REF630 PG 756380 ENa
REF630 PG 756380 ENa
REF630 PG 756380 ENa
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Feeder Protection and Control 1MRS756380 A
Product version: 1.0 Issued: 15.09.2009
Revision: A
1. Description 2. Application
REF630 is a comprehensive feeder REF630 provides main protection for
management IED for protection, control, overhead lines and cable feeders of
measuring and supervision of utility and distribution networks. The IED fits both
industrial distribution substations. REF630 is isolated neutral networks and networks with
a member of ABB’s Relion® product family resistance or impedance earthed neutral. Four
and a part of its 630 protection and control pre-defined configurations to match typical
product series characterized by functional feeder protection and control requirements
scalability and flexible configurability. are available. The pre-defined configurations
REF630 also features necessary control can be used as such or easily adapted or
functions constituting an ideal solution for extended with freely selectable add-on
feeder bay control. functions, by means of which the IED can be
fine-tuned to exactly satisfy the specific
The 630 series IEDs support the new IEC
requirements of your present application.
61850 substation automation standard
including horizontal GOOSE communication
and the DNP3 communication protocol
offering seamless connectivity to station
automation and SCADA systems.
Feeder Protection and Control 1MRS756380 A
Product version: 1.0 Issued: 15.09.2009
GUID-EBE462A5-7366-467A-BA18-583E75428EDB V1 EN
Figure 1. RET630 and REF630 IEDs applied for the incoming feeder and primary switchgear
in a double busbar arrangement. The RET630 with preconfiguration A is used for
protection and control of the power transformer, the REF630 with preconfiguration B
protects and controls the outgoing feeder and the REF630 with preconfiguration D is
used for the bus sectionalizer.
Feeder Protection and Control 1MRS756380 A
Product version: 1.0 Issued: 15.09.2009
Description Preconfiguration
Preconfiguration A for open/closed ring feeder A
Preconfiguration B for radial overhead/mixed line feeder B
Preconfiguration C for ring/meshed feeder C
Preconfiguration D for bus sectionalizer D
Number of instances available N
Feeder Protection and Control 1MRS756380 A
Product version: 1.0 Issued: 15.09.2009
Functionality A B C D N
Three-phase non-directional overcurrent, low stage 1 1 1 1 1
Three-phase non-directional overcurrent, high stage 2 2 2 2 2
Three-phase non-directional overcurrent, instantaneous stage 1 1 1 1 1
Three-phase directional overcurrent, low stage 2 - - - 2
Three-phase directional overcurrent, high stage 1 - - - 1
Non-directional earth fault, low stage - 1 - 1 1
Non-directional earth fault, high stage 1 1 1 1 1
Non-directional earth fault, instantaneous stage - 1 - 1 1
Directional earth fault, low stage 2 1 3 - 3
Directional earth fault, high stage 1 - 1 - 1
Transient/intermittent earth fault 1 - - - 1
Negative-sequence overcurrent 2 2 2 2 2
Three-phase thermal overload for feeder 1 1 1 - 1
Phase discontinuity 1 1 1 - 1
Three-phase current inrush detection 1 1 1 1 1
Three-phase overvoltage - - 3 - 3
Three-phase undervoltage - - 3 - 3
Positive-sequence overvoltage1) - - - - 2
Positive-sequence undervoltage1) - - - - 2
Negative-sequence overvoltage 1) - - - - 2
Residual overvoltage - - 3 - 3
Frequency gradient - - - - 5
Overfrequency - - - - 5
Underfrequency - - - - 5
Load shedding - - - - 6
Fault locator1) - - - - 1
Circuit-breaker failure 1 1 1 1 2
Autoreclosing 1 1 1 - 2
Tripping logic 1 1 1 1 2
Feeder Protection and Control 1MRS756380 A
Product version: 1.0 Issued: 15.09.2009
Distance protection1) - - 1 - 1
Synchrocheck1) - - - - 1
Feeder Protection and Control 1MRS756380 A
Product version: 1.0 Issued: 15.09.2009
Feeder Protection and Control 1MRS756380 A
Product version: 1.0 Issued: 15.09.2009
GUID-8D94ABFF-3F94-4C26-BDF5-2F4DD4B906FB V1 EN
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Product version: 1.0 Issued: 15.09.2009
GUID-4460293F-E493-4876-8B35-EA12DD21B7BD V1 EN
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Product version: 1.0 Issued: 15.09.2009
GUID-A0FC88A2-E407-4A57-86B8-8845CE7AD078 V1 EN
GUID-CE8BEBCD-9D9B-4FE6-A9EF-AF4690339584 V1 EN
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Product version: 1.0 Issued: 15.09.2009
5. Control 7. Measurement
The IED incorporates local and remote The IED continuously measures the phase
control functions. The IED offers a number of currents, positive and negative sequence
freely assignable binary inputs/outputs and currents and the residual current. The IED
logic circuits for establishing bay control and also measures phase-to earth or phase-to-
interlocking functions for circuit breakers and phase voltages, positive and negative
motor operated switch-disconnectors. The sequence voltages and the residual voltage.
IED supports both single and double busbar In addition, the IED monitors active, reactive
substation busbar layouts. The number of and apparent power, the power factor, power
controllable primary apparatuses depends on demand value over a user-selectable pre-set
the number of available inputs and outputs in time frame as well as cumulative active and
the selected configuration. Besides reactive energy of both directions. Line
conventional hardwired signaling also frequency, the calculated temperature of the
GOOSE messaging according to IEC feeder, and the phase unbalance value based
61850-8-1 can be used for signal interchange on the ratio between the negative sequence
between IEDs to obtain required interlockings. and positive sequence current are also
calculated. Cumulative and averaging
Further, the IED incorporates a synchro-
calculations utilize the non-volatile memory
check function to ensure that the voltage,
available in the IED.
phase angle and frequency on either side of
an open circuit breaker satisfy the conditions The values measured are accessed locally via
for safe interconnection of two networks. the front-panel user interface of the IED or
remotely via the communication interface of
the IED. The values are also accessed locally
or remotely using the web-browser based
6. Fault location user interface.
12 ABB
Feeder Protection and Control 1MRS756380 A
Product version: 1.0 Issued: 15.09.2009
IED control signal over a binary input can be systems once the required communication
set to trigger the recording. In addition, the engineering has been done.
disturbance recorder settings include pre and
post triggering times.
The disturbance recorder can store up to 100
recordings. The number of recordings may 10. Disturbance report
vary depending on the length of the
recording and the number of signals The disturbance report includes information
included. The disturbance recorder controls collected during the fault situation. The
the Start and Trip LEDs on the front-panel report includes general information such as
user interface. The operation of the LEDs is recording time, pre-fault time and post fault
fully configurable enabling activation when time. Further, the report includes pre-fault
one or several criteria, i.e. protection function magnitude, pre-fault angle, fault magnitude
starting or tripping, are fulfilled. and fault angle trip values. By default, the
The recorded information is stored in a non- disturbance reports are stored in a non-
volatile memory and can be uploaded for volatile memory. The numerical disturbance
subsequent fault analysis. report can be accessed via the local front
panel user interface. A more comprehensive
disturbance report with waveforms is
available using PCM600.
9. Event log
The IED features an event log which enables
logging of event information. The event log 11. Circuit-breaker
can be configured to log information
according to user pre-defined criteria
including IED signals. To collect sequence-of-
The condition monitoring functions of the
events (SoE) information, the IED
IED constantly monitors the performance and
incorporates a non-volatile memory with a
the condition of the circuit breaker. The
capacity of storing 1000 events with
monitoring comprises the spring charging
associated time stamps and user definable
time, SF6 gas pressure, the travel-time and
event texts. The non-volatile memory retains
the inactivity time of the circuit breaker.
its data also in case the IED temporarily loses
its auxiliary supply. The event log facilitates The monitoring functions provide operational
detailed pre- and post-fault analyses of faults CB history data, which can be used for
and disturbances. scheduling preventive CB maintenance.
The SoE information can be accessed locally
via the user interface on the IED front panel
or remotely via the communication interface
of the IED. The information can further be 12. Trip-circuit
accessed, either locally or remotely, using the
web-browser based user interface. supervision
The logging of communication events is
The trip-circuit supervision continuously
determined by the used communication
monitors the availability and operability of
protocol and the communication engineering.
the trip circuit. It provides open-circuit
The communication events are automatically
monitoring both when the circuit breaker is
sent to station automation and SCADA
ABB 13
Feeder Protection and Control 1MRS756380 A
Product version: 1.0 Issued: 15.09.2009
in its closed and in its open position. It also function calculates the sum of the phase
detects loss of circuit-breaker control voltage. currents and compares the sum with the
measured single reference current from a
core balance current transformer or from
another set of phase current transformers.
13. Self-supervision
The IED’s built-in self-supervision system
continuously monitors the state of the IED 16. Access control
hardware and the operation of the IED
software. Any fault or malfunction detected To protect the IED from unauthorized access
will be used for alerting the operator. and to maintain information integrity the IED
is provided with an authentication system
Self-supervision events are saved into an
including user management. Using the IED
internal event list which can be accessed
user management tool in the Protection and
locally via the user interface on the IED front
Control IED Manager PCM600, an individual
panel. The event list can also be accessed
password is assigned to each user by the
using the web-browser based user interface
administrator. Further, the user name is
or PCM600.
associated to one or more of the four
available user groups: System Operator,
Protection Engineer, Design Engineer and
User Administrator. The user group
14. Fuse failure association for each individual user enables
14 ABB
Feeder Protection and Control 1MRS756380 A
Product version: 1.0 Issued: 15.09.2009
fault protection and featuring a core-balance settings. The threshold voltage can be set
current transformer. separately for each binary input.
The three phase-voltage inputs, for either All binary input and output contacts are
phase-to-phase voltages or phase-to-earth freely configurable using the signal matrix of
voltages, and the residual-voltage input cover the application condiguration function in
the rated voltages 100 V, 110 V, 115 V and PCM600.
120 V. The rated values of the current and
Please refer to the Input/output overview
voltage inputs are selected in the IED software.
tables, the selection and ordering data and
In addition, the binary input thresholds are the terminal diagrams for more detailed
selected by adjusting the IED’s parameter information about the inputs and outputs.
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Product version: 1.0 Issued: 15.09.2009
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Product version: 1.0 Issued: 15.09.2009
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Feeder Protection and Control 1MRS756380 A
Product version: 1.0 Issued: 15.09.2009
Description Value
Rated frequency 50/60 Hz
Operating range Rated frequency ± 5 Hz
Current inputs Rated current, In 0.1/0.5 A1) 1/5 A2)
Thermal withstand
• Continuously 4A 20 A
• For 10 s 20 A 100 A
Dynamic current
• Half-wave value 250 A 1250 A
• For 10 s 450 V
Description Value
Operating range Maximum input voltage 300 V DC
Rated voltage 24...250 V DC
Current drain 1.6...1.8 mA
Power consumption/input <0.3 W
Threshold voltage 15...221 V DC (parametrizable in the range in
steps of 1% of the rated voltage)
18 ABB
Feeder Protection and Control 1MRS756380 A
Product version: 1.0 Issued: 15.09.2009
Description Value
Rated voltage 250 V AC/DC
Continuous contact carry 8A
Make and carry for 3.0 s 15 A
Make and carry for 0.5 s 30 A
Breaking capacity when the control-circuit ≤1 A/≤0.3 A/≤0.1 A
time constant L/R<40 ms, at U< 48/110/220
Minimum contact load 100 mA at 24 V AC/DC
Description Value
Control voltage range 20...250 V DC
Current drain through the supervision circuit ~1.0 mA
Minimum voltage over the TCS contact 20 V DC
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Feeder Protection and Control 1MRS756380 A
Product version: 1.0 Issued: 15.09.2009
Description Value
Front side IP 40
Rear side, connection terminals IP 20
Description Value
Front and side IP 42
20 ABB
Feeder Protection and Control 1MRS756380 A
Product version: 1.0 Issued: 15.09.2009
Description Value
Operating temperature range -25...+55ºC (continuous)
Short-time service temperature range -40...+85ºC (<16h)
Note: Degradation in MTBF and HMI
performance outside the temperature range
of -25...+55ºC
Relative humidity <93%, non-condensing
Atmospheric pressure 86...106 kPa
Altitude up to 2000 m
Transport and storage temperature range -40...+85ºC
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Product version: 1.0 Issued: 15.09.2009
• Air discharge 15 kV
• Other ports 4 kV
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Product version: 1.0 Issued: 15.09.2009
Description Reference
LV directive 2006/95/EC
Standard EN 60255-27 (2005)
EN 60255-6 (1994)
24 ABB
Feeder Protection and Control 1MRS756380 A
Product version: 1.0 Issued: 15.09.2009
Description Reference
EMC directive 2004/108/EC
Standard EN 50263 (2000)
EN 60255-26 (2007)
Complies with RoHS directive 2002/95/EC
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Product version: 1.0 Issued: 15.09.2009
Protection functions
Table 27. Three-phase non-directional overcurrent protection (PHxPTOC)
Characteristic Value
Operation accuracy At the frequency f = fn
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Product version: 1.0 Issued: 15.09.2009
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Feeder Protection and Control 1MRS756380 A
Product version: 1.0 Issued: 15.09.2009
Characteristic Value
Operation accuracy At the frequency f = fn
±1.5% of the set value or ±0.002 x In
±1.5% of the set value or ±0.002 x Un
Phase angle:
±1.5% of the set value or ±0.002 x In (at
currents in the range of 0.1…10 x In)
±5.0% of the set value (at currents in the
range of 10…40 x In)
±1.5% of the set value or ±0.002 x Un
Phase angle:
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Characteristic Value
Operation accuracy At the frequency f = fn
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Product version: 1.0 Issued: 15.09.2009
Characteristic Value
Operation accuracy At the frequency f = fn
±1.5% of the set value or ±0.002 x In
±1.5% of the set value or ±0.002 x Un
Phase angle: ±2°
±1.5% of the set value or ±0.002 x In
(at currents in the range of 0.1…10 x In)
±5.0% of the set value
(at currents in the range of 10…40 x In)
±1.5% of the set value or ±0.002 x Un
Phase angle: ±2°
32 ABB
Feeder Protection and Control 1MRS756380 A
Product version: 1.0 Issued: 15.09.2009
Characteristic Value
Operation accuracy (U0 criteria with At the frequency f = fn
transient protection)
±1.5% of the set value or ±0.002 × Un
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Product version: 1.0 Issued: 15.09.2009
Characteristic Value
Operation accuracy At the frequency f = fn
34 ABB
Feeder Protection and Control 1MRS756380 A
Product version: 1.0 Issued: 15.09.2009
Characteristic Value
Operation accuracy At the frequency f = fn
1) Overload current > 1.2 x Operate level temperature, Current reference > 0.50 p.u.
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Characteristic Value
Operation accuracy At the frequency f = fn
Characteristic Value
Operation accuracy At the frequency f = fn
Current measurement:
±1.5% of the set value or ±0.002 x In
Ratio I2f/I1f measurement:
±5.0% of the set value
Reset time +35 ms / -0 ms
Reset ratio Typical 0.96
Operate time accuracy +30 ms / -0 ms
ABB 37
Feeder Protection and Control 1MRS756380 A
Product version: 1.0 Issued: 15.09.2009
Characteristic Value
Operation accuracy At the frequency f = fn
38 ABB
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Characteristic Value
Operation accuracy At the frequency f = fn
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Characteristic Value
Operation accuracy At the frequency f = fn
40 ABB
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Characteristic Value
Operation accuracy At the frequency f = fn
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Product version: 1.0 Issued: 15.09.2009
Characteristic Value
Operation accuracy At the frequency f = fn
42 ABB
Feeder Protection and Control 1MRS756380 A
Product version: 1.0 Issued: 15.09.2009
Characteristic Value
Operation accuracy At the frequency f = fn
Characteristic Value
Operation accuracy df/dt < ± 10 Hz/s: ±10 mHz/s
Undervoltage blocking: ±1.5% of the set
value or ±0.002 × Un
Start time1)2) Start value = 0.05 Hz/ Typical 110 ms (±15 ms)
df/dtFAULT = ±1.0 Hz/s
ABB 43
Feeder Protection and Control 1MRS756380 A
Product version: 1.0 Issued: 15.09.2009
Characteristic Value
Operation accuracy At the frequency f = 35 to 66 Hz
± 0.003 Hz
Characteristic Value
Operation accuracy At the frequency f = 35 to 66 Hz
± 0.003 Hz
44 ABB
Feeder Protection and Control 1MRS756380 A
Product version: 1.0 Issued: 15.09.2009
Characteristic Value
Operation accuracy At the frequency f = 35 to 66 Hz
± 0.003 Hz
ABB 45
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Characteristic Value
Operation accuracies At the frequency f = fn
46 ABB
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Product version: 1.0 Issued: 15.09.2009
Characteristic Value
Operation accuracy At the frequency f = fn
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Feeder Protection and Control 1MRS756380 A
Product version: 1.0 Issued: 15.09.2009
Characteristic Value
Operation accuracy At the frequency f = fn
±1.5% of the set value or ±0.002 x In
±1.5% of the set value or ±0.002 x Un
±2.0% static accuracy
Phase angle: ±2°
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Characteristic Value
Operation accuracies At the frequency f = fn
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Feeder Protection and Control 1MRS756380 A
Product version: 1.0 Issued: 15.09.2009
Characteristic Value
Operation accuracy At the frequency f = fn
Characteristic Value
Operate time accuracy ±1.0% of the set value or ±20 ms
Table 75. Communication logic for residual overcurrent (RESCPSCH) main settings
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Feeder Protection and Control 1MRS756380 A
Product version: 1.0 Issued: 15.09.2009
Characteristic Value
Operate time accuracy ±1.0% of the set value or ±20 ms
Characteristic Value
Operation accuracy At the frequency f = fn
Table 79. Current reversal and WEI logic (CRWPSCH) main settings
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Product version: 1.0 Issued: 15.09.2009
Table 80. Current reversal and WEI logic for residual overcurrent (RCRWPSCH)
Characteristic Value
Operation accuracy At the frequency f = fn
Table 81. Current reversal and WEI logic for residual overcurrent (RCRWPSCH) main
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Product version: 1.0 Issued: 15.09.2009
Control functions
Table 83. Autoreclosure (DARREC)
Characteristic Value
Operate time accuracy ±1.0% of the set value or ±20 ms
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Product version: 1.0 Issued: 15.09.2009
Characteristic Value
Operation accuracy At the frequency f = fn
Measurement functions
Table 85. Three-phase current measurement (CMMXU)
Characteristic Value
Operation accuracy At the frequency f = fn
±0.5% or ±0.002 x In
(at currents in the range of 0.01...4.00 x In)
Characteristic Value
Operation accuracy At the frequency f = fn
±0.5% or ±0.002 x Un
(at voltages in the range of 0.01...1.15 × Un)
56 ABB
Feeder Protection and Control 1MRS756380 A
Product version: 1.0 Issued: 15.09.2009
Characteristic Value
Operation accuracy At the frequency f = fn
±0.5% or ±0.002 x Un
(at voltages in the range of 0.01...1.15 × Un)
Characteristic Value
Operation accuracy At the frequency f = fn
±0.5% or ±0.002 x In
(at currents in the range of 0.01...4.00 x In)
Characteristic Value
Operation accuracy At the frequency f = fn
±0.5% or ±0.002 × Un
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Feeder Protection and Control 1MRS756380 A
Product version: 1.0 Issued: 15.09.2009
Characteristic Value
Operation accuracy At all three currents in range 0.10…1.20 x Inn
At all three voltages in range 0.50…1.15 x Un
At the frequency f = fn
Active power and energy in range |PF| > 0.71
Reactive power and energy in range |PF| <
±1.5% for power (S, P and Q)
±0.015 for power factor
Suppression of harmonics DFT: -50dB at f = n x fn, where n = 2, 3, 4, 5,
Characteristic Value
Operation accuracy At the frequency f = fn
±1.0% or ±0.002 x In
at currents in the range of 0.01...4.00 x In
Characteristic Value
Operation accuracy At the frequency f = fn
±1.0% or ±0.002 x Un
At voltages in range of 0.01…1.15 x Un
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Feeder Protection and Control 1MRS756380 A
Product version: 1.0 Issued: 15.09.2009
Characteristic Value
Operation accuracy At all three currents in range 0.10…1.20 x Inn
At all three voltages in range 0.50…1.15 x Un
At the frequency f = fn
Active power and energy in range |PF| > 0.71
Reactive power and energy in range |PF| <
±1.5% for energy
Suppression of harmonics DFT: -50dB at f = n x fn, where n = 2, 3, 4, 5,
Supervision functions
Table 94. Circuit breaker condition monitoring (SSCBR)
Characteristic Value
Current measuring accuracy At the frequency f = fn
Characteristic Value
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Product version: 1.0 Issued: 15.09.2009
Characteristic Value
Operation accuracy At the frequency f = fn
Operate time1)
• NPS function UFault = 1.1 x set Neg Typical 35 ms (±15
Seq voltage Lev ms)
1) Includes the delay of the signal output contact, fn = 50 Hz, fault voltage with nominal frequency injected from
random phase angle
Characteristic Value
Operation accuracy ±1.0% of the set value
Operate time accuracy ±1.0% of the set value or ±40 ms
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Figure 8. Semi-flush
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Product version: 1.0 Issued: 15.09.2009
630 series IED, 4U half 19” housing S
2 Standard
3 Main application
Feeder protection and control F
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The preconfiguration determines the I/O hardware and available hardware variants. Choose the
digits from one of the blue preconfiguration rows below to define the correct digits for # 4-8. The
example below shows preconfiguration “B” with chosen options.
4-8 Functional application, preconfigurations:
A = Preconfiguration A for open/closed ring feeder
B = Preconfiguration B for radial overhead/mixed line
C = Preconfiguration C for ring/meshed feeder 1)
D = Preconfiguration D for bus sectionalizer
N = None
Pre- Available analog Available binary in-
conf. inputs options puts/output options
#4 # 5-6 # 7-8
AB = 23 BI + 18 BO
AB = 4 I (I0 1/5A) + or
1 I (I0 0.1/0.5A) + 4 U AC = 32 BI + 27 BO
AB = 4 I (I0 1/5A) + AB = 23 BI + 18 BO
B or
1 I (I0 0.1/0.5A) + 4U AC = 32 BI + 27 BO
AB = 4 I (I0 1/5A) + AB = 23 BI + 18 BO
C 1) or
1 I (I0 0.1/0.5A) + 4 U AC = 32 BI + 27 BO
AB = 4 I (I0 1/5A) + AB = 23 BI + 18 BO
D or
1 I (I0 0.1/0.5A) + 4 U AC = 32 BI + 27 BO
AA = 4 I (I0 1/5A) + 5 U
or AA = 14 BI + 9 BO
AB = 4 I (I0 1/5A) + or
N 1 I (I0 0.1/0.5A) + 4 U AB = 23 BI + 18 BO
or or
AC = 3 I (I0 1/5A) + AC = 32 BI + 27 BO
1 I (I0 0.1/0.5A) + 5 U
Preconfiguration C requires that the Distance protection option
is chosen for digit #14 or digit #15
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9 Communication serial
Glass fibre (ST connector) A
Plastic fibre (snap-in connector) B
10 Communication Ethernet
Ethernet 100BaseFX (LC) A
Ethernet 100BaseTX (RJ-45) B
11 Communication protocol
IEC 61850 A
IEC 61850 and DNP3 TCP/IP B
For future use
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12 Language
English and Chinese Z
13 Front panel
Integrated local HMI A
Detached local HMI, 1 m cable B
Detached local HMI, 2 m cable C
Detached local HMI, 3 m cable D
Detached local HMI, 4 m cable E
Detached local HMI, 5 m cable F
No local HMI N
14 Option 1
Fault locator and synchro-check 1) A
Fault locator and phase-sequence voltage functions
2) B
66 ABB
Feeder Protection and Control 1MRS756380 A
Product version: 1.0 Issued: 15.09.2009
GUID-72DA4753-76AB-467D-9ACD-E3ABD42559A5 V1 EN
Example code: S B F B A B A C B B B Z A Z N A X A
Digit (#) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
GUID-36CF5573-FCDF-44B1-A549-02C5BF646CA9 V1 EN
23. Accessories
Table 99. Mounting accessories
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Feeder Protection and Control 1MRS756380 A
Product version: 1.0 Issued: 15.09.2009
68 ABB
Feeder Protection and Control 1MRS756380 A
Product version: 1.0 Issued: 15.09.2009
ABB 69
Feeder Protection and Control 1MRS756380 A
Product version: 1.0 Issued: 15.09.2009
Ethernet LAN offers an advanced and mimic diagrams for switchgear bay solutions.
versatile platform for power system To enhance personnel safety, the web HMI
protection. Fast software-based also enables remote access to substation
communication, continuous supervision of devices and processes. Furthermore, COM600
the integrity of the protection and can be used as a local data warehouse for
communication system, and inherent technical documentation of the substation
flexibility for reconfiguration and upgrades and for network data collected by the IEDs.
are among the distinctive features of the The collected network data facilitates
protection system approach enabled by the extensive reporting and analyzing of network
implementation of the IEC 61850 substation fault situations using the data historian and
automation standard. event handling features of COM600.
At the substation level COM600 utilizes the COM600 also features gateway functionality
logic processor and data content of the bay providing seamless connectivity between the
level IEDs to offer enhanced substation level substation IEDs and network-level control
functionality. COM600 features a web- and management systems such as
browser based HMI providing a customizable MicroSCADA Pro and System 800xA.
graphical display for visualizing single line
Product Version
Station Automation COM600 3.3 or later
MicroSCADA Pro 9.2 SP1 or later
RTU 560 9.5.1 or later
System 800xA 5.0 Service Pack 2
70 ABB
Feeder Protection and Control 1MRS756380 A
Product version: 1.0 Issued: 15.09.2009
GUID-D5305298-BC76-4649-812A-9434571FE7BB V2 EN
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1 1
2 PO1
3 2
4 3
5 4
6 PO3
7 6
8 7
BI4 8
12 11
BI6 12
14 14
15 SO5
16 15
BI8 17
17 SO6
1 2
4 4
BI2 5
5 PO3
6 7
7 SO1
8 8
9 SO2
10 11
11 SO3
12 12
14 15
15 16
16 17
GUID-6DCDED52-BE0B-4AC9-B909-2961E13EE234 V1 EN
72 ABB
Feeder Protection and Control 1MRS756380 A
Product version: 1.0 Issued: 15.09.2009
ABB 73
Feeder Protection and Control 1MRS756380 A
Product version: 1.0 Issued: 15.09.2009
74 ABB
Feeder Protection and Control 1MRS756380 A
Product version: 1.0 Issued: 15.09.2009
ABB 75
Feeder Protection and Control 1MRS756380 A
Product version: 1.0 Issued: 15.09.2009
76 ABB
Feeder Protection and Control 1MRS756380 A
Product version: 1.0 Issued: 15.09.2009
ABB 77
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