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Remote Monitoring System (RMS)

User Manual 1.0

RMS Device ................................................................................................................................................... 4
1 Installation ................................................................................................................................ 4
1.1 Wiring ........................................................................................................................................ 4
1.2 SIM card installation procedure ................................................................................................ 6
2 Wi-Fi provisioning ..................................................................................................................... 9
3 Cellular connection ................................................................................................................. 13
4 OTA Firmware Update ............................................................................................................ 13
5 Factory Reset........................................................................................................................... 13
6 RMS Configuration .................................................................................................................. 14
6.1 Device settings configuration ................................................................................................. 14
6.2 Parameters configuration ....................................................................................................... 19
7 RMS cyber security.................................................................................................................. 24
7.1 Internet access ........................................................................................................................ 24
7.2 Device registration to MQTT server ........................................................................................ 25
7.3 MQTT data flow ...................................................................................................................... 26
7.4 RMS Portal login ...................................................................................................................... 26
EMUS RMS Portal guidelines ...................................................................................................................... 27
8 Login / Password change ........................................................................................................ 27
9 OTA Firmware Update ............................................................................................................ 28
10 User management................................................................................................................... 29
10.1 User Groups ............................................................................................................................ 29
10.2 Roles ........................................................................................................................................ 29
10.3 User ......................................................................................................................................... 30
11 Customers management ......................................................................................................... 31
11.1 Customer groups ..................................................................................................................... 31
11.2 Customer ................................................................................................................................. 32
12 Devices management .............................................................................................................. 32
12.1 Device groups .......................................................................................................................... 32
12.2 Device ...................................................................................................................................... 33
13 Dashboards management ....................................................................................................... 33
13.1 Dashboard groups ................................................................................................................... 34
13.2 Dashboard ............................................................................................................................... 34
14 Entity Management ................................................................................................................ 35
14.1 Entity views groups ................................................................................................................. 35
14.2 Entity view............................................................................................................................... 35
15 Connectivity via TLS ................................................................................................................ 36
15.1 Connection procedure ............................................................................................................ 36
RMS Device

1 Installation

1.1 Wiring
Please proceed to EMUS RMS device installation recommendations which are
described in the wiring diagram below. EMUS RMS can be powered using same
power-source as an EMUS G1 Control Unit (CU021A).

Figure 0-1 RMS020/22 Connection with G1 Control Unit (CU021A)

Figure 0-2 RMS connection with Mini3 (MNC034)
NOTE: The wiring diagrams describes the EMUS RMS connection to the
EMUS G1 Control Unit (CM021) and EMUS BMS Mini 3 (MNC034) using
RS232 and CAN communication interfaces.

NOTE: One of the RS232, RS485, and Serial interfaces can be used at the
same time. In the future EMUS RMS versions, these interfaces will be user-
configurable during system operation. Currently, by default, RMS is
configured with RS232 interface.

1.2 SIM card installation procedure

1. Pull out nylon bolt.

2. Gently, but firmly push connector towards antenna.

3. When lid opens, pull the lid by the antenna.

4. Gently, but firmly push the lid away from the PCBa.

5. Open holding flaps to release GSM board.

6. Flip GSM board, there is a slot for the SIM card. Now
insert SIM card and put GSM board back into its slot.
7. Again, gently, but firmly, push the lid back onto the
PCBa. Make sure, that PCBa and the lid are aligned.

8. Now push PCBa with the lid back into enclosure. Make
sure all cables are not stuck on the enclosure. Then
firmly tighten the lid into the enclosure and push the
nylon bolt back.

2 Wi-Fi provisioning
Before device can connect to the internet, it must get access credentials to the users
Wi-Fi network. For this, device firstly acts as a router itself together with a http server,
so the Wif-Fi credentials can be filled through the web browser. The provisioning
procedure is done like this:

• Once device is powered on, access point “EMUS-RMS-xxxxxx” is created. Now the
unit is working, but can’t connect to the internet, as it doesn’t have user Wi-Fi
credentials. Mandatory to connect to “EMUS-RMS-xxxxxx” access point with the
password “emusrmswifi”:
NOTE: “EMUS-RMS-xxxxxx” access point stays active 5 minutes after power-

• After successful connection to “EMUS-RMS-xxxxxx” open your browser and

navigate to address. Once admin panel is presented need to login
into administrator console. The default password is the same as Wi-Fi password:
• After login you can monitor current EMUS RMS Wi-Fi connection status. Initially
device is not connected to any Wi-Fi spot, to connect it please manually fill your
Wi-Fi spot information in the settings page and change your “Admin Password”.
For saving new settings, please click button “Save”. After it you should reboot
device by clicking “Reboot RMS” button. After these steps, device attempts to
connect to the configured Wi-Fi router, and presents status to user.

NOTE: Changed “Admin password” will be saved in device. This password

should be used to future connections to “EMUS-RMS-xxxxxx” spot.
• In case when the password and ssid are correct, you should be seeing “Wi-Fi
connected” on the “Current Status” field in the settings page.
3 Cellular connection
Device also can be connected to the internet using cellular network. For connection
to internet need to:

• Have a SIM card with a mobile data plan without any set passwords (e.g., PIN,
PUK codes).

NOTE: The SIM card pin code can be cleared using your phone.

4 OTA Firmware Update

The RMS device supports remote over internet firmware updates. The remote
firmware update can be performed in cases when RMS Unit is connected to the
internet (Cellular or Wi-Fi connection) and using EMUS RMS Portal.

NOTE: More detailed information about the OTA update functionality is

described in the EMUS RMS Portal Guidelines chapter.

5 Factory Reset
RMS can be restored to factory defaults by following these steps:

• Turn off the power to the RMS Unit.

• Click and hold “Factory reset” button

Figure 0-3 "Factory Reset" button

• Turn on power to the RMS Unit

• Release “Factory Reset” button.

NOTE: After a successful factory reset you will be able to see default RMS
configuration parameters. One of the quickest ways to check: is the default

6 RMS Configuration
EMUS RMS has configuration files dedicated for your custom needs. They can be
found on RMS webpage shared attributes section. These configuration files help to
make the system more flexible and firmware independent.

6.1 Device settings configuration

Attribute settings.json is used for setting up custom settings for general RMS
configuration including general protocol settings, login information, wifi information.
These settings can be found on the EMUS RMS portal.

Parameters explanations

Parameter ID Description Type Default value Example

Global parameters

general General settings Container null

being declared Object
wifi Wifi settings are Container null
being declared Object

ota Ota (Over The Air) Container null

settings are being Object
declared here

cellular Cellular (mobile Container null

data) settings are Object
being declared

can CAN protocol Container null

settings are being Object
declared here

serial Serial (G1) Container null

protocol settings Object
are being declared

mqtt MQTT protocol Container null

settings are being Object
declared here

Global meaning settings

enabled Option to enable Boolean true

feature described

Protocol related parameters

speed Protocol bit speed Integer 250000

measured in bps
(bits per second)

protocol Type of protocol String null

declared here

General settings

connection_period Connection period Integer 200

described in
milliseconds, which
determines the
period of time
RMS need to wait
between switching
higher priority
connection type
over to lower

wifi_has_priority Option to Boolean true

determine the
priority of wifi over
True stands for wifi
as a higher priority

power_saving Option to enable Boolean true

RMS power-saving

sdcard_settings_all Option to allow Boolean true

owed JSON
settings from

Wifi settings

scan_period Wifi scan period of Integer 60

checking its

rssi_threshold Minimum allowed Byte 10

difference between
wifi signals
strengths before
switching to
connection wifi

access_points A list containing List null

wifi credentials for
each wifi being
used for having
access to
described access

admin_page Admin page Container null

settings are being Object
declared here

Access point settings

ssid Title / Name of the String ""

access point

passkey The password of String ""

the access point

Admin page settings

timeout - Integer 300

passkey Password for String ""

logging to admin

Ota settings

server_cert Over The Air server String ""

certification type.

Cellular settings

apn Name of cellular String "Internet"


user Username of login String "user"

to cellular APN

password Password of login String "pass"

to cellular APN

Serial settings

type Serial protocol String null

type, usually
RS232 is used

MQTT settings

uri Declaration of URI String "mqtts://rms.

path to RMS server emus.io:8883

cli_key Path to client key String "/spiffs/cli_ke

declared here y_pem"

cli_cert Path to client String "/spiffs/cli_ce

certificate declared rt_pem"

username Username of RMS String ""

panel login

password Password of RMS String ""

panel login

attr_send_period Period of Integer 10

attributes sending
over MQTT
described in

6.2 Parameters configuration

File params_configx.json is used for setting up custom settings for incoming and
outgoing specific protocol packets. These settings give an opportunity to control
packets IDs, types, their formatting, connection with MQTT protocol, etc. These
settings can be found on EMUS RMS portal.

Parameters explanations

Parameter ID Description Type Protocol Default

support value

Global parameters

comment Comment for String - ""

declaring this json


protocols This parameter Container G1, CAN {}

abstracts various Object
supported by

routes Configurable Container G1, CAN null

routes between Object

formats This parameter Container G1 {}

abstracts protocol Object
formats, which
can be used to
declare specific
types of

Protocol parameters

request_period Period time double G1, CAN 0.5

(described in
seconds) between
requests for data
params This section is for Container G1, CAN {}
describing Object
protocol packets /
sentences params

id Protocol packet id String G1, CAN null

‘X’ stands for
‘S’ stands for

dlc Packet for Byte CAN -1

receiving length
described in bytes

range Checking a range Integer CAN 1

of the packet ID,
with range > 1
sends to specified
id with looping
over a range

Parameters settings

start Start position Byte CAN 0

described in bits
from where
parameter will be

encoding Encoding type for String G1 null

bits Length of Byte CAN 8
described in bits

big_end Byte ordering Boolean G1, CAN true

True stands for

signed True - negative / Boolean G1, CAN false

positive values
False - only
positive values

offset Value from which Float G1, CAN 0.0

will start

factor Stepping value by Float G1, CAN 1.0

which result value
getting increased
in steps

decimals Decimal places Byte G1, CAN -1

after the dot.

units Type units String G1, CAN null

describing value.
Example: "V", "%",
"A", "°C"

type Precision type for String G1, CAN null

negating data loss
over decimals.

route_to_mqtt Name / ID of String G1, CAN null

parameter sent
over MQTT (you
will see it on the
RMS website)

packing Type of packing in String CAN "SINGLE"


pack_length Attribute for list Byte CAN 1

packing types,
which includes
more than 1
parameter in
determines how
many elements
will be in a packet

send_invalid Option for Boolean CAN false

enabling or
disabling out of
bounds values
sent to the

valid_top Maximum valid Double CAN 0


valid_bot Minimum valid Double CAN 0


format Custom declared Container G1 null

formatting Object
abstraction which
can be applied for
each packing

field Field position Byte G1 1

from where
sentence bytes
will be read,
currently used for

bit Describing bit Byte G1 0

position for
reading in a field

7 RMS cyber security

Emus Remote Monitoring System has various up-to-date algorithms to keep our
clients safe from random attackers, who may affect the stability of the system or
cause any danger in getting data stolen. We use these technologies for safety:

• TLS 1.2

• WPA / WPA2 (AP dependent)

7.1 Internet access

EMUS RMS can access Internet using two ways: via Wi-Fi Access Point or Mobile
Cellular Data connectivity.

7.1.1 Wi-Fi access point

When RMS gets access internet over the WIFI AP, it has supported standard WIFI
authentication algorithms WEP, WPA, WPA2, but since WEP and WPA have security
weaknesses, it has by default enabled only WPA2 algorithm, anyways it can be
customized later depending on client router authentication support. Wi-Fi AP SSID
and passkey are configurable on RMS device to allow it access customer’s Wi-Fi AP.

7.1.2 Mobile data

RMS can connect the internet over mobile data virtual access points as well. For this
access point, credentials (APN, username, and password) can be configurable in RMS
device. In most cases, it is not needed, as mobile network operator automatically
provides default credentials for Internet access.
7.2 Device registration to MQTT server
After being connected to the internet each RMS device on the first launch
(happening in the production phase at EMUS factory) gets registered to the MQTT
server by its unique device ID. Device ID provisioning provides RMS an
authentication token, which will be used on later authentications. In the settings file
you can set up manually login credentials also, that is another method for logging
continuous sessions. Our security system disables the opportunity to register the
device to a panel more than once using the same Device ID, so attackers do not have
the opportunity to receive tokens by just knowing Device ID itself. If needed can
connect to other MQTT servers like Amazon.
7.3 MQTT data flow
We assume that connections over the internet are not safe, since that is fully
controllable by the client itself, so we cannot control it. For such situations, EMUS
Remote Monitoring System has supported TLS 1.2 security protocol, which will
prevent client data from being abused by attackers or any other unwanted third
parties while doing continuous data flow over MQTT. Our current TLS is based on
*ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, HIGH* ciphers.

7.4 RMS Portal login

Remote monitoring system portal uses HTTPS connection via TLS 1.2 for
communication with client browser, HTTP connection attempts are automatically
redirected by RMS portal to secure HTTPS port, helping to avoid sniffing attacks.
Currently requires user login credentials for logging in site, which can be provided
only by EMUS company for each client manually, which leads to extra security level.
EMUS RMS Portal guidelines
EMUS RMS Portal is an open-source IoT platform that enables rapid development,
management, and scaling of IoT projects. Features of this platform enable the user:
provisioning of the devices, assets, customers, and creation of the relations between
them. It is also a very powerful tool to collect and visualize data from devices and
assets. The next paragraph briefly describes the main features, which allow
management and monitor the EMUS BMS performance.

NOTE: For EMUS RMS Portal usage you need to have EMUS provided access
to the web portal, which allows management and monitoring of the EMUS
BMS performance.

8 Login / Password change

Firstly, all users must have their EMUS RMS Portal accounts. All EMUS RMS Portal
user credentials is provided by EMUS. Once you have your credentials please
navigate with your browser to: “rms.emus.io”. After it you are navigated to login
page, please fill your email, password and click Login button.

When you logged in recommended to change your account password by making

these steps:
• Click “more three points vertical button”

• Select profile button .

• After these steps you can see your account general information and have ability
to change your password.

9 OTA Firmware Update

RMS OTA Update Procedure:

• Go to the “Dashboard groups” page.

• Open “EMUS Dashboards (“Customer Name”).
• Open “BMS Panel” dashboard.

• Select your RMS unit on top of the dashboard panel.

• Go to the “RMS” tab.

• Ensure that “RMS Uptime” continuously increasing, and “Active” parameter is true.

• Press the “Update firmware” button.

• Select “RMS020_FW (x.x.x)” firmware version and press “Update” button. (Do not
select “DO_NOT_FLASH” versions. Some versions are in development phase).

• Monitor downloading new firmware process on the graph on “RMS” tab.

• After successful firmware download and update “RMS FW Version” parameter

must be updated to the new one.

NOTE: To ensure the success of the firmware download process the signal of
the selected Internet connection must be stable.
10 User management
User is an entity that can log in to the EMUS RMS Portal web interface, execute REST
API calls, access devices, assets, and other entities if they have permissions to do so.
Users are grouped into user groups.

10.1 User Groups

A User group is group of users of the same level with the same permissions. One
user can simultaneously belong to several user groups. By default, two different user
roles are created in the EMUS RMS Portal: “Customer Users” and “Customer

• Customer Administrators: Having all permissions to manage EMUS RMS Portal


• Customer Users: Having read-only permissions in EMUS RMS Portal system.

User with sufficient permissions can add new user group by making these steps:

• Navigate to “Device groups” page.

• Press “Add entity group” button.

• Fill entity group name, description.

10.2 Roles
Using “Roles” possible to quickly create specific access to the EMUS RMS Portal
elements permission levels. EMUS RMS Portal provides two different role types:

• Generic: Each Role is related to one or more User Group. Each User Group has
only one Owner. With the Generic Role, you grant User Group with the same
permissions over all entities that belong to the same Owner and all its’ sub-
customers recursively. We use a special “connection” object called Group
Permission Entity to make a connection between User Group and Generic Role.

• Group: Group Role allows you to map a set of Permissions for a specific User
Group to a particular Entity Group. We use special “connection” object called
Group Permission Entity to make a connection between User Group, Entity Group
and Group Role.
To create new role, need to:

• Navigate to “Roles” page.

• Press “Add entity group” button.

• Fill role name, select role type,

• Select permission levels.

10.3 User
To add new user for specific user group, need to make these steps:

• Open user group where you can add new user.

• Press button.

• Write new user information and select activation method. User can be activated
by displaying activation link on the screen or sending activation link by previously
written email.
11 Customers management
EMUS RMS Portal allows users with sufficient permissions to manage their
customer’s information. Like users’ management, customers also can be divided into
groups. Users with “Customer Administrators” permission role can add and manage
all customers information.

11.1 Customer groups

By default, EMUS RMS Portal do not include created customer groups.

User with sufficient permissions can add new customer group by making these steps:

• Navigate to “Customer groups” page.

• Press “Add entity group” button.

• Fill entity group name, description.

• By clicking “next” possible to share this entity group with different permission
levels to the specific customers and their users.
11.2 Customer
To add new customer for specific customers group, need to make these steps:

• Open customer group where you can add new user.

• Press button.

• Write new user information and select activation method.

12 Devices management
EMUS RMS Portal allows users to manage their, and customer’s devices. Like users’ or
customers management, devices also can be divided by groups. By default settings
of the EMUS RMS Portal, users who have “Customer Administrators” permission roles
can add and manage all devices information.

12.1 Device groups

By default, EMUS RMS Portal do not include created device groups.

User with sufficient permissions can add new device group by making these steps:

• Navigate to “Device groups” page.

• Press “Add entity group” button.

• Fill entity group name, description.

• By clicking “next” possible to share this entity group with different permission
levels to the specific customers and their users.

12.2 Device
To add new device for specific customer, need to make these steps:

• Open device group where your device is located. You can find it by selecting “All”
in device group page.

• Select your specific device by checking checkbox.

• Press above located button and select new target owner.

12.2.1 Device attributes management

To configure device “settings.json”, “params_configx.json” or other attributes need to
make these steps:

• Open device group where your device is located. You can find it by selecting “All”
in device group page.

• Select your specific device by clicking on device row.

• Press “Attributes” button.

• Select from drop-down menu “Shared attributes”.

• Modify devices attributes.

For successful device “settings.json”, “params_configx.json” attributes update need to

reset your device using one of the RMS portal dashboards or just by disconnecting
your device from the power supply.

13 Dashboards management
EMUS RMS Portal allows users to manage their, and customer’s dashboards. By using
your own or EMUS created dashboards monitoring of the battery management
systems activity becomes more flexible and comfortable. Like other EMUS RMS
Portal elements, dashboards also can be divided by groups. By default settings of the
EMUS RMS Portal, users who have “Customer Administrators” permission roles can
add and manage all dashboards information.

13.1 Dashboard groups

By default, EMUS RMS Portal includes by EMUS created standard dashboard groups.

User with sufficient permissions can add new dashboard group by making these

• Navigate to “Dashboard groups” page.

• Press “Add entity group” button.

• Fill entity group name, description.

• By clicking “next” possible to share this entity group with different permission
levels to the specific customers and their users.

If you want to make your dashboard group public and share a link to it, you should:

• Go to the Dashboard groups.

• Click the icon next to the dashboard group that you want to make public.

• In the confirmation dialog box, click “Yes”.

• Open the dashboard group and click the link icon opposite the needed

• In the “Public dashboard link” dialog, click a copy button next to the link.

Now you can share a dashboard with this link. Note that you shouldn’t forget to
make related devices, assets, and entity views public to access their data.

13.2 Dashboard
Each dashboard can contain plenty of widgets. Dashboards display data from many
entities: devices, assets, etc. Dashboards can be assigned to customers.

To add a new dashboard, you should:

• Go to Dashboard groups through the main menu on the left of the screen.

• Open dashboard group where you want to add new one.

• Click the sign in the upper right corner of the screen.

• In the opened dialog, necessary to enter a dashboard title, description is optional.

Click “Add”.

14 Entity Management

14.1 Entity views groups

By default, EMUS RMS Portal do not include created entity groups.

User with sufficient permissions can add new device group by making these steps:

• Navigate to “Entity view groups” page.

• Press “Add entity group” button.

• Fill entity group name, description.

• By clicking “next” possible to share this entity group with different permission
levels to the specific customers and their users.

14.2 Entity view

Like SQL database views, which limits the degree of exposure of the underlying
tables to the outer world, EMUS RMS Portal Entity Views limit the degree of exposure
of the Device or Asset telemetry and attributes to the Customers. As a Tenant
Administrator, you can create multiple Entity Views per Device or Asset and assign
them to different Customers.

Supported use cases:

• Share specific device or asset data with multiple Customers simultaneously. Prior
Entity views feature was not possible due to restrictions of the EMUS RMS Portal
security model.

• Allow particular Customer users to see collected data (e.g., sensor readings), but
hide debug info like battery level, system errors, etc.

• Device-as-a-Service (DaaS) model where data collected by the device at different

periods of time belongs to different Customers.
15 Connectivity via TLS

EMUS RMS allows users the possibility to connect EMUS Control Panel application
remotely, it provides ability to manage and configure the EMUS BMS devices without
being in any physical connection with them. EMUS RMS initializes a remote secured
tunnel, which is responsible for encrypting all data flow between the EMUS devices
and EMUS Control Panel application.

NOTE: Before the TLS connection procedure please make sure you have a
compatible EMUS Control Panel Application version. After downloading the
EMUS Control Panel application for the first time, launch it before attempting
to connect using a TLS connection.

NOTE: Please download EMUS Control Panel Application from the official
EMUS web page. For more information, please contact the EMUS support

15.1 Connection procedure

• To start off user needs to navigate and login to the EMUS RMS Portal.

• Open “EMUS Public Dashboard” and navigate to the “RMS” page.

• Click on the “Connect Control Panel” button.

• Popup box in the upper part the of page will appear.

• To open the EMUS Control Panel application, click on the “Open” button. After
these steps, all EMUS Control Panel Application functionality stays the same as it
is used with a USB.

NOTE: If the popup box did not appear, make sure you have a compatible
version of the EMUS Control Panel Application.

NOTE: The EMUS Control Panel Application using TLS may run slower in case
of poor internet connection.

Please contact EMUS for BMS installation or support questions to:


Thank you for choosing EMUS BMS products!

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