Lesson 10 Migration and Demography 1

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Migration and Demography

[ The Contemporary World ]
• The adaptation of populations to changing contexts has
always been important to human existence

• Today’s global reality demands no less

– Political, economic, and social issues and challenges contribute to

dramatic population shifts
Learning Outcomes
• At the end of this lesson, learners are expected to:

1. Define migration and demography;

2. Explain the causes of migration;
3. Discuss demographic factors; and
4. Evaluate the impact of globalization
Defining Migration
• Migration

– Movement of usually a large group of people to another place,

either permanently or semi-permanently

– People who migrate include permanent settlers, temporary

workers, asylum seekers, and undocumented arrivals

– With the intention of short or long-term settlement

Defining Migration
• People can either:

– choose to move
• (voluntary migration)

– be forced to move
• (involuntary migration)
Defining Migration
• Scales of Migration

1. Intercontinental – moving between continents

2. Intracontinental – between countries on a single continent

3. Interregional – e.g. from rural to urban areas for better opportunities

Defining Migration
• Types of Migration
Internal Migration External Migration

Moving to a new home within the Moving to a new home in a

same state, country, or continent different state, country, or
Emigration Immigration

Leaving one country to move to Moving into a new country

Defining Migration
Population Transfer Impelled Migration

When a government forces a large Individuals are not forced out of

group of people out of a region their country, but leave because of
unfavorable situations
Step Migration Chain Migration

A series of shorter, less extreme A series of migration within a

migration from a person’s place of family or defined group of people;
origin to destination prospective migrants follow where
people they know live
Defining Migration
Return Migration Seasonal Migration

The voluntary movements of The process of moving for a

immigrants back to their place of period of time in response to
origin labor or climate conditions
Defining Migration
• People who migrate:

1. Emigrant – a person who is leaving one country to reside in another

2. Immigrant – a person is entering a country from another to take up new


3. Refugee – a person who is residing outside the country of his or her origin
due to fear of persecution
Defining Migration
• People who migrate:
4. Internally Displaced Person – a person who is forced to leave his or her
home region because of unfavorable conditions (political, social,
environmental, etc.) but does not cross any boundary

5. Migration Stream – a group migration from a particular country, region, or

city to a certain destination
Causes of Migration
• Reasons for migration (settlement in ‘distant’ land) in the

– Survival – largely true to primitive society

– Colonization

• At present?
Causes of Migration
• More migration now in an age of globalization? Causes?

– Push and pull factors

– “Greener pasture”

– Security and political stability

– Urbanization – due to influx of people from rural areas

Defining Demography
• Demography

– The study of the size, territorial distribution, and composition of

population, changes therein, and the components of such changes
Demographic Factors

Population Size Fertility Political/Institutional

Composition Mortality Factors
Distribution Migration Social/Psychological
Biological Factors

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