OCR AS and A Level Mathematics Specification
OCR AS and A Level Mathematics Specification
OCR AS and A Level Mathematics Specification
Mathematics A
For first assessment in 2018
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However, registered centres for OCR are permitted to copy material from
OCR is an exempt charity. this specification booklet for their own internal use.
Disclaimer Specifications are updated over time. Whilst every effort is made to check all
documents, there may be contradictions between published resources and
the specification, therefore please use the information on the latest
specification at all times. Where changes are made to specifications these
will be indicated within the document, there will be a new version number
indicated, and a summary of the changes. If you do notice a discrepancy
between the specification and a resource please contact us at:
5 Appendices75
5a. Overlap with other qualifications 75
5b. Accessibility 75
5c. Mathematical notation 76
5d. Mathematical formulae and identities 81
Summary of updates 87
© OCR 2017
A Level in Mathematics A 1
1 Why choose an OCR A Level in Mathematics A?
We believe in developing specifications that help you • ExamBuilder – our new free online past papers
bring the subject to life and inspire your learners to service that enables you to build your own
achieve more. test papers from past OCR exam questions
can be found on the website at
We’ve created teacher-friendly specifications based http://www.ocr.org.uk/exambuilder
on extensive research and engagement with the
teaching community. They’re designed to be All A Level qualifications offered by OCR are
straightforward and accessible so that you can tailor accredited by Ofqual, the Regulator for qualifications
the delivery of the course to suit your needs. We offered in England. The accreditation number for
aim to encourage learners to become responsible for OCR’s A Level in Mathematics A is QN 603/1038/8.
their own learning, confident in discussing ideas,
innovative and engaged.
© OCR 2017
2 A Level in Mathematics A
1b. Why choose an OCR A Level in Mathematics A?
OCR A Level in Mathematics A is a coherent
course of study that supports the development
of the many disciplines that make use of quantitative
analysis, including those involving calculus.
of mathematically informed individuals. It encourages
learners to think and act mathematically, using This qualification is part of a wide range of OCR
mathematical skills and forms of communication to mathematics qualifications, which allows progression
analyse situations within mathematics and elsewhere. from Entry Level Certificate through GCSE to Core
Maths, AS and A Level.
The course provides a broad and widely applicable
base of mathematical knowledge, including rigorous We appreciate that one size doesn’t fit all so we offer
treatment of calculus and proof alongside statistics two suites of qualifications in mathematics and
and mechanics, preparing learners for a wide further mathematics.
range of destinations in Higher Education and
employment. Mathematics A builds on our existing popular course.
We’ve based the redevelopment of our current suite
OCR’s A Level in Mathematics A provides a around an understanding of what works well in
framework within which a large number of learners centres and have updated areas of content and
continue the subject beyond GCSE (9–1). It supports assessment where stakeholders have identified that
their mathematical needs across a broad range of improvements could be made. We’ve undertaken a
other subjects at this level and provides a basis for significant amount of consultation through our
subsequent quantitative work in a very wide range of mathematics forums (which include representatives
higher education courses and in employment. It also from learned societies, HE, teaching and industry)
supports the study of AS and A Level Further and through focus groups with teachers.
Mathematics B (MEI) has been developed in
OCR’s A Level in Mathematics A builds from GCSE collaboration with Mathematics in Education
(9–1) Level mathematics and introduces calculus and and Industry, and is based on the existing suite of
its applications. It emphasises how mathematical qualifications assessed by OCR. This is a well-
ideas are interconnected and how mathematics can established partnership which provides a firm
be applied to model situations mathematically using foundation for curriculum and qualification
algebra and other representations, to help make development. MEI is a long established, independent
sense of data, to understand the physical world and curriculum development body; in developing
to solve problems in a variety of contexts, including Mathematics B (MEI), MEI has consulted with
social sciences and business. It prepares learners for teachers and representatives from Higher Education
further study and employment in a wide range of to decide how best to meet the long term needs of
disciplines involving the use of mathematics. learners.
AS Level Mathematics A can be co-taught with the All of our specifications have been developed with
A Level as a separate qualification. It consolidates and subject and teaching experts. We have worked in
develops GCSE Level mathematics and supports close consultation with teachers and representatives
transition to higher education or employment in any from Higher Education (HE).
© OCR 2017
A Level in Mathematics A 3
Aims and learning outcomes
• extend their range of mathematical skills and • draw diagrams and sketch graphs to help
techniques explore mathematical situations and interpret
• understand coherence and progression in
mathematics and how different areas of • make deductions and inferences and draw
mathematics are connected conclusions by using mathematical reasoning
• apply mathematics in other fields of study and • interpret solutions and communicate their
be aware of the relevance of mathematics to interpretation effectively in the context of the
the world of work and to situations in society in problem
• read and comprehend mathematical
• use their mathematical knowledge to make arguments, including justifications of methods
logical and reasoned decisions in solving and formulae, and communicate their
problems both within pure mathematics and in understanding
a variety of contexts, and communicate the
mathematical rationale for these decisions • read and comprehend articles concerning
clearly applications of mathematics and communicate
their understanding
• reason logically and recognise incorrect
reasoning • use technology such as calculators and
computers effectively and recognise when such
• generalise mathematically use may be inappropriate
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4 A Level in Mathematics A
• a team of Subject Advisors, who can be • It will be a springboard for future progress and
contacted by centres for subject and achievement in employment and in a variety of
assessment queries. subjects in Higher Education.
This specification is: Teacher-centred
• It will allow learners to develop mathematical • OCR’s high-quality assessments are backed up by
independence built on a sound base of sound educational principles and a belief that the
conceptual learning and understanding. utility, richness and power of mathematics should
be made evident and accessible to all learners.
• OCR will target support and resources to
develop fluency, reasoning and problem solving • An emphasis on learning and understanding
skills. mathematical concepts underpinned by a sound,
reliable and valid assessment.
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A Level in Mathematics A 5
2 The specification overview
The subject content is divided into three areas: Pure Mathematics, Statistics and Mechanics. The Overarching
Themes must be applied, along with associated mathematical thinking and understanding, across the whole of
the subject content. See Section 2b.
Content Overview Assessment Overview
Pure Mathematics
Component 01 assesses content from
Pure Mathematics 100 marks of total
2 hour written paper A Level
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6 A Level in Mathematics A
2b. Content of A Level in Mathematics A (H240)
This A Level qualification builds on the skills, The expectation is that some assessment items
knowledge and understanding set out in the whole will require learners to use two or more content
GCSE (9–1) subject content for mathematics for first statements without further guidance. Learners are
teaching from 2015. All of this content is assumed, expected to have explored the connections between
but will only be explicitly assessed where it appears different areas of the specification.
in this specification.
Learners are expected to be able to use their 2
The content is arranged by topic area and exemplifies knowledge to reason mathematically and solve
the level of demand across two stages. The content problems both within mathematics and in context.
is shown in Section 2c in two columns, demonstrating Content that is covered by any statement may be
the progression across each topic. When this course required in problem solving, modelling and reasoning
is being co-taught with AS Level Mathematics A tasks even if that is not explicitly stated in the
(H230) the ‘Stage 1’ column indicates the common statement.
content between the two specifications and the
‘Stage 2’ column indicates content which is particular The large data set
to this specification. Statements have a unique The large data set (LDS) is a pre-released set or
reference code. For ease of comparison, planning sets of data that should be used as teaching material
and co-teaching the ‘Stage 1’ content statements throughout the course. This data set will be made
in this specification have reference codes available on the OCR website, along with a document
corresponding to the same statements in OCR’s AS giving the source(s) and associate metadata, and will
Level in Mathematics A (H230). The content in these remain for the life of the specification, unless the
statements is identical, but the exemplification may review process identifies a necessary change. Any
differ as appropriate to the qualification. change to the data set will be made before the
beginning of any given two year course and centres
The content is separated into three areas: Pure will be notified a year in advance.
Mathematics, Statistics and Mechanics. However,
links should be made between pure mathematics The purpose of the LDS is that learners experience
and each of statistics and mechanics and centres working with real data in the classroom and explore
are free to teach the content in the order most this data using appropriate technology. It is principally
appropriate to their learners’ needs. intended to enrich the teaching and learning of
statistics, through which learners will become familiar
Sections 1, 2 and 3 cover the pure mathematics,
with the context and main features of the data.
statistics and mechanics content of A Level
Mathematics. In our Further Mathematics
To support the teaching and learning of statistics with
specifications (H235 and H245) we have continued
the large data set, we suggest that the following
this numbering to sections 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 for the
activities are carried out during the course:
pure core, statistics, mechanics, discrete mathematics
and additional pure sections in order to facilitate the
1. Sampling: Learners should carry out sampling
teaching of both qualifications.
techniques, and investigate sampling in real
The italic text in the content statements provides world data sets including the LDS.
examples and further detail of the requirements of this
specification. All exemplars contained in the 2. Creating diagrams: Learners should use
specification under the heading “e.g.” are for illustration spreadsheets or statistical software to create
only and do not constitute an exhaustive list. The diagrams from data.
heading “i.e.” is used to denote a complete list. For the
avoidance of doubt an italic statement in square 3. Calculations: Learners should use appropriate
brackets indicates content which will not be tested. technology to perform statistical calculations.
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A Level in Mathematics A 7
4. Hypothesis testing: Learners should use the learners’ work with the prescribed large data
LDS as the population against which to test set(s) will help them understand the
hypotheses based on their own sampling. background context and/or
5. Repeated sampling: Learners should use the • require learners to interpret data in ways which
LDS as a model for the population to perform would be too demanding in an unfamiliar context.
repeated sampling experiments to investigate
Knowledge of the actual data within the large data
2 variability and the effect of sample size.
set(s) will not be required in the examination, nor will
6. Modelling: Learners should use the LDS to there be a requirement to enter large amounts of
provide estimates of probabilities for data into a calculator during the examination.
Learners will NOT have a printout of the pre-release
7. Exploratory data analysis: Learners should data set available to them in the examination but
explore the LDS with both quantitative and selected data or summary statistics from the data set
visual techniques to develop insight into may be provided within the examination paper.
underlying patterns and structures, suggest
hypotheses to test and to provide a motivation Use of technology
for further data collection. It is assumed that learners will have access to
appropriate technology when studying this
Relation of the large data set(s) to the examination course such as mathematical and statistical graphing
In the assessment it will be assumed that learners tools and spreadsheets. When embedded in the
are familiar with the contexts covered by this data mathematics classroom, the use of technology
set, and any related metadata, and that they have can facilitate the visualisation of abstract concepts
used a spreadsheet or other statistical software when and deepen learners’ overall understanding. The
working with the data in the classroom. primary use of technology at this level is to offload
computation and visualisation, to enable learners
Questions will be set in component 02 that give a to investigate and generalise from patterns. Learners
material advantage to learners who have studied, are not expected to be familiar with any particular
and are familiar with, the large data set(s). software, but they are expected to be able to use
They might include questions/tasks which: their calculator for any function it can perform, when
• assume familiarity with the terminology and
To support the teaching and learning of mathematics
contexts of the data, and do not explain them
using technology, we suggest that the following
in a way which provides learners who have not
activities are carried out during the course:
studied the prescribed large data set(s) the
same opportunities to access marks as learners 1. Graphing: Learners should use graphing
who have studied them software to investigate families of curves.
• use summary statistics or selected data from, 2. Computer algebra system (CAS): Learners could
or statistical diagrams based on, the prescribed use software to generate graphs and geometric
large data set(s) – these might be provided diagrams, to evaluate derivatives and integrals,
within the question/task, or as stimulus to solve equations, to perform symbolic
materials manipulation and as an investigative problem
solving tool.
• are based on samples related to the contexts
in the prescribed large data set(s), where 3. Spreadsheets: Learners should use spreadsheet
software to investigate numerical methods,
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8 A Level in Mathematics A
sequences and series, for modelling in statistics Formulae
and mechanics, and to generate tables of Learners will be given formulae in each assessment
values for functions. on pages 2 and 3 of the question paper. See Section
5d for a list of these formulae.
4. Statistics: Learners should use spreadsheets or
statistical software to generate tables and Simplifying expressions
diagrams, and to perform standard statistical It is expected that learners will simplify algebraic
calculations. and numerical expressions when giving their final
answers, even if the examination question does 2
5. Mechanics: Learners should use spreadsheet not explicitly ask them to do so.
software and computer algebra software
for modelling, including kinematics and 3
• 8 0 should be written as 40 3,
projectiles. 2
^1 + 2x h- 2 # 2 should be written as either
Use of calculators •
Learners are permitted to use a scientific or graphical 1
^1 + 2x h- 2 or
2. Candidates are advised to write down the e.g. Find the exact solution of 3x = 2.
values of any parameters and variables that 2
The correct answer is x = or x = 0.6, o not x = 0.67 or
they input into the calculator. Candidates are 3
not expected to write down data transferred similar.
from question paper to calculator.
Show that
3. Correct mathematical notation (rather than Learners are given a result and have to show that
“calculator notation”) should be used; incorrect it is true. Because they are given the result, the
notation may result in loss of marks. explanation has to be sufficiently detailed to
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A Level in Mathematics A 9
cover every step of their working. Example 3:
e.g. Show that the curve y = x ln x has a stationary Solve the equation 3 sin 2x = cos x for 0c # x # 180c.
JK NO The answer is x = 9.59°, 90° or 170° (to 3sf), but the
KK 1 1 OO
point KK e , - e OO. learner must include … 6 sin x cos x - cos x = 0,
K O 1
L P cos x (6 sin x - 1) = 0, cos x = 0 or sin x = 6 .
A graphical method which investigated the
This command word indicates that justification should
intersections of the curves y = 3 sin 2x and y = cos x
be given for any results found, including working
2 where appropriate.
would be acceptable to find the solution at 90° if
carefully verified, but the other two solutions must
Give, State, Write down be found analytically, not numerically.
These command words indicate that neither working
nor justification is required. Hence
When a question uses the word ‘hence’, it is an
In this question you must show detailed reasoning. indication that the next step should be based on
When a question includes this instruction learners what has gone before. The intention is that learners
must give a solution which leads to a conclusion should start from the indicated statement.
showing a detailed and complete analytical method. e.g. You are given that f (x) = 2x 3 - x 2 - 7x + 6. Show
Their solution should contain sufficient detail to allow that (x - 1) is a factor of f (x). Hence find the three
the line of their argument to be followed. This is not a factors of f (x).
restriction on a learner’s use of a calculator when
tackling the question, e.g. for checking an answer or Hence or otherwise is used when there are multiple
evaluating a function at a given point, but it is a ways of answering a given question. Learners starting
restriction on what will be accepted as evidence of a from the indicated statement may well gain some
complete method. In these examples variations in the information about the solution from doing so, and
structure of the answers are possible, for example
may already be some way towards the answer. The
using a different base for the logarithms in example 1,
command phrase is used to direct learners towards
and different intermediate steps may be given.
using a particular piece of information to start from
Example 1: or to a particular method. It also indicates to learners
that valid alternate methods exist which will be
Use logarithms to solve the equation 3 2x + 1 = 4 100,
given full credit, but that they may be more time-
giving your answer correct to 3 significant figures.
consuming or complex.
The answer is x = 62.6, but the learner must include
e.g. Show that (cos x + sin x) 2 = 1 + sin 2x for all x.
the steps log 3 2x + 1 = log 4 100, (2x + 1) log 3 = log 4 100
and an intermediate evaluation step, for example Hence or otherwise, find the derivative of
2x + 1 = 126.18... . Using the solve function on a (cos x + sin x) 2.
calculator to skip one of these steps would not result
in a complete analytical method. You may use the result
When this phrase is used it indicates a given result
Example 2: that learners would not normally be expected to
know, but which may be useful in answering the
Evaluate yx 3 + 4x 2 - 1 dx. question.
The answer is 12 , but the learner must include at The phrase should be taken as permissive; use of the
given result is not required.
KK 1 4 4 3
least K 4 x + 3 x - xOO and the substitution 4 + 3 - 1.
1 4
KK OO Plot
Just writing down the P0 answer using the definite Learners should mark points accurately on the graph
integral function on a calculator would therefore in their printed answer booklet. They will either have
not be awarded any marks. been given the points or have had to calculate them.
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10 A Level in Mathematics A
They may also need to join them with a curve or a Draw
straight line, or draw a line of best fit through them. Learners should draw to an accuracy appropriate to
e.g. Plot this additional point on the scatter diagram. the problem. They are being asked to make a sensible
judgement about this.
Sketch e.g. Draw a diagram showing the forces acting on the
Learners should draw a diagram, not necessarily to particle.
scale, showing the main features of a curve. These e.g. Draw a line of best fit for the data.
are likely to include at least some of the following:
• Turning points
Other command words 2
Other command words, for example “explain” or
“calculate”, will have their ordinary English meaning.
• Asymptotes
© OCR 2017
A Level in Mathematics A 11
Overarching Themes
These Overarching Themes should be applied, along with associated mathematical thinking and understanding,
across the whole of the detailed content in this specification. These statements are intended to direct the
teaching and learning of A Level Mathematics, and they will be reflected in assessment tasks.
2 Knowledge/Skill
OT1.1 Construct and present mathematical arguments through appropriate use of diagrams; sketching
graphs; logical deduction; precise statements involving correct use of symbols and connecting
language, including: constant, coefficient, expression, equation, function, identity, index, term,
OT1.2 Understand and use mathematical language and syntax as set out in the content
OT1.3 Understand and use language and symbols associated with set theory, as set out in the content
Apply to solutions of inequalities and probability
OT1.4 Understand and use the definition of a function; domain and range of functions
OT1.5 Comprehend and critique mathematical arguments, proofs and justifications of methods and
formulae, including those relating to applications of mathematics
OT2.1 Recognise the underlying mathematical structure in a situation and simplify and abstract
appropriately to enable problems to be solved
OT2.2 Construct extended arguments to solve problems presented in an unstructured form, including
problems in context
OT2.3 Interpret and communicate solutions in the context of the original problem
OT2.4 Understand that many mathematical problems cannot be solved analytically, but numerical
methods permit solution to a required level of accuracy
OT2.5 Evaluate, including by making reasoned estimates, the accuracy or limitations of solutions,
including those obtained using numerical methods
OT2.6 Understand the concept of a mathematical problem solving cycle, including specifying the
problem, collecting information, processing and representing information and interpreting
results, which may identify the need to repeat the cycle
OT2.7 Understand, interpret and extract information from diagrams and construct mathematical
diagrams to solve problems, including in mechanics
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12 A Level in Mathematics A
OT3 Mathematical modelling
OT3.1 Translate a situation in context into a mathematical model, making simplifying assumptions
OT3.2 Use a mathematical model with suitable inputs to engage with and explore situations (for a given
model or a model constructed or selected by the student)
OT3.3 Interpret the outputs of a mathematical model in the context of the original situation (for a given 2
model or a model constructed or selected by the student)
OT3.4 Understand that a mathematical model can be refined by considering its outputs and simplifying
assumptions; evaluate whether the model is appropriate
OT3.5 Understand and use modelling assumptions
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A Level in Mathematics A 13
2c. Detailed Content of A Level Mathematics A (H240)
1 – Pure Mathematics
When this course is being co-taught with AS Level Mathematics A (H230) the ‘Stage 1’ column indicates the common content between the two specifications and the
‘Stage 2’ column indicates content which is particular to this specification.
OCR Ref. Subject Stage 1 learners should ... Stage 2 learners additionally should ... DfE Ref.
1.01 Proof
1.01a Proof a) Understand and be able to use the structure of d) Understand and be able to use proof by MA1
1.01d mathematical proof, proceeding from given contradiction.
assumptions through a series of logical steps to a
In particular, learners should understand a proof of the
irrationality of 2 and the infinity of primes.
In particular, learners should use methods of proof
Questions requiring proof by contradiction will be set on
including proof by deduction and proof by exhaustion.
content with which the learner is expected to be familiar
1.01b b) Understand and be able to use the logical e.g. through study of GCSE (9–1), AS or A Level
connectives /, &, +. Mathematics.
Learners should be familiar with the language associated
with the logical connectives: “congruence”, “if..... then”
and “if and only if” (or “iff”).
1.01c c) Be able to show disproof by counter example.
Learners should understand that this means that, given a
statement of the form “if P(x) is true then Q(x) is true”,
finding a single x for which P(x) is true but Q(x) is false is to
offer a disproof by counter example.
A Level in Mathematics A
OCR Ref. Subject Stage 1 learners should ... Stage 2 learners additionally should ... DfE Ref.
OCR Ref. Subject Stage 1 learners should ... Stage 2 learners additionally should ... DfE Ref.
1.02d Quadratic d) Be able to work with quadratic functions and their MB3
functions graphs, and the discriminant (D or D) of a quadratic
function, including the conditions for real and
repeated roots.
i.e. Use the conditions:
1. b 2 - 4ac > 0 & real distinct roots
2. b 2 - 4ac = 0 & repeated roots
3. b 2 - 4ac < 0 & roots are not real
to determine the number and nature of the roots of a
quadratic equation and relate the results to a graph of the
quadratic function.
e) Be able to complete the square of the quadratic
polynomial ax 2 + bx + c.
e.g. Writing y = ax 2 + bx + c in the form y = a (x + p) 2 + q
in order to find the line of symmetry x =- p, the turning
point (- p, q) and to determine the nature of the
roots of the equation ax 2 + bx + c = 0 for example
2 ^ x + 3 h2 + 4 = 0 has no real roots because 4 > 0.
f) Be able to solve quadratic equations including
quadratic equations in a function of the unknown.
2 1
e.g. x 4 - 5x 2 + 6 = 0, x 3 - 5x 3 + 4 = 0 or
5 10
- = 1.
^2x - 1 h2 2x - 1
A Level in Mathematics A
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A Level in Mathematics A
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OCR Ref. Subject Stage 1 learners should ... Stage 2 learners additionally should ... DfE Ref.
OCR Ref. Subject Stage 1 learners should ... Stage 2 learners additionally should ... DfE Ref.
1.02j Polynomials j) Be able to manipulate polynomials algebraically. k) Be able to simplify rational expressions. MB6
Includes expanding brackets, collecting like terms, Includes factorising and cancelling, and algebraic
factorising, simple algebraic division and use of the factor division by linear expressions.
e.g. Rational expressions may be of the form
Learners should be familiar with the terms “quadratic”,
x3 - x - 2 ^ x 2 - x - 6 h^ x 2 + 4x + 3 h
“cubic” and “parabola”. or .
2x + 1 ^ x 2 - 9 h^ x + 3 h
Learners should be familiar with the factor theorem as:
Learners should be able to divide a polynomial of
1. f (a) = 0 + (x - a) is a factor of f (x);
b degree $ 2 by a linear polynomial of the form ^ax - b h,
2. f ( a ) = 0 + (ax - b) is a factor of f (x). identify the quotient and remainder and solve
They should be able to use the factor theorem to find a equations of degree # 4.
linear factor of a polynomial normally of degree # 3. They The use of the factor theorem and algebraic division
may also be required to find factors of a polynomial, using may be required.
any valid method, e.g. by inspection.
1.02l The modulus l) Understand and be able to use the modulus MB7
function function, including the notation x , and use
relations such as a = b + a 2 = b 2 and
x - a < b + a - b < x < a + b in the course of
solving equations and inequalities.
e.g. Solve x + 2 # 2x - 1 .
A Level in Mathematics A
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A Level in Mathematics A
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OCR Ref. Subject Stage 1 learners should ... Stage 2 learners additionally should ... DfE Ref.
1.02m Curve sketching m) Understand and be able to use graphs of functions. s) Be able to sketch the graph of the modulus of a MB7
1.02s linear function involving a single modulus sign.
The difference between plotting and sketching a curve
should be known. See Section 2b. i.e. Given the graph of y = ax + b sketch the graph of
y = ax + b .
1.02n n) Be able to sketch curves defined by simple
equations including polynomials. [Graphs of the modulus of other functions are
e.g. Familiarity is expected with sketching a polynomial of
1.02t degree # 4 in factorised form, including repeated roots. t) Be able to solve graphically simple equations and
inequalities involving the modulus function.
Sketches may require the determination of stationary
points and, where applicable, distinguishing between
1.02o o) Be able to sketch curves defined by y = x and
y = 2 (including their vertical and horizontal
1.02p p) Be able to interpret the algebraic solution of
equations graphically.
1.02q q) Be able to use intersection points of graphs to solve
Intersection points may be between two curves one or
more of which may be a polynomial, a trigonometric, an
exponential or a reciprocal graph.
1.02r r) Understand and be able to use proportional
relationships and their graphs.
i.e. Understand and use different proportional relationships
and relate them to linear, reciprocal or other graphs of
OCR Ref. Subject Stage 1 learners should ... Stage 2 learners additionally should ... DfE Ref.
1.02u Functions Within Stage 1, learners should understand and be able u) Understand and be able to use the definition of a MB8
to apply functions and function notation in an informal function. OT1.1
sense in the context of the factor theorem (1.02j), OT1.4
The vocabulary and associated notation is expected
transformations of graphs (1.02w), differentiation
i.e. the terms many-one, one-many, one-one, mapping,
(Section 1.07) and the Fundamental Theorem of
image, range, domain.
Calculus (1.08a).
Includes knowing that a function is a mapping from the
domain to the range such that for each x in the domain,
there is a unique y in the range with f (x) = y. The range
is the set of all possible values of f (x); learners are
expected to use set notation where appropriate.
v) Understand and be able to use inverse functions
and their graphs, and composite functions. Know
the condition for the inverse function to exist and
be able to find the inverse of a function either
graphically, by reflection in the line y = x, or
The vocabulary and associated notation is expected
e.g. gf (x) = g (f (x)), f 2 (x), f -1 (x).
1.02w Graph w) Understand the effect of simple transformations on x) Understand the effect of combinations of MB9
1.02x transformations the graph of y = f (x) including sketching associated transformations on the graph of y = f (x)
graphs, describing transformations and finding including sketching associated graphs, describing
relevant equations: y = a f (x), y = f (x) + a, transformations and finding relevant equations.
y = f (x + a) and y = f (ax), for any real a.
The transformations may be combinations of y = af (x),
Only single transformations will be requested. y = f (x) + a, y = f (x + a) and y = f (ax), for any real a,
A Level in Mathematics A
OCR Ref. Subject Stage 1 learners should ... Stage 2 learners additionally should ... DfE Ref.
OCR Ref. Subject Stage 1 learners should ... Stage 2 learners additionally should ... DfE Ref.
OCR Ref. Subject Stage 1 learners should ... Stage 2 learners additionally should ... DfE Ref.
OCR Ref. Subject Stage 1 learners should ... Stage 2 learners additionally should ... DfE Ref.
OCR Ref. Subject Stage 1 learners should ... Stage 2 learners additionally should ... DfE Ref.
OCR Ref. Subject Stage 1 learners should ... Stage 2 learners additionally should ... DfE Ref.
OCR Ref. Subject Stage 1 learners should ... Stage 2 learners additionally should ... DfE Ref.
1.05 Trigonometry
1.05a sin, cos and tan a) Understand and be able to use the definitions of d) Be able to work with radian measure, including ME1
1.05d for all arguments sine, cosine and tangent for all arguments. use for arc length and area of sector.
1.05b Sine and cosine b) Understand and be able to use the sine and cosine Learners should know the formulae s = ri and
rules rules. 1
A = 2 r 2 i.
Radians Questions may include the use of bearings and require the Learners should be able to use the relationship between
use of the ambiguous case of the sine rule. degrees and radians.
1.05c c) Understand and be able to use the area of a triangle
in the form 2 ab sin C .
1.05e Small angle e) Understand and be able to use the standard small ME2
approximations angle approximations of sine, cosine and tangent:
1. sin i . i,
2. cos i . 1 - 2 i 2,
3. tan i . i,
where i is in radians.
sin 3i
e.g. Find an approximate expression for if
1 + cos i
i is small enough to neglect terms in i 3 or above.
1.05f Graphs of the f) Understand and be able to use the sine, cosine and g) Know and be able to use exact values of sin i and ME3
1.05g basic tangent functions, their graphs, symmetries and 1 1 1 1
cos i for i = 0, 6 r, 4 r, 3 r, 2 r, r and multiples
trigonometric periodicities. thereof, and exact values of tan i for
functions 1 1 1
Includes knowing and being able to use exact values of i = 0, 6 r, 4 r, 3 r, r and multiples thereof.
Exact values of sin i and cos i for i = 0c, 30c, 45c, 60c, 90c, 180c and
trigonometric multiples thereof and exact values of tan i for
functions i = 0c, 30c, 45c, 60c, 180c and multiples thereof.
OCR Ref. Subject Stage 1 learners should ... Stage 2 learners additionally should ... DfE Ref.
1.05h Inverse and h) Understand and be able to use the definitions of ME4
reciprocal secant (sec i), cosecant (cosec i) and cotangent
trigonometric (cot i) and of arcsin i, arccos i and arctan i and
ratios their relationships to sin i, cos i and tan i
i) Understand the graphs of the functions given in
1.05h, their ranges and domains.
In particular, learners should know that the principal
values of the inverse trigonometric relations may be
denoted by arcsin i or sin -1 i, arccos i or cos -1 i,
arctan i or tan -1 i and relate their graphs (for the
appropriate domain) to the graphs of sin i,
cos i and tan i.
sin i
1.05j Trigonometric j) Understand and be able to use tan i / and k) Understand and be able to use sec 2 i / 1 + tan 2 i ME5
cos i
1.05k identities sin 2 i + cos 2 i / 1. and cosec 2 i / 1 + cot 2 i.
In particular, these identities may be used in solving In particular, the identities in 1.05j and 1.05k may be
trigonometric equations and simple trigonometric proofs. used in solving trigonometric equations, proving
trigonometric identities or in evaluating integrals.
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cos 2 ai + 45ck -
(cos 2i - sin 2i) = sin 2 i.
Includes constructing a mathematical argument as
described in Section 1.01.
1.05q Trigonometric q) Be able to use trigonometric functions to solve ME9
functions in problems in context, including problems involving
context vectors, kinematics and forces.
Problems may include realistic contexts, e.g. movement
of tides, sound waves, etc. as well as problems in vector
form which involve resolving directions and quantities in
1.06 Exponentials and Logarithms
1.06a Properties of a) Know and use the function a x and its graph, where a MF1
the exponential is positive.
Know and use the function e x and its graph.
Examples may include the comparison of two population
models or models in a biological or financial context. The
link with geometric sequences may also be made.
1.06b Gradient of e kx b) Know that the gradient of e kx is equal to ke kx and MF2
hence understand why the exponential model is
A Level in Mathematics A
OCR Ref. Subject Stage 1 learners should ... Stage 2 learners additionally should ... DfE Ref.
1.06c Properties of c) Know and use the definition of log a x (for x > 0) as MF3
the logarithm the inverse of a x (for all x),where a is positive.
Learners should be able to convert from index to
logarithmic form and vice versa as a = b c + c = log b a.
The values log a a = 1 and log a 1 = 0 should be known.
1.06d d) Know and use the function ln x and its graph.
1.06e e) Know and use ln x as the inverse function of e x.
e.g. In solving equations involving logarithms or
The values ln e = 1 and ln 1 = 0 should be known.
1.06f Laws of f) Understand and be able to use the laws of MF4
logarithms logarithms:
1. log a x + log a y / log a (xy)
2. log a x - log a y / log a KKK y OOO
3. k log a x / log a x k
(including, for example, k =-1 and k =- 2 ).
Learners should be able to use these laws in solving
equations and simplifying expressions involving
[Change of base is excluded.]
1.06g Equations g) Be able to solve equations of the form a x = b MF5
involving for a > 0
Includes solving equations which can be reduced to this
form such as 2x = 32x–1, either by reduction to the form
a x = b or by taking logarithms of both sides.
OCR Ref. Subject Stage 1 learners should ... Stage 2 learners additionally should ... DfE Ref.
OCR Ref. Subject Stage 1 learners should ... Stage 2 learners additionally should ... DfE Ref.
1.07 Differentiation
1.07a Gradients a) Understand and be able to use the derivative of f (x) MG1
as the gradient of the tangent to the graph of
y = f (x) at a general point (x, y).
1.07b b) Understand and be able to use the gradient of the
tangent at a point where x = a as:
1. the limit of the gradient of a chord as x tends to a
2. a rate of change of y with respect to x.
Learners should be able to use the notation to denote
the rate of change of y with respect to x.
Learners should be able to use the notations f l (x) and
and recognise their equivalence.
1.07c c) Understand and be able to sketch the gradient
function for a given curve.
1.07d d) Understand and be able to find second derivatives. f) Understand and be able to use the second
1.07f d2 y derivative in connection to convex and concave
Learners should be able to use the notations f m (x) and sections of curves and points of inflection.
dx 2
and recognise their equivalence.
In particular, learners should know that:
1.07e e) Understand and be able to use the second derivative 1. if f m (x) > 0 on an interval, the function is convex
as the rate of change of gradient. in that interval;
e.g. For distinguishing between maximum and minimum 2. if f m (x) < 0 on an interval the function is concave
points. in that interval;
3. if f m (x) = 0 and the curve changes from concave
For the application to points of inflection, see 1.07f. to convex or vice versa there is a point of
OCR Ref. Subject Stage 1 learners should ... Stage 2 learners additionally should ... DfE Ref.
1.07g Differentiation g) Be able to show differentiation from first principles h) Be able to show differentiation from first MG1
1.07h from first for small positive integer powers of x. principles for sin x and cos x.
In particular, learners should be able to use the definition
f (x + h) - f (x)
f l (x) = lim including the notation.
h"0 h
[Integer powers greater than 4 are excluded.]
1.07i Differentiation i) Be able to differentiate x n, for rational values of n, j) Be able to differentiate e kx and a kx, and related MG2
1.07j of standard and related constant multiples, sums and sums, differences and constant multiples.
functions differences.
1.07k k) Be able to differentiate sin kx, cos kx, tan kx and
related sums, differences and constant multiples.
1.07l l) Understand and be able to use the derivative of
ln x.
1.07m Tangents, m) Be able to apply differentiation to find the gradient p) Be able to apply differentiation to find points of MG3
1.07p normals, at a point on a curve and the equations of tangents inflection on a curve.
stationary and normals to a curve.
In particular, learners should know that if a curve has a
1.07n n) Be able to apply differentiation to find and classify point of inflection at x then f m (x) = 0 and there is a sign
increasing and
stationary points on a curve as either maxima or change in the second derivative on either side of x; if
minima. also f l (x) = 0 at that point, then the point of inflection
is a stationary point, but if f l (x) ! 0 at that point, then
Classification may involve use of the second derivative or
the point of inflection is not a stationary point.
first derivative or other methods.
1.07o o) Be able to identify where functions are increasing or
i.e. To be able to use the sign of to determine whether
A Level in Mathematics A
the function is increasing or decreasing.
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1.08 Integration
1.08a Fundamental a) Know and be able to use the fundamental theorem MH1
theorem of of calculus.
i.e. Learners should know that integration may be defined
as the reverse of differentiation and be able to apply the
result that y f (x) dx = F (x) + c + f (x) = (F (x)),
for sufficiently well-behaved functions.
Includes understanding and being able to use the terms
indefinite and definite when applied to integrals.
1.08b Indefinite b) Be able to integrate x n where n !-1 and related 1 MH2
c) Be able to integrate e kx, x , sin kx, cos kx and
1.08c integrals sums, differences and constant multiples.
related sums, differences and constant multiples.
Learners should also be able to solve problems involving
[Integrals of arcsin, arccos and arctan will be given if
the evaluation of a constant of integration e.g. to find the
equation of the curve through ^-1, 2 h for which
dy This includes using trigonometric relations such as
= 2x + 1.
dx double-angle formulae to facilitate the integration of
functions such as cos 2 x.
1.08d Definite d) Be able to evaluate definite integrals. MH3
integrals and
1.08e e) Be able to use a definite integral to find the area f) Be able to use a definite integral to find the area
1.08f between a curve and the x-axis. between two curves.
This area is defined to be that enclosed by a curve, the This may include using integration to find the area of a
x-axis and two ordinates. Areas may be included which are region bounded by a curve and lines parallel to the
partly below and partly above the x-axis, or entirely below coordinate axes, or between two curves or between a
A Level in Mathematics A
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OCR Ref. Subject Stage 1 learners should ... Stage 2 learners additionally should ... DfE Ref.
OCR Ref. Subject Stage 1 learners should ... Stage 2 learners additionally should ... DfE Ref.
1.10c Magnitude and c) Be able to calculate the magnitude and direction of MJ2
direction of a vector and convert between component form and
vectors magnitude/direction form.
Learners should know that the modulus of a vector is its
magnitude and the direction of a vector is given by the
angle the vector makes with a horizontal line parallel to
the positive x-axis. The direction of a vector will be taken to
be in the interval 60c, 360c h.
Includes use of the notation a for the magnitude of a and
OA for the magnitude of OA.
Learners should be able to calculate the magnitude of a
vector KKK OOO as x 2 + y 2 and its direction by tan -1 KKK OOO .
y y
OCR Ref. Subject Stage 1 learners should ... Stage 2 learners additionally should ... DfE Ref.
When this course is being co-taught with AS Level Mathematics A (H230) the ‘Stage 1’ column indicates the common content between the two specifications and the
‘Stage 2’ column indicates content which is particular to this specification.
OCR Ref. Subject Stage 1 learners should ... Stage 2 learners additionally should ... DfE Ref.
OCR Ref. Subject Stage 1 learners should ... Stage 2 learners additionally should ... DfE Ref.
imply causation.
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R ^ x - x h2 Rx 2
n -x ,
Rf ^ x - x h Rfx 2
- x2
Rf Rf
OCR Ref. Subject Stage 1 learners should ... Stage 2 learners additionally should ... DfE Ref.
2.02h Outliers and h) Recognise and be able to interpret possible outliers ML4
cleaning data in data sets and statistical diagrams.
2.02i i) Be able to select or critique data presentation
techniques in the context of a statistical problem.
2.02j j) Be able to clean data, including dealing with missing
data, errors and outliers.
Learners should be familiar with definitions of outliers:
1. more than 1.5 × (interquartile range) from the
nearer quartile
2. more than 2 × (standard deviation) away from the
2.03 Probability
2.03a Mutually a) Understand and be able to use mutually exclusive MM1
exclusive and and independent events when calculating
independent probabilities.
Includes understanding and being able to use the notation:
P (A), P (A'), P (X = 2), P (X = x).
Includes linking their knowledge of probability to
probability distributions.
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OCR Ref. Subject Stage 1 learners should ... Stage 2 learners additionally should ... DfE Ref.
2.03b Probability b) Be able to use appropriate diagrams to assist in the c) Understand and be able to use conditional MM1
2.03c calculation of probabilities. probability, including the use of tree diagrams, MM2
Venn diagrams and two-way tables.
Includes tree diagrams, sample space diagrams, Venn
diagrams. Includes understanding and being able to use the
A + B, A , B, A | B.
Includes understanding and being able to use the
P ^ A + B h = P ^ A h # P ^ B | A h,
P ^ A , B h = P ^ A h + P ^ B h - P ^ A + Bh.
2.03d d) Understand the concept of conditional
probability, and calculate it from first principles in
given contexts.
Includes understanding and being able to use the
conditional probability formula
P (A + B)
P^ A | Bh = .
P (B)
[Use of this formula to find P ^ A | B h from P ^ B | A h is
2.03e Modelling with e) Be able to model with probability, including MM3
probability critiquing assumptions made and the likely effect
of more realistic assumptions.
OCR Ref. Subject Stage 1 learners should ... Stage 2 learners additionally should ... DfE Ref.
2.04b b) Understand and be able to use the binomial d) Know and be able to use the formulae n = np
2.04d distribution as a model. and v 2 = npq when choosing a particular normal
model to use as an approximation to a binomial
2.04c c) Be able to calculate probabilities using the binomial
distribution, using appropriate calculator functions.
Includes understanding and being able to use the formula
P ^ X = xh = KK OO p x ^1 - ph n - x and the notation X + B ^ n, p h.
Learners should understand the conditions for a random
variable to have a binomial distribution, be able to identify
which of the modelling conditions (assumptions) is/are
relevant to a given scenario and be able to explain them in
context. They should understand the distinction between
conditions and assumptions.
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OCR Ref. Subject Stage 1 learners should ... Stage 2 learners additionally should ... DfE Ref.
2.04e The normal e) Understand and be able to use the normal MN2
distribution distribution as a model.
Includes understanding and being able to use the
notation X + N ^ n, v 2 h.
f) Be able to find probabilities using the normal
2.04f distribution, using appropriate calculator
This includes finding x, for a given normal variable,
when P ^ X < x h is known.
Learners should understand the standard normal
distribution, Z, and the transformation Z = v .
g) Understand links to histograms, mean and
standard deviation.
Learners should know and be able to use the facts that
in a normal distribution,
1. about two-thirds of values lie in the range n ! v,
2. about 95% of values lie in the range n ! 2v,
3. almost all values lie in the range n ! 3v and
4. the points of inflection in a normal curve occur at
x = n ! v.
[The equation of the normal curve is excluded.]
2.04h Selecting an h) Be able to select an appropriate probability MN2
appropriate distribution for a context, with appropriate MN3
distribution reasoning, including recognising when the
binomial or normal model may not be appropriate.
Includes understanding that a given binomial
distribution with large n can be approximated by a
normal distribution.
[Questions explicitly requiring calculations using the normal
approximation to the binomial distribution are excluded.]
OCR Ref. Subject Stage 1 learners should ... Stage 2 learners additionally should ... DfE Ref.
OCR Ref. Subject Stage 1 learners should ... Stage 2 learners additionally should ... DfE Ref.
2.05b Hypothesis test b) Be able to conduct a statistical hypothesis test for MO2
for the the proportion in the binomial distribution and
proportion in a interpret the results in context.
2.05c c) Understand that a sample is being used to make an
inference about the population and appreciate that
the significance level is the probability of incorrectly
rejecting the null hypothesis.
Learners should be able to use a calculator to find critical
Includes understanding that, where the significance level
of a test is specified, the probability of the test statistic
being in the rejection region will always be less than or
equal to this level.
[The use of normal approximation is excluded.]
OCR Ref. Subject Stage 1 learners should ... Stage 2 learners additionally should ... DfE Ref.
OCR Ref. Subject Stage 1 learners should ... Stage 2 learners additionally should ... DfE Ref.
3 – Mechanics
When this course is being co-taught with AS Level Mathematics A (H230) the ‘Stage 1’ column indicates the common content between the two specifications and the
‘Stage 2’ column indicates content which is particular to this specification.
OCR Ref. Subject Stage 1 learners should ... Stage 2 learners additionally should ... DfE Ref.
OCR Ref. Subject Stage 1 learners should ... Stage 2 learners additionally should ... DfE Ref.
s = 2 ^u + vh t
v = u + 2as
2 2
1 s = vt - 2 at 2
s = vt - 2 at 2
OCR Ref. Subject Stage 1 learners should ... Stage 2 learners additionally should ... DfE Ref.
3.02f Non uniform f) Be able to use differentiation and integration with g) Be able to extend the application of MQ4
3.02g acceleration respect to time in one dimension to solve simple differentiation and integration to two dimensions
problems concerning the displacement, velocity and using vectors:
acceleration of a particle:
x = f (t) i + g (t) j
v= dx
dt v= = xo = f l (t) i + gl (t) j
dv d 2 s dv d2 x
a= = 2 a= = vo = 2 = f m (t) i + gm (t) j
dt dt dt dt
x = yv dt and v = ya dt
s = yv dt and v = ya dt
Questions set may involve either column vector or i, j
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3.03c Newton’s c) Understand and be able to use Newton’s second law e) Be able to extend use of Newton’s second law MR2
3.03e second law (F = ma) for motion in a straight line for bodies of to situations where forces need to be resolved
constant mass moving under the action of constant (restricted to two dimensions).
e.g. A force acting downwards on a body at a given
e.g. A car moving along a road, a passenger riding in angle to the horizontal or the motion of a body projected
a lift or a crane lifting a weight. down a line of greatest slope of an inclined plane.
For stage 1 learners, examples can be restricted to
problems in which the forces acting on the body will be
collinear, in two perpendicular directions or given as 2-D
d) Understand and be able to use Newton’s second
law (F = ma) in simple cases of forces given as two
dimensional vectors.
e.g. Find in vector form the force acting on a body of
mass 2 kg when it is accelerating at ^4i - 3j h m s .
OCR Ref. Subject Stage 1 learners should ... Stage 2 learners additionally should ... DfE Ref.
3.03f Weight f) Understand and be able to use the weight (W = mg) MR3
of a body to model the motion in a straight line
under gravity.
e.g. A ball falling through the air.
3.03g g) Understand the gravitational acceleration, g, and its
value in S.I. units to varying degrees of accuracy.
The value of g may be assumed to take a constant
value of 9.8 ms but learners should be aware that g is
not a universal constant but depends on location in the
[The inverse square law for gravitation is not required.]
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OCR Ref. Subject Stage 1 learners should ... Stage 2 learners additionally should ... DfE Ref.
3.03h Newton’s third h) Understand and be able to use Newton’s third law. l) Be able to extend use of Newton’s third law to MR4
3.03l law situations where forces need to be resolved
Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.
(restricted to two dimensions).
Learners should understand and be able to use the concept
that a system in which none of its components have any
relative motion may be modelled as a single particle.
3.03i i) Understand and be able to use the concept of a
normal reaction force.
Learners should understand and use the result that when
an object is resting on a horizontal surface the normal
reaction force is equal and opposite to the weight of
the object. This includes knowing that when R = 0
contact is lost.
3.03j j) Be able to use the model of a ‘smooth’ contact and
understand the limitations of the model.
3.03k k) Be able to use the concept of equilibrium together m) Be able to use the principle that a particle is in
3.03m with one dimensional motion in a straight line to equilibrium if and only if the sum of the resolved
solve problems that involve connected particles and parts in a given direction is zero.
smooth pulleys. Problems may involve the resolving of forces, including
e.g. A train engine pulling a train carriage(s) along a cases where it is sensible to:
straight horizontal track or the vertical motion of two 1. resolve horizontally and vertically,
particles, connected by a light inextensible string passing 2. resolve parallel and perpendicular to an inclined
over a fixed smooth peg or light pulley. plane,
3. resolve in directions to be chosen by the learner, or
4. use a polygon of forces.
OCR Ref. Subject Stage 1 learners should ... Stage 2 learners additionally should ... DfE Ref.
3.03n Newton’s third n) Be able to solve problems involving simple o) Be able to resolve forces for more advanced MR4
3.03o law (continued) cases of equilibrium of forces on a particle in two problems involving connected particles and
dimensions using vectors, including connected smooth pulleys.
particles and smooth pulleys.
e.g. The motion of two particles, connected by a light
e.g. Finding the required force F for a particle to remain in inextensible string passing over a light pulley placed at
equilibrium when under the action of forces F1, F2, . . . the top of an inclined plane.
For stage 1 learners, examples can be restricted to
problems in which the forces acting on the body will be
collinear, in two perpendicular directions or given as
2-D vectors.
3.03p Applications of p) Understand the term ‘resultant’ as applied to two MR5
vectors in a or more forces acting at a point and be able to
plane use vector addition in solving problems involving
resultants and components of forces.
Includes understanding that the velocity vector gives the
direction of motion and the acceleration vector gives the
direction of resultant force.
Includes being able to find and use perpendicular
components of a force, for example to find the resultant
of a system of forces or to calculate the magnitude and
direction of a force.
[Solutions will involve calculation, not scale drawing.]
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OCR Ref. Subject Stage 1 learners should ... Stage 2 learners additionally should ... DfE Ref.
3.03r Frictional forces r) Understand the concept of a frictional force and be s) Be able to represent the contact force between MR6
3.03s able to apply it in contexts where the force is given two rough surfaces by two components (the
in vector or component form, or the magnitude and ‘normal’ contact force and the ‘frictional’ contact
direction of the force are given. force).
Questions set will explicitly use the terms normal
(contact) force, frictional (contact) force and magnitude
of the contact force.
3.03t t) Understand and be able to use the coefficient of
friction and the F # nR model of friction in one
and two dimensions, including the concept of
limiting friction.
[Knowledge of the angle of friction is excluded.]
3.03u u) Understand and be able to solve problems
regarding the static equilibrium of a body on a
rough surface and solve problems regarding
limiting equilibrium.
3.03v v) Understand and be able to solve problems
regarding the motion of a body on a rough
e.g. The motion of a body projected down a line of
greatest slope on a rough inclined plane.
[Problems set on inclined planes will only consider
motion along the line of greatest slope and therefore a
vector consideration of the motion will not be required.]
A Level in Mathematics A
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OCR Ref. Subject Stage 1 learners should ... Stage 2 learners additionally should ... DfE Ref.
3.04 Moments
3.04a Statics a) Be able to calculate the moment of a force about MS1
an axis through a point in the plane of the body.
For coplanar forces, moments may be described as being
about a point.
[Understanding of the vector nature of moments is
3.04b b) Understand that when a rigid body is in
equilibrium the resultant moment is zero and the
resultant force is zero.
3.04c c) Be able to use moments in simple static contexts.
e.g. To determine the forces acting on a horizontal beam
or to determine the forces acting on a ladder resting on
horizontal ground against a vertical wall.
Questions will be set in which the context of the problem
can be modelled using rectangular laminas, uniform and
non-uniform rods only.
Learners may assume that:
1. for a uniform rod the weight acts at the midpoint of
the rod,
2. for a non-uniform rod the weight acts at either a
specified given point or is to be determined by
3. for a rectangular lamina the weight acts at its point
of symmetry.
2d. Prior knowledge, learning and progression
• It is assumed that learners are familiar with the • A Level Mathematics prepares learners for
content of GCSE (9–1) Mathematics for first further study and employment in a wide range
teaching from 2015. of disciplines involving the use of mathematics,
including STEM disciplines.
• A Level Mathematics provides the framework
within which a large number of young people • Some learners may wish to follow a
2 continue the subject beyond GCSE (9–1) mathematics course only up to AS, in order to
Level. It supports their mathematical needs broaden their curriculum, and to develop their
across a broad range of other subjects at this interest and understanding of different areas of
level and provides a basis for subsequent the subject
quantitative work in a very wide range of
higher education courses and in employment. • Learners who wish to extend their knowledge
It also supports the study of AS and A Level and understanding of mathematics and its
Further Mathematics. applications can take Further Mathematics AS
or A Level, and can choose to specialise in the
• A Level Mathematics builds from GCSE (9–1) particular aspect of mathematics that supports
Level Mathematics and introduces calculus and progression in their chosen higher education or
its applications. It emphasises how employment pathway.
mathematical ideas are interconnected and
how mathematics can be applied to help make There are a number of Mathematics specifications at
sense of data, to understand the physical world OCR. Find out more at www.ocr.org.uk
and to solve problems in a variety of contexts,
including social sciences and business.
© OCR 2017
66 A Level in Mathematics A
3 Assessment of A Level in Mathematics A
All three components (01–03) contain some synoptic In each question paper, learners are expected to
assessment, some extended response questions and support their answers with appropriate working.
some stretch and challenge questions.
See section 2b for use of calculators.
Stretch and challenge questions are designed to allow
the most able learners the opportunity to demonstrate Paper 1: Pure Mathematics
the full extent of their knowledge and skills. (Component 01)
Stretch and challenge questions will support the This component is worth 33⅓% of the total A Level.
awarding of A* grade at A Level, addressing the need for All questions are compulsory and there are 100 marks
greater differentiation between the most able learners. in total.
The set of assessments in any series will include at The paper assesses content from the Pure
least one unstructured problem solving question Mathematics section of the specification, in the
which addresses multiple areas of the problem context of the Overarching Themes.
solving cycle as set out in the Overarching Themes.
The assessment has a gradient of difficulty
The set of assessments in any series will include throughout the paper and consists of a mix of short
at least one extended problem solving question and long questions.
which addresses the first two bullets of assessment
objective 3 in combination and at least one extended Paper 2: Pure Mathematics and Statistics
modelling question which addresses the last three (Component 02)
bullets of assessment objective 3 in combination.
This component is worth 33⅓% of the total
All examinations have a duration of 2 hours. A Level. All questions are compulsory and there
are 100 marks in total.
Learners are permitted to use a scientific or graphical
calculator for all papers. Calculators are subject to the The paper assesses content from the Pure
rules in the document Instructions for Conducting Mathematics and Statistics sections of the
Examinations, published annually by JCQ specification, in the context of the Overarching
(www.jcq.org.uk). Themes.
It is expected that calculators available in the The assessment is structured in two sections of
assessment will include the following features: approximately 50 marks each: Pure Mathematics,
• an iterative function such as an ANS key, and Statistics. Each section has a gradient of
• the ability to compute summary statistics and difficulty throughout the section and consists of
access probabilities from the binomial and a mix of short and long questions.
normal distributions.
Some of the assessment items which target the
statistics section of the content will be set in
the context of the pre-release large data set
and will assume familiarity with the key features
of that data set.
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Paper 3: Pure Mathematics and Mechanics specification, in the context of the Overarching
(Component 03) Themes.
This component is worth 33⅓% of the total The assessment is structured in two sections of
A Level. All questions are compulsory and there approximately 50 marks each: Pure Mathematics,
are 100 marks in total. and Mechanics. Each section has a gradient of
difficulty throughout the section and consists of
The paper assesses content from the Pure a mix of short and long questions.
Mathematics and Mechanics sections of the
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68 A Level in Mathematics A
3b. Assessment Objectives (AO)
There are three Assessment Objectives in OCR A Level in Mathematics A. These are detailed in the table below.
Assessment Objectives
A Level
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AO weightings in A Level in Mathematics A
The relationship between the Assessment Objectives and the components are shown in the following table:
3 (H240/03) Pure Mathematics and Mechanics 47–53 marks 21–25 marks 22–32 marks
Total 48–52% 23–27% 23–27%
More variation is allowed per paper than across the full set of assessments to allow for flexibility in individual
assessment design while retaining consistent weightings over time.
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70 A Level in Mathematics A
3f. Synoptic assessment
Mathematics is, by nature, a synoptic subject. The address problems which require both breadth and
assessment in this specification allows learners to depth of understanding in order to reach a
demonstrate the understanding they have acquired satisfactory solution.
from the course as a whole and their ability to
integrate and apply that understanding. This level of Learners will be expected to reflect on and interpret
understanding is needed for successful use of the solutions, drawing on their understanding of different
knowledge and skills from this course in future life, aspects of the course.
work and study.
Tasks which offer this opportunity will be found
In the examination papers, learners will be required
to integrate and apply their understanding in order to
across all three components.
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4 Admin: what you need to know
The information in this section is designed to give an More information about the processes and deadlines
overview of the processes involved in administering involved at each stage of the assessment cycle can be
this qualification so that you can speak to your exams found in the Administration area of the OCR website.
officer. All of the following processes require you to
submit something to OCR by a specific deadline. OCR’s Admin overview is available on the OCR website
at http://www.ocr.org.uk/administration
4a. Pre-assessment
Estimated entries
Estimated entries are your best projection of the should be submitted to OCR by the specified
number of learners who will be entered for a deadline. They are free and do not commit your
qualification in a particular series. Estimated entries centre in any way.
Final entries
Final entries provide OCR with detailed data for each Final entries must be submitted to OCR by the
learner, showing each assessment to be taken. It is published deadlines or late entry fees will apply.
essential that you use the correct entry code,
considering the relevant entry rules. All learners taking an A Level in Mathematics A must
be entered for H240.
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72 A Level in Mathematics A
4b. Special consideration
Special consideration is a post–assessment Detailed information about eligibility for special
adjustment to marks or grades to reflect temporary consideration can be found in the JCQ publication
injury, illness or other indisposition at the time the A guide to the special consideration process.
assessment was taken.
Private candidates
Private candidates may enter for OCR assessments. Private candidates need to contact OCR approved
centres to establish whether they are prepared to
A private candidate is someone who pursues a host them as a private candidate. The centre may
course of study independently but takes an charge for this facility and OCR recommends that
examination or assessment at an approved the arrangement is made early in the course.
examination centre. A private candidate may
be a part-time student, someone taking a distance Further guidance for private candidates may be found
learning course, or someone being tutored privately. on the OCR website: http://www.ocr.org.uk
They must be based in the UK.
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A Level in Mathematics A 73
Results are released to centres and learners for The following supporting information will be
information and to allow any queries to be resolved available:
before certificates are issued.
• raw mark grade boundaries for each component
Centres will have access to the following results
information for each learner: • mark grade boundaries for the qualification.
4f. Malpractice
Any breach of the regulations for the conduct of Detailed information on malpractice can be found in
examinations and non-exam assessment work may the JCQ publication Suspected Malpractice in
constitute malpractice (which includes Examinations and Assessments: Policies and
maladministration) and must be reported to OCR as Procedures.
soon as it is detected.
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74 A Level in Mathematics A
5 Appendices
5b. Accessibility
Reasonable adjustments and access arrangements The A Level qualification and subject criteria have
allow learners with special educational needs, been reviewed in order to identify any feature which
disabilities or temporary injuries to access the could disadvantage learners who share a protected
assessment and show what they know and can do, Characteristic as defined by the Equality Act 2010. All
without changing the demands of the assessment. reasonable steps have been taken to minimise any
Applications for these should be made before such disadvantage.
the examination series. Detailed information
about eligibility for access arrangements can be
found in the JCQ Access Arrangements and
Reasonable Adjustments.
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A Level in Mathematics A 75
5c. Mathematical notation
The table below sets out the notation that may be used in A Level Mathematics A. Students will be expected to
understand this notation without need for further explanation.
1 Set Notation
1.1 ! is an element of
1.2 " is not an element of
1.3 3 is a subset of
1.4 1 is a proper subset of
1.5 " x 1, x 2 , f , the set with elements x 1, x 2, f
1.6 " x : ... , the set of all x such that f
1.7 n (A) the number of elements in set A
1.8 Q the empty set
5 1.9 f the universal set
1.10 Al the complement of the set A
1.11 N the set of natural numbers, " 1, 2, 3, f ,
1.12 Z the set of integers, " 0, !1, ! 2, !3, f ,
1.13 Z+ the set of positive integers, " 1, 2, 3, f ,
1.14 Z0
+ the set of non-negative integers, {0, 1, 2, 3, …}
1.15 R the set of real numbers
1.16 Q the set of rational numbers, ' q : p ! Z, q ! Z + 1
1.17 , union
1.18 + intersection
1.19 (x, y) the ordered pair x, y
1.20 [a, b] the closed interval " x ! R : a # x # b ,
1.21 [a, b) the interval " x ! R : a # x < b ,
1.22 (a, b] the interval " x ! R : a < x # b ,
1.23 (a, b) the open interval " x ! R : a < x < b ,
2 Miscellaneous Symbols
2.1 = is equal to
2.2 ! is not equal to
© OCR 2017
76 A Level in Mathematics A
2.3 / is identical to or is congruent to
2.4 . is approximately equal to
2.5 3 infinity
2.6 ? is proportional to
2.7 Ñ therefore
2.8 Ö because
2.9 < is less than
2.10 G, # is less than or equal to, is not greater than
2.11 > is greater than
2.12 H, $ is greater than or equal to, is not less than
2.13 p&q p implies q (if p then q)
2.14 p%q p is implied by q (if q then p)
2.15 p+q p implies and is implied by q ( p is equivalent to q)
2.16 a first term for an arithmetic or geometric sequence 5
2.17 l last term for an arithmetic sequence
2.18 d common difference for an arithmetic sequence
2.19 r common ratio for a geometric sequence
2.20 Sn sum to n terms of a sequence
2.21 S3 sum to infinity of a sequence
3 Operations
3.4 a a divided by b
a ÷ b,
3.5 |a i a1 + a2 + f + an
3.6 %a i a1 # a2 # f # an
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JKnNO the binomial coefficient for n, r ! Z+0 , r G n
3.10 r! (n - r) !
KK OO, n C , C
KrO r n r n (n - 1) f (n - r + 1)
L P or for n ! Q, r ! Z+0
4 Functions
4.5 lim
f (x) the limit of f (x) as x tends to a
6 Trigonometric Functions
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78 A Level in Mathematics A
9 Vectors
a, a, a the vector a, a, a; these alternatives apply throughout
9.1 ˜ ˜
section 9
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11.15 + has the distribution
binomial distribution with parameters n and p, where
11.16 B (n, p) n is the number of trials and p is the probability of
success in a trial
11.17 q q = 1 - p for binomial distribution
11.18 N(n, v 2) Normal distribution with mean n and variance v 2
11.19 Z + N (0, 1) standard Normal distribution
probability density function of the standardised
11.20 z
Normal variable with distribution N (0, 1)
11.21 U corresponding cumulative distribution function
11.22 n population mean
11.23 v2 population variance
11.24 v population standard deviation
11.25 x sample mean
5 11.26 s2 sample variance
11.27 s sample standard deviation
11.28 H0 Null hypothesis
11.29 H1 Alternative hypothesis
11.30 r product moment correlation coefficient for a sample
product moment correlation coefficient for a
11.31 t
12 Mechanics
12.1 kg kilograms
12.2 m metres
12.3 km kilometres
12.4 m/s, m s–1 metres per second (velocity)
12.5 m/s2, m s–2 metres per second per second (acceleration)
12.6 F Force or resultant force
12.7 N Newton
12.8 Nm Newton metre (moment of a force)
12.9 t time
12.10 s displacement
12.11 u initial velocity
12.12 v velocity or final velocity
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80 A Level in Mathematics A
12.13 a acceleration
12.14 g acceleration due to gravity
12.15 n coefficient of friction
Pure Mathematics
Quadratic Equations
- b ! b 2 - 4ac
ax 2 + bx + c = 0 has roots
Laws of Indices
ax a y / ax+y 5
ax ' a y / ax-y
(a x) y / a xy
Laws of Logarithms
x = a n + n = log a x for a > 0 and x > 0
Coordinate Geometry
A straight line graph, gradient m passing through (x 1, y 1) has equation
y - y 1 = m (x - x 1)
Straight lines with gradients m 1 and m 2 are perpendicular when m 1 m 2 =-1
General term of an arithmetic progression:
u n = a + (n - 1) d
General term of a geometric progression:
u n = ar n - 1
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In the triangle ABC
a b c
Sine rule: = =
sin A sin B sin C
Cosine rule: a 2 = b 2 + c 2 - 2bc cos A
Area = 2 ab sin C
cos 2 A + sin 2 A / 1
sec 2 A / 1 + tan 2 A
cosec 2 A / 1 + cot 2 A
5 Mensuration
Circumference and Area of circle, radius r and diameter d:
C = 2rr = rd A = rr 2
Pythagoras’ Theorem: In any right-angled triangle where a, b and c are the lengths of the sides and c is
the hypotenuse:
c2 = a2 + b2
Area of a trapezium = 2 (a + b) h, where a and b are the lengths of the parallel sides and h is their
perpendicular separation.
Volume of a prism = area of cross section × length
For a circle of radius r, where an angle at the centre of i radians subtends an arc of length s and encloses
an associated sector of area A:
s = ri A = 2 r2 i
Function Derivative
nx n – 1
sin kx k cos kx
cos kx -k sin kx
ke kx
ln x x
f (x) + g (x) f l(x) + gl(x)
f (x) g (x) f l(x) g (x) + f (x) gl(x)
f (g (x)) f l(g (x)) gl(x)
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82 A Level in Mathematics A
Function Integral
1 n+1
xn x + c, n ≠ -1
cos kx sin kx + c
sin kx - cos kx + c
1 kx
ekx e +c
x ln x + c, x ! 0
xi + yj = x + y 2 2
xi + yj + zk = x 2 + y 2 + z 2
Forces and Equilibrium
Weight = mass # g
Friction: F # µR
Newton’s second law in the form: F = ma
For motion in a straight line with variable acceleration:
dr dv d 2 r
v= a= = 2
dt dt dt
r = yv dt v = ya dt
ds dv d 2 s
v= a= = 2
dt dt dt
r = yv dt v = ya dt
| x | fx
The mean of a set of data: x = n =
The standard Normal variable: Z = v where X + N ^ n, v 2 h
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Learners will be given the following formulae sheet in each question paper.
A Level Mathematics A (H240)
Arithmetic series
1 1
S n = 2 n (a + l) = 2 n {2a + (n - 1) d}
Geometric series
a (1 - r n)
Sn =
S3 = for r 1 1
Binomial series
(a + b) n = a n + n C 1 a n - 1 b + n C 2 a n - 2 b 2 + f + n C r a n – r b r + f + b n (n ! N),
JKnNO n!
where n C r = KKK OOO =
5 r
r! (n - r) !
n (n - 1 ) n (n - 1) f (n - r + 1)
(1 + x) n = 1 + nx + x2 + f + xr + f ^ x 1 1, n ! R h
2! r!
f (x) f l(x)
tan kx k sec 2 kx
sec x sec x tan x
cotx – cosec 2 x
cosec x – cosec x cot x
du dv
v -u
u dy dx dx
Quotient Rule y = v , =
dx v 2
y f l(x) (f (x)) n dx =
(f (x)) n + 1 + c
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84 A Level in Mathematics A
Integration by parts y u ddvx dx = uv - y v ddux dx
Trigonometric identities
sin (A ! B) = sinAcosB ! cosAsinB
Numerical methods
b b-a
Trapezium rule: ya
ydx . 2 h {(y 0 + y n) + 2 (y 1 + y 2 + ... + y n - 1)}, where h = n
f (x n)
The Newton-Raphson iteration for solving f (x) = 0 : x n + 1 = x n -
f l(x n)
P (A , B) = P (A) + P (B) - P (A + B)
P (A + B)
P (A + B) = P (A) P (B | A) = P (B) P (A | B) or P (A | B) =
P (B)
Standard deviation
R ^ x - x h2 Rx 2 2
Rf ^ x - x h2 Rfx 2
n = n - x or = - x2
Rf Rf
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Motion in a straight line Motion in two dimensions
v = u + at v = u + at
1 1
s = ut + 2 at 2 s = ut + 2 at 2
s = 2 ^u + vh t s = 2 ^u + vh t
1 1
v 2 = u 2 + 2as
1 1
s = vt - 2 at 2 s = vt - 2 at 2
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86 A Level in Mathematics A
Summary of updates
Date Version Section Title of section Change
June 2018 1.1 Front cover Disclaimer Addition of Disclaimer
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88 A Level in Mathematics A
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