1 s2.0 S0020768321000688 Main
1 s2.0 S0020768321000688 Main
1 s2.0 S0020768321000688 Main
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: A structural geometric nonlinear analysis using the finite element method (FEM) depends on the consid-
Received 10 July 2020 eration of five aspects: the interpolation (shape) functions, the bending theory, the kinematic description,
Received in revised form 14 January 2021 the strain–displacement relations, and the nonlinear solution scheme. As the FEM provides a numerical
Accepted 16 February 2021
solution, the structure discretization has a great influence on the analysis response. However, when
Available online 04 March 2021
applying interpolation functions calculated from the homogenous solution of the differential equation
of the problem, a numerical solution closer to the analytical response of the structure is obtained, and
the level of discretization could be reduced, as in the case of linear analysis. Thus, to reduce this influence
Tangent stiffness matrix
Analytical interpolation functions
and allow a minimal discretization of the structure for a geometric nonlinearity problem, this work uses
Timoshenko beam theory interpolation functions obtained directly from the solution of the equilibrium differential equation of a
Nonlinear geometric analysis deformed infinitesimal element, which includes the influence of axial forces. These shape functions are
used to develop a complete tangent stiffness matrix in an updated Lagrangian formulation, which also
integrates the Timoshenko beam theory, to consider shear deformation and higher-order terms in the
strain tensor. This formulation was implemented, and its results for minimal discretization were com-
pared with those from conventional formulations, analytical solutions, and Mastan2 v3.5 software. The
results clearly show the efficiency of the developed formulation to predict the critical load of plane
and spatial structures using a minimum discretization.
Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0020-7683/Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Marcos Antonio Campos Rodrigues, Rodrigo Bird Burgos and Luiz Fernando Martha International Journal of Solids and Structures 222–223 (2021) 111003
General geometric parameters Nh2 ; Nh5 cross-section rotation interpolation functions of a bar
x; y; z bar local axis in longitudinal (x) and transversal (y; z) for a transverse displacement.
directions. Nh3 ; Nh6 cross-section rotation interpolation functions of a bar
dx; dy; ds infinitesimal increment in the (x,y) directions or in arc for a rotation displacement.
l; L bar length. Strain and stress tensor parameters
V spatial vector position of a point in space. exx normal deformation.
R spatial transformation matrix. cxy ; cxz shear distortion in the plane xy and xz.
fag; fbg point in a cross-section. c shear distortion.
h generic cross-section height. eijðtþDtÞ Green-Lagrange strain tensor in an unknown configura-
A cross-section area. tion.
v form factor that defines the effective shear area. eðtÞ
Green-Lagrange strain tensor in a known configuration.
I cross-section moment of inertia in relation to an axis. Deij incremental strain.
Jp cross-section polar moment of inertia. Deij linear component of incremental strain.
k element slenderness given by:L=h Dexx axial deformation from linear component of incremen-
X generic auxiliary parameter for characterization of bar tal strain.
elements. Dexy shear distortion from linear component of incremental
Displacement field parameters Dgij nonlinear component of incremental strain.
u axial displacement of a point inside a bar in the x direc- Dgxx axial deformation from nonlinear component of incre-
tion. mental strain.
v; w transverse displacement of a point inside a bar in the y Dgxy shear distortion from nonlinear component of incre-
or z direction. mental strain.
u0 ; v 0 ; w0 axial and transversal displacements at the cross- sxx normal stress.
section center of gravity. sxy ; sxz shear stress.
v h ; v p homogeneous and particular parts of analytical solution ðtþDtÞ
Sij second Piola-Kirchoff stress tensor.
for displacements and rotations. sðtÞ
Cauchy stress tensor.
vg; vl global and local solutions for displacements and rota- Dsij stress increment.
tions. E Young’s modulus.
h cross-section rotation in relation to an axis. G modulus of rigidity (shear modulus).
0 0
d1 ; d4 axial displacements at the initial and final nodes of a m Poisson’s ratio.
bar. C ijkl material constitutive tensor.
0 0
d2 ; d5 transverse displacements at the initial and final nodes of
a bar. External loads and internal forces parameters
0 0
d3 ; d6 cross-section rotation at the initial and final nodes of a q load rate of transverse force on the bar.
0 bar. P constant generic axial load acting on infinitesimal ele-
d displacement vector of a bar. ment.
fug axial displacement vector of a bar. M generic bending moment acting on a bar element.
fv g; fwg transverse displacements vectors of a bar. l; K auxiliary parameters for the differential equation devel-
ci ; fC g constant of integration. opment of the deformed infinitesimal element equilib-
½X interpolation polynomials matrix of the displacement rium.
field. N normal force.
½H interpolation polynomials matrix of the displacement V vertical component of acting force in a cross-section.
field at nodes. Q y; Q z shearing force in directions y and z.
½N interpolation functions matrix. Q shearing force.
fNu g axial displacement interpolation functions vector. Mx twisting moment.
fNv g transverse displacement interpolation functions vector My ; Mz bending moment.
on the local xy plane of a bar. M y1 ; M y2 bending moment acting at the initial and final nodes of
fNw g transverse displacement interpolation functions vector a bar in y direction.
on the local xz plane of a bar. M z1 ; Mz2 bending moment acting at the initial and final nodes of
fNhx g cross-section rotation interpolation functions vector a bar in z direction.
around the local axis x.
Nhy cross-section rotation interpolation functions vector Stiffness matrix parameters
around the local axis y. RðtþDtÞ virtual work due to external loading.
fNhz g cross-section rotation interpolation functions vector U; U NL linear and nonlinear component of virtual work expres-
around the local axis z.
Nu1 ; Nu4 axial displacement interpolation functions at the initial K g;Rotfin finite rotations influence on the geometric stiffness ma-
and final nodes of a bar. trix of a generic plane element.
Nv2 ; N v5 transverse displacement interpolation functions of a bar
for a transverse displacement.
Nv3 ; N v6 transverse displacement interpolation functions of a bar
for a rotation displacement.
Marcos Antonio Campos Rodrigues, Rodrigo Bird Burgos and Luiz Fernando Martha International Journal of Solids and Structures 222–223 (2021) 111003
approach and transformed the shape interpolation functions (axial placement relations. The matrix is constructed for a spatial ele-
and transverse displacements and rotation) into a power series ment by an updated Lagrangian formulation considering higher-
(Yunhua, 1998; Tang et al., 2015). The consistent field approach order terms in the strain tensor using interpolation functions
eliminates ‘‘shear locking” and ‘‘membrane locking” effects that obtained directly from the equilibrium differential equation of a
usually appear in a geometric nonlinear analysis that employs just deformed infinitesimal element, including shear deformation
one element per member. according to the Timoshenko beam theory. In addition, the element
Other works have a formulation based on the equilibrium equa- tangent stiffness matrix is adjusted to consider finite rotations. The
tion of the infinitesimal element. Some include the axial effect con- fifth important aspect of a nonlinear analysis is the incremental
sidering the equilibrium in the deformed configuration (Davis solution scheme. This paper does not address this problem, and a
et al., 1972; Nukulchai et al., 1981; Goto and Chen, 1987; Chan standard Newton-Raphson solution procedure was used.
and Gu, 2000; Balling and Lyon, 2011). Others incorporate addi- Since this formulation involves trigonometric and hyperbolic
tional effects, such as elastic foundations (Areiza-Hurtado et al., basic functions, the resulting stiffness matrix can be conveniently
2005; Aydogan, 1995; Burgos and Martha, 2013; Chiwanga and rewritten using a Taylor series expansion with more terms than
Valsangkar, 1988; Eisenberger and Yankelevsky, 1985; Morfidis, the usual formulations. In this paper, tangent matrices with up to
2007; Morfidis and Avramidis, 2002; Onu, 2000, 2008; Shirima 3 and 4 terms were developed. This formulation was implemented
and Giger, 1992; Ting and Mockry, 1984; Zhaohua and Cook, in Framoop (Martha and Parente Junior, 2002), the solver used in
1983) and interlayer slip for sandwich beams (Ha, 1993; Ftool (Martha, 1999) structural analysis program.
Girhammar and Gopu, 1993). However, these studies directly for-
mulate the stiffness coefficients of the elements without explicitly 2. Differential equilibrium relationships in beam-columns
presenting expressions for interpolation functions based on the
differential equation of the problem. This section formulates the differential equations that define
In addition to the enrichment of interpolating the field variables the analytical behavior of a deformed infinitesimal beam element
in an element, another important aspect to improve the response considering both the Euler-Bernoulli and Timoshenko beam theo-
of a structure when performing a geometric nonlinear analysis is ries. Fig. 2.1presents a deformed infinitesimal element subjected
related to the bending theory. The most commonly used bending to a distributed transverse load q and a constant axial load P.
solution for frame elements is the Euler-Bernoulli beam theory The equilibrium of the deformed infinitesimal beam element
(EBBT). However, the effects of shear deformation are important leads to Eqs. (2.1) and (2.2)
when predicting the behavior of beam-columns with a moderate
X dV ðxÞ
slenderness ratio or with a small shear-to-bending ratio, and the F y ! dV þ qðxÞdx ¼ 0 ! ¼ qðxÞ ð2:1Þ
Timoshenko beam theory (TBT) provides good results dx
(Timoshenko and Gere, 1963; Friedman and Kosmatka, 1993; X dx2
Pilkey et al., 1995; Schramm et al., 1994). For this reason, many M o ! dM ðV þ dV Þdx P:dv þ qðxÞ ¼0 ð2:2Þ
works cited above also consider this effect, such as references 2
(Burgos and Martha, 2013; Onu, 2008). where v ðxÞ is the infinitesimal element transverse displace-
Moreover, a kinematic description of motion is needed when ment, qðxÞ is the transverse distributed load, V ðxÞ is the vertical
formulating an incremental geometrically nonlinear analysis. component of the force acting on the cross-section, P is the hori-
Based on the choice of the reference configuration, the following zontal component, and MðxÞ is the bending moment.
three kinematic descriptions are commonly used in structural Considering that the element has a constant cross-section, using
mechanics to formulate the nonlinear system of equations: Total Eq. (2.2) and the approximate relation between bending moment
Lagrangian (TL), Updated Lagrangian (UL), and Corotational (CR). and curvature, M ðxÞ ¼ EI dh=dx, where hðxÞ corresponds to the
When consistently developed, the total Lagrangian and the cross-section rotation, the differential equation of the problem
updated formulation produce the same results (Mcguire et al., can be written according to expression (2.3).
2000). These formulations are developed in (Mcguire et al., 2000;
d v ð xÞ
Bathe and Bolourchi, 1979; Conci, 1988; Yang and Leu, 1994;
d hðxÞ
EI V ðxÞ P
Yang and Kuo, 1994; Chen, 1994; Bathe, 1996). However, in gen- dx2 dx
d v ð xÞ
3 2
eral, the Timoshenko theory is not considered, or in some cases, d hðxÞ dV ðxÞ
¼ 0 ! EI P ¼0 ð2:3Þ
the formulation yields additional degrees of freedom, which dx3 dx dx2
requires static condensation to reduce the matrix order (Bathe
and Bolourchi, 1979; Aguiar et al., 2014). Additionally, most stud-
ies that consider shear deformation employ a corotational formu-
lation, as proposed by (Battini, 2002; Crisfield, 1991; Pacoste and
Eriksson, 1995, 1997; Santana and Silveira, 2019; Silva et al., 2016).
Furthermore, the strain–displacement relation plays an impor-
tant role when developing a geometric stiffness matrix. The con-
sideration of higher-order terms in the strain tensor improves
the accuracy of the geometric nonlinear analysis (Chen, 1994;
Conci, 1988; Yang and Kuo, 1994; Yang and Leu, 1994). More
recently, the authors (Rodrigues et al., 2019) considered higher-
order terms in the strain tensor in the formulation of a Timoshenko
element using Hermitian interpolation functions and an updated
Lagrangian formulation.
The main objective of this paper, which differentiates this work
from others found in the literature, is to formulate the tangent
stiffness matrix of a frame element integrating four important
aspects that improve geometric nonlinear analysis: interpolation
functions, beam theory, kinematic description, and strain–dis- Fig. 2.1. Equilibrium of a deformed beam element.
Marcos Antonio Campos Rodrigues, Rodrigo Bird Burgos and Luiz Fernando Martha International Journal of Solids and Structures 222–223 (2021) 111003
The static fundamental relation in Eq. (2.1) shows that the gra- Equation (2.9) can be written using the relation
dient of the vertical component of the force acting on the cross- Q ðxÞ ¼ dMðxÞ=dx in Eq. (2.8). According to the relation between
section is equal to the acting distributed load. Therefore, substitut- bending moment and curvature M ðxÞ ¼ EIdh=dx, Eq. (2.10), which
ing this relation in Eq. (2.3), the differential equilibrium relation of relates transverse displacement v ðx) with cross-section rotation
a deformed infinitesimal element can be found, as shown in hðxÞ, is obtained.
expression (2.4).
dMðxÞ dv ðxÞ
¼ vGA: hðxÞ ð2:9Þ
d v ð xÞ
3 2
d h dx dx
EI P ¼ qðxÞ ð2:4Þ
dx3 dx2
dv ðxÞ
EI d h
¼ hðxÞ ð2:10Þ
2.1. Euler-Bernoulli beam theory dx vGA dx2
Finally, applying equation (2.10) in expression (2.4), the equilib-
The EBBT considers the rotation as the gradient of the trans- rium differential relation of a deformed infinitesimal element, con-
verse displacement (h ¼ dv =dx). Thus, the differential relation sidering Timoshenko beam theory, can be written according to
developed in expression (2.4) can be written according to (2.5). expressions (2.11) or (2.12).
v ð xÞ P d v ðxÞ qðxÞ
d h dhðxÞ
¼ ð2:5Þ EI 1 þ P ¼ qðxÞ ð2:11Þ
dx4 EI dx2 EI vGA dx3 dx
Fig. 2.3. Internal forces, displacements, and rotations in the Timoshenko beam theory.
Marcos Antonio Campos Rodrigues, Rodrigo Bird Burgos and Luiz Fernando Martha International Journal of Solids and Structures 222–223 (2021) 111003
v h ðxÞ ¼ c1 sinðlxÞ þ c2 cosðlxÞ þ c3 x þ c4 ; l ¼ P=EI ð3:6Þ
EI 1 ð4:3Þ
X¼ ð3:10Þ
vGA L2
u0 ðxÞ ¼ fNu ðxÞgfug v 0 ðxÞ ¼ fNv ðxÞgfv g hz ðxÞ ¼ fNhz ðxÞgfv g
dv ðxÞ ð4:4Þ
d h
¼ hðxÞ XL2 2 ð3:11Þ
dx dx When interpolating functions are obtained from the homoge-
3 neous solution of the equilibrium differential equation of an
d h dhðxÞ l
K2 ¼ 0; K ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð3:12Þ infinitesimal element, the analytical behavior of the element is
dx3 dx
1 þ Xl2 L2 represented. In this work, the equilibrium of a deformed infinites-
imal element is considered taking the axial force into account.
Solving equation (3.12), the homogeneous solution for the
cross-section rotation is given by (3.13). This solution can be 4.1. Euler-Bernoulli beam theory
applied in Eq. (3.11). Thus, the transverse displacement is written
according to (3.14). The interpolation functions can be calculated based on the
Kx Kx
homogeneous solution for the EBBT presented in Eqs. (3.2) and
hh ðxÞ ¼ K c1 e c2 e þ c3 ð3:13Þ
(3.3). First, the displacement is written in matrix form according
Kx to Eq. (4.5).
v h ð xÞ ¼ 1 XL2 K2 c1 e c2 eKx þ c3 x þ c4 ð3:14Þ 8 9
v h ðxÞ ¼ c1 elx þ c2 elx þ c3 x þ c 4 > 1 >
v 0 ðxÞ lx
e elx x 1 < c2 =
Finally, for a tensile force, l is a real number, and the homoge- !
lelx lelx 1 0 > >
c3 >
¼ ½X fC g
: ;
neous solution of the differential equation can be written by the hh ðxÞ ¼ c1 lelx c2 lelx þ c3 c4
hyperbolic functions in (3.15) and (3.16); for a compressive force, ð4:5Þ
l is a complex number, and the displacement is written by the
The boundary conditions are obtained by evaluating the homo-
trigonometric functions in (3.17) and (3.18).
geneous solution of these displacements (v h ðxÞ and hh ðxÞ) at the
extreme nodes of the bar, as shown in expression (4.6).
hh ðxÞ ¼ K½c1 coshðKxÞ þ c2 sinhðKxÞ þ c3 ; 8 0 9 2 3
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 8 9
> d20 >
> > > v 0 ð0Þ > 1 1 0 1
K ¼ l= 1 þ Xl2 L2 ð3:15Þ n 0o >< > = < = n 0o 6
l l 7
d3 hð0Þ 1 0
d ¼ ¼ ! d ¼6 7
> d
5 >
: v 0 ðLÞ >
4 eLl e Ll
L 1 5
: 0 ; >
hðLÞ l eLl
l e Ll
1 0
v h ð xÞ ¼
1 XL2 K2 ½c1 sinhðKxÞ þ c2 coshðKxÞ þ c3 x þ c4 ;
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 8 9
K ¼ l= 1 þ Xl2 L2 ð3:16Þ >
> c1 >
<c >
: ¼ ½H f C g ð4:6Þ
> c3
> >
hh ðxÞ ¼ K½c1 cosðKxÞ c2 sinðKxÞ þ c3 ; >
: >
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi c4
K ¼ l= 1 Xl2 L2 ð3:17Þ
Finally, interpolation functions are calculated using Eqs. (4.4)–(4.6),
resulting in relation (4.7). The results are presented in the work by
Rodrigues (2019) for exponential, hyperbolic and trigonometric
v h ð xÞ ¼
1 þ XL2 K2 ½c1 sinðKxÞ þ c2 cosðKxÞ þ c3 x þ c4 ;
functions and were implemented in file ShpFuncBeamEulerBernoulli
using MATLAB and C in an open source code that can be accessed
K ¼ l= 1 Xl2 L2 ð3:18Þ
and used (Rodrigues et al., 2020, 2021).
Marcos Antonio Campos Rodrigues, Rodrigo Bird Burgos and Luiz Fernando Martha International Journal of Solids and Structures 222–223 (2021) 111003
v 0 ð xÞ 5. Local stiffness matrix
¼ ½X ½H1 fd0 g ) ½N ¼ ½X ½H1 ð4:7Þ
According to Fig. 5.1, the stiffness matrix development can be
performed by initially analyzing a two-dimensional structure (xy
4.2. Timoshenko beam theory and xz planes). Then, for spatial structures, as shown in Fig. 5.2,
the integration between the planes is coupled to the stiffness
The homogeneous solution for the TBT is presented in Eqs. matrix. Finally, to consider large rotations, the concept of finite
(3.13) and (3.14). Thus, the same development is performed to cal- rotations was added to the matrix.
culate the interpolation functions, according to expressions (4.8)
and (4.9). 5.1. Updated Lagrangian formulation
v h ð xÞ ¼ 1 XL2 K2 c1 eKx c2 eKx þ c3 x þ c 4 The stiffness matrices are calculated considering the updated
v 0 ð xÞ Lagrangian formulation, and the steps shown in this work have
! ¼ ½X fC g
hh ðxÞ ¼ K c1 eKx þ c2 eKx þ c3 been presented in the work by Mcguire et al. (2000), Chen
(1994), Bathe (1996), Aguiar et al. (2014) and Rodrigues et al.
8 9 (2019).
2 3 > c1 >
< c >= The virtual work of the internal forces must be equal to the vir-
1 XL2 K2 eKx 1 XL2 K2 eKx x 1
½X ¼ 4 5 2
fC g ¼ ð4:8Þ
KeKx KeKx > c3 >
> > tual work of the external forces, according to (5.1),
1 0 : ;
c4 Z
ðtþDt Þ ðtþDt Þ
Sij deij dV ¼ RðtþDtÞ ð5:1Þ
8 0 9 8 9 V
> d2 > 8 9 >
> 1 XL2 K2 ðc1 c2 Þ þ c4 >
> v 0 ð0Þ
> >
> > >
> > > >
> >
> >
> ðtþDt Þ
< d0 >
= > < hð0Þ >
= >
< Kðc1 þ c2 Þ þ c3
= where Sij corresponds to the second Piola-Kirchoff stress
fd0 g ¼ 3
¼ ¼ ¼ ½HfC g
> v 0 ðLÞ
> ðtþDt Þ
> d5 >
> > > > >
> >
> > :
1 XL2 K2 c1 eKL c2 eKL þ c3 L þ c4 >
tensor, ij e corresponds to the Green-Lagrange strain tensor,
: 0 >
> ; hðLÞ >
> >
d6 : KL
K c1 e þ c2 e KL
þ c3 ; ðtþDt Þ
and R corresponds to the virtual work due to external loading,
which could include body, surface, inertia and damping forces
2 3 (Aguiar et al., 2014). It is important to note that the term d is
ð1 XL2 K2 Þ ðXL2 K2 1Þ 0 1 related to the application of a virtual displacement to consider
6 7
6K K 1 0 7 the virtual displacement principle, while D is related to a small dis-
½H ¼ 6
6 eLK ð1 XL2 K2 Þ
7 ð4:9Þ
4 eLK ðXL2 K2 1Þ L 1 5 placement increment, changing the configuration.
LK However, the equilibrium equations of an unknown configura-
Ke KeLK 1 0
tion t þ Dt must be written using a known reference configuration
Once again, equation (4.7) can be used to calculate the interpo- t. Thus, the linearized incremental equation requires small dis-
lation functions. The results are also presented in the work by placement increments according to the equations in (5.2),
Rodrigues (2019) and implemented in file ShpFuncBeamTi- ðtþDt Þ
moshenko; an open source code that can be accessed and used
Sij ¼ stij þ Dsij eðijtþDtÞ ¼ etij þ Deij ð5:2Þ
((Rodrigues et al., 2020, 2021)). where stij corresponds to the Cauchy stress tensor, Dsij is the
stress increment and Deij is the deformation increment. In the
4.3. Axial interpolation functions known reference configuration, there is no deformation so
detij = 0, and the element is only subject to rigid body motion. Thus,
For the axial displacement and the cross-section rotation about the left side of Eq. (5.1) can be rewritten as in (5.3).
the x axis, in this research, a linear interpolation was adopted Z Z
ðtþDt Þ ðtþDt Þ
according to Mcguire et al. (2000), which is given in expression Sij deij dV ¼ stij þ Dsij d Deij dV
(4.10). ZV Z
¼ Dsij dDeij dV þ stij dDeij dV ð5:3Þ
0 0 x x
u0 ðxÞ ¼ Nu1 ðxÞd1 þ Nu4 ðxÞd4 Nu1 ðxÞ ¼1 Nu4 ðxÞ ¼ V V
L L The Green-Lagrange strain tensor has a linear (Deij ) and a non-
linear part (Dgij ), according to expressions (5.4) to (5.6) in the xy
Some authors, such as Tang et al. (2015) and Silva et al., (2016); plane.
employed consistent interpolation functions for the axial displace-
Deij ¼ Deij þ Dgij ð5:4Þ
ment and not just linear interpolation.
Marcos Antonio Campos Rodrigues, Rodrigo Bird Burgos and Luiz Fernando Martha International Journal of Solids and Structures 222–223 (2021) 111003
The first integral leads to the elastic stiffness matrix, while the 2 2 2
gxx ¼ 12 @u 2
þ @@xv ¼ 12 @u 2
þ @@xv þ y2 @h
y @u @hz
@x @x
third integral leads to the geometric stiffness matrix. The second
integral represents the virtual work of forces acting on the element @u @u @ v @ v @hz @u ð5:18Þ
gxy ¼ þ ¼y hz hz
in configuration t and is usually represented at the right-hand side @x @y @x @y @x @x
of the expression. However, in this case, the rotation components
are approximated by displacement derivatives, and the finite rota-
5.3.1. Elastic matrix
tion effect is not considered (Mcguire et al., 2000).
In the xy plane, the stress vector, the constitutive matrix, the
Plane xy (EBBT)
linear and nonlinear strain vectors are given according to equation
From the displacement field in (5.14) and the linear part of the
(5.9). Thus, relations (5.10)–(5.12) can be written.
( ) ( ) strain tensor in (5.15), the first integral of the virtual work equa-
s E 0 exx gxx tion, relation (5.10), can be written according to Eq. (5.19).
s ¼ xx C¼ e¼ g¼ Z Z
sxy 0 G cxy gxy
dU ¼ exx :Edexx dV þ cxy :Gdcxy dV
Z Z Z Z Z ! ! !
@u @2v @u @2v
C ijkl Dekl dDeij dV ¼ exx :Edexx dV þ cxy :Gdcxy dV ð5:10Þ ¼ y 2 E d yd 2 dx dA
V V V A 0 @x @x @x @x
stij dDeij dV ¼ sxx dexx dV þ sxy dcxy dV ð5:11Þ ! dU ¼ @u @u
d dx
0 @x @x
d @@xv2 dx E A y2 dAþ
dA þ @2 v
0 @x2
RL RL R R ð5:19Þ
@ 2 v @u
Z Z Z d @ v dx E A ydA
0 d dx E A ydA 0 @u
@x2 @x @x @x2
sij Dgij dV ¼ sxx dgxx dV þ sxy dgxy dV ð5:12Þ R R
V V V In the beam centroidal axis, A
y2 dA ¼ Iz ; A
ydA ¼ 0, and the
expression is reduced to (5.20).
5.2. Displacement field Z Z !
@u @u L
@2v @2v
dU ¼ d dx EA þ d dx EIz ð5:20Þ
The displacement field of a beam element is shown in Fig. 5.3 0 @x @x 0 @x2 @x2
and defined by Eq. (5.13).
From Eq. (4.4), the displacements can be written using the
uðx; yÞ ¼ u0 ðxÞ hðxÞ:y v ðx; yÞ ¼ v 0 ðxÞ ð5:13Þ interpolation functions resulting in (5.21). The notation
@=@x ¼ ð Þ’ is adopted for simplicity.
Considering the Euler-Bernoulli beam theory, the rotation is the
derivative of the transverse displacement (h ¼ dv =dx); thus, the L T
displacement field can be rewritten according to (5.14).
dU ¼ fdugT EA N0u N0u dxfug þ fdv gT
v 0 ð xÞ L T
uðx; yÞ ¼ u0 ðxÞ :y v ðx; yÞ ¼ v 0 ðxÞ ð5:14Þ EIz N00v N00v dxfv g ð5:21Þ
dx 0
Marcos Antonio Campos Rodrigues, Rodrigo Bird Burgos and Luiz Fernando Martha International Journal of Solids and Structures 222–223 (2021) 111003
The elastic matrix is formed when cubic functions are used. The axial part was already used for the xy plane. Finally, writing
However, in this work, the interpolation functions are those calcu- the expression using the interpolation functions, equation (5.26)
lated in section 4. can be achieved:
Plane xy (TBT)
dU ¼ fdwgT EIy N00w N00w dxfwg ð5:26Þ
The same idea can be used for the Timoshenko beam theory,
however, considering now the displacement field presented in where N w corresponds to the same N v interpolation functions.
(5.13). Thus, the first integral of the virtual work equation, relation Plane xz (TBT)
(5.10), is written by Eq. (5.22) or according to expression (5.23) For the Timoshenko beam theory considering the xz plane, the
when interpolation functions are used. displacement field becomes (5.27), and the equations for the elas-
Z Z tic matrix are given by relations (5.28) and (5.29).
dU ¼ exx :Edexx dV þ cxy :Gdcxy dV ! dU
@u @u0 @hy @w @u @w0
V V exx ¼ ¼ z cxz ¼ þ ¼ hy ð5:27Þ
Z Z L @x @x @x @x @z @x
@u @hz @u @hz
¼ y E y dx dA
A 0 @x @x @x @x RL @u @u
RL @hy @hy RL @w @w
Z Z L dU ¼ d dx EA þ d dx EIy þ d @x dx GA
@v @v
0 @x @x 0 @x @x 0 @x
þ hZ G d dhZ dx dA RL
A 0 @x @x þ 0
hy dhy dx GAþ
@u @u @hZ @hZ L 0
hy d @w
dx GA @w
0 @x
dhy dx GA
! dU ¼ d dx EA þ d dx EIz
0 @x @x 0 @x @x ð5:28Þ
@v @v n on oT
þ d dx GA þ hZ dhZ dx GA RL R L T
0 @x @x 0 dU ¼ fdwgT EIy N 0hy N 0hy dxfwg þ fdwgT 0 GA N 0w N 0w dxfwg
@v @v þ fdwgT 0 GA N hy N hy dxfwg fdwgT 0 GA Nhy N0w dxfwgþ
hZ d dx GA dhZ dx GA ð5:22Þ R
0 @x 0 @x
fdwgT 0 GA N0w N hy dxfwg
R L T R L T ð5:29Þ
dU ¼ fdugT 0 EA N0u N0u dxfug þ fdv gT 0 EIz N0hz N0hz dxfv g
þ fdv gT 0 GA N0v N0v dxfv g þ fdv gT 0 GAfNhz gfNhz gT dxfv gþ 5.3.2. Geometric matrix
fdv gT 0 GAfNhz g N0v dxfv g fdv gT 0 GA N0v fNhz gT dxfv g
Plane xy (EBBT)
The third integral from the virtual work expression (5.8) gener-
ates the usual geometric stiffness matrix. Thus, the nonlinear part
Plane xz (EBBT) of the virtual work principle, considering the complete strain ten-
sor and higher order terms, is given by Eq. (5.30).
For the plane xz behavior, the linear part of the strain tensor can
be written just by switching the displacement v with w in equation Z Z
(5.24). Thus, the first integral of the virtual work equation is given dU NL ¼ sxx dgxx dV þ sxy dgxy dV
by expression (5.25). V V
A 0 2 @x @x @x2 @x2 @x
Z Z ! Z Z L ! !
@u @u L
@2w @2w @ 2 v @ v @ v @u
dU ¼ d dx EA þ d dx EIy ð5:25Þ þ t xy d y: 2 : : dx dA
@x @x @x2 @x2 A 0 @x @x @x @x
0 0
Marcos Antonio Campos Rodrigues, Rodrigo Bird Burgos and Luiz Fernando Martha International Journal of Solids and Structures 222–223 (2021) 111003
Z !Z
1 @u
! dU NL ¼ d dx t xx dA
2 0 @x A
Z L !Z
þ d dx txx dA
2 0 @x A
0 !2 1 Z Fig. 5.4. Frame element.
1 @ L @2v
þ d dxA y2 t xx dA
2 0 @x2 A
Z L 2 !Z RL R 2RLR RL 2 R
@ v @u d @@xv dx A txx dA þ 12 0 d @h
@u 2
! dU NL ¼ 12 0
d @x
dx t dA
A xx 0
þ 12 @x
dx A y2 txx dA
d 2 dx txx ydA RL R R L @hz R RL R
0 @x @x A 0
d @h
z @u
dx t ydA þ 0 d @x hz dx A txy ydA 0 dhz @u
A xx @x
dx A txy dA
Z L 2 !Z ð5:34Þ
@ v @v
þ d 2 dx t xy ydA " ! !#
@x @x Z
2 2 2
0 A
1 @u L
Iz @hz
Z L Z dU NL ¼ þ Pd þP d dx
@ v @u 2 0 @x @x A @x
d dx txy dA ð5:30Þ
@x @x Z L
0 A
@hz @u @u
R R R þ Mz d Q y d hz dx ð5:35Þ
Applying relations, A txx dA ¼ P; A txx ydA ¼ Mz ; A txy dA ¼ Q y ; 0 @x @x @x
the expression becomes (5.31).
Writing Eq. (5.35) with interpolation functions leads to Eq.
2 ! 0 !2 13 (5.36).
@v I z @ @ 2 v A5
2 2
1 L4 @u R L T R L T
dU NL ¼ Pd þ þP d dx dU NL ¼ fdugT 0 P N0u N0u dxfug þ fdv gT 0 P N 0v N0v dxfv g
2 0 @x @x A @x2
Z L" ! # þfdv gT 0 P IAz N0hz N0hz dxfv g þ fdv gT 0 M z N0hz N0u dxfug
@ 2 v @u @ v @u R L T RL T
þ Mz d Q yd dx ð5:31Þ þfdugT 0 Mz N0u N0hz dxfv g fdv gT 0 Q y fNhz g N0u dxfug
0 @x2 @x @x @x
fdugT 0 Q y N0u fNhz gT dxfv g
Once again, the displacements can be written using the interpo- ð5:36Þ
lation functions in equation (4.4), resulting in expression (5.32).
dU NL ¼ fdugT 0 P N0u N0u dxfug þ fdv gT 0 P N0v N0v dxfv gþ
RL T R L T Plane xz (EBBT)
þfdv gT 0 P IAz N00v N00v dxfv g þ fdv gT 0 Mz N00v N 0u dxfugþ
R L T R L T The nonlinear parts of the Green-Lagrange strain tensor consid-
þfdugT 0 Mz N0u N00v dxfv g fdv gT 0 Q y N0v N0u dxfug ering bending in plane xz are written according to expressions
R L T (5.37) and (5.38).
fdugT 0 Q y N0u N0v dxfv g !
2 2
ð5:32Þ 1 @u @w
gxx ¼ þ
2 @x @x
Considering a constant shear force, the bending moment and 0
!2 1
the shear force equations of a planar frame, as shown in Fig. 5.4, 2 2
1 @ @u @w @2w A @ 2 w @u
can be calculated by the expressions in (5.33). ¼ þ þy 2
y 2 ð5:37Þ
2 @x @x @x 2 @x @x
ðMZ1 þ M Z2 Þx ðMZ1 þ M Z2 Þ
M Z ¼ M Z1 þ Qy ¼ ð5:33Þ
L L @u @u @w @w @ 2 w @w @w @u
gxz ¼ þ ¼y 2 ð5:38Þ
@x @y @x @y @x @x @x @x
Substituting the complete shape functions and solving the inte-
grals of the problem leads to the geometric stiffness matrix, con- With the same development made in plane xy, the third integral
sidering the Euler-Bernoulli beam theory and higher-order terms from the virtual work expression in Eq. (5.8) can be written as
in the strain tensor. (5.39) for bending in plane xz.
@u 2
@w 2
R RL @2 w
2 R
Plane xy (TBT) dU NL ¼ 12 0
d @x
dx t dA
A xx
þ 12 0
d @x
dx t dA
A xx
þ 12 0
d @x2
dx A
z2 txx dAþ
RL 2 R RL 2 R RL R
d @@xw2 @u
dx t zdA
A xx
þ 0
d @@xw2 @w
dx t zdA
A xz
d @w
dx t dA
A xz
When the Timoshenko beam theory is considered, the nonlinear ð5:39Þ
part of the virtual work principle in Eq. (5.8) is written by Eqs. R R R
(5.34) and (5.35) applying the same relations presented for Applying relations A txx dA ¼ P; t zdA
A xx
¼ My ; t dA
A xz
¼ Q z , the
Euler-Bernoulli beam theory. expression becomes (5.40).
Z Z 1
dU NL ¼
dU NL ¼ sxx dgxx dV þ sxy dgxy dV 2
2 0
Z ! !2 13
2 2 2
@w I @u@ w
þ P d@ A5dx
Z Z ! ! ! 0 @x A @x @x2
2 2 2
1 @u @hz @hz @u
dU NL ¼ txx d
2 @x
þ y2
@x @x
dx dA Z L" ! #
A 0 @ 2 w @u @w @u
Z Z L My d þ Q zd dx
@hz @u 0 @x2 @x @x @x
þ t xy d y hz hz dx dA
@x @x
A 0
Marcos Antonio Campos Rodrigues, Rodrigo Bird Burgos and Luiz Fernando Martha International Journal of Solids and Structures 222–223 (2021) 111003
The axial part was already used for the xy plane. The expression R L 0 0 T R L I n on oT
dU NL ¼ fdwgT 0
P N w N w dxfwg þ fdwgT 0 P Ay N 0hy N0hy dxfwgþ
using the interpolation functions is given according to (5.41): RL n o RL n oT
R L T R L I T fdwgT 0 M y N 0hy N 0u dxfug fdugT 0 M y N 0u N 0hy dxfwgþ
dU NL ¼ fdwgT 0 P N 0w N 0w dxfwg þ fdwgT 0 P Ay N00w N 00w dxfwgþ R L T R L T
RL T RL T fdwgT 0 Q z Nhy N 0u dxfug fdugT 0 Q z N 0u N hy dxfwg
fdwgT 0 M y N 00w N 0u dxfug fdugT 0 M y N0u N 00w dxfwgþ
T RL 0 0 T T RL T ð5:47Þ
fdwg 0 Q z N w N u dxfug fdug 0 Q z N 0u N 0w dxfwg
5.3.3. Combined torsion and axial force
where N w corresponds to the same N v interpolation functions. The interaction between torsion and axial force, as shown in
Additionally, considering a constant shear force, the bending Fig. 5.5, has an important influence on the geometric stiffness
moment and the shear force equations of a planar frame in plane matrix. The transverse displacements, v and w, need to take these
xz can be calculated by the expressions in (5.42). effects into account.
M y1 þ My2 x My1 þ M y2
M y ¼ My1 þ Qz ¼ ð5:42Þ eBBT
Substituting the complete shape functions that were previously Considering the Euler-Bernoulli beam theory, the displacement
calculated and solving the integrals of the problem leads to the field is written according to expression (5.48)
geometric stiffness matrix, which considers the Euler-Bernoulli
@w @v
beam theory and higher-order terms in the strain tensor. u ¼ u0 z y v ¼ v 0 zhx w ¼ w0 þ yhx ð5:48Þ
@x @x
Plane xz (TBT) However, most terms of this equation have already been
employed when planes were analyzed independently. Therefore,
Meanwhile, for this beam theory, the nonlinear parts of the it is necessary to consider only terms that correspond to the rota-
strain tensor considering bending in plane xz are written by tion about the x axis, which is given in equation (5.49). Thus, the
expressions (5.43) and (5.44). Thus, the third integral from the vir- nonlinear parts of the Green-Lagrange strain tensor can be written
tual work expression is given according to (5.45) or with (5.46). according to expressions (5.50) to (5.52).
v ¼ zhx w ¼ yhx ð5:49Þ
gxx ¼ þ
2 @x @x !
! @ v @hx
1 @hx @hx @w @hx
1 @u
@u @hy gxx ¼ z þy z þy
¼ þ þ z2 z ð5:43Þ 2 @x @x @x @x @x @x
2 @x @x @x @x @x !
1 @hx 2 @ v @hx @w @hx
¼ z2 þ y 2 z þy ð5:50Þ
@u @u @w @w @hy @u 2 @x @x @x @x @x
gxz ¼ þ ¼z hy hy ð5:44Þ
@x @z @x @z @x @x
@u @u @ v @ v @w @w
RL R RL R RL @hy
2 R gxy ¼ þ þ
dU NL ¼ 12 0
d @u 2
dx t dA
A xx
þ 12 0
d @w 2
dx t dA
A xx
þ 12 0
d @x
dx A
z2 txx dAþ @x @y @x @y @x @y
@hy @u
t zdA þ
hy dx
t zdA
dhy @u dx
t dA @u @ v @2w @v @ 2 v @ v @w @hx
0 @x @x A xx 0 @x A xz 0 @x A xz
¼ þz 2 þy 2 þ hx þ y hx ð5:51Þ
ð5:45Þ @x @x @x @x @x @x @x @x
1 @u @u @ v @ v @w @w
dU NL ¼ gxz ¼ þ þ
2 @x @z @x @z @x @z
" ! !#
2 2 @u @w 2
@ w @w @ 2 v @w @ v @hx
Pd d þ þP dx ¼ þz 2 þy 2 hx þ z hx ð5:52Þ
A @x @x @x @x @x @x @x @x @x @x
Z L The virtual work principle is then written as (5.53) and (5.54).
@hy @u @u Z Z
My d þ Q z d hy dx L
0 @x @x @x dU NL ¼ txx dgxx dx dA
ð5:46Þ A
Z L " ! # !
@hx @ v @hx
1 2 @w @hx
Equation (5.47) can be written by considering only terms that ¼ t xx d z þ y2 z þy dx dA
A 0 2 @x @x @x @x @x
have not been used and applying interpolation functions.
Fig. 5.5. Combined torsion and axial force (Mcguire et al., 2000).
Marcos Antonio Campos Rodrigues, Rodrigo Bird Burgos and Luiz Fernando Martha International Journal of Solids and Structures 222–223 (2021) 111003
Z Z L Z Z L @u @u @ v @ v @w @w
dU NL ¼ t xy dgxy dx dA þ txz dgxz dx dA gxy ¼ þ þ
A 0 A 0
@x @y @x @y @x @y
@u @hy @hz @w @hx
RL R RL R RL R ¼ hz þ z hz þ y hz þ hx þ y hx ð5:62Þ
dU NL ¼ 0
d @2 w @v
@x2 @x
dx t zdA
A xy
þ 0
d @w
@x x
dx A txy dA þ 0 d @h x
@x x
h dx A txy ydAþ @x @x @x @x @x
RL @ 2 v @w
d @@xv hx dx A txz dA þ 0 d @h
@u @u @ v @ v @w @w
d @x2 @x
dx t ydA
A xz 0
@x x
h dx A t xz zdA
ð5:54Þ gxz ¼ þ þ
@x @z @x @z @x @z
Adopting the relations presented before for the bending @u @hy @hz @v @hx
R ¼ hy þ z hy þ y hy hx þ z hx ð5:63Þ
moment and A z2 þ y2 dA ¼ J p , equation (5.53) becomes (5.55). @x @x @x @x @x
Expression (5.56) is written using interpolation functions. Equation (5.61) is the same for both beam theories because it is
Z Z L equal to (5.50). Finally, the virtual work principle for the
@ v @hx
1 PJp L @hx Timoshenko beam theory only changes in Eq. (5.64) due to the
dU NL ¼ d dx My d dx
2 A 0 @x 0 @x @x nonlinear distortion.
@w @hx L L
þ ðMz Þ d dx ð5:55Þ dU NL ¼ t xy dgxy dx dA þ t xz dgxz dx dA
0 @x @x
A 0 A 0
PJ p 0 0 T
dU NL ¼ fdhx gT A
Nhx N hx dxfhx g fdv gT 0 M y N 0v N 0hx dxfhx g
0 dU NL ¼
@hy R RL
hz dx A txy zdA þ 0 d @w
h dx A t xy dA þ 0 d @h x
h dx A t xy ydAþ
@x x @x x
R R T 0 @x
@ v @hx
2 2
1 @hx @hx @w @hx
gxx ¼ z þy z þy
2 @x @x @x @x @x @x
@hx @ v @hx
1 2 @w @hx
¼ z þ y2 z þy ð5:61Þ
2 @x @x @x @x @x Fig. 5.6. Spatial transformation between two vectors (Aguiar et al., 2014).
Marcos Antonio Campos Rodrigues, Rodrigo Bird Burgos and Luiz Fernando Martha International Journal of Solids and Structures 222–223 (2021) 111003
W ðhÞ þ
1 cosðhÞ
W ðhÞ2
@u @ v @u
h 2 ¼ txx d dx dA þ t xy d þ dx dA
2 3h 8 9 A 0 @x A 0 @x @y
0 hz hy >
< hx >
= Z Z L
W ðhÞ ¼ 4 hz 0
hx 5; h ¼ hy @w @u
> þ txz d þ dx dA
: > ; @x @z
hy hx 0 hz A 0
6. Numerical applications
Marcos Antonio Campos Rodrigues, Rodrigo Bird Burgos and Luiz Fernando Martha International Journal of Solids and Structures 222–223 (2021) 111003
Fig. 6.4. Equilibrium paths for a fixed and simply supported column.
correct buckling load of the structure. The expansion with just 3 has a length of L = 1 m, Young’s modulus of E = 107 kN/m2, sec-
terms gives approximate results. These results can be seen numer- tion form factor of v ¼ 5=6 and Poisson’s ratio of m ¼ 0:3. The
ically in Table 2. frame is loaded by vertical loads (P) and two small lateral dis-
The conventional geometric stiffness matrix and the Mastan2 turbing loads (H ¼ 0:001P). The structure was modeled with one
v3.5 software cannot predict the buckling load of the continuous element per member, and the response was compared with a dis-
beam-column, providing differences on the order of 50% to the cretized structure using the usual formulation. The equilibrium
expected result with a discretized structure. paths can be seen in Fig. 6.8, considering k ¼ 10:0 for the Euler-
Bernoulli beam theory and k ¼ 4:0 for the Timoshenko beam
6.3. Spatial frame theory.
Once again, the complete formulation and the Taylor series
The example presented is the first to evaluate the developed expansion with 4 terms provide the buckling load of the spatial
formulation in a spatial structure, according to Fig. 6.7. The frame frame. The expansion with 3 terms overlaps these results for the
Marcos Antonio Campos Rodrigues, Rodrigo Bird Burgos and Luiz Fernando Martha International Journal of Solids and Structures 222–223 (2021) 111003
Table 1
Numerical Buckling Loads for Columns.
Euler-Bernoulli beam theory and provides intermediate results for 6.4. Roorda spatial frame
the Timoshenko theory. The usual formulation and Mastan2 v3.5
software provide more elevated buckling loads. Table 3 presents Using the same bar length, material and section proprieties as
these conclusions numerically. the structure presented before, another spatial frame was studied
Table 2
Numerical buckling loads for the beam-columns.
Marcos Antonio Campos Rodrigues, Rodrigo Bird Burgos and Luiz Fernando Martha International Journal of Solids and Structures 222–223 (2021) 111003
Table 3
Numerical buckling loads for a spatial frame.
Marcos Antonio Campos Rodrigues, Rodrigo Bird Burgos and Luiz Fernando Martha International Journal of Solids and Structures 222–223 (2021) 111003
Table 4
Numerical buckling loads for a Roorda spatial frame.
Fig. 6.12. Equilibrium paths for the spatial frame with inclined columns.
Table 5
Numerical buckling loads for the spatial frame with inclined columns.
Marcos Antonio Campos Rodrigues, Rodrigo Bird Burgos and Luiz Fernando Martha International Journal of Solids and Structures 222–223 (2021) 111003
Fig. 6.15. Equilibrium paths for the spatial frame with torsion.
Table 6
Numerical buckling loads for the spatial frame with torsion.
Due to the numerical instability that can occur using the hyper-
bolic and trigonometric expressions of the complete formulation,
an alternative geometric stiffness matrix using a Taylor series
expansion with 4 terms is proposed to solve this problem with
accurate results. All necessary equations for this implementation
Fig. 6.16. Asymmetric spatial frame with inclined columns (adapted from Zugic are available online in open source.
et al. (Zugic et al., 2016).
Although precise buckling loads are achieved using just one ele-
ment if one is interested in following the actual equilibrium path
up to the critical load, a refined discretization should be used. This
As expected, the examples have also shown that for structures with
is suggested because one element is not able to capture local
small slenderness, the consideration of the Timoshenko beam the-
effects, such as the P-‘‘small delta”.
ory leads to lower buckling loads, and the proposed formulation
The continuation of this work will focus on monitoring the
illustrated this effect. The Timoshenko beam theory is also used
equilibrium path in the postcritical stage. For this, more improved
in cases of structures with a small shear-to-bending ratio, regard-
solution schemes for incremental geometric nonlinear analysis
less of their slenderness.
should be employed.
The reported results clearly illustrate the efficiency of the com-
plete formulation and the Taylor series expansion using 4 terms in
the solution of nonlinear geometric analyses using only one ele-
ment for planar and spatial structures. Using 3 terms also provides
better results than considering the usual geometric stiffness 8. Funding sources
matrix, which overestimates the buckling load.
The presented formulation solves geometric nonlinear prob- This work has been partially supported by Conselho Nacional de
lems and can be implemented in any structural analysis software. Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) and FAPERJ.
Marcos Antonio Campos Rodrigues, Rodrigo Bird Burgos and Luiz Fernando Martha International Journal of Solids and Structures 222–223 (2021) 111003
Table 7
Numerical buckling loads for asymmetric spatial frames.
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