Rogue Trader 2nd Edition (Copy) - Ascension Supplement
Rogue Trader 2nd Edition (Copy) - Ascension Supplement
Rogue Trader 2nd Edition (Copy) - Ascension Supplement
Ascension Supplement
Main Rules
Exalted Statistics
Exalted Characteristics
Exalted Skills
Exalted Fury
Psy Rating Higher than 10
Exalted Fate Points
Spend Fate Points
Burn Fate Points
Exalted Talents
Exalted Aptitude
Exalted Constitution
Exalted Stamina
Exalted Resistance (X)
Exalted Grit
Exalted Characteristic (X)
Exalted Combat Prowess
Exalted Crafter (X)
Exalted Career
Oversized Weapon Mastery
Strength in Fury
Strength in Greater Fury
Master of the Dance
Exalted Flurry of Blows
Exalted Two Weapon Mastery (Melee)
Exalted Accuracy
Exalted Aim
Exalted Death Blow
Shot through the Heart
Lord of Fire
Nowhere to Spread
Devastating Man
Savant of Knowledge (X)
Focused Power
Primed Power
Steady Power
Master of Many Powers
A True Angel of Death
Death Comes in Many Sizes
Wealth Beyond Measure
Wealth Beyond Imagination
Lord-Admiral in the Making
God of War
Holiest Messenger
Omnissiah’s Savant
A Man of the God-Emperor
Rising Novator
Magistrate of the Ship
Virtuoso of the Steer
Temple Sanction (X)
A True Pariah
Magnate of Imperium
Eldar talent
Drukhari talent
Autarch Lord talent
Aspect Avatar talent
Bladesworn talent
Bonewhisperer talent
Dragon King talent
Pain Virtuoso talent
Performancer talent
Starfinder talent
Warlock Supreme talent
Kill Marine talent
Elite Advances
Living Saint
New Man
Lord Inquisitor
Omega-Minus Grade Null
Alpha Grade Psyker
Puritan Soul
Radical Soul
Hero of the Imperium
Hero of the Chapter
Venerable Brother of the Deathwatch
Exalted Armoury
Master Quality
Services by the Exalted
Exalted Creatures
Main Rules
These rules are made for campaigns that change into the “epic” category, where a single PC
can battle one on one Hive Tyrants and win, lead crusades, battle hordes of elite enemies and
are major power brokers in the Imperium of Man. The GM should sparingly use these rules,
mainly for a short lived epic campaign or at the end of a very long one.
Each PC gains the Exalted aptitude. This is only needed for talents. Otherwise, the characters
are ready to be powerful beings (at a cost!). All of these need GM’s approval (obviously!). All
Unnatural Characteristic traits stack!
From now on, the total modifier increases from 60 to 90 as does the Difficulty Table.
Difficulty Test Modifier
Done +90
Non-Issue +80
Picnic +70
Trivial +60
Elementary +50
Simple +40
Easy +30
Routine +20
Ordinary +10
Challenging +0
Difficult -10
Hard -20
Arduous -40
Punishing -50
Hellish -60
Daemonic -70
Catastrophic -80
Apocalyptic -90
Exalted Statistics
Exalted Characteristics
The character can advance his characteristics two more times, based on the table below.
Aptitudes Heroic (+30 Total) Master (+35 Total)
Exalted Skills
The character can advance his skill two more times, based on the table below.
Aptitudes Heroic (+40 Total) Master (+50 Total)
Exalted Fury
Whenever the Exalted Character gets Righteous Fury, he can forgo the 1d5 Critical Damage
and instead roll 1d10 additional damage. If he rolls 10 on this die, he rolls another 1d10 and
repeats the process each time he gets a 10. In short, he can choose between the new (DH2e)
critical system and the old one.
Exalted Aptitude
Requirements: Total spent experience equal to or higher than 30,000xp
Description: The Explorer unlocked previously unknown possibilities. Gain 1 Aptitude. This
talent can be taken multiple times, each time the requirement increases by 10,000xp.
Exalted Constitution
Requirements: Toughness at Master Rank, Sound Constitution (x6)
Description: The Explorer can survive even the worst shots and blows. He doubles the amount
of wounds gained from Sound Constitution.
Exalted Stamina
Requirements: Toughness at Heroic Rank, Sound Constitution (x4)
Description: The Explorer opens up to even higher heights of survival. For the purposes of
buying Sound Constitution, the Explorer counts his unmodified Toughness Bonus as double its
Exalted Grit
Requirements: Toughness at Master Rank, True Grit
Description: The Explorer becomes nearly unkillable to his enemies. He adds his unmodified
Toughness Bonus to the True Grit talent. Also, any attack that deals Critical Damage equal or
less than the Explorer’s Toughness Bonus is reduced to 0 instead of 1.
Exalted Characteristic (X)
Requirements: Characteristic at Heroic Rank
Description: The Explorer unlocked the hidden potential of one of his innate abilities. He gains
Unnatural Characteristic with chosen Characteristic or increases existing. This talent can be
taken multiple times, up to half unmodified Characteristic Bonus, rounded down. After taking the
talent a second time, its requirement increases to Master Rank.
Exalted Career
Requirements: Bought all Talents from his current Career, at least 2 Characteristics at Heroic
Rank, GMs discretion
Description: The Explorer becomes “dual” Careered. He chooses a different Career, gains the
bonuses but not talents, skills or aptitudes (except for Psyker or Faith). He can now buy talents
from the new Career.
Strength in Fury
Requirements: Swift Attack or Lightning Attack, Weapon Skill at Heroic Rank, Strength at
Heroic Rank
Description: The Explorer ignores the Unbalanced weapon quality when making a Swift Attack
or Lightning Attack.
Strength in Greater Fury
Requirements: Strength in Fury, Strength at Master Rank
Description: The Explorer ignores the Unwieldy weapon quality when making a Swift Attack or
Lightning Attack.
Requirements: Master of the Dance
Description: The Explorer becomes the greatest whirlwind of blades. Whenever the character
uses the Swift Attack, Lightning Attack or Whirlwind of Death against a Horde, he triples the
amount of hits (to a maximum of double his Weapon Skill Bonus), not counting additional hits
from Power Weapon, Devastating or any other source.
Exalted Accuracy
Requirements: Precision Killer (Ranged), Ballistic Skill at Heroic Rank
Description: The Explorer becomes deadly with his sniper rifle. The character can make a Full
Action Arduous (-40) Ballistic Skill test that works like a Called Shot with a Basic Weapon that
has Accurate Quality. If the hit lands, he doubles the damage from Accurate Quality.
Exalted Aim
Requirements: Exalted Accuracy, Ballistic Skill at Master Rank
Description: The Explorer’s aim is true. The character can make Aim action with his Free
Action (counts as Half Aim) or Half Action (counts as Full Aim). If he already has a talent that
does this, he always makes a Full Aim with a Free Action
Lord of Fire
Requirements: Ballistic Skill at Heroic Rank
Description: The Explorer the master of the fire. Whenever using a weapon with the Flame
Quality, the character can reroll the damage (only once). Also, whenever the Flame weapon has
Spray and uses it against Hordes, he only halves the Range instead of making a quarter of it to
calculate hits against the Horde.
Nowhere to Spread
Requirements: Ballistic Skill at Heroic Rank, Independent Targeting
Description: The Explorer brings death from afar to many targets. The character can distribute
his hits from Semi-Auto and Full Auto attacks (no matter if it is one weapon or two weapons)
however he likes, however, all targets must be eligible, be in the same Range category and only
“in front” of the character (like he was using a Spray weapon).
Devastating Man
Requirements: Nowhere to Spread
Description: The Explorer brings death from afar to too many targets. Whenever the character
attacks a Horde, his ranged weapons gain Devastating (1) Quality or increase the quality if they
have it.
Focused Power
Requirements: Psyker, Strong Minded, Willpower at Heroic Rank
Description: The Explorer decreases his chance of failure with psychic powers. The character
automatically fails his Focus Power Test on 96 or more, instead of 91 or more.
Primed Power
Requirements: Focused Power, Willpower at Master Rank
Description: The Explorer never leaves his psychic powers to chance. The character
automatically fails his Focus Power Test only on 100, instead of 96 or more.
Steady Power
Requirements: Focused Power, Willpower at Master Rank, Psyniscience at Heroic Rank
Description: The Explorer has a bigger grip on his powers than before. The character reduces
the penalty to Push powers to -5 instead -10 per PR. Also, he gains an additional +10 bonus if
he makes a Focus Power Test with PR lower than his original.
Requirements: Weapon Skill at Heroic Rank or Ballistic Skill at Heroic Rank or Willpower at
Heroic Rank
Specialization: Weapon Skill, Ballistic Skill, Psychic Powers
Description: The Explorer can fell even the mightiest of foes. The characters attacks (melee or
ranged or psychic) gain Felling (X), where X is half of his Weapon Skill Bonus or Ballistic Skill or
Willpower Bonus, rounded down, or increases the weapon’s Felling Quality by the same
amount. This talent can be taken for different specialization and two times each. After being
taken the second time for one specialization, the Felling quality increases to a full Weapon Skill
or Ballistic Skill or Willpower Bonus, however, the requirement increases to Master Rank.
Lord-Admiral in the Making
Requirements: Rogue Trader, At least 5 Voidships
Description: The Rogue Trader becomes a master of the void combat, many are ready to serve
him. You halve the cost of maintaining a fleet by half, allowing the Dynasty to field more ships
for combat. Also, all your ships (non-flagship) that are 10 VUs in range of your flagship increase
their Crew Rating by one rank (up to 60).
God of War
Requirements: Arch-Militant, Weapon Skill or Ballistic Skill at Heroic Rank
Specializations: Weapon Skill, Ballistic Skill
Description: During war the Arch-Militant is a god of war incarnate. For his chosen
Specialization, he can spend a Fate Point to automatically succeed on a Weapon Skill or
Ballistic Skill test with the amount of DoS equal to his Weapon Skill Bonus or Ballistic Skill
Bonus. Also, he can use his Weapon Skill or Ballistic Skill instead of Intelligence for tactics and
Holiest Messenger
Requirements: Astropath Transcendent, Perception at Heroic Rank
Description: The Astropath Transcendent is capable of sending messages alone to the farthest
parts of the galaxy with ease. All Astropathic Signals/Messages sent by the Astropath
Transcendent have their send time lowered by rank, so a signal that would take 1d5 hours now
takes 1d10 minutes to reach its destination. Also, he is treated as having his Psy Rating 5
higher than normal when sending the message for purposes of determining how far he can send
the message. Anybody that isn’t the target of the focused (not broadcast) signal receives -30
penalty to decipher the message. If the Astropath Transcendent is an Alpha Grade Psyker, he
lowers the send time by two ranks instead of one, so a message sent to another Segmentum
takes 1d5 hours instead of 1d5 months to arrive.
Omnissiah’s Savant
Requirements: Explorator, Forbidden Lore (Archeotech) at Heroic Rank
Description: The Explorator gains insight to forgotten technology like no other. Any test
involving Archeotech that is Very Hard (-30) Intelligence or easier be it repairing, maintaining,
running or similar can be automatically passed with degrees of success equal to the
Explorator’s Intelligence Bonus. Also, if the Explorator gains the Archmagos rank or higher, he
gains +30 bonus to any social test against Adeptus Mechanicus, he might be even able to
Rising Novator
Requirements: Navigator, Perception at Heroic Rank, Navigation (Warp) at Heroic Rank
Description: The Navigator’s third eye awakens and the warp subsidies for him. The Explorer
halves any penalties for leading a fleet through the warp. Also, when traveling with just one ship,
he halves warp travel time.
A True Pariah
Requirements: Sister Pariah, At least 10 Insanity Points, Willpower at Heroic Rank
Description: The Sister Pariah might be shunned by her sisters of becoming a singular actor in
the world of God-Emperor but she truly knows she is on a holy mission. From now on, the
Insanity Threshold doesn’t work for the Sister Pariah and her Insanity Point limit is increased by
double her Willpower Bonus (minimum to 200). She doesn’t get any new mental illnesses after
the 100 mark. However, all that righteous insanity is converted to an unrelenting fury! All attacks
against Heretics, Xenos and Chaos gain additional damage equal to Sister Pariah Insanity
Points Bonus (only once per round for one hit). Also, she gains double her Insanity Point Bonus
to social tests against fanatic servants of the God-Emperor.
Magnate of Imperium
Requirements: At least 3 Colonies, With one at least Size 6
Description: The Explorer becomes a true leader (or beaurocrat) of his own little empire. Cost
of creating new Colonies is reduced by 4 (to a minimum of 1). Also, all Colonies gains 1d5
Growth Points yearly, the Explorer chooses how to distribute them.
Eldar talent
Requirements: ?
Drukhari talent
Requirements: ?
Bonewhisperer talent
Requirements: ?
Performancer talent
Requirements: ?
Starfinder talent
Requirements: ?
There’s no limit to the amount of allies healed this way and the healed wounds are now equal to
the psyker’s psy rating.
The Psyker can target a number of targets equal to his psy rating and the Fatigue is also gained
upon failed tests, not only on doubles.
The target has a -30 penalty to the test. Also, the Psyker can sustain the power for a Half Action
each turn, making the target make more tests, however, only the first test is with the -30 penalty.
The range is increased to 5 meters per psyker psy rating. Also, the amount of Fatigue is
Iron Arm
The Psyker doesn’t receive the penalty to Agility and gains a bonus to the Unnatural Strength
and Unnatural Toughness equal to the number of Degrees of Success on the Focus Power Test
above the first. Total trait level can’t increase higher than the psyker psy rating.
Life Leech
The damage is equal to 10 + psy rating, instead of 1d10 + psy rating. Also, the psyker heals his
wounds by 1 for every full 5 points of Toughness damage.
Shape Flesh
The psyker can create a completely new inhuman/nonhuman form that grants Traits to mimic
the new appearance. Example of Traits: Amorphous, Amphibious, Burrower (up to PR/2),
Crawler, Dark-Sight, Deadly Natural Weapons, Flyer (up to PR/2), Hoverer (up to PR/2),
Multiple Arms (up to PR/2), Natural Armour (up to PR/2), Natural Weapons, Quadruped, Size
trait no bigger than 2 size difference from the original, Sonar Sense, Stampede, Sturdy, Toxic
(up to PR/2)
The attack gains Shocking and Blast (PR/2), the Pen increases to psyker psy rating.
Warp Speed
The psyker can make a Full Move with a Free Action on his turn and gains a number of free
Evasion Reactions equal to his psy rating divided by 4, rounded down (minimum of 3).
The psyker can use this power even on his turn. The number of Degrees of Success are
Additionally, the affected targets gain a free Evasion Reaction as long as the power is
The target fails miserably if any test he makes is a double. Then it is counted as a critical failure.
Perfect Timing
When the affected allies and psyker attack a target, any Force Field he has is reduced by
double the psyker psy rating, as the attacks strike true just before the Force Field has a chance
to react.
The psyker can spend one of his re-rolls to gain 1d5 Degrees of Success on his successful
tests. Also, he can spend two rerolls to instead of re-rolling damage dice to count them as
having rolled 10s (no Fury).
The affected targets can reroll one failed Weapon Skill or Ballistic Skill test per turn.
Scrier’s Gaze
After the normal Scrier’s Gaze result is counted and the GM tells what the psyker sees, the
Psyker then can use his DoS to ask the GM questions. For one DoS, he can ask a question that
the GM can answer with: Yes, No, Maybe, Uncertain. While with 3 DoS, the GM must elaborate
more on the question, maybe revealing more than the Psyker wanted to know. For example,
“Can we trust this man?” “No, you can’t and shouldn’t, he is working with dark powers and his
smile is a facade.”
Warp Perception
The trait is multiplied by 100 instead of 10, allowing the psyker to see beyond any wall or
obstacle. If there are psychic barriers, he can still see past them but his sight range is reduced
by half for each barrier he looks past.
Winding Fate
After the vision is described by the GM, the psyker then can ask questions about his target. For
one DoS, he can ask a question that the GM can answer with: Yes, No, Maybe, Uncertain.
While with 3 DoS, the GM must elaborate more on the question, maybe revealing more than the
Psyker wanted to know. For example, “Can we trust this man?” “No, you can’t and shouldn’t, he
is working with dark powers and his smile is a facade.”
This power increases range to 10m x psy rating and every target the psyker sees and
nominates loses his Blood Loss condition. There’s no pain, compared to what the normal
version of the power does.
Fiery Form
The power changes the psyker to assume partly incorporeal form. Every attacker must make a
Difficult (-10) Perception test. If they fail, they attack the flames that surround the psyker’s body
instead of the psyker himself. If they succeed, the attack is resolved normally.
Fire Shield
Damage is increased to 1d10+PR (E) and the damage is dealt before the damage against the
psyker. If the target is killed due to this damage, the psyker doesn’t receive the inflicted
damage. Also, the psyker can make a Standard Attack with his hands to deal this damage
Flame Breath
Two versions.
Psychic Bolt - Range changed to 2m x psy rating and gains the Spray Quality
Psychic Barrage - Gain Pen equal to PR.
Gain Pen equal to PR.
Manipulate Flame
The sustain action is now Free Action and the size of the flame is 10m x psy rating. He doesn’t
need a flammable surface to move the flame.
Molten Beam
Range increases to 10m x psy rating and Flame quality.
Spontaneous Combustion
Gain Pen equal to PR.
Gain Pen equal to PR.
Target is thrown 1d5 meters per Psy Rating. There’s no limit on the size, however, creatures
bigger than Hulking can make a Challenging (+0) Agility test or similiar to not fall prone.
Gains the Graviton Quality and Blast (PR/2).
Gate of Infinity
The psyker increases the power of the gate. Chooses two before Focus Power Test:
- Can create a portal to any location that he can divine out before - even to another
- Increase range to 10km per psy rating.
- Lasts for minutes per psy rating.
- Size increases to 10m per psy rating.
Objuration Mechanicum
The psyker chooses the effect from the Haywire Field table. He can also sustain the power as
Half Action.
The psyker can nominate targets that aren’t affected. Those that are pushed make a
Challenging (+0) Strength test with a penalty equal to 4 times the psyker psy rating (minimum
50), if they fail, they multiply their pushed range by their Degrees of Failure.
Telekinetic Control
The object's weight can now be 2 x PR in tonnes.
Telekine Dome
The dome grants a Force Field to everybody under it. Force Field rating is equal to 4 times the
psyker psy rating (minimum of 50) with no Overload. After the attack passes the Force Field, its
resolved normally against the target.
Telekine Shield
The shield is equal to the psyker psy rating and can’t be damaged.
Vortex of Doom
The psyker can increase initial Vortex of Doom radius to his psy rating. If the explosion takes
place, the damage is increased to 4d10+6xPR with double the Pen and Blast (4xPR). The
psyker receives only half of the damage.
The power can be sustained with a Free Action and the targets that fail their tests can try again
to resist the power at the end of their turns, using the original psyker DoS. If the power is
sustained, the orders can be more specific "Put in your password to the safe" and don't need to
be achieved in one turn.
The Psyker can erase up to 10 times Days of information and knowledge from the target's mind.
This can't be regained unless an Alpha Grade Psyker undos the damage. If the target loses
more than his Intelligence characteristic in days, he gains 1 Insanity Point for each missing day
above that.
Either the Psyker makes the hallucinations last in minutes instead of rounds or he chooses the
result himself. If the target loses fails his Willpower test by 5 DoF or more, the hallucinations are
permanent until he gets professional psychiatric help.
The invisibility becomes true invisibility. He doesn't even make a sound. Only those with Warp
Perception or similar psychic sight can see the target.
Mental Fortitude
Range increases to 10 meters per Psy Rating and there's no limit on the allies. Targets either
use their own Willpower Bonus or the psyker's.
Psychic Shriek
The Concussive quality is now Concussive (PR/2). If the target fails his Concussive test, he is
deaf for number of hours equal to the Psyker's psy rating.
Puppet Master
There is no penalty to the dominated target tests. He acts normally and only those with Psychic
Powers could potentially see that he is dominated. The range increases after the target
succeeds to 1 kilometer per psy rating.
Telepathic Link
(Thought Reading) Upon the opposed Willpower success, the Psyker gains all knowledge and
information the character has or had, even those that were erased from his mind by Psychic
(Thought Sending) The character can send his thoughts to anybody within the same system, as
long as the Psyker knows they are there.
The psyker can nominate any targets in his line of sight in the range with a limit to his Psy
Rating in the number. Targets that have a result of 230+ die instantly due to shock and must
burn Fate Points.
The penalty is increased to -10 per Degree of Success, while the damage is increased to 1d10
per Degree of Failure.
Cleansing Flame
The attack gains the Daemonsbane weapon quality and gains Pen equal to PR.
If the Daemonic target has Warp Instability Trait and loses the Opposed test by 4 or more, then
he is banished to Warp instantly.
There’s no limit on the number of allies. The power increases Unnatural Strength by the same
amount that it would give. The range increases to 10m per psy rating.
The range increases up to triple the PR, while the damage changes to 10 x PR. The psyker
receives damage equal to 10 + his own psy rating.
Psychic Communion
There’s no limit on the number of allies and Initiative increase is equal to the psyker psy rating.
Purge Soul
The damage is increased by 1 point (total of 2 points per) of Energy damage per DoS and to
Corruption number instead of bonus.
There’s no limit on the number of allies. The Daemons now must past a Very Hard (-30)
Willpower test to get near, while another Challenging (+0) Willpower test to even be able to
attack. If failed, the Daemon suffers a -5 penalty to his attack roll for each degree of failure. The
Force Field rating is changed to 4 times per psyker psy rating, minimum of 50.
Cursed Earth
The area is centered on the psyker and increased to 100m per psy rating.
Dark Flame
The attack gains the Warp Weapon Quality and the Corruption gain is doubled. If a creature
gains 10 Corruption in the test, it automatically turns into a Chaos Spawn.
While the power is active, the time the Daemon is bound to serve the psyker is changed from
hours to days per degree of success. Also, if the psyker wins the test by 10 or more Degree of
Success, the Daemon is bound to him for 666 days or until the psyker dies or releases him.
Infernal Gaze
The damage is doubled, so is the Insanity and Corruption gain. Creatures that die due to this
damage, automatically change into Chaos Spawn.
The psyker gains full psy rating traits, but also gains Fear (PR/4 rounded up, up to 4) and From
Beyond traits as well. His natural weapons gain Pen 4 and the Razor Sharp quality or Pen 6 and
Toxic (3) Quality (psyker choice).
Additionally, if the psyker succeeds, he gains +5 bonus per damage inflicted to his next
aggressive test (Intimidate, Attack, Interrogation, etc), it doesn’t need to be the original
“sacrifice”. The target of the Sacrifice is marked and any creature with the Daemonic trait gains
additional +5 bonus per psyker psy rating to their attacks or actions against the “sacrifice.”
When the power is active, it reduces the time to perform the ritual by 1/10th of the time.
Something that would take days, now only takes hours, allowing the Alpha Grade Psyker to
summon Greater Daemons with ease.
Astral Telepathy
All Astropathic Signals/Messages sent by the Astropath Transcendent have their send time
lowered by rank, so a signal that would take 1d5 hours now takes 1d10 minutes to reach its
destination. The power itself increases the range to the whole star system.
Astropathic Messages at sender’s PR 11+ are felt like earthquakes whenever the receiving
Astropath tries to decipher them. The sender can’t send messages that aren’t shouting.
Astropathic Messages at sender’s PR 15+ can kill unprepared Astropaths that receive a direct
message. Astropath gains Fatigue equal to 1d10+PR (sender) - Toughness Bonus (receiver), if
he gains double the Fatigue Threshold, he dies and his brain is turned into mush.
Astropathic Messages at sender’s PR 18+ cannot be read by anybody else than an Alpha
Grade Astropath. However, whenever this communication is established, no matter where the
two Alpha Grade Astropath are in the Galaxy, their communication is instantaneous. Their
communication can only be intercepted by Greater Daemons of Tzeentch or other Alpha Grade
Telepathic Bond
The range is increased to 100m per psy rating. Also, the limit of bonded creatures is 10x the psy
rating, allowing companies of soldiers to have direct communications.
Mind Scan
The effect of First, Second, Third and Fourth Round effects happen on the First Round, while
the Fifth happen on the Second Round. After the Third Round, the psyker can continue to Mind
Scan to gain knowledge that is hidden (due to Alpha Grade Erasure or other powerful psychic
power), each round gains one day of erased memories (the psyker can choose which day, if
there was more than one day erased).
Thought Shield
The power can now be sustained with a Free Action. Any creature trying to enter the psyker’s
mind automatically fail and receive 1d10+PR Energy damage to the head that can be reduced
only by Willpower Bonus.
Aura of Fear
The Fear trait rating increases to Fear (PR/3 rounded up, up to 5).
Deja Vu
The action repeated can be any done in the last 24 hours like punching the code to the safe,
speaking what was said in private or any other action the psyker demands.
Time of the foretelling increases to hours instead of minutes.
This power can be sustained with Free Action and there can be multiple small fires (none can
combine to a big one), up to 10 per psy rating.
Ill Omen
The target receives a penalty equal to -5 per psyker psy rating. If failed by 6 or more DoF, the
target is very likely to interpret the Omen like the psyker intended.
The psyker’s WPB and Psy Rating count as double for the purposes of calculating max. push
weight. Allowing the psyker to push Baneblades out of his way.
The power can be sustained as Free Action, allowing the psyker to make the test with the bonus
at a later date.
The range increases to 10m per psy rating and can make a suggestion to number of targets
equal psyker psy rating.
Summon Vermin
The psyker can summon any number of vermin, creating Hordes of small creatures.
Weapon Jinx
The psyker can extend his range to 10 meters per psy rating without a limit of weapons,
however, he can’t affect weapons that are Best Quality.
Word of Beasts
The psyker can make the bond with all animals that are in 100 meters in range from the Psyker,
allowing him to gain their knowledge or steer hordes of creatures to battle.
Exalted Psychic Powers
All power require the Explorer to have at least 8 Psy Rating to buy or use. None of the Exalted
Powers can be used fettered (below the user's Psy Rating) but can be used on Push with
additional bonuses described in the power. Also, these powers have an Alpha Grade version for
those with the Elite Advance Alpha Grade Psyker. They do not need to buy the talent to have
the powerful version, only the elite advance!
The Psyker and his allies charge against the enemy, creating a devastating force of will.
Value: 1000 xp
Prerequisite: Iron Arm, Psy Rating 8, Strength 45
Action: Full Action
Focus Power: Hard (-20) Willpower test
Range: 10 metres x psy rating
Sustained: No
Subtype: Attack, Concentration
Effect: The Psyker and allies up to psyker’s psy rating in number that are in the line of sight of
the Psyker and in range gain Brutal Charge (PR/2) Trait or increase their own. The Psyker
himself performs the Charge Action against a target at the same time of casting this power. If he
fails the focus power test he still makes the Charge Action, but he receives -20 penalty to it. The
Trait is lost at the start of the Psyker’s next turn.
Alpha Grade: The range increases to 50 meters per psy rating and there is no limit of allies.
Allowing the Psyker to be a force to be reckoned with during an Imperial Guard charge.
Psychic Ram
The Psyker concentrates his powers upon the machine creating amalgamation of plasteel and
willpower into a ram.
Value: 1000 xp
Prerequisite: Telekine Dome, Psy Rating 8
Action: Full Action
Focus Power: Hard (-20) Willpower test
Range: Self
Sustained: Half Action
Subtype: Concentration
Effect: The Psyker creates a powerful psychic force in front of the vehicle he is in. Whenever
that vehicle makes the Ram! maneuver, the target receives additional damage equal to the
psyker psy rating, while reducing damage to itself by the same amount.
Alpha Grade: The Psyker now can use the power in Void Combat. He can use this power for
the voidship he is in with additional penalty -20 to his test. If he succeeds, when the voidship
makes the Ram! maneuver it inflicts additional damage equal to the psyker psy rating, while
reducing damage to itself by the same amount. This version of the power isn’t sustained and
must be used each turn the maneuver is made.
Restless Souls
The Psyker is able to pluck from the dead people who have some unfinished business in the
material world. For everybody, these people look the same as they did when they were last
alive, ready to fight another day.
Value: 1500 xp
Prerequisite: Hallucination, Psy Rating 8
Action: Full Action
Focus Power: Very Hard (-30) Willpower test
Range: Self
Sustained: Free Action
Subtype: Concentration
Effect: The Psyker can “raise from the dead” up to his psy rating in creatures. They must have
some reason to come back (like their hated enemy not defeated) and be recently deceased (up
to psyker psy rating in days). These creatures do not realize they died and act normally like they
would in real life, the psyker has no control over them unless he uses Dominate or a similar
power. They stay in the material world as long as the psyker concentrates and one more day or
the psyker uses this power again, whichever is sooner.
Alpha Grade: The limit of people is set to 10 times the psyker psy rating, they could have died
up to his psy rating in months but they stay only as long as the psyker sustains the power plus
one round. This allows the psyker to raise a defeated Imperial Company to fight again for the
Hallow Ground
The Psyker reinforces his will with the God-Emperor, making the ground around him glow in his
Value: 1000 xp
Prerequisite: Banishment, Less than 20 Corruption Points, Psy Rating 8
Action: Full Action
Focus Power: Very Hard (-30) Willpower test
Range: 1 meter x psy rating
Sustained: Half Action
Subtype: Attack, Concentration
Effect: The Psyker makes the ground around him holy. All creatures with the Daemonic Trait
receive damage equal to the psyker’s Psy Rating plus Willpower Bonus every round this power
is sustained at the start of the Daemon’s turn. This damage can be reduced by the Daemon’s
Willpower Bonus.
Alpha Grade: The range of this power increases to 10 meters per psy rating. Also, all Daemons
with Warp Instability Trait that receive at least 1 Damage (after reductions) and didn’t leave the
range of this power, must make the Willpower test or gain additional damage per Warp
Elite Advances
An Explorer that reached the Exalted rank can take one of the Elite Advances noted below (with
GM’s approval).
Living Saint
Experience Cost: 2000xp
Requirements: No more than 10 Corruption Points, At least 5 Fate Points
Instant Changes: The Explorer stops being a normal human and becomes a “demigod” that
cannot be truly killed, she will return even after death. The Living Saint loses all of hers Fate
Points and instead gains equal number of Favour Points. These Favour Points work exactly like
normal Fate Points, except the act of Burning Fate only uses a Favour Point. At the start of the
session, she regains 1 Favour Point to her maximum. Each time she would normally gain new
permanent Fate Points, she instead increases her limit of Favour Points and regains 1. Upon
death without the ability to use Favour Points, her soul is plucked into the Warp and she must
go on a quest to regain her broken self before she can return to the game. After that she returns
to her previous body and regenerates any wound. If the body was completely destroyed, she
has a small chance to return (20%) to the material world using another body. At that point,
during a dramatic event of an NPC (or PC), the Living Saint takes over the body and previous
owner dies. She retains her previous characteristics and advances, except for Strength and
Toughness characteristics.
She has access to the Faith Powers of the Missionary and can use Favour Points to either use
them normally or to have “burn Fate Point” effect.
Unlocked Advances:
Aura of a Saint Bane of Daemons
Tier: 3 Tier: 3
Aptitudes: Exalted Aptitudes: Exalted
Requirements: Fellowship at Heroic rank Requirements: Willpower at Heroic Rank
Description: The Explorer gains an aura that Description: The Explorer is dangerous
burns heretics around her. Any Daemon or against other Daemons. All attacks within the
creature with Corruption points of 30 or higher Explorer’s Willpower in meters range from the
that is up to the Explorer’s Fellowship in Living Saint are counted as having the
meters receives Explorer’s Fellowship Bonus Daemonsbane quality. Additionally, any
in Energy damage to the Head location every Daemon struck with a melee weapon by the
round. This damage can’t be reduced by Living Saint receives additional damage equal
Armour. to his Daemonic (X) trait level that can’t be
reduced by Toughness or Armour.
Experience Cost: 1000xp
Requirements: At least 10 Cybernetic Implants, Machinator Array, Mechanicus Implants
Instant Changes: The Explorer becomes a vessel for the Omnissiah. Whenever making a
social test against members of the Adeptus Mechanicus, he gains a bonus to his tests equal
double his Intelligence Bonus. Also, every Tech-Use test that is Very Hard (-30) difficulty or
easier, the character can choose to automatically succeed on it with Intelligence Bonus in
Degrees of Success. However, if he wishes to still make the test and succeeds on it, he makes
it in 1/10th of the time needed, so a simple task that would take normally 10 seconds would take
him 1 second. Void Combat Extended Actions that require Tech-Use that are Very Hard (-30) or
easier can be made for free once per Void Combat turn.
Unlocked Advances:
Machine Loved Restoration Protocols
Tier: 3 Tier: 3
Aptitudes: Exalted Aptitudes: Exalted
Requirements: Intelligence at Heroic rank Requirements: Willpower at Heroic Rank
Description: The Explorer can talk to a Description: The Explorer can spend a Fate
Machine Spirit like no other. Any item in the Point to gain Regeneration (X) Trait, where X
hands of the character is counted as one rank is his Intelligence Bonus that lasts for
higher on the Craftsmanship up to Master Willpower Bonus in minutes. This talent can
Quality. This talent can be taken two times, be taken two times, when taken the second
when taken the second time, this talent works time, the Explorer doesn’t need to spend a
for Voidship Components on the Voidship the Fate Point, the Regeneration stays on as long
Explorer is on, however, the requirement as he wishes, however, the requirement
increases to Master Rank. increases to Master Rank.
New Man
Experience Cost: 2500xp
Requirements: No more than 3 Cybernetic Implants, At least 3 Genetor Implants
Instant Changes: The Explorer goes through a secret Genetor superhuman program and
emerges as a new human. The character gains Unnatural Strength (3) and Unnatural
Toughness (3), additionally he chooses three (3) options from below, every option can be taken
only once:
- +10 Wounds
- Unnatural Weapon Skill (3)
- Unnatural Ballistic Skill (3)
- Unnatural Intelligence (3)
- Unnatural Agility (3)
- Unnatural Perception (3)
- Unnatural Willpower (3)
- Unnatural Fellowship (3)
- Unnatural Senses (Perception)
- Immunity to Corruption Points
- Immunity to Insanity Points
- Immunity to Cold, Heat, Poisons, Radiation, Vacuum and Diseases
- Immunity to Mind-Affecting Psychic Powers and Baneful Presence
- Regeneration (unmodified Toughness Bonus)
- Additional two (2) Reactions
- Amphibious, Dark-Sight and Sturdy Traits
Unlocked Advances:
Unlocked Genes Hidden Strength
Tier: 3 Tier: 3
Aptitudes: Exalted Aptitudes: Exalted
Requirements: Toughness at Heroic Rank Requirements: Strength at Heroic Rank
Description: The Explorer unlocks more of Description: The Explorer can spend a Fate
his new genetic code. He gains additional Point to double his Unnatural Toughness and
option from the New Man list. This talent can Unnatural Strength that he gained from New
be taken twice, the second time the Man elite advance, this last for Willpower
requirement is Toughness at Master Rank. Bonus in minutes. This talent can be taken
twice, the second time the character doesn’t
need to spend Fate Points and has the
Unnaturals doubled all the time, however, the
requirement is Strength at Master Rank.
Experience Cost: 1500xp
Requirements: Never Burned a Fate Point
Instant Changes: Through uncanny circumstances, the character learns that he actually is a
Perpetual, an immortal. He doesn’t need to burn Fate Points to survive any situation, he always
does. When dealt an attack that would kill the character, he goes unconscious for couple of
rounds (1d5). When dealt an attack that destroys his body, the character rolls on the Return
table and always returns with his old body in the same spot or a safer location, character’s
choice. Any limbs lost are regenerated when the character gets back or Returns.
D10 Roll Result
1 One Round
10 One Month*
Gain 1 Insanity Point for every two days while you regenerate.
Unlocked Advances:
Power of Life Desperate Return
Tier: 3 Tier: 3
Aptitudes: Exalted Aptitudes: Exalted
Requirements: Toughness at Heroic Rank. Requirements: Willpower at Heroic Rank
Description: The Explorer can spend a Fate Description: The Explorer rolls two dice for
Point to gain Regeneration (X) Trait, where X the Return table and chooses the result. This
is his Toughness Bonus that lasts for talent can be taken two times, when taken the
Willpower Bonus in minutes. This talent can second time, the Explorer rolls four dice for
be taken two times, when taken the second the Return table and chooses the result,
time, the Explorer doesn’t need to spend a however, the requirement increases to Master
Fate Point, the Regeneration stays on as long Rank.
as he wishes, however, the requirement
increases to Master Rank.
Lord Inquisitor
Experience Cost: 2500
Requirements: Inquisitor Elite Advance, Approval of 3 Lord Inquisitors
Instant Changes: The Explorer is nominated and accepted to the small group of the highest
powers, people who wield influence that nobody can even dream of. He can appoint Inquisitors,
granting them not only the social power but also their own Rosette. Lord Inquisitor chooses what
his Rosette does at the start of the session, allowing himself to change to a different one each
Unlocked Advances:
Signed by Lord Inquisitor Overwhelming Influence
Tier: 3 Tier: 3
Aptitudes: Exalted Aptitudes: Exalted
Requirements: Fellowship at Heroic Rank. Requirements: Fellowship at Master Rank
Description: The Explorer adds half of his Description: The Explorer can ask once per
Fellowship (rounded up) to any Acquisition year one artifact from the sealed archives
test. Allowing him to gain access to anything - upon Holy Terra, brought to him by no other
services of Space Marine Chapters, Temple than Adeptus Custodes. The GM can use the
Assassins, Battlefleets and the like with ease. Rogue Trader 2nd Edition - Demesne
This talent can be taken two times, the supplement and create (by choosing) the right
second time the Explorer uses his whole artifact for the job or he creates one himself
Fellowship, however, the requirement with accordance to the needs of the Lord
increases to Master Rank. Inquisitor.
Omega-Minus Grade Null
Experience Cost: 1500xp
Requirements: Warp Anathema (x9), Psychic Null (x5) and all other Untouchable talents
Instant Changes: The Explorer is taken by Sisters of Silence, seeing unfathomable power in
him. However, seeing that he is needed elsewhere, the character only goes through a rigorous
training and gains access to a special helmet and armour, created for him and only him, that will
allow him to direct his powers. After all of this is complete, he might be locked in the Dark Cells
under the Imperial Palace or taken by the Culexus Temple, until then he gains the following
- Etherium Synskin (AP 5, Max. Ag. 100) - This armour can be worn under Power
Armor. However, for its effect to work, it can’t be hidden under anything else that simple
clothing. All Unarmed Attacks by the Explorer now bypass Armour and Toughness
Bonus if the target is a living creature. If additionally he is a psyker or daemon, he adds
the target’s Psy Rating and Daemonic (X) Trait level.
- Null Psylocum (AP 5) - This helmet looks more like a giant tube that is coming from the
side of the Explorer’s face. Allows the character to use his Null abilities as a weapon,
amplifying them and hurting only creatures of the Warp and Psykers. Profile: Pistol,
1d10+6 E, Pen 0, S/-/?, 50m, Accurate, Warp Weapon. This weapon’s damage can’t be
reduced by the target’s Toughness or Armour and harms only those with the Psyker
Trait or Daemonic Trait. The weapon can be used in Full Auto mode with the max. hits
equal to half the creatures in range that have the Psyker or Daemonic trait (rounded up).
- Null Nullifier - Whenever the character wears the armour and helmet, he can as a Full
Action activate their other power - to dampen his Null powers. As such, any test to find
that he is soulless is made at -30 penalty and his Fellowship penalty is reduced by half.
However, the process to reactivate his offensive powers takes one minute.
Unlocked Advances:
Nothing From Beyond Reality Bender
Tier: 3 Tier: 3
Aptitudes: Exalted Aptitudes: Exalted
Requirements: Willpower at Heroic Rank, Requirements: Willpower at Master Rank
Adamantium Faith. Description: The Explorer gains the Phase
Description: The Explorer gains the From trait.
Beyond trait.
Alpha Grade Psyker
Experience Cost: 1000xp (1500xp for Astropath Transcendent)
Requirements: Psy Rating 10, Willpower at Heroic Rank
Instant Changes: The Explorer's mind unlocks his psyker gene, turning him into an Alpha
Grade Psyker. He increases his maximum Psy Rating to 11 (he still needs to pay to increase it)
and gains access to Alpha Grade version of his Psychic Powers. He doesn’t need to buy Alpha
Grade Psychic Power for Exalted Psychic Powers or Alpha Grade Astropath Powers, if the
character has bought them normally, he automatically can use them in Alpha Grade version.
Unlocked Advances:
Alpha Grade Psychic Power (X) Exalted Overwhelming Power
Tier: 3 Tier: 3
Aptitudes: Exalted Aptitudes: Exalted
Requirements: None. Requirements: Psy Rating 11+, Willpower at
Description: The Explorer gains additional Master Rank
powers to his Psychic Powers at Alpha Grade Description: The Explorer increases his
level. Their descriptions are in the Alpha maximum Psy Rating by 1. This can be
Grade Psychic Powers. He can't have more bought multiple times up to 20.
than his Willpower Bonus Alpha Grade
powers. When buying for Minor Psychic
Powers, the character nominates two powers
that he will be able to use at Alpha Grade but
they count as one towards the limit.
Puritan Soul
Experience Cost: 1500xp
Requirements: No more than 10 Corruption Points, Peer (Inquisition - Puritans)
Instant Changes: The Explorer’s soul was tested by the God-Emperor and was seen pure. As
such, it was steeled against any influence from foul beings. All psychic powers against the
Explorer are done with penalty equal to 5 times his Willpower Bonus. He no longer gains
Corruption Points and each time he would do so, any creature with Daemonic Trait that is up to
his Willpower in meters range receive that amount of energy damage that can’t be reduced by
Toughness or Armour.
Unlocked Advances:
Soul Full of Spikes Giant Steel Balls
Tier: 3 Tier: 3
Aptitudes: Exalted Aptitudes: Exalted
Requirements: Willpower at Heroic Rank. Requirements: Willpower at Master Rank
Description: Whenever the Explorer is a Description: Whenever a Psychic
target of a psychic power that wants to delude Phenomena or Perils of the Warp happen and
or control his mind, he is counted as being the Explorer isn’t the culprit, he is immune to
immune to it and the enemy receives damage the effect or isn’t the target. Also, he is
equal to the Explorer’s Willpower Bonus in immune to any Warp effects while looking at
energy damage that can’t be reduced. This or being in the Immaterium.
happens even if the Focus Power Test was a
Radical Soul
Experience Cost: 1500xp
Requirements: At least 20 Corruption Points, Peer (Inquisition - Radicals)
Instant Changes: The Explorer’s soul was tested by the God-Emperor and was seen wanting.
As such, the Explorer sees that only he can fight the hordes of Heretics, Xenos and Daemons,
by his own powerful will. The Explorer limit of Corruption is increased to 200, Corruption
Threshold doesn’t work anymore and he rolls for mutation every 50 points (50,100,150 and 200)
instead of 30. He gains 1d5 Degrees of Success on any successful aggressive social action
against Xenos, Heretics or Daemons (Interrogation, Intimidate and the like).
Unlocked Advances:
You Serve Me Their Own Weapons
Tier: 3 Tier: 3
Aptitudes: Exalted Aptitudes: Exalted
Requirements: Willpower at Heroic Rank. Requirements: Willpower at Master Rank
Description: Whenever the Explorer is using Description: Whenever the Explorer uses a
any item that has a chance to corrupt him, weapon that was designed by the race
either he gains +30 bonus to the test to resist against themselves, he gains additional
it or the item gains -30 penalty to do so. Also, damage to it equal his Willpower Bonus
all Daemonbound weapons in the hands of and/or Corruption Bonus. Examples include
the Explorer have a 0% chance of breaking using a Shuriken Pistol against Eldar
free the Daemon. (Willpower Bonus), Corrupted Crozius against
Chaos Space Marine (Willpower Bonus or
Corruption Bonus, whichever is higher) or
Daemonbound Sword against a Daemon
(Willpower Bonus plus Corruption Bonus).
Hero of the Imperium
Experience Cost: 1000xp
Requirements: At least 95 Legitimacy, No Enemy (Any Imperial Organization), At least 5 Peer
(Any Imperial Organization)
Instant Changes: The Explorer is recognized as the Hero of the Imperium, whatever that
entails. He gains additional 1d5 Degrees of Success on any social test against Imperials. All
Imperials that see the Hero are immune to Fear (up to X) trait, where X is half of the Explorer’s
Fellowship Bonus rounded down. The Explorer gains bonus to Fear tests equal to 5 times every
ally that is in his Fellowship in meters range.
Unlocked Advances:
Hero to Behold How did you become a hero again?
Tier: 3 Tier: 3
Aptitudes: Exalted Aptitudes: Exalted
Requirements: Fellowship at Heroic Rank. Requirements: At least 5 Fate Points
Description: The Explorer is recognized as a Description: The Explorer for some reason
person of worth instantly, even to those or other, might be the God-Emperor, seems
Imperials that would normally not consider to get into the most stickiest situations and
him as such. He can use his Command skill somehow return victorious. The Explorer uses
at any Imperial (Astartes, Human or a Fate Point to summon some kind of
Mechanicus) and they will listen to his orders, “escape” from his situation. This might be a
even if they are suicidal. door in the next corridor that leads to safety, a
sudden appearance of a Kill Team when the
Hero is ambushed by enemies or being
rescued from being plunged into the deep
void by a patrol of the Imperial Navy.
Experience Cost: 2500xp
Requirements: At least 75 Legitimacy, Command at Master Rank, Approval by the High Lords
Instant Changes: The character has shown superior leadership skills and was recognized by
the High Lords or Lord-Commander of the Imperium, therefore he was chosen to become a
Warmaster or Lord-Commander of select Imperial Forces, these can constitute several Imperial
Guard Regiments, at least one Battlefleet and Space Marine Chapter, it also could include Titan
Legions, Knight Houses, Forge World Macroclades, Adeptus Custodes Shield Hosts, Temple
Assassins, Sister of Battle Ordos, Deathwatch or even Grey Knight detachments. The
character, when making Acquisition tests for war-themed Acquisitions (mercenaries, regiments,
arms, etc.) adds his Command Rank bonus (so +50) to his test, and is recognized by the
Imperial forces as the sole leader, his words are the words of Holy Terra itself.
Unlocked Advances:
Unparalleled Strategist Unparalleled Leader
Tier: 3 Tier: 3
Aptitudes: Exalted Aptitudes: Exalted
Requirements: Scholastic Lore (Tactica Requirements: Fellowship at Master Rank
Imperialis) at Heroic Rank, Fellowship at Description: The Explorer ignores the need
Heroic Rank for range and number of targets when using
Description: The Explorer words carry merit his Charm, Command, Deceive and Inquiry
beyond normal tactics and strategy, inspiring skills. The only limit is that the target(s) must
people to make his plans perfect. The at least hear or read his words.
character adds his Command Rank bonus (so
+50) to all tests involving tactics and strategy.
Experience Cost: 1000xp
Requirements: At least 120 Profit Factor, Fellowship at Heroic Rank
Instant Changes: The Explorer achieved greatness no other person could ever achieve - he
has “fuck you money.” From now on, all personal items the character gained (at the start of the
game or Acquisitioned for himself) turn into Master Craftsmanship Quality. He can never wear
Good or worse quality stuff. He ignores the Quality Modifier when making an Acquisition, the
item is always considered Master Craftsmanship Quality.
Unlocked Advances:
Too Much Money to Spend Money can buy Life
Tier: 3 Tier: 3
Aptitudes: Exalted Aptitudes: Exalted
Requirements: Commerce at Heroic Rank Requirements: Commerce at Master Rank
Description: Whenever the Explorer burns Description: The Explorer can burn 10 Profit
Profit Factor for Acquisition test, he gains +30 Factor instead of burning his Fate Points. The
bonus instead +10 bonus. Dynasty must have more than 70 Profit
Factor to be able to burn Profit Factor this
Hero of the Chapter
Experience Cost: 2000xp
Requirements: Astartes, At least 4 Astartes Specializations, At least two Characteristics at
Heroic Rank
Instant Changes: The Astartes will go into the halls of fame, not only in the Chapter Homeworld
but also on Holy Terra. His deeds outshine even the greatest heroes of the Chapter and his
words have the same weight as a Chapter Captain. He is recognized as a Hero of the Chapter
by all ranking Astartes of his Chapter. With this glory, all his personal equipment is turned into
Master Craftsmanship, if it wasn’t already. Also, he can get, not Acquisition, anything from the
Chapter’s armoury, even Chapter Relics and gains +30 bonus to Acquisition any Chapter
Assets (from squads to chapter fleet). There will be an empty Dreadnought waiting for the Hero
of the Chapter, when he finally kicks the bucket (dies at 0 Fate Points).
Unlocked Advances:
Will of the Chapter Will of the Emperor
Tier: 3 Tier: 3
Aptitudes: Exalted Aptitudes: Exalted
Requirements: One Characteristic at Master Requirements: Two Characteristics at
Rank Master Rank
Description: The Astartes takes good care of Description: The Astartes is considered as
his weapons. All Chapter Relics in the hands having Fear (3) against all of his enemies.
of the Hero of the Chapter can’t be destroyed Chaos Space Marines who fail their Fear test
by any means, except by Exalted Weapons or receive -10 penalty to all actions against the
Talents. He gains additional 3 uses of Squad Hero of the Chapter.
Abilities and they are always considered as if
everybody used Fate Points to enhance
Venerable Brother of the Deathwatch
Experience Cost: 2000xp
Requirements: Astartes, Finished Deathwatch Specialization, Peer (Deathwatch, Inquisition)
Instant Changes: The Astartes forgoes his original Chapter, choosing Deathwatch as his sole
loyalty. Many in the Deathwatch see him as a force of the Emperor and very few want him to
stay in one place. As such, he is granted autonomy as a Watch Commander and after all his
“adventures” he might become one. Until then, he is recognized as someone very important to
the Deathwatch and the Imperium, so he can get, not Acquisition, anything from the Deathwatch
or Ordo Xenos armoury (maybe except those super secret thingies) and gains +20 bonus to
Acquisition Deathwatch and Ordo Xenos assets.
Unlocked Advances:
Will of the Deathwatch Will of the Kill Marine
Tier: 3 Tier: 3
Aptitudes: Exalted Aptitudes: Exalted
Requirements: One Characteristic at Master Requirements: Two Characteristics at
Rank Master Rank
Description: The Astartes takes good care of Description: The Astartes is considered as
his weapons. All Deathwatch and Chapter having Fear (2) against all of his enemies. He
Relics in the hands of the Venerable Brother doubles the amount (those from Talents too)
of the Deathwatch can’t be destroyed by any of Solo Abilities and all of them will activate at
means, except by Exalted Weapons or spend Fate Point level.
Exalted Armoury
Check out the Imperial Armour Volume: Exalted for the equipment!
Exalted availability means these items shouldn’t be given out or even bought/found by the
Explorers until the right time. Technically, these aren’t even items that the Explorers could
conceivably Acquisition with their Profit Factor. However, if the GM wants to, he can use the
Apocalyptic (-90) difficulty without the Scale modifier to use and Best Craftsmanship (-30)
modifier. All these items are considered Master Quality (damage added) and can’t be destroyed,
unless noted otherwise.
Master Quality
A new craftsmanship quality is introduced. The characters can now Acquisition items that are
the peak of human engineering. Gaining a Master Quality is always a Hellish (-60) Commerce
test and followed by an -50 penalty modifier to the Acquisition (compared to -30 for the Best
Quality). It takes one month to get the item. Upon successful, the character gains the item with
the Best Quality changes and chooses one effect (excluding 10) from the Rogue Trader 2nd
Edition - Demesne Supplement General - Masterful Craftsmanship table. If that supplement
is not used, just add additional +10 to tests when using this item compared to the Best Quality
version (so a +20 to hit for Melee weapons) and additional +1 damage for Melee (total of +2)
and +2 damage for Ranged or Armour +1 AP (total of +2 AP). NPCs with Master Quality
weapons should use the simpler rules. All weapons in the Exalted Creatures will have their
Master Quality weapon’s damage increased by 2 (the damage in the parenthesis is the
Common quality weapon damage).
Services by the Exalted
List of services the characters can gain with an Acquisition test. They only use the modifier set,
no Scale or Cratsmanship, no Commerce haggling. The assets come as fast as they can, God-
Emperor willing.
- Adeptus Mechanicus Cohort - Hellish (-60)
- Adeptus Mechanicus Macroclade - Catastrophic (-80)
- Adeptus Mechanicus Whole Forge-Wolrd Assets - Apocalyptic (-90)
- Imperial Guard Company - Arduous (-40)
- Imperial Guard Regiment - Hellish (-60)
- Titan Group - Daemonic (-70)
- Emperor Titan - Catastrophic (-80)
- Knight House - Daemonic (-70)
- Temple Assassin - Hellish (-60)
- Temple Assassins Execution Force - Catastrophic (-80)
- Imperial Navy Battlegroup - Punishing (-50)
- Imperial Navy Battlefleet - Daemonic (-70)
- Sisters of Battle Squad (only Ordo Hereticus) - Very Hard (-40)
- Sisters of Battle Ordo (only Ordo Hereticus) - Hellish (-60)
- Space Marine Company - Daemonic (-70)
- Space Marine Chapter - Apocalyptic (-90)
- Deathwatch Kill Team (only Ordo Xenos) - Hellish (-60)
- Deathwatch Chapter (only Ordo Xenos) - Apocalyptic (-90)
- Grey Knight Squad (only Ordo Malleus) - Daemonic (-70)
- Grey Knight Company (only Ordo Malleus) - Apocalyptic (-90)
- Adeptus Custodes (Custodian Guard) - Catastrophic (-80)
- Adeptus Custodes (Shield Company) - Apocalyptic (-90)
Exalted Creatures
Please check the Rogue Trader 2nd Edition - Bestiary Supplement for those Exalted
Creatures to add fun to your Ascension campaign!