FIN 310 Project Guidelines Spring 2024
FIN 310 Project Guidelines Spring 2024
FIN 310 Project Guidelines Spring 2024
Important: The report and presentation are due May 10th 11:59pm and the report will be
presented in class on May 7th and 9th by group members (no absentees allowed). Presentation
and report in total will count for 20% of your final letter grade and they will be equally important
in grading. Presentations will be 15-minute including the Q&A session.
Project Description and Report Guidelines
The project for FIN 310 is a comprehensive financial statement analysis. You will work on the
project in groups of 3-5 students to conduct the analysis. Every group will choose a publicly
listed company with available financial information on CapitalIQ database except Colgate-
Palmolive as it is the company we analyzed throughout the semester.
We will use CapitalIQ to obtain the data for the project. Please watch the Capital IQ Intro
Session video that I posted on ilearn. It also covered data retrieval from CapitalIQ and we went
over it in class. If you have attended that class and watched the video, it will be very easy to do
the project.
Each individual is required to obtain a CapitalIQ account and learn how to retrieve data. Groups
are allowed to fire nonperforming members at any time over the semester. Nonperforming
members may receive zero credit if they do not present any deliverables on time for the project.
Data retrieval from Capital IQ or Finance Yahoo will be covered in HW and exams.
Project Requirements
The project contains two parts:
1 – a word document (the report). The word document contains the analysis of the data
retrieved from Capital IQ. Your report will refer to an excel file containing the data retrieved
from Capital IQ.
2 – an Excel file (the appendix). The excel file contains the data retrieved from Capital IQ.
1 - The report
a – cover page. Start with a cover page with all group members’ names, in alphabetical order.
b - Executive summary, 1 page. “We analyzed _________ as an equity analyst. Below are the
reasons for our recommendation, based on our analysis of the financial statements.” Name the
benchmark company. Summarize (in a couple of sentences each) the company’s relative
performance (vs benchmark and over time) in the following categories:
1. Short-term liquidity
2. Capital structure and solvency
3. Return on Investment & Operating Performance Ratios
4. Asset utilization
5. Valuation
6. Reasons for relative performance differences between your company and the
benchmarks (from Dupont Analysis)
End the executive summary with your recommendation (strong buy, buy, hold, sell).
c - Report: following executive summary
1. Start with an introduction (one paragraph, current stock price, what the company does).
2. Corporate governance of the company (one paragraph).
3. Ownership of the company (top stockholders of the company) (one paragraph).
4. Executive compensation for the company executives (one or two paragraphs).
5. Describe the benchmark, why you chose the benchmark (refer to the criteria that you
select), and any limitations of the benchmark you chose.
6. Financial Statement Analysis: Basically, here you redo every analysis you have done
each week for Colgate-Palmolive throughout the semester for your selected company and
the benchmark. Please analyze two ratios in each of the following financial ratio
categories (a-e).
a. Short-term liquidity
b. Capital structure and solvency
c. Return on Investment & Operating Performance Ratios
d. Asset utilization
e. Valuation
f. Reasons for relative performance differences between your company and the
benchmarks (from Dupont Analysis)
7. Analyst recommendation (1 paragraph, strong buy, buy, hold, sell)
8. Suggestions for improvement of performance (a couple paragraphs, what can the
managers do better?)
9. Conclusions (this will basically correspond to the executive summary
2 - Excel file (appendix) with all categories of financial statement analysis data