Lab Report 1
Lab Report 1
Lab Report 1
Lab Report NO # 01
Course Title: Operating System
Course Code: CSE 310 Section: 221-D23
Student Details
Name ID
1. Md. Fahad Nakib 221902149
I. Learning basic Linux commands.
II. Performing variety of tasks, including displaying information about files and directories.
III. Familiarization with command-line interface (CLI) and popular shells include Bash.
Implementing wc, egerep, top, head, tail, copy and make directory commands.
Implementing sort, nl, cut commands.
Implementing gedit, cat, head, tail, sort commands.
Implementing which, cmp, diff, rev, echo, tr commands.
Implementing bc, echo, uname a, uname, uname -n commands.
Implementing history, sudo, grep apt commands.
Implementing du, du –h, du –c, du –ch, du -sh commands.