YAF - Reference Manager

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Team ICT for Agriculture 2020

Creating a bibliography

• When you write a paper for a school course or for

publication in a journal, one of the most tedious and
error-prone parts of the work is keeping track of the
sources and properly formatting the citations and
the bibliography.
• Word 2013 supplies tools that help with those tasks.
Choose a citation style

• On the References tab, in

the Citations &
Bibliography group, click
the down-arrow next to
the Style box. In the drop-
down list that appears,
click the name of the style
that you want to use.
Add a source
1. Click in the text at the end of the sentence or
passage that needs a citation.

2. On the References tab,

in the Citations &
Bibliography group,
click Insert Citation. In
the drop-down list that
appears, click Add New

Add a source

3. In the Create Source dialog box, click the Type Of

Source list box and select the form of the source
4. Type or paste the information about the source
and then click OK.
• After you add a source, Word adds it to the
gallery on the Insert Citation button. You can
insert a citation for the same source elsewhere
in the document by selecting it from the gallery.
Add a placeholder

• If you don’t have all

the information to
complete the
citation, on the
References tab, in
the Citations &
Bibliography group,
click Insert Citation.
In the drop-down
list that appears,
click Add New
• In the Placeholder Name dialog box, type a
name for the placeholder and click OK.
• The placeholder’s name appears at the
insertion point in the document.
Manage sources
1. On the References tab, in the Citations &
Bibliography group, click Manage Sources.
2. In the Source Manager dialog box, the
Master List list box displays all the sources
you’ve created on your computer, in all the
documents that contain citations, except for
any sources that you previously deleted. The
Current List list box displays the sources that
are cited in the open document, uncited
sources that are available in the Insert
Citation gallery, and any placeholders in the
3. If you want to create a new source without
adding a citation in the text of the document,
click the New button. Complete the entries in
the Create Source dialog box and click OK. The
citation is added to both lists in the Source
Manager dialog box.
4. If you want to sort the lists in the Source
Manager dialog box differently, click the Sort
box and select the field by which to sort.
5. Click the Close button.
Insert a
1. Click in your
document at
the location
where the
should start.
2. On the References tab, in the
Citations & Bibliography group,
click Bibliography. In the gallery
that opens, click one of the
entries, or at the bottom of the
gallery, click Insert Bibliography.
Insert a bibliography

3. If you plan to
submit the
document to a
you might
need to
change the
citation style
to another


▪ What is Mendeley?
▪ Creating your library
▪ Managing your documents & references
▪ Inserting citations & generating bibliographies
▪ Sharing references using groups
Based in London, Mendeley are 30+ researchers, graduates and
software developers from...

Supported by:
...backed by co-
founders and former
executives of:
What is Mendeley?

Mendeley is free academic software

(Win, Mac & Linux) to manage, share,
read, annotate and cite your research

...and a research network to manage

your papers online, discover research
trends and statistics, and to connect to
like-minded researchers.
“Citation” merupakan elemen penting dalam sebuah

penulisan karya ilmiah. Seringkali penulis pemula, pelajar,

mahasiswa dan masyarakat akademik pada umumnya, terjebak
dalam tindakan plagiasi yang tidak disengaja karena kurang
hati-hati dalam membuat sebuah sitiran.

Oleh karenanya, keberadaan sebuah perangkat lunak yang

berfungsi sebagai “citation & reference manager” adalah
sebuah kebutuhan.
• Mendeley merupakan suatu aplikasi yang
berguna untuk membuat sitasi (bodynote
& daftar pustaka) secara otomatis.

• Tidak hanya itu saja, melalui aplikasi ini,

anda bisa membuat perpustakaan digital
pribadi yang bisa diakses secara online,
dengan kapasitas penyimpanan maksimal
Beberapa fitur yang menjadi andalan Mendeley antara lain:
✔ Dapat berjalan pada MS Windows, Mac, ataupun Linux.
✔ Menampilkan metadata dari sebuah file PDF secara otomatis.
✔ Backup dan sinkronisasi data dari beberapa komputer dengan akun online.
✔ Smart filtering dan tagging.
✔ PDF viewer dengan kemampuan anotasi dan highlighting.
✔ Impor dokumen dan makalah penelitian dari situs-situs eksternal (misalnya PubMed,
Google Scholar, arXiv, dll).
✔ Integrasi dengan berbagai perangkat lunak pengolah kata seperti MS Word, Open Office,
dan Libre Office.
✔ Fitur jejaring sosial.
✔ Andorid, iPhone dan iPad app.
✔ Free web storage sebesar 2 GB yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai online backup.
How to install Mendeley ?
Cara Install?

• Akses ke

• Registrasi akun
• Klik “Create a free Account”
• Isikan form yang disediakan
✔ Pilih konsentrasi
yang sedang anda

✔ Download aplikasi
mendeley desktop

Klik icon

• Silakan install master mendeley

desktop yang sudah anda

• Klik (buka) aplikasi mendeley

desktop yang sudah anda install

• Masukkan email dan password

(sesuai dengan proses
Install Ms. Word Plugin

Fitur tambahan
• Install Ms. Word Plugin (pada saat install,
jangan coba2 buka ms. Word). Klik
“Tools” 🡺 klik “install ms word plugin”

• Lihat perbedaan, sebelum dan sesudah

install ms word plugin
Sebelum install
Sesudah install Ms word plugin
Creating your library
What is Mendeley?

Set up and manage your reference groups

Library showing all your documents (citation or table view)

Add tags & notes and edit document details

Filter your papers by authors, keywords, tags, or publications

Adding your papers

You have different options to set up your library:

• Add single files or an entire folder
• “Watch a folder” to automatically import PDF files
• Drag and drop PDFs into Mendeley Desktop

… and Mendeley will try to extract the document

details automatically

You can also:

• Add existing EndNote/BibTeX/RIS databases
• Sync with other reference management webapps
• Use Mendeley Web Importer to add from online
• Add from the Mendeley Research Catalog
Document details lookup

Enter the DOI, PubMed, or ArXiv ID and

click on the magnifier glass to start lookup

Missing info is added automatically

Web Importer


To install the Web Importer,

drag & drop the bookmarklet
to your Favorites/Bookmarks
in your internet browser

Supported sites

The Web Importer

helps you grab citations
off the web
Using the Web Importer

On the web page with …then click on “Import” to import

the reference(s) you the reference/paper to your
want to capture: click on Mendeley library. If
the bookmarklet… possible/available, also the
associated PDF will be imported.
Synchronize and manage your library online

You can also add

references and
edit & manage your
library online
Managing your documents & references
Manage your library

Open attached PDF files in integrated viewer

Documents can be marked read/unread

Star your favorite papers

Filter by authors, tags, publications or keywords

Search as you type
Full text search in Mendeley’s PDF viewer
Annotate and highlight
Citing and sharing references
Cara Menggunakan

• Download jurnal
• Upload jurnal anda, dengan cara klik “file” 🡺 klik “add
• Pilih file pdf yang akan diupload
• Setelah melakukan upload, akan tampil
gambar seperti ini

• Dalam kasus ini tags belum terisikan secara

otomatis, untuk itu silakan diisi sesuai dengan
“subjek” jurnal, misal jurnal tersebut berkaitan
dengan website, maka isikan tags tersebut
dnegan website.
Membuat sitasi secara otomatis
a. bodynonet

• Klik “all document”

• Klik icon pdf (file pdf yang akan dibuka)

• Ketik ctr + T (Control + T)

• Blok dan copy paragraf yang akan dikutip
(paraprase paragraf tsbt)

• Paste di ms word
• Klik “references” 🡺 klik “insert citation”.
• Masukkan judul jurnal yang sudah dikutip

• Klik ‘oke”

• Bodynote secara otomatis sudah muncul

Membuat sitasi secara otomatis
a. daftar pustaka

• Klik “references” 🡺 klik “insert

• Setelah anda melakukan “action”, jangan lupa klik
“sync”. Agar data yang ada di mendeley desktop, bisa
tersingkron (bisa dibuka) pada mendeley web (online)
• Anda juga bisa membuka mendeley web (online),
dengan cara akses ke https://www.mendeley.com/
• Klik “Sign in”. 🡺 masukkan email dan password
• Jika ingin membuka dokumen anda, 🡺 Klik “my library”

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