, and usually is, smashed to pieces in the first half hour. On the plea of
“emergency,” which the crowd almost always grants, anybody from the floor can get up and
anything on any subject. The crowd controls the meeting, practically the only functions of t
speaker being to keep order by ringing a little bell, and to recognise speakers.
Almost all the real work of the session is done in caucuses of the different groups and poli
factions, which almost always cast their votes in a body and are represented by floor-leade
result is, however, that at every important new point, or vote, the session takes a recess to
the different groups and political factions to hold a caucus.
The crowd is extremely noisy, cheering or heckling speakers, over-riding the plans of the p
Among the customary cries are: “Prosim! Please! Go on!” “Pravilno!” or “Eto vierno! That's
Right!” “Do volno! Enough!” “Dolor! Down with him!” “Posor! Shame!” and “Teesche! Silen
so noisy!”
Popular Organisations
1. Soviet. The word soviet means “council.” Under the Tsar the Imperial Council of State w
Gosudarstvennyi Soviet. Since the Revolution, however, the term Soviet has come to be a
with a certain type of parliament elected by members of working-class economic organisati
Soviet of Workers', of Soldiers', or of Peasants' Deputies. I have therefore limited the word
bodies, and wherever else it occurs I have translated it “Council.”
Besides the local Soviets, elected in every city, town and village of Russia—and in large ci
Ward (Raionny) Soviets—there are also the oblastne or gubiernsky (district or provincial) S
and the Central Executive Committee of the All-Russian Soviets in the capital, called from
Tsay-ee-kah. (See
below, “Central Committees”).
Almost everywhere the Soviets of Workers' and of Soldiers' Deputies combined very soon
March Revolution. In special matters concerning their peculiar interests, however, the Work
the Soldiers' Sections continued to meet separately. The Soviets of Peasants' Deputies did
the other two until after the Bolshevik coup d'etat. They, too, were organised like the worke
soldiers, with an Executive Committee of the All-Russian Peasants' Soviets in the capital.
2. Trade Unions. Although mostly industrial in form, the Russian labour unions were still ca
Trade Unions, and at the time of the Bolshevik Revolution had from three to four million me
These Unions were also organised in an All- Russian body, a sort of Russian Federation of
which had its Central Executive Committee in the capital.
3. Factory-Shop Committees. These were spontaneous organisations created in the factor
workers in their attempt to control industry, taking advantage of the administrative break-do
incident upon the Revolution. Their function was by revolutionary action to take over and ru
factories. The Factory-Shop Committees also had their All-Russian organisation, with a Ce
Committee at Petrograd, which co-operated with the Trade Unions.
4. Dumas. The word duma means roughly “deliberative body.” The old Imperial Duma, whic
persisted six months after the Revolution, in a democratised form, died a natural death in
September, 1917. The City Duma referred to in this book was the reorganised Municipal C
often called “Municipal Self- Government.” It was elected by direct and secret ballot, and its
reason for failure to hold the masses during the Bolshevik Revolution was the general decl
influence of all purely political representation in the fact of the growing power of organisatio
on economic groups.
5. Zemstvos. May be roughly translated “county councils.” Under the Tsar semi- political, s
bodies with very little administrative power, developed and controlled largely by intellectual
among the land-owning classes. Their most important function was education and social se
among the peasants. During the war the Zemstvos gradually took over the entire feeding a
clothing of the Russian Army, as well as the buying from foreign countries, and work amon
soldiers generally corresponding to the work of the American Y. M.
C. A. at the Front. After the March Revolution the Zemstvos were democratized, with a view
making them the organs of local government in the rural districts. But like the City Dumas,
could not compete with the Soviets.
6. Cooperatives. These were the workers' and peasants' Consumers' Cooperative societie
had several million members all over Russia before the Revolution. Founded by Liberals an
“moderate” Socialists, the Cooperative movement was not supported by the revolutionary S
groups, because it was a substitute for the complete transference of means of production a
distribution into the hands of the workers. After the March Revolution the Cooperatives spr
rapidly, and were dominated by Populist Socialists, Mensheviki and Socialist Revolutionarie
acted as a conservative political force until the Bolshevik Revolution. However, it was the
Cooperatives which fed Russia when the old structure of commerce and transportation coll
7. Army Committees. The Army Committees were formed by the soldiers at the front to co
reactionary influence of the old regime officers. Every company, regiment, brigade, division
corps had its committee, over all of which was elected the Army Committee. The Central A
Committee cooperated with the General Staff. The administrative break-down in the army i
upon the Revolution threw upon the shoulders of the Army Committees most of the work o
Quartermaster's Department, and in some cases, even the command of troops.
8. Fleet Committees. The corresponding organisations in the Navy.
Central Committees
In the spring and summer of 1917, All-Russian conventions of every sort of organisation we
at Petrograd. There were national congresses of Workers', Soldiers' and Peasants' Soviets
Unions, Factory-Shop Committees, Army and Fleet Committees—besides every branch of
military and naval service, Cooperatives, Nationalities, etc. Each of these conventions elec
Central Committee, or a Central Executive Committee, to guard its particular interests at th
Government. As the Provisional Government grew weaker, these Central Committees were
to assume more and more administrative powers.
The most important Central Committees mentioned in this book are:
Union o/ Unions. During the Revolution of 1905, Professor Miliukov and other Liberals esta
unions of professional men—doctors, lawyers, physicians, etc. These were united under on
organisation, the Union oJ Unions. In 1905 the Union o/ Unions acted with the revolutionar
democracy; in 1917, however, the Union o/ Unions opposed the Bolshevik uprising, and un
Government employees who went on strike against the authority of the Soviets.
Tsay-ee-kah. All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the Soviets of Workers' and Sol
Deputies. So called from the initials of its name.
Tsentroflot. “Centre-Fleet”—the Central Fleet Committee.
Vikzhel. All-Russian Central Committee of the Railway Workers' Union. So called from the
its name.
Other Organisations
Red Guards. The armed factory workers of Russia. The Red Guards were first formed duri
Revolution of 1905, and sprang into existence again in the days of March, 1917, when a fo
needed to keep order in the city. At that time they were armed, and all efforts of the Provisi
Government to disarm them were more or less unsuccessful. At every great crisis in the Re
the Red Guards appeared on the streets, untrained and undisciplined, but full of Revolution
White Guards. Bourgeois volunteers, who emerged in the last stages of the Revolution, to
private property from the Bolshevik attempt to abolish it. A great many of them were Univer
Tekhintsi. The so-called “Savage Division” in the army, made up of Mohametan tribesmen
Central Asia, and personally devoted to General Kornilov. The Tekhintsi were noted for the
obedience and their savage cruelty in warfare.
Death Battalions. Or Shock Battalions. The Women's Battalion is known to the world as the
Battalion, but there were many Death Battalions composed of men. These were formed in
summer of 1917 by Kerensky, for the purpose of strengthening the discipline and combativ
the army by heroic example. The Death Battalions were composed mostly of intense young
These came for the most part from among the sons of the propertied classes.
Union o{Officers. An organisation formed among the reactionary officers in the army to com
politically the growing power of the Army Committees.
Knights o[St. George. The Cross of St. George was awarded for distinguished action in bat
holder automatically became a “Knight o[St. George.” The predominant influence in the or
was that of the supporters of the military idea.
Peasants' Union. In 1905, the Peasants' Union was a revolutionary peasants' organisation.
however, it had become the political expression of the more prosperous peasants, to fight t
growing power and revolutionary aims of the Soviets of Peasants' Deputies.
Much of the material in this book is from my own notes. I have also relied, however, upon a
heterogeneous file of several hundred assorted Russian newspapers, covering almost eve
the time described, of files of the English paper, the Russian Daily News, and of the two F
papers, Journal de Russie and Entente. But far more valuable than these is the Bulletin de
Presse issued daily by the French Information Bureau in Petrograd, which reports all impor
happenings, speeches and the comment of the Russian press. Of this I have an almost com
from the spring of 1917 to the end of January, 1918.
Besides the foregoing, I have in my possession almost every proclamation,
decree and announcement posted on the walls of Petrograd from the middle of September
the end of January, 1918. Also the official publication of all Government decrees and order
official Government publication of the secret treaties and other documents discovered in th
of Foreign Affairs when the Bolsheviki took it over.
Part of the Armoured Car Division of the Petrograd garrism stationed in the Winter Palace.
Upon orders signed by Trotzky, several thousand rifles delivered by the Government Arms
at Sestroretzk to delegates of the Petrograd workmen.
At a meeting of the City Militia of the Lower Liteiny Quarter, a resolution demanding that all
given to the Soviets.
This is just a sample of the confused events of those feverish days, when everybody knew
something was going to happen, but nobody knew just what.
At a meeting of the Petrograd Soviet in Smolny, the night of October 30th, Trotzky branded
assertions of the bourgeois press that the Soviet contemplated armed insurention as “an a
the reactionaries to discredit and wreck the Congress of Soviets.... The Petrograd Soviet,”
declared, “had not ordered any uystuplennie. If it is necessary we shall do so, and we will
supported by the Petrogruad garrison.... They (the Government) are preparing a counter-r
and we shall answer with an offensive which will be
merciless and decisive.”
It is true that the Petrograd Soviet had not ordered a demonstration, but the Central Comm
the Bolshevik party was considering the question of insurrection. All night long the 23d the
There were present all the party intellectuals, the leaders—and delegates of the Petrograd
and garrison. Alone of the intellectuals Lenin and Trotzky stood for insurrection. Even the m
men opposed it. A vote was taken. Insurrection was defeated!
Then arose a rough workman, his face convulsed with rage. “I speak for the Petrograd pro
he said, harshly. “We are in favour of insurrection. Have it your own way, but I tell you now
you allow the Soviets to be destroyed, we're through with for!” Some soldiers joined him. ..
after that they voted again—insurrection won.. ..
However, the right wing of the Bolsheviki, led by Riazanov, Kameniev and Zinoviev, continu
campaign against an armed rising. On the morning of October 31st appeared in Rabotchi P
first instalment of Lenin's “Letter to the Comrades,” (See App. II, Sect. 11) one of the most
audacious pieces of political propaganda the world has ever seen. In it Lenin seriously pre
the arguments in favour of insurrection, taking as text the objections of Kameniev and Riaz
“Either we must abandon our slogan, ‘All Power to the Soviets,”’ he wrote, “or else we mus
insurrection. There is no middle course ”
That same afternoon Paul Miliukov, leader of the Cadets, made a brilliant, bitter speech (Se
Sect. 12) in the Council of the Republic, branding the Skobeliev nakaz as pro-German, de
that the “revolutionary democracy” was destroying Russia, sneering at Terestchenko, and o
declaring that he preferred German diplomacy to Russian. ... The Left benches were one ro
tumult all through. ...
On its part the Government could not ignore the significance of the success of the Bolshev
propaganda. On the 29th joint commission of the Government and the Council of the Repu
hastily drew up two laws, one for giving the land temporarily to the peasants, and the other
pushing an energetic foreign policy of peace. The next day Kerensky suspended capital pu
in the army. That same afternoon was opened with great ceremony the first session of the
“Commission for Strengthening the Republican Régime and Fighting Against Anarchy and
Revolution”—of which history shows not the slightest further trace.. .. The following mornin
other correspondents I interviewed Kerensky (See App. II, Sect. 13)—the last time he rece
“The Russian people,” he said, bitterly, “are suffering from economic fatigue— and from
disillusionment with the Allies! The world thinks that the Russian Revolution is at an end. D
mistaken. The Russian Revolution is just beginning. ...” Words more prophetic, perhaps, th
Stormy was the all-night meeting of the Petrograd Soviet the 30th of October, at which I wa
present. The “moderate” Socialist intellectuals, officers, members of Army Committees, the
kah, were there in force. Against them rose up workmen, peasants and common soldiers,
passionate and simple.
A peasant told of the disorders in Tver, which he said were caused by the arrest of the Lan
Committees. “This Kerensky is nothing but a shield to the pomieshfchiki (landowners),” he
“They know that at the Constituent Assembly we will take the land anyway, so they are tryi
destroy the Constituent Assembly!”
A machinist from the Putilov works described how the superintendents were closing down t
departments one by one on the pretext that there was no fuel or raw materials. The Factory
Committee, he declared, had discovered huge hidden supplies.
“It is a provocatzia,” said he. “They want to starve us—or drive us to violence!”
Among the soldiers one began, “Comrades! I bring you greetings from the place where me
digging their graves and call them trenches!”
Then arose a tall, gaunt young soldier, with flashing eyes, met with a roar of welcome. It wa
Tchudnovsky, reported killed in the July fighting, and now risen from the dead.
“The soldier masses no longer trust their officers. Even the Army Committees, who refused
meeting of our Soviet, betrayed us. ... The masses of the soldiers want the Constituent Ass
be held exactly when it was called for, and those who dare to postpone it will be cursed—a
only platonic curses
either, for the Army has guns too. ”
He told of the electoral campaign for the Constituent now raging in the Fifth Army. “The offi
especially the Mensheviki and the Socialist Revolutionaries, are trying deliberately to crippl
Bolsheviki. Our papers are not allowed to circulate in the trenches.
Our speakers are arrested—”
“Why don't you speak about the lack of bread?” shouted another soldier. “Man shall not live
bread alone,” answered Tchudnovsky, sternly.... Followed him an officer, delegate from the
Soviet, a Menshevik
oboronetz. “It isn't the question of who has the power. The trouble is not with the Governm
with the war.... and the war must be won before any change—” At this, hoots and ironical c
“These Bolshevik agitators are demagogues!” The hall rocked with laughter. “Let us for a m
forget the class struggle—” But he got no farther. A voice yelled, “Don't you wish we would
Petrograd presented a curious spectacle in those days. In the factories the committee-roo
filled with stacks of rifles, couriers came and went, the Red Guard[10] drilled. ... In all the b
meetings every night, and all day long interminable hot arguments. On the streets the crow
thickened toward gloomy evening, pouring in slow voluble tides up and down the Nevsky, f
the newspapers. . .. Hold-ups increased to such an extent that it was
dangerous to walk down side streets. ... On the Sadovaya one afternoon I saw a crowd of
hundred people beat and trample to death a soldier caught stealing.... Mysterious individua
circulated around the shivering women who waited in queue long cold hours for bread and
whispering that the Jews had cornered the food supply—and that while the people starved,
Soviet members lived luxuriously. ...
[10] See Notes and Explanations.
At Smolny there were strict guards at the door and the outer gates, demanding everybody's
The committee-rooms buzzed and hummed all day and all night, hundreds of soldiers and
slept on the floor, wherever they could find room. Upstairs in the great hall a thousand peo
crowded to the uproarious sessions of the Petrograd Soviet....
Gambling clubs functioned hectically from dusk to dawn, with champagne flowing and stak
twenty thousand rubles. In the centre of the city at night prostitutes in jewels and expensive
walked up and down, crowded the cafés. . ..
Monarchist plots, German spies, smugglers hatching schemes....
And in the rain, the bitter chill, the great throbbing city under grey skies rushing faster and faste
Chapter III
On the Eve
In the relations of a weak Government and a rebellious people there comes a time when ev
the authorities exasperates the masses, and every refusal to act excites their contempt. ...
The proposal to abandon Petrograd raised a hurricane; Kerensky's public denial that the
Government had any such intention was met with hoots of derision.
Pinned to the wall by the pressure of the Revolution (cried Rabotchi Put), the Government
“provisional” bourgeois tries to get free by giving out lying assurances that it never thought
from Petrograd, and that it didn't wish to surrender the capital.. ..
In Kharkov thirty thousand coal miners organised, adopting the preamble of the
I. W. W. constitution: “The working class and the employing class have nothing in common
Dispersed by Cossacks, some were locked out by the mine-owners, and the rest declared
strike. Minister of Commerce and Industry Konovalov appointed his assistant, Orlov, with p
powers, to settle the trouble. Orlov was hated by the miners. But the Tsay-ee-kah not only
supported his appointment, but refused to demand that the Cossacks be recalled from the
Basin. ...
This was followed by the dispersal of the Soviet at Kaluga. The Bolsheviki, having secured
majority in the Soviet, set free some political prisoners. With the sanction of the Governme
Commissar the Municipal Duma called in troops from Minsk, and bombarded the Soviet
headquarters with artillery. The Bolsheviki yielded, but as they left the building Cossacks a
them, crying, “This is what we'll do to all the other Bolshevik Soviets, including those of Mo
Petrograd!” This incident sent a wave of panic rage throughout
Russia. ...
In Petrograd was ending a regional Congress of Soviets of the North, presided over by the
Krylenko. By an immense majority it resolved that all power should be assumed by the All-R
Congress; and concluded by greeting the Bolsheviki in prison, bidding them rejoice, for the
their liberation was at hand. At the same time the first All-Russian Conference of Factory-S
Committees (See App. III, Sect. 1) declared emphatically for the Soviets, and continued sig
After liberating themselves politically from Tsardom, the working-class wants to see the dem
régime triumphant in the sphere of its productive activity.
This is best expressed by Workers' Control over industrial production, which naturally arose
atmosphere of economic decomposition created by the criminal policy of the dominating cla
The Union of Railwaymen was demanding the resignation of Liverovsky, Minister of Ways
In the name of the Tsay-ee-kah, Skobeliev insisted that the nakaz be presented at the Allie
Conference, and formally protested against the sending of Terestchenko to Paris. Terestch
offered to resign....
General Verkhovsky, unable to accomplish his reorganisation of the army, only came to Ca
meetings at long intervals....
On November 3d Burtzev's Obshtchee Dielo came out with great headlines: Citizens! Save
I have just learned that yesterday, at a meeting of the Commission for National Defence, M
War General Verkhovsky, one of the principal persons responsible for the fall of Kornilov, p
to sign a separate peace, independently of the Allies.
That is treason to Russia!
Terestchenko declared that the Provisional Government had not even examined Verkhovsk
“You might think,” said Terestchenko, “that we were in a madhouse!” The members of the
Commission were astounded at the General's words. General Alexeyev wept.
No! It is not madness! It is worse. It is direct treason to Russia!
Kerensky, Terestchenko and Nekrassov must immediately answer us concerning the word
Citizens, arise!
Russia is being sold!
Save her!
What Verkhovsky really said was that the Allies must be pressed to offer peace, because t
Russian army could fight no longer. ...
Both in Russia and abroad the sensation was tremendous. Verkhovsky was given “indefinit
of absence for ill-health,” and left the Government. Obshtchee Dielo was suppressed. ...
Sunday, November 4th, was designated as the Day of the Petrograd Soviet, with immense
planned all over the city, ostensibly to raise money for the organisation and the press; reall
make a demonstration of strength. Suddenly it was announced that on the same day the C
would hold a Krestny Khod
—Procession of the Cross—in honour of the Ikon of 1612, through whose miraculous interv
Napoleon had been driven from Moscow. The atmosphere was electric; a spark might kind
war. The Petrograd Soviet issued a manifesto, headed “Brothers—Cossacks!”
You, Cossacks, are being incited against us, workers and soldiers. This plan of Cain is bein
into operation by our common enemies, the oppressors, the privileged classes—generals,
landlords, former officials, former servants of the Tsar. We are hated by all grafters, rich
princes, nobles,
generals, including your Cossack generals. They are ready at any moment to destroy the P
Soviet and crush the Revolution.. ..
On the 4th of November somebody is organising a Cossack religious procession. It is a qu
the free consciousness of every individual whether he will or will not take part in this proces
do not interfere in this matter, nor do we obstruct anybody. ... However, we warn you, Coss
Look out and see to it that under the pretext of a Krestni Khod, your Kaledins do not instiga
against workmen, against soldiers. ...
The procession was hastily called off....
In the barracks and the working-class quarters of the town the Bolsheviki were preaching, “
to the Soviets!” and agents of the Dark Forces were urging the people to rise and slaughte
Jews, shop-keepers, Socialist leaders....
On one side the Monarchist press, inciting to bloody repression—on the other Lenin's grea
roaring, “Insurrection!.... We cannot wait any longer!”
Even the bourgeois press was uneasy. (See App. III, Sect. 2) Birjevya Viedomosti (Excha
Gazette) called the Bolshevik propaganda an attack on “the most elementary principles of
personal security and the respect for private property.”
[Graphic, page 46: Appeal of the Petrograd Soviet]
Appeal of the Petrograd Soviet to the Cosacks to call off their Krestny Khod— the religious
procession planned for November 4th (our calendar). “Brothers— Cossacks!” it begins. “Th
Petrograd Soviet of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies addresses you.”
But it was the “moderate” Socialist journals which were the most hostile. (See App. III, Sec
Bolsheviki are the most dangerous enemies of the Revolution,” declared Diefo Naroda. Sa
Menshevik Dren, “The Government ought to defend itself and defend us.” Plekhanov's pap
Yedinstvo (Unity) (See App. III, Sect. 4), called the attention of the Government to the fact
Petrograd workers were being armed, and demanded stern measures against the Bolshevi
Daily the Government seemed to become more helpless. Even the Municipal administratio
down. The columns of the morning papers were filled with accounts of the most audacious
and murders, and the criminals were
On the other hand armed workers patrolled the streets at night, doing battle with marauder
requisitioning arms wherever they found them.
On the first of November Colonel Polkovnikov, Military Commander of Petrograd, issued a
Despite the difficult days through which the country is passing, irresponsible appeals to arm
demonstrations and massacres are still being spread around Petrograd, and from day to da
robbery and disorder increase.
This state of things is disorganising the life of the citizens, and hinders the systematic work
Government and the Municipal Institutions.
In full consciousness of my responsibility and my duty before my country, I command:
1. Every military unit, in accordance with special instructions and within the territory of its g
afford every assistance to the Municipality, to the Commissars, and to the militia, in the gua
Government institutions.
2. The organisation of patrols, in co-operation with the District Commander and the represe
of the city militia, and the taking of measures for the arrest of criminals and deserters.
3. The arrest of all persons entering barracks and inciting to armed demonstrations and ma
and their delivery to the headquarters of the Second Commander of the city.
4. To suppress any armed demonstration or riot at its start, with all armed forces at hand.
5. To afford assistance to the Commissars in preventing unwarranted searches in houses a
unwarranted arrests.
6. To report immediately all that happens in the district under charge to the Staff of the Pet
Military District.
I call upon all Army Committees and organisations to afford their help to the
commanders in fulfilment of the duties with which they are charged.
In the Council of the Republic Kerensky declared that the Government was fully aware of t
Bolshevik preparations, and had sufficient force to cope with any demonstration. (See App
5) He accused Novaya bus and Robotchi Put of both doing the same kind of subversive wo
owing to the absolute freedom of the press,” he added, “the Government is not in a position
combat printed lies.[11]. ...” Declaring that these were two aspects of the same propaganda
had for its object the counter-revolution, so ardently desired by the Dark Forces, he went o
“I am a doomed man, it doesn't matter what happens to me, and I have the audacity to sa
other enigmatic part is that of the unbelievable provocation created in the city by the Bolshe
[11] This was not quite candid. The Provisional Government had suppressed Bolshevik pap
before, in July, and was planning to do so again.
On November 2d only fifteen delegates to the Congress of Soviets had arrived. Next day th
a hundred, and the morning after that a hundred and seventy-five, of whom one hundred a
were Bolsheviki. Four hundred
constituted a quorum, and the Congress was only three days off....
I spent a great deal of time at Smolny. It was no longer easy to get in. Double rows of sent
guarded the outer gates, and once inside the front door there was a long line of people wai
let in, four at a time, to be questioned as to their identity and their business. Passes were g
and the pass system was changed every few hours; for spies continually sneaked through.
[Graphic, page 49: Russian Pass to Reed, translation follows]
Pass to Smolny Institute, issued by the Military Revolutionary Committee, giving me the rig
entry at any time. (Translation)
Military Revolutionary Committee attached to the
Petrograd Soviet of W. & S. D. Commandant's office
16th November, 1917
No. 955
Smolny Institute
Is given by the present to John Reed, correspondent of the American Socialist press, until
December 1, the right of free entry into Smolny Institute.
Commandant Adjutant
One day as I came up to the outer gate I saw Trotzky and his wife just ahead of me. They
halted by a soldier. Trotzky searched through his pockets, but could find no pass.
“Never mind,” he said finally. “You know me. My name is Trotzky.” “You haven't got a pass
answered the soldier stubbornly.
“You cannot go in. Names don't mean anything to me.” “But I am the president of the Petro
“Well,” replied the soldier, “if you're as important a fellow as that you must at least have on
Trotzky was very patient. “Let me see the Commandant,” he said. The soldier hesitated, gr
something about not wanting to disturb the Commandant for every devil that came along. H
beckoned finally to the soldier in command of the guard. Trotzky explained matters to him.
name is Trotzky,” he repeated.
“Trotzky?” The other soldier scratched his head. “I've heard the name somewhere,” he said
length. “I guess it's all right. You can go on in, comrade. ”
In the corridor I met Karakhan, member of the Bolshevik Central Committee, who explaine
what the new Government would be like.
“A loose organisation, sensitive to the popular will as expressed through the Soviets, allow
forces full play. At present the Provisional Government obstructs the action of the local dem
will, just as the Tsar's Government did. The initiative of the new society shall come from be
The form of the
Government will be modelled on the Constitution of the Russian Social Democratic Labour
The new Tsay-ee-kah, responsible to frequent meetings of the All-Russian Congress of So
be the parliament; the various Ministries will be headed by coIfepia—committees—instead
Ministers, and will be directly responsible to the Soviets. ”
On October 30th, by appointment, I went up to a small, bare room in the attic of Smolny, to
Trotzky. In the middle of the room he sat on a rough chair at a bare table. Few questions fr
were necessary; he talked rapidly and steadily, for more than an hour. The substance of hi
his own words, I give here:
“The Provisional Government is absolutely powerless. The bourgeoisie is in control, but thi
is masked by a fictitious coalition with the oborontsi parties. Now, during the Revolution, on
revolts of peasants who are tired of waiting for their promised land; and all over the country
the toiling classes, the same disgust is evident. This domination by the bourgeoisie is only
by means of civil war. The Kornilov method is the only way by which the bourgeoisie can co
it is force which the bourgeoisie lacks. The
Army is with us. The conciliators and pacifists, Socialist Revolutionaries and Mensheviki, h
all authority—because the struggle between the peasants and the landlords, between the w
and the employers, between the soldiers and the officers, has become more bitter, more
irreconcilable than ever. Only by the concerted action of the popular mass, only by the victo
proletarian dictatorship, can the Revolution be achieved and the people saved....
“The Soviets are the most perfect representatives of the people—perfect in their revolution
experience, in their ideas and objects. Based directly upon the army in the trenches, the wo
the factories, and the peasants in the fields, they are the backbone of the Revolution.
“There has been an attempt to create a power without the Soviets—and only powerlessnes
been created. Counter-revolutionary schemes of all sorts are now being hatched in the cor
the Council of the Russian Republic. The Cadet party represents the counter-revolution mil
the other side, the Soviets represent the cause of the people. Between the two camps ther
groups of serious importance. ... It is the lutte [inale. The bourgeois counter- revolution org
its forces and waits for the moment to attack us. Our answer will be decisive. We will comp
work scarcely begun in March,
and advanced during the Kornilov affair. ”
He went on to speak of the new Government's foreign policy:
“Our first act will be to call for an immediate armistice on all fronts, and a conference of peo
discuss democratic peace terms. The quantity of democracy we get in the peace settlemen
depends on the quantity of revolutionary response there is in Europe. If we create here a
Government of the Soviets, that will be a powerful factor for immediate peace in Europe; fo
Government will address itself directly and immediately to all peoples, over the heads of th
Governments, proposing an armistice. At the moment of the conclusion of peace the press
Russian Revolution will be in the direction of ‘no annexations, no indemnities, the right of s
determination of peoples, and a Federated Republic o[Europe....
“At the end of this war I see Europe recreated, not by the diplomats, but by the proletariat.
Federated Republic of Europe—the United States of Europe— that is what must be. Nation
autonomy no longer suffices. Economic evolution demands the abolition of national frontier
Europe is to remain split into national groups, then Imperialism will recommence its work. O
Federated Republic of Europe can give peace to the world.” He smiled—that fine, faintly iro
smile of his. “But without the action of the European masses, these ends cannot be realise
Now while everybody was waiting for the Bolsheviki to appear suddenly on the streets one
and begin to shoot down people with white collars on, the real insurrection took its way quit
naturally and openly.
The Provisional Government planned to send the Petrograd garrison to the front.
The Petrograd garrison numbered about sixty thousand men, who had taken a prominent p
Revolution. It was they who had turned the tide in the great days of March, created the Sov
Soldiers' Deputies, and hurled back Kornilov from the gates of Petrograd.
Now a large pan of them were Bolsheviki. When the Provisional Government talked of evac
the city, it was the Petrograd garrison which answered, “If you are not capable of defending
capital, conclude peace; if you cannot conclude peace, go away and make room for a Peo
Government which can do both. ”
It was evident that any attempt at insurrection depended upon the attitude of the Petrograd
The Government's plan was to replace the garrison regiments with “dependable” troops—C
Death Battalions. The Army Committees, the “moderate” Socialists and the Tsay-ee-kah s
the Government. A wide-spread agitation was carried on at the Front and in Petrograd, em
the fact that for eight months the Petrograd garrison had been leading an easy life in the ba
the capital, while their exhausted comrades in the trenches starved and died.
Naturally there was some truth in the accusation that the garrison regiments were reluctant
exchange their comparative comfort for the hardships of a winter campaign. But there were
reasons why they refused to go. The Petrograd Soviet feared the Government's intentions,
the Front came hundreds of delegates, chosen by the common soldiers, crying, “It is true w
reinforcements, but more important, we must know that Petrograd and the Revolution are w
guarded. ... Do you hold the rear, comrades, and we will hold the front!”
On October 25th, behind closed doors, the Central Committee of the Petrograd Soviet disc
formation of a special Military Committee to decide the whole question. The next day a mee
the Soldiers' Section of the Petrograd Soviet elected a Committee, which immediately proc
boycott of the bourgeois newspapers, and condemned the Tsay-ee-kah for opposing the C
of Soviets. On the 29th, in open session of the Petrograd Soviet, Trotzky proposed that the
formally sanction the Military Revolutionary Committee. “We ought,” he said, “to create our
organisation to march to battle, and if necessary to die....” It was decided to send to the fro
delegations, one from the Soviet and one from the garrison, to confer with the Soldiers' Co
and the General Staff.
At Pskov, the Soviet delegates were met by General Tcheremissov, commander of the Nor
Front, with the curt declaration that he had ordered the Petrograd garrison to the trenches,
was all. The garrison committee was not allowed to leave Petrograd. ...
A delegation of the Soldiers' Section of the Petrograd Soviet asked that a representative be
to the Staff of the Petrograd District. Refused. The Petrograd Soviet demanded that no ord
issued without the approval of the Soldiers' Section. Refused. The delegates were roughly
only recognise
the Tsay-ee-kah. We do not recognise you; if you break any laws, we shall arrest you.”
On the 30th a meeting of representatives of all the Petrograd regiments passed a resolutio
Petrograd garrison no longer recognises the Provisional Government. The Petrograd Sovie
Government. We wilf obey only the orders o[the Petrograd Soviet, through the Military
Revolutionary Committee.” The local military units were ordered to wait for instructions from
Soldiers' Section of the Petrograd Soviet.
Next day the Tsay-ee-kah summoned its own meeting, composed largely of officers, forme
Committee to cooperate with the Staff, and detailed Commissars in all quaners of the city.
A great soldier meeting at Smolny on the 3d resolved:
Saluting the creation of the Military Revolutionary Committee, the Petrograd garrison prom
complete support in all its actions, to unite more closely the front and the rear in the interes
The garrison moreover declares that with the revolutionary proletariat it assures the mainte
revolutionary order in Petrograd. Every attempt at provocation on the part of the Kornilovts
bourgeoisie will be met with merciless resistance.
Now conscious of its power, the Military Revolutionary Committee peremptorily summoned
Petrograd Staff to submit to its control. To all printing plants it gave orders not to publish an
appeals or proclamations without the Committee's authorisation. Armed Commissars visite
Kronversk arsenal and seized great quantities of arms and ammunition, halting a shipment
thousand bayonets which was being sent to Novotcherkask, headquarters of Kaledin. ...
Suddenly awake to the danger, the Government offered immunity if the Committee would
Too late. At midnight November 5th Kerensky himself sent Malevsky to offer the Petrograd
representation on the Staff. The Military Revolutionary Committee accepted. An hour later
Manikovsky, acting Minister of war, countermanded the offer. ...
Tuesday morning, November 6th, the city was thrown into excitement by the appearance o
placard signed, “Military Revolutionary Committee attached to the Petrograd Soviet of Wor
Soldiers' Deputies.”
To the Population of Petrograd. Citizens!
Counter-revolution has raised its criminal head. The Kornilovtsi are mobilising their forces i
crush the All-Russian Congress of Soviets and break the Constituent Assembly. At the sam
the pogromists may attempt to call upon the people of Petrograd for trouble and bloodshed
Petrograd Soviet of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies takes upon itself the guarding of revol
order in the city against counter-revolutionary and pogrom attempts.
The Petrograd garrison will not allow any violence or disorders. The population is invited to
hooligans and Black Hundred agitators and take them to the Soviet Commissars at the nea
barracks. At the first attempt of the Dark Forces to make trouble on the streets of Petrograd
whether robbery or fighting, the criminals will be wiped off the face of the earth!
Citizens! We call upon you to maintain complete quiet and self-possession. The cause of o
Revolution is in strong hands.
List of regiments where there are Commissars of the Military Revolutionary Committee....
On the 3rd the leaders of the Bolsheviki had another historic meeting behind closed doors.
by Zalkind, I waited in the corridor outside the door; and Volodarsky as he came out told m
was going on.
Lenin spoke: “November 6th will be too early. We must have an all-Russian basis for the ris
on the 6th all the delegates to the Congress will not have arrived. ... On the other hand, No
8th will be too late. By that time the Congress will be organised, and it is difficult for a large
organised body of people to take swift, decisive action. We must act on the 7th, the day the
Congress meets, so that we may say to it, ‘Here is the power! What are you going to do w
In a certain upstairs room sat a thin-faced, long-haired individual, once an officer in the arm
Tsar, then revolutionist and exile, a certain Avseenko, called Antonov, mathematician and
player; he was drawing careful plans for the seizure of the capital.
On its side the Government was preparing. Inconspicuously certain of the most loyal regim
from widely-separated divisions, were ordered to Petrograd.
The yunker artillery was drawn into the Winter Palace. Patrols of Cossacks made their app
in the streets, for the first time since the July days. Polkovnikov issued order after order, th
to repress all insubordination with the “utmost energy.” Kishkin, Minister of Public Instructio
worst-hated member of the Cabinet, was appointed Special Commissar to keep order in Pe
he named as assistants two men no less unpopular, Rutenburg and Paltchinsky. Petrograd
Cronstadt and Finland were declared in a state of siege— upon which the bourgeois Novoy
Vremya (New Times) remarked ironically:
Why the state of siege? The Government is no longer a power. It has no moral authority an
not possess the necessary apparatus to use force In the
most favourable circumstances it can only negotiate with any one who consents to parley.
authority goes no farther. ...
Monday morning, the 5th, I dropped in at the Marinsky Palace, to see what was happening
Council of the Russian Republic. Bitter debate on Terestchenko's foreign policy. Echoes of
Burtzev-Verkhovski affair. All the
diplomats present except the Italian ambassador, who everybody said was prostrated by th
As I came in, the Left Socialist Revolutionary Karelin was reading aloud an editorial from th
Times which said, “The remedy for Bolshevism is bullets!” Turning to the Cadets he cried, “
what for think, too!”
Voices from the Right, “Yes! Yes!”
“Yes, I know you think so,” answered Karelin, hotly. “But you haven't the courage to try it!”
Then Skobeliev, looking like a matinée idol with his soft blond beard and wavy yellow hair,
apologetically defending the Soviet nakaz. Terestchenko followed, assailed from the Left b
“Resignation! Resignation!” He insisted that the delegates of the Government and of the Ts
kah to Paris should have a common point of view—his own. A few words about the restora
discipline in the army, about war to victory Tumult, and over
the stubborn opposition of the truculent Left, the Council of the Republic passed to the sim
of the day.
There stretched the rows of Bolshevik seats—empty since that first day when they left the
carrying with them so much life. As I went down the stairs it seemed to me that in spite of
wrangling, no real voice from the rough world outside could penetrate this high, cold hall, a
the Provisional Government was wrecked—on the same rock of War and Peace that had w
the Miliukov Ministry.... The doorman grumbled as he put on my coat, “I don't know what is
becoming of poor Russia. All these Mensheviki and Bolsheviki and Trudoviki.... This Ukrai
this Finland and the German imperialists and the English imperialists. I am forty-five years
in all my life I never heard so many words as in this place. ”
In the corridor I met Professor Shatsky, a rat-faced individual in a dapper frock- coat, very i
in the councils of the Cadet party. I asked him what he thought of the much-talked-of Bolsh
vystuplennie. He shrugged, sneering.
“They are cattle—canaille,” he answered. “They will not dare, or if they dare they will soon
flying. From our point of view it will not be bad, for then they will ruin themselves and have
in the Constituent Assembly.. ..
“But, my dear sir, allow me to outline to you my plan for a form of Government to be submit
Constituent Assembly. You see, I am chairman of a commission appointed from this body,
conjunction with the Provisional Government, to work out a constitutional project. ... We wil
legislative assembly of two chambers, such as you have in the United States. In the lower
will be territorial representatives; in the upper, representatives of the liberal professions, ze
Cooperatives—and Trade Unions. ”
Outside a chill, damp wind came from the west, and the cold mud underfoot soaked throug
shoes. Two companies of bunkers passed swinging up the Morskaya, tramping stiffly in the
coats and singing an oldtime crashing chorus, such as the soldiers used to sing under the
At the first cross- street I noticed that the City Militiamen were mounted, and armed with re
bright new holsters; a little group of people stood silently staring at them. At the corner of th
I bought a pamphlet by Lenin, “Will the Bolsheviki be Able to Hold the Power?” paying for it
of the stamps which did duty for small change. The usual street-cars crawled past, citizens
soldiers clinging to the outside in a way to make Theodore P. Shonts green with envy.. .. A
sidewalk a row of deserters in uniform sold cigarettes and sunflower seeds. ...
Up the Nevsky in the sour twilight crowds were battling for the latest papers, and knots of p
were trying to make out the multitudes of appeals (See App. III, Sect. 6) and proclamations
in every flat place; from the Tsay-ee-kah, the Peasants' Soviets, the “moderate” Socialist p
the Army Committees— threatening, cursing, beseeching the workers and soldiers to stay
support the Government. ...
An armoured automobile went slowly up and down, siren screaming. On every corner, in ev
space, thick groups were clustered; arguing soldiers and students. Night came swiftly down
wide-spaced street-lights flickered on, the tides of people flowed endlessly. ... It is always l
Petrograd just before trouble. ...
The city was nervous, starting at every sharp sound. But still no sign from the Bolsheviki; th
soldiers stayed in the barracks, the workmen in the factories. ... We went to a moving pictu
near the Kazan Cathedral—a bloody Italian film of passion and intrigue. Down front were s
soldiers and sailors, staring at the screen in childlike wonder, totally unable to comprehend
there should
be so much violent running about, and so much homicide. ...
From there I hurried to Smolny. In room 10 on the top floor, the Military Revolutionary Com
in continuous session, under the chairmanship of a tow-headed, eighteen-year-old boy na
Lazimir. He stopped, as he passed, to shake hands rather bashfully.
“Peter-Paul Fortress has just come over to us,” said he, with a pleased grin. “A minute ago
word from a regiment that was ordered by the Government to come to Petrograd. The men
suspicious, so they stopped the train at Gatchina and sent a delegation to us. ‘What's the m
they asked. ‘What have you got to say? We have just passed a resolution, “All Power to the
Soviets.”’... The Military Revolutionary Committee sent back word, ‘Brothers! We greet you
name of the Revolution. Stay where you are until further instructions!”’
All telephones, he said, were cut off: but communication with the factories and barracks wa
established by means of military telephonograph apparatus. ...
A steady stream of couriers and Commissars came and went. Outside the door waited a do
volunteers, ready to carry word to the farthest quarters of the city. One of them, a gypsy-fa
in the uniform of a lieutenant, said in French, “Everything is ready to move at the push of a
There passed Podvoisky, the thin, bearded civillian whose brain conceived the strategy of
insurrection; Antonov, unshaven, his collar filthy, drunk with loss of sleep; Krylenko, the squ
faced soldier, always smiling, with his violent gestures and tumbling speech; and Dybenko,
bearded sailor with the placid face. These were the men of the hour—and of other hours to
Downstairs in the office of the Factory-Shop Committees sat Seratov, signing orders on the
Government Arsenal for arms—one hundred and fifty rifles for each factory.... Delegates w
line, forty of them....
In the hall I ran into some of the minor Bolshevik leaders. One showed me a revolver. “The
on,” he said, and his face was pale. “Whether we move or not the other side knows it must
or be finished ”
The Petrograd Soviet was meeting day and night. As I came into the great hall Trotzky was
“We are asked,” he said, “if we intend to have a vystuplennie. I can give a clear answer to
question. The Petrograd Soviet feels that at last the moment has arrived when the power m
into the hands of the Soviets. This transfer of government will be accomplished by the All-R
Congress. Whether an armed demonstration is necessary will depend on... those who wish
interfere with the All-Russian Congress.. ..
“We feel that our Government, entrusted to the personnel of the Provisional Cabinet, is a p
helpless Government, which only awaits the sweep of the broom of History to give way to a
popular Government. But we are trying to avoid a conflict, even now, to-day. We hope that
Russian Congress will take... into its hands that power and authority which rests upon the o
freedom of the people. If, however, the Government wants to utilise the short period it is e
to live—twenty-four, forty-eight, or seventy-two hours—to attack us, then we shall answer w
counter-attacks, blow for blow, steel for iron!”
Amid cheers he announced that the Left Socialist Revolutionaries had agreed to send
representatives into the Military Revolutionary Committee....
As I left Smolny, at three o'clock in the morning, I noticed that two rapid-firing guns had bee
mounted, one on each side of the door, and that strong patrols of soldiers guarded the gate
the near-by street-corners. Bill Shatov[12] came bounding up the steps. “Well,” he cried, “W
Kerensky sent the yunkers to close down our papers, Soldat and Rabotchi Put. But our tro
down and smashed the Government seals, and now we're sending detachments to seize th
bourgeois newspaper offices!” Exultantly he slapped me on the shoulder, and ran in....
[12] Well known in the American labor movement.
On the morning of the 6th I had business with the censor, whose office was in the Ministry
Foreign Affairs. Everywhere, on all the walls, hysterical appeals to the people to remain “ca
Polkovnikov emitted prikaz after prikaz:
I order all military units and detachments to remain in their barracks until further orders from
Staff of the Military District. ... All officers who act without orders from their superiors will be
martialled for mutiny. I forbid absolutely any execution by soldiers of instructions from othe
The morning papers announced that the Government had suppressed the papers Novaya
Zhivoye Slovo, Rabotchi Put and Soldat, and decreed the arrest of the leaders of the Petro
Soviet and the members of the Military Revolutionary Committee....
As I crossed the Palace Square several batteries of yunker artillery came through the Red
jingling trot, and drew up before the Palace. The great red building of the General Staff was
unusually animated, several armoured automobiles ranked before the door, and motors ful
officers were coming and going.. .. The censor was very much excited, like a small boy at a
Kerensky, he said, had just gone to the Council of the Republic to offer his resignation. I hu
down to the Marinsky Palace, arriving at the end of that passionate and almost incoherent
Kerensky's, full of self-justification and bitter denunciation of his enemies.
“I will cite here the most characteristic passage from a whole series of articles published in
Put by Ulianov-Lenin, a state criminal who is in hiding and whom we are trying to find.... Th
criminal has invited the proletariat and the Petrograd garrison to repeat the experience of th
18th of July, and insists upon the immediate necessity for an armed rising. ... Moreover, oth
Bolshevik leaders have taken the floor in a series of meetings, and also made an appeal to
immediate insurrection. Panicularly should be noticed the activity of the present president o
Petrograd Soviet, Bronstein-Trotzky....
“I ought to bring to your notice... that the expressions and the style of a whole series of arti
Rabotchi Put and Soldat resemble absolutely those of Novaya Rus. ... We have to do not s
with the movement of such and such political party, as with the exploitation of the political i
and criminal instincts of a part of the population, a sort of organisation whose object it is to
in Russia, cost what it may, an inconscient movement of destruction and pillage; for given
of mind of the masses, any movement at Petrograd will be followed by the most terrible ma
which will cover with eternal shame the name of free Russia. ...
“... By the admission of Ulianov-Lenin himself, the situation of the extreme left wing of the S
Democrats in Russia is very favourable.” (Here Kerensky read the following quotation from
Think of it!... The German comrades have only one Liebknecht, without
newspapers, without freedom of meeting, without a Soviet. ... They are opposed by the inc
hostility of all classes of society—and yet the German comrades try to act; while we, having
of newspapers, freedom of meeting, the majority of the Soviets, we, the best-placed interna
proletarians of the entire world, can we refuse to support the German revolutionists and
insurrectionary organisations?...
Kerensky then continued:
“The organisers of rebellion recognise thus implicitly that the most perfect conditions for the
action of a political party obtain now in Russia, administered by a Provisional Government
head of which is, in the eyes of this party, ‘a usurper and a man who has sold himself to the
bourgeoisie, the Minister-President Kerensky. ’
“... The organisers of the insurrection do not come to the aid of the German proletariat, but
German governing classes, and they open the Russian front to the iron fists of Wilhelm and
friends. ... Little matter to the Provisional Government the motives of these people, little ma
they act consciously or unconsciously; but in any case, from this tribune, in full consciousn
responsibility, I quality such acts of a Russian political party as acts of treason to Russia!
“... I place myself at the point of view of the Right, and I propose immediately to proceed to
investigation and make the necessary arrests.” (Uproar from the Left.) “Listen to me!” he cr
powerful voice. “At the moment when the state is in danger, because of conscious or uncon
treason, the Provisional Government, and myself among others, prefer to be killed rather th
the life, the honour and the independence of Russia. ”
At this moment a paper was handed to Kerensky.
“I have just received the proclamation which they are distributing to the regiments. Here is
contents.” Reading: “’The Petrograd Soviet o[ Workers’ and Soldiers’Deputies is menaced.
immediately the regiments to mobilise on a war [ooting and tO aWait new orders. All delay
executiOR 0[ this order will be considered as an act o[treason to the devolution. The Milita
Revolutionary Committee. For the President, PodvoiSkf. The Secretary, Antonov.’
“In reality, this is an attempt to raise the populace against the existing order of things, to br
Constituent and to open the front to the regiments of the iron fist of Wilhelm. ...
“I say ‘populace’ intentionally, because the conscious democracy and its Tsay-ee- kah, all
organisations, all that free Russia glorifies, the good sense, the honour and the conscience
great Russian democracy, protests against these things. ...
“I have not come here with a prayer, but to state my firm conviction that the Provisional Go
which defends at this moment our new liberty—that the new Russian state, destined to a b
future, will find unanimous support except among those who have never dared to face the t
“... The Provisional Government has never violated the liberty of all citizens of the State to
political rights.... But now the Provisional Government.... declares: in this moment those ele
the Russian nation, those groups and parties who have dared to lift their hands against the
of the Russian people, at the same time threatening to open the front to Germany, must be
liquidated with decision!...
“Let the population of Petrograd understand that it will encounter a firm power, and perhaps
last moment good sense, conscience and honour will triumph in the hearts of those who sti
possess them ”
All through this speech, the hall rang with deafening clamour. When the Minister-Presiden
stepped down, pale-faced and wet with perspiration, and strode out with his suite of officer
speaker after speaker from the Left and Centre attacked the Right, all one angry roaring. E
Socialist Revolutionaries, through Gotz:
“The policy of the Bolsheviki is demagogic and criminal, in their exploitation of the popular
discontent. But there is a whole series of popular demands which have received no satisfa
to now.... The questions of peace, land and the democratization of the army ought to be sta
such a fashion that no soldier, peasant or worker would have the least doubt that our Gove
attempting, firmly and infallibly, to solve them.. ..
“We Mensheviki do not wish to provoke a Cabinet crisis, and we are ready to defend the Pr
Government with all our energy, to the last drop of our
blood—if only the Provisional Government, on all these burning questions, will speak the cl
precise words awaited by the people with such
impatience. ”
Then Martov, furious:
“The words of the Minister-President, who allowed himself to speak of ‘populace’ when it is
of the movement of important sections of the proletariat and the army—although led in the
direction—are nothing but an incitement to civil war.”
The order of the day proposed by the Left was voted. It amounted practically to a vote of la
1. The armed demonstration which has been preparing for some days past has for its objec
d'etat, threatens to provoke civil war, creates conditions favourable to pogroms and
counterrevolution, the mobilization of counter- revolutionary forces, such as the Black Hund
which will inevitably bring about the impossibility of convoking the Constituent, will cause a
catastrophe, the death of the Revolution, paralyse the economic life of the country and des
2. The conditions favourable to this agitation have been created by delay in passing urgent
measures, as well as objective conditions caused by the war and the general disorder. It is
necessary before everything to promulgate at once a decree transmitting the land to the pe
Land Committees, and to adopt an energetic course of action abroad in proposing to the A
proclaim their peace terms and to begin peace-parleys;
3. To cope with Monarchist manifestations and pogromist movements, it is indispensable to
immediate measures to suppress these movements, and for this purpose to create at Petro
Committee of Public Safety, composed of representatives of the Municipality and the organ
revolutionary democracy, acting in contact with the Provisional Government....
It is interesting to note that the Mensheviki and Socialist Revolutionaries all rallied to this
resolution.... When Kerensky saw it, however, he summoned Avksentiev to the Winter Pala
explain. If it expressed a lack of confidence in the Provisional Government, he begged Avk
to form a new Cabinet. Dan, Gotz and Avksentiev, the leaders of the “compromisers,” perfo
last compromise. ... They explained to Kerensky that it was not meant as a criticism of the
At the corner of the Morskaya and the Nevsky, squads of soldiers with fixed bayonets were
all private automobiles, turning out the occupants, and ordering them toward the Winter Pa
large crowd had gathered to watch them. Nobody knew whether the soldiers belonged to th
Government or the Military Revolutionary Committee. Up in front of the Kazan Cathedral th
thing was happening, machines being directed back up the Nevsky. Five or six sailors with
came along, laughing excitedly, and fell into conversation with two of the soldiers. On the s
bands were Avrora and Zaria Svobody,— the names of the leading Bolshevik cruisers of t
Fleet. One of them said, “Cronstadt is coming!”... It was as if, in 1792, on the streets of Pa
one had said: “The Marseillais are coming!” For at Cronstadt were twenty-five thousand sa
convinced Bolsheviki and not afraid to die....
Rabotchi i Soldat was just out, all its front page one huge proclamation: SOLDIERS! WORK
The enemies of the people passed last night to the offensive. The Kornilovists of the Staff a
to draw in from the suburbs yunkers and volunteer battalions. The Oranienbaum yunkers a
Tsarskoye Selo volunteers refused to come out. A stroke of high treason is being contemp
against the Petrograd
Soviet. ... The campaign of the counter-revolutionists is being directed against the All-Russ
Congress of Soviets on the eve of its opening, against the Constituent Assembly, against t
people. The Petrograd Soviet is guarding the Revolution. The Military Revolutionary Comm
directing the repulse of the conspirators' attack. The entire garrison and proletariat of Petro
ready to deal the enemy of the people a crushing blow.
The Military Revolutionary Committee decrees:
1. All regimental, division and battle-ship Committees, together with the Soviet Commissar
revolutionary organisations, shall meet in continuous session, concentrating in their hands
information about the plans of the conspirators.
2. Not one soldier shall leave his division without permission of the Committee.
3. To send to Smolny at once two delegates from each military unit and five
from each Ward Soviet.
4. All members of the Petrograd Soviet and all delegates to the All-Russian Congress are
immediately to Smolny for an extraordinary meeting.
Counter-revolution has raised its criminal head.
A great danger threatens all the conquests and hopes of the soldiers and workers. But the
the Revolution by far exceed those of its enemies.
The cause of the People is in strong hands. The conspirators will be crushed. No hesitation
doubts! Firmness, steadfastness, discipline, determination! Long live the Revolution!
The Military Revolutionary Committee.
The Petrograd Soviet was meeting continuously at Smolny, a centre of storm, delegates fa
asleep on the floor and rising again to take part in the debate, Trotzky, Kameniev, Volodars
speaking six, eight, twelve hours a day....
I went down to room 18 on the first floor where the Bolshevik delegates were holding caucu
harsh voice steadily booming, the speaker hidden by the crowd: “The compromisers say th
isolated. Pay no attention to them. Once it begins they must be dragged along with us, or e
their following. ”
Here he held up a piece of paper. “We are dragging them! A message has just come from
Mensheviki and Socialist Revolutionaries! They say that they condemn our action, but that
Government attacks us they will not oppose the cause of the proletariat!” Exultant shouting
As night fell the great hall filled with soldiers and workmen, a monstrous dun mass, deep-h
in a blue haze of smoke. The old Tsay-ee-kah had finally decided to welcome the delegate
new Congress which would mean its own ruin—and perhaps the ruin of the revolutionary o
had built. At this meeting, however, only members of the Tsay-ee-kah could vote....
It was after midnight when Gotz took the chair and Dan rose to speak, in a tense silence, w
seemed to me almost menacing.
“The hours in which we live appear in the most tragic colours,” he said. “The enemy is at th
of Petrograd, the forces of the democracy are trying to organise to resist him, and yet we a
bloodshed in the streets of the capital, and famine threatens to destroy, not only our homog
Government, but the Revolution itself....
“The masses are sick and exhausted. They have no interest in the Revolution. If the Bolshe
anything, that will be the end of the Revolution...” (Cries, “That's a lie!)” “The counter-revolu
are waiting with the Bolsheviki to begin riots and massacres.... If there is any vystuplennie
will be no Constituent Assembly....” (Cries, “Lie! Shame!”)
“It is inadmissible that in the zone of military operations the Petrograd garrison shall not su
the orders of the Staff.. .. You must obey the orders of the Staff and of the Tsay-ee-kah ele
you. All Power to the Soviets—that means death! Robbers and thieves are waiting for the
to loot and burn. ... When you have such slogans put before you, ‘Enter the houses, take a
shoes and clothes from the bourgeoisie—”’ (Tumult. Cries, “No such slogan! A lie! A lie!”) “
may stan differently, but it will end that way!
“The Tsay-ee-kah has full power to act, and must be obeyed.... We are not afraid of bayon
The Tsay-ee-kah will defend the Revolution with its body. ”
(Cries, “It was a dead body long ago!”)
Immense continued uproar, in which his voice could be heard screaming, as he pounded th
“Those who are urging this are committing a crime!”
Voice: “You committed a crime long ago, when you captured the power and turned it over t
Gotz, ringing the chairman's bell: “Silence, or I'llhave you put out!” Voice: “Try it!” (Cheers a
“Now concerning our policy about peace.” (Laughter.) “Unfortunately Russia can no longer
the continuation of the war. There is going to be peace, but not permanent peace—not a de
peace.... To-day, at the Council of the
Republic, in order to avoid bloodshed, we passed an order of the day demanding the surre
the land to the Land Committees and immediate peace negotiations. ...” (Laughter, and cri
Then for the Bolsheviki, Trotzky mounted the tribune, borne on a wave of roaring applause
into cheers and a rising house, thunderous. His thin, pointed face was positively Mephistop
its expression of malicious irony.
“Dan's tactics prove that the masses—the great, dull, indifferent masses—are absolutely w
(Titantic mirth.) He turned toward the chairman, dramatically. “When we spoke of giving the
the peasants, you were against it. We told the peasants, ‘If they don't give it to you, take i
yourselves!’ and the peasants followed our advice. And now you advocate what we did six
“I don't think Kerensky's order to suspend the death penalty in the army was dictated by hi
think Kerensky was persuaded by the Petrograd garrison, which refused to obey him....
“To-day Dan is accused of having made a speech in the Council of the Republic which pro
to be a secret Bolshevik. ... The time may come when Dan will say that the flower of the Re
participated in the rising of July 16th and 18th.... In Dan's resolution to-day at the Council o
Republic there was no mention of enforcing discipline in the army, although that is urged in
propaganda of his party. ...
“No. The history of the last seven months shows that the masses have left the Mensheviki.
Mensheviki and the Socialist Revolutionaries conquered the Cadets, and then when they g
power, they gave it to the Cadets.. ..
“Dan tells you that you have no right to make an insurrection. Insurrection is the right of all
revolutionists! When the down-trodden masses revolt, it is their right. ”
Then the long-faced, cruel-tongued Lieber, greeted with groans and laughter.
“Engels and Marx said that the proletariat had no right to take power until it was ready for it
bourgeois revolution like this.... the seizure of power by the masses means the tragic end o
Revolution.... Trotzky, as a Social Democratic theorist, is himself opposed to what he is no
advocating.. ..” (Cries,
“Enough! Down with him!”)
Martov, constantly interrupted: “The Internationalists are not opposed to the transmission o
to the democracy, but they disapprove of the methods of the Bolsheviki. This is not the mo
seize the power. ”
Again Dan took the floor, violently protesting against the action of the Military Revolutionary
Committee, which had sent a Commissar to seize the office of Izviestia and censor the pap
wildest uproar followed. Martov tried to speak, but could not be heard. Delegates of the Arm
the Baltic Fleet stood up all over the hall, shouting that the Soviet was their Government. ..
Amid the wildest confusion Ehrlich offered a resolution, appealing to the workers and soldie
remain calm and not to respond to provocations to demonstrate, recognising the necessity
immediately creating a Committee of Public Safety, and asking the Provisional Governmen
to pass decrees transferring the land to the peasants and beginning peace negotiations....
Then up leaped Volodarsky, shouting harshly that the Tsay-ee-kah, on the eve of the Cong
no right to assume the functions of the Congress. The Tsay-ee- kah was practically dead, h
and the resolution was simply a trick to bolster up its waning power....
“As for us, Bolsheviki, we will not vote on this resolution!” Whereupon all the Bolsheviki left
and the resolution was passed. ...
Toward four in the morning I met Zorin in the outer hall, a rifle slung from his shoulder.
“We're moving!” (See App. III, Sect. 7) said he, calmly but with satisfaction. “We pinched th
Assistant Minister of Justice and the Minister of Religions. They're down cellar now. One re
on the march to capture the Telephone Exchange, another the Telegraph Agency, another
Bank. The Red Guard is out. ”
On the steps of Smolny, in the chill dark, we first saw the Red Guard—a huddled group of b
workmen's clothes, carrying guns with bayonets, talking nervously together.
Far over the still roofs westward came the sound of scattered rifle fire, where the
yunkers were trying to open the bridges over the Neva, to prevent the factory workers and
of the Viborg quarter from joining the Soviet forces in the centre of the city; and the Cronsta
were closing them again....
Behind us great Smolny, bright with lights, hummed like a gigantic hive....
Chapter IV
The Fall of the Provisional Government
Wednesday, November 7th, I rose very late. The noon cannon boomed from Peter-Paul as
down the Nevsky. It was a raw, chill day. In front of the State Bank some soldiers with fixe
bayonets were standing at the closed gates.
“What side do you belong to?” I asked. “The Government?”
“No more Government,” one answered with a grin, “Slava Bogu! Glory to God!” That was a
get out of him....
The street-cars were running on the Nevsky, men, women and small boys hanging on ever
projection. Shops were open, and there seemed even less uneasiness among the street cr
than there had been the day before. A whole crop of new appeals against insurrection had
blossomed out on the walls during the night—to the peasants, to the soldiers at the front, to
workmen of Petrograd. One read:
O@ O%
T Fliifi
k the World, by John ReedThis eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it aw
not neutral. But in telling the story of those great days I have
conscientious reporter, interested in setting down the truth.
ORaliStS. Also called the Novaya Zhizn (New Life) group, from
paper which was its organ. A little group of intellectuals with a
ng-class, except the personal following of Maxim Gorky, its
same programme as the Mensheviki Internationalists, except
to be tied to either of the two great factions. Opposed the
e Soviet Government. Other representatives in this book: Avilov,
ouncil.” Under the Tsar the Imperial Council of State was called
evolution, however, the term Soviet has come to be associated
ted by members of working-class economic organisations—the
Peasants' Deputies. I have therefore limited the word to these
I have translated it “Council.”
every city, town and village of Russia—and in large cities, also
lso the oblastne or gubiernsky (district or provincial) Soviets,
e of the All-Russian Soviets in the capital, called from its initials
orkers' and of Soldiers' Deputies combined very soon after the
concerning their peculiar interests, however, the Workers' and
meet separately. The Soviets of Peasants' Deputies did not join
coup d'etat. They, too, were organised like the workers and
e of the All-Russian Peasants' Soviets in the capital.
ustrial in form, the Russian labour unions were still called
Bolshevik Revolution had from three to four million members.
n an All- Russian body, a sort of Russian Federation of Labour,
mittee in the capital.
were spontaneous organisations created in the factories by the
ustry, taking advantage of the administrative break-down
unction was by revolutionary action to take over and run the
ees also had their All-Russian organisation, with a Central
perated with the Trade Unions.
ughly “deliberative body.” The old Imperial Duma, which
ution, in a democratised form, died a natural death in
erred to in this book was the reorganised Municipal Council,
ment.” It was elected by direct and secret ballot, and its only
during the Bolshevik Revolution was the general decline in
entation in the fact of the growing power of organisations based
kers of Russia. The Red Guards were first formed during the
existence again in the days of March, 1917, when a force was
hat time they were armed, and all efforts of the Provisional
ore or less unsuccessful. At every great crisis in the Revolution
eets, untrained and undisciplined, but full of Revolutionary zeal.
ant masses, however, there was a stubborn feeling that the “first
ont the Army Committees were always running foul of officers
eir men like human beings; in the rear the Land Committees
ailed for trying to carry out Government regulations concerning
. I, Sect. 2) in the factories were fighting black-lists and
political exiles were being excluded from the country as
ases, men who returned from abroad to their villages were
utionary acts committed in 1905.
ople the “moderate” Socialists had one answer: Wait for the
eet in December. But the masses were not satisfied with that.
ell and good; but there were certain definite things for which the
and for which the revolutionary martyrs rotted in their stark
at must be achieved Constituent Assembly or no Constituent
s' Control of Industry. The Constituent Assembly had been
obably be postponed again, until the people were calm enough
At any rate, here were eight months of the Revolution gone,
heir fight with the officers, and learned self- government through
se unique Russian organisations, the Factory-Shop
nd strength and a realisation of their historical mission by
was learning to read, and reading—politics, economics, history
w. ... In every city, in most towns, along the Front, each political
es several. Hundreds of thousands of pamphlets were
ions, and poured into the armies, the villages, the factories, the
ong thwarted, burst with the Revolution into a frenzy of
one, the first six months, went out every day tons, car-loads,
e land. Russia absorbed reading matter like hot sand drinks
es, falsified history, diluted religion, and the cheap fiction that
heories, philosophy, the works of Tolstoy, Gogol, and Gorky.. ..
onger represented the rank and file of the Soviets, and had
ussian Congress of Soviets, due in September. It had no
f allowing it to be called. Its official organ, Izviestia (News),
Soviets was nearly at an end, (See App. II, Sect. 3) and that
s time, too, the new Government announced as part of its
organisations”—i.e. the Soviets.
ning the All-Russian Soviets to meet at Petrograd on
rnment of Russia. At the same time they withdrew from the
ing that they would not participate in a “Government of Treason
wever, did not bring tranquillity to the ill- fated Council. The
of power, became arrogant. The Cadets declared that the
clare Russia a republic. They demanded stern measures in the
rs' and Sailors' Committees, and denounced the Soviets. On
nsheviki Internationalists and the Left Socialist Revolutionaries
the peasants, and workers' control of industry—practically the
o the Cadets. Stooped over the desk of the tribune like the
ing in a voice so hoarse it could hardly be heard, he shook his
en left in each company. They must give us food and boots and
left only empty trenches. Peace or supplies... either let the
he Army ”
r. Terestchenko, has actually told the trenches the following:
es. (Not with the peoples, but with the Governments.)
to discuss the possibility or impossibility of a winter campaign.
ents of our Allies.
eficial and a very happy affair. (He did not mention the
Russia needs is a Strong Man. We should get our minds off the
he Germans.
v; and back of the bunglers are the German agents. Kornilov
oiced, implacable: “Now is the time for deeds, not words. The
st get used to it. They are trying to starve us and freeze us.
them know that they can go too far—that if they dare to lay
ll sweep them away like scum from the face of the earth!”
ded. Besides the two party papers, Rabotchi Put and Soldat
er for the peasants, Derevenskaya Byednota (Village Poorest),
on; and on October 17th, Rabotchi i Soldat. Its leading article
n the annihilation of the army and the
ety of Petrograd. Counter-revolutionists
. The peasants brought to desperation come out in open
ent authorities massacre them with punitive expeditions;
n, workmen are threatened with starvation. ... The bourgeoisie
nd discipline in the army.... Supported by the bourgeoisie, the
o break up the meeting of the Constituent Assembly. ...
t the people. He will destroy the country.... This paper stands
e poor classes, workers, soldiers and peasants. The people can
he Revolution... and for this purpose the full power must be in
stituent Assembly.
assage from that same paper—the organ of those Bolsheviki
n agents:
blood of millions of dead people, wants to push his army
German workmen, soldiers and peasants, who want peace not
st this damned war!
nary Government, which would speak really for the workmen,
would appeal over the heads of the diplomats directly to the
hes with proclamations in the German language. ... Our airmen
l over Germany....
f between the two sides of the chamber
n, for the Left Socialist Revolutionaries, “want to exploit the
bind Russia to the war-chariot of the Allies! The revolutionary
licy. ”
ing the Populist Socialists, spoke against giving the land to the
adets: “We must have immediately strong discipline in the army.
ave not ceased to insist that it is a crime to undertake social and
e committing that crime, and yet I am not the enemy of these
ho has the power. The trouble is not with the Government, but
won before any change—” At this, hoots and ironical cheers.
gogues!” The hall rocked with laughter. “Let us for a moment
ot no farther. A voice yelled, “Don't you wish we would!”
acle in those days. In the factories the committee-rooms were
me and went, the Red Guard[10] drilled. ... In all the barracks
g interminable hot arguments. On the streets the crowds
ouring in slow voluble tides up and down the Nevsky, fighting for
sed to such an extent that it was
. ... On the Sadovaya one afternoon I saw a crowd of several
death a soldier caught stealing.... Mysterious individuals
en who waited in queue long cold hours for bread and milk,
ed the food supply—and that while the people starved, the
ached to the
mandant's office
, correspondent of the American Socialist press, until
to Smolny Institute.
ate I saw Trotzky and his wife just ahead of me. They were
through his pockets, but could find no pass.
ow me. My name is Trotzky.” “You haven't got a pass,”
minal head. The Kornilovtsi are mobilising their forces in order to
oviets and break the Constituent Assembly. At the same time
pon the people of Petrograd for trouble and bloodshed. The
diers' Deputies takes upon itself the guarding of revolutionary
lutionary and pogrom attempts.
any violence or disorders. The population is invited to arrest
rs and take them to the Soviet Commissars at the nearest
ark Forces to make trouble on the streets of Petrograd,
nals will be wiped off the face of the earth!
n complete quiet and self-possession. The cause of order and
mmissars of the Military Revolutionary Committee....
viki had another historic meeting behind closed doors. Notified
tside the door; and Volodarsky as he came out told me what
k seats—empty since that first day when they left the Council,
went down the stairs it seemed to me that in spite of the bitter
gh world outside could penetrate this high, cold hall, and that
cked—on the same rock of War and Peace that had wrecked
grumbled as he put on my coat, “I don't know what is
Mensheviki and Bolsheviki and Trudoviki.... This Ukraine and
ists and the English imperialists. I am forty-five years old, and
words as in this place. ”
ky, a rat-faced individual in a dapper frock- coat, very influential
sked him what he thought of the much-talked-of Bolshevik
ered. “They will not dare, or if they dare they will soon be sent
ot be bad, for then they will ruin themselves and have no power
to you my plan for a form of Government to be submitted to the
m chairman of a commission appointed from this body, in
ernment, to work out a constitutional project. ... We will have a
s, such as you have in the United States. In the lower chamber
he upper, representatives of the liberal professions, zemstvos,
m the west, and the cold mud underfoot soaked through my
assed swinging up the Morskaya, tramping stiffly in their long
g chorus, such as the soldiers used to sing under the Tsar.. ..
the City Militiamen were mounted, and armed with revolvers in
eople stood silently staring at them. At the corner of the Nevsky
he Bolsheviki be Able to Hold the Power?” paying for it with one
all change. The usual street-cars crawled past, citizens and
ay to make Theodore P. Shonts green with envy.. .. Along the
m sold cigarettes and sunflower seeds. ...
owds were battling for the latest papers, and knots of people
s of appeals (See App. III, Sect. 6) and proclamations pasted
-kah, the Peasants' Soviets, the “moderate” Socialist parties,
cursing, beseeching the workers and soldiers to stay home, to
ay and night. As I came into the great hall Trotzky was just
d to have a vystuplennie. I can give a clear answer to that
that at last the moment has arrived when the power must fall
ansfer of government will be accomplished by the All-Russian
nstration is necessary will depend on... those who wish to
ss.. ..
sted to the personnel of the Provisional Cabinet, is a pitiful and
aits the sweep of the broom of History to give way to a really
ng to avoid a conflict, even now, to-day. We hope that the All-
hands that power and authority which rests upon the organised
he Government wants to utilise the short period it is expected
venty-two hours—to attack us, then we shall answer with
for iron!”
Left Socialist Revolutionaries had agreed to send
olutionary Committee....
e morning, I noticed that two rapid-firing guns had been
or, and that strong patrols of soldiers guarded the gates and
v[12] came bounding up the steps. “Well,” he cried, “We're off!
down our papers, Soldat and Rabotchi Put. But our troops went
seals, and now we're sending detachments to seize the
ntly he slapped me on the shoulder, and ran in....
or movement.
ness with the censor, whose office was in the Ministry of
e walls, hysterical appeals to the people to remain “calm.”
ents to remain in their barracks until further orders from the
cers who act without orders from their superiors will be court-
ely any execution by soldiers of instructions from other
the Government had suppressed the papers Novaya Rus,
dat, and decreed the arrest of the leaders of the Petrograd
ry Revolutionary Committee....
ral batteries of yunker artillery came through the Red Arch at a
Palace. The great red building of the General Staff was
d automobiles ranked before the door, and motors full of
he censor was very much excited, like a small boy at a circus.
he Council of the Republic to offer his resignation. I hurried
g at the end of that passionate and almost incoherent speech of
d bitter denunciation of his enemies.
ic passage from a whole series of articles published in Rabotchi
l who is in hiding and whom we are trying to find.... This state
d the Petrograd garrison to repeat the experience of the 16th-
mediate necessity for an armed rising. ... Moreover, other
or in a series of meetings, and also made an appeal to
hould be noticed the activity of the present president of the
the expressions and the style of a whole series of articles in
bsolutely those of Novaya Rus. ... We have to do not so much
political party, as with the exploitation of the political ignorance
population, a sort of organisation whose object it is to provoke
scient movement of destruction and pillage; for given the state
nt at Petrograd will be followed by the most terrible massacres,
he name of free Russia. ...
n himself, the situation of the extreme left wing of the Social
ble.” (Here Kerensky read the following quotation from Lenin's
e thus implicitly that the most perfect conditions for the free
n Russia, administered by a Provisional Government at the
arty, ‘a usurper and a man who has sold himself to the
erensky. ’
do not come to the aid of the German proletariat, but of the
open the Russian front to the iron fists of Wilhelm and his
onal Government the motives of these people, little matter if
y; but in any case, from this tribune, in full consciousness of my
Russian political party as acts of treason to Russia!
of the Right, and I propose immediately to proceed to an
y arrests.” (Uproar from the Left.) “Listen to me!” he cried in a
n the state is in danger, because of conscious or unconscious
, and myself among others, prefer to be killed rather than betray
ence of Russia. ”
to Kerensky.
n which they are distributing to the regiments. Here is the
Soviet o[ Workers’ and Soldiers’Deputies is menaced. We order
se on a war [ooting and tO aWait new orders. All delay or non-
dered as an act o[treason to the devolution. The Military
esident, PodvoiSkf. The Secretary, Antonov.’
the populace against the existing order of things, to break the
he regiments of the iron fist of Wilhelm. ...
se the conscious democracy and its Tsay-ee- kah, all the Army
rifies, the good sense, the honour and the conscience of the
gainst these things. ...
but to state my firm conviction that the Provisional Government,
w liberty—that the new Russian state, destined to a brilliant
xcept among those who have never dared to face the truth....
never violated the liberty of all citizens of the State to use their
onal Government.... declares: in this moment those elements of
d parties who have dared to lift their hands against the free will
me threatening to open the front to Germany, must be
as been preparing for some days past has for its object a coup
creates conditions favourable to pogroms and
counter- revolutionary forces, such as the Black Hundreds,
mpossibility of convoking the Constituent, will cause a military
ion, paralyse the economic life of the country and destroy
ence, or I'llhave you put out!” Voice: “Try it!” (Cheers and
pend the death penalty in the army was dictated by his ideals. I
e Petrograd garrison, which refused to obey him....
ade a speech in the Council of the Republic which proves him
may come when Dan will say that the flower of the Revolution
and 18th.... In Dan's resolution to-day at the Council of the
forcing discipline in the army, although that is urged in the
nths shows that the masses have left the Mensheviki. The
ionaries conquered the Cadets, and then when they got the
ery late. The noon cannon boomed from Peter-Paul as I went
day. In front of the State Bank some soldiers with fixed
d gates.
d. “The Government?”
ed with a grin, “Slava Bogu! Glory to God!” That was all I could
rvously. “Go away, comrade, you'll get hurt. They will come
he Admiralty.
“but the fine traditions of the Russian army are broken down.
ents in the officers' training schools. But are they gentlemen?
s to the ranks, to any soldier who could pass an examination.
are contaminated by the Revolution. ”
e subject. “I am very anxious to go away from Russia. I have
an army. Will you please go to your Consul and make
dress.” In spite of our protestations he wrote it on a piece of
nce. I have it still—“Oranien-baumskaya Shkola
” he went on, as he guided us through the rooms and explained
decided to remain loyal to the Government.”
here they won't be hurt if any trouble comes.” He sighed. “It is
-fire not far off. Out on the Square all the people began to run,
oshfchiki, standing on the corners, galloped in every direction.
g here and there, grabbing up guns, rifle-belts and shouting,
or Party).
two thousand citizens had gathered, staring up at the roof of a
lowed and waned.
it. “It is a provocator. Presently he will fire on the people. ...”
o investigate.
d with lights as we drove up, and from every street converged
dim in the gloom. Automobiles and motorcycles came and went;
oured automobile, with two red flags flying from the turret,
was cold, and at the outer gate the Red Guards had built
ate, too, there was a blaze, by the light of which the sentries
oked us up and down. The canvas covers had been taken off
of the doorway, and the ammunition-belts hung snakelike from
ed cars stood under the trees in the court-yard, engines going.
s roared with the thunder of feet, calling, shouting.... There was
owd came pouring down the staircase, workers in black blouses
em with guns slung over their shoulders, soldiers in rough dirt-
nched flat, a leader or so—Lunatcharsky, Kameniev— hurrying
ng at once, with harassed anxious faces, and bulging portfolios
meeting of the Petrograd Soviet was over. I stopped Kameniev
de, vivacious face set close to his shoulders. Without preface
resolution just passed:
d Soldiers' Deputies, saluting the victorious Revolution of the
articularly emphasises the unity, organisation, discipline, and
masses in this rising; rarely has less blood been spilled, and
so well.
ion that the Workers' and Peasants' Government which, as the
eated by the Revolution, and which will assure the industrial
mass of poor peasants, will march firmly toward Socialism, the
be spared the miseries and unheard-of horrors of war.
vernment will propose immediately a just and democratic peace
sed. The State Power has passed into the hands of the organ
nd Soldiers' Deputies, the Military Revolutionary Committee,
ograd proletariat and garrison.
fighting: immediate proposal of a democratic peace, abolition
nd, labor control over production, creation of a Soviet
s! Forward!” came from all sides. “We are ready to die, if you
d comrades! We bare our breasts to your guns!”
n, “I can't allow you to pass.” “What will you do if we go
ailor, evidently at a loss. “We can't let you pass. We will do
ritated. “We will spank you!” he cried, energetically. “And if
home now, and leave us in peace!”
anger and resentment, Prokopovitch had mounted some sort of
ade a speech:
orce is being used against us! We cannot have our innocent
ant men! It is beneath our dignity to be shot down here in the
ant by “switchmen” I never discovered.) “Let us return to the
d the Revolution!”
procession marched around and back up the Nevsky, always in
ge of the diversion we slipped past the guards and set off in the
ed into the Palace. There was still a great deal of coming and
ments in the vast edifice, of searching for hidden garrisons of
upstairs and wandered through room after room. This part of
other detachments from the side of the Neva. The paintings,
eat state apartments were unharmed; in the offices, however,
nsacked, the papers scattered over the floor, and in the living
ir coverings and ward-robes wrenched open. The most highly
orking people needed. In a room where furniture was
pping the elaborate Spanish leather upholstery from chairs.
with. ...
and red and gold uniforms stood nervously about, from force of
e, barin! It is forbidden
old and malachite chamber with crimson brocade hangings
sion all that day and night, and where the shveitzari had
he long table covered with green baize was just as they had left
eat was pen and ink and paper; the papers were scribbled over
ugh drafts of proclamations and manifestos.
their futility became evident, and the rest of the sheet covered
gns, as the writers sat despondently listening while Minister
hemes. I took one of these scribbled pages, in the hand writing
sional Government appeals to all classes to support the
Who are you? What is it?” The others held back, waiting. I
ng forward.
e officer, sweat standing out on his forehead. “I am Commissar
ee. Do you trust me? Well, I tell you that these passes are
signed to my pass!”
nd out through a door opening onto the Neva quay, before
ng through pockets... “You have narrowly escaped,” he kept
talion?” we asked.
y were all huddled up in a back room. We had a terrible time
y were in hysterics, and so on. So finally we marched them up
n a train for Levashovo, where they have a camp. (See App.