II. Method
In this research paper, the qualitative research method was used.
Qualitative research methods involve collecting and analyzing non-numerical
data, such as interviews, observations, or textual materials, to uncover
patterns, themes, and insights that contribute to a deeper understanding of
the studied phenomenon. We searched the internet to gather the information
that we needed, exploring different websites to confirm the said information.
III. Results
Cooling with Ventilation
Natural ventilation is a passive cooling strategy that uses natural forces like
wind and buoyancy to move cool outdoor air throughout a space. If properly
implemented, it has the potential to significantly reduce a building's cooling energy
consumption. Furthermore, natural ventilation not only helps to reduce energy
consumption in a building, but its high flowrates result in higher levels of indoor air
quality than mechanically cooled buildings. Lower contaminant levels in a space have
been linked to higher occupant productivity.
According to De Burca (2023), “The principles behind passive cooling and natural
ventilation are based on the laws of thermodynamics. Heat naturally flows from
warmer to cooler areas, and air moves from areas of high pressure to areas of low
pressure. By understanding these fundamental principles, designers can create
buildings that utilize natural airflow and heat transfer to achieve optimal thermal
Design Strategies
1. Orientation: The orientation of a building can have a significant impact on its
thermal performance. By designing a building with its long axis facing
north/south, it can maximize solar gains in winter and minimize them in summer.
2. Cross ventilation: Cross ventilation is a form of natural ventilation that allows
wind to enter one side of a room and out another. Ideally, cross ventilation uses
wind-driven force to bring cooler air from outside and replace the stale, warm
interior air. When wind impacts your house from the windward side (side
facing the prevailing wind direction), it creates positive pressure. Openings
on the leeward side (the side opposite the prevailing wind direction) are
usually in negative pressure since the wind is flowing away from it.
2. FarmED
FarmED is a sustainable farming education center in the Cotswolds, England,
designed by Timothy Tasker Architects. The center’s goal is to educate
communities on the importance of regenerative farming in combating the climate
emergency. As part of a thermal strategy, the southern roofs of the center’s
three buildings cantilever by two meters, keeping the summer sun at bay.
“Passive ventilation allows varying amounts of air to be drawn up through glazed
elevations to automated openable roof panels, negating the need for energy
intensive air-conditioning or mechanical ventilation,” says the architect.
Radiant Cooling
According to Messana Hydronic Technologies(2023) radiant cooling is an
energy-efficient cooling technology that, unlike traditional forced-air systems that
cool the air, employs chilled radiant surfaces like ceilings or floors to directly absorb
the heat radiated by objects and people within a space. It creates a comfortable,
even distribution of coolness, without the need for visible and noisy equipment.In
the context of HVAC systems, radiant cooling is primarily based on this mechanism
of thermal radiation. It’s important to note, however, that it is not about transferring
“cold.” Instead, it represents a form of negative heat transfer—essentially, it’s the
opposite of radiant heating. In essence, radiant cooling is unique in its approach.
Rather than battling warm air, as is common with traditional systems, it directly
tackles the heat sources within a space. This results in a more efficient and evenly
spread cooling experience.
On the flip side, radiant cooling builds upon this concept but in the opposite manner.
While it can be achieved using floors, it’s more commonly facilitated through radiant
panels embedded in the ceiling. Chilled water flows through these panels, cooling
the ceiling’s surface. This cooled surface then absorbs the infrared heat radiation
from objects and people in the room, providing a direct sensation of coolness.
Additional 30% convection in ceiling-based radiant cooling
One distinct advantage of ceiling-based radiant cooling is the added convection
component. The thin layer of air in direct contact with the cold ceiling surface gets
cooled and descends, then it’s replaced by warmer air from below. This continuous
downward flow of cooler air sets up a convective loop. This natural convection
process contributes to around 30% of the total cooling capacity. The remaining 70%
stems directly from radiation or the absorption of heat through thermal radiation. In
contrast, floor-based radiant cooling relies solely on radiation, with no convection
Design Strategies
Based on Hu, Y., Xia, X., & Wang, J. (2022) radiant cooling systems have
been recognized as the preferred technology due to their higher energy saving
potential and better indoor comfort than conventional convective systems.They have
proved to have broad application prospects. In terms of comfort, the radiant system
is better than the convective system in both thermal and acoustic comfort. The
reasons can be summarized as follows: the convective system has problems such as
draft sensation, noise, and large temperature gradient. In contrast to the convective
systems, the large radiant terminal area is conducive to providing uniform heat
transfer to the room and the human body. In addition, the air volume of the
dedicated outdoor air system for radiant cooling systems is generally smaller than
that for the convective system. The smaller air volume indicates slight noise and
low-speed airflow. The low-speed airflow helps improve occupant comfort by
avoiding large vertical temperature differences and draft sensation. Experimental
results show that the actual overall dissatisfaction and unacceptability rate is much
lower than the calculated predicted percentage of dissatisfied (PPD) because the
radiant cooling system effectively reduces local discomfort.
The cooling system can be optimized to reduce energy consumption through the
following methods:
1. improving the energy efficiency of equipment;
2. reducing the demand of occupants for cooling;
3. using special/better insulation configuration;
4. taking advantage of free cold sources;
5. adopting the appropriate operation schemes.
For the radiant cooling system, the set room temperature of the radiant
cooling system under the same indoor comfort is usually higher than that of the
convective cooling system, which reduces the demand for cooling. In addition,
radiant cooling system uses high-temperature cold water to transmit cooling energy,
which improves the efficiency of cooling energy distribution and production and
facilitates the use of natural cold sources. The above characteristics also indicated
that radiant cooling systems have lower exergy consumption and higher second law
efficiency than the convective cooling system. However, several factors have
constrained the practical application of radiant cooling systems. Due to the
disadvantages of slow response, condensation risk, and low cooling capacity, radiant
cooling systems, especially in hot and humid climates with potential condensation
risk, is more challenging in simulation, control, and integration. When the radiant
cooling system operates intermittently, indoor comfort may not be guaranteed for a
long time after the air-conditioning mode is turned on. Moreover, the risk of
condensation in the initial operation of the radiant cooling system may increase due
to the continuous infiltration of outdoor hot and humid air into the room during the
shutdown period.
1. SDB- Building, Hyderabad
The building (Software Development Block-1, Pocharam campus, Hyderabad) has a
total built-up area of about 24000 sqm. distributed into east and west wings of
sqm. each and a central wing of about 800 sqm. About 85% of the total building
area is air-conditioned office area and the total occupancy of the building is about
The design of the building and the building systems was such the building was
estimated to be about 40% more efficient than ASHRAE baseline building. The
building was equipped with energy meters for each of the equipments of the air-
conditioning system as well as the radiant cooling system so that individual
equipment level efficiencies could be compared accurately. Also, the building
features a state of the art Building Automation System to monitor and control the
operation of the building systems accurately. The distribution of energy shows that
the contribution of air handling system is very low in the radiant cooling system
compared to conventional air-conditioning system.The average chiller plant
efficiency observed was in the range of 0.6 kW/TR for conventional air-conditioning
system and 0.45 kW/TR for the radiant cooling system,
though these vary through different seasons.
The radiant cooling system inherently provides a healthier indoor air quality as there
is no recirculation of air in the
system. Treated fresh air provided to the occupants for maintaining healthy
conditions as well as to remove moisture from the space. In principle, the radiant
cooling system reduces the Mean Radiant Temperature (MRT) of the space since the
slab is cooled. Therefore the perception of thermal comfort is expected to be higher
for a radiant cooling system.
One of the most important aspects while implementing any new technology is the
capital cost involved. Higher capital cost usually means higher risk and therefore
adoption by the society. In the case of radiant cooling, it was a completely different
case where the capital cost of the system was slightly lower than the conventional
air conditioning system.
Evaporative Cooling
According to Seeley International (2023) Evaporative air conditioning uses
evaporation to help cool the air. Based on the principles of evaporation, hot and dry
outside air is drawn through water-soaked cooling pads. As the air is pushed through
these pads, the water evaporates and the heat in the air is absorbed, which lowers
the air temperature. A fan then pushes the cool air throughout the house via a
network of ducts.
The key to effective evaporative air conditioning is ensuring that each of the cooling
pads are completely saturated during operation and that the systems fan and motor
are sized and designed to deliver the appropriate airflow for the space. The
evaporative cooling air process works by evaporating liquid water into vapor using
heat from the air while the total energy in the air is maintained.
The heat used to evaporate water into water vapor is called latent heat (hidden heat
that cannot be detected with a thermometer) of evaporation. For example, it is the
heat from the hot pavement that evaporates the water after a summer rainstorm. As
the liquid water changes its state into vapor, it absorbs heat from its surroundings;
the energy it absorbs is contained in the molecular structure of the vapors.
Evaporative cooling is only possible because of this natural phenomenon of latent
heat. This results in the temperature and the sensible heat (that you can feel or
sense) of the air dropping. The moisture vapor that is added to the air increases the
humidity and the latent heat of the air. An evaporative air conditioner is a system
that cools air through the evaporation of water. Evaporative cooling is different from
traditional air conditioning systems, which use chemical vapor compression
refrigeration cycles.
Design strategies
Water evaporation absorbs a large amount of heat and this decreases the air
temperature while improving relative humidity which is a great opportunity in hot
and dry climate to make an indoor thermal comfort. This strategy is one of the
oldest passive cooling techniques that were used in Persian and Egyptian traditional
architecture. They have been used windcatchers to direct the air flows through the
subterranean water in a Qanat or indoor pools and conduct the cool humid air into
the building. Courtyard houses also benefit this strategy using plants and pools. Roof
ponds and water curtains are other passive techniques that cool the spaces by
evaporation according to Share Your Green Design (2023).
Over the years, traditional wisdom has supported the idea of a water body such as
pond, lake or a fountain to provide cooling effect to the surrounding environment.
This effect lowers the indoor air temperature – a widely known concept of
evaporative cooling. This phenomenon is largely witnessed in systems such as
desert coolers in most Indian households. Evaporative cooling lowers the indoor air
temperature thus lowers the energy cost for air-conditioning in buildings. Reduced
energy load contributes towards meeting the NZEB design goals. However,
evaporative cooling is mostly effective in hot and dry climate where the humidity is
low based on Evaporative Cooling- NZEB (2023).
According to Kharrufa, S. N., & Adil, Y. (2008)
“The weather in Baghdad, Iraq is hot dry in the summer while water is plentiful and
cheap. These are conditions which encourage the use of evaporative cooling. A
building with one space in it was used to test the effect of a roof pond which was
ventilated mechanically for summer cooling.”
Results with no pool
This is the benchmark case. The measurements were taken for the bare room
without the pool installed. The minimum outside temperature was 32 °C, the
maximum 44 °C. Minimum inside temperature was 39.5 °C and maximum was 43.5
°C. The most notable thing which the readings exposed was that the average inside
temperature of 41.8 °C was actually higher than the outside of 38.6 °C. This is
typical for non-cooled buildings in Baghdad in the summer. Longer daily sunshine
hours result in longer times for
Cooling load
To define the effect of the pool on different room conditions, the resultant cooling
load necessary to drop the temperature inside the room to 26 °C was calculated.
These were done using a building thermal simulation program called Ecotect.
Version 5.2 was used. The conditions input into the program were as follows:
•the room dimensions and material as in the test room;
•the insulation when added was in the form of 5 cm cavity to the walls;
•no insulation was added to the roof when the pool was.
1. Without a pool average interior temperatures in a non-cooled exposed room in
Baghdad are actually higher than outside temperatures.
2. Adding a roof pond reduces the temperature especially during the day.
3. The pond also stabilizes interior temperatures. Rises and falls become less.
4. Adding a fan to increase evaporation and cooling lowered interior temperatures
5. The fan reduced water temperatures in the pool by a much larger margin than the
interior suggesting that treating the remaining exterior
Earth Cooling
Earth cooling is a drop in temperature that occurs globally and causes
glaciers. Throughout Earth's history, there have been recurring periods of warmer
and colder climates, known as glaciations or ice ages. The end of the last glacial
period was roughly 10,000 years ago. During global temperatures had dropped
during the 1940s, experts thought that a period of global cooling would be coming in
the 1970s based on temperature data.
Because the earth acts as a vast heat sink, this technique can be utilized for both
passive cooling and heating of buildings.
PRINCIPLE: The temperature of the soil stays nearly constant year-round to depths
of more than 4 to 5 meters below the earth's surface when daily and seasonal
variations cease. Thus, the earth's constant temperature is employed to chill the air
that enters buildings. The Earth cools the air effectively by absorbing heat from the
atmosphere and acting as a heat sink.
Design Strategies
Air travels through pipes that are buried between four and five meters below the
surface of the earth.
•The air that travels through a few-meter-deep tunnel or buried pipe gets heated in
the winter and cooled in the summer.
• The earth's cooling effect causes the air in these pipes to enter houses. This air is
occasionally drawn out of the pipes using a fan.
• The exchange of heat between the air and the surrounding soil is influenced by
various parameters, including the surface area of the pipe, the length and depth of
the tunnel below ground, the earth's moisture, and the humidity of the incoming air
Vertical Ground Loop System
•Mostly used in commercial structures or in small spaces.
•Two loops of pipe with a U-tube at the bottom are added after vertical holes dug
100 to 400 feet deep.
• Grout is subsequently used to seal the borehole and provide good soil contact.
•A benefit of the system is that the earth's temperature is more steady below the
• Parking lots and structures may have vertical ground loop fields beneath them.
• More than 50 years are expected to live.
In addition to this fact, desiccant dehumidifiers, also called desiccant dryers, operate
very efficiently with reduced power peaks, making them much more environmentally
–Desiccant dehumidifiers work using a process called adsorption.
–Adsorption works by attracting water molecules in damp air and holding them on
the surface of the adsorbent (desiccant) instead of absorbing them into it. If you
remember the game of Tetris, that’s a great illustration of adsorption, as blocks of
four are adsorbed onto the surface below.
You are probably familiar with some of these substances without realizing it.
Activated carbon is used in air filters to adsorb odors and gases. Freshness packets
found in medicine bottles are filled with silica gel to adsorb moisture that
accumulates in the bottle.
It’s this same silica gel that is used in desiccant dehumidifiers to adsorb moisture in
the air. Because silica gel is non-toxic and highly stable, it is effective at very low
Desiccant dehumidification systems have the capability to dry the air to any desired
humidity level, which is an advantage for certain applications. The limitation of this
system is the need for high grade heat (about 180°F) to regenerate the desiccant.
Thus, the best fit for this system is if the space needs to be maintained at a low
(<50%) relative humidity or if there is a source of waste heat
available to regenerate the desiccant.
Figure 1
Figure 2
Two solid desiccant dehumidification system designs suitable for tropical humid
climate meant for the reduction of latent load of air-conditioning systems and
improvement of the thermal comfort were proposed and the performance was
analyzed through simulations and experimental studies. The simulations were
performed using the commercial software packages ANSYS and TRASYS. The
desiccant dehumidifier designs under investigation were the stationary desiccant
column and the rotary desiccant wheel. Amount of desiccant in the bed was 15 kg,
and the desiccant considered was silica-gel, with average diameter of 3 mm. The
main findings of the simulation study are: the pressure drop and the adsorption rate
of desiccant column are higher than those of the desiccant wheel; the most feasible
and practical adsorption rate of the desiccant wheel used in this experiment was
0.102 kgw/h at air flow rate 1.0 kg/min, regenerated air temperature 55˚C and at
2.5 rpm wheel speed; the effect of air flow rate and air temperature on DCOP were
more than that of the humidity ratio and wheel speed. The experimental studies with
a desiccant wheel humidifier coupled to a split type air conditioner confirmed the
accuracy of simulations. Use of desiccant cooling system reduced the humidity ratio
of conditioned space and the cooling load of the air conditioner by 14% and 19.26%
respectively. Consequently, the thermal comfort was improved from 0.5 PMV
(10.12% PPD) to 0.3 PMV (7.04% PPD).
Using ventilation for a passive cooling system is an essential strategy for sustainable
architecture, contributing to improved thermal comfort, reduced energy consumption,
and a healthier indoor environment. Not only do these strategies reduce a building’s
carbon footprint, but they also provide numerous benefits for building occupants.
On the other hand, based on the principles of evaporation, hot and dry outside air is
drawn through water-soaked cooling pads. As the air is pushed through these pads,
the water evaporates and the heat in the air is absorbed, which lowers the air
Earth cooling system provides unmatched efficiency and operates more efficiently
than conventional heating and air conditioning systems.
Holder, H. (September 16, 2022). Cross Ventilation: Best Strategies and Benefits.
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