WFRP4. GrailDamsel
WFRP4. GrailDamsel
WFRP4. GrailDamsel
‘Why weep, old crone? Your daughter shall know such serenity that your
GRAIL DAMSEL simple mind cannot even conceive. Bring forth tears of joy.’
Human, Wood Elf – Enchantress Denise de Bowen on taking a babe born with the
You provide succour to Bretonnia’s folk, serving the Lady of the Lake
and her earthly representative, the Fay Enchantress. Grail Damsels practice their own brand of magic that Imperial
wizards claim is close to witchcraft. In Bretonnia the power of
In Bretonnia children who show evidence of magical aptitude are
Grail Damsels is equated more with the miracles and prayers of
taken by the Fay Enchantress and her servitors to be trained in the
priests than the castings of arcane magic. The source of this magic
mysterious Otherworld. Only girls return, as beautiful, perennially
lies somewhere in between the Divine and the Arcane, with the
youthful maidens. These Grail Damsels serve as the Lady of the
Lady of the Lake training her damsels to channel the Winds of
Lake’s clergy, maintaining grail chapels, providing succour, advice
Magic, allowing humans to wield the complex Grail Magic.
and magical support to those in need.
Knowledge of this magic is the sole providence of the Cult of the
Grail Damsels are instantly recognisable from other Bretonnian
Lady of the Lake and its spells are a great secret. There are scur-
noblewomen as they grow their hair long and display it openly
rilous rumours of Grail Damsels that have gone rogue or fallen
rather than always cropping it or concealing it under elaborate
from grace that may be able to pass on this form of magic to the
hats. They exist outwith the social norms and are granted consider-
able freedom compared to Bretonnian noblewomen. None would
dare speak ill of a Grail Damsel. While there are few renowned for Grail Damsels, as the name would suggest, are exclusively female and
their promiscuity there are no tales of damsels bearing children. are drawn from lowborn and highborn Bretonnians alike who exhibit
the gift. Males taken by the Fay Enchantress are never seen again.
Career Path
aGrail Maiden — Silver 3
Skills: Animal Care, Channelling (Beasts, Grail, Heavens or
Life), Cool, Gossip, Heal, Language (Magick), Lore (Theol-
ogy), Melee (Basic)
Talents: Attractive, Petty Magic, Second Sight, Sixth Sense
Trappings: Robes, Holy Symbol of the Lady of the Lake,
Quarterstaff, Writing Kit