Me M5 Inflation
Me M5 Inflation
Me M5 Inflation
Inflation - Definition
⚫ Rise in general price level
⚫ Causes.
✔ due to expansion in the supply of money
✔ Increase in government expenditure for economic
✔ Use of resources for expanding capital goods for consumer
goods industries
✔ Hoarding, Black marketing
✔ Expansion of exports cause scarcity of goods for domestic use
How demand-pull inflation occurs
⚫ Leading to increased
⚫ Monetary Measures
⚫ Fiscal Measures
⚫ Other Measure
⚫ Control over Investments
⚫ Increases in Output/ Increase Production
⚫ Increased Imports
⚫ Public Distribution System
⚫ Rational Wage policy
⚫ Price Control
⚫ Rationing
Other Types of Inflation
1. Under production inflation
2. Inflation through devaluation
3. Deficit induced inflation
4. Sectorial demand shift inflation
5. Stagflation
6. Open inflation
7. Suppressed inflation
8. Creeping inflation
9. Walking or trotting inflation
10. Running inflation
11. Galloping inflation
12. Hyper inflation
1. Under Production Inflation
⚫ Unemployment
⚫ Effect on investment
⚫ Costs to debtors
Useful steps to control deflation
⚫ 2. Redistribution of Income:
⚫ 4. Subsidies:
⚫ 8. Credit Expansion: