Advanced Operational Environment (Aoe) : End-to-End Service Management Platform

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Data Sheet

ENVIRONMENT (AOE) End-to-End Service Management Platform

PRODUCT FEATURES Overview Service activation and diagnostics operate

throughout the layers of the service, including
The rate of communications technology
physical and logical layers, ensuring the greatest
Scalable, extensible architecture
change is constantly accelerating. The
possible visibility regarding the health and
explosion of connected devices combined
performance of the service. Effective management
n All-Java application, based on with growing video content (both IPTV
visibility includes Ethernet congestion points
TMN model and OTT) and cloud applications are
throughout the system, with the ability to
driving the need for infinite bandwidth.
Single management platform characterize both the efficacy of the individual
This is driving service providers to build
for ADTRAN systems service and the overall capacity concerns of the
next-generation software-centric (SDN)
system. Whether it is Carrier Ethernet, IPTV,
Includes fault, configuration,
networks which are highly scalable and
VoIP, Internet, or Circuit Emulation, ADTRAN’s
accounting, performance, and programmable, allowing for faster and
advanced management solutions will verify the
security management functions more flexible service delivery. In addition,
correct provisioning and performance of the
telecom and cable operators are looking
Plug-and-play deployment for
circuit as well as prescribe corrective actions
n for service management tools that simplify
Ethernet services when problems arise.
service orchestration in a multi-vendor
network environment. Comprehensive Perspective
n Supports scheduled and
automatic network element Aligning Business with Network Management n ServiceDesigner® enables the network
software upgrades planner or provisioning to specify the
The ADTRAN® Advanced Operational
configuration and performance parameters
n Provisioning recovery after Environment (AOE) transforms the traditional
catastrophic failure associated with a service in a “once and done”
operational environment from equipment
fashion using a simple web GUI. Component
configuration and provisioning to a service-
Optional redundant configuration profiles are defined and used for complete
oriented approach that aligns with the

service templates. Service templates are

service providers’ drive towards software-
defined for multiple technology use. Service
centric networks.
templates are defined for voice, video, data
AOE enables end to end service management, and business services.
simplifying operations such as network planning,
n Auto Provisioning enables more efficient
capacity management, service activation and
“zero-touch” residential FTTP service turn
assurance, providing timely and cost effective
ups. This feature obviates the need for
overall service management.
maintaining fiber plant records and allows
service providers to actually learn accurate
OMAT fiber assignments using reliable mechanisms
UT IO like DHCP Option 82. It also allows for
AService Service Billing/ much richer back-office integrations wherever

Management Check Monitor Provisioning

& Planning Support applicable and provides an avenue to decrease
the overall time to revenue for new subscriber


ServiceActivator® simplifies the often arcane

Service Service Capacity n

Creation Activator Manager Support
process of provisioning ports and cross

connects to a simple service “drag and drop”


capability. ServiceActivator works in concert


Service Workforce

with ServiceDesigner to perform end to



Service Inventory
end service provisioning based on template

SIM definitions. All the complexities of turning
Business Trouble up subscribers services on access ports are
Support completely transparent to the technician.

n ServiceCheck® is a comprehensive diagnostic n InventoryManager presents comprehensive set of

function useful in both circuit acceptance and inventory management and planning tools through an
troubleshooting situations. ServiceCheck goes intuitive Graphical User Interface (GUI). It allows the
beyond data visualization by employing diagnostic user to view network-wide port usage by equipment
tests and algorithms such as metallic loop test, type, descriptive inventory information by location
SELT/DELT, TScan®, optical, and logical layer and user definable reports
diagnostics to determine service integrity. PM,
status, provisioning, and hardware information AOE offers a very simplified graphical interface to
are written into system logic that checks the perform software upgrades in a scalable and reliable
provisioning against the best practice settings manner on all supported network elements. Software
for the particular service and then checks against upgrades can be carried out on-demand or scheduled
an exhaustive set of rules to determine root causes during a maintenance window. AOE makes it simpler
for degrading conditions or failures. ServiceCheck to upgrade software on thousands of ONTs in an
offers recommendations to compensate for FTTP network.
impairments if the line impairment cannot be
isolated or repaired. All alarms from managed network element can be
viewed live in the Alarm Window. The window offers a
n ServiceMonitor® is a Performance Monitoring tool color coded view of the alarms based on their severity.
used to identify circuits that exhibit physical or packet The user can also drill into alarm details for more
performance degradation issues. It checks large information about the alarms.
number of circuits in a background operation; checks
central offices or regions at a time. It is non-intrusive; The OSS gateway provides northbound interface
generates a report of circuits experiencing degrading specifications for integration with service provider
or suspect performance issues. It may be used with billing, provisioning, and facilities OSS to automate
ServiceCheck to automate the diagnostics of suspect common tasks and functions.
services identified by ServiceMonitor. n TL1, XML standard interfaces and web services.
n CapacityManager monitors links and trunks n Support for alarms, provisioning, inventory, and
throughout the access network to identify potential
performance monitoring.
bottlenecks and recommended actions. Monitors
can be configured for custom alerts. The alerts
can be viewed on the AOE dashboard. This is
non-service affecting.

Data Sheet
End-to-End Service Management Platform

AOE is a simplified end-to-end service delivery construct that enables
streamlined workflow for high scalability, proactive network monitoring
for SLA compliance, and solid decision support logic designed for
operational efficiency. ADTRAN’s AOE solution transforms the
traditional operational environment from equipment configuration
and provisioning to a service-oriented approach that aligns with the
service providers’ operations. Hardware tasks have been automated
within ADTRAN’s management system, eliminating the training and
equipment knowledge required of customer service representatives.
End-to-End Service Management Platform

AOE is for use with Linux-based Server Product Families Category III
operating systems. Minimum
hardware requirements necessary Supported OS Supported n NetVanta® 800, 8000 Series
Total Access 14xx
Category I
for evaluation of AOE are listed n CentOS 5, 6 or 7
below. To receive recommendations n FTTH 500 Series FTTB/dp ONU
n RedHat Enterprise (RHEL) n Total Access® 5000
for your deployment, please contact 5, 6 or 7
n MX2800/MX2820
n Total Access 4303
your sales individual or email n MX410/412 Total Access 3000
Server Specs
n Total Access 600 Series T1 ATM
n OPTI-6100
n Processor: Quad-core n Total Access 600 Series T1 TDM
1.9 GHz or comparable Category II
RAM: 8 Gb Category IV
n n Total Access 1500
n FTTH 300 Series ONT
n Disk Space: 100 Gb n Total Access 1100F/1200F
n FTTH 400 Series ONT
n Network LAN: 1 Gb n Total Access 11xx/12xx
n OPTI-3


AOE Services Management Application is delivered as a key component in the ADTRAN Network Care Programs.
For information on these programs, including components and pricing, please visit the Services website at:

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