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JPJO 7 (1) (2022) 125-129

Jurnal Pendidikan Jasmani dan Olahraga

Available online at:
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/jpjo.v7i1.37112

Effects of Health-Related Fitness Model Implementation in Physical Education on

Active Lifestyle of Vocational High School Students
Sheila Dwi Loviani1*, Amung Ma’mun2, Nurlan Kusmaedi2
Jasmani, Kesehatan, dan Rekreasi, STKIP Sebelas April, Indonesia
Department of Sports Education, Postgraduate Program, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia
Article Info Abstract
Article History : This study aimed to determine the effect of implementing a health-related fitness mod-
Received July 2021 el on vocational high school students' physical and physical activity improvements.
Revised August2021 The method used in this study was the experimental method with a randomized control
Accepted January 2022 group pre-test post-test design. The sampling method used a random cluster sampling
Available online April 2022 technique by selecting two classes. One class was assigned as the experimental group,
while another class was assigned as the control group. Each class consisted of 33 stu-
dents aged 16-17 years. The instruments used in this study were the physical fitness
Keywords :
test instrument and the student physical activity test instrument. The data analysis em-
Active Lifestyle, Health-Related Fitness ployed SPSS 20 application. The result showed a relationship between student under-
Intructional Models standing of health-related fitness, student physical fitness, and their active lifestyle.
This study provides information that understanding health-related fitness has a signifi-
cant influence on physical fitness and active lifestyle. The implications of this study
emphasize that a good understanding of health-related fitness can have a significant
impact on oneself, friends, relatives, family, and society.

 Correspondence Address : Jl. Angkrek Situ No 19., Kab. Sumedang, Indonesia https://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/penjas/index
E-mail : sheila@stkip11april.ac.id

Sheila Dwi Loviani et al./ Jurnal Pendidikan Jasmani dan Olahraga 7 (1) (2022)

INTRODUCTION knowledge and habituation to practice physical activity

for children at school. This Health-Related Fitness
Good physical fitness is needed by all people,
model has a goal consisting of 5 stages that align with
from children to the elderly, regardless of social and
student development and growth.
intellectual status (Colin & Chris, 2002; Pavlova et al. l,
2014). Optimal physical fitness is the principal capital According to Rainey L Don dan Murray Tinker D
to carry out daily activities well. Physical health-related (1997) in the Foundations of Personal Fitness book,
fitness should also be carried out with predetermined HRF is a type of physical fitness emphasizing physical
standards, such as doing regular exercise activities three activity and exercise that will improve or help maintain
times a week to improve physical fitness (Ross et al. functional health. The five components of HRF are car-
1987) and schools' physical education programs to in- diovascular fitness, flexibility, muscle strength, muscle
crease awareness of adopting an active lifestyle. How- endurance, and body composition. This health-related
ever, to develop these lifelong active individuals, it is fitness model is expected to enable students to develop
important for students to understand the fitness concept skills, physical fitness, knowledge, attitudes, and behav-
and how physical activity contributes to health (Lazar iors, leading to an active and healthy lifestyle. This
and Kulinna 2002). learning model believes that the success of Physical
Education begins with the student's enjoyment in doing
However, based on current data from the Ministry
various physical activities. Therefore, various factors,
of National Education in 2002, almost a third of chil-
such as skills, physical fitness, attitudes, knowledge,
dren in Indonesia have the problem of being overweight
and daily behavior, must always be self-trust oriented to
or obese (Brusseau et al. 2014). Children with a low
establish a healthy, active lifestyle.
fitness level are more likely to become overweight or
obese over time than those with a high fitness level The characteristics of the HRF model emphasize
(Parker and Curtner-Smith 2005). In a study conducted knowledge, attitudes, and behavior, as well as an ongo-
by Ewrin and Castelli, healthy physical fitness was the ing program of activities, regular testing, and individual
only significant contributor to primary school student assessment. This research aimed to provide an overview
participation in physical activity out of several factors of the implementation of the Health-Related Fitness
tested. However, nowadays, children are about 15% model to promote fitness education adjusted to the cur-
less fit than their parents when they were younger. Life- riculum in Indonesia. The findings of the previous
style choices will provide a quality of life that allows study highlight that the Health-Related Fitness model
them to do things and avoid obesity (Prusak et al., provided health-related improvements for students
2016). Another study states that physical fitness has a (Brusseau et al., 2014). Based on the descriptions, the
positive relationship with the ability to concentrate on researchers intended to research the relationship be-
the subjects in highland areas (Nuryadi et al., 2018) tween Health-Related Fitness models and physical fit-
ness and active lifestyles of vocational students.
The school environment also plays a vital role in
providing opportunities for children to engage in physi-
cal activity (Jarani et al., 2015). However, the data of
(Diknas 1995, 2004; SDI 2005-2007) show that the
physical fitness status of Indonesian students and socie- The method used in this research was an experi-
ty is still low and tends to decline. Furthermore, it raises mental study with a one-group pretest-posttest design.
the question of the obstacles in learning Physical Edu- Participants
cation that does not encourage the student fitness im-
provement or how to make Physical Education learning Vocational High School students are 16-17 years,
that can have implications on the school-age children to a transitional phase from adolescence to adulthood. The
adulthood towards the habituation of an active and population of this study was Class XI students at Public
healthy lifestyle. Therefore, the Health-Related Fitness Vocational High School 1 Buahdua, Sumedang. The
(HRF) model can be an alternative learning model to be sampling technique used random cluster sampling so
integrated into Physical Education to provide that there were 33 people as samples.

Copyright © 2022, authors, e-ISSN : 2580-071X , p-ISSN : 2085-6180

Sheila Dwi Loviani et al./ Jurnal Pendidikan Jasmani dan Olahraga 7 (1) (2022)

Instrument ly distributed. Therefore, to process the TKJI data, the

non-parametric test was used, namely the Wilcoxon
The instrument used in this study was TKJI
test. Meanwhile, for IPAQ data, Sig. A pre-test was
(Indonesian Physical Fitness Test), taken from Heli-
0.012, and a Post-test was 0.085. Therefore, both of the
son's theory in Metzler's (2000) book about Physical
data were > 0.05. Therefore, it concluded that the IPAQ
Fitness. Meanwhile, this study employed the Interna-
data were normally distributed. Since the normality test
tional Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) to exam-
on the TKJI data showed that the data were not normal-
ine the active lifestyle. The adaptation of the IPAQ pro-
ly distributed, the homogeneity test was not considered.
cess and the research methods used in the development
Therefore, the next statistical test was the Wilcoxon
of IPAQ instruments are available at www.ipaq.ki.se
test. For the IPAQ data, the value based on the mean on
and Booth, M.L. (2000). Assessment of Physical Activ-
the homogeneity test was 0.194 > 0.05. Therefore, it
ity: An International Perspective. Research Quarterly
concluded that the variance of the IPAQ data was ho-
for Exercise and Sport, 71 (2): s114-20. Other scientific
publications and presentations on IPAQ use are summa-
rized on the website.
Procedure Table 1. First Output of Wilcoxon Test: Ranks

1. Preparation Stage Mean Sum of

Rank Ranks
a. Initial observations, including activities, Post-test TKJI Negative 0a 0,00 0,00
Experiment Ranks 33b 17 561
b. Direct observation of the learning process, Class – Pre-test Positive Ranks 0c
c. Determination of the research subject and subject TJKI Experi- Ties 33
matter to be developed in the learning model, ment Class Total
a. Post-test TKJI Experiment Class < Pre-test TKJI Experiment Class
d. Review of the literature related to the learning mod- b. Post-test TKJI Experiment Class > Pre-test TKJI Experiment Class
c. Post-test TKJI Experiment Class = Pre-test TKJI Experiment Class
el used and analysis of the concepts contained in
the subject to be delivered, and Table 2. Second Output of Wilcoxon Test: Statistical Test
e. Determining the indicators applied to assess the Post-test TKJI Experiment Class–
results of the learning model. Pre-test TKJI Experiment Class
Z -5.092a
2. Implementation Phase Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .000
Explanation about health-related program activi-
ties was given to students in advance. A complete ex- Based on Table 1, three things were found: nega-
planation of the learning program is attached in the ap- tive ranks or the difference (negative) between the un-
pendix. Knowledge In Action (KIA) of each lesson derstanding test results for the pre-test and post-test was
contained four activities organized in a sequential rota- 0 for the value of N, Mean rank, and Sum of ranks.
tion, removed the oldest activity, and followed each These 0 values indicated no decrease from the pre-test
lesson. value to the post-test value. Positive ranks or the differ-
Data Analysis ence (positive) between the understanding test results
for the pre-test and post-test found that there were 33
The data analysis process was carried out using positive data (N), meaning that 33 students experienced
SPSS Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS)
an increase in understanding seen from the pre-test
for Windows version 20.
score to the post-test score. The mean rank or the aver-
age increase was 17.00. Meanwhile, the number of pos-
itive ranks or Sum of ranks was 561.00. Ties are the
similarity of pre-test and post-test values. The ties value
Based on the Shapiro-Wilk normality test for TKJI was 0; thus, there was no equal value between pre-test
data, the value of Sig. The pre-test was 0.197, and the and post-test values.
Post-test was 0.005. Because the post-test data were
In the Wilcoxon test, the determination of the hy-
counted <0.05, the TKJI data were assumed not normal-

Copyright © 2022, authors, e-ISSN : 2580-071X , p-ISSN : 2085-6180

Sheila Dwi Loviani et al./ Jurnal Pendidikan Jasmani dan Olahraga 7 (1) (2022)

pothesis test is examined in the second output, the sta- present and the future. Exercise and fitness have an im-
tistical test. Based on Table 4, the Asymp value Sig. (2- portant role in health (Jackson 2006). Through quality
tailed) is 0.000. Because the value is 0.000 <0.05, Ha is Physical Education programs, it is possible to develop
accepted. It means a difference between the results of competence in various physical and sports skills
the physical fitness test (TKJI) of the pre-test and post- (Houston and Kulinna 2014). In addition, good physical
test data. It concludes that "there is an effect of using fitness will allow a person to have a good body mass
the Health-Related Fitness Model on the physical fit- index. Body mass index is believed to positively corre-
ness of XI Class students of Public Vocational High late with physical fitness in adolescents (Simbolon &
School Buahdua, Sumedang." Firdausi, 2019). Therefore, physical activity becomes
an essential requirement for humans to have a healthy
and ideal body condition (Ramania et al., 2020). The
DISCUSSION Health-Related Fitness (HRF) model in the Physical
The Health-Related Fitness (HRF) model is one of Education setting is a tool to realize the education goals
the programs in the Physical Education learning process so that generations are habituated with active and pro-
aimed at improving physical fitness as an instrument to ductive lifestyles. Physical fitness can be improved in
support daily life. Based on the results of data analysis, the school environment. School is an ideal and strategic
active lifestyle and physical fitness have a unidirection- place to instill an active lifestyle and develop awareness
al relationship; if the understanding of the HRF model to maintain fitness (Gustiana & Puspita, 2020).
increases, the active lifestyle will also increase; if the
understanding of the HRF model increases, physical
fitness will also increase; and if the active lifestyle in-
creases, the physical fitness will also increase (Filgueira The Health-Related Fitness Model's influence on
et al. l., 2021). These two aspects are closely related physical fitness and active lifestyle can be seen from
and influence each other. Therefore, a quality Physical the differences in the pre-test and post-test scores of the
Education program must be able to prepare individuals student TKJI and IPAQ tests. The results showed a sig-
for lifelong physical activity and healthy behavior. In nificant effect based on the tests carried out. Therefore,
line with the objectives, Physical Education encourages there is a significant influence of the understanding on
physically literate individuals who have the knowledge, applying an active lifestyle and the increased level of
skills, and beliefs to enjoy healthy physical activity physical fitness.
throughout their lives. (SHAPE America, 2015).
The fitness paradigm in Physical Education has
now changed along with the increasingly advanced
times (Emma et al. l., 2015). The current Physical Edu- The authors declared no conflict of interest.
cation learning process is not dominated by motions,
where the education outcomes or values that must be
achieved, especially in Physical Education, have been REFERENCES
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Copyright © 2022, authors, e-ISSN : 2580-071X , p-ISSN : 2085-6180


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