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Drug Susceptibility Testing for

M. tuberculosis Complex

Presentation Overview
• Background on drug resistance
• Conventional drug susceptibility testing
(DST) methods
• DST turnaround times and reporting
• Discordance in DST results
• Ensuring quality
• Brief description of molecular methods for
resistance detection
Drug Susceptibility Testing for M. tuberculosis complex


Drug Resistant TB
• Multidrug resistant tuberculosis (MDR
TB)—resistant to at least rifampin (RMP)
and isoniazid (INH)

• Extensively drug resistant TB (XDR TB)—

MDR TB plus resistance to at least 1
fluoroquinolone (FQ) and 1 second-line
injectable drug (SI)

TB Treatment Regimens
• Pulmonary, drug susceptible TB, 6-month
standard regimen
– Initial phase: 2 months INH, RMP, ethambutol
(EMB), and pyrazinamide (PZA)
– Continuation phase: 4 months of INH and RMP
– Usually at least 3 previously unused drugs to
which isolate is susceptible and then individualize
– Individualized therapy

MDR TB Treatment
• Approximately 2 years of therapy with a
combination of first and second-line drugs
• Second-line drugs include FQ (e.g., ofloxacin,
ciprofloxacin, moxifloxacin, levofloxacin), SI (i.e.,
capreomycin, amikacin, and kanamycin), PAS,
ethionamide, cycloserine, and bedaquiline
• Regimen can become very complex depending on
the extent of additional resistance beyond RMP
and INH
• Second-line drugs often cause severe adverse
effects and may be difficult for patients to tolerate

First-line Drugs and Mechanisms of

Analysis, Answers, Action

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)
Intrinsic Drug Resistance
• Hydrophobic cell envelope (permeability barrier)
• Drug efflux systems and drug modifying
– Efflux systems pump toxic substances out of cell and
enzymes to change the drug configuration

• Intrinsic PZA resistance seen with some

members of the M. tuberculosis complex
(MTBC) due to lack of pyrazinamidase activity
– M. canetti, M.bovis and M.bovis BCG (other members
of MTBC are usually susceptible to PZA)
Selection of Drug Resistant
Mutants in TB
• Spontaneous mutations occur in the DNA of all cells
– Mutations can change the structure of a protein that is a drug
– Protein still functions, but is no longer inactivated by the drug
– Thus, TB can grow in the presence of the drug
• Resistance is linked to large bacterial populations
– Mutants resistant to any drug naturally occur on average once in
every 100 million (106–108) cells
– Pulmonary TB—cavities often contain 107 – 109 organisms
– By using two antibiotics, chances for both targets to be mutated
and resistant to both drugs is extremely small (10-8 x 10-8 = 10-16)
– This is the rationale for treatment regimens with more than one

Spontaneous mutations
develop as bacilli
proliferate to >108

Drug Mutation Rate

RMP 10-8
INH 10-6
PZA 10-6

Multidrug therapy: No bacteria
Drug-resistant mutants resistant to all 3 drugs
in large bacterial
population INH

Monotherapy: INH-resistant
bacteria proliferate


Spontaneous mutations
develop as bacilli
proliferate to >108
INH resistant
bacteria multiply
to large numbers


INH mono-resistant
mutants killed,
RMP-resist. mutants
proliferate  MDR TB

Other Factors Influencing
Development of Drug Resistance
• Treatment with inappropriate drugs, combinations or dosages
• Interrupted or irregular treatments
• Incomplete treatments
– Duration—patient stops early because feels better
– Required number of doses not taken (patient non-compliant)

• Metabolism of bacilli shifted to dormancy

– Impaired/ decreased drug uptake by M. tuberculosis cell

• Penetration of drugs to various body sites

– Some bacilli are within macrophages or other cells
– Suboptimal drug concentration at some body sites

• Impaired drug absorption due to underlying host conditions such as

HIV/AIDS, diabetes
Primary vs. Acquired Drug
• Primary—Strain is drug resistant at start of
treatment, patient never treated in past
– Implies transmission of drug-resistant bacilli

• Acquired—Strain is drug susceptible at start of

treatment, becomes drug resistant during

DST of MTBC is Essential
• Guides choice of chemotherapy—provides
the best chance of cure
• Detects drug resistance or confirms the
emergence of drug resistance when a patient
fails to show a satisfactory bacteriologic
response to treatment; guides the choice of
treatment with different drugs
• Offers insight into appropriate treatment for
contacts of patients with active TB
• Used to estimate the prevalence of primary
and acquired drug resistance in a community
Drug Susceptibility Testing for M. tuberculosis complex

Critical Concentration
• DST of MTBC typically involves testing the susceptibility
of the organism against the critical concentration of a
• Critical concentrations were adopted by international
• By definition, the critical concentrations represent the
lowest concentrations of drugs that inhibit 95% of wild-
type strains that have never been exposed to
antituberculous drugs, while at the same time not
inhibiting growth of strains that have been isolated from
patients who are not responding to therapy and are
considered resistant 17
Critical Concentration
• Ideally the critical concentration is the lowest
concentration of a drug that discriminates between
susceptible and resistant strains of MTBC
– Inhibits growth of all susceptible strains
– Allows growth of all resistant strains

• It is difficult to find a drug concentration that

precisely meets this definition; we settle for the
concentration that BEST DISCRIMINATES between
susceptibility and resistance

Determining Critical

Percent of bacteria
Percent of bacteria

S.J. Kim. 2005. Eur Respir J 25:564.

Difficulty of Determining Critical
Percent of bacteria

S.J. Kim. 2005. Eur Respir J 25:564. 20

Equivalent Concentrations
• Critical concentrations were originally
determined in Lowenstein-Jensen
• Equivalent concentrations of drugs later
established in Middlebrook 7H10 and
7H11 for agar proportion method and in
media used in commercial DST systems

Recommended Equivalent Test
Concentrations for First-line Drugs
System and Concentration (μg/mL)
7H10 7H11
Drug Agar Agar MGIT VersaTREK
INH low 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1
INH high 1.0 1.0 0.4 0.4
RMP 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
EMB 5.0 7.5 5.0 5.0
PZA - - 100 300

Recommended Concentrations for
Second-line Drugs
System and Concentration (μg/mL)
Drug 7H10 Agar 7H11 Agar MGIT*
Amikacin 4.0 - 1.0
Kanamycin 5.0 6.0 2.5
Capreomycin 10.0 10.0 2.5
Ofloxacin 2.0 2.0 2.0
Levofloxacin 1.0 - 1.5
Moxifloxacin 0.5 0.5 0.25
Ethionamide 5.0 10.0 5.0
PAS 2.0 8.0 -
Rifabutin 0.5 0.5 0.5
Streptomycin 2.0 and 10.0 2.0 and 10.0 1.0 and 4.0
*Most concentrations listed are based on multicenter studies. Systems are not cleared by the FDA 23
for testing second-line drugs (except Streptomycin)
Critical Concentration Differs from
Minimum Inhibitory Concentration
• Under some circumstances, laboratories may
perform tests to establish a minimum inhibitory
concentration (MIC) for each antituberculous drug
• The MIC is determined as the lowest concentration of
a series of drug dilutions that prevents visible growth
of MTBC in a broth dilution DST
• This differs from testing using critical concentrations
which uses single drug concentrations and provides
a categorical result of resistant or susceptible

Recommended Panel for DST
• Initial MTBC isolates from ALL patients should be
tested for susceptibility against four first-line drugs
– INH, RMP, EMB, and PZA

• Isolates resistant to RMP or any two first-line drugs,

should be tested against second-line drugs
– Minimally, second-line panel should include at least
one FQ, amikacin, kanamycin, and capreomycin

• DST should be repeated after 3 months if patient

remains culture positive

Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute [CLSI] M24-A2

American Thoracic Society, CDC, IDSA, MMWR 2003, TB Treatment Guidelines
DST Should Always be
Performed on a Pure Culture
• Indirect DST is performed after growth is
identified as MTBC
• It is essential to ensure that MTBC cultures are
pure; contaminating bacteria are known to harbor
intrinsic resistance and potentially cause false-
resistant MTBC DST results
• It is recommended that broths also be sub-
cultured to 7H10/7H11 and blood agar to assess
purity and colony morphology
• If a culture is mixed with NTM or other bacteria,
laboratories can attempt to re-isolate the MTBC 26
Culture-based Methods for DST
Indirect Agar
MGIT 320 or 960 VersaTREK Sensititre

Company Becton Dickinson Thermoscientific N/A Thermoscientific

Media Liquid broth Liquid broth Solid Liquid broth

96-well microtitre
Format Tube Tube Petri plate

Yes Yes No
FDA approved (laboratory
(cleared) (cleared) (research use only)
developed test)

Procedure for Agar Proportion DST
• Agar proportion (AP) is performed when a bacterial
suspension of known concentration (density equivalent to
0.5 to 1 McFarland turbidity standard) is spread onto solid
media containing
– No drugs (growth control)
– Critical concentrations of first-line and second-line antituberculous
– PZA cannot be tested using agar proportion method
• 7H10/7H11 do not support the low pH conditions required for PZA
• Incubate inoculated plates for 3 weeks after sealing

• Observe and enumerate the number of colonies each week

Isolate is resistant if the number of colonies on drug-

containing media is >1% of the colonies on drug-free media
Analysis of Results from
Agar Proportion Method
Growth control
(no drug) quadrant
90 colonies

INH quadrant
30 colonies
INH 30 / 90 = 33% resistant

RMP (R) quadrant

23 colonies
RMP 23 / 90 = 25% resistant

Streptomycin (S) quadrant

No colonies = susceptible

Curry Center. 2008. Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis: A Survival Guide for Clinicians
Commercial Broth Systems
• Selection of critical concentrations based on
comparison of results with agar proportion to
determine equivalent critical concentrations
• More rapid turnaround time results (4-13 days)
than agar proportion (21-28 days)
• Continuous, automated signal detection (e.g.,
fluorescence for MGIT, pressure changes for
VersaTREK) by instrument reducing hands-on
• Published evaluations of second-line drugs (no
FDA-cleared methods)
Commercial Broth Systems
MGIT 320 or 960 VersaTREK Sensititre

Signal detected Fluorescence released Pressure changes in Plates are examined for
and detected due to headspace of the bottle growth either manually
oxygen consumption by from oxygen using view box or using the
growing microorganisms consumption by growing Vizion system

Turnaroun Can be inoculated from Can be inoculated from Plates are inoculated from
d times either liquid or solid media either liquid or solid growth on solid media and
and results available 4-13 media and results can be read 10-14 days later
days later available 4-13 days
Results: Usually Susceptible/ Resistant MIC- laboratory might
Susceptible, Susceptible/ provide interpretive criteria
Resistant or MIC Resistant- of Susceptible/Resistant
sometimes Streptomycin streptomycin, Rifabutin,
(other drugs available as Ethionamide, Amikacin,
laboratory developed Kanamycin, Ofloxacin,
tests) Moxifloxacin, Cycloserine,
Broth-based DST
MGIT 320/960

0.5 mL of organism 0.5 mL of organism

suspension diluted suspension undiluted


Control low high

Alternative Inoculum
Preparation for MGIT
• Becton Dickinson package insert for preparing
inoculum for DST in MGIT includes a protocol for
preparing inoculum from solid medium
– Suspensions are made, allowed to settle, and
supernatants diluted to turbidity equivalent to 0.5
– Further 1:5 dilution is made for inoculating drug-
containing tubes; growth control is 1:100 dilution of
the 0.5 McFarland
– Lin, et al. (2009) described a similar method for
preparing inoculum from MGIT broth, based on
– Improved reproducibility was reported (JCM 47:3630)
• PZA tested at 300 mcg/ml
• Bottles can be inoculated by pipette or
• Same system used for mycobacteria
growth and detection from sputum, sterile
body fluids, and blood can be used for
• Sophisticated LIMS interface
• Instrument configurations holding 240 or
528 bottles available
Confirming Resistance from
Broth Systems
• Examine growth from purity plate to check for
contaminating organisms
• Examine growth from the drug-containing vial to
determine consistency
– Clumps vs. perfuse turbidity?
• Prepare a smear from the vial/tube
– Examine for cording, dispersed distribution, random
• Subculture vial/tube to 7H10/7H11 solid media to
examine colony morphology
• Repeat test from pure culture or different isolate
from the same patient if smear of growth
indicates a mixed or contaminated culture
Sensititre MYCOTB MIC Plate
• 96-well microtiter plate containing a panel of
12 first and second-line antituberculous drugs
• Plate contains a minimum of 7 dilutions per
• A bacterial suspension of known
concentration (1X105 cfu/ml) is prepared and
inoculated into wells of the plate
• Growth can be examined manually using a
view box or the Sensititre Vizion® System
• Resistant results can be detected in as little
as 7–10 days 36
Growth in MYCOTB MIC Plate
16 16 64

8 8 8 32

4 4 16

2 2 8

1 1 4

0.5 0.5 2

.25 .25 1

.125 .125 0.5


Limitations of MIC Testing for MTBC

• Procedures are not standardized

• Assays not FDA-cleared
• No universally established breakpoints or interpretive
• Few studies on how MIC correlates with clinical
presentation or patient outcome
• MIC results may not correlate with results obtained by
critical concentration methods
• Additional research is needed to understand how DST
results using different methods correlate with
treatment efficacy
Drug Susceptibility Testing for M. tuberculosis complex


Recommended Turnaround Time
for First-line DST
• Although indirect agar proportion is considered the
standard method for DST, it is not a rapid method
• Initial isolates of MTBC should be tested against a
panel of first-line drugs using a rapid commercial broth
• CDC recommends that DST results should ideally be
available to the submitter within 28 days of specimen
– Meeting the recommended turnaround time necessitates the
use of a rapid commercial broth system 40
Concerns with Current DST Practices
• Most laboratories refer for DST with
multiple referrals needed for a full panel of
first and second-line antituberculous drugs
• Laboratories may lack confidence in or be
reluctant to report resistance prior to
• Discordant results can occur within or
among laboratories and methods
• Manpower and training issues as expertise
is required 41
Considerations for Reporting DST
• Any resistance should be considered a
critical value and the submitter and public
health authorities should be notified
• Issue preliminary reports as results
become available
– Not necessary to wait for all first-line DST
results before issuing a preliminary report
• For example, RMP, INH, and EMB DST may be
complete even though PZA results may be pending
Considerations for Reporting DST
Results (2)
• If resistance detected, issue preliminary report
describing results while concurrently confirming
resistance and requesting DST with second-line drugs
– Also indicate the test is being repeated
– If resistance is confirmed, issue final report
• For patients with resistant isolates, consultation with
reference laboratory and specialists in the management
of drug resistant TB should be considered
• If the resistance does not confirm
– Call provider to inform of discordant results
– Issue a second preliminary report
– Submit to CDC or other reference laboratory for testing by the
same or different method (e.g., agar proportion)
Conventional DST Report
• Reports should, at minimum, include the name of
the drug tested and a clinically relevant
interpretation such as susceptible or resistant
• If reports indicate the concentrations tested for
each drug, it should also include the testing
medium and/or method used
• If agar proportion is used, the percent resistance
may also be reported
• If more than one concentration is tested for a
drug, interpretive comments may be included on
reports (e.g., high and low concentrations of INH)
Considerations for DST Referral Process

• Submitting and referral laboratories should

be familiar with shipping guidelines for
infectious substances
• If possible, laboratories should refer liquid
cultures for DST rather than waiting for
growth on solid media
• Submitting laboratories should routinely
monitor turnaround time of the referral
Drug Susceptibility Testing for M. tuberculosis


Discordant DST Results
• Can occur among different laboratories,
different DST methods and within the
same method
• What do discordant results indicate?
• Which result is correct?
– All
– Only one
– None
Reasons for Discordant DST Results

• Differences in bacterial population (original

isolate versus subculture)
– Different inoculum (e.g., isolates from
different specimens; sampling from same
• Differential growth kinetics
• Varying inoculation methods
• Another method
• Different media components (e.g.,OADC)

Reasons for Discordant DST Results (2)

• Operator or laboratory error

– Deviation from standard protocol
– Transcription, labeling errors
• Cross-contamination
• Variability of isolate in that the MIC is close
to the critical concentration tested
• Difficult drugs and lack of standardized
methods for second-line DST

Standardization and Reliability Issues
• Some drugs can be difficult to test
• Can result in microcolonies on agar proportion due to
the bacteriostatic nature of the drug
• Data suggest false susceptibility may be of concern in
commercial broth systems
• Requires testing in acidified liquid media that can
impact growth
• Sensitive to over inoculation resulting in false
• Data suggest false resistance may be of concern in
commercial broth systems
Standardization and Reliability Issues (2)

• Some drugs can be difficult to test

– Cycloserine
• Important second-line therapeutic option
• Cannot be reliably tested by methods available in
United States

• Data regarding optimal testing of second-line drugs are

limited and standardized protocols require additional

Variability in DST Results for EMB
EMB results reported by MPEP participants for six isolates of EMB-resistant MTBC, 2009–
MPEP Participant Results
(No. reported Resistant) / (No. reported
results) [% reported Resistant]
Isolate AP MGIT VersaTREK
mutation (% R)
2009L Met306Ile 12.5% 19/24 [79] 20/56 [36] 1/4 [25]

2009P Glu378Ala 100% 21/21 [100] 37/63 [59] 4/5 [80]

2010Aa Gly406Asp 40% 9/22 [41] 1/65 [2] 0/5 [0]

2010Ea Gly406Asp 40% 9/22 [41] 1/63 [2] 0/5 [0]

2010Cb Met306Val 100% 23/26 [88] 13/62 [21] 5/6 [83]

2010Db Met306Val 100% 24/26 [92] 15/63 [24] 5/6 [83]

a same strain; b same strain

Variability in DST Results for PZA
No. reported as Resistant/total reports (% reported as Resistant)
Isolate* Bactec 460 MGIT VersaTREK
A 0/17 (0) 1/64 (2) 0/5 (0)
B 0/17 (0) 7/62 (11) 0/3 (0)

C 0/17 (0) 20/62 (32) 3/3 (100)

D 0/17 (0) 21/63(33) 3/3 (100)
E 0/17 (0) 0/64 (0) (0)
*A and E are same strain; C and D are same strain.
Bactec 460 system no longer commercially available

• Data indicate potential false PZA resistance in some automated

liquid systems
Data from 2010 CDC Model Performance and Evaluation Program for MTBC DST
Chedore, P., et al., 2010. J. Clin. Microbiol. 48:300-301.
When PZA Testing is Likely to
be Repeated
• MGIT readouts
– Error (X) (e.g., failed to grow or grew too fast)
– “Low Resistant” result (e.g., 400/150)
– “High Susceptible” result (e.g., 400/84)
• Discordance with referring laboratory’s result
• PZA monoresistance (not known to be M. bovis)
• Susceptible in MGIT, but mutation detected in
pncA gene by molecular testing
• Resistant in MGIT, but no mutation detected in
pncA gene by molecular testing
Considerations for Detecting
RMP Resistance
• Level of resistance to RMP can vary depending on
specific mutations present within rpoB
• Reports of low-level but presumably clinically significant
RMP resistance being missed by commercial broth
– Can result in discordance between conventional and molecular
test methods
• Concern that missing RMP resistance through
conventional methods could impact clinical outcomes for

Variability in DST Results for RMP
Strain H (6/2008)* Strain T (5/2010)*
Method No. RMP- % No. RMP- %
Resistant/No. Resistant/No.
results results
Agar 19/27 70 15/23 65
BACTEC 460 15/36 41 7/19 37
MGIT 13/69 18 9/61 15
VersaTREK 0/3 0 0/5 0
Total 54/139 38 31/108 29

*His526Leu mutation in rpoB

Data from CDC Model Performance Evaluation Program

Drug Susceptibility Testing for M. tuberculosis complex


Quality Control
• Quality Control (QC) for DST should
include an isolate that is susceptible to all
drugs being tested (e.g., H37Rv)
• Although not necessary, laboratories may
choose to test a resistant strain as part of
their QC
• Use of a single strain that is resistant to
more than two drugs is not recommended
due to safety risk
Reference: CLSI M24A2 58
Quality Control (2)
• Drug susceptible QC strain should be run
– For each new lot of drug or media component before
use on patient isolates
• Especially for Oleic Albumin Dextrose Catalase (OADC) and
7H10 powder
– Each time new batch of media is prepared
– At least once a week or with each run
• If a resistant strain is used for QC, it may be
tested less frequently than drug susceptible

Reference: CLSI M24A2 59

Quality Control (3)
• Failure occurs when drug susceptible QC strain does not
grow in the growth control (i.e., no drug) or exhibits growth in
drug(s) being tested
• Patient results for the drug or drugs that failed QC should not
be reported for that testing period
• Testing for drugs and patient isolates affected by the QC
failure should be repeated
• Most common causes of MGIT DST QC failure include
contaminated QC cultures, over or under inoculated cultures,
no drug added to tubes, and instrument errors
• Growth in drug-containing (resistant) tubes should be checked
for purity using Ziehl Neelsen or Kinyoun stain of smear

Drug Resistance Rates as a
Performance Indicator
• True rate is dependent on population or geographic
– Decrease or increase may be due to shift in patient population
• False increase may be due to
– Cross contamination during specimen collection or processing
– Mixed cultures (NTM or contamination)
– Inappropriate drug concentrations or media preparation
– Errors in interpretation
• False decrease
– Inappropriate drug concentrations or media preparation
– Errors in interpretation
• Do not assume that a drug resistant isolate is due to
Proficiency Testing and Evaluation
Programs for DST of MTBC
• Maintaining technical proficiency is critical to
ensure rapid and reliable DST results
• Low volume laboratories processing fewer than 50
isolates/ year should refer to laboratories with
demonstrated technical proficiency for DST
• Formal proficiency testing for first-line DST is
available through the College of American
• CDC manages the voluntary Model Performance
Evaluation Program
– Program provides challenges to assess detection of
first and second-line resistances
TB Drug Susceptibility Testing: Expert Panel Meeting Summary Report, 2007
Drug Susceptibility Testing for M. tuberculosis complex


Use of Molecular Assays to
Detect Resistance
• Conventional DST requires growth of the organism
and turnaround time is measured in weeks
• Molecular assays to detect mutations associated
with resistance reduce turnaround time to hours or
– Provide more timely guidance for clinical management,
especially where there is risk of drug resistance or
resistance is suspected
• Molecular assays may require an isolate or use a
clinical specimen as the sample material
• Conventional DST still required due to gaps in
knowledge and limit of detection issues
• Under some circumstances, molecular results may
be more accurate (e.g., mutations resulting in low
level but clinically significant RMP resistance)
Examples of Tests for Molecular Detection of
Mutations Associated with Drug Resistance
GeneXpert® HAIN Genotype® Sanger Sequencing Pyrosequencing
Company Cepheid HAIN Lifescience Not Applicable (N/A) N/A
(laboratory (laboratory
developed test) developed test)

Genetic loci rpoB (for RMP) rpoB (RMP), katG Varies but can Varies but can
(INH), and inhA include rpoB, inhA, include rpoB, inhA,
(INH) katG, aphC, embB katG, aphC, gyrA,
(EMB), pncA (PZA), and rrs
gyrA (FQ), and rrs
Format Semi-automated Line probe assay DNA sequencing DNA sequencing
real-time PCR
FDA approved Market No N/A N/A
authorization (laboratory (laboratory
developed test) developed test)
Expected 1-2 working days 1-2 working days 1-2 working days 1-2 working days
turnaround time (depends on how (depends on how (depends on how
from receipt in often performed in often performed in often performed in
laboratory lab) lab) lab)

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