Beverage Containers

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Faculty of Engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering

ME 211 Engineering Materials


Student: Student # Date: Submit To:

Hafiz Adil Rasool 20062460 06 Nov 2009 Dr. Mahmut A. Sava


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A familiar item that is fabricated from three different material types is the beverage container. Beverages are marketed in aluminum (metal) cans, glass (ceramic) bottles, and plastic (polymer) bottles.

Aluminum Can

Glass bottle

PET bottle

In this project we analyze these beverage containers. We studied and compare their material properties and find out their advantages and disadvantages.

A beverage can or aluminum can is a container Manufactured from aluminum or steel designed to hold a single serving of a beverage. Sometimes beverage cans are also made of tin plate.

Material & Manufacturing of Cans (Ref # 1) Modern cans are generally produced through a mechanical cold forming process that starts with punching a flat blank from very stiff coldrolled sheet. This sheet is typically alloy 3104-H19 or 3004-H19, which is aluminum with about 1% manganese and 1% magnesium to give it strength and formability. The flat blank is first formed into a cup about three inches in diameter. This cup is then pushed through a different forming process called "ironing" which forms the can. The bottom of the can is also shaped at this time. The malleable metal deforms into the shape of an open-top can. With the sophisticated technology of the dies and the forming machines, the side of the can is significantly thinner than either the top and bottom areas, where stiffness is required. One canmaking production line can turn out up to 2400 cans per minute. Plain lids are stamped out from a coil of aluminum, typically alloy 5182-H48, and are transferred to another press that converts them to easy-open ends. The conversion press forms an integral rivet button in the lid and scores the opening, while concurrently forming the tabs in another die from a separate strip of aluminum. The tab is pushed over the button, which is then flattened to form the rivet that attaches the tab to the lid. Finally, the top rim of the can is trimmed and pressed inward or "necked" to form a taper conical where the can will later be filled and the lid (usually made of an aluminum alloy with magnesium) attached. Companies use "epoxy resin (made from BPA) to manufacture coatings for the interior of beverage cans. This is to keep the beverage from coming into contact with the metal from the can. Filling the Cans: (Ref # 1) Cans are filled before the top is crimped on. The key engineering issue is that can walls are about 90 Micrometers thick, so empty cans are light, weak, and easy to damage. The filling and sealing operations need to be extremely fast and precise. The filling head centers the can using gas pressure, purges the air, and lets the beverage flow down the sides of the can. The lid is placed on the can, and then crimped in two operations. A seaming head engages the lid from above while a seaming roller to the Side curls the edge of the lid around the edge of the can body. The head and roller spin the can in a complete circle to seal all the way around. Then a pressure roller with a different profile drives the two edges

together under pressure to make a gas-tight seal. Filled cans usually have pressurized gas inside, which makes them stiff enough for easy handling.

Advantages of Aluminum Cans: (Ref # 1&3) Lightweight and volume efficient, cans are an ideal choice for beverage packaging. Easy to handle and transport Easy to open Unbreakable Cools quickly in the fridge Lightweight and volume efficient Protects content from light and air Long shelf life Environmentally friendly Easy to recycle Maintains fizz and freshness Compact best cubic efficiency for carbonated drinks Fast and efficient filling Recycling cost is less than manufacturing a new can. 100% recyclable and can be recycled indefinitely Recycling aluminum saves 95 percent of the energy that is required to make cans from virgin bauxite ore. Unlike plastics, you dont have to remove paper labels or scrub the can clean. Recycling one ton of aluminum saves 10 cubic yards of landfill space. Aluminum Can Recycling offers huge reductions in energy consumption. Aluminum Can Recycling creates 97% less water pollution than producing new metal from ore. Aluminum Can Recycling can reduce labor costs associated with the handling of Aluminum Cans during the waste disposal process. Slim cans have half the carbon-dioxide transport-related emissions of equivalent 750-ml drink sold in glass bottles; Compared to glass bottles, to save one metric ton of carbondioxide, only 5,330 cases of 250-ml slim cans need to be sold.

Disadvantages of Aluminum Cans: (Ref # 1&3) One of the biggest disadvantages of recycling aluminum is its need to be separated from steel, plastic, and other debris.

When aluminum is continually recycled it loses it quality. Sorting is time consuming and costs money. Aluminum can be recycled forever. It never wears out.

Aluminum can

Glass is defined as an inorganic product of fusion which has been cooled through its glass transition to the solid state without crystallising. Glass is the oldest type of packaging for soft drinks, fruit juices and

waters. It is made by melting mixtures of various inorganic substances and then cooling the melt. Glass ingredients (Ref # 10) Pure silica (SiO2) has a "glass melting point" at a viscosity of 10 Pas (100 P)of over 2300 C (4200 F). While pure silica can be made into glass for special applications (see fused quartz), other substances are added to common glass to simplify processing. One is sodium carbonate (Na2CO3), which lowers the melting point to about 1500 C (2700 F) in soda-lime glass; "soda" refers to the original source of sodium carbonate in the soda ash obtained from certain plants. However, the soda makes the glass water soluble, which is usually undesirable, so lime (calcium oxide (CaO), generally obtained from limestone), some magnesium oxide (MgO) and aluminium oxide (Al2O3) are added to provide for a better chemical durability. The resulting glass contains about 70 to 74% silica by weight and is called a soda-lime glass.[8] Soda-lime glasses account for about 90% of manufactured glass. As well as soda and lime, most common glass has other ingredients added to change its properties. Lead glass, such as lead crystal or flint glass, is more 'brilliant' because the increased refractive index causes noticeably more "sparkles", while boron may be added to change the thermal and electrical properties, as in Pyrex. Adding barium also increases the refractive index. Thorium oxide gives glass a high refractive index and low dispersion, and was formerly used in producing high-quality lenses, but due to its radioactivity has been replaced by lanthanum oxide in modern eye glasses. Large amounts of iron are used in glass that absorbs infrared energy, such as heat absorbing filters for movie projectors, while cerium(IV) oxide can be used for glass that absorbs UV wavelengths (biologically damaging ionizing radiation).

Advantages of Glass Bottles: (Ref # 4&10)

Glass is chemically inert and will not affect quality, odor or taste of product. It is strong and rigid. Doesnt scratch or yellow It is 100% recyclable.

Unlike plastic, glass bottles retain carbonation very well. Long shelf life Maintains fizz and freshness Resistant To Heat Glass bottles are preserving a certain temperature for a longer time period. They do not dilate when it is too warm or shrink when exposed to lower temperature. Disadvantages of Glass Bottles: (Ref # 4&10)

Glass is breakable. Difficult in handling and transportation. Unlike PET, glass bottles are costly. Compare with PET and TIN it is heavier Glass must be sorted into colors to be recycled Glass contains high costs for the business point of view as well as transportation.

Glass bottle


PET is a polymer produced in granular form. Bottle making from PET is a two-step process: 1. A pre form is produced by high pressure injection molding at temperatures of about 275C. The mould is cooled with chilled water which solidifies the PET. The finish is produced very accurately in this injection mould. 2. The bottle is produced by reheating the pre form to about 90C and stretching it into a bottle mould. The pre form is stretched lengthwise with a metal rod and then stretched sideways using air pressure. These two operations must be done sequentially in order to get the biaxial orientation of the polymer chains. PET is a popular choice for packaging because it is lightweight, it is more resistant to light, humidity and impacts and it can be used for both still and carbonated products. However, PET is not a perfect gas barrier and carbonated drinks lose carbon dioxide through permeation through the PET bottles over a period of time. Depending on the conditions of storage, the loss of carbonation is about 15% over 90 days. PET is a thermoplastic polymer resin of the polyester family and is used in synthetic fibers; beverage, food and other liquid containers; thermoforming applications; and engineering resins often in combination with glass fiber. Depending on its processing and thermal history, polyethylene terephthalate may exist both as an amorphous (transparent) and as a semi-crystalline material. The semi crystalline material might appear transparent (spherulites < 500 nm) or opaque and white (spherulites up to a size of some m) depending on its crystal structure and spherulite size. Its monomer (bis--hydroxyterephthalate) can be synthesized by the esterification reaction between terephthalic acid and ethylene glycol with water as a byproduct, or by transesterification reaction between ethylene glycol and dim ethyl terephthalate with methanol as a byproduct. Polymerization is through a polycondensation reaction of the monomers (done immediately after desertification/transesterification) with ethylene glycol as the byproduct (the ethylene glycol is directly recycled in production). The majority of the world's PET production is for synthetic fibers (in excess of 60%) with bottle production accounting for around 30% of global demand. In discussing textile applications, PET is generally referred to as simply "polyester" while "PET" is used most often to refer to packaging applications.

PET Molecular formula Density amorphous Density crystalline Young's modulus(E) Tensile strength(t) Elastic limit notch test Glass temperature melting point Thermal conductivity linear expansion coefficient () Specific heat (c) Water absorption(ASTM) Refractive Index

(C10H8O4)n 1370 kg/m3 1455 kg/m3 28003100 MPa 5575 MPa 50150% 3.6 kJ/m2 75 C 260 C 0.24 W/(mK) 7105/K 1.0 kJ/(kgK) 0.16 1.5750

Advantages of PET bottles: (Ref # 6&8)

PET bottles have many advantages over other materials: PET bottles are cheap and reliable PET bottles are lightweight PET saves resources and finances Branded creation Protect material Ease in transportation / Handling Attract Customers Lightweight Unbreakable Transparent Eco-Friendly Recycle to fiber/Resin When burnt generate , heat and water only. Saving Energy for transportation PET is not a toxic

Disadvantages of PET bottles: (Ref # 6&8)

Plastic bottles are certainly ubiquitous. They bring us everything from household cleaners to soft drinks to things as readily available as water. These bottles, while convenient, do have disadvantages when used on as wide a scale. While most of these disadvantages are environmental in nature, the consequences could have widespread economic consequences in the long-term. Decomposition The main disadvantage of plastic bottles is the shear amount of time they take to decompose--the average plastic bottle takes 500 years. Plastic's decomposition can be affected by various factors, such as the type of plastic, the climate and acids in the landfill; plastic still lasts a long time, filling landfills for an indefinite period. Difficult to Recycle Glass bottles can be melted and easily reused, as can tin cans. Recycling plastic is not so simple. Much of the plastic placed in recycling boxes is not recycled at all, as most plastic cannot be recycled. Those bottles that are recycled are not used to make new bottles. Instead, recycled plastic bottles are used to make non-recyclable products, such as T-shirts, plastic lumber or parking lot bumpers. This means more raw materials need to

be used to create new plastic bottles than is the case with easily recycled material, such as glass or tin. Hard to Reuse The standard disposable plastic bottle is meant for one use, not many. Recycled plastic bottles are not refilled in-mass the way glass drink bottles are, and flimsy plastic bottles do not lend themselves well to athome re-usage. Non-renewable Plastic is manufactured using oil by-products and natural gas, materials that could be used in numerous other applications or conserved were plastic usage lower. Natural gas, for example, can be used to heat houses and cook food. Using plastic in the volume we currently do reduces the availability of these resources, which are gone forever when used up. Threat to All Discarded Plastic usually ends up within marine sources. The Pacific Ocean has one of the largest dumping grounds for plastics, unknown numbers of sea birds marine mammals and fish ingest plastics which causes a variety of negative health effects.

PET Bottle

A familiar item that is fabricated from three different material types is the beverage container. Beverages are marketed in aluminum (metal) cans, glass (ceramic) bottles, and plastic (polymer) bottles. In this project we analyze these beverage containers. We studied and compare their material properties and find out some results. Usage of glass bottles are better for health issues and it keep the drinks safe for long time but it is costly and heavy in weight compare to others. But it is breakable so it is difficult in handling. It can be reuse and recyclable 100%. Aluminum cans are commonly use in beverage industries. It also has a good properties like, light weight, unbreakable, easy in handling. it is also a costly compare to PET but fully recyclable. PET bottles are a light weight, cheaper, and good container for drinks but it cant be helpful for long time storage. And some time it is harmful for health. And it is not fully recyclable but now days they are making PET atmosphere friendly.


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