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914pm - 44.epra Journals 13330
914pm - 44.epra Journals 13330
The term "environmental monitoring" refers to the practice of keeping tabs on and assessing the state of both natural and built
environments. The purpose of environmental monitoring is to gather information that may be utilized to spot patterns, hazards,
and improvement avenues. Because theycan analyse enormous volumes of data and identify complicated patterns that may not
be clearly detectable using conventional methods, machine learning techniques may be particularly successful for
environmental monitoring. The lack of a reliable method to gather complete data, and the overall lack of data openness, is the
main problem with the status quo. These environmental data are often collected in siloed units, requiring time and money from
environmental protection agencies before they can be made public. In this study, we'll look at how machine learning may be put
to use in environmental surveillance. Two recent cases will be discussed briefly within the framework of our paper before we
wrap things up.
understanding of environmental agencies. AI has found image and audio identification, natural language
widespread application in air pollution prediction and early processing, predictive analytics, fraud detection,
warning systems. Nevertheless, for highly variable recommendation systems, andautonomous vehicles.
pollution concentrations, a single machine learning system
may not be sufficient for monitoring. It is necessary to There have been many recent developments in the field of
develop a comprehensive ambient air quality monitoring machine learning that can be useful in monitoring the
system and innovative approaches for making air quality environment effectively [8].
decisions [3]. In the event of extremely variable pollutant Deep Learning, Reinforcement Learning, Generative
concentrations, a single machine learning method is not Adversarial Networks (GANs), Transfer Learning,
sufficient for environmental monitoring. Federated Learning
Therefore, we can that there are several drawbacks of
traditional environment monitoring systems, including: 4. ENVIRONMENT MONITORING
• Limited coverage: Traditional environment monitoring Environmental monitoring refers to the process of
systems are often limited in their coverage area. This collecting and analyzing data on various aspects of the
means that they may not be able to monitor certain areas environment, such as air quality, water quality, soil quality,
thatare of interest [4]. and weather conditions [9]. Environmental monitoring
• Expensive infrastructure: Setting up and maintaining serves the purpose of identifying and quantifying
traditional environment monitoring systems can be environmental changes, assessing the effectiveness of
expensive due to the need for a large amount of environmental policies, and evaluating the impact of
infrastructure, including sensors, data loggers, and human activities on the environment. Different monitoring
communication networks. programs focus on specific aspects, such as air quality or
water quality. Various techniques, including remote
• High power consumption: Traditional environment sensing, satellite imaging, and on-the-ground sampling, are
monitoring systems often require a lot of power to employed for environmentalmonitoring. The data collected
operate, which can be a challenge in remote or off-grid through monitoring programs is utilized by government
areas where power may be limited. agencies, non-governmental organizations, and businesses
• Limited scalability: Traditional environment to make informed decisions regarding environmental
monitoring systems may not be easily scalable, meaning management and conservation. Technological
that it can be difficult to add more sensors or expand the advancements have significantly improved environmental
monitoring area [5]. monitoring, enabling better data collection, analysis, and
• Limited real-time data: Traditional environment interpretation. These advancements include remote
monitoring systems may have a delay in data sensing, geographic information systems (GIS), sensor
transmission and processing, meaning that real-time technology, big data analytics, citizen science, and the
data is not always available. Internet of Things (IoT). Environmental monitoring plays
Data silos: Traditional environment monitoring systems a crucial role in safeguarding natural resources and
often generate large amounts of data,but the data may be promoting sustainable management for future generations.
stored in different locations or in different formats, making [10]. Advancements in environmental monitoring include
it difficult to integrate and analyze. remote sensing, IoT, big data analytics, artificial
intelligence (AI), and mobile apps. Remote sensing enables
3. WHAT EXACTLY IS MACHINE data collection on a large scale, such as tracking
LEARNING? deforestation and monitoring crop growth. IoT devices
Machine learning is a subfield of artificial intelligence that connected to the internet provide real-time data on air and
focuses on the creation of algorithms and statistical models water quality, aiding resource management and pollution
that allow computer systems to learn from data and make control. Big data analytics allows for analysis of large
predictions or judgments based on it. Machine learning datasets identifying trends and patterns. AI algorithms
aims to create systems that can enhance their job analyze data to detect patterns, anomalies, and potential
performance without being explicitly trained to do so [6]. risks. Mobile apps enable crowd sourcing of
There are three kinds of machine learning algorithms: environmental data. Machine learning can be appliedto
supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and environmental monitoring for predictive modeling, image
reinforcement learning. In supervised learning, the recognition, anomaly detection, classification, and time-
algorithm is trained using labeled data, which implies that series analysis. These advancements have improved our
the expected output is displayed alongside the input data understanding of human impacts on the environment and
[7]. The algorithm learns to predict the appropriate output our ability to mitigate and adapt to environmental changes.
based on the input properties. Unsupervised learning [11].
algorithms are trained on unlabeled data and are tasked
with discovering patterns and structure in the data. 5. NEED FOR DETAILED MONITORING OF
Reinforcement learning is a kind of machine learning in THE ENVIRONMENT
which an agent learns how to act in a given The need for detailed monitoring of the environment has
environment to maximize a reward signal. Machine become increasingly important in recent years due to
learning is used in a variety of applications, including various factors such as climate change, pollution,
2023 EPRA IJMR | http://eprajournals.com/ | Journal DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.36713/epra2013------------------------------------------------------------------------- 209
ISSN (Online): 2455-3662
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR) - Peer Reviewed Journal
Volume: 9| Issue: 5| May 2023|| Journal DOI: 10.36713/epra2013 || SJIF Impact Factor 2023: 8.224 || ISI Value: 1.188
deforestation, and the depletion of natural resources [12]. the spread of invasive species.
Here are some key reasons why detailed monitoring of
the environment is necessary: The integration of machine learning and AI with
environmental issues has the potential to revolutionize our
5.1 Conservation and Biodiversity: Detailed monitoring approach to addressing and mitigating environmental
allows us to understand the distribution and abundance of challenges. Here are a few key areas where machine
species, their habitats, and any changes occurring within learning and AI can contribute to environmental issues
ecosystems. This information is crucial for effective [14].
conservation efforts and the protection of biodiversity.
5.2 Climate Change: Monitoring environmental 5.7 Environmental Monitoring and Conservation:
parameters such as temperature, precipitation,sea level, Machine learning algorithms can analyze large datasets
and greenhouse gas concentrations helps us track and collected from various sources such as satellite imagery,
understand the impacts of climate change. This sensors, and drones to monitor and assess environmental
information is essential for developing strategies to conditions. This technology can be used to track
mitigate and adapt to climate change and to assess the deforestation, detect changes in land cover, monitor water
effectiveness of such measures. quality, and identify endangered species. By automating
the analysis process, machine learning can provide real-
Pollution Management: Monitoring the quality of air, time insights and help conservation efforts.
water, and soil is essential for identifying pollution sources,
assessing their impact on human health and ecosystems, 5.8 Environmental Decision-Making: AI can assist
and implementing appropriate pollution control measures. policymakers and organizations in making informed
decisions related to environmental management. By
5.3 Natural Resource Management: Detailed monitoring analyzing vast amounts of data and considering various
provides insights into the availability, distribution, and factors, AI algorithms can provide insights, model
usage of natural resources such as forests, water, scenarios, and support evidence-based decision-making
minerals, and fisheries. This information is critical for processes.
sustainable resource management and planning.
5.4 Disaster Management: Monitoring environmental ENVIRONMENT MONITORING
conditions can help in predicting and responding to natural Conducting effective environment monitoring with the
disasters such as hurricanes, floods, wildfires, and help of machine learning can significantly enhance the
droughts. Timely and accurate data enable effective accuracy and efficiency of data analysis [15]. To
emergency planning, response, and recovery efforts [13]. implement environmental monitoring using machine
learning, follow these steps:
5.5 Human Health: Monitoring environmental factors 6.1 Define the Problem: Clearly identify the
such as air quality, water contamination, and exposure to environmental factors you want to monitor and the specific
hazardous substances is vital for understanding the impacts problem you want to solve, such as air quality, water
on human health. pollution, or climatechange.
5.6 Policy Development: Detailed environmental 6.2. Data Collection: Gather relevant data from sources
monitoring provides scientific evidence and data that like sensors, satellites, weather stations, or existing
inform policy development and decision-making databases. Ensure the data is reliable, consistent, and covers
processes. a significant time period.
To achieve detailed monitoring, various technologies and 6.3 Data Preprocessing: Clean the collected data by
methods are employed, including satellite remote sensing, removing outliers, handling missing values, and
ground-based sensors, drones, data analytics, and citizen normalizing it for accuracy.
science initiatives. Collaboration between governments,
scientific institutions, environmental organizations, and 6.4 Feature Engineering: Extract meaningful features
communities is crucial for the success of environmental from the data that can provide valuable insights, such as
monitoring efforts. Overall, detailed monitoring of the pollutant levels, weather conditions, and geographical
environment plays a crucial role in understanding the state information.
of our planet, identifying problems, and developing
effective solutions to ensure a sustainable and healthy 6.5Model Selection: Choose an appropriate machine
future. Effective monitoring programs require careful learning model based on your problem and data
planning and implementation to ensure that data is characteristics, such as decision trees, random forests,
accurate, reliable, and meaningful. Regular monitoring can support vector machines (SVM), or neural networks.
help to track changes over time and identify trends that may
require intervention. It can also provide early warning of 6.6. Training the Model: Divide the cleaned data into a
potential environmental threats, such as natural disasters or training set and a test set. Train the model using the training
2023 EPRA IJMR | http://eprajournals.com/ | Journal DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.36713/epra2013------------------------------------------------------------------------- 210
ISSN (Online): 2455-3662
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR) - Peer Reviewed Journal
Volume: 9| Issue: 5| May 2023|| Journal DOI: 10.36713/epra2013 || SJIF Impact Factor 2023: 8.224 || ISI Value: 1.188
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